Legislature of Ontario Hansard, 31 Dec 1867, p. 26

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, | that the members for London and j Toronto faks a satep further than they Rhad done in joloing a Ksform AdmisistratBbo, and go over altogother iato the Retirm rauks, -- (Loud laughter). Havivg enlarked | ~ on the ncocselty for the Local Legislatjure | 4 striesty maiotaining ite rights, and not allbw-- ing hseu to be usurped by the Federal Lokis-- laters, the howsourable gentieman expresgod his satisfaction with the abolition o! a Lepis-- Istive Counoll, argned that there ought to bo | -- = radical chavge in the working of the Crown | Lazd Department, and that tho cmlg~ > should be devaloped by a more thoro :{ eystem, and took his seat amid applause, f Mr. COCKBURN, North Victorla, men-- Honed some clroumstances which had come withla his own observation, to show that the Crown Land's Department in past years Ia4 not Indicated a pro{per acquaintance with the nature of our publio lands and the mo#4e of masszing them. Ho said ho must dissont | 0 entlrely from a mtatemecst maje some yoars sgo by a Comaminsalozer of Crowa Linds, thatk all tho good Crown landa of this Proviso®s . | were exhausted, From his owa knowledge and persosal observation be could voush for the exiatonco of a largenumber of iarge belts s | of lan?, well adapted for settiemont, in the * ) Horth Ridiegs of Victoris, Poverbercugh, Z | asd4 Simose, and there w'ght bo similsr | r s | trasts of land in counties with which he wa: | 1 zot so wel! sequainteds He approved of the | R system of free ernnu, and believed is would be the meass of augmenticg our populstion to a very considerable extect. fioo agrgn with the hon. member for Algoma, and the 'j' honu. mm ber for Welland, that there should | be a radical chansge in our system of Crown i Lazds maragement ; and ho hoped the hon. 1 Commissiozner would spply himsel? to mak. 1 ing that change as soon as posaible, (Hear, I | heaw». Hs (Mr, Cookbars) had boen elccted ar an independent member. He thought it, however, his duty to the coustry and to the conatituency he represented, to give the Admiststration a falr and impartial eapport, | y |asd to jadgeo them by their mensures. So far as the rromies was concerned, ' |he belisveod he woald administer the 4 | ths afaire of the Provizca in a very ccvnom{-- 1 | ool manner, -- Some trouzsht he mighs go too | i . | far, soas to be open to the oharge o! cheese» i | parieg. Esonomy, however, was a very ; j good prinelple, and ho was giad to balieva > | that the Premjer's tendencies lsy in that di-- reotlor, _ Hs bal xo personal complaint to | a brivg against the Administration. Thouaht h 4 | be bLed been known to some extent as a e. & | formsr, soce of them iatsrferred with h's | n -- | election. _ He was nos awaro why he oxpeori-- | a , | enecd this immunity, unless 1t was that the | t . | Premisr, noat havlag the characteristics of | G _ | Dr. Livingssone, did not care to ventare so | d , | far back as Into the county he had tto hon--| t 3| our to ropresent, . (Hear, hoar, and laugh-- | e 3 | tet)-- t * MNr. BCYD said4 ho was vory happr to soe , | the Spaaker cooupying the honozrabe fposi. 0 | tlon he did in *tis Ciambsr, more especially 8 | as ho was an eastern mav, and it was well 0 | known that the wisest men camo fom the . | Eest, (Lauguter) Ta attempting toaddross the house on thisoccasion, holabour d under some embarrassment. -- For, whenhe tosk -- |iato consideration tho assosiations cf this Chamber, tha olroxmasanoes undor which this houss bhad beoa convencd, and tho graod objects which they bad met to accmplish, theso wers to him snflicient csmses for feeling moro or less of eabarrass-- ment. Heremsmbersd that it w»a in this Uhamber that the ia:o Robert Baldwin bas-- E tled for the righ sgainat the wrong, assisted { by nther man of noble parts, of eners7, nerve, and elnaticity of thought. Ho remembered, | & too, that the position in which we 10w found | ® ourselvas was one of great momen{, were it : for uo further cona'lferation thas mise : that C they were horo aisembled to devie measures I for giving in this Provinos of Oatwrloa home to the emigrant ; for teashiog himthe uclence ; of relft--government, and for seculng to his | ° chlidren a sound and ussfal eduo.tion. He |° raight be psrmilted to refer to tie clroum: ; stances under which he sppsrrediere, as the reprerentative of the County of frescott. It was well known to this Hous» tht he had 28 his antagontst the Hon,. T, D. NoGee, than whoim there could not be a mor honsurable opponent. Bat, while ho nald4 thit, he would not bo a'raid to enter the Hays sgala with him to--aighs, asad battle with lim on the g'r-,unda on which he batiled vish bim iu that contest,. 'Tas hop, genfeman cams there from the Province of Qwbso, on the assumption that ho was parezxcelence tho only mas thet could bse iound covattle for the rights of the ralzorlty in tt Province cf Oatario, FHe (Mr. Boyd) hil felt bhimsol! oalted upon to outer his s:emu pro'est againat tho theory of the hu. gontleman that, fn order to such a mivory being pro-- perly leglslated for, they mustre represented by ome of themsolves. That istrize to his misd was absclutely revoluionary, for ho | _ beld that all correcs legislaiorshou!d aitways 1 protres tho mincrity. (Hoar, . 15 Wasld

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