up the answer to the io family’s dinner dilemma. “At 4:30 p.m. they don't in interest in more locations nience food,” he said With more options for crusts know what they're having for dinner — and 60 per cent of families fall into that category. Pizza is very much a conve- coh BARRIE'S CENTRE Unique, Distinctive and Personal gifts © plants « home and garden decor SALE ON NOW (including gluten-free). twp- Pings and sauces than ever. pizza is versatile and can feed almost any family — not only at dinner. but the next day at breakfast and lunch too. “We have a 100-year-old recipe and are blending it with today’s technology.” said Top- pazzini, who encourages his staff to create new specialty pies for a younger generation that enjoys flavour. “My oldest is almost 22 and her main food of choice is piv za. 1 look at that generation as sushi caters. They just don't or der a pepperoni. They like the specialty pizzas. like the tropi cal heatwave.” he said. which has pepperoni. pineapple. bacon and hot peppers on a garlic-but- ter crust. See CHAIN, Page 19 SERVICES