--'" ' yii-T V J," if"? , -, ' . debate . we all members returned upon ".- Bothmit.t It] had ttieii that the !,'ttli double 'returha are to withdraw until their were 'slldstr-4ats much bedepiored- d te in ed. days of corruption " sijiGii.iGTiiiil returns am ' rm which even the contingencies Committee Racked That it it shall appearthat any themselves were said not to have been person hath been elected or returned a Item- incorruptible. Bat had times altoge- beroi this House, or endeavoured to to be. :her changed! m had heard that . by bribery or any other corrupt practices, the Contingent Oommiitec had in former this 11ttew.iii. proceed with the utmost daya inef%struil, endeavoured to restrain severity agaxnatalleuoh pereona as shall have 'he extravagance of gentleman who had ;been wilfully concerned in such bribery or preceded the present Speaker. He had heard other corrupt practices. , that WW)" Speakers had been guilty of Jtegoloed,-.Ttrat the offer of any money or the "it. ot wastefulneaa alluded to, and tut , other advantage to any Member of this 1nefhotttat attempta had been "OWEN." Home, for the promoting of any matter them. Ti" Boiii, had just M informed, wha'accver 't"yte or to be transacted in not that the Contingent 00mm had been Parliament, is a h gh crime and misde- ammo-at. but that tho Bpeahor had 1soen meanour, and tends to the aubv. Mun of the Io. 51nd tnt, with? 11me too at": constitution 0mm. to ttWO . n tt ' mm" run DE mm ON THE ADDRESS. Blown". ot the Contingent 2tt'1ti Ben. J. & McDONALD then proposed, " no man w" . better wiues on k a motion which had to be made in order to l "ttlast than tht, tridge),',,',,' to: (tttyt'; permit the House to enter on the diacuaaien Everybody lull... Me?)I "we? lady knew which he apprehended would take place on hehad n. Ir, ad t y trava- the Adhere. As it was thenfcur o'dlook, on ,rttat effort he h In]; a '1'l,'eh'l been Saturday afternoon, he would repose that "mm ihtttt'2 ever or th the consideration ot the Address in an- an economica Speaker, it certainlin e iim, to His Excellency'a trpeeeh be W' member for Frontenac. (Renewed with). or code d with on Monday next. ' If, as Many tffotttt that MIL ','S2,tt,t,f,, 'fl had been "timahtt the previoue day. unm- doubt made to reprca: 'd,th"th'tu "had hers deairod an adjournment until after (Mr. Blake) had 'fi "who "a a. municipal elections, he thought they should been auoxaaini. . n. rl,"l,2',' proceedtothe consideration of the Address leader of the Government, TJ'l',lll mus. early on Monday morning. In this way they down . scheme at . future ,1.me . id t would be able to get through the debate by agemeut of the Home, ii'2'h'il',l,el'g,"t,', Tuesday, or perhapr, Monday. He would bo tttepared to "tttive, a" an th :nthe therefore more, if there ware no objection on meritl. Ps did no' "Noam... from the other side if the House, that the con- more omluion of the com ' aideraticn of the Addrera be taken up on the list, pointed to their being left without Monday next. such lttohukd' 2ed'tt '2"t'rl. late, Mr. MCKELL IR thought that the pro "mill: Thtlfldrgd 'fll'l,'Atl been paid poaition of the Atty-General would meet thin mom. 8b." ol the Home when they with the approval of guntlcmoo on his (Hr. to lu told that they were; rot to be t McKellar'e) side cf the House. It ten o'oiook had th a meat of theirowo ethics. in the morning suited the Government for allowed 'ltd', MII to betalren inhand by commencing the debate, he would prefer but that 11'l,1"h't would at the same _ What hour. There were no committees to the t'a"ttt rtunit of li log that he attend to, and so far an he could learn among time, Miro & oppo 2 y t to be his friean thrre waa no diapoel'inn to pro- behaved the kid" "/uf"Lhlr/gttt,, the longed dobhtc. They were all anxious to tg"p,l,u" than be conducted eoonomi ' proceed with the gaging" of the country at a one. oally. (Hear, hear) But, in thle 1'tt,tht quiolrlEyI as}: 1pt'/ TIll h 1 "ad to he felt " his duty to protest aga as e p Sir was much p e f 1 d sage of the resolution in It- present shape. 'ttr, t11,'dt ")"li',1"c/u,tituhtt,dditul _ o ' j hir. T, FFlft0U.c0R Ud had the honcu; on that aide of the Home with regard Jo the of . seat on the Contingent Commit?» hid discussion. It looked well. The quicker the thought ita v", useful one-o'" t at . [ sddreaa was answered. the more reapectiul "1"." "detMrotrrod to reduce ths expert": it would be to the head of the Government ot legislation. (Hear). Ilia t'get"g,'tt One of the topics mentioned in the Speech such, that ho for one, could scarce , trill. would,hc who auro,givc universal aatiafectlon, the Speaker to manage the "I. re 0 that andthat was the contemplated settlement of House. m had found It to be the gale, hen the wild landa of the Province and introduo [ Itt the V0?! laa' days ot the Hammad tiou of a Homeitaad law. With regard to I the business had been airnttgt all 8 G the adj mrnment,he thought the convenience I in the height of hu goodnature, til.d 'htel of members would be consulted by tho ad- ',iaorrttmrd the aaiariel of ofhaem an journment taking place till Friday week to their number, until no less 'ttUtne next. 86,000 and 87.000 "ninth the Home Mr BOYD did not think ouch a motion of w'trly outlayhiolr 'lt, "S fixer the powei' adjournment would pass. In common with l," only . immune: but other oth. others, [mind come a long diatanoe to attend 0. making my had exercised tint to the business of the country. There was a cars of 'Al . a?" tffioe" took good care good ded of business to be done. Already poweraawe ' tt " ll that? tanker. l notices had been given with respect to 60 to appoint their ttthens,, the pgeaauro private Bills to come before the Home. It (Hear. hear), tl emberfov Frontenao- was doairablo too that the new machinery trrorutht to hear on or: t he Mr l'ergu-E should not be set in motion too hurriedly' wttrn uncoupled Welsh? waai ulzar that i For, albeit that an hon. gentleman had on was) w. old aaot "Jinan more tffiaem under ' the previous day stated that this was but a even he hsd . goo y T such opor- i large empty councii,he felt it was something him than were "mu", l h r,',? all more Although their sphere was more tiorta had this ',T,h,tt,'tiig,', te, 'llTd 'l'dtl humble than that of the Houao oi Commons, allowance 2l'th1 '.?f,,TI,fl', to offitte" of they were yet at work on the foundation of been ee:eae.ade , e d da of 882 coo Iagreat nation building with the material the Rouat, 9:12;? 22,','ldl for Gii'iU. furnished them by the parent State. He 'll sigmoid" lu",',.' page (Mr. Ferguson) hoped tho adjournment would not be extend- c, . _ had oometo tgfoe"'hlrght,2t,edeT, "2.T/lirtttTift, he was sorry he utilotllegt pigs"! ll "on"?! to tm more 1 had said anything to lunch the dignity of his w rcua tyc "rvantaotthe Botmtt than just hon. friend from Prescott. That gentleman 13%;. ublio Tho tUnattt ef the Dominion 7would decidedly have been more fitted for l 'll,'l'fdll','lt' had already "goiveil to a" the Bertsttr-(utuhur)---and there he ought q control of their ttrm oifioem ' and b, to go as soon as possible. (Laughter). His , thought that by thet P't1tnt,1"ro,,f. (If. Ferguson's) remark I',,"; been "use? , such a Committee " that 0'1 ri merely with reference to t e armony p l ingeuoioa the Government at Onto l ~vaillnginocunty oounoila I would tteet follow the example 'll The motion was put and carried. , them. m did not at all desire het,, ht RULES AND REGULATIONS. the Government, But 1a't',el,2tg, "ISI'. Hon, J. 8. KODONALD said that " toaectoit that: ey . frat itho House they were now without forms or rules to clent to watch over the e rs o ld th t (ir, guide them, and as It was necessary ta have Ron, J. & MODONALD " . 'lf these rules, he would move that the rules, Government had considered the lrilrattgr we". or den, and forms of proceedings of the They hsd come down ""1 . 1?llg calmed House ot Commons be the rules, orders, and management ot the Home. " h proceedings of this House " far as they are' that the reapcnaiblllty mus: Itl,21tf," SI', applicable thereto. . It wee tf,',eh2,',', thir S',','),,' to b: an , Mr. BLAKE inquired whether the rules do. ot [aurora oust" wag admitted that referred to were those exiatiog at the com- extravagant no. ad to duce the ex- mencement ot the session, or included the 'eelelt 'l'2'tlt"tfd', tho otrtoiah ' but propoeed and printed alterations. that than "mint! had failed, Well, thim, Hon. J. s. MoDONALD replied that line when waa the III. ot the "mum on ttttno ; did not think the alterations were u tingenciea t If its creation had done "pref t eluded. tho Itegt Wu" '" to out it tir) ' Mr, BLLKE auggeatcd to th no" thsr were aware that . (VI" ___ "at one of the propoeed an" "ttat%lr-ttrhtmmitand -' - - --