Se Edmonton, Belec died last August. ce Bernard, Alberta and John, { ren. _ard, killed in action with the RCAF New Exe 'For ee pete salle of ae Rotary Year, until June, 1962, Bob Fox Will. bh hold the. position of president, with, Sam Hughes as past president 'and Mervin Lavigne as vice-presi- 'dent. 'Clarence Tuer will be secre- tary with John McFarlane as as- sistant secretary, Jack Lecky as treasurer, Al. Rafuse, assistant secretary, o>? ~~ ators 'will be 'Drary He "Soka, Lorne | Charbo. rge Moris- Set is Rev. are divid- rst, which 'tion and \assifica- student 'ee Dies in us. Cue bse Rotary Clic A re-classification of the Rotary Club membership has taken place, 'because of an increase in number of. members and also beeause of Mee Pape of. the president, Ken guests, in charge of director Bs Hogan. The second under 'director grammes, attendance, events and fund raising projects. charge of Community services act Crippled Children, Service to. youth, Rotary Park and Labine 'trophy. George Morissette. This includes International contacts, Rotary: Foundation, Occupational. informa- tion and fourway test. Each direct- for has certain number of members assigned to the various parts of the project and activities. Plans are being made to increase both attendance and membersnie ; sider one important project for. the 'coming year. - 4 Students. This week, members are jasked to bring a toy with a. maxi- imum value of two dollars, 'to the meeting, names will be drawn and 'The death of Mrs. Dann. occurred in Edmonton on Sai_ December 9, 1961. Sot \She was the former Lauretta Le- bine, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Labine and was born in West- meath on May 25th, 1883.. She was married there in 1906 and came to Haileybury with her husband in 1908, where they made their home for thirty years, moving then to Timmins, and in 1956 they went to Alberta, where Mr. 'Mrs. Belec is survived by four all of Edmonton, and Charles of Haileybury, and four daughters, Jean, Mrs. John Bucher, Mrs. C. Chenier;~both of Edmonton, Ann, Mrs. Gerry Banning of Blind River and Teresa, Mrs. Cy. Copps| of Fort William, and 22 grandchild- ' Also surviving -are three sisters, Mrs. Therese Venne of Pembroke, Miss Mary-E. and Miss: Rose. La- bine of Haileybury, and three brothers, John, Charles and Gilbert Labine, all of Toronto. ' Two sons predeceased her, Ger- in' 1942 and Joseph, the eldest son, killed in a mine accident in 1951. Funeral services and interment took place in edpionipn on n Decem- ber 12; Teiton 1949 and 1960 the value of Canada's mineral Claire, 'pro-}. | partion increased from $901 mil- tion. to. $2.5. billion; 'in the period' a gift. He will then donate-it ie tee Coildren' s Aid Society. * "The Speaker for this week. will be} coe Cassidy, who will analze the detailsand the implications ;of the new programme -in secgndary: education in Ontario. ; Programme chairman for. the next month willbe Egenton Pea- cock, December 12: Ian MacDiar- mid January 8; Bok' Fox. 15. Klaus Sroka takes care of pro-|. special} Director Lorne. Charbonneau has'. invites, such as Easter Seals and|_ International and Vocational Ser-| vice comes under the direction. of | The Club will Poemnie is pecans 'proficiency prizes to High School} each member will receive a toy as} 2430: D.. 'A.p.m. 'senim.---F. -contripesing 1. 'palities ot». _- Keard, Haiieyb. giniatown and Ma _ The Christmas. Sear. . tee is. confident, however). before the holidays end. tlic _ objective will be reached. -- -Final figures, as compiled by the Dominion of Statistics and the Ont- ario Department ot Manes show the total production: of Ontario' Ss miner- al industry in 1960 was $983,104,412. This was less by $920,552 than the 'preliminary estimates arrived at in January of this year. The final figure is closer to the preliminary figure than usual be- cause, for the first time, Ontario, has agreed to use the D.B.S. meth- |od-of accounting the value of nat- 'ural gas production: : This is based }on.a firm price at the well-head, whereas in other years Ontario has assessed its valuation on the act- ual.price received by the producer. In'most years-this has meant an in- erease of about $10,000,000 in Ont- -fario's final compilation. Production. ae Mines Jevenenrtccene Slightly Under Estimate Nearly all the metallic minerals showed an increase over. the pre- liminary estimate in the final figure production totals. However, nickel which was down in the final $15.3 million was responsible for an overall drop in the metallics total of $6.8 million. The final total for this group was $818,565,684. The non-metallics, finally valued at $24,494,551, were little changed from preliminary estimate. Fuels, natural gas and petroleum showed an increase of $866,555 over the preliminary estimate. In the final figure natural gas was valued at $6.57 million and petroleum at $3.15 million. showed an increase of $5.30 million, over - the -preliminary. figure to reach a total of $130,320,122. . Structural materials as a group| --weee Wilsv,. ~vue Library will be c) all week between Christngas . New Years, reopening on Tuesda January 2nd, 1962. Mrs. N. McAulay is leaving week-end. to spend the 'holi season with members of her faminem ee in North Bay, Oshawa,\ Oakville: and Toronto. ' Mrs. N. McAulay and Mrs. D, Pearson, both members of Shuniah Chapter of the Eastern Star, were" appointed to take Christmas treats to the elderly patients at Miseri- | cordia Hespital on behalf of the , Chapter. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Rudd left,,; Thursday to spend several days. in Teronto. { Christmas cakes, iced cookies and other goodies are survivals of 'f the old custom of giving confec- tionery gifts to the Senators of 9 Rome. cl Before decimal coinage was introduced in Canada in 1858 the most widely used coin here was the Spanish silver dollar. employment in the. industry in- ereased from 88,130 to_ 105,844, 'The choir sings for special even nae hae) aie Choir,. under. the, dis egiions of Rosaize, Drainville san , and will be heard during the. Christmas aM, g- the entrance at the recent dedication ot the new vergan, season in a program of carols, ©