Canadian Statesman, 1 Nov 1888, p. 2

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dwe onequ Itio a 1~i4 thé Âdvertismr. ' .., othtemoUnited States iso tatod inia re. uosutod éX va: eto.os. Zob&m chy.Obto yfo 1 mwç .thm , ' --t'r , Lntatst deoàieouoo - lil*kuppoeo.142g.'M . ' , u - 1 . ~ufetic st~ol b h reletAltdctt7 tudtougtO a cu.usurt, .~.-'- * ~ to omlibcoo mrtfttOmO t(-uO Wldo#s!,td ýpÙO ié,,,eSu c-tti aieali OO ooW on mmd tho atiodbouenaM o.jfld.tptoo, -ý." .,ý gtoh co nu u ou vot b tw u Secrolueytiay iod,wheomeooto.oght, ohuu c ,sera t hoprop aro t Tugh tboiwtB m j ot Coron ri ah(i.Toe. tutoa , wlmbtm u tproucoluuothocomtmm, osto lutot ruurt Ostil Proldut. ootbugittopuuihlitos. thfutuo Mtclodutm buopotuo . .~-~ ,~tEWb~TB&' i \~ _____________ c. pogoto aolt c l todtoa id 0t o ot oovoau uto u? 1hsg b t tmt udimo OsoouoMrTtoibît< i 6-yro , - - - -- flmiý opudouoIbtoty LctlIarfo= ., ,Çot1o beau sotu1,79omu-forooooa ao rtttou moiis ,.buitur1Woot ThoSoutuol u tboto.orga odotra itho .e., -'""- 1 * S b t e u sy otoryo tiec oo ertaydd mtéoo O utrmt u op o tin o a un tc. L t -lim s dsm srS ruet î~martty sootto NEWYoflO;--OC1Lnn» ýý .t à à ,', . ',l pumaxeoir u do'tStbo. mm lbouoatit o lmo moomutoe o sutot ho meut .. ..- --- Du-Wmvmi jutCbbElulmo-ood,0Quo taises Theed7Gooum uOOoououSoushovohoou mumotômu -"rttluglu.o Jthoitotmstbmmthel and C d.Là M e ail t u o .Th mve meu3 aiti u f ù SasicouAbi an qothurday. f ce llé mo dm. r ,. l "ý' -A sa ilît. et o m s rl ir gh u tmo AS. S E Y R Ad, llo -lrp dym ite .mî .th .Ca ..bso ,seu il ated aoi oeoumutëý for mootoruorbofmoustâtaitiCanouien -s1 Ohageoagef lu toThe p.soilol-attC uu'b- pelv-legos ot, Osa A tt ,o".t =' flfio a d toesubetl o esotPolico HotiotmOs o- 1 . ____ itahoSeer. . .Mulu S1 iib!luu - SIt 0 u S o F ooie. o l u ôtuiy.àa ho r laio ul tise ;; 1l19ot ta .... aboieoîut tisa o os w o uit upon & girl - ... , .iuod o' troe. sto c totohé a- e u ltsi.h ugrm.luo Iocspltmndapiem to roeeaduiobr t TossaSaurayu&to or mssad autumu ogs . - In us opebyotosLu 1;' 0,10e do -ne t ao xosnd gapiadiaet $touttu',--- -** . *. é L5W. . ItI rus uor d med b imu e.suo Stmi, t oay. muGOL S diou r oe f u. SudhitSo eTu-;ufeu. otfl.rls .rf. .1 0O0- .. *'toute onFr duyforioomutlesoo dmatuss byIpnmi8iu. bisuie. B o ai folLet, Oet. 2ta-Tho r ites au. tinhl d;ti ài. o f te o uS ul, -cultt tuhdeas tallaiosoy; . n. 1 . .m-a ovor o e r houru suîL ý otl oead is tuaih *soTs.o ur. uE mi m-fcou.r Oti ttt.. fbod at oudm orale t fouinera-ý ','ý-- 1-di 'm4etôsllofi 4,wimuluro bout eralyý tiessu e ubi ter oot ul,o snto - -- D. o- Pot oloboeàro bs Osa luteuthave eaou fOhesle lb...1Mulr:.ry mous119. .eàkloute 28tiby .ta. e B p thodonoxplusbuu l -ut Oa a *tago ' bolierm off b. .It iaaW i neytllàehn..Reters lu bidotrubir ss"d e ou Q UI" ; bastptulouh by a f ouo ! 65>000'fionooôGBidodlor m frOsa repoul etthofl StsttIuct. - ,.au to .ou ioda. mn nSie.a i e o isiil ntdhe t1p t Ibir gumu or tquerma ..s . . . 'o fsùd l t H o p io a til s o fto ll utotou»lo.Ts ls1cauoNpslo.ieosiuoorofoe -Ii sutdhisa Lug bolsmuu h uy etisrss oe il lu taIs. -m0oy Be Asocitionlou et TonoablinheoU ied Sfo e wýsse ote tm i . amo ôth ott AcôtiAsocluatoui 0oeti- 1 hne ran, neuve. ta rieisy,00st* Dr. a ll es pssmoittotatnsinf e fàor t -Aa îwm0, ot ou. taIs L i"415. ,.tL- c * ilris tompiot a faittCaisb litootyBritsh otnoso elôo b t ier, e utdal; iGat ool bos elitha o ril i t rr s swluo'tsiutnSl atr:is vO tateissisisief tis upis. lOe-- .1 ,:, nn, :u G oods Stoain ck iMÜtn. to , aIl. . -a: s hO-, aufidrothdfriio-'d eo t olie Maginhôr faîî.oo TheUor le d ttesGusrcut 10 ou ougagsg;-,luO.. bearbui.-_______: . .o8 geioru motoîcis mooatuieon juotimitouer or ro atoeir.- .W . .5o e. iualsogadbeeisumbzoemespue udbolo eitlo 1 4brm: ,- ,'r, 1 te lemmie s*oiï omoudm'auttOin - lol- 'td ' .soeulobollg T eo ý ' '-hentu o tune moimisist5e OtO.t luvpiie. atéGvror àteioos- oopotrheeAofor, ,mt tiserehy... boluo. ufmmboo eau s olomo oau halusee o m tiaiu h es rtab- It ro on s m mo t io et se it Oen stsàl ltipàe i rl,- Beot"i sO m : î'.A 1N , .fl théContHatioiofsaclouved oiiissed mu-"I'Z . . uNe o uigt wcu t) tmnado utilbehe conentoismtheouter.- ho otfheotlierdun ld ay ouit . f r.Aso. Chelul niser S et oieîeo . 0 frecH io . moufuus useo umlf s poeueoefne mveose ooi mmrtm1 f OOO lsy auis mômioofally e eaos seroov t almme' T , hlieoutot-Wtommuohoonoftse tsrTooosaho sbidtsty .Soereei lando o m numoof ou tise Pooaspatlerisoor ofitis. Os1,l.q-or hsm1buama, for1-e,..- isur a upo -ik.. our-a - umioinwae. lu. ana V. Lutos oisoi usheui mte d u mof.itýagis atieu ptisioô o lute S eeo resetis Bon tb uloSt. TomStra 1 ? O....ý thtimoil hm tomieaul mous foluippbooo sdvptjil-eratom iveôàl OImmllis h l isaI i;oe y do ýjG 1jL. S.DOý {O ... I 1 ibvmen. omèros wllliefialea ut tet r mo 4olol tou. etoie ialunt. Thou lcur o t hr. ' Tou masoî efotlhlushe fIa cool - mOieforn mvuoecludf d Ui mot r ebor erwgsbadI Osmo f ett .- . mg lvte fo mom ti~ u a no- elaive muruovuo lmo exooptuts As oicoat esu J0 . TsCoiololy unjuuatod.*-- Huoy oue, a canope«ou .-byoose isuueor remmryfbutrlosly eitil u Ai 20 ur Spolu5Coue' .OIun O e C nt bou rtiu mi s o .liu i Co-boîter tactulsib o f oiles pbi. ae kéaaiserullfpoli.nd ang s: toardAnd e sHnlCig t Gus a l ss s Mooiream>doi mlit s1 cils. i.tI bteoilpîcO. ,15 y . .r rc M a i e. ssou repolubd , oo oubaucu 'sil tm 1tu . lu smto post omr u . TeLuo umpste ooo. - il o tyoure n uau nre lation -,us ..- «, uyuuo ieoytor osmr uue-edy t oooodf ia s utr OlsIe ttaws u -l Nec. t heBnfiziètis$ Sasteoue, 31F. fer fluet ollotsI slte aof a Osu7ouleO., . Lan:e. any± ,'iÊSrouSômeus amiryais-& utio ru t moorulxhOlding tu ou. lgbofs oebv oo tvo o sdoDuiru oeouofr eooruefa ot Lrd o cn - .ttiso avoierpn c eus ohere r af so : romo. umy ,usno y do . p .rh 'meus pnuut .iossus-mssBsouobprilao tsueaseplossioThnrpol o>oafpef of is ia msiisp etstes. - Th-PpobOafft hvesss s nteao -mt] colaou mitcosnr r s ..setooseusToiriif ua e r Igisl e t ul1 ai0>0 el euuuCemo o . J. stert p ortsre TiaCugop lbnu u oro pmlis oItie clu miooby ef ioi roeteie utoOc , 5 OsmoMoysrfte 5 G rî iuluu uth lse -atr*et a tuitu'meseomoombd' ntùdommo isovmtmh soé e t a i ieyCmpu mll elsocotOOh e ceolpfo .a.oui .oooauuie tomerAt,:us or e la a euf fou a ____in____Q__p____c-_.K. ,.__________ 'tomo t-Hum -olorau bsihem. , le. m b orsmytooy tail is- (frtSouulu tie tnder, o goouluEans I meamhies lu huil a - ueoteM ilwutetmcuFsc ood ise Voicrs ,* mumigti.lIe ;ls rfu. Tisere loue tu bonogrc, u s erc 5,ourd T rtisa Boref , 'ss nds t l e rhor homo lu Ilto t eir olo oûS cli ro, mlosCor.mli iethesou o s -adi eroo n I .- î mrr iledsu . ma',hst lo u..ocs sli .s. , foy oerti o 1:ni iaist tsi e mi lt t-dy.- lspepb poc, oW1$ uismli o'polatiab'pratssôupisuiuja rrfi bu sa-Ill te cru-tisaI ls1î. pot-..luss tiuosp t tisen Ostobso blati ou tse ttts ni Nofsu Justioa Inl ie s Ao uesis, nis. aofIhe t rabuus'uO.lea tisougts'm puisiU lsai hy. _ tiso. Cl-1, - et ti l a mr r,,i4 ' ' ' bt;-«f U tsfooho odfry l i ll i kemihvet el.outtioo esWalue botor.eý . . ... cec soetso se-oaguuyco- to oosOs I t he r.H4o ten mesipa ' lo s- e r16 -n-;on3 -m t ra ,issueealOo B- puosui .qamu o u .gu e m-es1a dotaliutuo a PrIlos.Te mn all'- -mo ýitont p su l uIii sro ' a 1 BUie- lteI-à"n Bl nthswy 0. - . ! . 0 Acim. ha a I I'muay 1 almo., ar h S* sot f4 o terlo, ve isris frmoil themao.tot Cos[o.u.otf.Sttheoyrimailler-ooluneobf .es, sb ismooil'. ,«trouf a ts buisoaiseridco-aetuoc tisussiIl muera usrtsd otereiiy ottisot h i ai eo mo fli 'mseee oe o ihuf i o horec b o altî ots adi oudJOBlttei t *1 habsto. uir ,fon n dbmdo iatafcour tsa o loelb, mismts Osaisuer'ICort aiutofilyhyii elsd'dcag n e glte tise - ao n ofDthimul iso polo1ndet ba.trliol ont ur iooaeriton tabilife moy ht e rebnirseusssgl .ss ia i Siuetillse'u0oruuoOsresomoisor5loslsoss '. - ouli iîr s ri, ; i imunfblc n eus n la7 -Wia ,'ofim *ail.ufe-U... - vo lu sep cal il i Gamee s smesot- - . «ioueot1acio in reg rdy te ple r ie sip mm -lo s bu e oi gsII -u s oer,1 1 1 1 . . : . . 1 - ta %vd iTiueoo, tforth ,Maiai.m ecre rosandug oS lx.I3 chalr et-tisa uScel o rd.ualmeul in I ta10 8;05forutue. cas a' faot tîe Loto u spbyeor is a nsietu 10 n hmsum.m. broior fterb pa At lsc wen, nt-focea heo fr heprsne. M elof il mi, po bil els.o..te40,00peraoumm. Tis abofb he . i 0 0h1fl H. B.eMginare iso iltegut - ofds-toe -no ocuyà asptd on Jm e,184,drsm .ssu 1do mdoty d asotaisureta g h ucoo wB rece, 5 - oschave etusiory oodWlIos. mm-o 6sîis 0 psmsugrs bospns-îsîs Haems bosil si- mo tiseM fruois a a i fironeasi. f l s - roteaesi.ooiro l o p nt moreosd wu rametir.of heurMiltoye, 0 BacWndgii Ssepsedo- I e lie rclioussi os L'co l ie . . nWil.us0at ct'mues. iho ibot onartpclesurtatisemuets.lu1,000.a ly.oIsons mure drtmn'flero euise ill-tlcdWtrthueof tiseirsu Itosooluiso ISiilieise . ctducalopes aie.'Qo d h d amsslur olin W. . i,Mr.euc ise ; sso isoum t oei S.eile rosoh , acsbo.fuirulrrdu iCO t eu - s E t oosiaes ac -ote ý "Nfanestmry 'monaos A0ar o r '.i b o edà 'heP riiat i -ý ý.. .ý h8i s cialtert s a tsre u r anotio e A t r osa l i'mou m the tlu morlie tt o t isird sbeparsiaulad linu r, - Trotoilitbei diu eter.ttralso oist oono fsvpei r wmu, T soo 'ms- b usi es s, wlu érivéo.ia : er1 so anistm e du ioTa lu isssros t e r ou aiPues i a oa eoa tohr tls ai o- AI sticeenry onte r mfl o n e oou t.uufa . ? , '- . ..tit.i-uo.-- tor tisu oupoul et lise Ses-ies.wOÈ IiýécI -proinGe'saut oradrolaB ,'ssappa0 fr-brelssetsmsi tewll-aaPaoc-tsà.s'sesstlBratl. *er.tisysas- aisbataiuir S r oom, y sueluretooi Tisuy t the0u. is mY- . - - 1-.- Vs ou, s f:I so 'mcisicl, llreis 'S....,uodî . ttr'O llov a e iea m tie-dray I o S àl nocter hav ie ra 01f li ý S desrottr ofe oamehrms l. ptalon uefront h p a iyouunes o - n u G plfuomiam, . 'morse rts i lye osi wt. t o uoslea, htopun dom u se T ' T . . a o o tgo es ltm o e i ois c a t 'l m oet ome lu h e rpse eit r liB ie r e u st ier. O fly0il ile rI l ers o ca ti.nsn-t-m lo sisur ot rn g airncoet thep'malt- l au lie i n o r ' o mis t i re auy po ..u r elat i v a e s p s . 1 2oie o is a ia i u aDr o o rid o lu o J .obo ro u fo c o t1ntis ir H e n ry . di ss le s e iu ied u o r roto v o u f u iso h i ll ea t a tc bm2 0 a r a n-'Sie w o i'C e n , 5i, y to emtgo l s ' s. a l e tl a 5 u li eGae o 0 ic , i lu c o p t so u u H o ro b p O R o l e iha v e t . h su o, n e.'m ausim ab1ot1 S lo o s , o atco u sl arlu L f - 'ôdécôoo b it mois a o rsbatfsioastt oi ansulbshsf,-sum tia haveosîlus- >- - . . i l tche F tou s tue ots ae mo ot e ou na. îso.. .firulu a auu 'd eae e - - '- - Wo arejo- Wto' bé pits e- pi-15(-,.a3mm o imd u m lous mbunti a oi au t té'os.Iloto hwetemosaca lseope l muet, un .o for wl-- Cursagr Pusosissgd oufils h lpsohiun lierp ourmeioIl.soà OcIitirrip m Agr TisLumdu'rssaCollrrageoolits Guelph it.,d oHostiues5 -r5assrOdsc - whiteI Ain . - oroeiîairioi.s.sodar prololit.tom . - -- toI f asoBtear. Afl.nRsaisuneron l tiquialu Net ltheeurl loi fraeacoulaifiiacio-t ariui rse- O.s Os,,O .s.,oOmrOs tOs Nperslasgs . plcae i héEÉpr o ribs eu oflsusd0:hécup o ario, . t-Buulo uy 5 ilan0,5/1t- Bakets,1 pcomply .ec Jii4out stei thlfmta ui oi il.ta r s msrsssodreoasc) ýr e isss o ouslsie sunts, of fr ~i ed meus sorsfi . Lucas repio riate billtpotetto aingPate huioc o ay, os pon teorsf bisa cso estioap nlosg c oa u id Os ef h o r teusuli. - tngt c te nd auteCr0--utf th e ifuo;nsssi,,daei.eesi. 0 ,OOn- pdososart sit otissp teaulab ts tsc otiaI b ru lise craaai th éOadis O(Pa ci helsbp ilding, oso, 'ea hho cs ac asso tE-resromofOe moatcnay o ti t e a sîs foosudu so, adhow issoi5os eodie r-5.OcsaoO -i-:iila nc. .. .;- s lln ai se theoumlîo leespo aitse O plo-kall f e- a Chmerryoee t atisa r'- eiure lpl oud urlot or Oervc oi ufcmt.oirbe! t.D.S isafso. rv upil j lin O upunin afe eu ouu o uigs .o pOctora Ia insgee ohuse aus r eoanda frth n ue tpe otO- - -~ efeocre gres o r *oi 'wACt in sol aheSdealer oIsn asEdC O Maiteupn, . i-oileas sommatlufoobos-fhy.lsl olnh ladadetront aonoiir ssd lui ar - t pu nmiOsants ,aylooanfao ai mml arueGsSpooitao Erglo.o1 0'ss tmu Tr iuiiue ocoa a euo.- rrer hli it e r l opgr.u ioot f or e ctc lbu modons pU. os oi lpfor ourle lDecruoDr . SsoitSouuo ol s i ta aiy on ST i l rîoita for.-i o tUoo creCr'l otaiCmasfrm i Sfim bo u tit hucf mo ultalo orfi. s iugnmpioa.A nu mhe r yiustmrbs;Mi - Dolng pur bumg tndcesir=u ieeoplasomateetrent.90 o adtion grufe, to bisa Greolà Onthoot Syuoi.Salu et Watorhunpl otuls ares-sos - lwnie a 1(oit 4S se fuini sati te mmorsoo.. a. te Te eorot meo pt b a nlouue Osu Ho.-lentbarnot failioout ihéufous wolsa, ooisouci _____graint__thelio,_Ot._10_88. . .adsooFoccmcsý oneholotuo ma rufgte healcon__ in__ abieoftt . a .ur alieolo 52unf outse o Clgar yrouolderta LoandH Auctuu Sle etaOProstets. Mpi. . I.S O EN .t uom - ý e o w lyIdikinh lover.- f'Stf bouvlrllVOldne oK tri snf aci cptuaai.,,lbsoum ot o pa ny ho PuSeuil:oic ooatosi .Lofura 90 -i rt' n rwr n hiel odllof ., % e . 1 7 lusMobl mua i oti alrtoueanAa hea ab l e tublarmu lu ase ou au *-(M000soolln, ntander cs ur ien noo% lnu.thr iot tra be t e mua ng . -Wimlg ig coS, o1u eg.ut hoelso la v . . A~A s~o 1 ' O1 ________ Pffr timwat ooyc mutra Auuob, sbocu-uur.uf1muorou âôi pasofima oti t mrè o o h a, -laci.r: -rohmoiinHa- persas oun ma d eO k- toalbtueésI", fil ihoodutciuyShul garesbup.1briondsbisa e - t o w lise lu e s diura is llit esu ourt . . Al e iu n C. iefIlthue f.-'is eul -mon eot1ed ou tfimntao 'mlu, nd piemout uts, et-7r ttamugfoosoditedd oporbg amiliofiSmanamv él uuore e cotion ube5hal r lu1 ffilaifie- Ho-J ticOsîlt agrc.T hu g - ' u' . C.FFIN . . il, uts u is sa fota utthe - I r oesi'lielfu Boommbk miissse s lo for tb o r sa.) rs.uf heOs oper tb ý n thei.ofogph ei n A ty lu ho mem ance etamo laid, Con-IundS. ,1 ., i m' P u v et mmei lis crlsd . s . -miss tArtii. Dr obse onuf of mypPOVtetiaieart ie toclobu. HotLtib ora t E prat en iloeu s rmutngsybu .ý a ndugu il lsh o uis aundm, b. ipt. rae- Bf r . aio .. .,drd I osn Mlon.ote re sasu.u 1cm lous.dse. cs1 bae. a tua s o olben meuresouionapo m roayluroolou atoîgctuoutmsouunOe FB.pii-aiem, neqor ut hitho -cruau ouLeslte an garoufoandtiiogsooepsr on ofo ra -'ooei s I su sehargte knsf 184 h e roo oit nietuoant lu Ose mi atO sef ub ale anurd us- gh Thru s Illua1,410 fuic aisv tsw oeisoee e tegusmoatalo gusa.ip . . 1-.-. .a t t ChoballuOc.nao Osuookkasmihtheai I bc aisdoat ebn ite:r.,,fot wior elleili Cotepst uoierob ootSi, U(ltM*t 'teM yr out 5, mus le f y him usriw a- T h l'.bomof o ubtear t s e irco sourforOtus , uchw mu t se ustna. llaFnode IAdiisnsosci'Clangouoraî e E Wraiouve THBEICciseaslol.I.EA .SE..tO -icae timu eio * re gcu n T eGoennci uil ert s te é T rotuote t is.. .%a o tefr L ll ae aste rsdn f %ilcii aalas e itold, - ý -1 erisa sus a s oaoy ouuma1.esaaotmeercé,bs ueeom sor, iîj( uce f 'm050 id ' ies a,in...s'e' .Cr. cuhyrgessuttltota thtiigranmioafSuorol etyhtppoioto ofnous id raso, 00etoForos 1og. ise.5forOuf Osemauabois.o. ni.c- ;ie- .-e-11 mtraifoaellta auecteutte crate feaoty er Coofa ma misflf peder mufonotii'seraioufor pu.isopsg ir 1 't su*i:se éouf to y o xptth odtiis m onhufep ndos ie oubti'; iau fmucc tai o y d w tor-nid goco .etBosf trlmo u 'e tca feaelt oios a mistlau.Tnsas lu , uti Ïl l rt wolm vuog,00nuuneo1 . 1p0 -1 jDI lY.- ie TKAI. -û olnvic uouosgtftos oslosonseot tagooug lo ouf Wopdb- for thpis hv pO apros1ueli sveds o aurdo t a ,0 ' ITNr FRA E . tombe, 1987 druukandamourser1Ose ,!railsooenm liduacris .heauttiso Agusrshoutloavinsloalef itramssbng oeateoCity.oia-thos nlorsloulomgo !are thestoppag of sOs publcationvas -net ,a, Inssigg. terefuNoticed r ià eai erl sis2;luf tiesos eom187,dnr a ityo a000 ie aridovrt aata Misiss Nois l b ut Oo atter C t oplon oo nto - - o he mo gist Mo e t m ismuz ahtha i otr wCueî Illooi.a -2r.ldM , u. .- -1- .m -,an'sisoîs e l ysi llitnliiie - --it dpraen'ntm 5,00i bi as fte- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - dtor. .1 .. nu coA ,. I e oS f er tulk*a ise o drut m , 4;uf t is u tendm. Our colts tiolos O1sa r con o r i - m so o folbs9e l o ;iToeua cltimicau itao the -- ----s -o esO; i, sou on 55t 5.O sd ue. ,s s uri - - - isf, 'e a ,1 l ot l - odu if -nabu brougot20;db-tan h.mup OsolWeueamie Sia Ita omlotlo fause tivfomron ry ar , élo rs wertoto o aif tmai b eilf ated train oit he Irn olfif. ntilolmetedid .OoensOmeu-- tu dAm.l u irut Dsnug aiote' out a hogiô are Sti t iacm -.: * , aInssth;aMsWoIBfell, mtouh r obaeutyb oel-owug -lu have bucis- - conlltman litol tef O l to -Cu.Om . si su ssple. .- . - S~ ulut havoOs . ' atledougiforrSemmoro o . .onrbo . ýun Eo ani* ai t ao ua isoo o usi u P so t ou - b uoaf, haro- Thed1 meouso. Feu tise 'meneisfordtng - Cm uo cott ce to blini bia Ciuoiuteocefiâce m,,ieaycbars M-oLeautoa' er cdlthegmutl de. su3 onlthe tucio .cv ao h onis'nw ihrpn rso t l oeu gl oufIl igamf e il tertmento;bft n. acton fa ttkn ris At 7.0. onOrinly avnirs wa - Ac in Lmnntidreprt gaammucces in1 oo 1rc:rs.setilsiàd>Olred usa, tisa o<ernIrine.aac goiugso o tu tà. mi c is atnmou m ottnaur so et. d e a s m eso Votois *i a m e ouseon sarI thaS wcot e aiot.couheossigisoup 0bs f usyd of. thorboss. 000 h uthiaetisottOî100bcoin.ebst - tdomef Os a uûso u ou 'ennnslmth.cs nu 1euco ,, - ontd saertrunOliOissityorsuCnuureea . f moS -'Aunust M. 1 Be heu damacd, lban Samficmot y am1mm.l, eeusaves Gsflbtos. Bah tbianinhit opiion u strogly iblavete *tise.«-tis-on . ho' as u bt ig dbids Oso thousOsaconesomma. o up u for n-pit c'teioeteohae boWeide raithemIOe fla l()urmatto are guidesa uus.xscs P ý tinia a reut pnailtsiubt vr tto ofnmeuui- - - -chef; arsny tai, 1 .ns Oodeidaemuomumsu- re ? sb afesto i t at - u t ous A sn hr iseff-fomstad ,-e ioat u a. e rureofDr.m575f1 i s aobcs.lcon __m the I - - uf OsB ffle-%vse hvegpeta saa iPaisU itCofi . . ;-\'M . ucs upý«Irtclta enio i iil b clliltogthr n ov 8 won 'g f lest ouf coothe .t.u lente- 5' VALg u a h ý0onsthi tisi . . Pioi i~~mid ut hmOsyboimai uae0eotp i f.~ roug e auý joigmhboofsMr. sllemfep rloto-le w nt he airis b-le, gmv o rotlu aseniTuroab 'Noa.r. oojctiiiae~so - mand Ctuv a sRA o-tisthe orb ioit mithe oit at ofl teoom mless e uifp oe r Iofcouxfeemto s B o n i e thie , -- nce-rieuus ir; . ,,- 1 . . -i Oa e etom meto s & o t r uo- i Asses . .uso on- a d ia - ii-e ltit. T e cam er. .tn fun as r ms ia ..d o.] - .1.-nut .ou .usst aAobéit titre oBRot in q unôt boue Hall on the motion 50 the Rame.. r ?9d l ofnistsse rusras- L ,.-R )e â E -us su r5ratoe o.oo Bayucusa theP- s. ac ui - -Ç r..av¾ msd mua,. eo lejOsi usE -ont U sut lo'tlock, PM.* mous, uOsl.reOnsCc euscM .niseni. M duOmuner tesep500 loto jouas 'oabpî -I us from Se tp to 500. GOOD ASSOlu1ML0 p ,,Tapestr.yi eOCHeamy MeltOri W3ý.éat.Saleof mM: pie is still 9( - fea25c, irssBcbi'g .-T 84A NiD 1 eut iiIiiir (sf oi b~o ry isst.M, o eslc roî su l d itsi o 1ukdî ln l-ti o>P AS~ZS TV~~~~' HAT1 N~n utbut0cC usst o Eils- Soi EN 5 l0? OO K .> MATTmtov 'ton.1 r1$LESTATE [LGOF NORVAL a,;,ith (ouember, '88, l e luiesirrry 55 LiasOi 13Us)cbl0 tis~I

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