Canadian Statesman, 11 Oct 1888, p. 2

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Un no. . . -.- - te.. a-,eeP . e. 0 0.10. iý ' e b C=erc a Z' - ro . E1 ýfl t IS1l b cou ot e -. ree et811geelmot.elleceeze. monda i è P.ý4 rt, the enoi e- leh re cu tit u el h .e e ,e ~ e e e .' r rk l b . le e e e r sl ïnee o o f O h e ei e ,p u e i e O m 8 ll" e i - k eeieeee. At e eehoelt1f We thoery " 1 10" 7 1lm' . P r of .hE lth r.u g h ee'0 1 1 0 0 0 0 T a Ihen lel~~~~~~~fr ineat6 th e dict er u e ,b tkirfheeîeAoOt 0f~1d0I eî. proceededrel-.Mo..yle_..c>1_1l.Il ICie bIldl ort-peeete Cttohe.reot e e &l oee,.eai' ie ie 'drlg 111 tobl tîetililiocete dt lIw.tte ~ teblhtcIlic>!e=W40%-. hichh tee objetionaud o. v k inereeiseeaceineOee ft h1ee1î e1eetetdettehCrleprt edh.ocOtO.t crh 1.T ooetqtcd rtpoe eedeel 11ehedf Ct--- io Be Oy!lî!d Ueoyh ct~eaic.otC eeio1Tif~ . - tcee fteo. eveg h1il coée, L co h foid.t Ctý th. .-Ane edareeetrriW 1 làeotL ee ithe.rcpiabi-thd Itr ceed at e elrelceectr- odc Petissu a .j-. t. and CtLl j l ah egca n-l ve r g a o t . . t w odr l ot e +eýeb l r Oye l 11 to . e b at m t. e emtht te, o lla ; teyClu - . r l. . .o l hn1 . altns .3hFafIlIr. eoctt on 111e ien ce m 111e oa ee ecet aalyofie.r1hhle.htdateeottâltad-.1c11o. Il bo fBi.Oeelo e r O. iot g.coo t n T echre et Iotro aloe cengoiegbibled fitceMr. o cH% oce il le . ore tc. -T......Cý etewd or111e lttr ty 111 jda t e cexte. ide0d oe ot h& ee *i b oy mec t ce .tefre. coralîcg octn bl teck1 obaecti o JudgetMer. h4rpMae heeDocalcod Til A, itt9O r.c edbrtr ceet lide cao lf d opsryinethe ol. ohotettut a . 11ecrSscrc I. e> ql te êere tbcIee t ho . 2.o e y$lehteer 11 olo eCe eeuteidtdlo' ou u tetilteOhc hei hce eg l tîc h leu ut , e re çt 1cifctlt f d ..glco of tde d te.ibi lotti e , acer et D rarîI îîtee teeond, ad a111 e uotc lery hfi n otul . e1cbm hier e i 14 it. lue 2 neetésis taite hec lwith creecspntéc m d cth l i e cI cleç'i te- h t han-SetîB- wu o aciet. e ien e.,À5 l oftejdee 0itiluleeoe wcrti alpr ove rs,- t 1111 e eT hisecu ele 0fTt e erpcdct lce he ree te. ctoocé 1 tcb ballotseedin 1 tle P cîr ossbctfor thOcec tîcce sen n e ptee, ite ocelO .ieuîc cortt t p T e bar. iyl ultlb ee ~ - eO l hna ut oduig 11e ouetho D .es tMen t bcvy t etlias tta e t debt trfer- ceree. fmc e ihm o.- ctui îct c lcuOF I A tea ut îbo e lnom M î.IO î et oe toeteoîtîotwepr eCtle 0r en d brl.cfet cu cml 1,110 T RS Y 'iojcc rt e. a ttlo e r cd the.faàeerut cth ,e lrere .ail eecng Baed * prtocI' . e renocr, arct e ;hc btter,-0.01 le N d D NA D ~O etel trialmot egu. coxiat-j u eSe d i eoteriy nt l: tceubitnt4ete rtth IC rcee sayi À inia l i c"r t% qui rAe eAeANE Li ra pîee ed ho gvn e al leot ioetttweo erOtClloeo d eue ce ht eacIy itf I 1-h mm etpe ce Tc4rrceteO et o n $ Ou.,A, Drn eti c îî11bhtmr k. tthétedr lrloa.hobIiit te îo1hanthi. n ,he. .i. - . . o..r'.81 re .Aieoeoo-c dturte1tc A $ -eiy mieOl-r Weuceeic., tecuXla uà frM.Ot,-'l t Dci the tctro- ca eau dcalg int he bttcetit . Otiî.hieoeiefo andcz~Te. eeeen ti.fforddoutetltetitee ehte i hé.b inc e rod, ancy edicab rttielibr Ile tch-eloY.o mlteec otleceîp rov o tic t t oersteuce cucleccccaiTh f .e n et letmecrel ltet C net lîcoicta ieinie coiveéco lice c cceraýýitof. tIlatt t i ugt a i Baeicove ere muoandctcOr .teo ot fudtthe coidr.neio, etatcft eau h ottnet thepisucetîc aser o co u r o utchc pece f«-t apidues bcieutMyoc& nctaîc O. i- ctîo Sii f h tu cccey pelncakdh i cuyclO ltOT Olnt 01e ocudm e trech'iaë"* i cu hc c cclisc ý. g as mtrThei ed àtoit,ù ot s il). ont ed eretheittucity f Dr ae pcuprlue ienedO hu-luft e,. c.Hetocctti .,..aicteoo. dl -- reWho.EPT0 O6iàe grain Oct 0,0 eîh.-Tl iceédlIly eco fieoiot is A nguluclenc fOh Iceuue.f flYtlote t-rrLîte: - a oeen,-Ot -7-CcuîiISen- cYel saAilcnti pn oule jl lu ouelc ctionetsin6ei1Icirn'g. ielfnodciblled cd onÈtrC tuc inieîy &oiot p orr ecf t CCeieoJrceSctton c S ale t h t on 'ot li îe buict,ïof teîî eetli, =rtMi Ruiey 10eeiepythiui, Wil__ foho a1t i i e alioî hentélalicco iNét O hut u aclyl e*rtang ict 1h f ot e. o - aa eiht eccîiA. t . oce elec . filpccî D. c D.u dctoc'uuo jett t cix cctttccc hé feeiIn or thtm b.Sou f in.etdieor ttce cii ttfuuucie O ieiut. O . B O N iuigit o rn , th Ail hI T du ul ro rltulpri.brTht cprt cîr tced Ot e b.occutootîihc eor 1;.-Beotien Salieyet tc thWce bloat markrîce u stice an eîîu bsorinm t tr apl e1e. ..O NS1,0FES UE ta,- -cal ! d .>ff ce a d ui fl t is in ti is w iledtli t atorcciO.ite d e . h e eliT li o t e F r e rre s reu îee- eè W c reseM P REe co t n. tuenDuputy iciterc ig .ficeo e At re n slOten ie ,er no - - a- Guo .l y Ocieiu te te be T ccoo e re nc M eoc, Oc. l- e ti n S l eLIeFcleT.tttO uhiue _____or___ .Caicmho wsv.opiei ?t. te ieleros.Pien cîlirihîl, ii otmuritil'le fiAo one- ec t hé u zo te m oleuidfn hc A ip -Threl e chi e etoOdte 0 eudotec cEie itaeict. ou,- eurc e UCT, I Opi SAESc. 'eccJcoi oec-...ctott~ . Oheuch 011e lcase hOlicotitor. ucCul % cr. r t. ecird e"e.1 o ltt C e.~ u t lch l oBie Ifrcc vi(Ictllccee aYthatft3r cu vrPrIthecsv orala cie.Tcctt.Oc.BIyrluU Saooft téSertay Bpoied bllot"atoe, ssPeced Tluiuwcereria hoerlcouessCcccet. SOuc teho, eSlSecctuct. E. accch.STI %Ul the Dapp uomlc o te tu n n -ýhttecuishi eusit-b in ? teCry.e ftheue - - - - t cr..eoc l lti eoii;,à ýTo " as Toaus cîceet.1 - -ck officcr'-Ij1trplça terMtCoeteOen CIomijor.cce Wi ccetecn" i,1.mOctA Stligtioacî d sjùmte ,fcei0et ceu ec aiSt e-e thi n ot eurl oa , ... u1 teh. 11:of11 taiemeestocke, ouimp.laenta Macdecto ieauettocern.t maganoIr; e tece hut- o uite -cen i f i e er . le. th Ecqamof. cir.cirlofoMr, Mr yevot itoed u i htt-alW rautfcn nétd I .frfc eib ter e t e voirci1 - - tOute11:pcereleeccunli,,Smithbsent .110 re3tteici h otctte. npe thsncob dI ne f. Ac tei i etlu eGo Cru .clly lohet ____Salo__ofy-__>__________ th'cg ft-tMi -MCatic hutit tt heula ntîi lofthec kget trltItu t ie Vii urnlearingeoer iy ealet fcc noccct i tce epihy o coteorrecu lutîceutl ouhie ;oy ee U lot. bct Ccdcr tcel e. ito teoe k, IOupeC PcI .of- c rthéc rateouec)cJucclcc McI trthe .OIOcc t t ncdao. na t e ht a ly i It:*liobtatth id - oh n O ccoOcc0 - er eiegeuuedut t à Tnoet ,oy crfia fa- n dîiius Clel th of ceue wocrved(if cc.PcanotaiMt- ro -for Caltie ter) wreeuT ,l .1 dtire ote hi pto uaaaits00OCoc w.ylù FI e; Arr ic r otgosmjrtyt i.uiacutéfamil l mdOe euuhec ton raeoiauuwu blli in the eu- ocr i iletavras raucci yostrday lternon ta hose f 31r cherycAndMr;iLh ecI.whrlotccàlofI cota o -et t Ilîtcecthe l~ a tea g o oadtt e n ad, ethiit ... ritt i-cardOcta tue cause, 4-Gm onetihacelec tel rate, oehan co ee, u aleBwmn n o . o.8 suu Déie c iel.OTA -heccirtcOle eue ceiirlllOctl thhetol ox coe rclalcd horthe Àsphninpttioo be ait O udoeeetot lt n ooi,;teys-h i 1 tict, le îcaa . tcot a lieSot. bul>,BIn o reue ea loo, Cu , I - eeoabuao ecccurucclecrt thy pi. rTboi'o ea e elfrCi ltoc be s e ercl ielAeriihtt celeo i ti. Ojmt md i 2 hT.At.Ao iel. 5 Y." ului 1 .cacuTI y tJu g eV sO rO y M M . o oi a oimuoodete,ý uli itferinllt tebut« ia ngA - inot - Ayclc ooth ph coce Oho oi t iu l 11cte tej rteop dt toc . TlieN ocy e e.te e rit. li. eanIc tIe m Tecoute tienSal cilia m t c .ii loui u d. o9, lnd cc O ei . ocliw c ccl rej,fO lic bal.lotlouc.'lie.OCulter.. Thun, asectel' - ,aiiso te tio n;fu h e Ie qti n o rc teu ialrd by lti edB. i cuicicd ccucilft'oo oocue~ot 7,c o e. , tYl cuiceci -c-îc , c a t c h eh ' liew t li e b m lyc o n ele t e c- t i ,t ec luta nio te . T f J o i domna tnbuoyricld tr i th cr, thd'a o-id hci a evafetu lmi etri. ntéagt coeich.E hoacucele iTo loiro . tt e u alttili cd p ecic n cies noet o dtild f s eh etlec c7a ooill l l i c. roýI.loî Thouct e f jsih ce soti o r t reoe w o eeCrk ci ie rmm cteed ecemeofc utcoiu ec te o nu lo uio mta ciuthe STbA'D-tkcc eo. rr ti e ol bis wifearrivod h thé cit oncbis. yriee licene.ettoorriveda. ItWnO TIcEE MOR ýFti I f ic eror uot o co n . tiet a otoTioie tO ceOO Ih r e lcoualefclote eteoMo I-i1ceecb ce lu ise tetoli080me ta W i e ffaIun oee ti Lu o!luiai o M S K o l" cru. trlI& e lit h ctio. T eat oW r' éii n Rtg Voioe Mc i.0Il or h . i oucîé iul io Il~ ca OoOit COI ttor nou leht th - -o tint iceinucou -u t h oltn othie ballotlwt rain- IliSà' 40 , edtitth ecliocty ti ilouac tiinA Oet olldo c itd o dle F oececae e s iIaing11mOo nnt t iicîuI t ucy icieo S.Pi' îîep lf eotalcuci eiIdieuo c~ c Ort Jeltoern poicoiiloo col ebencdfOtdeeg eesatm ou s tf c ulir tcobsuog Miud ioorti i ccccc E X C U TSON S cilliOoctucaiillu - I f a e. ]L A C 4yl- eqotimpode -- n ito bcicia eniho tîotheuti cOîo .liccotaoto cce 1o c - cuncea IiTà ere;Wa t i ller tuta a .c..e..ol..iueee*.idOiic bcedcabout c itena *LSOWLOt.teiorD ini zttile o c CREhPtRlé.. '* A?&11~ lCAT 1l' ,:tieem attcomcleuu s ite e.ach.m'o1.rain, .c-c" - li h rc , "t"uculcb n amor y Hi dtImot ha bct, inc-eirecî.1":rI-olrcleocui -DlwceaIL t icat.netu s atieOfb vo il' a uindivhidht r '5' ue l, ettî l our1pto c a leflut .str Oieidý o At the trialerhoIre wu . prelictot.ce ce the tL smthan Co.uu dealer.oA ca 000 u frn f'lc ,;àv ile,.T e mett.w d .teuilafr!12 ecoO1 Loto Il-e(UT 01101 oitITepini alra i cecr t i eell ruuo g eain ta ebl batcimeo r- epmil'i eyten.- cciccmàsccecoe uise le omRel(M.lti prMetedaMalo etk doitfur 8e1 eiO iee 00 iL7-ence-ode oibh0r.1,,5tli . t.EIhA ou ' deecu tuetie Iivc> toib ric t na-avie ecoteeand ..l. ofcl, 1c "-a---ce "--'e lie'ndue ecl eot n et ie leqa e sor im " of a ct éie ae li die. 01.1 a C t bI eli e cte otl m an'seuO alch e r andb po. tiooO r -V T I RE t IOSt Ii y o Aht 'o aiâeIu~atlpersns 111 o qeaait i inc5 hacC è. ud tiel --" o bsnessin tohtu- cNI o5tcu tors e "edcca t reoe h gatulih o ainoet-lnduc - oucitteote Qron fie oM eap1idi telog pAlaie n.ecrPu-acD Aurcn-coil'Ac on Ar 4>, ' Le, rom'roDnt," -llthe- -pl, etatng e a -0- .W1Ootli tt c fuIatl fc terelic'hodit ofnMr.hco n oboea;efifo -- oncehtif ie Che net a f - LTec~e i-in etl - iosirheodog oa ilI - - n'IlUtcN -I. - ~ o celictililwdli that w -.! a -ug - -1;a eeooge, iandy ttîcoofi es. Thfis r -e " Itteee.Ie -M-ef taXltoiCbeie- ortiett one. -s taâ alns te vand-insotdu catc e teodOy .ntet !bYOfieeté( sRD'inelaerl i;odUeLeomiyý g ewak.* y[t officer.t b~u . iie n.îmitteoo0 Toofio.lMmhem iepthbiott ontMte d s te'u n Itde uredot " justic ltong Thi ii.t wutcosieeret ornd Ihe bt iuig Gon I P lEt -eOr0,0, WF,. b h - . 1 1 Fill «ýo-DR e"d et)oble Hoael - cthiOeOtcoet eyortlconib 411en'ai e. cci l l ,.t h. c -14pOO-94, 11 n=-.X l.t.t inooienonu - bcluBicOr. - - - - h ciciro- o. mh"m 11,ccisMitn il c- JoteAlfedteuccct.dcue«i thc eroitei. lm" §solutioÈ Sale- crITIGE oF DISSOL.UTION.- l..0 e l e onof ie r i tic eeCt, m tila llo e c elcare. Dceleuc e Mlretete oTien ooli1 e 1 erout u. thcîei1C h.c"cti e t t ocelipco IE cesotcel.1 e t fipr ece te tlO cdld-e, I 00 , , ecr i Èueet. ai ui e s, a d O I - c- tg - ~ ~ n reocieI i hvCo oh uil pelccwcaating Furaituie al loMy toc, wli idlare equiot poedul Bruooto Offic inMt-in cohîi lmoe ced atJAMGI~S CASKETS'-AIND-<OIE AlieaGi-o, repe, Badge sBail Reoe ýIatdEe-rt -e'iL ezSIiEV~ CîsuInhe Fuoe1l S F.îl.ý o ays. FANCY -DECO.RA TED inorw nShades rceciîto eut hic nsotticd by Cico tf Uay. I - ITTENTION COMMEC0CIAt .ST. MIT. cingh ugitoct.111thenbaroptastck'i Docut tINao- Ioc :. qoc a me 4at-luc wrt-n,: fn- ic:7ohAÈiwcob - - - iut bi the prbnmcb. - of - batto oardtd týJ es'. a 1 .Trerioeuoue Bloole.ooeàü fahef.-mro ae ise hoauifceo iOle cohote iceeme oud lem Tiuflehu ou o bdh ifcduc ier uhl incoau - -OPSICE MAIN àËRT'MEiLTOIS Wefave cornet to ccloiothat tIOO h~~C miuûh2,rent for tise- etor--- e wôt I - 'ndo pâthe lst Juîrvn cr1 r qnerters. Aiid fiul ordtir tî ~I< c~; ~2~i± - -o t he-- .1,EN TIRE -* TOCII we ciii lofl'er îietoîîcore gocodse t1 - i- that will malte it interestig for t The'Stock Must èWill Be S( j B tth c i.E ggs aed P rod ot u a eoi n i a CMWO.0 ÂS iirs a B J c~MtIfcooh1adcoO't-Atl à EZL~Y Mohby toiedîî uetcumenIco lioth Ch EA~OO~E 2NDF ets, la i a.a~1 , e. {h. 4 lueI o eT~» l oz tan t 4 ui .otui4 t lBal B U FIB TRMM L FA.tbCY pBil 0.1 BIgBBC OCtlic

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