Legislature of Ontario Hansard, 31 Dec 1867, p. 16

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- .. D- "vVVPN&4V--l0% it from themeelvee. breed-bye. W. HOULLAR eeid he would be lighted to leeru from thong-.1 Mgt: gentlemen themeelvee that they had hece-e converte to Return: principlee. gget, It no. it wee very recently. D an election the ccuniy ot Bothweli hed'the honour oi e vieit from the Com. minioner oi Public Wake (Ir. Gen lino). Did he go there to - the Mom cendideteel Not he "I there with ell hie penonel 1ed1tgarttse end when. n little of the icflamstte of hie rue. deieet r the Reform cmdidetu in the county. end to r return. ii pneniblc. one ot the "tro- riee lint could he found--.. reletive. too, of the lion. genilrmen. With Inch {note on three bdcrc him. he wee nhedto "not . perty. end to give hie oast1dartee to the Gov. ' erument He could not do en. tReel heer). Ho wee willing. however to give the thtvarmntmtafair hrul--th" ie to eey. to give them no opportunity oi tterqtrtg down ! their meeenree. endto judge them 'hyihe mum which they would enhmltto the n Home. m deprecated the neuron the mom. l here of the Government puuued during tho q recent content. Ila held that numbered q the Government bad no right to tttt ehcut the h country end use their petition. not merely to in licence. bat to intimidetc. the elechre nto - eubmleeiou to their viewe. He could not but remember the deoieretiou mode in the city of Hemilhon by the Atteremroartatmr-1.hltsh he hoprd the hom gentle that unlere that conetituency rejected hie hon friend on hie " ou. William) they need not expect euv stpprottrtntlott for the mlum tor the Deni end Dumb. end the Blind, which wee to heve been eetehliehed in that dty. m, hoped the Attornart1aetatat mede that etete ment thoughtleeely, end that he now repent- ed heving mode it. He hoped hie hon. friend would not not no cruel end tyrennicel e n. no to do enything for the echo oi e poi: 1 object, to injure no uniortuuete coin-oi people no the blind. end the dent end dumb ot thin country. (Beer. hour). But he could not forget either thet in thetelecticn. e gentlemen with whom the Attorney-General wee "sotstator-ho elluded to Sir John I. Mat+rrsald---d1d e thing which muet he deprccetcd end condemned by every honeet men in the Dominion, or well on whet wee in direct violation oi the low. by telegrephieg to Hemilton to receive the vetee ct onetcm~ houee offhmm. in order to deieet the Worm cendidete. (Peer, heer). Yet. with oil there lect- heiore them. Reference were eehui to give their cordiel eupoort to men who ind endeevoured to deetrcy them individuelly. end or e petty! Forhieown cert. he wee not propend to no that length. He wee willing. however. no he had cold. to give them e fair triel We were now entering on e new cereer. in which the Government had meny inffitmltu. to contend with ' end. knowing thet. he won m to mist them in every mount- ceiculeted - to promote the well-being ot thie Province. (Hear. haer) He regretted to one en Ian. portent omieeloo in the Addreee. The Gov- . ernment had not inciceted eny policy with reference to our 'minerei lende. Now, it . there won one thing of grater impatience to . the Province the mother, " wee the proper ; menegemcnt of theee leude. It wee e euhjcct entitled to the moot eericue ootmlderatUn et . the Government He epprcved of the policy ' they bed indiceied with \eierence to the egriculnurel lende. But our minerel lende, he believed. were oi much - velne then our egricnituni lende, end he sauteed that tho Government had not iodine the policy [ they intended to pureue with referenceto ' thcee minerel lende. whlch extended to the 9 - end ot Lake Superior. end perhepe e grater dieters on. end which were of immenee voice The pulley which hed hitherto pre- r veiled with reference to them hed been. he helloved. the woret policy ever edcpted with reference to euy ouch mutter in eny civilized t country. It had beene policyto went their being opened up, end to cloeethom' t ageine'r gentlemen M meene end oi enterpriee, who would heve been glee! to heve opened them up. end would heve thereby edded My to the revenue of the cwuntry. Since the G )vernment had not econ tlt to iodlcete their . policy. he tur. MoK l might be permitted to t ind!oete hie. m, believed the true policy to t he to cell ell minerel lende " e moderete price. 1'Ner piece them in the hecde of rho-e who would immedieteiy work them. t He did not think it wee the hueiueeeo'i o , Government to nee how lerge e revenue ting . could mekc out ot the public domeie. ' recty; but e lerge revenue might behed indirectly. derived from the working of the mince end the nettlemeut ot the egriculturel t lende. He hoped, the G-evernment would direct their ettention to the diepoeel of theee ' lende. end to the opening up ot thet mogul- 3 does" miner-i country on the north ehcree ot Lam "iGiiitrooiegctRttre, hen).

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