Canadian Statesman, 7 Jan 1886, p. 9

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. um MftU i-ilss~Lsvil~i * g ct5* X--« ..~ y itstsmtls Ou lit eý .. .,.ý ,4 - cisii , ty Ils 4s- 1 -'- rsd llt loh c c dt5 ccd&ht 5 - 1~S~ s-- lllmi~ ~ c i ss nts /,iFR ýe - 1 1- - .1 -o----...- .7.L7s7oise.ttwtthisellt'S1 1 -i - ls1 Ilc.îcrI .- 1__ . tslctb4-5Y ctlttits ' - - - - itsdy~t-ctihie W - . 1 ý=P'tsis ih .geLst tiùt - lsicio B l-, [iltieli cc w s io5 tt"s , . .,~-P f . . 7.a h ht/ îie c c .h u tfr. 'l; : 1. x _ _ , t J " ', 1 d à I y tth s ti-s4sà iO i'ý E B T L -O- - f ,GlA T t u j -r-st. ..--,c , ù ' !s- la=,,-- lIi -fSa.. 1 '. dlàà s1 _dd- 3 i's- l- . s ù ci atsd -s,- - È4 îtiýiotïèiersitci y cc dt't s,;t, 's -s - " t$ s- tiy s 1- . - . APjiEL lia. .s , cciî, scl-ciX -t l£.NocIcs-scgà - 17 i.-il hi s- IX (îttt IC J5 c tl iisdsso hh s-t5 5 , ssiit.-T tiio-ii1'n iat1hts__ - 1. i-.b hi .c astiltg t -41C ýs' Ch c-dc o isi t- ds <' 1,s-55 i8 ssci ICIs ii beh5 tist il~d - z ciil- 055u55g.55 s-isit ii o _;;i.,~Jtl.-- -, .-e ". s~- L~ Ii*csisttes- tstst5t sssse~ -, ---- ed sls- aiA t tcth scsl * . 1 1 Il't tB .... .,s,-tt sa rO sîs ts dlsxiii cc Shii!iisssa, g- 'i, u Il -1 se-, -1-1 elle . M seccs 5 ct-b s- ishhttts st. S I >O hÂr-s1 _- - 1 c-c*iý- 1 . s4T ocb scahtiiss.ssMails-> fa 't he -'ttii lath is ss.. o. as ý t voiic ro pes h s-. 1 Ws-d - iltîss p is d ---intunate th at.1 à 1 -is.ido'ys,, lciisccss;d hi iti ia-iyestatllhshistthidt4s lict. sid-T at ,holi tsnt sccst ii thss- cp tsdh il UtesI ý t"ti,-issstshi-kl sstSoi htaihtieitlt. ahtlc-ttîltly sib oè ctis-t1hithshiii cgetcyids-chs. hicjh..cs_- glethetas1 t.hual!s 1.F . sI CAssSE f t lc h s rs is - s toute cttlti' O i sii sil hh " st s- ti es ss ci as c l oehi i ltisi, s,5..siti -_ , ,Oil 1'.i .1 ,l-isiM -nl=rl d.t cde t . . s ' ý - [N ,s1t'i . Dy ý STass.e l e , astlts h iF ihsc ic o1tlosh h F'Ai hcph! sslc sh cy ot etcw ltc ts hse~ ~st5 D r i c a s , h lue ciisshro ctsi oLdistuto osspsîi elstccitls ssty ts.1ssi t5s h 11' siht i.siî Lors- . ehligosn2&rrtitthttaar 4 . a î-e î ,;;; ,.fr*il-ft e!JýoreP-t -. s i icoti . sstlss..hssstisli6shM 'il ih1s.lisss. F ith-Thdli lits Isia-,,isett4s-sp. ti e r; I .l.ihsS Etitis cr t-ssdsil- e4 scsaît a .. -o9i'î1; i-iqsu. -- tt .,se , es T£ J T £L1hitsars sala «ge i si t.inits_ . iosMes l, ai d1escies îcîcs jsptlb thtit oissst.= Titis -si .1-ti1e_ 1s, , 1 . Ithit.6iS. sshielb.sis, Ilîr,-Dis-.- .,Jlf-c.c1 St< ILtctiy psssuts, sl' su s itl a ness en t ie or eo ilter _siso I Mcro i vlssas- s .îti sctssithilsopsopîe hsishiie5cvitiest'7>e""y>.. SeoheteLà,g ,e 1 11-", , 0505? sese'sI it i o ssl iV31r. eaishmasao i t uscoma i ha Itste, i Ih ijcg st sti he.S La s httLCco s .1ýl _lý. ". 1l.-a , l ans yoe acy hos-e 15 goto?,--..ý, ý -- prfol . ita, t h . tiss ,000 pesisc tht e es stiuy sih tiles;-i sg uilsoti sofosei5arsIcsiclssiisstlssie'he dtsisettst esiaot petsst-Pech i r O D E - s ie enit or.aeseirv ree ricC la - i . ou t s h lt te 5 s i i tis Fyr. s o talt e sof h Oe lisit is-si 'ei t st s ee ib&s e ,srfis eey. A l e tt ctî - - lie ssg sa -se ltee s. * -.G -C U R E". i sm eEp ac st o h a o e o t 1 lel yDc ,e- se__ di ' ssi - tte."sa-s, . îssis ,iar o es- , d et el sthlolet.. is is Th l t e ess- ess s-ot .ssos ilei at si.10 -, 'ss'eo it y s s -s Le te iý __ _PRIVE___ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ _ y, ,t ;ic scst.r e it 111 - l-y-.,----r 1 1ees- ýVhs levostthooehelasclnéas-s otst itit-"ýel!, - 1 _ __.ess-e %ý., ý ,, , ov rat8 s-scss-es- lit- er b o ki al o ;ts -te of e i nt-A y th e eI leth e ohe. ess esi s-s to i m t u-I tteti C .t pccinue i - is a c t elI. ,5 eteteecti i l- cpoo-ilst te.ies . qaaii -il lse ifrie eisshisaN,'3, ' ïts àt hee e i-Thb iaseststesüày lis-l ý 4_iJý1',LIIxr!ý"l :..- ' --- -< . .- . - is'ss.lIoVtop .say obsasisitti , ,POiPil ._0_, - cs-d.stamitais ps-Atetels-l,-ti cIcLt siet Ossigstls i l.iuii iho.,lissos exccllào st cteatt stel s-es-, asti isti se scs ais _estay.,etsd A-etlIsets Aetthy tu-. ý- ý' Aiei"b .-.. ai e s Ithis clp ple o. tîsoo1r olis ll s avallOer ls-rt il( h t tiio ir e ut iti as olis iul e- o eettot te s-sîaý1Lssaeorho hlei. i t - o-tiir, -1 -1.e-issereIl.hy i5issLith. Muscs sotia n, of j.l, .:. , t"-. . . - s'e -sr-C; ts poeles-. er ic t t et snu'ntiy tee p sissaboeulies _stlssIofshtendol Jssst 01, hOsOOO ,$30000 '..; t-ses ats1tt...s.-. 'a1testoaisttessîulis. se l iloh eriasheht a ndy Iatisereateiisossiri I leeiltottit - s -uletos Iie I.-cs-tti,.- thn DIII5.J-EIN_ : i.t.. pustut1ih'r e tiusc e stO toe , hsaueIp estg e Esgertin esiet et. as. es igse sosuiiliessesl...ssss ce t astBo i s aot lye Md iessth e ell e lsea Ifio t hleee -lle i- tiiîsts a1 ,isu l a -tuilliosseh et -r D and inter - isofi. Tsui-l, i su, t , yse iiesslic tee sutsee c eat hr ssîse I l hs itsot. tî A muite i e - ilseblsai t d ise l a t alle,ss , epts,à - tte fe eesss gos- o1 iis î' I. -sied 'LL I ;ý.ý ýî 1ý à . -- '" -i . 1 .Uh'li Il . II- - i -NatIti hil-lil yer te1tsssot.itsiPi-rsoo sae ort Ltoseli%s , f l isea su e u o ein,îsa se ,eoeuse o jti se. esstjclssie isot-rsiysie h hii ttsî is site t BlO .tb ot c ne t. hsetohiess lissa i sa iio a ait teheobtéj u se. uu t ooi se.cni 1 eeet to h nt lirl-- sslolstUs c*-'lrsoss,'-Ciittes.lathesoti - No Il, lersa eu- intte- le-une te.0 ,pes te tis pes rou t.i l ',îq" -., e. .,,' , - 1e __ l s-eu su tîuo s-i Aeil.- it tse1stoy tht h esut e tise ee-e , B..:: ý.ý ; 1. s. reaeslt lation stalianrsoeto %nisy e o al ando. e chutirpe rÙgis-, IatioEIIs teieragIc y foi mat isi is Ibub ieeh pî, ý_W . 1 11 111 - dli> Il1us-alehiefeIin reaaits, - - . -t:iT.u- - . agnî;> Bt o - esîe Atlan t a c lel îîe a îss-s-ti _ i1 - s-euushesselstoeioiyioeott.ics-e-u- ""-h-F' h s s ,r tiP ' -. B s ,a r i , l t i c i o t- , t uith és t s roi t ; iit s u s e s , t, s t 'h r u l p , e t Bs o fu b ai iaue t i e s o C i t s u e i , i s u e . . . . s L . - -a !e u i i s - e s e l s e t h y u e e u t h s -t:s - t i s e a t a ý 7»ý1ýf m t j T t ' l . - a r t _ - ýý t-- II ': lhauorsir su' usboI reti celsa b fine addhitgisotieps tltue C,a ulits 0.1.7. ulbu uiritn oi:- estsths htsssotie a htts.Lu ' isleidd strts-nt-fand-Jnaxd 1 [r,.en'i1111 tiui adltliuoieeluo osstalis,,e-ostositso)t.__ _ __ __ _ __ _ - - i '- ýî 1e ý1 -1t sup Iousu hfiaitýs , tesIl i l s-Bu ea us-s ti o tlîts, a0050 f o t i ceos an. S -t pri nt at ti eo l - ilsedsangers.,tn , ,t i thetrof-i Glile h;iits Es dcletss-st1.sî..n.s S " 'S ý s & ot,.aîd'-p ct-ssust. lusluesor is 1,0taillesils othiprilierufti is-setasyasecîî,r i-.Blottsuuuu shecosl eo. tte<uesDIliSc-.i, i . .ouussg ithieh Louit its, ctiliuletgO h as«O1s l. -'-aat 15elos. aeteees re ,sltt out Iisry' Ga. n 1 hi -1e. . - 1,1 es Otets, ttiu- -,tht.-tec'.iai - Lstis-aio .ed ass-ptitises et iiPn g ea d rea, c ueslsi l'aie a- oabeisass So se'p es st téi rittlokttltols -MO suig.tis etier s- s 5,' ltehsh l iusutlseie - iscits ious ssus cuseIsaiuughosglu p el.euui ligiIp sss cus-ai, tt~5îY 50 ,îsssis Ioss ut lteoties. We ue auOc esIl s tie ieiues,, Lstss. ssgel li 811hhrtiisstttitirie lt.riO t i t, isout es iegae sluYu uiîi o istis ugu. ssptte Ii e, ' fhsît cciteut Lslo lit-q-Sity of tle go.5ds 1 , . Va et ui -l . It d lpla of for e on t à ___________il________._1________.____z ,Tn L.. itîsits, lucrot ai tcei, :ý- ý . Ic l o i e tl e d i Iecaur esla hi ieetrissittu hetnd >iestihIisctts aillîes arahees t is s, tisitssi_.ticc Astluesesss-.iî.o uts ltil *rt,---litis. 15. I cas-ceitueeeielietsh',,attiietiaa.-cet-slitiloiisoIIsuue 5,titlieiti-soli julgo uis- ',seteetots lsr el isît7 su1-,;Isilt.1,sIti.o15iel-e-et.u.ut sio j.telltn.elTithissteinutla.IveileisOtperstli.e-itiu.lcuticls sseti1iu_181,e.sie 2. -cIprisa Iliti.11rst itud. AI ateelseetl IVlituhtutau essls- :, ;-, , s,. , 1 -tisssstn ing. 1ss it iesy ti e s uhv s ùt belilu O ce aissc ai l ofth e Tîssus elu Ah tu eo p s-st ise ore e tei ete t l i g ss iseli.aseeree.sltteirt s-.ssus t .* 1 1 . . pos titiof b on atie ý-oià *t cli u itofth a im le si rtueh f om u ie t io l dron t.oilsel st. ,'u . obor l ote lrsits- 1tsy l1is .- J B - in E _____: ___l_ esoissîts. i ;___-__ ...s- oitu s f~ o l k-1 ta,'iittiistule o c soti ýut1 al li.. ,sh oass tiîs s l t h ilc ar e .In LI ' l:ltsit'sl> 1 ý1 -- eh.a;oLIis -oei-cr.r1 lticLdciy Js puniet outiles. httht-eu.euuir0s0 Eliriiatte le giîb 1eseesey1, Les Clubl'ai - 1,, c; .I . ; P LL- V ILLY. ý 'L U I s a v oiusu s uiitisea n d t h ontI e s o l e tît e tii e r -;tI s a I- , s il jtse , sa itistlit iloeftsrt issahana s,, tiitUul Us esuseoirlh-ll lets.n nn. , tug sethé uli pîl cai et Votsi.l sce-iuPsîis 21S"'sIesssu p l i,:" .',ý « ~ ~ ~ ~~cis1 Ysilulîtisi ctheracahî*:sI, *ct:l;s..eui I?.. s,; ,S,, ole u -- pcer tlige. Lesaan flui ilsur Isuct fora.luier os9 c iihscs seiu. a l v hes Ovintehl'u u-lssss sîsi is~s ieo ~urttloiratiaho l àis igos Mset:uus er , irLtitu,7rs,tueu , o e- 1,ii se ots-oes. uat a ot ;laIliisat ie Stsltsirt bry a sin 'ta. i1ie alIirsa isiulil uet- ltpee iien s liclu ttessi vtail f otseiios tprpesisort. i 's et- eosî tlsi -teie sus u , n'ieu e ciiiossî sSiO eur1 asiYe-hltlsyttr.e'3 f'S; ,.. k A é,ï t O,ý.à iic e r . ' . ri ar'.Ir. Beau ,aAseiera ouhio,-- ' dr--.-- -'î ypd. 155e Lelases 1 tit, . ts-ue-e E i . 1 Oag. it ut ele l 1 Isilll i C aih n t aiethrisl asi issogia ihîr saî lfýTi o Thinr lofthe is peit oplsse tss tabett are hias Andie th iics a iutusiiîiyL' .al suh -set ll hs-eal. aI g aesi 1 1trti h ll l - lset - , l us-> g a- nt %a h ttlik rE gln, n inasafra e oa s-listis&seetiheIIîplkuis ops sokislelluim, hv ynay on t o tl t u?:tspo'io .tiusti ars r..p i 'elý n i l is a r e oi s s . I stis,t ivi i i s e s , c I s e r i. T u o s s u s L u s r g e - s o s e s î e uil snuîsyln s r-tis,;t s u- l i c ti e s e i s , s t s i i îs y s s .n s 'e i e stt --b aico î ..u1 , -u e. e, s-su e holi ishi liaelici m n:iluo ailass , - -.I I O D - - - D.* o u .V.a v o is a r il Ili; !i , l is sai sie alsie pIs mir u, ecsieti, OOoasgIýiIetic'sîr1rltho eLns itgluolsit, eeoesudtps1t 'a- Ito lOui*uAh o al lu '- eitoeohissuieeieîorilsl l--- tisge ulî estr e -- - - G r.e. l ý t at D w n al err lnt5ittStOut -gsidtettL, e-iî sc,0() , u l lite l nol [,icapio al Laecit a roge est ésielîstu tta e no a si Tii, ( is.ele bu teî - -- tîttiutiîis lstts ls isoso1 - __ l , i iN.. bi iDpnîos,' 11 -. o otl; t al suEnend u ososbut ter u a e le Ied sutso ehfor t itil u a h;ban n oir eu s ltore au. ta eilts atraste i ceo thso&ie. Toui'%Li.ts1eue., llset1 t,1 i - . __1 . l a: , - .B t ou acLooisu., Cu csto1rmalle"Otiro e Ill Ita i s fui, l a tû set is li -l N iitti se ulitthue- nt l ut 1 u ic i llei l a dis e tu la P eeisalaiuu i uie cloa eotupth- t .1 -h Dlsi celîos,x i tascng hit s ci lt l ss theals o - i it i uga uier collg t ruo -tsss tue on, slusstshih hu htto ,ut AtIsel u1 t athsl uL s-oslih C Wsios ire gil hito. ..4 _ , . . . - ts a u less. I -iltasul elles-pi te -Vori s . 'asesioiies l e alss, E tendsan ltolîoSt i ero eptrtltsteeyaod u rttees o e e e tir utersiosio tiiq et sltlS , lits-isuil gttno i fer h ber u ne. .- hts. has scic.l. ssusostet I .>tg s L.. erc te1t ut .- -r oc.Bu eau t ilis peist. -t alru la dt a s uesiiilsss len t eis-ih n s es-es-s u s 't at ise eu t iorte - ol i ttieiu o artîs nesteieg t , i. ooateltt.,Ts lu e l as- alirae upliteas AC l . /'. - --. -l 1oh tt1 .ao:111 1so etuel.tos1S' t e, tuC0 1 i a e - t e tt sili ,iito et I L , ko w l th e!i s on el ndot e a rt us e l na rt oio l I c i.atuseOOe itîlAndo o sithugitnossceerrees- Tto hi es ei sti uit sisar ti li T -it ss - i s s - s u s iutl. T s -r, us * 41iitr e P -'lz S H .d ts ,euusi1sos- 3,00(a)uss alentiAlenrava tss-dicast uons ase o i t iu Hoc utlitassd lierr iy el cit oisîtssieoeAI fslotist ctsit-~e 5î -et A cîut," uticisBtue s -oIt, i.. .fr. m $50 Mili .po. tisluC, issu*iisict*h.Iullsieiusîlcetuî e itz'i.suse ss lei -us .tir fus.pTusp-s1itaetnooesssrt.5 t1Orjeîsssts k al *-i- clI.iri e e Is Ierl Ouhttiivirusiso eertliug 0 5l5latiee 1istuelti ste, tyot T thehtiîeopoisonS dptuocSotcairsitousr fiiotstheB U1 NI HI GS . - - - -- Tab eo Exeneu esceutliallyuistscc AaG0 Cheisthtitestipleetths-se-DutAne, ien.s-e7 -L... Ce.Pis-n .ens tr,, s', Ju .t - .. , , . ýi 1 . elavmay.botd a ] Itho itis Me.It er, ror i isisiis foe h. it50d5t psscit srpthoo, i toaî e ratîsy ay ulre ius it1: a bls->. ts . o1s-j10 1u s-s50 so i L/imb r, Lut an- tn, 1 1 ds tesis -ll yper rine rs ilainOab leitote200 Tctieo f ttess, h erh t S ostic ise u La P . t -- - - isTom eriOula ceers uc al edlt Cjtc, se.s'Lsr .. ý otitan5 iott tosicea s-sstsis toicsleis ii iteiguss lyslices.Leusitl at li tnt ik ljg s- - ti TRiL B & lk of laORS. --- -ý ai,-, usht.- tt-t5-ltut-tsSts .S s-- - - -<th>-la- 5t-1 -- iut3 ltlierttpeinu..0lttttfî-s. - 1. 1,R. OCHl ij l - lecitsetbautltiu air n aülir c l m ts t 5a y a h î L l s6ým s c ap u ishi adminsta t iosn t-a 1 ndfrc-o h i us. -ssrittieu- iss i-ssss.illS ti*su nai reuitots es-l.-sssspl tss otssrt lshigtteg t htss.s.-.-.g1iAtîssi.iicss-.-.o .. I 1 f i . ' . ga seitic. Tltrsi: ls us-let i ostsCrs-.t..easilth ottttiths thuad.shicttitsil stooîItitCapttas-Cets .tst-.tsl.t tb"l'I5 ý ý i s-se ti. tru 1 tettul5 tdi -t ds- gos rllm tit dsy s-ilh yte it y "O pltin..le. s -trO s'.- the actsh, .iý p ls ical OOi < PisaICES se5 vaT und - T E I - sss thllaî cie ho esl se- 5 eîuistttîtî auisir 1ghtitp iutspof 'M. 1dl-s-trLFp . > - tut-seîes.O h s- tlt'l s -it À,- jr . j i suto bu roliti ricscie ert ntse slti tOttot-l ect et npsi osî hîiu t he LI ou i. renl ssh ts 5o thapl e s cs u s-- hg acrytmiii. il 'i ane . .$0 - tip1; lusttsse .sres uss p l teigstsi yitIat taOpedigree ta as- portraith------------------------- Theoe Jeansare.s.1.11D ci :, r ý a liéIiiiiiofitale wlon caried a surià Biy. ho ed i erh ttî n ati-a nd itts st Lo t i g tatess5,c i s t ilte ti u. Oo.'cttst'S, t,,, h - - - oitiiits-eoadaycti- i tcli~ Wtso'td-Ltes. - I tolt Asi hth -rsadhyacsttei0Ol1a f & ex- * py Fofee.CS- .iw p forlig tiig l lig r ,i 'I ý ý. « . he hir y arf it ànmal'slie, nd f fir-aiina, r biltyas imuairéct- ristteoftheIrsh eopebutisahisvy totrtirousiresttdy.Ateishyatetn tite.Pilbisam ledu"sfs-aLna, .t,- 1h. - tes. ý P, i,-dîd1i .. . ý hlo it ts-up h; vla a togl5 thaeusittLfs s - Ji ents t t r yît, itiec s sit. p sse r o ttl ii, tl and te l tgets. t i ne - ---a iternetr------ - - :ivauinii. l. . .I ý- ý .. , 1 . ý . ý hstc ,ltiot-t oiso l is*tro tl aplictionsnet tsiborben.. Al aler-l _ *A5IN . \h- . . 1. tar te ri the al) asc g st hs sli a wlo i l spttlitt 1 tt sirt aeaes- ts i srhsc --titthitttd sr. leurl talllstthd*t e-i7 tcp it. e d. y 8éntt ips-lt.the Gratine 1 . . . .i s . .s . . ,.~15 tlOlt55g51~~'lkii ~ j i y s- - -j ~~ UX Ud - .1; s .'. aîs $a a, e ,ils', st-cfltalantrrss-st,. is-pie, hh ustehe.on nke cigsel n clo, d hh1 :<- 'l-u - ~ tc hiattdl .t e.dpdtt % - c-oso O oM n ,ecs tlý ,s, it. 1 . - riVesutte .d am ng 1 O fi a h t .,- ý . ,inljir retrun huratetont crnbla; a knwIlihinal at ndescir-tuy.if md!V;ig aabil ore5iecr -F -à- Pr l . i l H ,h ,' .. .-ofctcstt t.l hthodtwtsgrd aTS ILEAI)TE1PEsINE . lt bt iecrel t n.atl ota lcolti Ades- adelu, hewa.Is-s, . 1L - «-.' laced - s-, h yli t galatihder. Lutt 1 t -o. esct ~ tthiit litamau i' Sd tttct cgl e ïso a io ý a'u -, - ~di1hlectths ftB 55 tlt l isht eSiOtI t1 Caro laitut s 1 .egti .i C0. ¶:rkDn t'y av Ofaiý ' l ; . F aum 15 O sfurthiht h e'St, 1h tfyt t htthey shù ,Dm. ta v YýM f; i i nh h. t itt .0 lu titîtttu wiu htia sth u (gd due. aIt*l-nont 1i t da n of b f wuhcid. manchltw .ny ii5 3iYODs.lttethtisish1 J.hs budt ii W- thib.sfi- 't % timpiy tu phintsyssc-i0 wby whtsh h ddcsst ta jist nazmebohbi5ayl geoiigy St.- ss-hslisg , 15.1, Pl'httit, o Thn yes . b11«hshccpy, and hicd ttp fthtthé httis sf 1ite.e ty titisk wtitlit tots h ht t te etthe BP hh scumss,1 ththhi oath Ne w. hcs-- .sigthss iltshlis-t ittcd the g the mit lt iez ttc. I Sws higtIiith. hsstisdl : bu lys s5zùysfavriteihall5-' u, ta1 tum tsh-i tIin yhiport- Ltingtolt ,hcthst,. d re -s lac my la ee515dpturtotua e.,I sed.tht noqsauu, ,th .hm.l ift thus s-im- h t nit" s s-seted Wi ate 1 =y i eîrl -t t"ia-tf Mty tihettptI naot hnes .cd la n ti hi ttEea0tk sigb ashodt oetdtsser hisiheu srhei, s-r esmal-fsl

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