order of Odd Felinwe, end the nuhordlnete , -', lodgee under it- jurlediotiou. . By Mr. Bloke-From the Young Men'c ' Christi-n Arroaiatioet, Toronto, preyiug en ect of 1ctsorporahtou. ' By Fr. Baxur--Ntrn ill inhabitants, of t Dunn townehlp, fieldimend 00.. playing :, E tho extension of the Eric & Niagara Reil- T wey. " t The iollowlng petition: preying for the gttf" ot thin reilwey, were eleo prenenh, l ' By Mr. Enter-From 8t citizen of Ceyu ' go, Heldimend. From the Reeve and Council of the Tom , chip of Dunn. ' From the Reeve end Council of the To [ rr Jil chip oi Dunnvllle. t And iron: the Reeve and Council of th q t . Townehip of womb. ')?, By Mr. Wig1e---l?ryn the Reeve end Conn ' , oil or Goefreid, town-hip of _ I e From the Warden end Council of th , it" y County ot Eleex. t I From the Reeve end Council of the town-f . ' V ship ot Home, Knee: county. ;_3 fi' J, From 133 momma of the town-hip or Ill Hence. Roux county. i. i ' And from the Reeve end Council oi MabUk townehlp, Elect. l ByA. W. lander-Prom cextelu inheblc r c, tente ot the County ot Grey, preying emend- ill meet! in relation to the Crown Lend! Fi Management. , From the townehip Council of Proton. mg euch emendmente in the Crown nyetem as would encourege nettle- " meat. ' From neldente of the County of Grey, 3" ' paying to the nine effect. ' From certein other lnhehitente ot Grey, to C', the eeme effect. ' _ ' Mr. CoynrrFrcm [new Cerllng. epinlt " ' the return of Mr. Robert Gibbon for the t. Bouth Riding of Enron. , AN OFFICIAL "GAZETTE." I Hon. J. 8. MACDONALD, eennnded by 'cn. Mr. CARLING, moved for leeve to introduce e Bill, entitled en Act to rupee! ch. id " ot the Comlideted Stetutee, no tar on the neme releted to the Province of Oatarto, to euthorize the publicetiou of on Onterio "Geeette." mehirg prowl-ion for the public» ' tion ts'. mettere reopeoting public eil'eire end a for 'tf1'utin1 notio-. . The Bill wee introduced, reed e fiat time, ll end ordered for e second reeding on Fridey in next. n COMMITTEE ON PRINTING. I Eon. J. B. MACDONALD aid he deeired l to meke e motion, concerning which he wieh- & ed the Hence to dirpenne with the rule I requiring e two deye' notice. " woe ' ' neceeeery that the Printing Committee h r should be etruclr, end go into opention J r immedieteiy, in order that, the vericue , . mettere to come under their notice should he ' teken up by them " once. It wee neceeeer! l . to determine the quantity oi printing which t l had to he done under oirntrait---the number l r of coplee ot dooumente. hllie. due, which , r were to be neat to public bodlee throughout 1 . the 4tomttrr-ruttter they should he cent to 1 [' the different depertmente, end to member! of i - the Home ot thmmm-hat etyle ehould t d be edopted in printing the journele, &c.. end l , ell mettere perteining to the duty ot the l, Committee on printing. He would, thwe- I