Canadian Statesman, 24 Nov 1887, p. 4

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'1Ilobi~og -oooo IIOIO1crom 7c opf oH #2-5 W H'IL6m001;for esot 14 ios4noe ,Y the Gouelph Joction Radwyop.cày io road divioion No; W,68S, oa for 28. h- buso bnamrld t oMr. Tho. Rolosoo, foot 22'ib. fluo bor-;dS a7vo No. "' 1 -IH iton. forSISACO. 842. - ,/ -7A i O. foqntmoi tho b&iyof oy. .- 1fr Hotoy o,.to h 7 T.rooooo .Eord.towmoh1p faoer.'Whý -19=tdt,=* Vý eýà(j-thmgh wu abathj1bithiredmoia, a verdic e uf Coooodlor Hfo to t bo aovoro ý;Thon. mcoco. 1 h. odooi t-,- tho ooooplotiotocf tfco, ork.uad 650 himotes deosos Central Bioh of Toronto waSi« .pold-W. N.,SeuIl 'foropologoooin-. hâ,ouùod p.- The hofderoofotes ore.11 divWoLNd57, too fr. roo ri glef. Thoc.. f lieb rodet at porc. iSrli doy.. oo&ho-jÎoid'#SLW foï building a bridge ioOOtph oopoor. boyave tOdoto iu.dlioioo No. d.-53orèd. - - 1 d" tooosi. Hoe ho. 1 vO l 'dcoi,1c ML Homori mod, thst theo tom of- *héter peuople coy.walk outthc atmton. SOObo pId *J.' Cooto où souaoot for oitOoot1h cOtof th1e tologrophcon ûlLatg oitoooe os ortlu road diviion Paul"! No. 77.-Carriod. TicPre w on oolv -0 issanoiio; voto Horlofoooo 004 et ttc mou0 f lmol Oos reoHooe t M.o. Ylik:e u Chorot'Broohyo. yrhoo it dcoîdo.l oO erroi rofooo assssien. :aIl itro.Cha. A. Brry of Wolverhhton. orroofoooaooo. Masseur tu0the. lto Hcory Wordv Tho follobogoomode persons poovod 1, oor Thc ochry ofcooed I.laiN $1,0 t1.0 loss of ohoop killd ood dooogod by , yoh Soovt :.. tflorooad two ohoop A u Moconx E.vy-, lcr hIiled; Noht. Hoohod, threoohoop and oIdboy wuoomoioîct 0f nordr sudlien. fonr lamooho hilloS; Jooiooo Foolor, thoflo riood t0 flioprlcoomeot ut At1ootà. Go. hooohohiliod; Thomoootepheoo,font H sotabb.d. aos, who ohjit taibis sol. ofiooop ond 2 lotoho kiloSa; ForS, Sr.oiooo lqod cigarette pi.toro. Poothiito,, i ohrop illîl. oàmotioo of 1fr.Hoot. :ininooo nt Alaonto, whict is the hooerof loy teofoilooîofoonin woeoodorod te gy. SainJoues. . . *bo poiS for tho saoH dSomofO, noz.:-J. I'To omies of loprosy àro oodortrooitmioî Shorwood,..61; B. Hàobaod;017.10; I;v De. Vcoloyoaoo.Gir mi physicien S614- JooloPff,P4'4ý -' .'.Folooopm tiydo,,,o, De. iioveS by 29r. -Pottit,- lit tho r ove HodoqoO "rofd94oot ii ooY infoeoooîion alla Cootooëllor Hottl6yhoe opipo!Ùthd .ooodi4to. IoNot Oor n éomnmitteo £ô ooooifil théohridpeoOvor, .'o!pc1 hem t0 do sa.. the Torolvé Mile0 Crook i0 rosiddivon.:: ia,%o. Tio..typhon. No. 45. onýd, if tbeýyOdRhî Okt oiiiofo malaria. pidcooio hoeo ootiooo.ooohoooed, for pobieo travol, 10 hâveo it repoirodt or bot the Porroofogo o! nvirfoity ic iloi Teea t0oy mceïoonder trotot in robilît ; oboo t0 exomine tîîe bridgeo . ,mopta,-. tooidc. 100 oher, patiento ovor tho Indio Creek.-Corriod. . *IOogl th. oicy. Theorok offloohiog 1fr. POOr mnoved,'thatithofollorO tîdMh.oor«ooî4r. acoootsb ho l.,vjz.l-G. Moohottfo. Si pro, Sfidflo10o ha, reoio.tpite for toooîiog, puttigý in colvoota ooad %ttr (rmo Royol Highnooo the D.iko fîottiog oîp railog fb. divlolon No. TiI, o Ceonbridgo, ooo.ioH -j.y $8.25; th o CariophoH SoorrPijooCh.ô aiiétoly ahi. i for 23 fiet, &ieli[O pev$Sd JldiO0dilyd t~bi t t W,"oodoes loottlo, for e&Aor timber, 18.25.-Cor- -'poroolor grt 1ha1 oooq t0 the coin- noS.pulwry rc0iremeot avotoloi the fooocrio o moationo of fr. Pettit, V. H. Perot .ooy tooidioo.oooioohi os offlo,,'. &.Co. rropoiS 614.20, for inoober t0 '. ien. Hory Frooo iltifflolon. noo %vise. no ootioo o! fr Peor, J. ReooShood 'a11.poiootocîc0o o I 1a;poid $811, for looshor 10 Pot' oô 'diooroo frain lier hochood, wiliamoo moostoro, os peo acooooot. . foorY bliddico.,, 1 tho canifS of On mootion of 31r. Pottil, Woo. Goeen 9dnl.ory. . orooioY sol di.,ofo. Mfr.* %qpoid S62 for rooîoviog o dooS fiorhe îidSiotoo firte a divorco 01. ntce 0 train division No. 14, he 010000110000î ,cchccsio. boln of ,îltooo0. . Tomnoto'à 000 Seoolor. lioo. Jolie Mloo. Mr. Pettit maoir ilt $4 lir oOtIo dàoo.d,ho. dulîlutdSS.000toeoolcau. 10 tioo end of, the yoor, payable 1 tholi teosionî o tho ho.PitoI oa 11 oity. lfr. ordor of the ovibrr,,b boraoteil toJameOs îfordoo1d. 11.3. h % noueooy honectiy 1'roooooo oo indiigent .-carried. . os a macohant. olîhool ooy assistance Cooooil odjooreod, ta muet onon. traintoo10roioodoio aie'an i loooî tct de,o ài doy of DeDmor, et 0 ue cO0b30L ade su, an aofooîiiytho D,%oUoL 5hLinoo, Clerk. hi*todîooool. Suo of -the Scott Ac na"poprs ar. oohiog oopiil out ef th. statuaient th.1 poivâte foîoro' fooin Calgary givea 0 o eso oOcOO0 comoitmI f0 fho Oxford oitroof indicatioo fliot tfî oflmoiooOl gaoi for Soookoooooo duoi.og the yoorond- lot io Iîoodiy o happy 00001t thot placo. loir sept. 1117. £loe .101000011 a oid of It in 10 sttaoo gooS ootioority filot truth. Thomro rooo clolr. ot drooko ohoottWOoty.Ohtfsent t0 00 O 1.0010f0oood 1offoicil of .thisoootv pliod. for f ooce t poroliaoo their dis.* iicYohro.o-odto io. ochargos fooin tioo Hoooted police ot Mo. John L1iton oîof Iho Listoorol 11,01pool. Tio ootioo of theo mooo ot' ho mille. hied th iaoo00000i000y yid of Calgary eidtaSba hve heou foliowem 79 ff heor ooto ýoff cifOîsnoms, grooo byoanner of the mon ot Mùoaooo. tiitso.0l on fis foooodloiningîiociio colcuse of 2miii O,00 ohl 00 oo o Tbmior oppoaron ofo 000 ra dpisgu A. 8tflooo vies ttc chrooher, and4 thopowro ioiioîeomnoomtoo of fmldic ore. tho fke raic tIo maohine woil tiooosd toi ooltotimoogoooobo Iloforo. xoooiyý for marketcl' ho 0eta00000 of tho s peoito oeil for theo sterling priocipies White Soooooign oooioîy, oodr,d 000 000 o! tho m0n filot whilo Snell a dscoo.ýl oo land tiol l prooiou.iv grown tws teoted opirit ahoould ho rife olmoogst- oropo of flo.-ioooi tandard. seOtos th 000 worth o o teo thn do. ]&r. W. J. Folcibrhidfgo, Q C.. cf Tor. oeriofo. îbovoohYOootbhfî t onoto.hbaihbeau ppoItd ta b buJodgooet poteo 1010CalgarOy ao.HosîObOîlareoS mile he Court of Qocco.' Rnooh. -inosuceso thi oOOJoofd and suprvsonOfooMr..'ta Mr. Justice.Amour.promooot th lforohimere in lit loyol supporter~.- CIo Jo.aO.hf T aiponlot 0 (Bottieford, N. W. T.. Heroif.) goud an0, oct. Mfr. FoimoocIll i oo. y.ùog men ad apOioisaiOIOawyoo. He * 0,01,thitoortemromnooýfindtooboit- hboraoi 1846. 80 in - ooooohet rcmokohlo, 10 joogurito a010000rou.émpoifo agcioct tlia11t. fibm of whioh lie fia member loi ooiooood ooodaom of forty.ood. cod ore gisen the Poin ouriOOJudO00 ,., o.e. dctoomined ta koio il op outilithefolWin or*. Horisonou sud8 Uni anod. or mado * 10a 0 terst tholo Itla i.ootoiliy. FtibridfO. 1100 somothiog ira. dooc. TOe Scott Act% Ton huit of grade steor., in4 hy Wio. je mlw beiog opoofy vioi.104 i 10.00011100 - Jolinot. Town.hipî Soothoof. Coooty and village in the cooty mad hem. in Enii, mce ood teday taM. COorl. A. * Almonte seveott whisky1 .hohc, of the Mcoroohcii of EL. Thomo., avragé foorrol type a.o oiood t0 10e doinf &. weightenmotebtng3,ODOlbneah. Mr. flouriahioo buoineos. Wo tope 1fr.,- Johoototo ic roil known hcrs. Hi. soin Hobortoon ond hi. aosistants oi olir tho hohby for ycoo. ho. boco the raisiof et latter- estabhishments fhoir specisi att100. exceptionnel yhoooy cttfo. lio ho. oct tien, o un o 10. lafi hom orst moochiof i. @,-r koptaon or soy cthor animal on done--eîiOi,.f marc boy. oithlu bicor bis fom of IOOOres. bt hu o.t 1.5 of& dooOs ndcraing tin oith thevl00I0003 pooducoîitoo foie bood& of mlii.e. Thm. poncif thst po..o. for Oqoco. The mi100 catic frd hy hlm aom *bot o.oecocis d thons places "00 routlout tho80fathiW'î s0 stood foliy sio fort high » fe for Ove liefor the yOOthtfthe oOc. Tho far y"ct Aitocors- y th.y arc, the th. Somît Act o. in Opeaton inO fil ouo00Y heliviet bouill or sauna In Coooado. and ho. proorîrd th. cootempt of .àt a. toursma aitof theuowidîbthoGueflph fofr 1 1 v Who more etgt fs tocroogoct aSoootein « 70.ombr.-St. Th00 Tiass..

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