-- CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND. Hsa J. S MACDONALD gave notlce of solutions for the establishment of a Conso-- ated Revenue Fand for the Province of ctarlo, and for other purposas. TORONTO PO3T OFFICE, Mr, WALLIS erquired whether the Gov-- nment of Oataris neve opeaed any corres: ondence with the Government of the Ds-- inion of Cauzda, or with the Honcurable Postmazrter Gsneral thereof, for the pur-- pose of securing to the Citg of Torouto the erection of a proper Post Offics, suited to the wants of the people, and to tha growing im« portarce of the city, and if so, whether they have any objsciion to lay ts sams bafora this House, Hon, J, 8. MACDON ALD said theGovern-- | ment had not opened any correspondence on | this subject with the Government at Ottawa. | The matter had never been subtwitted to this | Goversment, but it was underat 1od that the | clilzens of Toronto had on aformer occarlen | addressed the Government at Ostawa, and | that the matter was uudsr consideration, This Government had nothing to do with it, but hs believed it was a matter of 'nnt complaint in the city of Toronto, and, if broughs formally before thsm, they would be happy.to preseat the case to the Dominion QGovernment, E 'TORONTO ESPLANADE. (| Mr. WALULI3 enquired whethor the Gov-- 1 ernment of Onta:io intend to relleve the clt'zsus of Toronto of the great burden of taration incurred in the construction of the hlphndo in front of the city, and which, as being used almost exclasively for railroad and pping purposes common to the whole Pro-- ncoe, ought in common fairness to be assum« as a publicand uot a local work. Hon, J, 8. MACDONALD said the Gov-- ent had never heard it was a grievance have railroads running in front of a city, nd it had not occurred to them to inour responsibiiit; of relleving the itizens of Toronto from the burden taxration, borne in _ connection th the construction of these rallways. GOVERNOR'S RESIDENCE, Mr. WALLIS enquired whether the Pro:-- viacial Governmnt haveo taken any steps, or are about to take any steps, towards the erection, in this city, of a Government House, or suitable residence for His Exrool-- lency the Lientenaat--Governor. Hor, J, 8. MACDONALD said it was the intention of the Government to take the matter into consideration. (Laughter). atin, when the proper . thite aotived, Un % ' w pro me r & | vote of the house being taken for the objeot, \ wlthr:rohowhloh his honoursable friend | asked information, So far, the Government had done nothing in the matter. It was quite certain that, if this system of Govern-- ment was to continue, the representative here of the Soversign must hlo a realdencoe, and is would be the duty of the Government, no doubt, to come down with a proposition | to afford the necessary accommodation. ELECTION EXPENSEI