Legislature of Ontario Hansard, 31 Dec 1867, p. 4

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n. member for Frontsuac. Hitherto the 8ir AENRY SMITH Government _ _ Speakers had the power zo support as many ! would say to the Spoaker, *" That man you resesengers and officers as they chore, without | have appointed is not nectssary, and we will comsulting the representatives of the people ; | / | no6 pay Sts," anud the result been that they had to derstood the _ Mr. BLAKE said that he an come down alterwards sud grant the money, leader of the Government to say that though Aud to ahow how this powor had been used, | o roaksr tnt the power of making The ke would mention that during one sseslon, | | the N' :u"u et Goveg:mthbd practically within one week the Speaker put 24 ses: ']l:l"h t:'n'fl in their hands, inasmuch as rlonal clerks on the list at four do'llars per s 'Plt'fi'h.d the ealary to the office dsy--mer who could not carn 2s, 64. at any 1 they aflic o lod .tlnt that other ocoupation--several of whom could | «Hon,. J. 8, MoJONALD rep! vot rsad nor speli well--men fis for nothing | was exactly the case. % else but to idis about the House,. (Hear). \ _ Hon, Mr. MoMURRIOH rald that from Ho had himtelf been a member of the Con-- 'his experience of the tion of the Con-- tiogent Committse and repudiated the tingent Commiitee hm:ghhfin Counotll, allegation _ mado alost it. They ' he thought it arvery u committse, In had always l-bonnz to reducs the the Lsgtslative Council he could as:ure the public expenditure, and prevent extrava-- House the umof this committee's work | ganos on the part of the Speaker and the had been mont b§éneficial, (Hear), Economy | House ; bus had boeen unabe to carry one had been the order cf the day. While the i of thsse reports, (Hear), Now, at the first Speaker had not been deprived of any of bis atago of their proceeding was, he thought, | privileges, a good undersianding had been : the right time to put a proger cheok on their maintained betweon the committee and that { Speaker and the Government, He, for one, | officer. As economy had bren aimed at by | was not dispored at all to trust a Coalition the Government in the present inatance, Government, or any Goverament, very far ; he would heartily aupport them, -- Bat but belleved that the appointment of the , it wis worth considering whether committee would be destrable, and would | the Government plan or the appointment of relieve the Spssker and the Government from | the Contingencies Committee would be best. a great deal of trouble and annoyance, He l Such acommittee had undoubtediy worked did not waut tho presont Spoaker to be | hard for economy in the old Provincial Par--| placed in the posaition in regard to appliceants Mameat, In the Leglslative Astembly, there for office, In which provious Bpsakers had were between messengors, door keepers, and been placed. one thir; or another, one and one--eighth of | Ur, BL&AKE thought the Contingert Com-- theso funotlonaries to every member ; 'Mll: | miitee a vory useful one, and conourred, there was only one to every five membors in | cencrally, in the remarks of the member for the other House, | agats, Hon, J, S McDONALD said thatwith the | .urse ailmilar to extraordinary atatemexts which bhad been Ee inhpas _ .. Ais colleagues, was |* mado, the usclessness of the Contingent «abont to ba taken by the Government at | ! : Comuittee would be very apparent ; and it -- Ottawa. The Government there id given ; was atill more apparent whon it was forther _ potice of their intention to do away with the | t atated that that Committee was now valoly, Contingeat Committee, and introduce a sys-- |! | ia a contest in the Senate, seeking to reduce tem of directresporsibility to the House. the expenses of: their staff,; $14,000. § The And in adopting this eourse both Govern: Committeo had recommended that reduciion, | ments were only following out a course but were powerlers to procure its passage so which had been shaping I'sol! in the far, and the question now lay over tlll the minds of p'&m:no;fl'mg!;m of ti'néhn:;nt cthor half of the session. (Hear), for years--that of fastening on the Spesker and the Government the full respousibility of The motion was then put and carrled, the public urvi&o. If, when the (zl;)vcrélment ELXCTIONS--BRIBERY, brought down their statement to the House, J. S. McCDONALD moved the fol. any proporition were found to i"""'l logt::'ru.olu.fionl which he said were always | unduly the number o+ smlaries of the en: ' put as a declaration of the House that certain ployees of the Government, then the matter Ehln s were to be dazne which ware not neces was fully in the control of the House, ard c 10 ut In the Statuts : they conld vote down unncoessary expendi-- at? 0 P .thln sball ture. From his (the Attorney --General's) Resolved--That If anything het come experience of l;:lanartfer of ? (i'sn::rx in pnl:lhlo 1?":11:::'1021 tfi:"ymfn en:!'::r ho":. us [ lite, be had often le e the & > "'g; * extravagance which at the laat euln.xfir'u! in withdraw during the time the matter the creation of uscless offices and extrs-- veagant salarles ; and his hon. frlend from South Bruce need not for a moment auppose that he (the Attorney--Goencral) sought to cast any imputation on gentlemen of ths House, or was uawllling t» trusts them ; bus he desizned that appolntments and sattlemont of salaries l!wuldp Me ouly ia the henads of those directly resporaible to the House for them,. Hewell knew the pretoxt in which officers would by--and byo ask increased remuneration, They would say provisions and rent were high in ths ol:{, and that they osuld not live here as gontlomon nnless they got more. Sendfisld McDonald and his friends, it would be urged, are the ** economica!] Goverament," and, each oce would add, how can we get along on present salatios with eight children, (Laughter). That seomed to be the number among Gov-- ernment ocfficlals, (Renewed laughter). The | Attornsy--General woent on to contend that the : Contingencies Committes had not worked , woll--had Bot succeeded in bringing abou: | greator economy--and honce was uscless. Sir BENRY SMITA said--He destrod to make a few observations in reply to the member for South Bruce, who had traveiled out _ of his way to mako _ an attick on hbim (Smith), _ The fast was, that Iif that hon, gentleman had known anything about the matter he would | have known that he (Samith) had always | been at varlance with the Contingent Com-- mittee, because he would not consent to more appointments. He had always striven to keep down the appointments, and thought the attack just made on him unjast and un-- generous 'The hon. the Attorney--General and many other frlonds he saw around him, could bear witaeas that he had always advo-- cated retrenchment, The proposed lymm' by which the Speaker would be held respon-- aible to the Government,for all appointments , mado by him, was decidedly an improvement on the old plan, ' Mr. FERGUSON uquired how the y ipeaker was to be h«ld responsible. d ol

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