The South Marysburgh Mirror 11 What's going on at The Library By Jeanette deBoer Social Media at the Library Social media is always in the news these days. People are sharing their opinions, thoughts and ideas about poli cs, religion and everyday life on the Internet. Approximately 1.79 billion people are sharing a slice of their lives with their friends and family on Facebook and other social media pla orms. The new President of the United States is twee ng and even the Prince Edward County Public Library and Archives is on Facebook, Twi er, and Instagram. There is so much going on and it is not always easy to keep up. The Library can help! With a grant through Canada's Youth Internship Program for Innova on, Science, and Economic Development, I have been tasked to provide educa on on social media to our patrons. Over the past number of weeks, I have been crea ng a workshop and seminar series to introduce you to the world of social media. I will help you begin to gain an understanding of how and why it is used. The Introduc on to Facebook workshop is a hands-on class that will guide you through many aspects of Facebook, from adding friends, to commen ng on their posts, to adding posts of your own. While you may not be an expert by the end of the three-hour class - that only comes with prac ce and regular use - you will have some basic knowledge about the social media pla orm that you can expand upon. Following the workshop, I will be hos ng two seminars. The first will focus on Facebook and Instagram, and the second will focus on Twi er and Snapchat. These seminars will take the format of a Q&A, or discussion, so you have the opportunity to ask your ques ons and get some answers. These seminars will not go into the same depth as the workshop, but you will walk away from them with more of an understanding of how the world of social media works. The workshops are currently being offered at the Picton Branch Library on February 16 and the Wellington Branch Library on February 9. The seminars are being offered at the Picton Branch Library on February 22 (Facebook and Instagram) and March 3 (Twi er and Snapchat) and at the Wellington Branch Library on February 24 (Facebook and Instagram) and March 1 (Twi er and Snapchat). However, if there is enough interest, we may also be offering these workshops at our other branches, including Milford. Registra on is required, so please contact Tracy at 613-399-2023 or as soon as possible to reserve your spot. If these dates or loca ons do not work for you, please let us know so we can plan future workshops accordingly. If you are unable to par cipate in our workshops or seminars, but are s ll interested in learning about social media pla orms, we can s ll help! Our staff in the Technology Resource Centre is always available to provide one-on-one educa on. These appointments can be held at any branch upon request. To book an appointment, please contact Julie at ('Quilts' con nued from page 2) I hope you will take some me to drive around and see these beau es, as well as our latest installa on on December 15th "Points for Care" at PEC Memo- rial Hospital in Picton. Then per- haps you might like to join us on the PEC Barn Quilt Trail. Check out our website at www.pecbarnquil If you are interested in owning and displaying a barn quilt, email us at pecbarn- quil If there are groups in the area that would like to sponsor a quilt for the community, please let us know. South Marysburgh has some beau ful venues for barn quilts (Mt. Tabor, Town Hall, Library, Athol South Marysburgh School, Cherry Valley Town Hall are just a few possibili es.). Cheers and Happy New Year from all of us at PEC Barn Quilt Trails! Copy & Adver sing Deadline for the March Edi on of The Mirror is February 23rd���