Canadian Statesman, 14 Apr 1887, p. 3

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Our crit thee bok ur prse eil 'ee tobe sch odâ ProW oi us i l-i.'l - k ýlet À- i e e aot P IESE G o Sltr o t ci EaHAuEGTo PNsi6t , ïtlo erth ci nty he tes1cCàpytarhŠn not. a-maer.wor htoag urte sun. an-to , 1.hee;_ -,els . ,.r to;w-r_• a i. pil ana s86ôö rd W w UAEMdfrEE O RIN BIMM are a you have. Youcould very well ëom no a o set ort rg I h-e.-coep'y a amDW e i K L o aÉew Y t les. W 8can t iin . B ab r ne t i 9l o a * * o n . B o m é t h n g t h t w i ll h o t c oM y o n m u c hNb t w i l -acIL E MTH & ;àilLivr-a B G ARTERTR ýtW, Lral . Inplemlents. o ned I rnentw- m in the new bui ee' t ote. itù. 1 eieedtu fuirnish all kindsý thmui yo y thllé ýad ifrms of the Provini Musaw itoMower, unli Carrier fiffl of othier p1 ABRaU TSPRil A BO T 7CLOTHING., 1 i 50 li ". ii' Á t&• ln i l .1. t¯lle l( ig a oa a witer an -in lmtýials of the N hi f! th uni S.prineanir dressed in liâht - ~ ~ ~ p N>t.N1.%Ser :rles. uti e tclose up n e. à .tin u ' il and hviu hun su, n a ieinto .he City a M airi St.',v-1 ES$, TIN-WARE, ETG,' truhnaspec alty. t .Dow nfall MITURE! ubseiber now offers for Sale at 'his Wr 2VENSON'S BLOCE, MAIN STREET. XI' welýùl-assorted àtock of«Fur,.nituirat prices lo , offered hlithierto in the Town of Milton, coin i Sulits fi-oni 1,and pars -.lý;r Suiits fon60 n pad Tables, Extensions Tables; and .Springs, at*ve s purchlitsed from the leait ng mninfacturäriöeh or the Singer 3Mfg. 09., xNew York. mace. >11: W ool a of'. 1 188. ree, NHALL, MILTON, ine of Stearnship's t Erope Sha-oo: oYe AP IL PAPER !!e:ý- >ck .éidbest. arietyOf from 5 C. per 'roill uyl ith ]Borders to ìnatc ýe W.AL TTPAPERtri 11 and seeus ifyou ,en ivant, "Il - W q -ý rial buy the Chi soli, ;leu ;.-Ne 7.11.oth e Ce il. by 'h. ti STOB, every D.ekpa-rtM..'e]O mýCýl CICr Car "au ra 'býIBb ludoubea 11ý1ý1B vie i ek E TRy EyT,,,,, -TThe soumet. dire clieal,, elle Il helà h a p Sio r fil mýmO fýC "Il, bu Troble's, inaniso ni tho BOVICIV sov zla .à -pp "ICI CI Vin. pauton, Wu 'rit. I.Borcec ci. ille John tiennent oeil lave It Rin. no%%,ada3,ý4, au= ,--r aiýr.f ... lk ti s rbO,ý, Noüs to ta bout liaving to g gloves A IV .1rabanemen, ami J. Bttt. ô to the dity to buy'goods.- rUCVL' aulivIl nt. auaitors., 'Il 0. olti a = Zitiata .111, y 'n"',rMi Iles bye ity !tour Icrý'11tOgfCatuTu. TU i os Tf YOU want a Hemp Carpet=WhY you Cala buy nice paii- 0 ýÀBE NOW 13HOWM HOW.9 States, Il . . . . 1 C'IL, ethein tiye, terni§ b6t 12j, 15, 20, 2ý.and 306., Elégant patterns si sroci r à, duc or Tapestry Carpet at 40: ana 50c. Ir bý eu-, lie 'Cati tp by-'.Cnouticn that ra. lale lIC8ýbB Hýr,,,by, ""nru'8 re bel Kalgomi er rO 01 sa *Dooas, Lace Goods ,ell" Ont doc, 'ana et or , Dré Ribbous, Trimminés, CW . vèSiýp hi.iiarin- 2 rLi.-,d =zo-Z Bb uP 0 Don't yon'want comte the walls of pur house afresh. 180 banale of cur bi Complete Stoékl3 of es,. Sla h0Neý "Dritlli 1 p el' S thècostwýýý not trouble y4uinuch.-, Dèso'tiptioË, saine filon sud Idole i8cee . FanCY an Stapiel Gooas of gvery t rw tineni, Flaùnels, tho - w autlfy loti >r. ýCe -sari Cottons a 1. Il -Ait the different kiutl%- this, seilson AtKa làgl.R - s.-ý tIIeýhamj)ion, alla tile Guelph A VETIY OLD COUPL' es, J. la a ýouplù-phèt P A P E R . -Canada; niaiiilfgtctlirL(I* 1», W. W A L I Embraeiýg everý novelty of :the n à a by any.honse in ers, or iiattoncount> will Bon thé-Mth' ewBeason, et prices, as low as can be qù. te Milieu. Price.4 frolu $1 t'O 82- if they live till May 1. i - . 1 . q1 . 1 W sDi P,.«-'%Ir. Thos. Lush bu -- They Their Millinerà, Mantle Ùàkers sua Dressmakers are preeare anniversary of thoir me àf. 5c - a roll; better patterns at 8, 10, 12à. 15 & 200., at receive orderd for the season.. Theit DÈ iloube on Bronte St. arc Jolin Uolqugiau. lits ".01112 92 Cars 0 age a o. Boraersfro jo.ycl.,up. z. Titoilles fIaýson. of Horilby, for Il bc 94. hey arc an up to 75 in lish, will return in a aay or two front vî iting the Grana0penings of New Yofk aùa.l)hiladelphia, lit ver (toit of Cari nul ne.,,rlty Miss I)àlglý .2m s ever, and thoir a ontheir orders beùig eiecutea in the verynewest ana trios fà - and kir John Huuter lias st , blind. la linc 611 Main.Strect '0 fil il 'Gray, Bu and Gréen Window Blind Paper 5c. a yard can aepeù t* shionable style.. ER t Il vise their a toi es 3ird. illiaie, For 8 1300. aimant as Cuit lis Sèe the pure Crettonnes at 10Y IMI 15 and 20c.. up. a b il licalth linon go U Il ! elph, craury. Table Cloth, best quality, at 40c. a yara. kraLkýiçdoinI, an enormoustra 'i ýwIinIervcar this Hca,%ou. ý Th so. Do.youyouknow? Theladieswereinraptureoverthe 22 K ing Street I@ast,,W i%àm T ez pricei ire excéodinglYIolv. 111VIS 'RACTUR - -est weaneillay & M UPJIAY M , 18, 20 and as i "fiýient.-diBplay of Trimmea à1illinery we ma Mr. Arch. MePhorson of bills place, ruer Kýug joli jalons strects, Ha 1 --ai (le last Iton. m-as tCmMing tellephonc pelés licini his Saedid -3fiow Room. Acton, hil; load.ultetand ay. in our fine new S SOLI.-Nir. Chirlu Joues sold il lit '.Uain and'the otherou lie fell witli'great force on hirleft Bide e. gleigli, brçiý4g ýtrcet, %ve.,st of st. Aiilrev,.4 ou the beuch. of -tb 'H olliniake Son, M ilton « .0 two ribs. ýMr. 4McPbcmon-is-enmu dreit Par, UR,,e, tu Mr. john Coch. il, %çlo ro.ioil the lot ou . weighing Boule M0 pounas alid. the fin s.'M. XW À% lu j'v-wlis 311. FiâçaTIl fiewson. mm, Coullequently 0. auvere OýO. Il DO SELL CHEAP. dtiL;qn't feel lu first-clus condition nom, 'In ail otlier.niaelliiien Ê -% ý it stauà ra't forthespring Ai4D BNM OVER TMS ADVERT Illidil vandisthclight, rquiiiII,, lialchine'in use. J. B. The ISÈMENT WIM . N BLADING -1 THE CHAMPION Froc Pressý ,,ut. - M. -15. pl?;Aponn- Frolman TcW.ý Arter the fire 00pera Company flesurved a inadi larger ýN - "We Desire to 0 our'Attentî ji to rJE wo pecial Unes gil T, cticy. have hall, the 31ilton conueil houise than the one *tbat grüeted thera il gire flie picolde a charce te vote on TlitirH-,aay ovening; but that did net all'Y 0 1 le W.ý erýrO! -S affèUt thoir performance of Gilbert and (sue le respec cessor tci Mr., George Suiitli). illitoil 18 clin of the Most Sullivan% *eIl known -,Pinufore" Which 1. anadiau towas ter Was a genuine treat. Miss 8anie ROI. Ilhe f ta, 700 pieces to. choose front pricei begin at 5c. par yard. ter'. Ililas 't, in, as Joqcplline ; Mr. Dan Young, ai Ne in the trnde , m'cars ýir Joseph oeil Mr. J. T. Dalton, as I. irai line is Prin' y .1 TrIIIII B lirl, cis Du, Capt. Corcorau were, ait cqùay gond, he second line is Cretonnes.. We have an immense range, of these goods. Splendi4 valuè ait 121Q. po tt'l*rel)le'-i cory and un venture te say Bbould the coin- blier visit they au'es TEMRS 48 IÇINÇF': STREET EAST'-ELAMIL roi KiUlg nid ay. Milton anc -iRý Vril ave.ngreuontocomplaiùofwant M oK A 7 BRO i Il, Cf. REcovuat., -We ar. lýs",:"o patronage. rettIiýie%- vlio was « ST-on E --c 'L MOusTACnE.ý DRY GOODS ýAND CARM T DEALERS. jare . Ily alvr had hoth lier S 1 , et îýu F'reomààoni and Rica ter 01 'File boucs .1 1 The roason. we sen .-io many 'Ibro!wÜrecentlý liv a Colvialling lington ýCnjOyed res& 1 solu. vhdt-,ý - 'I'VELuity Il lier. i4 doing %ýélI. . or. .1 ýr .,, ha'-e ;Iuittil ilid. tbose of ton-n the other evening. Whon Lheel es is that w e keep. a very lar Ur, riglit IU rha"e 'le ge TIIOXAS' 0'. ViATZIVS IIAS ItETURIqED.To T-101LIGEITE 1 1, arly Jolie sý,. left the ladgo rente, at'nearly 1 O'Cloc, 1 sav,*. ccotý il, buving in the mtriiinl,,, they samr in a winaOwý assortm ent of trNvuý%r - -lit CI Beuli.ýtt'a botel, OppuItC,ý a YOUUIZ nur> voù ild nu rgst stock, elié,%ILt goodli in the .,,il ai -I. mirror, struggling --with his ýNÈ W SR AD ES Aiter vhiting the gent man lafacturi., cities et pnglanoi, jreiand, Scotbula and the continent cf Europe, te parchants suppliée fur the Itigi.t Rang, ult. Treblees. corner Kiug aud James eýaMiniug it Closely frona His purchaÀès have been enormoualy large, compricing tbe very flirtent styles in Drtu Gwde, Millinery, Mondes, Short Jneket. ana. a great variety of other B ng And Stimuler. French styles or Pattern Baie, and Rate anù Bonnets for laidies, 31fams and Boys, Thme.méi trüets llà aupdilUlister Clotho, FICIVI30I i "a 'est ce ourta. . White and Ecru. A lot of Charroie ry point of view and talring the r , lie". The Neweal ma ID mont livelyinterest in ità proggross- fui New Priutà. Another eau ,il VCry Handsome La Madras Onrtains. and Madrais The Masonic brothreii enjoycd - the FABRIC$. * il nanti'racinrers- New Silks irrived thie week, allie an Immeuse.Stock of Table Uamuks, Towels; Tablie lçipkins, Cahmer 0alleà IictýTIlC inspecfor, haring malle Il recelveifroui the férnig Holney Comb Wrape..Rncl ati Immense ahiliment CI Gloires and Etuaiery [rom. forpign makeii. New p1ren hoýv for Marly minutes, le Coroets and Busks, Kylitteil Electaml and ffiliony llarmele, New Silk vinc t ley toit thé Young maà. , was lit ahit Doinest hala Now Costume Checks, Novy, Grey, Printeà Twilled Cricketing, in the shooting liue, appears il ýnd vrhîý t "'y- attitudinizing; and eiideav*éiitig tc ses GS d- Drèss [à ().vers insateau, Plush ancl.Tapmtry.liew Fmbroideries: All-overi, Americtin Lacen.-Jabilve Lance, Charming Floupeit" ni Uild goint, in for fishing. Aý Indien Fàu*e Drois Grade and Sty , AtU 110 m'a-9 IOOIîiný1 fer ilornis on 'Mon- ThOSO requir New Endaroblered Tabl Yak Lacé eh styles, Csrrýage Wraps, Turkey Red Tâblè Covers, Torchon lianes, Maltelle Leçon, a, Wido fle Shàdes- and hitelit lavalase Oriental Lues In thé Latoet Fre .11, Rat, Drýos soif Manile Ornements là Beau, il%)* e ' vening, though'lic need net have ierv.-Spectator. J. 1 !ýà tiful Stylée, au Immense Lot or Ilbýr Dreis Buttbus, Bof the moustache from a neff Peint DE le e-.ýiieli. a tranteillionq burry, as the Goods in F. ashiona Ilironts, 0,.--U8 ill lie L-t-t Mâli Ladies Ma Gentieinen. New Bàcez,,Cldlýh that wili stand the wildest boys like leather, Antique i àe AJI.-W ool Flibries, w ill da wear of bearly ail binas foi Chrildren, Girls, 1 Dannask Crumb Clothn, Damask, outil nê.xi - iuonth. avéuing tIvo exciseront Beaultirll Lot OfFine Scotch GinRhampi Pock.t Renakerchiefs ftom 3C. -ala te the Beet Silk. Toilét Mats, Quille, tient fi.,hing --enson m'On*t commence A - FRMITLESS lwo --On- Mond ','Y-Idurable su ornai. Cé,éisi'silk Pluilà, 11:ew Cola and bilvtr Brilla, Chanile Rouche - Trimming., Black, and'the, New Shades in Beatte 'chàse ffla ýàë. PlusIbles le. GalIm Biiglýd Trimmicge. Wall Scruens, Coloreil Sheepskin, Mats, Victor ah Yo te, Boa. aftcr'-,,boinà rein-, Towels, a Towellilag, Syles. Unbrelli. Il c'tu got a gond heavv unactobir frâni Torou C r - frc Euglisli sud Amer)= HBtgrarawls ir New, a Roman purms lima Gonds of all'kinds uually required.* About $20.000 wrrth of Carpets in john C&bruet madeâ lad Stylith BrusiBla C Cent Price. juet tee the Cboâlùlnlg New Styles of Royal Volint, Wiltoni CrSdey's Beni Pli, f0rý'5cUnt,4, botter quality, all wool. 5t forced by Li ense - lnspcciàrltroulerg W eil to pu ta, - Givât Sale of Carpets, ai to inatèh. Th Iliglit Renne Wîn Ring atrest Cent, one aller west oflicghson tirent, opmj 'lits; Treble'l; famou O.K. shirt at 70 Rua bis hanter, lUnion Beijing off farjes5 thon cents.tiIobe.qt iutlle'9traac. aIIauýI5 raid on Bob Armstrongla establistament p ry, Ail.wool lond Two-1q, la a p are, the JUÎht Bc- -a Th mas 0. Watkin& exam . noconr stock bçfore purchasing in the eut end They bêla Amstrbng Tnpestiý. All-wool and ion cécilie COrnûr of King and J'ames that hewassuspected ofhavingala illicit e a nice linë.. of 4 01as]ý a. tý- w. -THOMAS C. W A linmilt6n. o hav suit on hie premisse ana thattheyue" regret toléaru that goingtoscarclaforit. They*aid Gloves, sum iner sha'des* Prilostumalign aity thoroughly, . going àu..thr-94 ant type of diptherla hall ri th an b""'09 Ont lu the family of Mr. Ale%.' p se, fiairestigatin ItObiumfi, merobant,. Kilbride. Hia looldùg coller beas, ang - Y-wiai-x U R 'OW N M A fiter a - table, Vilain, Ge scottiet. Tiphy, don, Mitiulo died frein ii on, Sun. up with the pig nid, ayanahisoùly son on.tllefollowing bbishhepg,, u 1 AI R E 0 . eyro p:1 tonca neithéif fii"btuliO, d'Iv.,,hile hin sisters limerai lwas LlCBR0-ýt1b . champion th - iý ;et 1'l'el. ýV ta CI; Mt :difor boilers cor wornali, ana theje exéisé say.-à liellarture empty bRoaea B - ..S -àly, t "Pu', à., t 1 . : ý'. N TLEM EN accompaniea AD À .. et fi.. eý te T.ý. '.'t il. dans«. te inforra the people ot3otci billoi fiiinitild %r p,«ý.«o. or tte mdý j0dg(ý Paiaeh* official visit te. Crodit .a r.turn. clin next morning. Theyreportea. hàvkÉ ,, w a frisions îer in Armstrong. lu fi ý' - ýtry théi bc É,@ý !oke' 210, GýgttOý'-, the other Bien. na 111, azid bé - , - v,-ýecss «9«aW.,tnIeý Act. sud 9=bunait.-g cou &fore let.Il fflyý..e. ai untéà the PIOtgmphGel-ranà den RakeAs - Sinon work in the third degreu that thej left it there air thayý.ýr;;ÏýOt th, il lis th. G ar Compliment finie the I)ýD whiskov detectives, were trottin CM e-'U' trb,* b. Oslo ýt il- y - buàýessft0m Mi. SI, DiCar ibr-. Every pair'waliTantea to give, SatiBfàCtýqn. dons os te > noire a special là. Boa il-W "ilcinus Il h. «'r brallnen Went'to Clark's do ;;ith th. iilylowieaý ana Ca1riýa Spades -Thèse goods are.made of the béat mateiiai business -the After still lait for iquor,ýana nothingtô uq..r, 1,'=Ue et wbill lu On gé.-e hi Mr. GéO- A. liânEbOéý 1. -'1 lait y aýjd S4ip.Velà, patient w6jk ni, grent care b L-ti t-kl ne botel, wherc they BnjOYe an excellent Act, Morcelai. bof the, Btthont a .banquet ý. > bù.5nwy arla bas ebtêaý it up V-itbLI me GIVING IlWaValargeMiýot DRAWINO :èMrýs l'y uiii p (aqý!1 : ne Ille r n'oued. ein« taken th 'ana tbre, the batewi app Ces shaff be pèrfect. A stock of thaïe goods alwa,, rrespoulient stmas la ý: . omainentýa bain, ith 'the1èlloWiOg---ý tttL.*; if r.-àgdýdM7 if mat t la- eve'3'tvO cluzen'CàbinetPhowsfro. by p" .pelvis, d,..Iy Uffl-I, a" The objection rainosa . nid " t= - MOuBary te the te the self te ýbCý eprcàlicbîm PM GOO] e one Il tbrec drkal Éà , cKlItivc- A lianaller si binders là thafit faites t ýI' t qel naiblir -7 8-toriby ze with Il 'Y.'10zen- Au 18,40 bovol - bornes t6 &aw thena, but: snob te mi. king f asortken Of inh mamenteil gilt leurrer, march of science billet loi E la xutos- 1 on, MI. Our lula 'iub coo. ras t. FIRST-Cr4ASS-.,W ()RK trame, CM t'a et IWW- te bc ZiVeu sway el'erY Saturday Seo long ý tu ffl the - fanni thi IlIber NU, i.toxieu,ý lits in code. t4 nImples ira the Ce. arcuna file ma 1. Milt4'eeý.tbly b- ýIenCe - 1oy olda me, ... [àvilIg.hàcl Over; 3miffl 'exblbiUd t0l' air e on Saturday, 26th, Still fourteen'for hinis& 'white the rom ..-,Bndthi .«M - fallow vÀth"' TWIURI B o ils duen nt Wx- FARXER's cor. King Ch. lasser «m'obi audigthattime VL g ma.MoNabSt.,H,, Braintfaia 'iliacbiulh il agent foi a or hi Caran a dissi .. la bout hall a aitouisbed flic farmors et 31021h Île devait ettait Um«t'O una SNIDE SHOW.ý-A tbella V!ýe- mgh.;;ib sala'the lather de -tu.. on few jaaaQý &IBO m -ROChkWJý!a- n"Il and "mou calling thci in in selvas the schiné iný.ge crit a draw it Sb SI >1 Anorican Novelty clin, couia pyLt ý tais -m Go pauy coma.t. in working mradre 80 Îy !&te xgmije - âl ;sen They boa prùvi,,Bly ïàu_ tfijtfÜýhirM- ' P l la train Toronco ]est Friday even. across the bam- fin Inini n6w.18ýW thm,évýér.,;: LýdiéB wishi adviltisea another toýC. 131, ý.ialves-with a inrgn Co ont, Ob_ W HITE 'Ilich bad béen cote ho coula saine posa E £>,;COLOR des'guýl Oliffinally for by É1]iOtbýk nOtý -c- &pe-bbl' andAdalnwt;ùý Salisbury Trambalicom sud the rowbille, te, '141 Son% Lonadon.-, -zeth ýq 4nanny RYO CO;, and whi -f, - -,i* -ý î ;',ý ci, -ý0fao4bý they haa Blacktbek$10 Ïàèoula %ined't'a bord te RaYhowbut fil 411't Impose OU th, P, le Aw p Cf «sý,an inlay grest extent. Maton .0 Nôted Soot- id Thoir go-canea E 77,É t- an r-jgý, tg 1formance was %tenait ta by perl S PersoDs, including deadlacia. fiL li the m )ail Po Ëyhn g in T

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