-- viously unknown to, and perhaps in || . Erd:nce {)! the Eoglish cocstitutlion, It o» | was usual, ho believed, for memb«ra of the | j of | Legislature who were so disposed in the ad | devate on the addross in reply to the #psech n-- | from the throne to d:fine their positions ; all |. r. | the more resersary, perhaps, from tha anom-- |. bo | alous porition of things whisch hal prevalled as, | politically for some tims past, He came to | i th | that house after promising his consiitao«nts to ber | give whatover Government he found in power the | a fair trial and a generous support, whatever und | might have been theilr political creed, so long rom | as their measures were for the good of the Bor-- | country, and although he would spaik of the Hag | name of hiz hon, friend at the head of tke reat | Goveromsnt with vory great reapeot, yet rost | after all is made but little differance to the unad | people what the names of the Ministers were, ven | or at what politisal shrine they had formerly of | worshipped, #o long as the conntry was well 14. | governed,. (Hoar, hoar) Ho did not d, | wish to bo misunderstood, Ha believed m« | that party government was the normal ha | condiiion of thi--gs, and that Coalitions ho | that wers brovghs abat by the sarronder or so | keeplog in »beyance of prisciple could only d | bo tem ,» wary arrangements and ought to be avoli:1 ; b=; ho regarded the present state t | of this;a a= excepMonal, and the present Goserzms 1 as havicg bsen formed under , | vory ero@stlonal ciroumstanc:s,. (Hear), «] Ths poorogysiiva of the Crown in seleoting . | the ascisers of the Government was sovereign asdi aupz--1~; yet from obvious reasons, usder ortianry clronmastances it was usual to s»l«0; tho laades of partlos as they might | , have bean developed ia ParkMament to assist la ihs tormartoen of Cabinets, s> that they mi«h4 porssss sormo degree o! permanency, ard rspresert to some extent expressed pa vic o,'...lcnl ; buat in the formation of the presest Government of Ontario, no such a | $ priori reasons exlated. A new atate of thliagse was belog inaugarated, Thore _ were no prudeutlal reasoas tbhat might in-- flaesco the cholcoe of the Crown, and the gentleman upon whom that choice fell were antitled to the respect and confi-- | 4 dence of the psople and the house, ustil theis public scts rendered them unworthy. Ha might pass over without further disoug» | g in the compmition of the administration ; por didhs thiosk it worth whilo to advert to supposed understacdings betwesn the hon. gsutlemen at the head of the Gavernment and thoa Premier of tha Domlinion,. This -- | hoase, 1t was to ba hoped, on the formation of that Government, would always exhibit | , auffisient good sense and moderation to | confine its deliberatlons to fair and legitimate ; objects, and white this should be carefally obs--rved, any attempt on the pat of ths Goseromsnt of the Dominion to dictste to | , this Government or to this house should be promptly and praltively repudiated, for | § e | under th« Impsrial Act tho members o%! this | J a | houss wer--, aon far as the Government of the , | Domision was concerned, in a position of n | absoluto _ tadependerce, _ The topios t | embraced in his Exsellency's apesch were of a | the very greatess importance, and such as, | 4 If carriod ous in their integrity, would contuce in » vaery groat dogree :o the prosperity of ths csuntry ; and the fravk | 4 mannsor in which the anbject was approached | ( a | was certalaly not to its alightest recommen: | j » | dation. «4 the rystem of free grants of | ; a | landsa to actual sattiors been the policy of | ; the Government of Cauada in the pait, there | | s | csuld bo no doubs but thst our population | ; a | would now be greavriy in advanca of what it | j ka | was, and the tide of emi;ration would no*s | ( a% | have bean diverted from our cmatry. The | , e, | mambersa could with the swarmess senti= | , of | ments of gratitude respond to the cloring | j por ragraph of the Spsech from the Tarone | , or q"hry had overy reason to be thank!al that | j eng, | the HMbersies of this fair Province of Oatarilo | , The | were not founded on the bodies of our | j & of | patriotle desd and cemert:d by their blood ; | 4 ebes | that while in every land that had rison from | 1 er's | barbarieam, the lives of the'r beat and bravast | | P en hermpanvent on --fnthwap . .46 NDLEY, _ OLE