Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 24, 1897, p. 1

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W^^^^^^^^^m^M^^^^^^^^^m^^^^^^&^m CPU;"' K^i"".-'-;. -f".; ski*-.. .'. #,- " aM $!$0ii:VXiifc No. 38. ESSEX, ONT., FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 24, 1897. orsytjie, Anderson & Co. And Following Da^s. . . . The Ladies of Essex nud surrounding coun try are cordially"invitod"'"to at- jfe/" 'tond the opouing of..our show rooms for the display of . Now -IWi Millinery on the, above men tioned datos. . ||^,; visit Miss '^X have M V'Noblo recently visited tbo openings WMin- Toronto and 'Detroit and selected |uV a ohoico variety of all tlio latest nov & . ^ el ties, in Millinery Goods, Hats, I'^Peathprfl, Osproys, Volvota, Bibbons, i.vjj&c, as well as Paris Trimmed Pat- >>iern Hats, roprosontativo of all tho Ki'Newoat sfeyloB. 'REMEMBER THE DATE And Following Days m'-?-_ ,,3'L. Tbo Stocks in all our othot* m-.Departments : |p"" [#.':' '.' Bendy-made. Clothing, Hats, Caps and tuns, Muntlos and Capos, ., /Boots and Shoos, <^::>" Groceries and Crockery, |.W:-:::"' ^J;V Will he found well assorted with ^hew and'seasonable Goods at right '^prieea*"- want your Trade. MAS. H. OA.BIHE DINGWALL, of tbo Hon- mer School of MubIo and Langnagoi, De troit, Mich., Toaohor of Volco Onltaro and the Art of singing. Ehboi, Wednesday afternoon and Tlmtadfty mornlnR of eaoh week. $25.00 Reward, WE OFFER tbo nbovo reward of 25 for information that will load to tho arrant and oonvtatlon of tbo party or portlim wbo brolto info our Btoro nrcmlnefl laat Thursday night, September Otli. DIKBEt, & BIlIOKBU, Strayed- STRAYED from Lot 10. llonaml Lino, two 3-your-oltl cattle, ono black holfor with tips of oars gone, ono otuor, rod and whlto with Whlto ator In forehead. Aauitablo rewnttl will bo glvon for any Information leading to tholr rooovory, JOHN BAUER, \Voodnloo. 8-4t Farm to Rent. K(\ .AORHB being 0\J .otQA0,on thotownliue, in tho Township of Gosflold North. Tbo land lu woll drained and haa flood dwalliiiR bouBo and othor farm buildings, also a good orchard. To a- nood ton ant asocial tormn will bo glvau. Apply to MISS A. PUXiMEH, Kflaoi. UO-it Essex Town Council. RROOTAH MEETING. Bi/S//VSS DETROIT, MICH/ The beit plucu lit Aniuiloa, for yuuiiif men uu.i women t* <i';ur a Run Inn** Education, Phortlmn'i Mechanical Uiawiiitf or l'.nmn.imh1p. T)iurotili y- t ft in of Actual IhiiinaW. H^mmIuij ontlroyi'Mr. HtmlC'ilt lioirln uny tlnlo. (;tnli>iruo Vr%m, Iliifuruiio1, i>|! i' ir fij'^'m- NOTICE, Murdoipality of Goefiold Oounty of Essex. North, .MqTIOH In lmroby glyentliat ft'Oourfc will ho lold, pursuant to tho Ontario Voter a' Lists Aot, HlH Honor, tbo .Ttidgo of tho Ooun ty Oourti of tho Oounty. or -Kbho*,. ufc tho Town Hall, Id the Bald townuhlp, ou tho 2Hth day of y Oourti of tho Oounty Iall,lD the Bald townuhip, Soptorabor, lftot, at 10 o'olook a.m,,4^ hoar and dot or ml no tho uovoral oomplulntH of arrors and omlafllonsin tbo Voters' IilatB of tbo Munlolnal- Ity of Gotiflold North, for 18D7. All persons havlu^ buelnoflfi at tho Odurt aro roaulrod to attend at tbo Bald time nud pluoo. Dated at Cottam, tbo 14th day ot Soptombor. 1837. " . ISAAC .TAOKBON, . Ol-ivkof aoedold ^orth aud Olork of Ooiirfc. Miss M. Noble, V Under whose ,ablo niauagomont this Department aUained such signal last aoason, is again in f" ^ charge, with tho samo sfcafl: of olovor J;,: assistants, and will bo pleased to of mspaofcion. Notice to Cred Itors. In the'Matter of Wright O, Xmitft, of the Village of Woodalec, County of Jffificx, JtathosH -Maker^ an "Insol vent* VTOTIOK In horoby kIvou that tho nbovo l7i liaminl Wright O. Rroltli liuii in ado au its HlgUMMUt to m of ilII hiH (latato and offootfj in trust for tliu bonollt of all.bin orodltorw. A mooting o[ tho oradttom of. tbo unld oetato in hornby oauvou>-d and will bo bold at tlio ofiloo of W.S. tho Vlllago'of VVoodaluo, lu tbo County of Kasox, on Thursday, tbo UMrd dnv of Hujifcorabnr, A D. 1H<>7, nt tho hour of ton o'olook In th* forunoou, for tho apjiolutiaouti of lunpootoraand tbo giving of directions with roforouao to tho dlaposal of tho ald oatato, AU creditors of tho' said oatnto nro horoby roqutrod to fl'o tholr olalmu aud value tholr Huourlty by alfldavlt, with vouchors anuoxg'l.on orboforo thoUJJrd day o( Boptombor, A X> 1B07, aftor whloh dato I ahull m-ooood to dliitrlbuto tlio Bald nutate, huvltig regard only to nuoh olalmu aa 1 ahall havo duo notloo of ami proof, and I fdmll not bo rowpouHiblo for tlio asmitu of tho said oatato* or any part tburoof, to any peraon ov l^eraonB wbooo olaim or olulms ahull not tbun havo boon Ulod. W. U. KRNNKOY. W. S. OUMMIFORD,' Asulfftioo'd Solicitor, Ewiox. Annlgnco. Datod at Kbhox, Sopt, 11th, 160T, \K 2 o c3 O B u G) o m u d o O W . o cd w *M (A vA C^ CD >. a '% a Ui qj bo M QJ O M SB p o & 1 W % .3 txi- m ' Ui. o O C O . QJ .O W a a a u- o & 4 O o O u O h O o 3 & O U4 ! ^'ll'i!'1.1 " ' ESSEX. Interchangeable nileniro Tickets A now form of ThouoandMUo Tlokot, tho result of envpfal eonaidoratlon and dispufision botwoon tho railroads and their principal patrons, will bo placod on sale September 1flfc,.at all important Miohiga'u Central lielcot oflioes. The tieko4&^pld.forS80 with a rebate to tho purcuoHor ^10 whon used up in eomplianco with its 'conditionh'and is nooopted dp' all tho lines in tbo Central PaHsoneer Asttooiation, forfcy-ilve in, numbor and .v^oring a vast extent of country. h Nomileogo book has yt boon devis ed bo acceptable to all parties concern ed and ap advantageous to the bolder;. Every ono who is likely to travel a thousand miles iri;a year, should avail theluftcl ves of it, and should consult the nearest Michigan Central ticket agent. Essex:;, .A. <0. ^timhbs, AgenC ; 85 4t 1 The game ot baseball between Unth- ven and Ijenmington hero Wodne4iiy afternoon rsul(ied la a score of 7 toS in favor of Huthven. Tuesday, Sept. 2lst. Council mot at S p.m. Present Mayor the chair, Reeve MoDougall, Councillors For ay the, Raines, Hicks, Riddiok and Jos. Robinson, Minutes of previous mooting wero read, and, on motion, adopted. Previous to the arrival of tbo Mayor, H. S. Poll, ropreHontiiigf the Norfchoy. Manufacturing Co.,'of Toronto, ad dressed tho 'members rolative to pur chase by tbo town of a pump for thoir vol) at tho waterworks. Ho said thoy figured on putting In a SJ-inch plunder which is about,as largo as can bo put in that Well. His iirm had put. in many pumps all oyer Canada and thought Canadians ought to have pre ference. Tho pump at M.O.R. station was put in by bis firm. Their pump iB equal to tbo boat pump mado. It is a vory simple one and the steam end is tho best mado, They have put pumps in wells as doop as 400 foot and' are prepared to iruaranfcoe tbtiir pump* Tho price ho would submit would cover plungor and steam end. Tho Mayor wanted to know if the oufrlnoer'a roport on Victoria avonuo drain had been received. It should be in before accounts aro paid. 0. Crasswollor addressed tho Coun cil rolativo to tho mattor of making th o Mechanics' Institute into a Public Li brary and under the control of thotown counoil.A .petition uignedby ovorymem- berof the.Board was prosontod pray ing tbeOouuoil to takeover tho Institute as provided by Ontario Statutes of 180ft". Mr. Oraaawollor referred to tho visit of Dr. May* Inspootor of Public Libraries in Ontario, who visited the town a few months ago on this mattor. Mr. May estimated that by making tho institution a Public Library tho addi tional expense would be about $200. If Buoh a ohango were mado evory per son in tho town would bo at liborty; to tako books out of tbo library, so that in placo of having 140 members thoro would bo a membership of 400 to 600. If action is takon, tho Council is to ap point throo mombors in addition to tho Mayor, who is ox-ofiioio a member of tho Board, tho.otbor throo mombors of tho Board boing appointed by tho Pub lic School. Thoro would bo no oall ou tho 'Councillor this year as tbo Board has Buiuciont funds for tho balance of tho year. Ou motion ol Mossrs. Riddick and Hicks, tho mattor was roforrod to tho Committeo on Pinanco to look into Hamo and roport at noxt mooting, Mr. Poll addressed tho Council fnrth- or concerning a pump and spoke at some length, answering Hovoral ques tions. Moved by Mossrs. Porsytho and Mc- Dougall, that the Tiro, Water A Light Committeo with tbo Mayor addod, bo a committeo to rocoivo tendors for steam pump lor waterworks with power to act and buy pump. Carriod. Tho Pinaneo Committee rocommond- od payment of accounts of Prank Brown, laying foundation and bricking in' boilers at waterworks, $375 ; T. H, Laird, work at waterworks, &(t ; J. E. Brown, building throo bridges in town, SC ; Garlock Packing 0o., packing, 7? cents. On motion of Messrs. Robinson and Riddick, tho report was adopted. Moved by Messrs. Foray tho and Raines, that the Firo, Water fc Light Committeo have tho streets sprinklod for tho fair next week. Oarriod. Mr. MoDongall brought up tho mat ter of tho stato of the feneo around tho Fair Grounds, tho fouco having boon blown over by the storm last Thursday afternoon. . On motion of Messrs. Raines and MoDouga.ll, tbo matter was roforrod to tho Property Committeo. Mr. Riddiok brought up tho matter of'Bidowalk on Brion ave, Mr. Burdiok was notiliod a month ago to build tho sidowalk but it has not boon douo yot, A by-law was passed that a now walk should bo built there and tho rest of the walk was all built. Tho May6r thought tho council should pass a by-biw liko other muui- nioipalitios that no ono shall move a house through town. without" permiHsion of Council and furnishing bonds lor auy damage done or occasion ed by removal of building. The law is that person moving Buch building is responsible but if left on highway long enough so that the authorities would, become aware: of it the respsnsibility foils on the municipality. | After some disoussion, it was finally doaid^ to sea the solicitor and get am opinion on the legality of passing ench a by-law., ' "r'- ".' -.'.The following tenders, ior; the pur- chaso oC$#(H)0 worth pi 5 per cent, de bentures, under the authority of .the Order-in-Oounoil issued Gov^-in-council, wore road: H, CVHara & Co.. ol Toronto, $5,101.50 and ac- orned biterost; G. A. Stimson,Toronto, $5,401 and accrued interest; Lambton Loon and Investment Co. ,85,452.45 and accrued interest. The debentures run for 20 years. Moved by Mossrs. Forsytho and Riddiok, that tho tond or of tho Lamb- ton Loan and Investment Co., be ac cepted, and that tho Clork be instruct ed to notify them ol same, Carried. Mr. Hicks said tho boilers had been bricked in and would he ready to bo fired in a low days. Thoy . will havo to bo protected from tho rain and nothing has boon done yet towards putting a building over them. He thought no furthor timo should bo wasted. Movod by Mossrs.RiddiokandRainofl, that tho matter of a building over tbo boilers at tho waterworks bo loft to the Firo, Water and Light Committee with power to lot contract for wbatovor kind of building, thoy think best. Tlio Mayor did not think it right for any committee to spend suoh a sum of money without first consulting tho Council. Mr. Riddick thought a committeo ol five ought to bo given power to spond a sum of money liko $500 or $000. Aftor some furthor (lisoussion the above motion was withdrawn and an other ono made. Moved by Mossrs. Riddiok and Raines that tho Firo, Wator and Light Committoo ask for now tondors for what evor class ol building thoy think best at tho waterworks and roport upon same to tho Council Carriod. Council adjourned. High School Notes. Tho Lycoum moots this (Friday) al* tornoon, Tho following programmo will bo rendered : Address by the President; chorus, arrangod by Misses ELaing and S Russell ; roacHng^Stan- ley Pizor; recitation,Miss Annie Laing; j solo, Miss Libbio Hillier; address, Mr. C. L. Croasweller ; harmonioal, Mr. J. .T. Tnlloy ; Argus, oditoV;'criticisms by tho critic. ."God Savo tho Quoon." Cheap Excursions West. Tbo annual fall excursions to western points oyer the M, O. R. and its con nections will talfo plaoo on tho dates mentioned below and should bo takon advantage of bythosowho intend visit ing friends in tho U. S. Tickets will bo issuod on Sopt. 30th and Oct,. 1st and 2nd, and aro limited to return not lator than Oct. 18th, as follows: Dotroit and roturn, 7fi.eto.-j. Bny City and Saginaw, Mioh.,$lUfi; GrandP ^11,14.76; Chi cago, $0,75; Cleveland, viaftotroit and boat, &J.2G; Cincinnati, via Toledo and O. H. &D./S0.75; St. Paul and Minne apolis, via Chicago or Mackinaw City or Trout Lake, &33. Children botwoon tho ages of 6 and 13 half faro. Ticlcots not on salo west of Essox. For furthor information apply to O. W. Runtimes, Chicago; J. G. Lavin, Hamilton, or A. O. BTiMims, Agent, Essox. WHOLE iNo. 6fel Address and Presentation, On Wednesday evening, Bopt. 22, about fifty ol the members of Trinity Episcopal ohurch, North Ridge, waited upon the Rev. Mr, Beverly and Mrs. Beverly at the parsonage. Takingpos- session ol the" drawing room Mr. and Mrs. Beverly woro requested to retire for a fow moments, when thoy were es corted in nnd tho following address was read by Isaac .Taoksou, Mrs. John J. Jackson,* wifo of tho clprgyman's war- don, presenting them with a handsome silver cake baakot and dessert sot: DEAK Mil. ANdMhS bldVKItl.RY, Wc need not Kay how deeply wc regret your approaching departure from among us. Your unvarying,kindness and hearty sympathy with every member of your congregation during the jive years you have been among us has won our hearts, Ami we feel that wc own you ;l debt of gratitude'tint wc can never repay for your untiring efforts to promote the interests, both spiritual und temporal, of the congrega tion of the church. We beg your acceptance of these sirall tokens of our love and esteem. and wc pray that in the new field of labor in which the master in calling you to labor you may enjoy health, happiness anil 'prosperity, and the fullness of that blessing which muketh rich and nddelh no sorrow with it. Signed on behalf of the congregation of Trinity Church, North Ridge John f. Jackson.) n. , . John K. Moonr.. f Churchwardens. Mr. Beverly, on behalf of himsolfand Mrs. Beverly, vory feelingly ropliod, oxprossiug thoir heartfelt gratitude lor the many tokens of kindness thoy had received at tho hands of tho oongroga tiou, and especially .this evidence of their lovo and osteom.dooply regretting thatlailing health compelled him to tondor his resignation of a ohargo that had .boon so loyal and laithful in thoir support of thoir pastor. Mr. Revorly spoloo in tho strongest terms of tho warm-hearted sympathy, co-oporation and support feuatfho had received while laboring among them, referring also to tho sympathy aud. kindly assistance re ceived from tiiuo to time fiom members of othor denominations, and believed that God would richly 'bless thorn in the futuro as ho had done, in tbo past, and that though abHont from thorn in the body ho would bo prosont with thorn in spirit, for ho folt that thoy wero ono in Christ Jesus, and though separated for a timo in this world tihey would all Soon bo joined around tho Throifo of God in Heaven where partings shall bo no moro. Aftor a low hours spent in social con versation, singing aud nmusements.tho ladios served refreshments. About ,11 o'clock x>> m. all joined in singing "God bo With You Till wo Moot Again." Wishing their pastor and his wifo a fond good-bye and God's richest bless ing in thoir now field of labor, all loft for thoir respective homos. Kindergarten. Base Ball. Essex and Shuolls played tholr first game of tho season at Rooroation Park, last Friday, resulting in a victory for tho locals. Essex had tho game from tho start, scoring ton runs in tho first two innings, Shuolls scored thoir first run in tho fourth and landed two moro in tho fifth, but not till tlio "eighth did thoy roach first, and with, a few wild throws and errors combined bagged ton ruus.'two'of tho ton boing earned. Easox scorod throo in. thoir half of seventh and two in eighth,' loaving the sporo 10 to IS, game boing called at tho end of tho eighth inning on account of darkness. ForEssox, tho old reliable Waltor Noblo did tho back stopping, and John Gourlay did tho twirling, having tU strikoouts to hio credit. Tho rest of tho infield did some good work also. Tho outflbld did not have much to do but oared for what did pome their way. Shuolls always plays a good game, and thus did hot loao their re nutation asplayors though, thoy lost- the game'. Every man played gilt-odgo ball, Rofereoy James. Novillo, of' Oot- tam, also won a reputation for hinisolf as an umpire. Tho following consti tuted the teams:- tilSKX. R.O. H Gourlay,'rf..I 4 W Noble, C....2 3 J Gourlay, p....2 4 L'Stotts, c f.. ..3 2 H Ortxn, 2nd b r 1 E".Lahig, 11'.. ..0, 4 h Orion, 1st b. .3" i G Thornton, 3 h 2...2 J Allisoh; BS0..2 3 R.O, H 0'Neil......2 3 A J Shuell.,;..,2 E Shuell......2 M Pettyptece..2, A OrNeil...,.,r M Vollitns.'....;I' WShuell ......1 M Hens haw .... 1 A:IIShueli..\*i 16 ty 13 24. JLt the JBJpwei-fch Xeagtie, Tueedoy night, A. B, Gushingyead^fine paper, on tho ohoractor and teaching of Christ. After the uriiial^ineetihg tneibllowinK A mki'tino in tho iiitorosts of .form ing a Kindorgarton Asaooiation in tho town, wns hold Wodnosday night in tlio Pnblio Library room. Thoro were prosont Missos Wattors and Laing, Mossrs. O. E. Naylor,Rov. VV. Fleming, Dr. Jonnor, John Laing, C. L. Orass- wollor and E. A. Wismor. O. E. Naylor oxplainod that the mooting was called to como to somo conclusion in regard to tho kindorgarton, ospooially to try to got a public meeting,to bo addrossod by thoso qunlifiod to oxplain tho objoets and aima of the kindorgarton work, and also for discussing ways andv moans of supporting a kindergarten in town. Considerable discussion arose as to whothor the Public School Beard should be asked to givoassistanoo by provid ing a room and further that in oonnoo- tiou with the Public School thoy would oomo in for the spoeial 8C0 government grant. Miss Wattors explained that in tho Unitod Statos most kindorgar ton Eworb established and maintained' by" privato '-enterprise, a -cbramittoe boing appointed to look aftor tho funds, Mr. Naylor thoiight that the prime question was whothor enough enthusi asm could bo aroused to support a privato ontorpriso. Howas strongly in favor of the project himself and would bo glad to soo something done. Ho thought the best way to arouse interest was to appoint a committee to mako ( a porsonal.canyas of the town, having in tho meantime prepared tho people for tho committee's visit by printed cir culars explaining the situation, sent to each one.-' John Laing said that if it was good for-those who supported a private school it should be doubly good for those who could not see then- way blear to support a private institu tion of that kind. A disoussion as to the epBt of maintenance here arose and. it was decided thafc 450 would cover every expense, including $800 ' for teaeher'fl salary. ,1 "One hundred persons at $8each wpnld pay -'that.X The rest, obnld foe;:;raiq.ed:,..foy' Bo^pol'^u^ ments; and the like; . Bey. W., Fleming thonght it wpnjdh& ,i^ci4li:^'fln4l-&pi: on*, .h^.aied.'p^eople,' j ;/Mr;\Wl8'iek>^': ffested that the Pablio School Board balance. School concert are a go'o&W' way to raise money. Dr. 'Jeanjefy thought a kindergarten was very ,nfl*fllw cossary horo. The money could; D || raiaod eomohow. There are many little >$ chil'dren whowonld he greatly benefit; % tod. Mr. Fleming said tho present school $ law should bo enforced in regard ,to.; ;;| children of school ago being allowed to :'Jiv- stay out. In tl^e discussion which fbl-^'j^ lowed it was agreed that the kindergar- ' >|{ ten Ih so attraotive that children would: ^ rathor go than stay away. Mr. Naylor rv?| said that the mistake that is usually '^ made it that people who have no ohil-' :f^ dron BiippoMo thoy ehonld not be fax- ,f^ torostod in tho Bchool. They should bo as interested as others. A disens- sion horo arose about writing np short explanatory sketches to be published in tho Fiieb PitBstt from week to week and in tho meantime to make a personal canvns of the town. Mr. Fleming, said ho could not promise to write a letter on tho subject for, though ho confessed ignorance ol tho Bystom.he failed tosee whoro it: was essential. Moreover- mothers would consider it too mnch tr*oubIo to got children ready in the morning. In. tho disoussion which followed it was decided to appoint a committeo to canvas the town. The following names wore submitted: Mrs. M. P. Campbell, Miss Collie Wigle, Mrs. O. K. Naylor, Mrs. Dr. J. \V7 Brion, Miss Laing, Mrs. O. H. Bricker, Mrs. W. Ohurch, Mrs, J- MoEwan, Miss Edgar. fidtfar'fl mils. John Sutton is spending two week in Murquotto, Mich. It. Oudmore, of tho Stato Savings' Bank, Dotroit, is spending holidays with his parouts. Bichard Oudmore is putting a new roof on his stablo. Allie and Charles Boadhd*ase.spent Sunday with thoir mother. Jack Froat ripens corn too rapidly to suet tho farmers in this section. , All who attended soryico in the, sohool house woro woll pleased with tho sermon ol Mr. Manning,, ol Essex. A team of horses .belonging to Joseph !; LoClair woro killed at. tho 13th con- , v cession road crossing of tho M. O. R. by tho wcHt bound train on tho Am- ;i liorstburg branch of tho M. 0. B. on\,,^ Tuesday. Tho animals had been run- '^ ning ar-oiiua loose and both of them : woro struck at tho crosaing, one of ,' them boing killed and the othor having, throo. of its togs broken so that it had *o bo shot, Tlio horses woro valuoa at StOOandwas tho only team Mr. Le- Glair had. As tbo train was going at a good rate of spood when tho animal8 woro struck it camo near boing ditched. ';& >:M >Vi 1, ,fj/r Maidstone. Somo of our farmers aro harvesting their clover. * ' .-DeliaKenny, of Windsor, is visiting with her brother,. John Konuy, of this place. Potor Hutehis'on, of this- place, was, married to Miss Kylo on Wdnesday last. / :.','.. .Miss Viva Jones has returned from a ; . two-wooks visit in tho Vollana settle- mont. . . ',' "v'S Fr. Hadoa/ of^ Assomption Coilego'i; Sandwich, is filling Fr. MoGeo's. apj...'^ pointmonta during tho lattor's absence.^ ,'r.iitWJ 1 in Ireland. Many of our farmers areu making: extensive preparations for tho Great";g| " Essex^^il next week. . ' " S. W: Exhibition to bo hold in - The storm of last Thursday did con- ftj$ sidorablo damago around here knock-- $& ing tho chimney oi^Wm. Kane's house ^ and blowing out a window. '^f ' WliiloHttlo Gordon Kerr was Play-'^" ing football at sohool the other day,,'h;jjSj recoivod a.severe fall, fracturing hifl'iT right elbow and shaking him up epn^^ sidorabty. . " "$$, J ohn and Edward. Lbnnon Were .'upfawi before P.M. Beaman, 'lost" h Saturday >|r morning, charged with as^anHfr Th^|| ohargo was withdrawn and the . eafle^i was settled with $4; 95, costs. . , vV^^CT On Saturday;'la'st oitr footbaH team^ played a match with tho ,Woddslee^1} team pnTth'o' Woodslee; groni^dfjv^;Cn(^||' notwithstanding tho great odds w^ji^ were against, them sucboeded in ^e6p;^ ing the score S to 1. !"'"^^..\-".,V.l.,V!j|S The Harvest Home held at St, JoI|P ohurchVBingen;Sept. iSthi'woa^'^ij success. ThoVprog^ammecbinm^ , aboutJO b'blobk/. A ehorit inter^Wfiti|H was given aUO o'clock;;; du^mg,;;^^^ time., supper.,"was/ B>ryed.:;;.^o.^ro^- gramme then continued, fbp^wwji^jra recitations,1' dialogu'es;; \!"^'^S-.^S.ffi mnsioA There v^'-^^-W.^^WS Vitty;Bp'eephes:given.v./;.../^ ^tie^eave'nex^S^^ ;OWb;:^heKe,:ffiey}^.nV4W hpspital;^to%B^^^- selveBforprqleatio yonngladi8talu;.<' mm 2548

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