l - Upper Oenecle. . "ii', Mr. BLAKE eeld he could not agree with. , e AttornetGarrsei, thet we ehould hear. T te ehont Introducing this law, Atetmttgtt it; , " , old promote perjury. It wee introduced? 9' a," the hon. member for Frontenac he , ted, In the English Periiement by var i " inent lewyere-bnt elec with the oppoei' a i l n of very eminent lewyere. eomewhet on e . l. " gene ground " that new token by the J 1ihumurrcttetters1. It wee not very long, I owevcr, after it peeeed in Engletd, before ' v tr bittereet enemice hed become converted 'O, r, T? the view that it wee e good manure, t» riding to prormru---wut ehouid he the _ , l-hject of ell Inch m-er-the ellmlnetion , I Iitttthe truth, end the fiadlng ot the verdict in a Mevour of the men "titbdtoit. And to " M ey. es the AtmrneyGenerel hed in client l I ' ', that the tone of mania wee In much .s "we!" here than in Eagleud. thete law 7;- El hioh had worked with generel eetieiection l I l r fiNeett yeere in Ecglend. would iced to . , sri ury here, wee to eey eomething. which. i I rthe honour of Upper Canada, he hoped F] , [' 1d not be eeid again in thin houee. ' 3 g The Bill wee introduced and reede fimt i' , . me. Second reedicg on Mondey. , . Tm: ELECTION LAW. l _il,, Sir HENRY SMITH moved for leeve to il , I ntrodnce e Bill to emend chepter 6 of the , 't' Ocneoiideted Stetutee of Canada, intitnled td [i, "An Act reepecting Eleciicne ot the Mem- l. hereof the Leghleture." m eeid that in i It thle Bill he ttatt to ebelleh the duel ' i. eye'em of due eeete, bat he did not intend , that thie uhould teke effect with reference to , the eeete he'd " the present time by hon. , 'd member. of We home. who had eleo eee t (i, in the Home ' t Commone. Ho propceed ttrl v (l, exclude tro u .hle house, trGats.1uilda" both l I oi the D autumn end at thle Province. m in *5 propped the~ oil the electioue should uu , ii piece thrmu' out the Provlrca on one end , t. the eeme (in, and thet there should he only l f 'l one dey'e polling. en en to rcetrein that horrl- I I hie eyetem of bribery which wee now too; , I prevalent. Another object of the Bill w . , to do ewey with the eheurd eyetom of vecet- i I log eeete on the eccepteuca of offiae by hon. I , membere, " memhere ot the Executive. m prcpceed that it the hon. gentlemen new on r thetreeeury benches ehould here the mie- icrtune to loee the ttttnM-tttts of the honee. t end it 9tteltet,te tttte te hon. 1