The South Marysburgh Mirror March 2024 /7 LLiigghhtthhaallll VViinneeyyaarrddss HHoossttss SSSSJJII"ss TTaasstteess SSoouutthh SShhoorree a local artist who interested in getting involved, please con- tact A big thank you goes out to everyone: the attendees; the volunteer committee: Jan Hendry, Carole Falkner and Karen Fuller; the "valet park- ing" crew Mark Paddison and Charlie Graham; the present- ers: Dick, Laura and Liz who took us back to the early 20th century with their stories and displays. Kaleidoscope Cater- ing and Lighthall Vineyards rose to the occasion and topped off the afternoon with fabulous food, drink and ser- vice. (Continued from page 3) The South Marysburgh February Winter Carni- val, February 2, featured a traditional pancake breakfast. One of our local residents, Katie Col- lins, has been a repeat customer since she was barely more than a tod- dler. Over all these years, Katie has been treated to a bunny pancake! Katie heads off to Algonquin College this fall. The Car- nival is an event orga- nized and hosted by the South Marysburgh Recre- ation Committee. -Photo by Monica Alyea