t . I. DECEMBER 31, I the funetloneei thet body he "hBantl .m-oherged without two l He entirel denied thnhemgregerdto well kncw- , t','gg"2,f, ot 'chsrnmsnte tel: ttet - en NW", _ he entire y e not the ,itt8ui'ilriit#rt" lefcly relequ. t Iewee ell very well fik"in' a" tosey they: would oppose the denim ' when they ) went wrong; end he wdi6.atett mledouoe I these etetemente ' but would thy ltwu well i knownthetmen were moulded My by , the center" end judgment of thoeedtl whom 1 they ed oonfh1eiutet end therefore to can 5 Plff that the neocelery vigiienoei in pu' _ _ edeire cmld beexeroisedhbz men whe'ire ! l euppcrtere ot the edm tration, wee to euppoee whet reeeon and experience condemn- : ed. For there reeeone he preclelmed hinted! 1 I e Generative la thle matter. m prefdr'red the old end well-inc we paths rether theu'to. edoptne w-fen gled notion F-. culerly when he sewtheeourcce whenoet were derived. The experience of six weeke in the Dominion Peruement wee quite enough to jenny the ergumente need egeinst Ooelilion. The hon. gentlemen proceeded to stete that when the Omnidoe neutered it- forces they would be found siren g enough to perform the htmr- tion of elegitimeto opposition; end lied it tr-other-kt he would hen - " lpeired oi the itonultution. And this being the one, he came to e point concerning which he could agree with what bed been said, viz l that we ought to permit perty epirittorun to high. But, in order that the country ehonld not be blinded by the reel ctiot end drift of thet cry, the hon. gentlemen expieined thet . . this cry had been, during the lete " , election, pareletently need ezeinet ' . Reiormere in order to eecure their defeet " t , the polio. and leeren their mejority in the . wr home. But no emcunt of myrtlfycetion or ' undue tgrf1aesstte could prevent e Lihcrel ', mej nrity 'rom being returned to the firat , Leguletuve of Ontario. They oeme to the ' home under circumetenoee which mede it f Imperative on crrteln Reformer-to eey to , their coretltnbnte that they would give the _ Government e fate triei- Their choice ley I _ between making that pledge end not being . binned to the home " all. (Hon. J. S. Moo-ta---" Boer, hone"). The? lend been Pu. I. once poereiirn by nononrebi gentle-n.- ecron; end he did not think the Libarel I . party owed the Premier anything for placing 1 them In each e poeiiion. (Beer, hear}. r The honourable gentlemen then went on to r eey that he would ecorn, in that houee or : enywhcrc rile, to give what we! called e f fectieue oppoOionto eny Government. In the hletory of the pelt there lied been euoh . iuetezcee, and the meet prominent of these " had been eupplied by the leader ot the , Government hlmuif, who bed once deoiered I that he would oppoee ell the meeeuree of e certeiu adtnhttitiatUrt, until juetice hed been done to Upper Oeuede. ' Her. J. S. MCDONALD explained, that he had oontrar%ttd this Itetement when the I member for South Brirce wee not in his - piece, end the: repeated hie former cor tredio- , tion. . I Mr. BLAKE ecc pied the expleueiicn, but ;1 thought " rather strengthened hie position. d The Fri-mist expieinod that he opposed, the 1 introduction of all moreuree emecnicg from I thet coerce. It they were not introduced, o meniieetly they could not pens, end become E isw, end besidee " wee e moot extreordinery t crop to oppoec the introduction of e meesurc I " the outlet. mor. Blehe) certeinly would t not go " Gr " to treet hie hen. friend, the g ' lender of the Government, in thet way. The ' po1tlop and duty of the Reform party , loomed to him (Mr. Blehe) cleer. They tl ought to orgenlze and form en etriaUnt Oppo- l eiaion ;they ought to wetch closely the 1 preeent Ad ministretior. " men in whom they 1 had no ooufidetttrt--.rg men whore poei'ion 1 rendered them pacuiieriy liable to adopt e I courec dicinted by metivee of expediency ' rwher than ptinotphs-thtmr, hearF--utd " t the meuurce of theee men were found good t end useful, it would be the duty of the t Oppoeitiun not merely not to oppose them, 1 but to eeriet them (Hour) The honour. 1 able gentlemen next alluded to the 1 seeertioc that' there were no perty , liner, but that perties would urine 1 . on the queetione no they ceme before the 1 , house, end chewed the ebenrdity of the ( potittlrn--oe which would oeuse new portion 1 - to be iormedon every question. thee oeme up. It the eeeumption of hen. gentlemen opposite were true, then pertiel could be formed on one principle end dleeolved on enother. He entirely repudleted euch e notion ' end went l onto ehow that this etrong Government, 1 thin boaatfal Government, sppeerei to be j doing very little They had ennounced 1 Just two nts-r-outfit, their tot. 1 J.- m