Stratford Mirror, 1 Mar 2024, p. 1

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Mirror 22002244 MMaarrcchh SSaavvee tthhee DDaattee:: MMaayy 1100 --1122 ffoorr tthhee SSpprriinngg BBiirrddiinngg FFeessttiivvaall 22002244:: EEmmppoowweerriinngg tthhee NNeexxtt GGeenneerraattiioonn aatt PPrriinnccee EEddwwaarrdd PPooiinntt BBiirrdd OObbsseerrvvaattoorryy ((PPEEPPttBBOO)) PEPtBO would like to thank all members - new and returning who joined during our February membership drive. We are delighted with the positive response and grateful for the sup- port. There are more than birds on the horizon … bird banding season opens April 10. PEPtBO hosts Steve Burrows at PEC Launch of A Nye of Pheasants, Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 2:30 PM. Details to follow. (Bay Breasted Warbler -- PEPtBO staff photo) MMaarrcchh MMaappllee MMaaddnneessss PPrroommiisseess SSwweeeett TTrreeaattss ffoorr AAllll AAggeess CCrreeaattiinngg aa LLooccaall PPllaaccee WWoorrtthh CCaarriinngg AAbboouutt:: IInnttrroodduucciinngg tthhee BBllaacckk RRiivveerr MMaarrkkeett For those who love March as the signal of spring and particularly the sweet treat of maple syrup and maple products, March has your name on it. Many locations have events throughout the month but the blowout weekend for Maple in the County is Saturday and Sun- day, March 23 and 24. South Marysburgh resi- dents don't have to travel far to enjoy family fun. Close to us are: • Vaders Maple Syrup, 1260 County Road 18, Cherry Val- ley 613 476 7537 • Fosterholm Farms, 2234 County Road 18, Picton 613 393 5655, • LOHA Farms, 153 Lucks X (Continued on page 2) Within six months, maybe sooner, you may not recognize the Black Creek Cheese Compa- ny as you remember it. If Cliff Coulter's vision for the location becomes reality, the best is yet to come. He's planning to re- kindle the past, yet better, by making it "a place that's worth caring about*". That is, a vibrant, comfort- able, people friendly loca- tion that people love and (Continued on page 2) Cliff Couture is promising deliciously refreshing gelato at his Black Creek Market but he's also got plans to evolve the former cheese fac- tory into a year round community hub where neighbours congregated to chat with neighbours.--Mirror photo

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