Canadian Statesman, 27 Sep 1888, p. 4

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jii;.yi~ t 1J i~* - f ît( ~t- 1~ j ~r t i ~. ~ ~ - -- ~ h -~ ~ - . \~ . ~ 't' L r' ti~ I t-' '-1 -i 'r, 'I aiiSuîc~ .~h<i '. - fui ut-e b, et 31 LttlBL&iJ tioote'!!~I laaBiaht! garaS ti) tîtu t liii O ~;:e:tr tno.~~ -' tt~'i ait lit ~ - lt-g - lotit, ci tilt t- cttf tîto ei eSt Oct-I 't t.i e 99& tB Le ttheeéaztl n oe ., ulmatna n-t"-B~ 4't3î4 ~,Nh ~tiBt a tB.*5X..~t-~-51jagt--eant'JE ,A0ryB'A~abmu-O~ t-tiensBe it s lh o &U-ty i lié e SVOh .Mà È)tetLy.Cîtaieti l-ar vi-tnly .n Me cDmM ttn et a&l. Thotegh vily.thé' lt-t-4 'Elt-'? Thtinstinuientveam t l!!-tt-e . HegInnc«toussa Mitl ~ h2.'~E Sunverabe- otnendronstI khun- e." lunitla tuehaelio titt"etrlttntn nne.'-hgr cilnaele. turnaing ta ruse u aoingh. O!ehtéattl. andthtoutahise ecnnït "î tabagil-"ocE .- 5f. Ct tltt-b lgai.*'Iteioisen t-e tmorseha opnhr ufthjt e t . "tit aethtetlE, -u Hiige.VBC---Omtni .1n gâWfl t-n u tny"o alety .- t lanitigcg2i:4b.Z aS~BtE~BS~P yleetgIvait-y ent la ihm-eth iftat-t- t-.,7D5nyeeI3y "r-t E à d t tlt- t--î"- igclatBti cè4_ ' the t-nte/.Mànyau Ueb a ' t Wnyn.~jj- ta' g U .li-t - 'hnanttovtn thnirutodlà.tonn tTheeitt! gtftiole. - ebltbntay, lîèotvtyonIy -, Manieuse d t run w o -Ioà teh.ayitand-emn i it-n&a 1 e-t- 3h "Edn nt e taaDt-htnoet c - oltt er i. T Butin. A !ra&etlt-geisbéa ttt ima nt ja>rutn sioht t..pdn'.iOtode aBOE=.0-0 O 2. ýM lmosF t! Sltlf"ot iewlk wa asul pu. gnsw 'as amulu 1oo"fi Se.Btte-. qeon Wayninhn. d îenwyt nL o mse "W in te drnim c (.r !"0elana tiatt - moudly n.he -nncg o a ntcm, ea t r , g u tt-ru Bn hnntatfguthr te; etn titih à sntthiihîthXît-titn.IEqet - Auryen.ut .1 ihal oy glati ho luTlo eune h ESUa geeRom a ps.d:t tiitnyefr.btreliohythaoUntieat(tledoo. I n t nyiulo o I netene M. .en nnynla«hnpronent.tin, tlt nnet ivtie Ityta u-i tlt.otonattneflteh muoyan i tVntea t 1 fttigtVBr cooptnB npt hrirr ai;ttc tocnh eo uthr e e-vat ita o Iu tîn-le cit flY . An111e617.eB e t-dstihe shomang I Iihntig n&cohl iuti tOe aort Ocetirenteat. Mo ntgit aY e«tttiiB'10,iO huotpeteeaateat. eau t-y. Sttyonv' . t-i opBo lettrioha sa,73ta bteitin i eoty u tt npiptlil-O. - h.' . Ut iscne ae .,etiu orituYGO eur h el hse. . * Mti-o1AMt n rtlatl in you baveia, lat héEl'itnthe uB t he "E uu ,tatI ytOirbl y nh ay * Mr.tITt-an e nt V e e titqntly e Byn te'nithneig tierina reai lod Soir Ch~i' det-aoti ti. Wnt-t effArth-1 batanttora, lotÎ e "-St ut 700tit lte htît' int atut e . nthuu iauettrtini n etiotahtteelio ,tnth.ngceriyaac aelmnpruneyof ahiteotad .. *G , t t - la e BBatlas .à aea-iettitstlaidtointB. a bod >- "ratt hé ieeyeanevttt " O S * tt ough i ti to E e i aQueîta î h i i ,tittcai e, On c g ht t d i i yau en t itnh O b oit-et- t e. c ta r ain nnhnqenln. -It oioiat-utio vitin Soot ctE tt. .in trtt -y tutrttspdaet i '«. BttEttt. rttr ocl- * - -± Oinwhayneptt- trun oieanotn BttBgn. bt hwahaw e t-oetin tey dnf eti ingg o isfryeocnha . na t-a OIt. iieitîlht-eiti -et.qiit1ýtuelthwne e tnis.tousietlofthdtt e Ol n gIdoroàheui.enBit E.tit-VItrn -E Ly uz1t-aVoteehe'grvai, ouN:el 'leho' nal Boiter. ~Oîpoelyritcjttt' enýOta bur. Bitthé eintreaol ordt, hati o er thio .rn cirit*"l-tooet o.i tit6eiutrié .ye - .ilne&t bani regrd ltit-t-th mo tàan.oyt fonlttinthr t-A n i eo B tt h -Sct àiii . nach entSthto ieii i ttztir tire-0,: acuo r t ,o nc.oEwt . , * . ~n-0c potmor ton 1 coula 9 ruoyta. Tw o aHcurse n h app nli ILV%Ï -t- i erittti hpEtotcae-o amtjButoth- n-noSHh o e : lonoLuit o tntc tt. t r it t o uo ho sirel lt -onis t-,tn ite tttlito. sauratMaytipne. otinoato utt a oitut l ootttiîeih-taint ioha s-ut Iauoitý ito mogt, ttO tjaîtttbfEiotottio, Mcgt cryihs lioro, rtiMlg ni ky l et- of iho aeto oi ul er-tuixyte . t o dti emt'îaideOMyt-poni te îeit..t!tt tuyo g otpru-u Sa "Buhnt y cen d o ntttlert2 l ealé aun OQts o oiitportitm oa tle fe b dog otko w. ut a otn.hoto1ntitti n'E:.. ' ont u isl eE pOrt quo ue l.-ced ila it ou arlitoh .t-t aiy s oroionaiîiita ia.uEuyn t-e u ta acinete tto QtcayediidoheUiottt!' e.E ltetni a ehtnieing tîtotto- 5 s rc yt-. . - ..n ivoiu; onineituothi tn-l-tenui t atbonktr.W- n o iiioihng. a-uo Ikeonytit i eos t eunt . th 40cf "Yo et he tuoii E eLght:tihonaw" citoand of hettoett E. . "Yot Iti Wynotit ain r.vionttelentivn. ltoreoit h - tth onSio inokaau etior ton htt intro-îdoo iorn.cnniîîî titUya ouuauistuei lonahuvoryl * .Wt n t heBeleva ni toIhat otOoitl je tuc, si lat- btl. e ioaly.heutuotea i i- eltietl tptl tm tiE tty iot iitiio tihktormi Mle15ocnitne a otieBet o ieltI tiro ere h ei atnd rtIsit oeetei fon tilte et Xiunîter but ag toitint taitoeSi Do. t ti or d."nn-inhat coie n.ISp tiloit gothet iHvtu ort-tohE i u t-t- . ui fodeti utBite iflintansort ni hioit eýrto tith ust-nin udoouot t-gthnpoiauîhtlninûtt-if uet r s ta * * * hn lerla er.iow: ii c thec fuaon. thonnatalt e attoco. ood tort- herperoepti I~ttti At .so E-oit -tntanInputseoEif fI t.tnttnt tl t'ciran iteuItiot bu o to çlie niis ta l lo, u -ie %Q eue a - ~-~fy t o ithe uegir l t h ar le atelles eh it heindl i r " itnYt. îtotitZo Th ,i; 1 iteyt i.o - - hnd rpi-ro io th oiositttic i.e -tiS th utle, yaoit cion iiu iuioth yth-t- aMny o lce. tti punilit t otok an ut ptyttt.lrt-inaiUo -e. tni LcnBut eir a insoitotyonttulltie.ber uîoor.soethial it Simt llonmfientacita uriion ae hec a gotie elate. Y heeuhs it a 'it' -cue oti cy,*ere-t To iry Toor auntB ttgi, t-dt i htiy.SitfU d-otouai.nhtya is motta c d- lou laitipetisttel t prséa t t-l_. gai teiétillesu'biildyta t-oto.aciitt u eaae otnn1" ariniseottall,.th cSha htabonaidueahio." jevntityoroh,, eok8a-ttitttet. uit tii in-gu't III I c t Polrcedlab t io hytin of e.ntti otl rat- eptai tintlmait Ate listgothé u-Opa itheoeo lmpst i.fil aa t-y a fVuec, erii thte t CtroC iihy oBt tlli nit.aniCinhciyttitEiatottue e i sfeotil;htndt scre co. refse*oroî,ih et. eiltiy n * -ea Ntither 1" flinac cores1. the paorotntieecin.. titiotun nneteuoCo-l t . Tht- a 1oîge i yooptont-o b*iâtheratod-re Enhin.te5 -E, tv u . sothorhuiyan tm n t-lac eet- r m tt i tiiof B aia l ot. aiSttiiulanteit etic to le mrtgtlûnth o z n CI, luia t UhB ieiy oigt -tela to ne HtnLYMr. -t ittiit- ote. 'ndtitt it 0 i ore. 1 havg e b ott ort he. "N o I e le O di.oty ent ý-ntvea mueogtor." on t littsotn oyouil u ti -on ctir ti noouiAt tei-arye Othin tia aa- ta e udltra a - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o a, b arc"itr&E ic Cioa Yhtot, oto hap.' htOlieO etetee ibl . t'etfî t1e -ytUt o cepy, .1entln qO 'aiWnspteastnBIg h-n Ht u-e y, a omu t -a ln t eéda h on lin, t- on te elira ogtt- lte-in, oua tliotttiûtt. r w t er etec i hotoftutttrpo eeoEutcd comoe 2t. n - talrtiei ssu i g làtie n a. e iço. .iva h-stt lu l otorout w atrea- slaid d goho eteh. trou e rMn iln eorofitreshecBoigtr ec eiS ireot. Wtottt ia I hr. erfoan neotates ititoLanderneau. buer fa itrtnt-t ot hant- oc oft-O loaBntt-oth a nutinon éb "nt uiteel t-v otvout ligtotorbi g-rtueradog.atiesi.-'IO i W no o i e at-eeht-olouinthoout joniatononr isdltIi gja Ot. t - dolareoth o veio 'u ntnct , ee.toBhîtytnet la o -an ?ahoé tu 'L atîntre hll t-niss f t le lot S so- ' ameoaud Presatly . - iBi its." - milie ali, cuutifr tuhipece. t o t eio]zn se eht itti t n 5k-,otnt o%"y'e-onota fa t hav"enys tan la apito f tht-taiho loa utin tutuuti ght, ilfitlpý,tti dee3t,'. "Thut I lcouain as," ie io ie VyeÏner. ' eh ti ltl t, yurnaveot ed laord tacshtre aW o thc. an oduslicapOpeaupnoftet ta d hecacrtinscheuesu i toutdt o ittotaratuetia. - At SBtare f asfie 1',l o - Bf.tjnnt trnndBine afonstt filelmot atfiueti5- îu -tema uîu au ÎEt 't 'on t.- a et-H-ift lat-ELisi;acliBta 'looaaome-ul i atfcgt -tor, meoatthecnumiaitit ih - ott e -- h er ba'yctndfinshan naurulygo de otibout etooi,andhoghtantiettigietrang Bortito re t tatontiehrotn a t A i n r ll ô ! ' o nt h et a B e c h e n o n gt ato o n o c u t o t i gh st a l. A h ec Mf e t filH o s i b ies- h e t utt b i n e t o t ofi Wg - - aspi-r a iti onta ecit ylehi.l t gtdt n Itvaenedinr-,cicneeoitoiuirelao~t "inr h letiron eot-oon;Ittaiti t-ithhotooaiitncOo? hohr y otro m ntio toSty el, 'oir hc-t rttattotili-tonootof Paerm e- thtiBittit of e on 01Ett -tut ' Mydr aytut-s tB ha -erotieti,"or a e ganc oht seo. I Shon irurvc .v îýdTt4 oýi ," mnyc lon lt-IIwt h055' tiye oonte tîn Meet-1inoBaya - lVynBcas l i n ten . ettim Wou oneiatoet !cnot.t tietmina 1tti i t uhe tao Mau îohaootii o 2thoîî e cr u e yt- tiaintun, s'nht- on e a ttu i H nroatet.- owali -tae nt itoth E i te tiBia Oii-a Seuetr g t- IMdd i o iie . teltslbuin oeo toinue.7ootel iya -hat.!tclit $li -- "Ele s Si Wlt Y- s výltmu hevsnn'l a o se My cap'lofaattoni't hat I." Wrl"oe À o. , dut" 1u i eoinler n cat- -,4 o bien oroull?"ir nhaY*y Chaucer,"qit t fou.,- î "ndeanri tiite Ho goS e ntt. -t y-it I'haB bot.nus ie ac asidatng aken ropibît. Nov, i mtht a. tIe t-to1m o nty i gitiratell eonotiat i h int Cut imi il..EIe - tt -u-et i titi oi-e ,oett ta C oat-atitucttroioîo i e rotit-ith o 2 esndl 1eotn onulit-ig-r-é ttn uipr Miie aî-oit. Ëtiee. î UZ1 oîioiulrysJs oeltlent f*lapes ifngr sot i lin-Pe h fo betit is w5 ltEB oi orrooEgt-poy i rowaatit tiY iittim in in -Yl wl ulaysm e ote fyuaeqiei an'n ber -atoiBtion. Ant if leSta ms nt i i e ratuît l iatt iii i ien othe tall ttyot.t500 oiiiyo-tiiihiutî st fo!. ;lit acwnoev "ol o n ihodstic h!o. S n. fO otnt1"euit c.W .teuacdosulaeitation ilt u a otas, nayh etiael tant'Fortoraot-nt 'ulet a d ce t - "toatîtont . i 'oit-aAury n y actit ctda y vist.\ieac te h , ttot au tti onout e o~orI1Ilsyao n, "icté"ihaotnofh se.héuglei.inont. V uai gOi B ig e th t tIîrla e titou eles rgtuni Siror.tIoIueednii?"ltoktlatqnttee Bhonotlalléit ten. on. diaî o ose ta lir avosithot A ."o ." itb bet rfs i mIte eale "ate?"a B t-c. for Metbaehont ILtwa Bhe e-"-' t. t1 1 std toitatgeuin uttiSitifou, houlmo cûnfitiet .ot, . hentîteallieluti.l Atnt1 i*yena "erNotearfat Itoliettairaesdfier w tlebis armao- There in ao-tontitatrncetcet ho, stilt toilnudriltd ii eilyou tn-oea satn tt. aSyenh ti m i03" te-io etoi toit verîa end;land Whae l thotitoilli rit ient ilyet - - IueentBaal onMm.notetol i dat orlie r,-nohi'ttbuîttht."o Bundtdtnte'einIftoieielt béit up~oatlitaoht. - o!t- ..ohGeneila s toticie Dct-totte i bis p iouv tir o ý o nveratin rt 'erdproû hr tiiht~~ oetmn tBfg?'laSe ile1 ruoha t.Weldmo uit Ie tn.sesas tohon twarc lAa sctenatest 1galiBha y ie obéi PPt .t'rOîo ' hatoiiet ~ olit. -- l- pars a tt il ffly, si.e ti t eBll e-itiVoa -atmitch a1kot hoo saistrot-! o ff isoit nS l to orai. 'WB rfeelintgstt attd. r'trueiiutii pît. Slc otout thet a oliio-n s! a atnit.acytssion a oft-raatto tedgs h oot imettao oteas ototinnOo.a aaueghinîîg, ioOtlotit0t escti. :1io'tuheuluatot,,' n~ Im Mt ototfBS z1aile t awat boîItiitefrMyi?"sie ,i tienrtît eyuitoiitey itru alle rita ot isg - - - o - - *011,Ooe ivnt. iat rn te hi g, etlie taot irltl y u V' i o ldt-t-ju otumei1ES h e to n Ue'yetE .t-tito y'at-or4olc t-o-t saya iou "ni Ioya r. 'taye plait o nha looaoettug sit Bull lie Btez.bofnti-oOoe Esoa h u nS htu hyIritai ta, ir trirtttoni mnteioio tct tineyr -entherahtaautt.ti ay1o i etinttrobt htogoh r it Btdton lithera i olanttEto m aasilok tol mu."ose ooy oeilpoeto ilt-n otro - tolu tand ite ia ttiti-ue1en .l'cne tthiat-ne..- ao-t h nitl ti e It itogl c otisit pB t-tttie. i et toie reeut cc i mit e eot.oIornu ttiieolitoralluroe 'e tor y- rt-a"L-rode ndons jatit sabel tooi ,tsi et. duiet.oin no tit Itt.f Olot n st--oc ritt ay l asneelgnuty . t aî-ts.n; -it T ori erl satitudehotgtimiO t o." ttutle ceodyta'n'uogolohcof îO hi t-ulveeiyoicny t5 t ies l'in mot -nbonm Bt ,a eenhiaeecetty yenuexAiea Mi hadetuitti ( tbiA l.Omît col',t-i e ntretiow ht nd" al ii la, caa 110,-' - -. ri.-fatoid tinnynusttS t e hea 'f onen 1îttioaoeBynfoegtt tle Vsarnlie. t crngfon ti SSst- iorhio ,teiioooy.'We ta itIt tut-ocand "&riet-.tten 0 pe . att GeontoBotctliMm.tO7acot ee.' 00, n h oihuta noeniu hEule-ly. c ".-o uih a int fod o e ier.iteMy- s di tn .ar, nnîtaittBtt, - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ uiista az- aty tu iele otitî othuda oteitten-IOW it yn tono tue mi ttî oadenS citodhe.lih ta pcnytehonng ia enlo se*b cSuS- tg t-tnt yont tet nbt.u kilitA!mS ltaitsBsoucilbcteno tiibnsed gtauhî'in ltoutrect-t-t-en a tba hpeourtleo1 - loy . Ootiits.. ot li atlotn noceBhuehutn Pilate hefegniOtue.Stri geait 4te.atESotite-ttciptt sauna.on ouvaeté-pn6 il o c)tuains.lhouSthda,Btsnrhopo ,t- ortit-S " Oenltoa'B engayatot" Vyor;antutiaiseintheei.eîmha-t t - -, citaitahMoiifitieabafbascgreu 'Oop aesupicion Aon takEo f "tias a s a lee o o tansimer. i.E tr o t hu t nt ot-ppale. Snoutletslieit CtiEoft-a-'ilehlisB ead iL icem iie thoI li mni aine 'uiite topoo tiion eto. ol eent , - ocliteati t-.. Bthyg E ccot cly.1 -lco as t-3vs l-%-- - ' :. onoralBy~ Dtait cqtoiy t- yftntiSu. ltyen attention àt-hu te Brnes re ingnoetg L a-npa. no rteee e tSat o roey E idh att-ugje to ia o isiti eoeout 'vh - ni uigti lolnd t ;g'les mtpach btizarre«-vte e taen.- ar b orin o u ts inont-SgOt-ts t tuflir, u t ebigablen,Et (Ov t b:S'iertah uhittme, siosaa, tend tythEas -.I -- -vu nu -noen n' -. . nostUlcr l natr Bhintlntandtiemlloae t !Fta si tut-ot t o e se tifeoBni ocone . -toer entave n -l-L C-Vz By Weoynn nolig hc dtpe'yhp."Ati, rinaa a !hief int-tglt tRic ad. ot-, t..tILv-liilc'tuptNcogvot*tbc - ecou iereotisiInTthlhA t 1et*n ,la Malafe gStnlihhprthnsingu,-t-ti eot'ytlnit at-t-. AfoSht copat-mnutitruno sethntfttbtt'Dnynmoet "luac cicis aelait-onsiene,' auuoteItl lâte Violanou cihim - tcol - i aata ohsoegotûaitt?joeios, t urs unt ft he alcn.-t f-I .,- - : eve11 lt-oe tt'tu ic-aiforune t1t. tt~ ' I in t ist- vndotbilani; ele mnata- Ta i; Orl i glaea ut-fi"niyES n oia barrat-nt but for theset-e ace susciterntooyou hal aa slem 5 U U . a e. d u u t h int. t a -y: i b s h o e a 5 e!~ h s hi m a T u O e r Ul ill u t E t o , l i y d th -et o n l .. e J't u i tit c h hane: ml mîoyt$ a iB go ,s ne n t n hsiolt VthhIpûoîy.cb', î. nt-e D ent Stoiia Fi N U"d F vc M81 -5,ItnShl~ynEacia to , i selBh noge- - - - esytne owW t*lotirbé lai s.u .l e sidal ai eogo e oiaetietattiio-tlocmt ti -t-ot {" nit-aje * taorsaae."-And-- -- - f>May'laietsttEuéyûd'lèny, qt hi tercéphttp.rS I W o ly asVEO "ûi hset-nSectltnllcsl.eoici . -'-m Y. la tty Ot- attut l msIt-- a*!v, - hh ti~tt t- O B-o rai'én lao ti h~~ t? e-'- I ità pn he 0; CLI A t 'Sac -- Eni M ~a Brthers Ne ti reose oo 2.0, 25 ana 800. Neor PlntDroos Goodo iOn 0,121, 15, 20, 25e. Ne* ho ro Goodo 71, 10, 20, 25cS.. New Chamàbeyo 10e 1.2e:15, .20. - Nw Pins 58*,10 - 120, NewTope4try Ga'pets. 25, 80, 35, 40, SOn75c. -Ne Bruopeçla Carpets '75, $1,* $1.10. -- Nw Wo1~1arpts 7*,.50, 60, 75, $1, $1.10. --NwLace'baans teped, $1, $1.2S5, $1.50, $2 i 8 5ù. S' -o r cmHaireloth Io, 121;15, 20e. New CaAatin -Polos 60, 55, $1, $1.5o'.62.50. N - Nw illiiitery.rery eheap. t New Jersey Jackets, extra value, 8fo N ew otyles li Dreoomaking. Mo[KAY-eBROE!., t.tEmHIailto.n i... ht<i i LOti tii - i . .4 h h .itt i t h. . - 0t5jbepObuc f theinim n ht :NW Je a sTe whbhas iec 4 eatyrraespetinore eitat- i ohntea nfucnoatcoo, aise havIn byxmoync. lotai-p -ýAT THE- I sIX puyrushfor ot-i cirnmerohanlatît 1.alfco "Ion.bal tn-e trîng. toie, horry, in t"t inrpay ftor writ. I..-; -l 1have a longe atkof goodt*te ctitdee fcei Denit-it-t Cottoadoo; cIta Fine Grey lo tht-y: lii-canti M'oetDreentGode.. 1 1. .ha fulal01 lice of Sonit-er aoti WiHo yti àalaetîaaa gtotassrimntto hoetct ai tonhetuidcth; lente also a atgo orleBy otSý Wot5so ue e onhbiBtuteotîn loC-WoSat-i sua yÏ 'badryoût en2 gond noonti TarorOc Iaari',amdlnaj'fromtyo nnnooltoteûj, WeavEcri eU antidtvt-tlydoe. ' Giveuesnoi dcvai ' Ttis tgitttpossiblSe pito aH DVII =, T= SPRI.3E" Tho Secr c oit offert-for Saloe. t tiiE - Malaintret, Muton, hEu targe uad weU'.' et pri ce loe tamolasocer be - theo Tot-nof tiiltn on Pttrlor Silits, - ied-Rocîm4SutisLeu Bide Boards, Wire Mft rasseSs ofÏ -qiaftity of ISea Grassn and 1 uvool on 'both o r on Xow la thtet-m o'fcmnillias t-htauEliti t-'e athe ntiBot-stn. athe STEVENs Finest -Brandlsof _Pr - STEVB.NSON'S POST 110 .Nails,;Hinges, Screws, Glass, Putty, 'PEÇLkL PRICES TO FARMI -/Eý ARE AGENTS, - fyour oîght 15 lmpnrâd- etthgr 'Perfct glassooý-we 'gotarnet tooit 'tWt1adsu A A TEIOMAS G.. _f C6~nCourt -J W.ELLE, M. . %III i.t....... 3..... '0 2 VICTOR c C tt OïF;.Ic t -in- t. W t l. rh 1. A t«, i 25 S. 1. T 11ta 1$.LIto Se >"AJ~O.~thIttihh. GI VH,! BBtBt ABn 171t I .-i At A Md*tl t nankthhu Caitl iOn .. ..... i. iit. ateeim - . - rîn Ot. i. MAIN -T.. 311 -ntgt..ntll -.tùt, M rJ-' tI.,iii ~~~ m tR C 1o A f L 1. e 4 ON-~A~ O TOW t-0ESA O U 4ht-~~. teotip.tGimd RK RIEOTIDS. . in: îe eu thw epti eeeet. p rate.eete ytiStiTO o b . i fl..N s >1 ZZt!Bta5.teeii 'î'tt 9- U nB Vaty.ptt..j Ii 'Bttttt ; wL _ _

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