Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 24, 1897, p. 3

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jf^pfi^lar.Deating, dizziness, short breath, TlBJibtiierihg or choking'densationi pain in Jt|^ii'bircast-br heart: If spi yourheart Is. pf%qVedand will in turn affect your fetrVes, -' c^uiln^ nervi>uanes^ sl*eples- WfvSsit morbid anxious feeling, debility. $$S^$aibidiawWly.JW^oteffflre; to yjents* .Thb Bzudx.b-T'{Uabbtson Co., Iita, toroJtb;Ottt.>.v pi -r p, a , ; #:. n .'. -/ , " ..1.. -4 \smi: ear* Mervcf j|:v^Cure all theso complaints'by regulating !;^Vtii'hen.rfs action'and building-up the ?(^\nfirvou*4 and nuincular system to perfect ||l hBaUh and strength. Price 60c. per bo* ;.:fi 6 boxes'fori $a-so. At all druggists, ftiitedv ri AKVASCTBSiyOttWB ywuhi*i"Hot ; ** U andRfllgnrbMoaptttredtbeDritltb Em- plre. BxUtoraidsry tesUmonlftli from the Kout meat nd for copy free. Mwquurw )rna flajs,. "Tho b*it popular Lily ot^tuo iBS^ffl^^W* ...Mo*, sand* 7" I ani: Just storting the . but thing tor money making' yon .javo loanTior many a day. Your nimo and wldM^yflf bring #0 golden lntotm*}\DpiZs " """ RP GLASGOW, Toronto, Oat WINTED Bdllol'torrf for "Canada, An _ Enbvolopedla of the Country" iaVrv"Royal Quarto Volumes. No delivering. Commission-paid weekly. A canvases* reports his first wook making over seventy dollars profit. ' .' j* , j i- THE L1NH0OTT CO., Toronto, Ont CALL AT Just Think III m You Can Get g:-;pi|e Parlor Suite, i$jOqe. Bedroom Suite, ||;;One Extension Table, '] One Sideboard. jjlft Six' 0Hairs7 One Booker, All For Iv, -ALSO- Iron Beds, Baby Carnages, tC\ Picture Mouldings ana fjpj- E yoryfching in the Furnituro Lino at OIobo Prices tbo Best Goods in the Market tbo bulk of wbiob is our own manufacture, tboro- ._.... fore wo will guaranfcoo it the est *#" , in the Market * * * *; * ?. Undertaking A Specialty. j|v-Pirsfc-Class Ctfcy Haoks in attondanco wbon roquirod. All of the above to bo bad at Eflbox Furniture Wuroroouis -FOK ALL KINDS OK- WINDOW BLINDB Away down. GHJNAWARE, BRtC-A-BRAOE, FANCY GOODS, NOVELTIES, BOOKS AND STATIONERY, SCHOOL BUPELIES, TOYS OP ALL KINDS, BERLIN WOOL and FINGERING YARNS. New Stock of Late Walt Paper the Coast Line to MACKINAC * psofc thereof; and of the- said beingufoliow*; ,i. ....-* To the Beevo, Deputy Beets and Manlolpal CoonoitlntB of the Township' of' Oosnald North, In Council assembled: , QVHTLBirair, In ooeordanee with Irratroc tlonlrfromyour honorable body, ootlng under a notice signed by Arthur Flint and other a, I. have'examined the Wei tern Bidoltoad Drain and the 7th OonoeislonHood Drain, and beg to raort thereon,as toUowa;--! found these drain* gtiatly filled np with earth from the sides of the drains, and with sediment from the roods and adjoining lsadl and In very great need of cleaning out and Improving I also found It neoeasary andor seotlon 75 oftbe'Dralnsge Aot, lSOi, to clean out and Improve and en lot go tho dltoh on the easterly side of the Cottam rood, from, the south rear road to tho 7th oonoetilon vooti,lnordortopiovonttho'water from flood ing Lots Otnd 10, lu the 7tb oopoesslon of your Taurnablp, and to give a short oat for the water from. Lots 200 and 370 to tho 7th oooooselon road drain. I would* therofore reoommend that thoy be olloloonod ont and Improved^ In no* ooraanoewith the annoxod prbBlet and'apedl- floatlopB. I And that it will ooat, alt expeoeea lnoluded, $2,187.58 to put said drains In a good working condition. Of this amount I have taxed tboTownnblp of Goafletd North for bone fit to roads with 8Q7&0S. and for outlet with $05.60; tho lands In Gob field North with $543 for benefit and 01,010.80 for outlet; the lauds In Oosflold South with 79.40, for outlet, and the roads In Gosnold Sotith with $3.40 for omlot. Aoaompanylng you wJU find plane, profllee, spoolfleationa, estlinatee, aasoasments and all othnr papers'neooasary foi* guidance in the oonatrnotlon of uald drains, Tnoao drains ehall bo kept In ropalr by a tax on the lands and roads now assessed and in the aamo pro portion oxoept tho englnoar in charge of the rap aim doama ib ueceaeary to ohaiiRo eald pro* portion. I have tho honor to be, gentlemen, Your obedient flervant^ JAMES 6- LAUID, 0 Ij.S. Easex, Auf-aac 7th, 1807. \ Therflforo. the snld Manlolpal Oounoll nf tton Said TOwpahlp of Goafluld Korth pursuant to the rirovitlpnu of tho Drolnago Act, 180i, enoo'ttfaa followi: v 1st. The iald report, plana, apeoifloatlons, aa- * estimates ..... ___, _-.......iflo work set forth shall bo nude and donstruoted In sesaments and-estimates are horoby aJoptod and the drainage work as thoipln Indicated and uo- oordanoo therowlth. township may corporal' lP lilt Bad; ThoBeove of tho said borrow* oa the credit of, the corporation'of the poid Township of 0oflo'd North tho earn of Two Thousand and Blxty-one Dollars and Sev enty-five Cents, being said Municipality's pro portion of the funds necessary for the work, and may issue debentures of the corporation to that amount in sums of not leas tuna f K> oooh, and' payable within seven years from tho date thcroof with lutereat at thojrato of five per centum per annum, that is; to say In seven annual Instalments, snch debonturoe to be pay ablo at the agency of tho Imperial Dank, at the Town of JEOHsex,andto havo-attaehod to thorn ooupons for the payment of interest 3rd. for paying the sum of $512 00. the amount charged against the said lands and roods for benefit, and the mm of $1,210.80 the amount charged against said lunda and roads for outlet liability, apart from the'landn and roads belonging to or controlled by the munici pality, and for oovoring Interest thereon for seven years at' the rate of nvo per oentnm per annum: tbo foUowing total special rate* over and above all othor rates, shall be assessed, levied and collected (In tho same mannor and at the samo time ae othor taxes are levied and collected), upon and from the undermentioned, lota and parts of lota, and roads, and the amount of the said total special ratos and interoat shall bo divided Into soven equal parts and ono suoh part <uiall bo asseBSod, leviod and collected as afore said In oaoh year for seven yoars after tho final passing of this by-law, during which tho nald debentures have to ran. MACKINAC -DETROIT Ri1 J. fl. HICKS & Co., Essex. ANTED .Farinor's Bona or othor iu- u ------________ duatrioua persons of fair odu- fty^:cation to whom $C0 a mouth would bo an k" lnduoomeut loculd also ougago a low ludlos at their own houios. T. H.IimSdOTT, Medical Bnlldlng, ;. Toronto, Out Bakar and Butcher- THE oldest bualness in town. MntabHnlird 1876; Firat-olaBS broad and oak on of all ,v kinds. Wedding cakos a npoolallty. Orooorios provisions,flonr,feed, salt und pork. Oonfoc- Monory,orookery,glasBwaro. OaunedfrultHaul B-!; vegetables of all kinds. Goodfl ';!\veredto all parts of tbo town. J~ promptly ' M. itIOKb UIMIITCn-AtioutH for "Q110011 Victoria Iff All I CU . Hor Uoiuu and diamond Jubi Ovorilowlng with latoHt and riahoflb pla- Coutaina tho oudorsod biography of Hor | r lee." lio: turea. ., . , ^ "Majesty, with authoiitlo History or hor remark ablo reign, and full nooount of tho Diamond Jubilee. Only 91.150, Big book, TromomlouB demand. Bonanza for agents. Commisalon SO percent, Credit given. Frolght paid. Outfit ,, woe. .Duty paid. Write qulok for outfit and E^territory. Tho Dominion Company, Dopt. 7 Isf;;100 Dearborn St., Chicago. m------- PETOSKEY CHICAGO New Steel Passenger Steamers Tim Griest Perfection yet attained In Luxurious Equipment, Artistic Puruliblne, Decoration and Kfflc- iei\t 5rvlce, inuiirm^ tlie highest degree of -COMFORT, SPEED-AND SAFETY Fourt Trips per Week Between Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac PETOaKEY. "THE BOO." MARQUETTE AND DULUTH. LOW RATES to Picturesque Macklnncontf Return, Including neaU end fierths. Frort Cl.-veli.:td, $r: hom Toledo. Sifif lroia> Detroit,- $13.go. DAY AND NIQVlT SnVICE. Between Detroit and Cleveland . Connecting at Cleveland with Itnrlleat lYfthiB fornll jioIuU liast, South oud South' >vi:ti mid nt Detroit fornll points North and N'ortliurcBt. .'.unday Trips Juno, July, August and Sept. Only EVERY DAY BETWEEN Clevclaiid,Putin-Bay ^Toledo ^L"nd for illuKirated I'nniphlet. Address . A. A. SCHANT2, o. r. a.. DUTHOIt, UIOH. 1 lie Detroit & cievaiaqd steam Nav, Go. ^<? ^ w. lis CBK0LEBA. ifu^ '.\. '.* i ,^nf,*-t. ._ ..j j-i > u'A Of " :*-'."*T<..j:.aaUtalIona. ...0...0... .,....Rough and roudorod, ......DoHvorecl at the Essex Imperial Soap Works .....,-B. SLOTE.Prop. Wine ^a(^e from Grapes Grown in Essex County. v Eich, Sweet and Wholesome .........Por Oao of Twolvo Dottlas.......... ..8Gct per Gallon-... Doliverod Froo ab Rnllwnj' (Station or Kxpross in Kbhox. * SUtho Amliorstburg Vintage Co,, Ai-niiacvrnrcue, ont. Township of Gosfield BTT-Hijijvsr nsro. 3. ;[A BY-LAW to provide for drAlnago work lDtHeTownahip Of Oonftold North, in the County of ]^boi, and for tbo bor- wing on the credit of tho Municipality 0 earn of Two Thousand and Sixty-one t;PolIars and Seventy-fivei.Oen'ta for oom- ^lejiing the Bftrae, v pyiflionally adopted tho ilthilay of Auguefc. ipHle,'Arthur Flint and others, ratopay- ?f tho Towniibip of' Ooafleld North, and EVAtepayera to the, 7th 0011006*ion .and ira Sloe Itoad Drains, h&ve notified the pit the.sftid Tovnahlp.of Qoaflold,North- I,, that (iald drain ri are badly out of o :3 t-l o o J w l-l a <u cq 4 43 (.da 5 j v o *^ a> M Oj OO .2 CO o a oa lis SIS" 3 ~ B T K n hf 204 100 a pt 264 . 51 awpt 261 15 pta 'JC4.265 40 n w pt 266 85 b pt 204, 26fi 100 n o oor 20G 1 u o pt 206 n ta pt n 2C(> 87 pt 266 8 bj 266 Oo n pt 267 108 b pt 267 100 oj u oj 208 20 wj u oj 268 38 n w pt 238 68 sf, 268 100 a 0 pt 269 CI m w pt 269 24 Hwpt 11*209 21J ly 7 1 J 4 U Gth-Oon 7 th Con Amd WiiHiiiaiB, thereupon tho Bald oounall has proourod an examination to be made by 3, S. Laird, O. I*. Echoing a pamou aompoteat for suoh purpoflo, of tho aaia area propoBed to bo drained and the' maautJ BupaoBtad for tilo drainago thereof, and of other lands und roadfl llablo %o asseeamont under this Aot and haa also pro- oared plans,spoolflcations and OBtlmates of the dralnaflt) -work to'bo made by the eald J. S.tXjaird,andaaaflBeBsmtiiittobam*debyblm ot the lands and roads to, be bo no fit tod by mioh Uraioafio work and of btta&r lands and roads li able for contribution thoroto. etatiqg, as nearly as no cue, tbo proportion of benefit; ontlet-Jia-' billty and iuJurioif-Uabiuty, whlah, in his opin ion, will be aorived or incurred In dOLeaaenoe of snob, drainage work, by every road and lot or vOrtlon of lot, the said aflwasnient 00 made be. Inst the HMOflnment hereinafter by this by-law eneoted to be oHieSsed and levied npon; the roads and lots or parts of lots herelnafter.ln that behalf eipeplaUy set forth and dflTorlbed' 8th Oou b) 269 u 0 pt 270 m pt u* 270 m pt 270 no pt 271 n n pt- %7lr~~ mptnj 271 u w pfc 271 a w} 271 n o pt 272 D Wj: 272 oj 273 m pt 973 w pt 273 awpb 274 n 0 pt 274 B} 1 wjr ej 2 e$ si 2 oj oj 3 wj cj 3 wj 3 4 wJ3 wJG njoi 6 D*0j 6 nf 7 fli 7 wj 8 0} 8 . b w$ 9 opt.10 Horoll nopt 9 w pt 0 ij pta J 1 n ptJ 1 g} n;J 3 at, t>4 2 El* 3 a w pt 4 i) 0 pt 4 BW}5 JJ 0: 5 u w j 6 noj'6 wptO 0 pt 0 w 4 i 7 li i w 4 7 B 0 i 7. 11 0 4- 7 n pt 8 ra pt 8 , n pb 8 (i pt n pt 8 11 ptf) s ntfi 0, oil aja n oj 4 u w^ 4 BO| 1 bo| 5 w pt f* n 0 pb iJ n pt 0 H w pt 6 bo pb 6 u 0 pt 6 Goro 7 Goro 8 10 100 135 52 .21 20 "40"' 30 C4 CO 143 50 100 40 60 70 130 100 25 . 7K 50 50 100 200 100 100 100 50 50 100 100 100 100 150 96 45 60 45 10 15 B0 50 100 120 80 . 50' 50 50 50 125 , 76 50 50 50 50 50 40 20 074 70 70 25 100 100 50 50 60 50 50 100 80 484 50 10 20 .55 24 8 13 75 10 50 10 00 10 00 B 00 00 00 00 05 05 80 55 13 15 45 85 45 12 35 40 50 4o 80 13 80 12 75 26 60 45 80 25 50 12 00 10 75 55 00 67 50 26 00 1 25; 30 00 20 00 16 00 27 00 25 00. 71 00 25 00 60 00 20 CO SO 00 95 00 32 50 8 1 75 it) 43 01 40 2 75 06 11 2 '44 11 2 G3 10 42 1&-55- 2 73 2 73 5 fiO IB 16 5 87 2 56 2 27 IB 08 10 7 5 50 20 2 11 5 24 3 13 5 09 6 83 15 08 5 24 15 8 2 r. 5 1 8 2 3 5 10 5 5 5 11 11 00 25 75 60 CO 00 00 00 00 00 45 45 10 4 C 7 6 1 9 15 0 15 13 25 9 15 00 00 06 40 60 00 30 25 22 95 30 25 30 25 45 40 28 75 13 60 15 15 18 60 9 15 11 16 7 35 4 GO 4 GO 4 00 4 00 11 45 6 00 4 GO 4 60 85 00 85 00 10 00 8 10 5 00 13 50 5 00 JO 00. 2 80 0 16 9 15 4 55 4 55 4 55 A 65 4 55 0 15 2 75 . 4 75' 4 55 1 33 1 80 55 00 a 00 25 00 20 00 10 00 38 76 85 00 85 00 11 48 22 83 36 81 09 21) 80 51 61 09 11 09 09 09 48 48 80 06 84 .11 40 03 85 28 94 17 28 100 100 08 80 05 00 00 00 00 41 18 00 00 35 8,5 35 92 18. 04 44 05 60 1 91 1 91 98 98 98 99 98 1 91 01 94 08 38 37 57 04 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 6 8 8 K 12 8 2 4 8 1 2 1 1 1 1 i 2 1 1 1 7 7 7 6 3 9 a 14 75 54 88 u 81 5 01 15 75 21 56 18 79 50 14 98 59 92 72 10 16 03 15 47 82 20 76 40 80 87 14 56 18 02 78 69 93 87 81 50 1 54 12 It 80 24 18 13 02 69 30 33 91 98 30 24 00 48 24 22 30 83 42 85 89 84 G 09 1 54 4.65 8 01 8 01 0 09 12 11" 0 09 G 09 0 09 13 93 13 93 SO 01 81 01 47 74 47 74 71 05 45 02 10 45 43 54 12 08 00 flO 13 51 ft 2 8 10 2 2 4 10 4 2 1 11 13 4 1 4 2 4 5 13 4 8 3 5 6 5 21 22 1 1 5 5 U 18 8 6 6 5 5 18 8 40 00 00 00 00 80 33 6" 00 5 60 42 85. 42 35 42 35 34 02 18 18 57 19' 48 44 85 2 11 11 6 5 5 5 fi ll 90 80- 06 06 58- 68 63 53 53 00 3 86 5 80 5 53 . 1 68 .2 17 06 57 fl 04 Total lor bouuflb, 8 542 00 Total foroutlet, 1210 SO. Total for roads (uud Iand)l 273*'9iT of municipality, f 85 50. 81210 30 ' 35 60 872 84 04 81 &2124 64 874 29 25 22 84 88 72 25 08 08 97 08 14 50 30 29 21 60 78 41 08 80 24 41 50 22 73 32 69 67 19 14 82 04 40 19 05 62 87 .22 05 43 43 87 73 87 87 87 09 99 28 48 82 82 15 56 85 49 22 16 24 80 80 59 98 20 80 80 80 80 98 19 80 80 05 05 05 8G 59 17 92 2fl 40 58 58 79 79 79 70 79 58 48 77 79 24 81 61 55 $ 803 52 1 1 5 '4 0 6 10 0 2 8 3 0 0 0 . 4 2 8 6 12 1 1 63 47 Total, $2061 76 $ 487 18 . 82498 98 & 850 99 4th. For paying tho sum of SS00.itiLtbo amouut assessed aftuiaBC the said roads and lands of tbo Ity, and for oovorlng inti P por annum, a special rate on the dollar,,fluffl- municipality, and for oovorlna intorost fchorooa foreeven yours at the ratoof uvo per centum oiont to prodaoo the roqnirod yearly amount therefor, shall, ovor and above all Other rittfls, bo levied and oolloatol (in the same manner and at the Bamo timo as taxes.are lovied and colleotod), upon and from the ^vhole ratable property in . said TownHhip of Oobfluid North In each year for seven ye are after the final paea- ing of this bylaw, daring wbiob the said deben tures have to run. 6tb, This by-law eh all be published onoeln every week.Jor fmr eoneeeuflvo weeksriiiin the, 1TOTIOS. NOTIOK is hereby given that a Court of Re vision, held pursuant to the provisions of the Drainage Act, IBM, for tho noariuQ end trial cf appeals made againBt the above aa- fiosament, or any part thereof wlli hold Its first Bittlupa at the Town Hall, Cottam, on tbo Otb dayof October, 1897, atthe boar of 0,80 o'olool; in the forenoon, and that any person intending to ap -*eal againBt tho above assossnient or any part thereof 4n the manner provided by tho Drainage Aot; ISM, a notice of Buoh appeal to besdrvsdon the Olerk of the Munlolpallty at least ten days before the first: meeting of said, Ooart, found on a mosquito; it avbd ; MardiN'8' Life. EsdexPree Pross.a newspaper, published in the Tawnof Bssext and shall oome into forae nrpon and after the final passing thereof, and may be cited the -'Tto.OJ or 7tb Obueesslou and West ern Side Itead Drain Repairs By-law." I8AA0 JA0K8ON, ; Olerk.. OHAB; HBLKIB, B*>vef Nfltf > And fnrtner notlooiahoreby given that any pexiiun. Intending to jhave suoh By-law, or any port thereof Lquashed,mQBt. not later than ten ays after the final, passing thereof," serve a notice In writing, upon the Reeve or other head offloei;, and ntoon the, darKfroi the MnnloU polity of Maidstone.: qt his, Intention to make application for that purpose, to the Hiph Opurt at Toronto, during tho. six weeks next ensning the final pasting of this 3y-4aw....... Neither ajiifd Mor Branding Iron Woe V*mA on That Bancfa, mm th* Owner Was Frettj ki* Shot and Always &*pt In Praetlbe. ' ' ' "Ttom was pretty good shots," said the old flheep raieor wlien the boyn bad finished tolling about flome glass ball nhooting thoy bed dono at the gun'clnb too moment, "but folks nowadnys don't dono shootin like they did a few yenrs ngo. There was Don Hardin now, who run a sheep ranch in west Texas in 1881; ho could shoot." "Protty good shot, was he?" asked tho boysf to draw the old man ont. "Wall, he'was'a good, fuir shot for thorn times and locality. A (Jolt's 46 was! Dan's favorito, He runabontO.OOO shocp nnd good many outtlo and horsos. The ranciiors all marked tho oars of their stock, each man in a dif ferent way, to distinguish thoir proper ty.1 Dan's mark was a nolo in tho loft ear and an nndorbit in tho right, nnd ho never allowed n knife to bo used on his ranch. He marked every animal himsolf with his six shooter, and ho never madou mistake. It wns a sight to see him gallopiu across tho prairie on his mustang after a buuoh of lambs Or a ronnd up of spring culves, a-plaoin his marks with his 45 and never vaxyin a sixteenth of an inch from whore thoy belonged. Ban marked moro mavorioks than anybody else in tho country put together. "from praotioin so much Ban got to be a first rate shot Ho awed to ride aloug in his pasture and put his murk on tbo coyotes and jack rabbits just to keep his band in. It got so that nine times ont of ten when a man killed a deor with his winoheater ho would And a holo in ltd left and an under bit in its right oar, and boM always soud Ban ovbr a quarter of veuiHon wbon'he got it homo. I soen Dan win a bet of $50 one day from u tenderfoot. Wo was ridin along the roud ancL.wo soch tho gronnd a-humpiu up where a.molo was shovin along out of. sight under tho earth, Ban mndo his proposition, tho tondorfoot took him up, and Dan's old 45 wont off a couplo of Mined. Wo.dug tho mole up, and thoro was tho marks in ins ears right where they belonged. After awhilo I don't think thoro was a living thing on Dun's ranch except bis wifo's that didn't Imvo his mark in its ears. "This habit of Dan's got him out of A'pretty bad scrape ono timo. Along about 1883, when froo range o'ommouced gottin soaroe, tho fence out tors got to oattin tho wiro fencos around tho pas- taros^aud givo tbo shoop mon lots of trouble. Ban's had boon out half a doKon times, und ho was mad. Ono day ho rode out without his gun nnd snw a low down rustle* named Tompkins slloln his wires liko fiddlostrlngs with a pair of nippers. Tompkins got on his hot-so &nd let out, nnd Ban rodo baok to his ranch and got his gun. Ho struok out on Tompkins* trail and overhauled him nboufc turndown in tho little town that was tho county soat. Dan shot him quietly and was about to got n cup of coffoo and start book homo wbon ho wan eurpriHod by tho sheriff's urrcstin him. You hoo, that was about tho timo tho law and ordor gang got to raisin Gain in"tho wost nnd tryin to set down on promiHonous -shootin and porsonal liberty. Tlioy soared up a judgo and a jury Homoworo and bolda kind of court right nwny to try Dan. Tompkins had a lot of ftiondH iu town, among the hoas thiovoH and frtio grassors, nnd thoy <ynno in by tho dozou and Wore that TompkinH hadn't beau out of town for a wook, and thrt Dnn'a story about Ids outtin tho fonco didn't go. Ban hod no witnesses, and it bogim to look kind of funny for him. Thoy hud Tompkins laid onfc on u tabic in tho oourtroom. "Directly Dan wont ovor and looked pretty sharp at Tompkins, and then he naked ono of tho doputios to go out to a IHtlo jowolrxatoro noross tlio stroot and briug.a magnifying glass; Tho deputy wont nud got it, und Bail handed it to tbo jartgo and naked him to stop down nnd look at ttomothing u miimto. Thoro wan a mosquito with his bill fust in Tompkins1 oar, and. Dun asked tho judge to toko u good look at it with,tho glasf Tho judge did ho, and blust if that mos quito didn't have u holo iu ita loft and on und or bit in its right oar, as.shoro as I'm sitting hero. Everybody know Dan'B Vnark, and tho court was con vinced that Tompkins must havo boon prowlia round his ranch. . It wan what you would call good olrouniatautiul evi- denco, and ton minutes afterward Ban wufl on his way home." Thero was a littlo ailoiioo among the boys, and thou tho ono who had broken 45 glass balls put of a possiblo CO su^- gostod that Homo lemonade bo handed around at his exponao. Washington Star. , . .; . .' Antwerp's Bells. UVom the aoihedrul tower at Antwerp 80 bolls have, for over 200 years, rang oat music for tho benefit of tho people living on the groon fields whioh border the Soholdt.: Onoo a year, in the month of February, the^ authorities select tho music, and the organ plays every hour from tho. old 'masters of Christian song. A Professional Blr<lCatQhr. . Borlia j)uys a salary to a professional bird catcher; who keeps scientific and eduoatlpnal institutions supplied with birds, birds' nests .and .eggs, and be is tho only man in tho cn>pire permitted to do ao.1 '" . ', /m ' ! The tra,i pf the* dross worn by Oath- eriuado1 Medici on hor marriage iul58fl_. wiW'Hehii^obn^ Jciug of' Franco, measured no -: leas than 46iar0^ jten jpairi>df ;pa&ea,^w :::^.: 0 Z'lZk&M fh* Story of the Xatae a^'mmi'wm^ "One reads Wma^yitoribo^t'sd^:/;i xnal intelligence that it would bo h'taa^fow ousfora doubter to e^presa d|^feVM lief in almost mf^thf^p^i'^^^s^ the, present day,',' remarked.Pr,'jfritffi "'""' Watkic ns. "A little, instance "st'til withiu my own" observation' *)' numlw e$m of years ago when I "was1 studying1 nfi^J?;,/.";^ ioino and which oonvidcod ino that^hi^* ;^| menibors of the horse family atJeaii"^^m ought to be credited wjlth tho possession ':'$} of a very cobsiderabld quantity of 'riiS ivjij soning power. It Was the oflfltem1 fd^ thestndeuts at the modioal institution^ at which I pursued my studies to wear' a small badge upon their coats to diH: tinguish them from othors at the ool- logo. A horse belonging to the eatat>-- ' lishmqnt Wns nsod a great deal' abbuV tho medical dopartnient, and' the anJ-(' mul Ktioined to havoaspoeial preference^ ' for thti embryo doctors moro thuu for any othor people about tho eatubjisl)- mout. ., "Ono day, while a number of us wwfj ' gatiiored in a littlo knot npon a small cunipnu iu tho roar of the college, the uniinul iu question, which used to nip' tho grans in tho location, oame toward tho group limping vory badly. He came to a stop a dozen or moro foot from the crowd and, carefully surveying the lot of tiH, finally tnado up his. mind as to what he Wuuted to do and without any hesitation limped directly to my side, whinnied, stuck bis neso against m^ body and held up Mb loft forolog. Look- " ing down, I discovered a large nail ini-' bodded in the .frog of his hoof.' Thi had evidently caased tho lameness! I then realized the interesting foot that tho uuiuinl doslrcd attendance. I ex tracted the nail with eome difilcuHy, and the horso whimpered with relief and walked away, Bather curious as to why tho boast had picked me out to at tend to his wound, I glanced at the boys and found tho solution to the prob lem. Not one of the group haft his med ical badge upon his ooat but myself. . Tho horse had recognized tho insignia, . realized its significance and aoted ac cordingly." How Orleans Times-Dem ocrat, i M AFRAID OF THE HOODOO. Wby the Htreefc Oar Conductor Would Net Out tho l**grxat In Twain. A hoarse crossed tho track and the motoneor put on the brakes so suddenly that tho car nearly stood on its nose., Then ho sat down on tho front soat to await tho passing of tho long string of carriages following tho black draped vohiolo. A fat man who had nearly been thrown over tho front the Kud- dou stopping of tho ear snorted angrily: "Why don't you ont across? I'vo got to ontoh a train. I can't wait hore all day." "don't help it, boss. Yoa'll have to wait and catch another train." "Well, I'll report you to the com pany. That procession will tako fire minutes in passing us." "Kopprt away. I can't help it if tho prooosniou takes '90 minutes. Yon couldn't liiro mo to run this ear'noross' "that funeral procoRsion for the boat job on the lino. That's tho worst hoodoo a man could run up Raiunfc." , "Bah!" said tho fat man. "All right, boHH. I know what I'm talking about, Ono of tho best men on this line crossed a funeral procession Boon after tho trolley system wus put in. A livo wire dropped on tbo back of his. nook and electrocuted him before he'd gone a block. A littlo white later another poor follow out across baok of a hoarse. Ho ran" ovor throe children in as many weeks. Ho quit the road as crazy as a loon. Now tho conductor on that samo car has lost every cent he had in the world, and his wife and ohild havoditd. Bah, yoursolfl I'd like to bog you got oft this oar and walk aoross in front of one of thpso carriages, I'll hot you'd bo antehin your last train in this world pretty quick. Jest hop off and try it now." But "the fat mau only shifted uneasily about on tho hard oar sout and waited silently until tho hist .carriage had passed, ^-Now York Tologram. . : " iS > -V/'l \^4 - m ' M How llaatt Kmbalm. says Horbis, can embalm ;^1> ,>m .vTifxfrsiV are mow theaters in Boos, says idorhis, can omoaim ai suoocsfifully as could tho unoiout Egyp tians. It of tohhappons in damp weather that a (dug _or smiil will; enter a . bee-, . ,:,..,^ hivo. This ia, of conrso, to-tbe unprp- ,; ,-V^S tooted slug a oaso of suddon death. The ,' ;;;^ beos fall upon him und etjiug him to ,; .-^ death at once. But what to do with the carcass becomes'; a vital question. 'If .left Whero it is, it will breed a'regnlar ,l,V,;JV pestilence. Now oomos in the clever- .t;1^ uesa of tjio insects. Thoy sot to work < "^i and oovor it with wax, and. there you ,.,.. may boo it lying ombulmod just as tho^: &$$$ nations of old embalmed their c^ead. YV)'i:i When it is a onail that is the intruder, ho is, oiE courso, imponetrablo td. tjieir . . sting, so thoy oalmly oemonfc his shell f;i^i with w,ax to the bottom of the hiye-7-[0M:M imprisoumonfc for lifo, with no-'ihopew:!^^! .'\::^M ;.;" . Both Wrong. ^{.w^^h Tho Toronto [Saturday Night &iltf'$$10$l& a man who: kopt a ferret being pbliged\;*,:;^*^M to go into t^o'bonu^,,]eaving.tliejyi^;^^ With the ferret in charge of a neigbboi^ityjS till he Hhonld return.,; ' \:li?:0$M v The neighbor incautiously opened *L^"-':i:*** oage door, and whereupon the 'against him' for ^ Vjf,|:n ..The following 'was, the tdeoiriem'^i^ the learned magiBfLil'1*"_"~1""~J"it:t"v case wus brought. . : * *nij; .doubt;'- ypH Mffiftrixmii' ^'P^% ., ,,..The,-,^_ ,_. ::':.'^;Am:^ls;'nsii.ttt^M|xalIniK^ 8

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