™ = - " - ee = a” 5 = c wT 4 “Sieg - — — Sa a oe aT eta a ES a IESE SS ES Pa BRT gee SE SS Su —EOOooreerr ee RR RE Ee it Be Rea BESS Ree aS ee ee Pg ey age ee 4 " = ‘ FF i . a 7 ‘25 - =f ra De oe = Se ae — he 7 i = 7 i eae a : we, = die ae. are eo S|. a ‘i | Tt es eee ee Pe ee a ee gs Ss a» tee Sp Se ee ee i ee : i eS BS a ag a a << *hebs jade Teng tie ng ol Eee So a ae ae me a Pa Rg ee Ee aiay ine eS edn ae ee ee ee ee _ —_ _ _ -; 4 “e =e : = 7: a ; . si A 4 Y= - th a oe =e eS Pe Pe, Le Dp a = =: ” e _F - 2 e's: a = = i ae, Pill -. : * a ‘ =o 5 4 —— rami ee Oe ao = i =. a = | : : =< — = Ie, or, = = F 7 te _ 7 d F fe # — = . . ay = a oe ey ey } 1, Jeti es ae % a i. i r a = -- 1 - te = i — Bs oo a ll r = 5 : = - | ah < a a: = -= , = : F %s ‘ ‘ # i f —_— CANADA'S TRADE” RRTURNS THE WORLD'S MARKETS! TWO YOUTHS MURDERED. as Lrolhers are Slain While Ulunting on CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS! FOR THE CALBDON. New Brunswich Border. - a5 REPORTS FROM THE LEADING) 4 despatch from Woodstock, N. B.,|APPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE haste TRADE CENTRES. says: A double murder in which two GLOLE. } wo : Wee beys were shot by a boy companion " | Wie ey ah , " Sas 3 while hunting in the woads, took place — C = 5 “ ra Ripe nae Increases and Decreases for First Five Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and | 41 Tuesday allemoon in Bee at tive Telegraph Briefs From Qur Own and]! onductor and Driver Have Been Arrest 5 M th Other Dairy Produce at Home in’ this vicinity, and Agee poe ye re- Olher Countrics of Recent 0 i B il el ~Sx Aer sueclable farmers. Guy an ear *. Ane Paae Ontos. gpd Abroad. Downing, brothers, were shot by Guy Events. ub on a! <a Toronto, Sept. 24. — Flour— Ontario} Terdis, who was with his cousin Fred CANADA. a wheat 90 oor ecnt, patents are un-| Tardis, As near as can be learned the see RADE 7 * ey = =a changed at $3.55 in buyers’ sacks outside | sparticulars are as follows:—The ye Aide Day has been fixed for | : pe “ae ) sr-export: Manitoba first’ patents, $5.40 | perties met m. the woods three or four 2s A despa'ch from Toronto says: Con- hi : ‘ot ipbiniee A despatch from Oltawa says: “Tho, millions, forest exports decreased about PoteREOTLs » MAR IDE AUS Pe wea fines: and each time the quarrels be-| A campaign for Sunday street cars satan i The charge, which was one of-erim=" ies trade figures of the Dominion for the five months of the present fiscal year ending August show a total increase an imports, as compared with the cor- reeponding period of last year, amount- ing to $30,738,399. While the exports show oa slight decrease of $127,637, ex- clusive of coin and bullion, the total lrade for five months was §$265.867.631. one million, and fisherles about three hundred and fifty thousand. The re- {urns for the monlh of August show that the falling off in exports nolice- able during the earller months of the year is being rapidly made up. Exports fer {he month totalled $27,652.104, an picrease of $1,934,785 over August last year. Imperts for August amounted to £33,919,620, an increase of $5,716,820. to $5.10, and strong bakers’, $4.09 lo o4.90, Wheal—Manitoba wheat .was quiet and easier. No. 1-northern quoted at $1.07%, lake ports, and No. 2 at $1.05, luke ports, Ontario wheat—Na. 2 No. 2 while quoted at points. Barley—No, 2 is quofed at 60¢ ou red winter and oc “at outside tween them grew worse. The dispute was as to the right of each party to kunt in the woods. near each others heuses, Finally, Guy Downing stood his rifle against the fence and: order- ed Fred Tardis to do the same.- The farmer thei went up to the latter: and seizad him by-the collar. Oscar bown- wg staried toward Guy Tardis, whe Wili- be started at London, Ont. Preston Lynch committed suicide- ot Olds, Alberta, by shoobing~ himself. Parliainent will resume. eiller tha third or fourth week in Nevember. Fhe total strengih -of ‘the R. N.- W, M. P:is- 500, scatters over #20 stations. If is said the - Ontario Governinent may establish an institution for the George Hodge, held by the Coroners Jury criminally responsible for the Caldon wreck, were arrested on Wed- ucsday night,on warrants issued’ hy Coroner Jolson at the termination of {he-mguest, If was hardly an’ arrest, far as soon as ihe men were notified thal they «were ered themselves at. the office of Magis- ductor Matthew Grimes and Engineer: Wanted, they surrend-* inal negleclof duty, resulting in-he | ceath ol Richard a was. read re nen men were immediately afterwards ren \ leased on bail. The conductor fur-- = 958 ished $2,000 personal, and $2,000 ad-— ditional scurity was. given by his bros 7 9] her, Thomas Grimes.. Engineer Hodge-e 5 also furnished $2,000 personal, his «| bondman being Robert W. Eaton, in- Sae 22,000. Mr. T.-C, Robineite appeared, | oon The imporis «tolabled’ $165,723,630 and —_ (ra at 5% fired his gun, ithe bullet piercing Down-| Care of feeble-minded women and girls, | trate Ellis.- for the acauseds, S ee exports $100,164.001. Exports of. the} The aes 9 FEveT UD. 2or a lc ene desi eee Ontario’ white oats | ing’s lung and coming out at the shoul-| John Wilson, burglar, was sentenced reer RSL ae gS . oe riculture six millions and manufactures aver one million per month, as com- are quoted at 46c outside. Manitoba Na. 2 whilé are firmer al 50¢ lake poris, and ‘ty. Guy Downing then ran, when .Guy lhirty-six lashes by. Judge Bole al New ea EE ate eS lining of the minute arteries, and per~ "9 rs a liltle over one hundred thousand. On| pared with last year. For August the |? while ar 1g Tardis fired at him, striking him on} \Westninster. . mits a leakage of Nuid. is the other hand, exports of animals and E canke was $1,037,342, the total duly | No. : WS at a9C) J8KE Saar is quoted lnc top of the head. the bullet plowing} Mr. and Mrs, Fred. R. Reid of Goder- 2 ; There are yarious local forms. eas A | their products decreased nearly seven | collected being $5,571,937, Conn—-NB, 8 stnee aeons mis arid lits way through his brain-and killing} icn were killed at a railway crossing * | cdema which may be very’serious, Suche 9-9 My (924 AG ERC LEROENG Re tees him instantly also. The Tardis boys | near Hespler white on” their wedding $ as edema of the larynx or of the lungs co > ‘ mixed) ab 72 79¢- 3 goo | were arrested and will be arraigned | taur, on Friday. “ % |or of the brain, bul in general the con--) Ss) NEW MILK REGULATIONS. OPERATOR DRUNK ON DUTY. Bran- +I he moarkel 1S {firm at $?1 1 a he fore the magisirale here immediately. AT. Henry [-. Dunn. President «yf the 4 dillon is ane which does not in itself at ee : The boys were all about 17 or 18 years | Bradstreel’s. Commerciil Agency, sp aks add materially to the danger of the dis- i They Will Form Basis~ for Future/ ang Was Sentenced to Six Months In| $24.50 to S20 outside, nsese) “ptimistically sof trade prospects in AES | ap ve case in: which “it accurs de 3 Syrontan eee Regulations. Prison. COUNTRY PRODUCE, —— Canada, -OCIOUS CHILDREN. When ae amount of fluid is very” — Sq ; } : c 1 —— ee A despatch from Toronto says: The} A despatch from Otlawa says: A| peans—Hand-picked, quiet at $1.70 to) TUBERCULOSIS IN PRIZE BEEF. | j_ | fhavisidiisi wk: thesancensalon saute: _All those entrusted.with the care of the Soh incrensiny the aktrelicn ok aaa pz work of drafting a set of regwaliOns|proseculion instituled by Mr. H. B.} 195. and primes at $1.50 to $1.60. a ae » SUCCES: young are faced by a grave problem ihe rtaldiense ae heel pinta for the betler handling of milk in On- tario has been entrusted to Dr. Sheard as Chairman of the Provincial Board of Health, and Dr. Hedgeits, Secretary ol Spencer, divisional superintendent of the Conadian Pacific Railway, has resulted in A. J, Ryan, an operator at Vankleck Hill, being sent to jail for six months in. bulk, outside. Shorts are quoted at Honey—i3e per Tb in 10-1> tins. : Poullrv—Turkeys, dressed, 14 lg 15¢ per ib; chickens, spring, alive, 10 to bic dressed, 12 to 13c; ducks, alive, Oe; do, The Engish Meat Supply Is F ar From Wholesome. Sir A despatch from London says - ‘The Ontario Government will extend acc ta provide for a reciprocal arrange- ment with other Provinces. In the month of August Canadian banks desreascd thetr - econnmercial luwans by $1.250,000. and Increased their 0S9059-2609600566668008 In the case of children who inherit er d.solay precocity. The guiding to maturity of the simple, Hormel, child, who posses naturally cases of extreme accumulation in’ tho= 9 abdominal cavily a fine tube is some: > Ax limes passed lhrough the wall of the — = exvily and the fluid allowed to_dr the board. The regulations are being) for being under the infuence of liquor] gressed, 11 to 12e. James Crichton-Browne, in deéliveru.f gis aheoadchy 6 tcri0.000 ftom stage to stage of its development, away.—Youth’s Companion. ia ae framed with a view of providing a1 when on duly, It appears thal a couple} play—No. 1 timothy is quoted at $15) {he presidential address af the nae Hon. J. H. Lamont. Atlornev-General. |/% & Comparatively easy matter. — The ay basis for Jlegislalion nexl session.| or nights ago the slation agent found] jo $16 here in car lots. meeting of the Sanilary Inspectors has been appointed fo the Supreme trouble is largely. that the nature of ~———-- Among the recommendations that have been made are proposals thal no cow- heuse shall be permitted unless proper drainage is provided; no building used fir ordinary purposes shall be. within {60 yards of marshy or é6lagnant water; and no chicken coop, hog pen, privy or the operator drunk, and immediately reported the matter to headquarters, <A deleceive was senl dawn and Ryan was leken into custody. He was tried on Thursday before a magistrate at Van- kleek Hill, when the senlence above mentioned was imposed. The new law Straw—88 a ton on track here. Polatoes—69 lo. 65e per bushel. THE DAIRY MARKETS. prinis, 22 to e4c,- and Creamery rules al ee) be lo eld WC. sutler—Pound largé rolisy 20 to tc. se ciation. at Llandudno, referred to -the English meal supply, ond urged the abolition of privale shiughter houses and ine providing of abatloirs and a central office far meal inspection. Then people re longer would find “prize Christmas fat heef absolutely filled. with general Curt Bench of Saskaichewan, and N. p. Beck, K. C., to. the Supreme Court wf Alberta, GREAT BRITAIN, The new Franco-Canadian treaty was precocily is: nat understood. Most par- cnis, for example, bail the signs of i wilh delight, and do all they can -to foster them. They treat. precocity as a gold-mine, to be “worked for all it is worth,” but here they- make a great mislake. AUTUMN COSTUMES, | ro ¥ Among the advanced autumn styles? = none are inore encouraging than the" lailored suils, ae, bps In fact, in suits of all kinds simpli-- Thi 25 to 26c, and Solids at **/2 reat mre Chi _ | cily is the keynote, In cut, in color 799 waler closet shall be within 100 feet of| jx very strict in its provisions against} pwes—Choice. stock selling ab 1% Ol ized tuberculosis.” He added, “If Chi-} oened at Paris on Thursday. There are several types of precocious eigenen ae there happens to ‘be-= +% . a 7 a y - a * "| a a : iy £ : ns - 3 . 3 _ 1 1 . “tase | a building used for the keeping or hand-|ipain hands and operators being under | ape ‘per dozer: in case lots. eigo has Hs jungle, London has is a Lord Brassey, at a meeting of Associa-| children, presenting varying degrees +f)... it is the> dominant tone coke qh y a rg j . ' * : io ; = P tt ‘ “ eure =a ray 7 he ‘ive 14 o Py. . ve . ,! Taras rcp ] TT 7 is “a4 f < ‘ Hi “a ling of milk.” Cleanliness and ventila-| jhe influence of liquor when on duty, Cleese—Large quoted at 13c, and] yin} swamp.” In another part of his ad-Piaq > Chambers of Conimerce of Liver-| peril to the training syslem, and this smart suil: Lage 4 al ficr. are also to be insisted upon, Sick and when many lives are practically in twins al 1334¢. dress the é«minent physician denoineced pool, advocated State ownership of rail- peril is: greatly lessencd by a capacily For walking suits nolhing ts so gasd cows must be weeded out from the herd,} their hands, and the company is en- ho rope what he described as the prevalent! craze ) roads. ta classify the types. There are 1 er dark blue serge with killed skate. no feed stuffs that are likely to impart forcing if wherever a violation is re HOG PRODUCTS. for gelling thin. On oll ~ands, he said, lain children, born: of healthy and Mths and. slightly fiited Zi lawap jacket. a n flavor to the milk must be given, cows ported, Dressed hogs in car lois are nominal.) ya ery is that we eal too much. So UNITED STATES. tellectual slock, wilh. fine physiques. ll Should bea xathe . must not be permilted to drink from stagnant pools, and pure water must be — — ——— . fb Wi = a a L“ je" Racon. long clear, 11 to 114c | aes 1 g9() to $21; short ficrce in saoine quarters is the propagan- dn-of dietetic ascetic-em that, in_dread of Canadian riflemen shooting at Rothes- Ti.ey inheril usually very aclive nerve- cenires, which ‘imply, among other ok oe rough Se ee } nit too heavy in weighl, on accoum. "8 ‘ : * * - > Es = * Ts eh ih wo. | LS. Thess pork, ae bathe sage ; . sah wee : < ae i a of a cif the kilts. - ae | provided for their use. Cleanliness in PINED FOR SHORT TWINE. ait a00 “0 to $23. berg suspected of glutiony. people only |{er on Friday won the 200 and 500 yards ings, quick and eager brain process Biark “ldo: te satly’ ised for sucko- mi respect lo the utensils uscd and OTL thre : 2 : : = Rants | ight Tt medium, 1534 fe 1c indulge ‘heir hi althy appetite in secret, events. | * rhs Phese children are hailed wilh jus- eults: Afier its fate ‘ nee if . nisee : part of those engaged in the dairy busi- Spee er get aber Wan Susy 3A | h avy, 1& to 15¢; rolls, 11%; shoul- |‘ nis crime. Sir James declared, was pro-| A negro woman in West Philadelphia | lice as the legitimare flowering of their astonishingly smart Va 5 q r _ ei ‘eh Wy + : 4 * F | oe - . =— =e se a : a. ee 1 i ; Fe i ode i : : : bn L. ules he ii ‘ " ‘ ry ness is also to be insisted upon. the West. ra “10% fo lie; hacks, 16% to 1.) dicing a debility which sulfevers. there | burned. while, and is now __ becoming Wee os then - lee geet ‘<i Varicly of material. isan importantes Gers, 5 . Aly: rr r Tiel Wael ih elated) rar ‘cf 1) Tee att = mia, : es 15 i “ml were seélkin: womb indul- | black again. cluding, of course, ihe poaor.c ‘ ty ot Aa el A despatch from Olfawa says: J.-L.) preakfast bacon, 1974 2 49 - nails ie ene! Sat fi fa cnet ae naiertapelis has an individual who | slef nacian to wark havoc with the tar, point this ne Wad hs peered ss a = laycock, Dominion Inspector of Bin- ard—Tierces; 12c; 1Ubs, tet, Paes) gence. 1A acon) ee ae ae eee, et ant OEY By ae ORs Re hrvietahted , ss cause. for comphint in (his; ite] se GREAT FIRES IN RUSSIA. Reteder ate eee ani ak tee ac eet tae = EE eee SE Saad a ace A aha gt bi and shortsighted) pich materials. in olviost invisiblee ssi . i a + a. i any fe ty = iIPAwvs Whis on ine i fesses. = = iq l ic} q) Ly = ic a : a +} ce, se i , [ atl 4 q tok! BRE” noes tO oe eB ee OE Fe ee Ne <3 | } Ue cre igi as ye stripes and checks rival in warily -- lusendiaries Destroying the Crown bo oe eh ac 3 ah Ake een BUSINESS Al MONTREAL. INSANE PATTER KILLS CHELD, A turtle weighing 269 pounds, and am These children, being naturally (hs smoother’ —nyaterials ae oud x, I # i i Lala 3 ) 7 Ss J Fi 4 ce TF DAS 5 F rye am mt i or m4 ™ - a oe 4 a T. I, t a F |] inal bet ar An e@norin- - a : aves ; =i" ee | ai , . aa s eanine-The —de- . least two hundred years old, was caught) strong and well, -¢ i eet SS ie Ane Ti a fimber Yards. firm was fined $1,400; bul, as an illus- Montreal, Sept. 24- ae ee = : We Slruck Fler on the Head With a eae Mart a: iehand oN ’ Aig aheunt <coL ake oaeetend without | peels ae ie gc pee Bee. SS vor. Labi if the r-reaching results <«f]) ina fro reign buvers for Manone , : *. - Steen og Veen ee a . ey ae shy in ac ola) With DICK and, green, tid Trequ Se A despatch from St. Petershurg says: es fine, it actualigoben rr : i Jeti eee 5 : path ;{o be quiet. The Brock of Wood. The cost of the new Plaza Hotel at} breaking down, bul they do ei peapaas thread of purple . mae , 2 a as a hi mah { ‘ ¥ A Lh) (a= = ring Wiieidlb © I 3 a Ss : ove r ee oe : ase i 4 . haa oA ne @ wT WNL inve : 1. . “ye 4 ics ; pa any $12.000 by being forced to retog abe sta ihe loc arkel for ofts A despoien from St Jonny N:--B.. se teat oe ; ; mt Ae roadcloths are, Se, - - During the past week a numbe: of pany $12,000 by being forced to reto < lertoné io (he jJocal market [ ats 4 despatch f St Ja) 1 es riftv-Ninch Slreet ie a Ave, in New a Rs be ea! ju vert p lelot} bf course ett ase i 2S : Te in “Tr , : ; ; Bee ' = Mae : ; 1 | “1 j 7 45 ‘ = : ‘Te | pay e'1: . mt i i eT Lee cS . Pi 4 * a + \ | a r! ives have cocurred a: Mie timber yerds what was in the bands of the dealers. | pamains strong. bul prices Show ho fur-| sys: With the arrival at the asvlim | York is fixed-at 312,000,000, | oe Th Ae SEE he kept much with other much as ever for the trimmed or light" 9 ‘airs ens ‘ ; ! as > & . mains Stor... has : on see ath wits ited ane ay 4 ma ke } iP ., belonging to the Crow including whe Some 250 tons-had to be retagged, re | ypor change, No. 2 white were made a) bere on Wednesday: fight, of Honore Five persons, members of the sect o children. noticed: tittlesby their-elders cilored suit, and are usually supple 7 jai Fae cd fat = i . t = 4 ry cz . =f - i. aut ele i Fn et a ‘ = 7 3 7 _— “ym Kw , 7 7 1 1 Fat a). 0 ee i 7 Wala as hela i i] ri] { i a : Diels ; as 4% i great works in the Busuluk Forest, ducing its valu¢ $40 per ton, making |xo1. ana pew crop Quebec No. 3 al 50¢|Reaul‘ou, a French-Canadian farmer of] Varhamites, are under arrest al ae: dol acai ae physical pursuits, and Tented by a swaistooat of - handsome Sse Province of Samara, two works in [ba 7 loss of obaut e10.000. There were|~%? ee l e store ~ Bigur—$5.75. for, Beker Lake, Madawaska County, came | for lorcuring a woman lo death, lirteres tec ae P tise pe : relate : silk brocade, | Pravince of Nijnt «Novgorod, and) the other aASes RA mewhat similar but this aoe esis Sar ite e515 for seconds,|the s'ory of a terrible crimeé Last Sun- Cassie Chadwick, the wilch of finance, | molded Into. symmetry bye) persis\en The special novelly of the season is, a t 4 a ee Ah es eee bb 5 k choice palenis, rnni ele de {hi . 4 | . . F is ‘ z stl: : b ’ large deposits in the Province of Ore! qs hs atents. $5.75: | day tierning, while | tate of frenzy however, Lhe combination of a so A ~ ; onc? Was the first, ‘Laing. caring wheat patents, %5.75;) day merning, whlle in a stale ol frenzy, | * TAY ae ee ! -wever,. Lh i | it Mage been ot éncendiary Origin, dus FOURTEEN KILLED IN MINE See ct 55. straight rollers, $425 te|and struck his four-year-old daughter | term. pee as haere Ms Re yo 3 ae checked-matérial, or samewhal a ez ee S65 10 oid, Stale! ig - fa dissatisfaction wilh the Inlended in- ‘ ef aye : so) ire +5) Go i: ON TAS. : : = = ae . 7? a. rf troduction of reforms in the Ger \ Cage Full of Men Dropped Down the es9 Ne m Pa ion ‘bran, in| inslantly.. Beaulieu’s wife. and two} Brooklyn, N.Y., has sueceeded in curing | ceria SS BURS wrong with the hinge not loua: | yards: Which ithohas heen. discovered “Chat | 31.69 et Ae Ve iis SI to $27 per |tcen were present al-the Ume and di-}a case of virulent. telanus by the persis- parents Who ih hts ‘ifterent tinpo These suiis make a. very prelly~ ore gravely mismanaged. It ts stated onaut bags, S2= to > es anoeiohe. @>1 to $22: |.vined the crazed father’s intention, but | tent injection of anti-toxin. : mass ras SAE} ee | ane “p aoe change if they-are nol spoiled . before: ape eMie EL BONS #0 renee 6 rm ees A despat ey tram vie MS tte, Michi; port ee eae nat mmouillic: Sor Felore they could — disarm him the From a match thrown upon @ lene- af Precocicus children. pepe the season Qpens by (he chance that. Vassilchikoff, general director of land gan, says: A cor filled wilh mén, while = 1 Ths t shorts, per 10 a terrific blow on the head, killing her | bleeding body of Tits child was stretch- was stricken blind at the Ohio Peniten- A doctor in Williamsburg Hospital, ment house bed in New York, a fire re- holding bark. f.ent at four. years of age, bul there wispring offen of gouly or tuberculo- effect than the coal—bul, ‘above they offer to those checker-board plaids* ereanizgaton and agriculture, that he in- Leing kowered into a mine at Negau-| per ton, a tee cael : sg ee Rete aes Rcaulieu. who is.a|sulled- that. rouled” thirty-two: families |.3!5 parents, and inher + ne ne. pk end awning stripes with whieh’ we Heyer fctuis la resign. nee, Mich., fell to the ‘bottom of the } Provisions- aDELELS ae Fe lo sifvn: | comparatively young man, had been | from their home. disease, al least: toully payed saniidran been surfeiled during the Jast summer. ~ © al sheft on Friday and fourteen men were | to 522.00; Sian 7 - a4 Hl Jone | showing symploms of insanity for} Accountants for the United States) 7 * Hen ease, paren sR TVA Dark blue or black codts willr Scotch, ~ t FATAL NEGLECT OF DUTY. kiiled and a number injured. The ac-| clear. fal backs, ae te 83150: half. | sme lime; and had beem kept under a|/Gevernment have estimated thal the ol greal mental ee cah eR : as are | Eidids look very stunning. One model ; TaN cident occurred in the rolling, mill) cus heavy mes, apres: ap ait long | C!se watch, although he had not given] earnings of the Standard Oil Company Rave phenomenal esa ¢ other | Suown was a very dark gray coat with Eleven Persons Killed and Twelve Hurt} wine. The steel cable broke and the | barrets do, $10.79 lo @ih.ol, ary ~ tindicalions of a homicidal tendency pre-| since 1885 have been over §800,000,000, developed at. the expense © vei. | 4 Skirt of almost invisible check in- pale: hy Boiler Explosion. A despateh from Toluca, 6nys: Mexico, Neglect of duly on the part of an employe resulled in the death of 11 per- jured are being cared for, ree BS SEVERE EARTH SHOCKS. cage dropped seven lumdred feet. [he bodies have been laken out and the in- Clear bacon, 10 to 11/4¢, heef. S14 to $16; half-barrels da, 87.50 lo se 25: barrels heayy mess heel, S10: half- barrels do. $9.50; compound lard, 10% to 1080; pure lard, 1137. to 124; kettle- barrels plate} | vacusly, mind is altribuled to excessive worry aver business. troubles, — | ————— The unbalancing of the man’s t A Chicogo woman has offered to al- that a Virginia inventor may attempt. to restore life wilh his. artificial respirator, Schullz and his wile and four low herself to be asphyxiated in order | mental faculties: They are not physi- cally strong enough for any sustained effort. and after a brilliant childhood they. exhaust themselves and become commonplace, grays. The waistcoat was in old blue of me decidedly grayish tint. This mixed are rangement, so far, is only seen. ith wore 4 Olla ; " walking sults, ' ceil - ny he ee ect Si ; sl ip: ‘ams 31) ‘ oT — Th ee aoe = These chil should he made to ’ rae propae’? pct peton Seats Pads "pate didssbin ss" nite em’ os “a fy e| NEW REGIMENT TO GUARD CZAR." | chitdren were crushed to death under a ee ee aed ae effort being |. Long "skirt suits have fancy coats or — and 6eTHOUS njury lo ea others, on The People ol San iernardino, Cali, l: Pes hren 4 baht ae : 1 . zs ' ae nat ee | Te es - al! which was hlown down during FM st a ‘s 1 t ' as % art constitution. jeunty hip jackets, three-quarters s r Tuesday, through the exposion of (a Were Badiy Frightened, Windsor bacon. lo lo bo 4c, fresh AicG it Is to Be Composed of Especially |...) at Fort Wayne,-Ind. Pe eaeTi i ae 4 stil' longer coals that almost reach ke roller in the Ferrer factory at Asorra- dero, The authorities after an investiga- tion declared that the explosion was due lo the neglect of an employe in allowing surplus sleam to escape. nts ieaeennccmenta o any |r ioe d1/p: tacter a1/ +! the -crenlio ifs ew regiment of life ; a = shake-up in the arrangements of many) Townships, 12%c, Eastern, In% 16 ae: ey aah ae Syke anertill Peps: Harry. Robinson. a. Salvation Army.| Dropsy is not a disease in itself, bul) confounding this with the flat braid) households was expt rienced here of | 123Z¢, guards, composes Ra «aie Mikes tp Se ee immediately after being. com-| isa symplom associated with ® mUm-| edge—that passed with. the, summer FROM ST. JONN, QUE., TO CHICAGO. |Tiursday evening. In the mountains UNITED STATES MARKETS. ailicer's, ee ee e ety : = milled: to jail al Connersville, Ind.. as| he: of different diseases, chiefly of the The litle bruidcd-hip jackcls are very —= lhe shock was most severe, causing greal : . | soldiers drawn. from regiments. througn- an idntas tn, WAS Grand Trunk as Conlinuous Double Longest Siretch of Track. ifarnia, says:. An earthquake shock thal brought lrees lo sway as if whipped by a mighly Lem pest. ported, A despatch from San, Bernardino, Cal- residenls of this cily inla the streets in alarm and caused a general Noa. serous. damage was. re- abattoir dressed hogs, $9 to $9.35) alive, er95 to $6.50. . Buller—Townships,. 24c; Cuehecr, 221% to 23c. Eggs—Na. 1 can- died and straight receipts, <0 lo 2iec per aeven. Cheese—W esléern, 12% LO L524; Duluth, Sept. 24.—\ heat No. 1 hard. 81.11%; No. 1 Northern, $1.10)4; No. 2 Northern, $1.08}; Sept, S1.08%; Dec., Selected Soldiers. A despatch [rom St. Pelersburg says: Far -the further protection of his own person, Emperor Nicholas has ordered the com- divi the lout the entire Russian army, personal recommendation of manders of the various corps, who are Mrs. Minnie: Conroy of Erie, Pa., has filed a petilion for divoree because she find out thal her husband,-whom she hud married the day before, wore false teeth, insane, killed Austin Ford, and brutally assaul.ed another prisoner, ‘The Italian beggar is practically ab- A country life is almost a necessity in ihcir case, and the menial development shou'd be made as gradual as possible. heart and kidneys, effusion of a watery fluid either into the loose tissues lying beneath the skin, into the cavilies of the body, or into [ne edge of the skirt, Braiding of all kinds, more €specially lhol suggesting the mililary, 1s -yery popular, Don't however, make the mistake «f— new and are appropriate wilh e¢ilher yy lang or short skirts, For a young girl there con be noe : D lie streets lew York cily revlier long-skirt castume than -4& A despatch from London, Ont., says: ft —— 81.07%; May, $1.11. ic be held strictly responsible for the| sent h phi lies Se dete al ey. oe ; ibd: the deeper parts and tissues of the or- Evaats liltle ane da model whose oniy Bigeremey neo”) Hage. ne). te: Crane HEARTLESS MOTORISTS. "Milwaukee, Sepl. 2%#—Wheat—No. 1] good: behavior of their appointees. The} I @ Cay S OOsthva lol, nen eeu. | guns. novelly lies in ils material, a curious ~ das ‘SePraahat Dege tl se stone ta oe Nerthern, $1.07 to $4.09; No. 2 Northern, | members of this new regiment will be gee Lal fp aticrgae'. Bee: Ration, ‘|The lerm edema is applied to | gray-brown velveteen, slrelch of continuous double track im They Frightened a Lad’s Horse but Gave | $1.04 to $1.06; Dec., 99%c. Rye No. 1,| chosen individually, will be required to te aa f ranett: : agi ous So coay York | dropsy of the deeper parts of the body| The collar and caffs of the bolero are ae week WaT et Dey ASI Uh, Te- Ole. Barley—No. 2, 93¢; sample, 70 to| have manifested exceptional trustworthi- NEICTUN e be: aie. ok a ell as to that of the tissues just] ¢f “mod'e” broadcloth Short sleeves — maining tew <miles= west Of this city. me eee: ae. Gorn No. 3, cash, 6{ to 613c;| ness and devolion to the throne, and | P page's sae oe SSS, SINS pe Ree The effusion of fluid} give the picturesque touch; it re one he ‘ MCS 3p ‘ Pe eth eg een oe ri slac oe the orders after serving twenty-five years, was]! © SKU, paar . The line will then be double-tracked A despatch from London, Ont., says .- Dec., 56%c bid. will be placed under the orders of the i £ ¥ , inte thee abdominal scavity is oP Oe BF from St. John, Que., to Chicago and ‘t i ‘ans Wi - | Rebbi ear m1 (51 2 skyscrapers and especially the change 18 expected that A en pon glean Rebbie Henderson, a 14-year-old boy.|¢1 0414: Dec:, $1054; May, $1.09. ere: He ae oe rad etsertre? E ung Tho fluid of dropsy is usually clear} Long sleeves are uscd in all tailor mence running belore Oct. 1. Cl rer. away throwing the lad out and] pyour—First patents, $5.20 to $5.30; in style s* dresses. oh ok &. Pda Sauteed. Coe aticoa abioncoee : work was slarled about eight years ago. —— ——p_ -—_— STANDARD OIL PROFITS. Nearly Five Hundred Millions in Seven Years is Record, A despatch from New York says: Pro- Frightened by an aulo a horse driven by breaking his leg on Wednesday. In falling his feet became entangled in the reins and he was dragged -along the road behind the galloping horse for over 100 feet. The moior parly wheeied right away, Without stopping ta help the boy. eee es oe é . MK. T. C. PATTERSON DEAD : fits aggregating $490,515,084 were made —— lic bulcher trade. Choice €xporters’ killed in-a wreck On the Mexican Cen-} ayiqy newer than the two-piece bias affairs, by the Standard Oil Company in the | ya postmaster of Toronto for Twenty-| calile sald up to $5,25 per cwt..- The a. tral Railroad, Dropsy begins in the dependent parts} {hough the latter are worn just as seven yenurs from 1899 to 1906. Testi- Siehi. Beasts quotations ranged from $4.00 Lo $4.90 . The. French Government has hopes! arp the body. the feet and. ankles if the | much. mony to this effeck was given by ASSIS- ot ne fer medium, and from $4.90 to $5.25 NAN AND BEAR FIGHT. {hal the rebellious Moorish tribesmen per on is oul of. led. cilher sitting in a Bias bands, simulaling a hem, form tant Comptroller Fay of the company in A despatch from Toronto says:- Mr. ] [op good to choice, ‘ = will accept the terms of peace offered, chair or walking about. This swelling] (he (rimming in this cise.- Kills of all tha Federal hearing here on Wednes-| Thomas C. Patterson, Postmaster of the | Choice and select bulchers’ cattle,| 4 Thrilling Encounter in Little “Rob President Cabrera, by his suspicion) ot first disappears during the night,| sorts depend entirely upon the weare day, In the same period the companys | (ily of Toronto, who had been ill with @:°60 to $5.25; good butchers’ catile,]- ‘ . ania of Mexico, is relarding the negotiations while the patient is in bed, bul returns! er’s taste. gross assels Increased from $200,701,623 | pneumonia for several days, died at Si to $4.60; common butchers’ cows suKe. fer. a permanent peace in Central avain toward evening ef the following They are made only in walking lo $71,604,001. This is the rst ime the; tis residence, 114 Dowling Avenue, al} and mixed tts, $3 to $3.50 per cwl A despatch fronmr Peterboro~ says:| America. > ee : cay, Finally it increases so in amount) jerigths. however, and must be faull company's Curnings have been made) midnight Friday, He was 71 years of Ileanvy feeders were steady at .54 10) William Coons. a Kinmount man,- had Twenty-seven Japanese officers anda Hint il persists throubh the might un- ‘esely filled above the hips, : public. dee. SH), Lillle business was transacted nn exciling experience on his w ay hame | Men. were killed near Kureal ‘by il @X- uffec'ed by the removal of Lhe pull cf $$$ — in sleckers, which sold from- $2.75 lo} from Bobeaygeon, where he had paddled piosiom ono batlieship during Target | eravily, + —— = JAPAN Wil NOT CONSENT Ottawa's Request tor Less Emigration Will Be Refused. A despalch fram Toklo says: Olluwa reports of the efforts of the Canadian authorities lo induce Japan to enler a formal agreement placing a fixed year- ly Umit upon a number of Japanese inimigrants have aroused greal popular inlerest here. Any such negolialions are Aoomed t6 the some failure that has marked Anmierican efforts in the eime direclion, as the Japanese hold {hat such’an agreement or treaty would | she wonld never consent. This “senti- fs A despatch from Portsmouth, Eng] Thousand Unmarried Women Sail for accidents in the tare of ae ri ‘ug bollom up, not far from sho™ te ‘tantamount to en abrogation of | ment is-‘generally endorsed by the RIG THING FOR ENGLAND land, savs: The plans of the Admirally Tada” on oiialite occurred after sundown on W ednesday found no tace of the missing ones the!y rights; guaranteed by the exist-|prrss. though the more ¢onservative 5 ae Seg Ee AL for oa new and larger vessel of the : ; night, when Jason Nickerson and his | ‘Thursday morning a search was begun ing trealics;. . hi oS manifest . a growing disposi- Promising New Varieties of Wheat and Dreadnought class have. been received A despalch from Liverpool] says: The ten-year-old boy were drowned by the} by a large numbér of people, and in Ht ‘the Government of,’Fopan never | to, 19 recdgnize that the low charac-}°° é : at tha constructian departmen} here,|yemarkable+ exedus of marriageable | capsizing of a boat in the harbor, not) short Ume both bodies wero discev- wind willingly take such a step. Even} i; of many of the Japanese in Canada Barley. accompanied hy orders ta commence from England to the} faz from their home, Nickerson, who | ered close to the landing, in about five were the ‘authorities willing, they would not’ dare to in view of the pre- viiling public senliment. A high vov- ernment authority states that Japan has nat consented to enter upon lim- ilition, negoliations, with Canada. Mr.) work on Government Ibis conference with Sir Wilfrid] ens Japan's case agains! Canada. Laurier is confined to discussion and cans 10 prevent any unfriendly move- nents ‘laward. Japanese. laborers, In an official stalement of its posi- tion, the Foreign Office says that un- cer the treaty mo limitation can be Elaced upon Japanese subjects to live in Bnilish possessions, To consent to @ limitation would mean to limit Jap- ain’s status as a world Power, to which nud América is a contribuling: Anflu- “eo to the fomenting of trouble, ‘the Asahi remsrks that the recent deportation of Chinese coolles who had wen Drought in by thé: contractors to railroads weak- Minneapolis, Sept. 24.—Wheat—sept., second patents, $5 to $9.10; first clears, 63.0) lo $4: second clears, $3.10 to $3.20. In bulk, $20.73 lo $21. LIVE STOCK MARKET, Toronto, Sept. 24.—Few heavy export calls were brought fomvard, and mos! of the higher ones sold for the domes- iran So.e0 per cw. Good grain-fed lambs were quoted at S5 to $5.65 per cwl: export ewes. sold —h JAP STEAMER BURNED. —— that One Hundred Persons Lost Their Lives. Estiniafed A despaich from. Shanghai says: The Japanese sleamer Tafoo Maru has been burned three miles off Ching Kiang, on the right bank of the Yangtse Kiang, forty-five miles from Nanking. It is_re- ported that-one hundred lives were. lost. The Tafoo Maru, formerly the Tahung Maru, {s of 1,758 tons register, was built iu Japan, launched in 1900, and belongs to the Osaka Shosen Kabushiki Kaisha feccmpany) of Osaka, Jupan. She is 299 fect long, has 40 feel beam and draws 1134 fect ‘of water. A despatch from London says: The Cambridge -scientisis, after elght years’ fests, claim to have created varieties of wheat and barley which will surpass in quality the Manitoba hard grain and in- creasa the value of English grain by. at | }east 10 per cent, commander of the Imperial palace. AUGUST'S AWFUL RECORD, The police slalistics for the month of August record the carrying oul of 31 sentences of death, the assassination ‘of 309 persons, of whom 107 were Govern- ment officials and 202 were citizens, and the wounding of 173 pctople in various encounters. in a canoe.on Tuesday. While crossing Lilthe Bob Lake in the dusk he @ncéun- t¢red a black bear swimming in the struck alt it with his paddle. It was then the discaovery was made that il was a bear, and. with oné stroke of his paw {ne canoe was upset and the man. and bear were struggling in the water. The Mr. Coons at last reached shore, after having been in the water about half an hour, it was with a suit of badly torn clothes-and oa bodv wilh many seralclies made by the bear's heavy claws. i -_ STILL ANOTHER DREADNOUGIIT. —a Orders for Vessel of ~19,500 Tons Re- ceived at Portsmouth. Luilding the warship {mmediately. The displacement of the new véssel will he 19,800 tons... The - ship. here, will be leunched before the oné to be built at Devonport, orders for the construction of which wera announced September ‘1 a creally astonished on seeing the cily’s GENERAL. Russia will spend nineteen million dellars in fortifications at Viladivostock, New Zealand's new aril gives. Bri- lain a preference of from 10 to 20 per cent, : Thirty persons are said to have been practice. ciles. may be cloudy or even milky, or it may have a reddish tint. The swelling «f cdema can be distinguished from swel- ling due to other causes by the fact thal if the finger is pressed firmly on the skin for a mément a depression, er pit, will be caused, which will re- main for a time after the finger is laken Dropsy may be due to a number «f tussia. taking. advantage of her ra- Nol Enough Men to Supply Deniwind lor New Posls. A despatch from Otlawe says; Lieut- allack had evidently infuriated the -ani- | mal, for he fought viciously, and when} peturned from a tour of inspection in Cal, Fred White, Comptroller of- the Reyal North-West Mounted Poliee, has the West. Everything is working sal- Istactorily in the foree, Gol. White re-] ports. the only difficully being to fur- nish the number of men required by the increase of population -in the new provinces, where the settlers are con- tinually petitioning for the establish- ment of police posls, BACHELORS, BEWARE! vung women tinited Stales and Canada is emphasiz- ed by the departure of a thousand un- married women on the steamer Baltic, while several. hundred more were among the total of 5,000 passengers car- fied on the three steamrs which sailed Gui Thursday, pnt 2S cent treaty with Britain, has iAreaten- } boy with causes; it usually is associated with ad- vunced ad sease® of the heart or kidneys, al $4 lo $4.40 per cwt. water, and for a time it looked as if the} ek. lo oceupy North Persia unless the }qait it may also eecur when ihe blood wifle?” “ET told her: that’ of courses’ Miich cows Were sleady LIL PICS nt bear wos poing i Come oul the victor anarchy on ihe fronticr is SUPpPTes: Oc. is wialery or when il Soe ae ca didn’t know ] had only been miurried $4) to $60. each. in the encounter. Coons al first thought i ee ed poisonous material which affects the once? wf their very occasional appearance at the present moment, A peculiar length is seen in many’ trimmed coats, thal shows just. about arn inch or so of lhe wrist, where the opening is very. broad, Japanese sieeves are used in many eouls for older women, only the very leng ones, though, And skirl-gores, «¢ven and nine, are “Mrs. Cissic said sho. thought it must be very pleasnnt to be married lo a cles ver man.” “And what did you sayy FATHER AND SON DROWNE ogs were ‘weak at $6.12%4 for se-| whe iti short distance ic are. acai . a. Hog were ete: K" at pees aie Me when within a short distance ol - the WEST NEEDS MORE POLICE. — —————— vee lects, and $5.87 for lights and fals.| pear that the animal was a dog ind ‘3 + : 2) ' i se cs _ a hy ws | ‘i r “-, <a" Bodies Were Found Clasped Other's or in Each = Arms, a: A despalch [rom Clarke's Ilarbor, Ncva Scotia, says: One of the saddest was employed in building a wharf for the Doglish Reduction Works here, lett for home wilh other hands at 6 o'clock, bub went back. afler supper to the wharf im his skiff to get some-log ends. AS {so evening was fine,.he took his Tittle for a row across the har- - ¥ | a St = il hi ilies + ie ie i F 43 . nee ' mail eg , o4 7: = - & — eel ph ia. ' i 5 7 A 4 — : ‘ i - = : — a " Pan oe i+ oe = - ‘ a = is - a _e | Lg ae - = - ol i ca } Fo A a 4 ¥ ‘ok as fe : é a ‘a i eg 3 ia ES ee oe ek 2 2 Pea ee ee ee _ — am a — = a a at Pee a j when the accident happened. bor. As they. did not return neighbors went to look for thay hours later and found the b fect of waler. IL was on alleclng signt ~~~ when the bodies of [alher and son wero brought lo the surlace, clasped go Ughl-, ly in each othcr’s arms that it required 9 an ¢cffort lo separate them. ~ No othep ay person wos wilhin a mile-of the spot 9) mo = + iJ = a is A a 2 pat j