C l-t Ee-rfeesit-c 1 eSo1U rt.. . .YC , ,CIL . . teesg- ey8_,: DSM- COC!.-Ic h m u-c .c . _______-- * . __ - " ._-The Pe. ---m-- -eMIIU! UU,---k iiim ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ l i ct elet-, -ha .e.Be - .80 a. .te 1 EOcecl0'.>7sO IceM7 w , CUEAP m m l. Sot~ teeeec aC dtceeet . lPîhec. , _Le otoekp. ce. 1 et .. . et , 1 .eClt - . -e 'T" ' -."t -e esTs '.N - - acee', , ;fc >" 4îp . cc.la.olcemeet7ce. tee _7__ee_ -cd, i. oesi. H lehee.it1eby.lSte.aPPcdf h1ll * 1- et, 'ï ce recol eocdoccê OP ."8eeccodý i r i t t h é = ee y e n ,e n. _ _ e ocote.hec-b. vtd,; asol -C-tce. - Lsdlea'e Ooeeel0o.,r...la . ne" ebed- ca. .c.y,îcfstee C etere. . ýjý-i ý ... e >"g .,,, BÙîý vla t ecery dol e cce then f rnette t s aneec clana Most cfecctteeiOd atthate ecoos- No tee c e -L'p40 Q - . . tac oaedehv DveC...te ced~ ~ eMerppe'.. eV ce tc ccpttrfc e etec.c e e eeec c eefe cf ec Pt dfr cW-aul te no f tl"ee ced1-1 fe 1 2j . ctte yeee cs tholeaanilicteo Of SiTry ceeyA.ele .hocevetl a rr evee fTeete.rcfl- c, ee occeed,,.. lt eiâ 1 -ch p ic eld proce. 1t.lelttrg-I1V . . n i séce .In or te ce et etef i eetol teW l ter ce .a inbree c vp e li m nut s f ooee t ev O. .ced 01.Coe htenhc dilce) ep. .l Table. Linon .. .ý . . . ,1 ' cfa ececîetloc ci Sr Jo0e ce r ndce cFILSceU ' c1et' celTcb.laltt . .O - . not.lotet1P.el. ee e chtIpLcc, a~ lbIhoc loce D.Ptevspocdt O rle n f e d; 1 nec pec b ote.H tehoe .tee.hy.. w . ;r epp.tatec OS daot d ateccieh -tyte*taCteeY.. col oatet Mlec De. eo: cei.betva.oocdeefda- -.... 1 _ 1,.cclngtl nd1f th -ttéetth rn erteeat 'hsh v avao altoi aort , C leeet ieeet F r ona ces- . 1nK er. e l . . .2. .....W......C..tten.... peetcIC vcsd tatvc e ao tcg e h cCeue o o 00fLlor eIà ies. 1 chaps.. ced 1.e.1. e IegIc1...e.c.e.e. . ; c Aen et) cia kso B rlc nton n a ni to Ch. cecl ced fo- ta h -SI eseoc.ef..edat.p. esttecllres fcsth etc-l h deaec . ecChefare 0fr el. cc Thc MCcde le te ohle. I Aihic, Jeece Iocecy. Fe Ov..e...v..arlàeltng.e t0 e s e d c ei nÈ c es d e c c e .a ll e 't b a o rg a lf lXe et1% ne c t l b ;l ot. o n .S ic w>e IL h e lttt . AO. fit . f r ot . d ccecCcI T evhb y a dit t e trle otedec L f J ce O ed ...."00 .. ý . . .. . hidtmý n .. i......... jci. . d:; ý m é, hod , d Seteursh, ane rgaie s oof e, hoiten hynd.Ita o ery a Ilee D te ceh LiDil , ýý _- . hl...... O c a ceor th ecntia ct teroel Ptted oppI1ohiaetdcfraJ. C. ScotChe, thoes i e D nl,"l m lB , 1 .1 .- ..0e B ;.otong vt.e."".4011.O.....o.en.ac, te _..erlebty1e phl Stc a Ilgaahloo ota tw d éna ciicoP h dld D. c.eo - ce yo*coo C, b y.1. - c o o rbia ieS fe ace hehylo asecl r t tles. îche .h. aylolldedDte ettcee.ScAh,- eictCc.Cxed allJce ia ebcIoetcdcgc etfl . x - ýii' nle,btta -. -2$498 , .. e vc. ya.. . tie eg acrlvo lle cSi eppeeceodJeoanA hct e fC e o d s eveToontcdo, M .0f . ..cergo' ' ue us LecSB............ ...........T T & a n y m is a u t C he* 'c o g e e ta f i . t e r eCh a nt i le ' e e l l C C e IO e d e e Oet C cf A h i G eý l , i F e c e eisc ew n a B c m n. .." ' " 2 ' ' ' - ý 1 1ý 1 tfclt h htaitreth eSter puoftylttcl ct i letthepo os po ed ci h eic h eprt aathàhe f lor e te vfl u eà ae,Jchi.Oefl1ecc .M, cftthoeca O - i ty ltcf McccJpc pu co. nol.ts e Il Ml. srle j-o r e v ot the gh De Dceuhcoodfl teedteintjI ocnLveo oin.ceeM. otter 1 - - q1 . ......... ;;' . 1i Is.IstL, .tesa c e b y D e.. P ette T e4he o fo .. v te ra a b c h. T a b le, o g o M ene.Àe l e O n m otion of M eneer!, vlc.oched - , .:ce...,te vot -asi u RICas T Ia -CE .ce eCtesonte .ced ho. hvA ig c e to cearésluflte- 1 .6ceyc Jcbele Itlobcrdccec Andeete - .........400I . . ** A ceetle cf Ie DeecCci c teececeP Y e. Mcataessai. ccce e thett.otegt-- C etnA ectetSocyvsbl tDre. P t v ddtews e e poa ; *titicol tceh otfb cc haes. - - . Si_ -Clo« Oliver Lasby, DovtdjScoCilot of- - c I - - C tee attcecc Hoacyceerdo. Pocete ccee c Dr.Nete Cy t bo cphie 0fr.licolfco eevl ca ceocdsen, Jhi teeay, cfecCle Fyco Mecoh of Bocc Eli ctrctéht. t a t l. re ohec d e cd oe Cetolo ic ai d.Th onaedc c eD e ntch mo le fol. _c.o.ygc7nted te e.-Allon:D-cooe. A . .L-l-i. LýO , - A ' :-.C.O '. Ilh ev db M s. Po t the e d d M . So tve ciaL lo y ad p oai l l C eey c .l u l , e c , c ol c , S ot e e e eel l d g e l p e .aer',icd; ý I by, T.len t ta i;r m i ewt, h t r eard i n he p ce e te d lc l -fce ffe he ce * Dhetoo-2. l I M ovhe lana M e. .Ncee .h, 1c-e-cd!d.h...at.e......ah....c......et..ev...o.. finar.e ohocicg e12reani160.cf ,orhtjntcl- O!ecdjf.W Gashelceeoelthy ocl oe cec hocg n"t.hce a ace MLeLedapson MIoclSamuel DavilSMooPeter MeDonalol Ice1.8t. by prlececnathlIe o it a levoeC ooey ghod. esse. Ma ieB. esMGrg . Oce1oel f eidelee, - onh1Drosq .dOe Back ad Co)r.d.Si1s M e c d a d c cl d c t c o C h P 0 . S c t C c e d c C o e C e g nt a o c e c e c o -Si lcre c..-c8 6eite e1tete.o-lc o cl-el .e tee. e'etee h atec1 ciltee.Sot- MeaMoot t oÇd eý C Bete'occ.M. M1re.es1ed1 eeodod ..D..c...61f.f.......e...coch.eice::::Cam r....br idei6o c0nd F)o no1nce - Leent . b 1 ' --Li U cf o.11.k t, wia u gsc licer toco c c 02e ilI Mh e tce h at ae eeccco ctr.cdr eejin.n tvl.cc R b on ii ai. ile NO hO c r. > >ov se o y . ae t lc r os ededa ial m uee t l e - -an dO? o t o it e eoul c e e t ee e ad c es tc o cc i e hi C r l O IC -.g o ri i e s.. d u tt u S e G o v.a p o.c b Me ad s moat ee, Ch sa t ePechee ail eoe c Mine. ,TccO edel leroccOtoicre OcCet fP.icL tlc ove l i'Me, ILnte*c.." Ceelondetlof - ettartw oep Th.eMocat tclfin e ci.ec i Chtfc ames ee Ca CoenbCcr.. ot - - - E glst a ndot ronc.... r.. nts;...>. nd SOtOOflSe t-syle - c- homit ca ci g*fothe Oct anete pclo bte.tnt ho M owa t he Cou lfevlcg s e Set To hcCcdlh caehebcccl t.. - - - A ceeia m eeidoefaloeecctchho. Ievoîeeeplte ececee n h dvtdd c flIoo ' lat; ci.are-l ý a o Cto ...... ..«. 8O- O e cca t s o j tel f e C e eC Ci e e p t t f it e e M c ct c d iaD c o or. e e e c.0c o1 - hi C u n i wCa '....aie îhe li e c d o..ee.......to l.a....e.te..t a b e e n S o c tt g, T o ot lielNo te n , t ., t e h l -\l p te e fateacoCcceteda l Ch coetyoletOc eoC A d I c C c 1 frien, Sir Jhn, O] Grce afetmC e fled. th j;.l. . m ......... te 20 Hlecîmivohé, tc * w.ethcs e --c cea ae. c - - c dtyh dce t c dlecc t h e e. Huocnt et o veJ , CoSmidcds h t omd.Si aD t ,ceolh'ittle ak3l-;- '-.0 Mccc l.by AI Cc'i Or n- amusbrby, héÉvc-. thc e e 0 e Ilp t c tt f t l o e s e e l tae o C nea o H .îe .Oc te e cf 'wh W alter py r e tés j 1 -.. . C io- . 1. . ý , 20 K N se Xc G S T E S . laW we toe peo on a tae iecot hat eeo ayt e rUn ceo Chy i Dr.etC fine t I S ele -Carie.. i .D aiel Jone OChm -loy .cntes a i oapten. -.ýý . .. ...e 9 11meelre, ee 6ote ceCec nIc m nfceec oSir Cohn, S-te.RMbertd.c.cucl, ceeonlcl hy Me. C..c...cf...v....n-ced.Appeel sol.for MeEHCtho ocncat llcm y oevhaent o rii tcd gty fy Oy cd LBlyaCotCicCecl old cs- Dee l . c Te p loro, - . : _ ._ .1 . ý- - e ý . . 1 ý xlecim-olfrlte dnxpo - cI nl po rtacshoot ciotaiaon ed e -Mr Mttch cf O otelecathecdead GogCeit' a ie Ctcen, i .. -,,, a Tr hcrtCc foitie c o u a l 1cr tevéle cfin.c olets e Mndcaa. wTh a ltt O y.ba taappintcie IhigO TcceaiS'hipClc&oh.TE -M ioN, th ,lrguéof ribry s tht tis go uti at e od .-Smth a DBchor hotemoincftee IfSSOCOHYTB M - c.naecj CcclSet doy Csnfran o wer 7l.c c' difo r.frth e CuD of Behan for 88 b ndd.*M - Is 1 thlo , e oei f eceo t.inte ece.sco. . .te.. c1I II . - - . . hoby.0ecoe eart eCh Oee e, Om . Becta.tn.cf.000. - I - - TOcbagucé recocel.0f coecq e liqcels lloceteptecnlchMrkce ba hecelfeehng Doe 0fEeeesbco tock er acetyBéeéccentaeccv.ced tc teJleeeseat Cat tO petes hae.hooeedeecl le87,43,90 1 ad O c trcftemrnceftcandeafCcOe. TcWs- Ce Ol. - theeceep fr ee, ico ieW.edicc ..dt .1- G.d1rcFr e C2 Ccl:ot6 eoorr Cefa9eyee pea coteo,.sdtry-,eigcte-at eces-er--r-pe----t----h-h-tae--e-c :- oE . 0 TcPr cte aiCmcx-eCte c e i 1'tC tizeac oulaetbChe setefrte o an c d, ecîcted bC ht 6e y.iv oatOtoei..teoedfecelej hOewecnf edteetiy f cIoed eccanedsinAf-ecnaFcoe Mko.serMeaelDoce E.atyococ1ese. f 1cmte.eesC-n Oîf.-ic..t e.e..l - - M oec alfottchod.hfradsceccoe lisod M c ect t ee cfs, ocoet aî oc . t cotbic ho o Blon'CJace. ..1ýN lncpthicgracuasefcictfcoalvinstifcorporatioteof fKce=Scoi .ehctli .g vOl. i. ccci. -c.G1cegeteec h y c af tti ct a - , tou c e ' aaI t Ac t b it L c I o o e li 7I I I i i I A L p E I L S p t o % citmalc of fhi 51,0tc oeSouDhcl.ceeeteecocesf thfoan? !sMrlcillai . ae tleht at ee c MIe idcop,.l e a l lch .e Cooete.e aciee.cot eec. B cet ote O il esKe tefet u oci t f. cgsc serL :essues-- ethe alce mouse1c 1cCSlO W.ctnoftcoOcDa'îlsOcOceevfevcCc Ye.Boico. eho.,Mreo.leteteecth-oeeo elco -- -- 1 1 0 9 8 0 0 c e B d o c e i i c a f y p c p o e l . o o y g e t c l i N o e o f C o s el f th e e cc ee e i e O c o a c , S - o Le.l l o y M urc r a c l s ~ay ,c lMe1 h .m i e. . 1- - T H O A S . . W A T R I NS1 tatsonc ice Licjde L iecaoe. -or My.Hot"Ye*l1ecv1dc-c1e.Olh.M'O - o.A . HryOCCaClCcT2Ccas fovrLther's qust ionALs. eo o . Chat on!ipceo ere. 0S-M ceearac, a. c. 1 127.1.- ý. .Thehail- . 1 .ý ie Campbeoo, Pat dfleondîlu la Eoee taec io - - the T eecooIL eeaid e o e sc6te ut e g t L t. asal eo h - lid ý.y . . -P1 ..re ý. ..! . lý ...ýe' - o-e-ecCam e oocDcit Icelare cf iieceAcl -ae- - aivthl oiCooialite taitcoe.tiog0Y.tee hc.de h.ido.pe7l1eescctigte-day a . . 100 cilud Abram Strk. st '. 1-.-.F o r they O r. AlleofRamsay MY Chicc. cPeiceneaicevic 1alcrgeatfaid hcgvoeccotîed* aiocàgecet eltelae.txeA barTiEllior fieth r ise es th iaeie ctasrivé OI.frt onices pre cf e CLe .cocd cdolhgc.Ca entern~a e' orh'fcod $.tot 2 .00 L. is .B8 GD0eCoordSiluat.horUh nqaf lhecil Cc aic ecse eue, *e"te ce th nanl Ilce'tncnahaveoMicOhan, Cht thw Godase etCheareilece, ho>otattracdtivetheliotette peceidoélue c 8do îoccooutost y cafio Mord cdtccday cvey , metoo can - .. 0 , essehelelin oecondbmere,. ce-... ý. ..Iaen, hH cei, cetet.lceo-l .cl.oeh...ER CMt. Moce mdon, Drsint.:o -os... av teafc cdevlanvhctlc e hecht cdd paetGrahamecce eo in have hoceoiîce-H.ecsitypcoeclhyttecCcteeeve-lm ee . I ' Oc . haoi'teendcci. espel fo Caic lcrccteIeumFeccCy.- - lc aaco ùd ik ýz ' !. - 0 f $a n S Ittlc.-ecpeioov e bccCht ec Thoiî ecr in on ce w, c 1cdl wed, cccifPc. 7. A taie.1 . .o bol8f - I.. -e ct ccic. o. nccltlol M . cethi ecia p ho mtehy teeatut. e ctr. C-- - Ihl G D E Y.-G o ere. r1kè y r ., & .e t e t-M s a n d u O t i et Slm a a c o t te t h e y o a es e . a d i e d - r i . i J c ' t 10 5 . e c r o s s . 1 rev . M e . O rca l. ac ,zl . w idti - M. .31_ _ _ .__ _ _ _ _.__ _ _ ý . . 1 .. c e cs- c 0, offrh. itMm. ci ov, viosc ,nch iet aasa.ttee? , - - Mec. AdcO"a t crtlct!. as, tee.. . .41 c - -ce-. . . e h y e o e p et e Ccte aio1g . f s c e n ,ao t rc s c i o d t e , w o e a c c t e e . Ccle h t u rc eo t !en te e n a d e r Ba l i l o f Plv e ne s si o n ,... T h a c o r-i s a n l u e i g ,. . . ý : . , ý Mo.Amieecteetec -e elCe1e deycftee o o e st c t b nd eeen - ýILU D GIT.BOOB. __i.______________-___________ loj.tile llteD. e.ste Ic ecoaCie. tiet t T el t eh esale Mil BeBoOsdeodel y t heituertvisnvoooeooan i--.. -.. .. . b W 1 ttrsntha té er trn ey entcue..TopTies..- adcpd.Coner leof .hiceécedonet Cccereh ci . Ceitdte. hon 8.1 cepeard... ý.1 c me.da oc.ee O Oeo haC, a et te c ate nydo cfthe tfroez B hetnoa c or c, o cetahec bho Thbcordlgelee Stcke, SctuaitrIsnce-Le SO ERViLh anlE FrMI chELL n, an PRI EO s. ie a 8-carce. e. .. eac e â I Oséc.COi tee Meycebcefnd Cocoil e c d c t ted oli' Meet 'h cea LC ace Cha odeecbyarintI bee. Bh. tced .t.cocetg.ve.MecoaicddfItdefoItaec , ASSIZS.. ' . 1 o ekl b c s l n b rd e o a Wtohn Shields -.j ce riv e C 'i hapm - te aceh ex l an e ron d a d ..H.. . . 1 .N. . .OO RS 11 fiscasé ecieeeon te lail eeo oec od,C ItlaCA Ot oe t c ct; iteactertc>ofte coo.tic c f te bidgceserehcoccbtavltbc re dlceaesVdrpred, e9co ..1.L c utisec, alxedng I* iÊr e ; - nzAh Mcc812 and OB.Crid. Tteieb c fo tephskalycei hic esfcosi ced0reortalete héCceet bide o thi oiteoita . .elmcl.. j . S.Sh -til S nec. OHC, accc1teaeeY.iDe.ccv adA enohv pae1ateFihae ecoote ecescy vocyceclteflethec.iité .. . f ýý. Chieloauioeccdt el tTha ai 4 ecaat c on ded c ciae YoMieesesvalc olced. n bu - The Basfli ot es aenus.e sOtea6ch t e..- cA.sc --m il io e b iCc . . . i1ccccl lit the s un.Thin e. - - ta- Bo rceFa nd ont. d y M. hiCotcetsI teoaqtc. e ancd Ilayite 1 elethetirls urbe o. Al idofL mir-the HCo .,bldaCe .ceC. etc eCei e srift nda el b dvon it ultndca fair bayatwo stand .thé Couty-siretheScottTAc, oo. aer cedusoleschlltcec chargesfTableaLinnP cteWfng, aCeeahngs, Nhpitscetc. ut heefesdce la pLcoth ond S.1m.l . iie par. . ,' -... .Mu ite, Fcb r.cBI, Mr.,- tppoletd Ce lvedtiatcce n hi£e ots, polted iclyietee O~th e . ap te1cai e esa. '.c C 1- .c c' c1 c cJ c e.O.R-HOU . qis cssdes e so~îc hto 3caaec toal0iedicct eUC rqieebte ~ eleteccegodmmce te BthA c iun tee aeb qslot ;es.vibpoetess1 p.; .ea .md-p..apeci- . -i . .1-. . hi' icta inCl h l e , cedè,joèbe r oinon,filete c nalmtomcoef, 21 ee clehall ebof the Guelph teodac Ceces.h1-eq -1 peeescee. 1 1estt..ee for.aI-bleds c c1d <la c e F o cf i l t l e i ccr r o e l e v s a nc., W n t r S o c . e . . 1. .Cydb !A..toscondae . b t hat teo otesetcs oa e ncteoc-te evtefe- eho tetChtecaelend escaes.teC. c ;* k o n in e g a d t th d s p u e f n it ta o t t h at f e c o ll ute h ohe e s t elen t lt o n elc - ' c a t t e d t th c s t o l e o w hpf o~~e ~ ~ r e ge* ttc o .c e-e i c fi c i a . 'ri p o r h l . - . 1 . a c i n Ï ý e r n a , o , a a l a a o d r o J . t é s u ,ýi 1 .-....- - h1 T ON0 F M I L ,; aboue gcroeotc eeticeMCa hmon dm - sels od-eccoo., . i 1. as.,dcic eccn c.MCIes hsiec Hn eqslesgs ft.t___- c .bttr m i V t aans ow f,1 ý .- 1.. ..ý . O ! re c o el - r . n e c O t y, l c l e t f rc h ~ M a .- t e i e e c e s c e . lt t o , 5 s c l e . S o e e n e h o i e s t t t e t e v - -df c c e , c a y i, m m e s r e h i S . l e ll s eC 0aC e*es c e8 ,ee o o2c s --A NDûrte -2 2bs g e e r o e s a .S Tig sE A S T._ - B a t e h o s c d e i t -Yfo , I e o a tett o c i ' elee S e 9s gte o M at eyyc c s a e i. Ce.F4c , e h . o c m t e cac e e. .l - 1et e 1 c e ec i b. a e e . A P O 0 - M  H M L T NM> .R H M E T . T A I N e n e d y , M rc.1 0 i a Clearla îo atee h e a i t urs t at cedteoft un cième té Sé..eAt1 a ol. - a *cd..P-i Theo nnaîedt aclc1lneHitacceereon .o htebsda oi ~ .o.-M tieHes5elC-hO . ' '&. - The ccellyeU ct.Wda tsteehîdala ît il»~ ttc.a a COcet t Appt *hot ie the ehe vs te opes seeflty.OOith feecteered hy a j Oh.cs, 'thccgb ýsPrt.f0m "Yroattaek Thc Pesbytee zedec. te&re ehclIeketie P tab ýd. BOPIveal gtcdte-urcdinthd esce. rTeai.cey ea*hP thieik tthO Cadiff oe LIe r.pcrte onoe the pclo .-cv Mémhoeir e ,111 Sf1.56.128 and '69 lves t000 edhin .* "Àtien lent yo.e. The d.l.g3tc .ihfron ý estpartrohte grStGoerninet t ~.~ee~fIehcd. the ctutii biaihdi cfrLcdo e a TtdcC totu fer dbeC000*ý - Th eIhi lecreha tthe Desteces cc-Sollcd, h. on 1e l ai w73' 1 ong, eM. ,, f o ft h a e .h N . . 1. A ve r dic t frtihve$, » endeed inAh àcc Cht, Servecancd Blgarizt wtC A oeedfpec on Satejedoy. hehogeof' eccta,tueelàfthé British T.mn tlvethe eveciatiOa cf E«ryxje rdered hat tu teadersihee ecidid cet PcOcc epecged crcoprationilChcîèssiCI. iaeed hY C ,aph pheeshirWn odccliays te hac eite Mursetea.vttthe.Dilke ar-Thé siestes prce nccaevhat lteàepcel,e taeeeeIO u fllte8. Cha.lu UDkB..elayfcargocin stes 0 . t h rattiof tet Ah. b fei .redPortlad ont jCeeeceete ~cet sien of lcdeee cd nh g-oer iseeeCeIee Ichcree. * j Portland. diced vitth - Auc nz e rhheeh a lat.I.tWce ley .id hc aieith the I[c, p - ly bc -trepe a LV.. diPbut ""'Y'tl te th.eon b1 cfeelli deecrsed by fuue a ateeesk6 intheccra er .1 the OCc buvc eiatE0tec~tYcced, Aced cr1atc f ikha dopted ale. cpe e u faeeie uerspchect eca'I pp.rtc fi trce v ohe f oere L çotCcc,,e'ce edear 6 N r . eeciclebc.dc:ph CcC.ceI e a,"hil Iik Slb ,etn . uitIl, itrel, of a va:efl hely e cd, &CI lai ahihthird weec ecchc Erahrths fellced 1lCe Etalsee jý ,,eximpleiea dscheceg tjî Ai ïbýpt wceai es.e i asasint.D .oucccefr!. the Pariec crrupecdict cf et he,dcàd. Tmes. m-ecCc de 1 petedte C.ro t he bLd a'.oh 'âCscei'ccvehskrehîbe te thc Ccct-,.h.soit esti f the regeieD C ec cctu c 'à s!a lafote . splee. . Cic foi, nhedrct esyeetyjdiye- ceai .1 ~.tr e. aityof lCic9tccpCce Wtttees front fauthe soidfeeecip- eu- - attIbofeiige. cf Ostee ctlyatcy, 1 flceee-N Odusectehace ceccded C te c tr-C 1-,1 g hlo cethe iftfeethe. ecpcleiec o lJ , UiS c e. c[ CtC-A r amh-e et Tleeritec cc oe t te oCt e .plh bC~ iveale Ch. -. ro:ce 1 rarSdiecets oi wn3ei. mIS-c0f h. convct pcpulatccn cf ahïPecetetaey. o bgrp':ttccg cfof t.é ocrkPooC.c se a9tedyconterceieeeylccce eti -fts cyctter. 3 Stevees Ch..deerceoell.1. i9'paertlfcMouseai- e willc.sm ;alee rtig scLce ethe Bled ctieee.cy of lheerîclec lceeay.h h.hceTeerclcCCc d 8MUaedchothebas ho C fecî il-itt nîe te . elecleclecce Ic ti.Iee en.he chattc4iccecl P' teetcol il tho (d)A sete&c p hicfo ce thjed 101ee ý, ftush lfHeo Ste0 ecictieh. îe mi.reted ocly teecEcglicti accd ' .ersoef Parlheceet. Ste*ecetbereeecpcets. af eo f 1.62 fecele ceterecin le ecdl Cà icHeltcely 399 eted ic h. :!. telton ie Jaeeaey 1 lt. Da eefrth.-Wabin on trceee C t 0heeese eenti : etaeeepeie MIl t" aihe Il oC f McetVeaee. c a~dclr thct Cher a t . tc'cch M h e t« C cccg h p,pjrcce sstpaety e l 86. 9acd th,.eice di'*6e se t he eca derleeti*cce il th..u hoi'i jhcQeeed beoccetee .ccc ultera = eetccocert or-îs thoe ateobathecouheee!c le 60900te h. clclcedehCc4l,AojvU 9t.drieg thcecCoh cf 16e ueil es0blë Se tpcc tetc AtcCcCeCC ~ dProàieceg .ecternciolce-.dtC ttS à..t cfdefecet Ecolcneot ht le -C.c h. da dldof thicey pc.er hcled CCcCC t taah togtal ofIci he cc OeurcCCCia. edCsgifbeed pelececc CenAnCCCCCI hheh thegre adli he.cl cc.Theclff 0 Chshineu in Wyciloeig for Of te tdheyCba eeWhe.ete. p.icoieg a eehcee.ed doge hce'c heenecc d o n e t C h e D o g e ' f l e e T h -c o l cC cC t h h d e o p o b c t. e . h r g c c e r o ntC C c g e h nu i conu i thctoce heCl ielce .100 luticent cf c Nec.c t .OcceeCC1 i~'ORdne ta he EnglloScCOt e