Legislature of Ontario Hansard, 31 Dec 1867, p. 39

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'a'==z===e%!M-lt-illIll- atvativaa did an hie government would do thc i'i'" hard pruned; they had adopted - u 'roTettts to retain ciliee. (Ironioel oheera . of from Oppoaition). The Reformer, had de. am ptietaud hie ytieaipnuy but in the Wuts; da but It he had " to do aga'n. " he were again ' budgeted, he would defend himself in the Ill ammo way. He had been attached. and all P" kinda of abuee heaped on him by Tm: 01.03:, "I and he went oat to deienll hims' if, and Ibo hq {result was the number cl irlundiy hear ho " zaaw around him in the house. lie w-rnid lea Isome)" defend himelf while be we: alive, bl I and hie enrmies might tinder him after hie thi death. It wee unfair to denounce him end In [Sir John A. Mandorald for doing what Mr, . "Ks-liar and Mr. Meeker Ms had done. It l era a laudable ambition to strive to be in n a 1 nutrition to nerve the country on the tummy benchea. and an able Qweriiion was also (iiiiia"tiei Be inliy accepted the rumor!- iliiity of hia cow-ac durirg the clee'rione. Ho i had oppoaed Confederation, broanre he did 'cct in: come of ',),1p.'t'ti'it',t',s, m won oppou to an t pr. 1.5531 U "n- Home irrich in tho peel; hnd 'lull"",',',; riGiiil, IP) 3 and. when" "182113-12" feared neither God nor F i ms. (on l oh i) Be apolm oi them p alitr, a I; verily. (i.'t:lghter). He promised that the q l (iowaranc:ir'; Would bring down "rtt'.6. :an on Wei-nut ttt'uituttii ' but It did a at deem them worthy ot mention k i the Speech hot: the Throne. re-l gheGsvnrnmcni will hold. itself reeponaihle or the whole legiuleiion of the country, and in: will control the meaaurra .tatrorhuted by tn. 'l' epondent members. lie aid the Govern» ru' out could not think of questioning the W. un'oipai Act, because it was the work of the . ' ember for Bothwell, who wee an euthority we a municipal mattera Be went on to con. Emu dual repreaentation. and pleaded that kPa, " Miniatry had not had time to perfect all , Gi mauurea required. No great mcaeurce 'i 'wcre demanded by the country, and where " ,waa the annuity for party? It members d" fulfilled their pledgea oi a fair trial, and the . r Government introduced only good meaturea, " there could be no oppodtion party in the ' ihontc. The Governmrnt had intended to t ( bring In an Enrico Bill, and had not been P. ,eware of the atcntlou of tho member tor ' ,'Frontenec of doing sc-had had no comma. , . nicaiion with him on the subject. The tl, Government would proporo free grants of 100 um of arable land to settlers; bat . would reaerve the pine timber an a source of t neuron to the country. The Homestead . r Bill, he explained, would only apply to the iree grant! to he made to aetilera. any iurther ' , application oi it would be attended with " difrittultr, Deeds would lane to aotiiera " after live your reaid once on the iauda grant P ed. for the more coat of annoying, &o. He indicated that the chcnment would adopt t apciicy to aeoure the working oi mineral .. location that might he told, an that they Bi thould not be held by eprculatora With 1' acme explanation on the land grievancee in e Bruce and Grey, and thanka for the courteay of the Oppoaition. the Attorney-General on down amid cheer: trom hie irieuda. " Ir. c. B. BOULTER (North Hastinge) s rose to expreea hie plenum at tho motion. g "one courao of the debate thereon. m weap'cuod, not became it we: originated by a Reformer or a Conservative, but bounce it OI come from a deeire to do a practical good, t He ielt that the Hon. Attorney-General we! " the right man In the right place. He ap- ttt proved of many ot the remarka that fell train ' . the hon, member tor Peel, who, from an .. acquaintance with hia county. had a com or aiderabla knowledge of the matter. There cs., waa a great quantity of Crown land: in the , y, county he (tar. Boniter) tttpresented. Part w ot that canatitueney u in a very neglected h atate as regarda roads and other neceuitiet r"r for public traitio. While being also pleased " with the Government policy regarding home. . etcad-, he regretted that more had not been tlt told about the mineral lande. Herepruenhd h a mining county, and had acme knowledge " cl what war there wound. A oruir ccuvae might be aaopad in reienzacc ' to there landa. They hive hitherto . been managed hr the ante: rd private V licence. Some claim turned out middling, M acme perhaps immenaely rich, and who " l ia.sda again were worthleu. but all ware r, charged a like licence, which ho thought tt I ll decidedly wrongto there who were no untorta. J.t. l " note on to get a poor yield. A orrinin royalty c r' fiiiii to be reeervod by Government, no .' doubt, but a certain amount of capital id 0 neceauryto beexpendedtc developetna rich. t ' no" ot that region, and tenure good reada h The county of hearings hat three long made f running from front to rear, the {some to I keep which in repair tall aimoat aoiely on the aotticre in front ot the mining grounds, " tax alxcuid be impaled upon wary ounce , coming from tho machete. ao that the rovsxuo Cl would come from the nine. and rich cempa- ' niea as well " wall as privetc peracm treated a in Inch a manner fairly, and not ea at pre- ' I lent by the licenae ayetem. The mineral I manner ior 'A1tMt2iPpa/mi',,titir,iisiii,i,i',i . than impeaing their exponent ng-on tho muciv S' oipaiity. ' " 11"-:ILa --aa in

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