Canadian Statesman, 23 Aug 1888, p. 2

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Buton 51 oaveoes .. . ... 5 .lelw.........3J........3 .OI4l;~l: ebliesi I - 21(311k. '~hapérta~ee W.. £ SMITON, Mnager. r MD GENBEAL* HOpom FURÊZSEflTG3at F. . 3ý T A.Vc ppsite Dewar's Blook,, NW AYkJI Main Street, Milton. 1 Nonebut the* beem inke .ofStoves o6fered for sale. !- Câli aind see them:and jndgefor yourself. Juet, to hand-Coal Ou S 'ýoves.-Just*the tbing for the j sommer montbs. IÉ will pay you to boy one ana saVe'your wood for the oold wether. anîd ail kinds of Repairing du'ne_ ueatly and aI àa reasouabis pries. iDhlidren.Cry for Pltche's Castorla. hie. Oeeeoevoy .ony 33333130 W&yeleat. T1333 Enepeeso Vieloris. widow ot 1h33 Mr. euouîl3, 3815y8sec5 1is 3881iet - le Tho 10En>ees t Victria,3 io obth IlotIe0aelodre. 33310gu133.ious MI .i'eey coneuteluhire e3833333es3. thatlielin",bundredalisnL Slîo blie epricelte rtuneeof ber eith 1he3 N33el lilacille Cuwaogro ; e lie33î3uds, auewoltieg Iloe li1103 the oetoof trio3e led lîiv(3r .1etia, f ot 4313rfi, uobtYIy ie333tcd in EnghiL ll3ewav lVli dee.lie net 1301(3 riat 3333lias8trioh3mis3or8fi e re Ics i ine. ee331833 ete eil as a Oooenitelit 383333'eehli euemlièpI ep aI 5te i1e3huj 1n3 *the uited (3ittte N-.ullcome Jim 23e lill,the etouiothe 113 51 Pu3 fur the 13ivile ofet esrylu Mstilia ,Miaore1eî:oii &- Manetoba P.tîeeud, 133 g roin oeEnîesu ho 11te eeeîis3î 33083 raid 1331b33 a 3333l3vo 3of1t333Niagara ireaeikets. The l3eueitieo 31or 3iti3,ho litk. le ceas hoee ucer F33331ilI. .ias3 to-pa3y tort t33e rairway in lu 3casue, sud3333e1 tu .3e133331in3b13s8yoest and mouîerailivey ceep33e33133u âre to38 3133333133lie-'Mr. W'3311eetd31 s30Weil s351per7 10te cluitiol. Manitob h t leit-ouic' St3(3. l.'tîmaenes. Be lu id 1001(3 aud 3p3eat the1ed cd RverYa3ity.lute e wortht10 d,,131,t:;0. 1133 833 lilslway. 5m 33e 831338 138eco3333encel mi303lm3d33g.I ,a partialI 1day is doin g X- HEÉILSJ Whaitelovo-TIsafo ........... li-c flottons, Pild 'uS 8 luxés ýB43"ollea ........... 10. Molinsala. M oeqoiNlbllng ...70.33a7(3. Da3k Dr tedlgr ma ag.ssMTIfot I. 8.Soe adoo. A blg m. e mhm O B.eie ...g.....e.e... i. C. 'eo...d ......1..... lune S pla BId albE... .....2c.. 4byde Beavy'ttlbleh 9 'arDiosuosloletiu Seap. 8033GO. - bhli ..bsof !-i..... t Pooo08( andry ..8ib. 5ydilansl Tcwln meusWoleni' Bon, per paie ......17. 8 '-lBru a Llun..... Binobiiienne ...... io. 58 ieleosT6eel log.. Good -'nig'Shirta r . ymee So.ap .*i0e cake Boy'n al.BraceS11 ea oei 9.bnch 01(3e 51 iLsiRboen .'.. Se......4.flellum.4... i0sod Sàtdebs, ienalio. Me........ 25., hise31Navy Bloc Sah] 1loteof hildeous weel Bene'e Largd75?S St 800 vdeaey Pei Faleetieho, 1243. 1003lcez.Dresso Snlluî, I Dark3P. F (3'.Deu ooedo-.....e5. a yd. 1Suiiîeïr .oei . 50c. beasto ii -1. Lutreesfor ...- 2c.1'Iblbos........ No. 1 &2 i Sn'Ied Ilioca fer e.dy 60c. Ladlii Lîeen Ceibesq.. 'pes WVooi'edioCottalu Bou tli... 0ie5. ilA tw Blases liîhie' Co O eno BHea3-y Colluete1to 2.- e Skeie'iCaliîl l hugeriu - N r oi m a b e o f r e l s e d d u * stI { 1 a l e f o î (rsi al ogào'-eeIS.; ..-....Beeezl ..... 14 4123la- 3M Bornero . tretes5 q 1 .L. 5-Knatlxlb8il.... 75 8 bj i con 33lus e4tq qonal3ionrlo 3CQ,31 8-Nèbon Nilefe 15 - .. te nlhor bsnd laina tha 1eleGieB .,2.:.,~~ B-Oùiiislnsiei........a 8 8 ... soin aee 1the nilstrucnture tu tpÀmhédéer,-N.--Y. amnnne 4-Blle 5e1333.....1 ......... 5 29 ..-... b bu lu thée sountain. sou1ien wher e e ..,r ('as38arreeste- chargea 83311 ....... (3eee . . 45 84 87, ..- be-aie. Inesled ï. blt.if heY veuesooaýMcitlg. espe upen agel ieyeae(3i *Teagn-No. l-Boyne ..........7.4 f e. 18(844enbsnkmentls made wellbleen l. TW he ilis lun-.eicst ton' .'3........ .uts 82 .. SQ...... pipen o-c coveelo *tor .waterwse th1e dilion. v rmun fel a ad c .....le ;.. .. . 80 -1 ... 21 eodden r eu 33e d.bneis l 'he Ta".sBrcthieis.of-Londouilthe .4-Monnos Cnes e.... .1 .. .8 ... Tic. seenine lu Ibal cour aod -.ýw j by norneere iaee bee .-Palere ....o .... 9.. 1 -«'=ý -U' b88 e.1ma41.lon 30 àôrL U es - dlsue11eblie eres-of7,Guelpb 13-Beoue,..s........ 86 g18 10the feu80133il erplued e0by Oj3ioý ayoe S13m'es-od 8 0 29 45 85 23 81 313538d3.0333d3881l333(. The Enýex»en onno-Coùune:li ex: 820 279 ': 2819.eayWo tbOhealut 0morstanai3g, 1tn hélmtlouh ila - - - butsys Ibtlenooogwu , sputieoleb tkn 5 403 . . 27 answee lbe0oeeernmoen ratne , 030 h il0 aères of'l.nd frene-Maldilne difféent lîocaions weeo lue îy 0w883P. 58o133 EBsexntxOsiem lyié -'loto,,and ate lhoveeylonglyn elug'"&. rtseoelfd sos taire. a Ceulis lu Onarleo . 1e Prohbitiîon Coudlb Dtan Iebt. Jatiland13(esded hMr. MeoLeodila evi. The Wiaelss EO13sveolathleops fur33A1ug333t ivC3308333e lolueelluf par M. W3laie 1bas ecred a osjoril A 0533of3 c3mentsoee tall eatýt h 03 e Dm iio Ood es liel oregardiojg 1he condiion oethé eo olu lleil i l allon by meelioods lofth113eevilencesgives 137 M. Dawso, . e elern tacte lsr 'odn. 0.a ceoso lu 11313Provoce. Thie report lu w131e13 aee adres.l on. aslbande ta 1c3ehé .P.B. e 68Q800&. 8313Speke30nelu teli The 2881318teene . teoal ai '£or . en bisdd'3ip 0rotures f8ua 70833Sl d1seeedobabeI and881ih8muet re 13 of3thé0éo! 113e Diolleebl oS paeyosIV -pondns. 'lice833303118e offaU 8313881 bîhe il rit art, liogott hefDo.- 113e 8888 th1 bill f381*08 lis iè 31 ritiaoýl's Oo lle Tsi n, os hlondsya'S os leao he 333 mulsnaeneen eistie of candidatur e prOste3ie eeoug [Leed lae sngiueer of expérience. . nioât, l Nv, aller Ooeolly, S. (.01' livo stoci arc c033813310trafreme raee and3o38 osition3ai llb e oeeoùà eoî, bisi isboentsluned y - 11e-Domtneloie 8 il onn.tte oreaLl relenenodr dlu t JoeM. 888 teinds13108 ee 818331803183130171 oveeeesl eut ih. ensny imorteant . ln Fiday. morsing tho epie o1lthe. Fall'%1et1 genc333331y 8vue033381433- er orli on 1the oo.i'SStt Actvote wliîeh t 118ena e lé spent yeo33s lthéd35353 s- Weeus Meîli3dlu andbe B Nasnèe efAp o e vitsalde l oltheavrnte.Te50n.Te officiels lonIth'Matnt iubildieg oet hée CanadinoPait whiei tameespire va sleseland 4ar.oged3 3-11(3333Ihowlile u bîow113 e tn.t havefforamethe paM eu a u, ensled inre lu speali of t134(iteeenl .Tbogl. mrnoe3e ap plica333tiofo ing:- ' oratin1litavie t ane 88 o using the phas1e s o f metniuntain eilway oogiee. po3lluiine ste imnbereo et n rilei eguing peig lug cal e e g.uha 'v 1îebe ines g wth certielm !a uoeledge oth11epslsn110.fii heneuieth art"e taeer ante oe 3-s ens eeeepaeeognsge-s seta -do 1t3eé88?31 abject 1be woe delieg with. n inrSc dlt3eCe83081I pasit.--me Dely injuey il lias eeeeived -gol ftod"11883psetyinluîs Domnioon "'As lthn caee pro . gross3es onol bo'e- tbsileln1 eh 0 lag e.eeeih nenionineg bas beenu tnsal lections.The geeslpoit85e10v 3-u ert c n e oetsiit ulo 1mallal -WoioMje eve, - chnges.y e eigltdeeîh in e fnw plaees. tlpeuedo -vet se sileoce, Cenersîlve hol ubjcti cnoeey. Very f3383legal Beels e 101J335 0 1e ' T aioboque. able. The eea 0883, .ewevee, hl ies efo tehofritiar toleli s-netlio es30 en ivet11e areeel aten' O. n 3n the 30331183 83333 accrusse tran-184,80-1eacres inlin18871 torthneoi psely do eielbcontes. ien that lu bis eseluu1th eîe iaowe 8i030s abelil 4o 07.30 iolyea. '. ja u e. leeneno i qs 3eBnae 841 e Sei U partesl3 eu e ser v 03lleat. .eo.toyeseu"e"'t B faeley 10 repoeled god as eegrduj belug 3i bbSi"811M.'WiRld0sConen-s-îslo<lslaelll. ylld snd nige ot beeeer t ee vCeine1tin uenseie(3a 018173 ni sieeoei3ne a-'Jsee P(3o ue eelen ioîeîy %auhavegyea atitae.3ete llehnot8 1u~ gaine-*AI 08lb in heContis f n. eI , h aeHllanBliloOnb. bauimis tari eee13eRs lilnd~ t. na u eslIl c iii eod bol i: el 0 etancm 't-' _atniost olg wm n .a n od i no luie te. < e.of o eshen b o t lm eae ely 557 a33_ 03 ga e a gla e ..e..3.8 . - - 08100 0. O s 113e yhele il he prev na eu aoti onedg , s d hi -f s te inet d n -i s e nd.' is cel tu gee b sne retlu gondeeopr- . Nts, lueby ueerns1 ninlo'e tee a b no le sl psIioUiu 8aeaad easb Mi lee ganite.opor teeo nalr dme oo1l oe h e n t-seltlnesM e(Lasne f onoeeo i ! e sr.y lybii3g ens 7abo fon he in uEr io Ceeliend. aqoa toidvnesipshSlied h t .nctonetén eknsta ra1isleae limn. tccme. aeuel l Lawenen dstricts.p'- . 'a 1 .r.seen CeeraUof ade l stl ay bt 83re8011 - O' do w icl te wel hall a: 3n St ou net re at e'g e i a .i, 7083333 fUte yl a rwni Ttl;a o'n rit tempérante8038 - BorlonLibesn, sid t pnaro.Ot.uhe il itas peueena re G itsry .lu rte mpgr..ons, ' liea e the loeioenlaisex. a oua."H o formed aeute hr.Panei eeprtlu ivnobeee. - t tr eeilneshugnd* Oeplei m n ioe ssdericelabr e au do en aaleisesinn noqaiy3yoo te~ 30 Pose arc"nluenelhgonet aMs.vereTeeril'v e Braerd'lt neney prtclirHoai e aoiin teeOirtioici p 'ebaate4. p rsan e fltee ugla eeorll Aly Sp filoîtAd sop o tta. r...on BakBokbecm ene hsoflenng'thhbrdt g eer f-1o! ies otne, avl sgn. plege b tav o - am88000 ne eisemon. San v ies oHen se, Ptreideo o' 1 Tio.. .ntue, -î3lie e eioC o estib . se pelllioid toe ea yen o i oeWaee As 113e béa I r eree s weene atîionh r.nd àTro no llIailua, b reig ealin Cor a ale 4neeey e haefo osevît he3 ln. t1 dé.li0tai d'lnbcn&ee 'coollo- clarbeannreregàeec, oYro 8.(811a3oeod8. eeeO. ., ii 13e pehe30 ____ prnej el eeer eineheprnveneenlutai Nnea a Sebeel 18 eaidly enqappeeuhiog . for'ieessriiunwnetEime13e stricJi ducci orle -Libéral 338g(3a110 esnelnîox3. il3lt 1 cm, lleorîens be iuefl. Tilbe Oo vent 33bc3 a b83- me.Ie 13e lies elolld b tir. eP - pedsta, iOW803, bnetliielylu Tioe otbctsuppoolfn th. eeonghl8Cueîod bthorwoh ati on cse wllRogrtoisto 003310thesetioeilioe yeeler -,Ibne o e o ns eo iooa 0sl 138 IosofneS.~ l insol o m id Ihubnte 8f r e VsecTeler,3 P o. r esi1t frthe - ecer ne eilblobIe cfstootl . is refunn se, a, solaa.odgeMoolavsedr AItl3el orutdeyntt Th o ete, hhioe tavol bclu rlaie . 3e blon, rilio - m = er et - elee.3 113e ae mreinluane811rg elNe or nnyneosi hescul aki; ae sou D.nneoloedDs., sdleeî lit tsewbomecainvfronteofoolvest thye CaIncel oi rle nn 10s tateo lrir pphe sseseienHe pr osseud Nol eiIS by ollr fislet, o clin1 au see usee btrsoee dIbelsondeneea bd sppicy 3 1 o 58'ta hnever oeeu arenasal t StrolToenlu Me Mcsrtoy, bs 10 i33t l.e onueetl cleeel'teiule thleoise.Tohslue aertne13it. app. T138 e t linen 51308888l tceen oetinn c eteeNs o liT10 statueuisait3oapcrtit. Toup îs v e Excuon osal I5. p33r noi e te mcneilaoro bae ao s ued ned r cslile fc entespseod li au se! e l . inthlsDîl ge hlsun tuhe.d éfaeocé, woi ueh a e unuban avo maee.avbl inaeae to -The neleslalenot e ln etevhe ItIasThe t al, Se ciiael ur 111. he oe tleengnl13 vdee ul13w adeoe tnipren. T. î 11 afoel y .sieitcosidre wihs ve. g osebee'otreull a ila cle centiniesdlmandenDl 'lth ut 6800, siesdfOolnrt. oih- n lene lDu- ceanpo l noe h 13epb eixats h front Vanou er *howsa dee33ess tram wo1330hrouiei ossbe tay ssbto e lu theayd ayenne idsapoSncseloits lu Trio 22lna Aguat aisb e Ibs , tsep 27oret.esaegdt velI.lio ecepie et82310genle b te 3101.see n'geig asege 881 ithhées e.shlfythesesso IsbVa onver'.sVictei4.,. porascet ioaeee e. - 11e: foesnete l uiofaoel Mnnee(03- 83 sotau'Do t a~ Ond Mo'tee a dur.rit b lne otel beosde eed bal SacPverreco , - Asc. 15.-viluluntred Théebase andecrab ofthlea. ta a e nA es b e Ilt tJnom r sudOaytaee o n s lu Ontriwa o. brt es hen thesin c o untred ealurd 3eb a 'codions of To en e nt rv é te o e , iog hPa ri e coten lritaig . rpfo lns ej t 7 7té abtrtr w o dieor l13centes I as 03ie ailvgante. Dirensinees, ieeseeeî a v eoflslet.l nblly13 eeen eaeb ~e Ibs 113.'AsB ii8hroniesare 383358 phs reuî t lie l and l e n1103bb5 aDho meiin ea u avsaitDobomlveB fwne ToutOovere it ledt iont 530 elarpp07 10-pIo n 335e lalonesre tieneSaI l terine v llenenb. Iieur h itas luer sosneve oli o w1113 Ihene ex. 3rvogemad p peuinen th e pr. t380 1 vara5533 leoeee'nod '- .anesns io Msslt"oou. rMCr tbpsl thentaieist Thédain nd el. ntr oy opr ud 113aoelem s ine opeain. Tbo a- Pmheeil s how.01O l neaotnsu déine tth taulevs e hrtytaténothenslueIifILe-htI lydiasgfing hjemormons Sam 3ret in lues bren o n gesfIén oo e or asrvis.035e the ern. e Tioeu ioa bcn os Dob;a lso ivd h abta o ave dlete aeer nlt8833113.a' 'b. euid. -'T it 0 ing 0 the ast. - 10c. M iaoieauth.lo' e sA et Mdonlnacoreolheidenbs inDUeplby. a- slOetaile he 'ns cIres33of33 data Théiotacaitnthesttu wo- DAuus 2Tbeâpemeraeb nd25 loeelueu, eoat tensntlabeeliosa ecrubeOe ofsixnparent 0 T3he1 oisto ila iitt o*catMandepa ffeoeb veyobyehe týnld 2heae"i nein taaffhal esuu elud voi id3 e w vtoutllevohsdies omel pool erisa s re édi1 - chied 10as aeain aieesuubbeitoe8' Ib l fo nt drs at0833of a ie niro aa oehrl31301081Ahor enle isIl. - Assvill3a ol na so Ineperldeso 1 . maven in hT t MomlimipataasdsAssnsnmout taedudire'c lionp,-2j-peplucipiel-poinlum la ihth x e ebeeof$2-bsoatî ebgle9"'g e l lse- - su valhivaiby usoneabuln eawi e4OiqS utitdbcr6adwi5USPi thé* oluds ie ut. Soma Wshan ensog - B a AeblsahotmeledderRrhedIsll ielest lretl behede n ld(cmoethseient pdrumln: rO. 01388 "-an' in- somalixoaN;i."on nll .s' 13 seonesenZ shee asdsw.n whoh ae ow ~ asu OrPes in Pulofee Ob a3elo, 31the 5f n le u fodavi asi s 13 ies of vasop ew Aeelal ve mIeienss 51313 wortsh etn. l 3 usl tn JneiveBln edglela onnebo leIb~Y3I5e35b oemns r « . ll"mnfhe Thoenem333ueef 3.03318 owntresuelu th1pe ou n ehn tr neslèNelmluter teTimeO nn(3moele el.ds ba în ee"th se wion si D. ' ilk le ace33v300 et, as eal baidaees t laonîng( lel elndos oltsetndgeouthbatfe.tPellengebsat, e30530 o n311nu frr ioqa3 0 e e 2,> aea exeen ejîtiketpiy 1 n-as Sce 1333n333 .vn e r elrlr Albgae 8toeul Bten le u'Zl 'au.S.ieth lne,1er13 - - eeoî ip al e e ii s.eigtho Trb éeedatesrees* Seseiealer f a ob tuaola i e an. Mrr aiate of tIsaI cl sol s la S aneoe 'u t b'i0103 u'3l lîuse 1 lu aret3l and PliePlolirlesTrral 0133333 et Snt Wno sea a'Wa lion boie acoloosd plua13Isl1l'88333155q aereîoodecsIn - bonaeÎeîi 'g,' oeîîsOice .bi~ 6 1 c3l raee'n na . . 1 to opdirectin havebeen' s!ednmi. 13iioeb aioee 1 lne3O . ae ne tien ta vsou ere 03 113 v 23e a msadia n 00h j'Il siiau ece il ' o said. a tesc.34 3300008.-.or. veTo.r13035 sedl of Minnesota sud North Dakota; alio leusi a. fuTb&avez. luts ssia ihot - or in ise 1 1 i e United4dO b4 ,130ete.'lilla t smesth cAll3el etaaenlas ArIs ss ialioara de tle n aIe nale .day 5th-1 ston h o t e. O.3t" .' 'Y' o c? Do, hs o4Ah e .' hon "masdye é lunicia leauAselsesud d ir2 et lunt 3837- a ý al-,oel peîin '-_ _ - 1 ' ad.ita for -' en âd.vtbP Acta0u8e bb le b ts essin ofth. e lt 'a44.out ýn hroly n- uig RadAbta n mntrGnz lààl oirz tr11e3 o ,bi -To auaa-nM ?.Tbe Fdlm o rg enlievs s-ip l ns ,- e gttis &v Mhe Mr3a 103Iand ewpee10-ii thé ts l'. i o ta: *wrêes.c ebIsl n dstbeesesth hélaby ay onero 3eatofanvsr 011st8.s58Io3,lslg e.e 33l WI**ricpl- cst lVê5ïthisbt.iàti i.t. éin'sâ33s1nà '!0 of es3siri fernr aSdhensg l'o lu 'oe odmq n ot o ls realy ne 10 aNrmIes- . huTisunde3tsmsLtâta .,.ilte, ta î3Vds'lia nOrald1Bal ix;alsn n hioogl b3erieosa of Dakota in0 Maneud'b.a sluao oolito..iioaýotoQ-stBlltitatnof asys5à5050S8oi 013 333.1335 38 338 Il Il 113038 - b3o~ - puel - - lion] 'iell I - - li13. 1 -ýi - ' WILL L'AST THIS MONTH ON.LY. Ladien ' iluen Ilaîîdkerelîitfs at ee1O.t price, for this veek 10 dozen Hand-Eîibtoidered flTîliîdkerliefs, 2 for ouIy; thloeastîle of 11landktrchiefli ît Cht this etnsou. S'ebrt ýonîr iieaîîd.]trehîef.i thîs .yetk. 'Tley -;d 25aozen White Hem.outitlitd.Hadkereliiefs, at 45C. prfîllyhip --dozen. This lot we voil oeIl by tht duzen. ouly, tt SILK-;1SZtIKý-Boh 1lak adC'o!ored itl. -pripee' bing su vtry low.' Tea-- ' ,'fisitte pie.a vi 50 'dozen of white H l"-sithedanàkcrbiefs, pre-bi neliug theoî. -Fanoy -Pîre loet2epet !4doe f ou r 25c. ithdHnkeeif, otUe A: eVo tho'ntîndsome Ilie'aded Dresses sîillei 40dyný ooê fur5o. -stthdHndèeifpueln 0S QERY, SILK GLO-VE:Se GEIiT:S' IES 8for 25e. -7< nui.kedawaýojfru t 50 dozen, ]?,tre Linen He.-stiehthd Handktrchiefs, vsry - O dyfo uln fiue -qalitb, at $1 pet dozen Wt e dlii fw ndsomt Pattent mautie 25dozon Hand.-drawit TlireidlHanidkeit.lîefs, 3 for 80 ts. - * -~sThe o àf Partne Îhi -~ 'ofO v 1~lrSti i6 inues

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