Legislature of Ontario Hansard, 31 Dec 1867, p. 52

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§ bribery ar d corruption ¢ffsoted hls defeat-- "! | plead!sg, probably, to ta defeart of ths G>or. ! Ferrment of thse day. He had seoa enough ia | fthat contest to convince him that, when a [ 3 member was elected to this house, he should , j bo clooted to the froe exercise of all the | J Incidents asd attributes of his posttlon ; for, Jif a constituoncy considered a man fit to bo g their ropresentativs, they must consi4er him | t to have a seat on the treatury benches, 4) . Hov. J, 8. McDONALD bogzed to augg;eit g | io connection'with this bili, that when is was proposed to amend any Aot of the Consoll-- \| dated Statuter, it would be better, instead of simply smsndinrg It, to take the whole measure and re--enractitin such shaps as "| might be found derirable This would ba greatly for the convenience of Magistrates e | and others, who would requ're to be 10-- qualoted wlith the lrglelation of this house. 'Inis was the course he proporei to take bhimselt as fir as he could, with reference to ary leglalation emavating from the Gove--n-- mint, Mr, MoKELLAR thought ths Bill which the gallaut Knight was introducing, was a very important one. A change in the cleo. tlon law wars very much requirod. \ | He quito sgreed that we ought to have the elec'iocs a'l on one day, and that there should be ouly one day's palling. Other ch:cks slso might be adopted to pre-- |, veat ths fearfual corruption which had been witnoissd dming the Jateo contest, § | At the sime time, he thought tlis was 7| a messure of such Importance thast the Governmens ought to take it is hand (SMear, bear) _ They had armsum:d ths re-- ] sponsibilisy cf leglalatieg for the country, k and if there was any subject of legislation \| more important than another, hs thoufht O was tha: whica concerned the purlty of elec-- ] tions. _ He was prepared to support avy good measure on ths subjsct; but he did not thisk ths Government should allow such a measure to be taken cut of their hands by any g:lnto member, however distinguished, | or whatever experience he might have had -- plfaci the gallant knigh*, he admitted, had || had a great deal of experience, It did l3ok |J as i( hon. gentliemen opposite had deouted the gailant knight to take up all the difficult mea:ures they had to deal with, Bir BENRY SMIUTH said the hon. mem-- ber for Bothwell did rot act fairly towards himselt or the Premier. The Premier, on a previous ocomion, bad stated to the house that there had been no communication be. tween them as to th a which ho (Sir Henry) was to introd: He had not con-- versed with the Pre; as to these bills, and had po understarding with him about | them ; and he hoped this would be the last | time that such an allusion would be made, | He held that it was ths right, the prisilege, and the duty of every honovrable mem»r to contribute to she legirlation _ of the country, He could not aubsoribe _ to the dootrise that all | important leglelation ahould rest with the Government, and that the other mambers were to be mere cy phers to atand up and say

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