Legislature of Ontario Hansard, 31 Dec 1867, p. 9

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.";y 'te bey on d #, Lias 1t devoived on every memb--r of tha Hovse to weigh cara. | O fully tho varlous mwatters to hn brough* ba-- | fore them, as the sussess of the Confedora-- tlon scheme dopond:d on that Mousa as muoh as the Parllsmesat of the Dominion, Ts | P party diff--rozces of tha past bad bsen obl. terated ; they wera now more in uniszon with each other, aad ho hop: d strong party fealing would not #ga'n ba fotrod4uced jato tac | 1€ Assembly. | Procosdilag to the 3/d paragraph | 8 of the Addrsss, bo took ground stronyly againat that changse ta the for mer Constltation of the country which gavs them only one | © chamber. 1t was s chango exocptlonal in lis | Ob charseter--Ontario belog the oaly Provinos ia | ©I the Domb im ia this postilon. All the | © Maritime Provisces adhered to tha old sys-- | AU tom--that syatem which had hbeen thoe means | 00 of bulidteg up the Bdiish Emp!irao ; and ha | 9G vould mot cooncelve that the cohange introdac-- | of ed in this Provings woald be a encsoss, 'Phey | U wmizht not always ba so enco:afal as at pro-- | P sout, In baving a Mlatstryp anda Proinler to | P command the confidsansa of tho House, and | N« in this and many ways the wans of the chack | d imposed by the Upper Chamber would bs | H very muach falt, (Hear, hear, {from Bir | WG Henry Smtth) To the ne!lgbbsurlog Republic the Govearnmeat of the day ware meraly haads of Aepartments and had no seate in the body | p ofths Rouse. He bslievat tha polic; Ad('p'.. wl in the constitation at Oatario to ts baotter | t than that, loasmuch as by it Mintstera wore | as on the floor of the SHonas to explain tisde| T polley. Eus as a cheot ou hbasty l=,tc'a ton | g and the power of the Govarnm=nt of the day, | p the Upper House wonuld have hean a 4¢ oid»? | b improvement. . Thels puliscs, in this caro, | 8 was poaor economy,. _ The psopt« at Oatarie. | th he beileved, daa red eomemy, hbos tzey waero | {; _ ] not parstmontous, _ Ha ha~ mac* pleasure 1a caliiog attention to ths fourth pseregraph of | m the Adiress reapeotisy tho roasnmc«s of the | in Provinco, and he csuald congratalato the House on the position they occupted fizar-- | M olally. He woul$ procead to give somsidea of the rovenuse of the Provicce. _ Under confed-- eraiion, Ootarlo had a permanoas revoouus of 80c per hoad of it« population, which, takiog 'u' the census of J86l, would amount to ths | n large anm of $1,116 872 80 ; theo they had an additional revenue of $80,000 provided for : under that Act----the athar Provinces cont=ior: | of }M also for ooming in for iar,a LMOND+®---- "1 the Provlacs® of Quabes geid>y $70 000 ancd 1 gh Nova Sootla $50,000 _ 'Thea tiiera was a ta}. h ther source of revenus which se thorzot | g they could very well do without--hs atlac¢ed | to that derlvable from the Crowa Lasds D« a partment. _ In 1865, this rovenue, from tha ta swo Provicces, amounted to $1,331,344 60-- 00 a considerable portion of which of c.ursea ba-- lorged to this Provincs Asa far as the | menagement cf that department in the past was concerned, there could be but one opin-- ton, and that was an unfavourable oune,. _ He | t reckoned that Ontorio's share of this ravenue would be $885 .415 ; bat wonld leave it out of | ar acsounnt, They had other sources of revenue L worth fortering, hut that great changes must |, be mate regarding. _ He would paritonlarly | : | allode to timber Hconees, _ At present the | in timber was being slashed and wasted by .I_nmbcnn, and it was a pity is Zshould _ be _ so in _ Ontario, Meemeawe o ie iz s

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