Flesherton Advance, 7 1927, p. 8

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o JE HAS just Slaced 3 in stock a ase very ine line of Fall Suitirigs, consisting of Tweeds and Serges 6 2a vaGs CReviors and Worsteds of the latest Ba pattern. See some of his Overcoat- jounce ; Compound Kargon, one ounce Simple Home Recipe Get from any perscription pharma- cist the followings— ' Fluid’ Extract ‘Dandelion one-half Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Shake well in a botile and: take a ie AOS dose after each oS and at bedtime The above is considered by amemi- nent authority, who writes in a New York daily paper, as the finest | prescription ever written to relieve backache, kidney trouble, weak blad- der and all forms of urinary difficul- ties. "This mixture acis promptly on the eliminative tissues of the kid- neys, enabling them to filter’ and strain the uric acid and other waste ‘|matter from the blood which causes ro] 0) DUFFIELD, *”° ings. + No trouble to show goods ‘“ whether you want to buy or not.-:-: certainly comes Tailor, Monkton Bargains! regular 25c, this week for... 1 lb. of Baking Powder sold 15 Cents Good Ceylon Green Tea re- gular price 25c, this week... 20 Cents Good Fresh Fruit, all kinds, every Thursday of each week Sugar $5.00 Per-Cwt. Fresh groceries kept in stock and at lowest prices. Suitable rooms to rent for dressmaking. Am adding Guenther’s bread daily. Assorted Cakes, Jelly A Great Effect. Goldwin Smith In the institutions of the American tepublic there is at least one great defect. It is the consequence of fol- lowing Montesquicu, who, misread- ing the British constitution fancied that the separation of the execuiive from the legislative was the key to constitutional government, Thecon- sequence has been the lack of trained statesmen, who in England are form- by holding the subordinate offices of Government together with seats in Parliament. Parties in the United States are now painfully in quest of candidates for the Presideney. It is a_ pretty blind hunt. This is a. consequence and a'gn of the lack of trained states- mem Another mistake, one cannot help thinking, is the removal of ex- ‘Presidents from public life. One man there is who has practical ex- perience,, With a full measure of the wisdom necessary for the guidance of th eState, and whose voice,when he speaks om public affairs, is always beard with marked respect. That min is Mr. Cleveland, who is pract- ically excluded f:om public life. Why Simply bccaus2? he has held, and shown his capacity for holding, the office now to be filled. What would British poliiitcs have been if every Rolls, Etc,, once a week. We keep no books, but buy and sell for CASH JOHN T. GiLt BRUNNER On September 15th the, pastor, teachers and all the children of the Lutheran Sunday Schoo] of Poole and quite a number of the congregation gathered at the home of their Super- intendent, Mr. Henry A. Fleischauer, and surprised him by presenting him with a beautiful Morris rozker which Mr. Fleischauer appreciates . very much. (The pastor gave a lengthy and suitable address and asked Mr. Fleischauer to accept the chair as a small tiken to show the high esteem in which he was held by the congre- gation and Sunday School. The Sun- day School scholars sang several suii- able hymns after which tea was ser- ved cighty five partaking thereof. All parted for their respective well pleased with the iertainment. homes evenings en- Quality in Population Should be Aimed at. In this young country we should aim for quality as well as quantity im population. In this conneztion listen to the voice of American ex- perience speaking through the Wash- ington Star—Our cities love to grow big. ‘They emulate one another in thia respect. They watch the de- cennial census figures with jealous eyes, and woe betide the unhappy enumerator or computer or statisti- cian who blunders in the matter of a sufficient number to cause an appar- ent change of rank. Every city that has passed the 500,000 point aspires to reach the million mark. Every city with a million at once undertakes to score the two-million point. New York is today looking anxiously forward to the day when it will show five million inhabitants. If the municipalties of the United States were to have set up standards of quality rather than those of quan- tity a few decades ago, there would be less crime to record and punish today. Look for a moment at New York, with its population of nearly if not quite 4,000,000, and its foreign born quota of more than one-third the total. Look at its epidemic of Crime now raging, its state of panic, its inadequate police foree, its brok- em Jaws on all grades and kinds—in short, its close approach to demoral- ization, This state of affairs can be traced to the one great evil, quan- lity, We have been populition maid for years. We are beginning toreal- ize our folly. Prime Minister,, upon his first re ignation of office had been political- ly laid on the shelf for the rest of his his days? = —___— The Canadian Newspaper Di- rectory. We have just received from ile publishers, A, McKim, Limited, of Moutreal & Toronto, a copy of the L907 edition of the Canadian News- paper Directory. This is the fourth edition of this valuable work, which is filling a very real need in Canada, and deserves a place on the desk of every business mam It is ithe only newspaper Dir- ectory published in Canada that has rone beyond a first edition and it has now become the standard work of reference for all information about rhe WwW & pact pee rs. It not only lists and describes fully every periodical in the country, giv- ing full particulars but it supplies, as well a comprehensive Guazecteer | of the Dominion. | Comparing this edition with former rheumatism. Some persons who suffer with the afflictions may not feel inclined to place much confidence in this sim- mixture, who have tried it say the results are ‘simply surprising, the relief being effected ple yet those stomach or other organs. Mix some amd give it a trial. It highly recommended It is the preseription — of an eminent authority, whose entire reputation, it is said was established by it. A druggist here at home when: ask- ed stated that he could either supply the ingredients or mix the preserip- tion. for our readers, also recommends it as harmless. atta KEEP YOUR NERVES STRONG. No Surer Road to Hl-Health Than Neglect of the NERVES. ’ "The nervous system ~ ministers equally to man’s physical as it con- tributes to man's intellectual pos Crs. Modify its activity, we have various forms of hallucination,, mental de- press.on, sleeplessness and hysteria. If you say a man is strong it im- plies that his mervous system 1s strong. If you say that a woman’s nerves are weak you affirm what is absolut- ely true, that her | whole physicial condition is so far below the par that eollapse may easily follow. No remedy has ever been devised that will compare with Ferrozone in nervous maladies. Ferrozone does not effect the ner- ves as hypnotics or sedatives which lull them into obedience—it makes them stron@ because it contains the corstituents that are necessary to make nerve strength. Ferrozone makes blood, Ferrrozone gives strength. Ferrozone forces appetite, assimilation of food. Ferrozone imparts to the whole or- ranism, vim, endurance, buoyancy. No matter how nervous you are or how lone this condition has prevail- ed. use Ferrozone, and in a month vou will have convincing proof of its tonic and restorative power. Perfectly safe evem for children, absolutely sure to restore anyone ner- vous unstrung and hysterical. Ferrozzone cures not by stimula- tion, but by nourishing and feeding the rervous organization with the elements it lacks: try Ferrozone, sold in, 5Oc. boxes by all druggists, AsSsures SHINGLES FOR SALE I have just received a car of British Columbia Red Cedar XXXX, best brand, that I will sell at $1 per bunch or $3.00 per square of 3 bunches, Anyone want- ones, we note a large increase in the}! | number of papers which have suppli- | '!ng shingles, here is your chance at the | ed detailed statments of circulation | Brynner Station Lumber Yard. supported by affidavit and thereby received the Star of Honor, This 1s Also other Lumber, Hemlock, Plank as it should be and helps (to put] Scantling, Dressed Pine and Cedar Posts newspaper advertising on & mOre| Fie. at reasonable prices. busimess like basis. The rapid growth of the mew weatern provin- Rekunst ces is very apparent, for they are C. G. ERB, Oiterio credited with fully twice as many papers as in 19065. = a ee = The McKim Advvertising Agency publisher of the work has been form- ed Lito a limited company, capitalized at $200,000, to be known as A. Me- Kim, Limited with headquarters at Montreal, a branch office in Toron- to, and representatives in New York and London, Enge., ‘This change has beem made to facilitate the handling of their steadily increasing business. Ever since this business was found- ed by Anson McKim more than twen- ty years ago, the McKim Agency has stood hich in favor with both pub- lisher and advertiser. . Their meth- ois are right up-io-date—enterpr:s- ing, progressive and systematic to a degrec. The firm has won an enviable re- putation for fair dealing and prompt payments and is undoubtedly at the head of the profession in this coun- try. a A aad teh MONKTON LIVERY ! First-class horses and rigs. Commercial and local business catered for. tr Prompt attention given to all orders by telephone or otherwise. Synopsis of Canadian North-West Homeetead fF Regulations NY even numberd section of Dominion Landsin Manitoba or the North-west Provinces, excepting & and 26, not reserved, may be homesteaded by any person who is the sole head of a family, orany male over 18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter section of 160 acres, more or less. Entry may be made personally at the loca land office for the district in which the land is situate, orifthe homesteader desires, he may, on application to the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa, the Commissioner of Im- migration, Winnipeg, or the local agent re- ceive authority for some one to make entry or him. The homesteader is required to perform the conditions connected therewith under one of the following plans: (1) At least six months’ residence upon and cultivation of the landin each year for three years. (2) If the father (or mother, If the father is deceased) of the homesteader resides upon a farm in the vicinity of the land entered for the requirements as to residence may be sat- isfled by such person residing with the father or mother. (3) Ifthe settler has his permanent resi- dence upon farming land owned by him in the vicinity of his homestead, the require- ments as to residence may be satisfied by residence ttpon the said land. Six months’ notice in writing should be given to the Commissioner of Dominion Lands at Ottawa ofintention to apply for 3 OHN BUCHAN, Proprietor patent. W. W. CORY, eputy of the Minister of the Interior =—s SS ee eet) sk pe ag peek ger inns oe , KOl a \ $444444444644464464644666464646444444444 =, winite. us for catalogue. ieee A. REA, " piete It makes new friends constantly and brings many pleasures. PRICES FROM $1.00 TO $25.00 Royal Hotel, Market Square, As pee ages pana choc te aalpnigen a ae" aoa ee Ca ee yh eee : > ante oR fe apn Dine . : : Hy) We into the open beauties ruggist and Gioesian, next to the } ara DAK \ is a useful article, one i// that takes its owner out Vi) of nature. It developes artistic tastes and teaches a use- ful and most enjoyable art, St ratfo rd _Fosseserntnentnenetnenenenneneen — = Lf) b beautiful hanging pots of flowers sur- I Cc increase liver activity, bowels to perfect actiom and postiv- without the slightest injury to the|® dant and Butternut, 25c. per box at dealers. , W..L. Bradley, C. P..R. agent. at ‘lmira, can be congratulated on the act of his having the best appearing’ tation on the Guelph and Goderich ranch. It is much admired for the ‘ounding it. Mr. Bradley was r.- ently married to Miss Mabel Uren, of Ingersoll, and the bringing of his bride to Elmira, no doubt, had much to do with his making his surround- ings at home and station as bright | C. P: R. Time Table. ‘ Trains (vill leave West Monkton and Going West Going East and cheerful as possible. — - -|8.39-... 11.00....-Milverton. 8,24 -.. "6.09 ; to Disease. | 8.54 ... 11.15 ... W Monkton8.09 . .09 A Cordial SAIVRESEL OP o 9:04 .. 11.23 ... McNanght 7.59 ... 5.59 9-16 va 25,37... | Walton -7,49)...p0.49 This is an apt description of con- stipation, It’s an unatural condition to begin with, and it’s more because it brings about blood deterioration, interferes with digestion, renders you susceptible to ignfectious diseases and causes anaemia. Not so much a purgative as a natural stimulant to the bowels is what you want. You get it in Dr. Hamilton’s Pills which restore the ly cure constipation and its atten- evils. Insist on having only Hamilton's Pills of pera al Dr. Sn Oatsin Feeding The fact cannot be questioned that the oat crop is the safest grain crop G. T. R. Time Table Trains leave Atwood Station, North and South as follows : Going South Going North Express 7.30 a.m, Express 9.35 a. m, Express 11.53 a, m, Express 8.26 p, m, Express 3.30 p.m, Express 1.21 p, m. BRICK! “eWe make the brick that made Monkton famous, seNo building material shows off a building like our celebrat- that can be fe d to live stock, says ed Terra Cotta brick. a8 Tog Prof. Shaw. “lt cam be fed toa wid- . er range of animals than any other “eQuotations given on applica- grain. It is adapted to a larger tion. to number of uses in feeding than any other grain, and is fed, in more mix- tures. For young swine oats are a W. Hi BARNHARDT good feod providing the hulls are silt- \ : ed out. Otherwise the bulls are too) Monkton, — Ontario course to suit their digestion. They make a splendid food for brood sows when pregnant, given and made into slop alone, or along with bran. For sows in milk the same mixture is fine and is further improved by ad- ding ground corn. he two former are fine for milk production. The latter aids im maintaining flesh. For swine during the growing per- iol @~round oats are also good, alone or With other grain, but corn is bet- ter than oats for swine that are be- ing fatiened.” ——_—_— ROSTOCK, D. Knechiel has purchased acres from Mr. ra Crawford for the sum of $2,2( Mr. Knech- tel now has the at <a where his buildings are situated. Mrs. Dan Schlotzhauer and Melville, who spent som2? time ing friends in Berlin have turned. Rev. H. ducted quarterly Evangelical church Sunday. Mr, Reibling, sr., returned on Fri- day fron a visit io Berlin and Wat- =, Mr. 50 son, Visli- just re- Dierlamm, of Lisbon, con- meetings in the on Saturday and erloo, Miss Lizzie Riebling is spending several days in Berlin. Mr. Ezra Ricbling left on Thursday for Detroit. Mr. C. Debus spent Sunday with his parents. Mrs. J. Knechtel who had her an- kle sprained two weeks ago is not yet abls to get around. Mrs. J. Kreuter visited Mrs. J. Knechiel on Sunday. Mr. 8S. Obm, of Mornington, spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in and around Rostock. Mr. 8S. Schlotzhauer was recently kicked by a colt. He is still unable to do much. work. Mr. G. Diehl has his chopping mill completed. The machinery is in good running order. Wedding bells ing again. Mr. and Mrs. Georg: Studer and daughter, Florence,, of Fullarton, Mr. J2s. W. Schmidt, of Milverton, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schmidt and family, of Brunner, spent Sunday at will soon be ring- Antiseptic Barber Shop Everything up-to-date. Anti- septic brushes & sooth- Sterilized towels. ing lotions used. Pool Room in connection. x Prices Games | strictly right. for amusement. J. WHITE, Proprietor MONKTON HARNESS When purchasing harness it pays you to buy a good article, We have perience had a wide ex- in the business and understand it in all its details. ihe home of Mr. Henry Yungblut, We guarantee our goods. COMMERCIAL. 8 g Prices are close. Fall wheat per bush,....... $ 90 0) Barley per bush..........008 pt) St) “all - 7. . Sk Sak iinet = 5 eae ea 13 43 Call and see us. Peas ‘* Rtgs Se waa a a) 7D Apples per bag. ca .seaceuenes 15 75 Fotatoen SE BR yesseas eres ] 00 1 00 HGy Per LOG fis din wens ve cade 10 00 10.00 Butter per poutid......00000s at 2] OH (+ Kags per dot. sascseesaseean 19 1 Ji N HRTH, aS tere Stes Pee 12k 124 ; Padlowscs seca ee 4s cb ooo os 5 _5| Monkton, — Ontario Turkeys per pound,......... 13 13 Hoge live weight .....0.0008 5 90 5 90 Flour, per cwh.......s.e. 279 2 75 Bran, per tom’. oii. a «sss . 12 00 21 00 Manitoba. flour.’-.....:6. a BD 6800 | ax-ets 5 Cc Sweet to Eat, Shorts, per ton. ....ecdseues 24 00 24 00 A Candy Bowel Laxative, How Are Your Feet ? wear to be found outside of the If you have that “tired feeling’”’, just brace up and try a pair of our easy fitting shoes. It.isno fish story to say that we have the largest assortment of all kinds of Foot- town or city shoe stores. For high grade goods ask for Invietus and Empress Shoes We.. Handle Maltese Brand of Rubbers eS ee Made by the company that d SSS SSE idn't have to join the combine $3.25; ThLOW pitt r cee PPP Re ee 4 pair Women’s Kid Bals, $3.00,, LGW easkeden ewes Ce ee ee 4 pair Women's Tan Calf regular $3.50, CLOW cides eer tie 2 es eH lar $1. 60, now te eee ae See eee eee ee 4 pair Misses Grain Calf, DOW os ews CFE Pe Se eee Lee be eee eee UREREGT OT OT CT Cee Pee eee rrr es ee ee ee ee | 11 pair Misses’ Box Calf Bals, sizes 11 to 2, regu- 4 pair Child’s Grain Bals, regular $1, now..... A Few Specials for This Week 7 pair Women’s Kid Bals., good year welt, ee: 240 Php CPoP Cc PPR good year welt, regular 9 95. 2.90 Bals, good year welt, ie itan, eel $1,60 80 eer ee ae eee Pe CRP RR RR 4 pair Misses Grain Bals, regular $'1,40, NOW. vss+e, ‘i 00 SSS RPP PPC CPPCC eee ea hese 80 Ree Ree Pp eee i i . Chalmers 8 Golig [Opposite Post Office ae ' _ Monkton, a - = -_ 2 L . = oe ie + ™ " i F ict et ey 2 oe 1 BT > mn ls af ars ke : fins mr sierf ir ad i on rie dkiy \ ay re | oe i ‘ ae a | et - i - Ls aril q ™ ' 7 ae ee a ; * na ih te ij nearby stations East and West as fol- lows :— tly 'T.FULLERT | OPENING uP : 2 = - v Sie 1S the time “ta buy your —— SE a Flannelettes, Wrapperettes, Underwear, Blankets, _ - é . =e a. ft _ £ — Wrappers, Sweaters ‘ Flannel — “ae io “ ait Every department is stocked with the. newest and freshest goods, bought with the purpose of sustainiug our reputation of giving | i a high quality of goods at a comparatively — small price. Every dollars worth you ist here means you have saved some money, and © to prove this, call and examine our prices. Some Specials for this week eae 8 Ladies’ Raincoats, reg, $3.0, for-sas 05 2 Ladies’ Cravenette Coats, reg. $9, for 7.25 White Quilts, regular 1.25, for... ... 98 cents — - he i oe ae ‘ on We have adopted a new Profit Sharing — System, giving one coupon with every 25¢ purchase, for it you can receive a portion ofa aa Ra Beautiful Imported 4 Semi-Porcelain.. . Dinner Sett =" You may as well share in this, as it costs you~ nothing. Our aim is to please. Your trade solicited. J. C. WILSONS General Merchant MONKTON, ont. » EFORE the next issue of “The Times”, the 1st of October will be past, and I trust all Binder Twine Accounts will be paid — as | am greatly in need of the money, so, if — you had any notion of standing me off, please : remember the golden rule and act accordingly. Rabbits, Partridge, Bear and Wolves are now free for the shooting, so if you need any of the necessary articles, we can supply. you with. ... No. 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, 10 and B, B, Shot at 10 cents a 2 POUNG OF: vip vgasssssuvsdeesinaees sie S4¥i kre DOUNGSIOON 25 cents Gun and Rifle Powder,,,..,..............40c¢ to $1 per Ib, ) Caps per box ro cents,............Musket Caps 13 cents Loaded Shells, any make, with black powder at 24c a POUNK OF. isc. cacossaseboconayen cesses cesese cleevsesPOP DOR 48 oCeMER TT IE Double Barrel Guns from $6 to $18 If you have no gun and don’t want to buy Be, one, we will lend youa gun for a day’s sport for 25 cents. Next Week’s Specials 1% dozen Instant Crockery Mender, mends solid as a - rock, regular 25 cents, next week OPieresevesecssesssesesel 3 ene 1 dozen Meyer's Metal Polish for brass, glass and sil- verware, regular 15 cents LOLs seesesssssncestecescsarensonsonned cents — or ‘i 146 papers of White Carpet Tackets, reg. 5.4.2 for 5c iO 5 dozen Joker Mouse Traps, reg. 5¢ for.........2 for S65 27 Boys’ Knives, the celebrated Fish ee Engl; lich wage make, 2 blades, good value at 35 cents, to clear at...,.19 & ¥% dozen German,Water Hones, reg. $1. 25 for 75 27 Bailey Razors, extra hollow ground, of best gen ~ steel, regular $1,25, $1.50 and $'1.75, next week for...69 c cents. e cad ‘a = v. r ee | Hardware anion

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