Canadian Statesman, 1 Oct 1885, p. 2

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. 1 . . - 1 . 1 , ý - - ý, 1 - 1 1 - ,t, . ,- ,,,-ý - ý - - ýý, _- - . , ; . .- ," , , ', , _ 1ý .1 - : 1 1 . 1 ý ý . , . 1 ý . . l , -1 , ý > , .. .. ý 1 1 1 - . .1. ý 1 1 ý , '1_'ý - -ý - -ý -: : ý - . ý '. -"-ý,,, , - > ,; , -, - , ý ;ý1 ý . , ý : ý1 1 1 ý ý ý . ý ý ý . ý 1 1 1 . ý , ý - - - ý - .: - _ý - : ýý , ý , > '. , , - - ,î , ý. ý 1 , u ý 1 ý , , . . ý . ý. . ý ý . . ý - 1 ý .1 - 1 1- . 1 - ýý ý _ _ ý . ý .ý 1 ý 1. 1 ý .ý -1 ý- - ý 1 5ý,z-, ý- ý , ý . , ý w , ý . ý ý 1 1 - _ Il ': 1 ,' ý'ý . iý 'ý ý 1 ý 1 ý . ý . . . . ý . . ý . ý . ý ý ý . . . - . . .ý . ý - 1 1 , ý ý . , : , , ýý '. ,. ' ý ý - ' ý ý ý . l .ý . . ý 1 . - . . . . 1 . ý . - ý 1 ý . . ý . . ; : , 1 .1 1 : . i ý . . . . . 1 ý - - - - . 1 ý 1 . . 1 ý - ý. ý.1 - ý jýý ý 7 . ý ý 1 . . ý . ý . . - - ý . 1 ý : ý . . - - 1 1 1 _ 'v ý. ýý :_ , ': - . . . . 1 . . . .; . 1 ý ý i : .- ý 1 ý ý . . ý 1 . . . 1 ý ý . ý . . ý . 1 1 ý 1 . ý. . 1 ý . ý - 1 ý - - - 1 , ý . , ý ý ý 1 ý 1 . . !ý , 1 ý . 1 ., ý ý ý 1 ý ý ý r , ' : . ; ý ý . ý . 1 ý 1 - ý 1 1 1 . - 1 . 1 > - __ ý: , ý ý ý : _'ýý ý1, l 1 1 ý ý ý ý . . . ý ý . 11 1 . . i . : , , .i. , - ý 1 ý ý 1 1 - . 1 1 1 ý . - . 1 ,7 - - ý , , ý ý 1 - . . 1 . ý ý , - 1 - ý- ý'1 1 - .1 ý ý' . .. ý .- ý . ý .ýý ,,, . - -- , ý 1 ý 1 ý ý . . . . . 1 ý . . . ý ý I.. ýý . 1 . W 1 r4 . ý 1 .. ý - ý - ; , monsondondandandon 1 . .. 1. . .. . . , . 1 . ý _. - -ý-- -"!-"!M !,- ý . ,. _ ORUM - 1 . ý 1 ý 1 - 1 ý , - ,ý,- ý ý . , , ý - ý-, -, --_- -ý - ,ýý,-ý -ý, ý ý ,ý -ý 1 ý- ý- . . ý ', e.. -.. 1 1 1 , ý . 1 '. , 1 ý ý . - . -_ ;- ANADIAN CHAMPION.;ý , , ton minutu» betwien the finit ma lut A LeRLY CAMP ZEEM OI - - ' ' 1 ý ý 1 - ý ý 1 1 ý 1 ý 1 . __-ýZ17= 97 ý. - ýdý - 9 - 1 1 1, ý- ,ý, ý 1'. , ':. ', _ > 1 ý ý . 1 . XIR 0 Ir- , , . , - - ý ý ýf . , ', ý . ý . drick - cimnot uy saint I drank after finit ý nffyounm uqnwm ew !lý ' .. - - , , , ý ý, ý_ ý, -,., ' *,_ýý-.ý,,-ýý---,4_--, ý ý,-ýý',,.""-ý ý1'ý-«, >ý - _', , ' - .. ý '. . . ' , , 1 _ 1 . . ý , _ -ý ý '. - -1 -ý', -ý_ ;, ý_ - - - ý . , . ý _ ' . ý - - ý F, ý Il ' - --., _ - , ý- _ . - , ýý , . _ .ý,ý'; - - _ 1 ý , ý 1 1. y ý 1M - 1 1 -ýý ý Mff UW.&id-;w . , ". - 1 ý ý drink - I cànnot say'arbether the third SlloéxLna Surnom .er à SàLvàTioz A - ý-, -»O»a.wrp- -,-,;>i j - 1 - ý - "ýýý..' , ý 1 - ; ý 1 MILTON. OCT. -lit, I88&1ý.ý ý tintait *in Souper mot; mandat Mt amy how Dxxoysnumir. ý . cýC>Zwwj&zjwýý ý -;,ý,.ý- 1 - - 1 ý,_1 , ý . ý & _» ý_ - ý . -1 . "--",, "" ý ' 1 , - ý long it wu betaveen- the finit mal lait - gré ; - - .ý1 1 q - , 1 _1 ý, ý SHOW;, drinko: . . T, - , - 'à, - - J ý 1S :., - . 1 ý Mont mmem , lrm tz:â...i.«%"g - ' _ý ' -1- ý , , 1 ýý . - 1 a ý l. - .. ýý 1 - 1 . : THE Z NIT ý- <ý 19 1 , - --,ý, ý1 . : " ý - . . - "I..à.,.!L ,,au .1 1 - ,,, ffl . ý . . :_ 1 . - ý ., . ý ý.ý ý ,Z ý , :. _ý.ýý ,,1ý .____; , à.7. Bè_ 0 0 T .1ý-ý 7-; .,ý-ýj-:_ /ý_ý._1àI-1* ALEZ, MCKZCIOI]4 avom-Wu Pressent Garafram boa à sortait of a combination ddodudvmdtbdadd *ýj.&" ,ý- -dmCdfý,- :ý 1 _. . , , . ý . ," ï 1 ej ý -1 lancent 1 ý , ý - 1 1. : . * ' ý -,ýý - ý 1 The excellent arrange=emtB which initia the lut darittou dit Iinduy'a on the of gompasl al drinking, - . . . .. . , , - - 1 . ,- ._. , I., . . au il l . _ . ý- ý ý1,ýý 17 , 1 _1; ;1; , 1 ', 1 , . . Our Coming Coranty: accession mentiomed bv la M; hadwmethini bluphemy. hyalin chantier - PI' ghtr - . ý . - -ý1 - -, ý -_ý-:, .,ý ý . - .- insve beau made for .4114 '.1 . . ý . . . , . ý>. Il ;', - u ýý1 . ,,- . ý . ce . Il , 1 ý . 1 " * ý; ,,ý _,ý., :_ý, ý;1 1 ý . t= So.,.t,, .Id ta dri.k; méditai for cider 1 1 . ý 1 . . 1 ý 'ý:.; ,' ý ,ý - :, ;, _ ý ý Show reflect t ait Su the &t-ý ; wu total 1 Cool money.--ki-g sud * frodicil . hya" and ýý ,,- . ' ., mot get cidér in a Scott Act Stmty; - évent tenaillai. on Bunday alternance, mal ardreming . ..ý. ý. . e ýý. ' _- 1-1.1 . : - -Seý,rétary, Mr. Win. in "amis of other parties; met Installe mal .'lut. Genansi Athertqn, chammander cf a , 1 S .. ý:. particularly on ils ', ,ý . ý 1 ý . ... »ey ke;Ille in tu drink; wu nolisai ta lasse, malveillant mard h laitatiquartera et , .-ail - . ý ' -j 1 - . ý 1 , . __ cléments, Who hm ý been indefatigable. - ý ' M a e ý - ' 1 'se , - . « il, " efforté té probante the interesti of 0 rh .Y.C I, R i. - -P l' *«" 1 . , ý ' H-eIII-rý-6 1 ho entertaininent, . ý - . .., .- t.k t ', if wu ý ..Mded tu me; I Orangeuille, made t 1 ý ýY - - - c -.-, - --t ýý 1 ' . . .k.d amolli bandes me timide, "il Hein the aime général who is knoalma mentir . - - , ; . , . . . 1 ý 1 . . . : , . ' ý; ý _;' . ' 1 1 ý ý . ý ý - _ . . 1 . ý Ir the àodety ont ta arrange a firut-Class Id - yes, if y9ai telle tac mach of a luge arc& of titis section* of Ontario. ýE i «' . ý . . 1 1 30: and ý32 Ring Street W est, H ý 11 LfIdýa;?..J . - 1 - am on.. .. . _,:ý ý1ý inéntly Bue- Il, -II Lindsay pommai out. ta me débat wu Sonioadmimbimothendialikehim. The . . . . . ý - . , , ' _ , - ilt 814 " , . prime liait. Ho landai been Cou . . 1 . . . - - - - 1- - - - ___ - 1 - . . - - _. . ý 1,7 . ý 1 . - 1 - 1 ý1 p . : a, ý ý ý . . 1 . . 1 .. ' ý 1 ý fui in thim, bas proved1iznsoIf bu lie cailtai short into à glua, I disait part of latU-rmtbemjor!V. Ukedordialikg . 1 ý ý . . .1 . 1 ý ý . ý 1 . . . ,ý . 1 ,----- the right man in the right I)IaS,'and thi glus and threw the 'mot Coller the hegathered a &officient; numberofpeople ,ý ; . . . .. 1. the 1 ý 1 1 1- ý ', . ý . ý . . ý .1 indicationti are' tient with; fat! C'nantir, and -id it wu,.vhi»k.y; Li..Iu Sundat ta santal> in probably over $100. . 1 : ý . ý- . . ,. -. * -th - ý. ý ... ý 1 weatlier thé confinai; show "id no; 1 maid it was; and the wordit le ho mon wu yet top higlo, ýthe . . , . 1 , favorable ý . . E have this w6ek openëd Ont a maghfficent-..asiortment. of New. Gbàas for' ' . , > . . ý . 1 . . . . . ha, the mont succestiful over balai hors. of whiskey; if luttait ta whiskey; croirai commencell ta assemble. And tubes . 1ý1 \ 1 . ý ý '1 - 1 . . ', . .... . ý - if look au effect on the as whiskey formerly a crowd. Bicha and peur, high and low. W trade, in Ladies.', Gents', Misses'And. CU dr.en,"3 Fille Élides Sà - î ý . 1. *1 ý .. - .. . . . . 1. . .., . dial; fils wu the< finit abritait ; 1 did mot young and miel, jood sud hall, &miens and OUR, VOLUSTEERS. ý, ý . . ý_ ,ý- 7î -, ý ý . . BAR . ý . ý . . . ý ý . 1 1 1 - ý . 1 1. . à , :. . . __ _ .. ý chaujj« my attifait; 1 tank short;. the rut mirthlul, &B w lied or rail% or alarmes ta - Our Men!s Shell Cordovan 1ýCots are theb.est in Canada. ,.:. 1 _--1,ý'_,ýý;1,ý ,*, , . .. ý . t.1-j mot ta telle the short the diminution gala and psitt the aclmiuion . ,. . ý . . , ý 1 ; - , . . Tho voiculteer camp ut Niagara, additif funk ong;I wu , foi 61 fiue Dilate. . ý . 1 1 . ý . . . 1 . 1 . . . . ý . . - .1 ý ,-ý, ý. Il .11 M lihi red il ith flic long ý I stock te the shnrt; tenir . ý . . ý . . -_: as lave 1 . . . - . _, - _'ý ýe, e.,:ý'- , . ý ,. 1;rolfre op on SaturdaY lut,.w 1.0 factice -oehat.Hugh McK«bnie aimait -, 1 l'ho cortalla meeting in bahmi balai la . ý . . ý - ý - ý . . ý ý . , . Il ý 1 ý ý . 1 - I.. . I.. , . througlinut the twolve days of ita dure. ive autre .11 more, or lm intoricateil [lofera (,hàmpan'4 grove, about eight miles train . ;_ .. . t oy is' a d G irls' S oh o 1 B ô-ôt * y ia eovl * ý .. - il ,: . Witte particularly nueweathe.rno we lert.;.l N« WNTAIN . - ý 1 : 1 «, . ý -. ý . 1 1 tien pàid for "me drinks': I paid More, and bordoring on the ]lotionnai rend. . . 1 1 ý *0 - «- - ,* - ,- ... ý trio avait loiît - ' through ralù, and on taries ; thora were six et boa présent, I petit About 2 p. m., cearly 2000 people hall POES xft CONTAIN il. . ý . . '. - _ý Il . - ý * __ ý ý . 'Babýr.Carý.i. .ý . .. . Fiday wlien Gen. Sir Frta 31iddleton 25,e.,at.-for.each drink; «nnatsayhow Rallumai amund and biffant the piafferait. en imumv&vm un NIrVER am qrnrmm . Il . 1 ý 1 ; ,,, . - ýg . . - - 1 posi- The général, bis *aie. a fier office and a Il.ýlwlnmhý f sqû&,uvýe -3Z-- -' SÙ.- W - H am ilton e . -, ;*, - - l - . l rüviqwcd the trocaps, the varices ovolu . many lianes 1 drank at Linduy's. rat, j I.,s, 99--tiItý- CO L IN M cIRA E 80.'and 1 . 1 - tiens through, which théY %dore Put wem ýiyeIy riveur filer ,abat I drank wu ta iny 1 . . ý . ý. ý - ý .. ý . - - . 1 1 ý 1 mimait number of sabliers filed op tu the - 1 Il ý 1 " 1 ý 1 _i - - -----. --ý , . 1 . ST OF THE OVEM. . . ý 1 ý ,. ý:- f - 1 croilitable te the intelligence of the men ilig when wu loft thre; there vras a mw, haud*the band buant forth inté mellady, . 1 . . ý . à ý . . - .. ,. portomed in et, moteur tha.t.was louait .and wliinkey; il, wu mur Sunday more. Piétinera. At a émus of the général'& nt driiE-Ti'e-u" . . . . ý - ý 1 ý . . - 1 . l'IýT1îG . J&PORTA-T ý ý - - . - . . ý and th, shiIitý of thoir affluerai. e .hum filet inorming; 'it bu Rivale me pain mailing the leavçs on' the trucs balance ta PRICE ]BAUNG ]POWBER CO.,. ý . 1 . . .0 . , « è 1 .', ,DIQ.20tli.Lornë Rifles dimtingui8hul in bath bolly and miel ta lie caught in such, a ' . îrjxm ., . ý . 1 . . , . 1 . ýwnR. a lia Cave the contre and 1 . , . . ý ý .. ,ý Waffl. compeany; 1 have nutuesde op nay mind ta a. sac. bu chi onk. ma wildly - . . 1 1: . thcmgelvffl particillarly, by tlicir fil -e op drinking witiokey, mal 1 may get sien ur.ll?«Ècolsýechlflaioflu,];mci, 4 3 - - B a- .e s o f a rp e ts 4 3 il ta Proie 1 . . . : . - clope .avu . t 'el do ,ta U.,»4ýddý .dý la-à»-»d . . 1 . -. ý unies. and O auto .uch c..p.ny agaidi. ý themielre âh t la hy la aube. TM . . . ý - . .> , 1 , .. -1. . . - 1 ' > . the match pliait train Opiallaite the Ml4tý .1cidifinent, si . .. . . ý . . . ý . 1 1. 00 fine and cool», 'local 1 vIc a m th il * *a .homo, Pull . or. ý ý . ý ý . 1 . . . ý . 1 1 ý . . . 1 : * an, Peint, agmed that the honora were &III ont[y Barry 1 could mot maLiit $IDW," the la or. ,the ho Price's ý Lupuila - Yoist 6411111 ' ý 1.s ý.ý) f 1 ý 'flatte, and the said the Poliça Magiatrate. - in . Of aimait F. the. 13-atile, BroLd, The But Drr 34P ý . . ý . . O PE N E D SIN CE lst SE P T. il .lot B . , . . ý - 1 ý, ý .ý ý . - NEW' . : ý . .Ir y dieiabla >bet.ôený ' . 0 t a- olu index ne el ýY - th. W.']& ý, . . l . attalion. The marchinà of thmýo D. McUilboh for défendent ý vie u 1 en an O] ly on the a 6 FOR Sonne& CEà8- - . . . ý .. . 1 , . , . . . . ý, .Bda, , ALE BY, CRO .1 . . ., 1 . ý ., ýý . . . ý - . two rcgirndntI; wax remarkablY gond là don a big noW The car CHICÀ00. . . GT. LOUIS Dm voluntoern, and* while a 1 mine companies .. 1 Ba. Toronto Motet Fées. groW Voulu nome h V over m . . . . ý . . - . î ý 1 ý . , ý . . . 1 ý . . . . . . - . .ý ý . ,; - - tires loge, ma ai . ý . 'apestry Càrpets 37je. to 900. , . 1 .. . ,ý ý .. ý of other, corps fitreLleil slightlywhon - - 1 off aray, . 1 ,* 1. . ý.. . .. ,ý . tu $in . 7 oilcloths 25c. tic, $1.25p'eryard. ,. 1 . ý - ý, .. ; . . in * .«rts 1 n,,thelr distance avas ý TORONTO, Sept 26,188e. une y 0 wOuld Perlait i i ý . ý . . . m . ý i . ý .. pCâ,uý. r Co uni ý ý ý ý . . Intsder filon the cornet sa cd el Brussels Carpets $1.00 to $1.35. * -limoleuins. 75c. to $1.10. , e «I . .ý . . . -4p ric î . ý 1 ... . DrAR .14jt. ÉDITOR- AR car City or more homo fiant ta th. trou forgut ta .: ; ý ý . Lient.-Coi. Allie bas amplé relation te Faillent have selon fit in their wiladont ta i ,ý, Velvet Carpets $ $1.50. ', . , ý. . ý ý 1 .fallait the fliéta ff theïr sides mal teneur .a . . . ý Cocoa Mattings 40c. to - ;75c. ... L o w ý. ý bc prend of bis bayai in fartan RUd ivith re.onazt the by-làlar charging market momth.t.,oloigmu. Thoband*puton . . N C£ â -Wool Carpets 70c. to $1.15 . -' :' ', -_ - , 1 ; ;.. . ý the annuelle of bis efforts ta bring thein fous ta farinera mal olifant coming imité 1 ,. SP . All 1 ., Napier Mattings 50a ý . ý , . : ý , .. more stsam, the général threýw là id leva, ý. 1 . . % ý .ý . ý ._ý ý to thoir pmwnf efficiency.' Ho rewivea mur market, and belinving avez flicility more mâliestie seraves of bis bands, and the wu& CL4L ', * Union Carpets 45c. to 60c. ý 1 - Cocos, Mats 65C. to ïàI00. . , 1 ý. .., _ _ . . valuableusaistance train MajOrsKerlis and inducernent éboulai bu o'dierodthe soldiere 4trained their gipu and the battis 1 ReMp Parpèts lûc. to 80. . ý ' - , Oiloloth Mats 600. to - $800. - - . -, . . e ' -- . ' ' 1 . ý ý andAppelbewho frequoiatly look farinera te morne in and. supply the ,wheât fin, art train ROI the Fort te %vient . ý . 1 . . - . ý .11 1 ý 1 ., of the regiment et battalion Parades ami wants of the Citizens, are have arrangea , , . Huvest bc. But the crowd . * 1 . . . ... . ' .'-.ELEG - Tý Éosi haudleil. à Ably and vieil. . Major Ap- ta pay the market face ter ait the farta. wculdn't collants- NO elle tumed a suan- 4 4 «,. Rle . ý ý verings, rinison, . . . . ý . . 5 CASES OPENED OF Tapestry Curtain MatèriaIs, Furniture Co C * :. _ dpeille dicf dàible work ,Criai a I Our entends in the ý 1 . 1 ý . auuming the ý avo Interdisait in the air "il yellid for death. 1 ý . . . . GreënOli-ýeOldGoldDamasksFiirnitiirèGimpsCordsFrin s,&C.ýý Ilaving nlaàý jjjj-e ,)Ut u bande 0 1 m. te give overy one No Oie Calleil fer avaler. No one lent bis ý . .. ý . . gý of th tien mot Delly ci bis Dieu position bat brelath, in the étrength of the excitemant. ý ý . Ille iaýà1tiM those of Adjutort, Captain Kaitting un. . direct * oin. ,an on ther presenting the The galérai whSped it op am more, 2 CASES OPENE D OF Curtain, Chanip, Hooks, Curtain Pulls, -Pole ends, Rings, . we are. now ruin- .- . .fortunatelyhaviùg beencà Ued b * ill 0 1 Our 8 Te they will have the tý.ýl eue endesvored ta "andetheat. E U R A CT S . . M * , , > , '-i'; G'.ý - - f refun ËEUIU ., munie ta romain fat homo, :Tri. hi. àù.1 RIROUR't' ý - liVe have for many taille, but wookuned huître the cold. AU id . . . . ' 1 . ý . . . 1.1 . ' ' .1- ,, - capacity, mot Delly diil.himseif crédit 4 yeuls lie extensive dealings vrilla the thi- time the Ourra.-Illail rétamai tommeturth OST PERFECT*MADE - 3 Cases .Opened of the Perfection Ca.rpet Swèeper, the best in lise. . ,. . 1 '.. . ý1 ý : which ho. luit bis work, but maladie bible- ail of thora cerné jeté tint city wjtbouý général ta raine a but VUSI124 1-mon, 0=901 Almond Rose etc. . . . . . . . . 1 1 . . .ý.ý the thorougli and efficient nuancer in farming community, and demaire ta have ta &id by bis warnath the désirs Of th. Portait Md striangest Naturel Fruit Envers. - . . . . . . . . , . . . But f-r&gewud UlC,.dçllntlYmdla'r'IlYmihlâ@t. ' ' « ý . .. self pophlar with bis aubordinates. j lainairanop and Rupply our'wants with the welcume maya -abat down thmugi ý ý . . ,. .ý 1 . 1 1. lit M iôlesalePriceç ý ý . Thq 20th loft camp on Saturdaý their producla and we supply thefla with troc tope. .The Runeral wu alive mental. cs,ýLý ... - et, H am ilton. . « - . . ý . 1 . - - ý . . > morning a . mai c-.sel the - Imité ce the our merchanilise. Our feelings -te the lienhoutell, '&I'ni-e lutté Cod; the.un ý M LOMS ý ' PU. & J. M oK A Y , 48 K ing Stre . . ý. 1 1 . 1 . 1 simuliez, outlierri Belle, ail tien enfui.- farinera are mont friendly, and wo teks h- calme out. Il ý JIM RS. ricXIT &-!iyiTKIN's. ,- . . 1 . . ý 1 . ý . ý . . ý ýýBut the Bleu misé sulky. . . -_ ý . . . . . . .. . . . . . ý . - . ., . , -riý l petites composing- the rogiméýt diW this way of showing thein hoiv nouch we and inéaked awAy for. the mat .1 the finir. __ . ý Il . . ý ý ý . ý . ýý t - . . . 1 ý ý embarking et. BurlingtIen except Ne. 1, appareciate theiroustoin, by paýing the 113ixorait DispL.ty DY Talc Liva .i ý ý Theh a homo whiel, boat been unhitý , ý 'The Exppriencé -of one ý,ôf the L ,, Tailoring ý ittle'Dôt ý . whicli vraie finally lanalcal et Onkville. ý allaitant lm for illico. sud tiéd ta a. [1 ý eàding . ýý, ý .. ý 1 acarcil. It pulls Il la stick of céder train DRY..GÔODI;. MENý - . . . ý .ý , . . . ;.ý -Né. 7 dJotfiýany arrived - bord ab 8.30 « . . Itfflpec,ýflilly yours, it.,Bxalte(l Position, tend mopped the rend Th, ta a tiine of the yeu là whiAl the . 1 H ouses In H am ilton. - ý . . ., , - ý . ý 1 ý ý pj.,mond was met nt the N. & N. W. B. ý with it. , Teinte wu nothing but dust and M. y the Milton braisée lânai; whà ItQEýT. 1ýTALKËR & SONS, ladies !ýamilton faite Pirticular de. . . 1 ý . . . headed the voltintamala in tlicir llint,-".q . - . 83,-85 & 8711ilig Sb. Eabt mil sud horme for a few .omentý Sa.. ihfi justly sa; fur entaillera in the - : 1 ý - . 1 . . . .. 1 L ittleH aýrj 1 . -mil yell.d 'Ifight Il and elle crouvil tore 1 .. ý - . . . ý . . ý ý . :, ,. . .. tôtlibdili'shod. ThobxSlleutlmtisie - _ _ D 'If Canada do thonierchants . .A 1 1 . .. . . . 1 . .. 1 1 . ý . . . ý . . . 1 ý .W.y tu th. O 1 il fool.d. A. ,. . ý :.Imrformed hy the banal malle steAd1y , ' -, XILBRIDF. th. et. a went on -the saurai mllud' ter botter te the alerte of elle fair àex . . ý ý . - marching an ensy matter,' while thý .1 . 1 ý_ . . ont Il 'ouwili je ni. -on th. judn. thaný tlIey do in the City of Hamilton ; ' W hen thé average man requires garments SUCh as will give satis- L itt ê m 3 . ý , . . .. . 'Il . - th . ý - ýl e il . . mon worit grently plenaied hy the recela- OurvoInfitýrs ratumed lances on ment de -.lien a al e dowli'th. and fordal.ost amen, e salai merchantg faction to the wearer, he generally patronizes a hou . . . 1 ' tion givrai demie. Defore dismissing thcý 26thSépt., lotking .àjuewhat the worse of med et a ttimi Pace. In it tuera men. MaY nieiiti.ii.d file Orm of Meurs. . * se whose rejJlutation - , . 1 . ' men, Calfat. relation complimente(] therar their toit, days diili. ý , One Wai 1-din a ho a hi.h tradvelhd Plait 1%kina, of 16 and 18 jalme. for dealing honorably.W ith'itS Custom ers has given ii a prom inent où tIiýir linifiarne g6mail conduct in CAMP; . ýtlrs.*J. Bernay and attendant aie 1ýing non , B 1 1 L ett e ,E . . 1 . . behind. fer se. .. hum .itne for. street north. .A Timés repr.sant.tive p ý osition among the , trading houses. of , thé City where it is situatéd. 1 ý . 1 "kpoWlcýigitig thé valetaille IL04istýÙé4 dangeronstylli with typhoid faver Mm glory. finit, over the folie., hie led hadtlelileýqtiroofwalkiný,;througËtl!e*,r 1 1 __ ,;..vai Rivent bien by Lient. Rolls sud tilt- non., HÎiiey in va * * homo b the ans, Bar l'loue f .. its establ éliment yesterddy, mie the Océan During our business career of many:years, W e have always rep .1ý .. . . . . Smmifnîýn(A ofrier'rg of thé mmpatIY4 entertained a lier recovery.. 1 . bac la and il, sprue of th air fiail apening cf tombions. 'int edour Doas to bejust whatthey are, and wQ adhere to arule not topracticeanylleception 1 - 1 ý - 1 1waysh, 1 dýraltjCIIIarIy Coinr Sorgeant Sinan. Thoi A.r.ry sucassaffil .fflui; bu * t b Il -clitwent...- T ý ý . au 1 - ,h,,gýve a 1 car d.« %moulai lie aiment ait imposaibility te men- by accepting a lower figure than we:ask for making clothing, presumi ' ' . $ .. 1 died wag ré-oix-nf.ql et 6.30 fer the broughi ta a- close, -ith la very Z .Irs. perfonrmance ended. . . that ho fair, ir 0. the temoofi lie. Il 1 the pretty things ng to the patron that Th. fiatl-rest wu enly further maintaincal e wifi get a first-class article for a second è,làss price. The resuItis that 0 a1k,ývïlle , , ý rutilerai. of titrSns and paymenti of the sown. ; .: . ý ý . ligt forciront amonz them wae their Il . bien whicli waq entI11,1I!tÀ.,l ira le.,ls tintai Loý,,ille*, ]Y, et beyinning to.take bY the alipsarance, in - the, crowd of a mlllinery and mobile parlera. Thora one ofthe largest and best stock of éloths; we do a bausiness*of such dimiensions astestilles < . .- ý ý tw. iintim-all rifles, nedntitrttno'iC4 alid file leill (If mur anobli nus suis totale. I Sclatchanala n'id bis son, balaie avenring leurs té lie tissu the attract'oýla of two to Our ability in o ' line; we receiv chathing lichen hîroiiglitý in and cvery lancleratand filet a project i. on faut for the , b ,villa the plumes cOlàtin'ellts--Europe and Anierica-vieitj4, , ,1 , -, ';umteh capo ellecked . Ur e the support of SC eý of the Inost ffifluentigl peà fonde Vient off. 1 enceinte ut a pair of hcavy weigh-scalées for of.the hawk; and by one of the ivaieurs l.n.,-iýh týh,. .t1.ýrC..d ,!.eh ,,ying ,O de we have the patronage of many of its best won Canada; , plein, R am ilt. ân Tien niviiial rifle . matches of.the ,Roi. flic butter accommodation of elle village and in the hadith aurreptitioltally tlaking a swiâ i. .sf. bu le Iy iniported bonnet@ humaireds of our eutt)M'eis Who are se well pleased that' y rkingmen- we gain the*infltienee-of . . . i . . 1 . ý . . . . -ill lie -icinity. Thisisastepin train a, boule I.b.lled .,Coglý..." an -cd many en . the recommelle tboir, friends te oràcr froin iiii. We :: inctit ý% , ]ILIal nt Ge.Iýr-,(ýu),Vll on tho thé. etirmafialing % and hâte reçoit . ceintures train open the -rall Trade ,ýith Novelties in .every departinoui. Novolties in Suitingg, jýov6jties in Overcontings, B u rlin ét 1), . ý ,il a illiniltý'of vablable, fil. ii;:Ii.tlimcti.a. 1 haine caught in thé out bylma a aval who the ladies tuba thritatateil z1leshow mai', Novelties in Trouserings, Novelties such as Will please the ey . .. . I)rizg.-s. ifichillin, the xilver cillas lire. . %%*u m-tre Plensoil ta sec in your lut issue yell"d et "" mal la illui look and sfttisfv the wearqr. We open the FIIII.Tralle , ,. . 1'l. ý 1. ýj finit voit. finale, .érrési.nd.nt lm. Low ,heepiait. . . . nihilo Ithe beautiful display of fancy With a détermination , te excel all proviens efforts and guaran e ' . 1 . ý . . will im ec)xijiwtýd for.. Thé installes avili n.ithor doué lac .rite as one mbo is addict. A Fmadt frany werci aIr'unk, fighti.,g, lippy, 1 B .11t, At 7 pan. a lanti fuathen, lairais, doivent satins, Titillons . . tee Our boat attention to everybody. ý ý . . E légar.,,,t. ..: 1 ý .4r.4. .%IcCralley and Wllit.' uill.* %vos ..itl,.r de.d liée, yalt devaient; trairai azain galberait, 1 aetr..was.qtiitecharmiýIig 2ileurs' . . . . . . .. lm [)en only tri re,41ilarly enri,11,41 final cd tu flic bluta. lie apétale of a chircla cunirag litanie. Th. programme orned. front the tankers notait very fine and n o 140 EtIât King Strest . . . Il -, sout'd by .%Iffl .. t&'R'atkineha%-ebotiglitÏlisst-aso'n' F IN A CTIN 'S, The L io CI' th 1 .. .. ,. ladins, allô menaberm of Lien ro.giinent inet,,I,,r b.isg .Domitius in lier Ilicla... O'dY ta bc closed. l'bu tolighe honte and . . 1 . . ý . - . ing H ous e* ,il . . ý 1 Prograiuffiea>lta%-e 1)(.ýcii.ilIriiiteil amil are ti--I.itIIl-...,.I.i,, flanc elle Willat.1; ttend "2ked thé gentAl. Th 1 elaboraîte jackets, mantles 'id dulwaiip, .- . ý . . . . .e (COPP's Bléck) Bouillon la . . ý ý a down among thent but ý e - .l-ri-am went hile they alamllaire a mien fým9OrtmeIft et - - Au thé bondit of file etiniii.iliv officeni.. chlirch, because &cantons eh. a. lit .ttenIi. 1 ý A 1 ý_ Il quit, lyreturned. W 1 , . - udod 1 1 ey - - l'! '._ý_ _.__ý_ý . .ait.. A.i-Iil-, instance bu hélas brought The fouilles sang ý-ClimbiDg ne thé Golden the short jersey jacke 1*1 « . . . - . . ý . ý .. > ;ý1 . ý ýý.1 MU-OT.T',taýl'!*tlýit.-,. .- . U..d.,.U,.Otiý IVe St.%ire." 'l'ho tuant, wu allemand ont liait fultioliable. The fine lia. plarchamed 1 . ý ý . . . 1 1 ý . ý 1 1 , - I - cuite, . .týil.ite'.\IrcIs. for thé terrés ho haîs lis lait elle lending àoprano, Thef, fought overoile thonsand jueizan. .._ _..... . .. 3 m = ..... .1 ý . L on d -' ' .ý 2 ,file PaIicý. ý Magistrat. belli nt -itting nt Purbund and the, %my and manner lie bu for keep3. A dosen of the tricot . of th. frontal tour different manufacturera in . . . ý ., - . 1 1 1 . . .0. y. . - *Ilurliii--tili on F'iiiln%-,,Setý)t. Zith. l'lie [al- ac.ittittel bijncif. 0%,er.centitiven.u in W cm in fillitan the air Europe, sa that uni ladies sied childreu i . . ý : . . . .: ý1 ý 1 ereta .Ipe th , ' . î . .. ý. . 1 1. . ,. ý.ý..ý . .. ... .. tý : luiving in the dvi.Ienc;c ira Lieu different cases: church iiiiifibers)àip il, gatting ta lie an ]fi. hi cas. words. The mesating étang. of liainifton will lied Dm extra large . 1 1 . -1 , - - 1 . ,ý ,-.1. -,ýýI-. ý %loi v. p ; on. _ ý 1 :, . evaary (laytrouble. l avachi salir ta Mortes, Èle 091. 0 Cuit t rçw down one of the 'tock à 16 and 18 ,lubies 8imot north tu * . ý ý A10111011111141ILM6 - s u. , ý . 2 id . . beuntli«coumgea,ýuitinjuuitl:esamoin man r , ho andp2eked theirin. ça. fi h i. ý JOIIN %voun, a.nrn-1 1 lilla in Tomub, . make thLie solections> frcni. Tho tirées ý m wM M mfflý per. ý onrchurch. lwasno Disait wenthome Thoniostof ktiowký -,tiael)arl)eriii.Nlilton;,waiat . wal 'Ilowed, a ting, arboâ WILS th. ý . . . 1 1 eý ý . fat. pl ... Oie il'. 16tlI in:ii. was sick or in prienal. or lwoutd'have t fc gonds Jouai ailk deparinients nt the . . ý ý ý.. ý. 1 . lI.ý,1."i..ti.i m tive of the 'x rem %a. 1 botter amortud thivil nouai, . . . 1 -- - . , , " ., .,..,-ý.. l ' ' ' ->ý, -2, tu à,ink .ait .f. b.ttl.;;t.lIl ItIig.,l hâli, 1 thfiaL if ho would patrofaim ter colin are t effects filet a andrcmllmýuloyenaore 9 visite-1 teint. 1'. 'a velties maly bu fourni thora- . . 1 . 1. ý l T oroxi ô . ý , P.W; tiluid .et uay«m-liat it wlut-I Rot: OI.'h'r.,',' .'v",* lu r t ?ume, resilleait of Fergue wa. etabbed bc. in. Mésira. Prattlk %Vatkins are offuring iat bis bouts and allons, and . - ý :_ ý .iý )1! > - 1 t, 1 I .ai. .. « . ý ý . .-..,,,.g hall; 1 lialla pain, ask I>.t.f.,ý,I. the ,aillarîss for. bis .Iothes, Md ra il fileter in flic veld, et the Demi, racée. Borne Citera value Ibis season in black'dud O ur ne oods w hich com prises . i - ' cd estin ,,a. might .,an 'Vr stock ofý Dress G , fur aoincthing tarit; flatté avera millets pre. ý a R . 'ne. Two etitches wore placell in the colored' aille&, pluelles; * l . - , auý11t'O'o.1-Ilinainthini: là alrink Idée; nom. pr.b.bly boue botter faseilla. . ý estimé, volvatu, all the lines in qu-. . , . wound the followinR dey. Aime the morne air, etc. An elegant di.pla of muni ELlityi pattern and c0lording, I-r Jfif té-iii'contâ fora aile a; 1 * y « let that B h ell, -ý ý !'ý -' 41 ' 1 ý i atu.mun paid tea . . ý. ý,_ : leu Dot fi,,. th. drink. 1 . ýV ,.,Ifiti. morecongellial for3ýniire3teemed orientale the general'a .pille lirimetand J'ce colum. silk haiiekerchiofe, ribbons, are fashionàble for thé'fall trade, 1 ' ' '_ - - . . ý .. J., A. lkuys ' , 1 will change exhibited the tmphy ai the half-way tienne oriental and yak Inées avere noticed sa i,,.ý,, .worn-KnýW lir. .,Yrr,ý,»,,P,,O.n'l-It trotte Low'ille-Bio Dorr, alterwards. . . s -iiow on haüd . . - ý . 1 ý MIge, -thu Inarber. fil Milton: .a. in bis ý . 1 _ - - cheait liant they ouglit tu ciaininanda and ready for inspection. Wè are doing -the DRESS GOODS trade iii.thè Colint3i, and WHE'N ý,i . ý«.. aboli ait th. li5th huit; wanat ti-c ta g.t 7- --- *- -. REGULAR VISIT 110 MILWX. readY Shle- Ba, the way, it - éboulai b2 we have a . .. SITING, 'l'O OND 1 , ý ý , right to do it as we -keep dstôck of Dre . .., I.... . .. -h-utd; have t.Ikéd wiLlI.',I,. %Vend .mal i , LOWVILLIý - . mentiamell thai Meurs. Pratt & lvatkhl SB Goods far ahead W extent and variety , Give ý' Us ît cali ý . Mr. lienificin rabout thitai suit; intense . . T-,*iiýý"fý,lt Cà«,7h, Dcafiatta. Bm.chiii,. On the ruanulactuelig CE readlya .of tliat of any other bouse in the tolýM, and * are in a seil thein as cheap, as any .11 , Mr. 11-arri-Ill Cf ii.lor.,IiuL .il ai.; et.*- C ý The tannera of fi 7iLýmmunity are about . ,14thma, Coet-aiejj)l;oei, end DU dkriMj of th g on'a very large seule, and house in the trade, eitlier in-orolit Cf the city. Coinein-andbe.s ý .. ', .ý « a»Iloi; ha dandied - , the HSd, 2hmac «,,d ,teneur. ma état ilifilieninq on lis; avé lIý,Ii.lI 'fi, LII«ir..ýlin- carr4 Clio O 110wll thé' sto èk) we .thin intheRoiie'eFilnitabitgl 1, . . W.. wmpl.iniùg.,.f fini (.%Iilton) luilig . , 'T . tule ph la front, lu beun purchasluit - ail us - r Tomate 1 iii .. 1 i ý ha 1 le of menaý anal boyal.nuits think it any trouble to sho . doult , Every ri: Il ma . 1 9. .me al, Itis .1eofthe tenfanaturial 1 The Surgeons tient for value, aise and - il ove . w gobdS We >staY around here foi that purp9se. - - . . .. - -et Act town and cantial. faut yt a clos. of train the IXTERNATIONAL ý étail lie equalied by very fow in . . ý ý. ý . 1 . ý 1 . . . i .. ý tain la beer : Mr. Ilamfiold got ahauct ; artiste WD en e, .et m 1 i«f.ii.ý.ddýi.g. TnROAT Axi) LuNte INSTITUTE, 173 Chairela . . 1. . . .. . ma A . 'COLM IN . ý cI,.Pl.iIlcd,.,Ir. &Ige eau. de ..m.ihing t : 1).r. Pula *.In i, i 1 ille illir, end elle DOminiaIný Ail filet mm bu added . 1 . 'r. i. »,fil .ne la ta le Us. in the Si., Toronto will bc et th. "'Bulles utilise in conchamic;n la the lambe filet thé euh ý . . . ý . . drink ; .au mud. the inapimion filet it Wom vill. .. Dow. . Mutuel, Thursalay, Oct.Sth, farthe Speci.1 . . '. ý . . - ý Il . . ý ý. ý -, , " whi.k.y; ý .aiditwuvwrypmr * ctjIdý«of entrent.. mal clothing ,lien uf 16 and 18 ý 1 ý go Yo-,ç(iL-STItEET" - Whithy ýsm in elle Trentament of the abatte flamand diseuses r 00 .. seuil whataver it 1 ; 1 ivh.t ,ve kot wils ýill..". 1. t we. ,villa the .Ijý.t.f sterling a ý Z-&- 'Is . 1 1 . . W. whicla us cured' by the Si-immeter, the ,.Icr.ýI. 1 --.a north may do a jugly 1 th. ciller of nhi. ; .ai sati4nal Itr.e ,vogue -final h- Thev -uld out have a invention of Dr. Se vielle, of Paris. Mur. 1 , nus this fjîIIý-Tiinea. i l e m s t r e e t & B a s t é d é at * 43-im ::, - ' :* ' - * toRo'y; mot .i...killer; un al . il a of Whig. nan-u (Ickinable I)IRèA ttim-L..yine for th. auflous -uý-u 11--,b-en alhiumd in th. -7- - - , . 1. -: th ý . - . . ý - _ý_ koý l "'bar got .1,a.tlil. wegIn*t,,I.i.e . dure of ail N ... Ir fi' thmugh, ... - .a. ýting animés. A Theft of Pive Iliiiidred I)ollnr& . 1 . . n= __ . ý . . . . : ý ý I.- - . whlan I-gut th. drink -1 w. qut fi, A ]uIt. leurraber of car citâtes attndcd th. It in the but knowr trottinent in .the avortai - . -ýý . ý 1 ' 1 . . daink .g, t ni a flot bliftl.; 1 finale, wu b" Huifiton fidiron Thit-Illy Mr. Thomas Leitch, Science Monter in - . 'Thty ývI,.,t if fer dissous of the 1 upirâtory Orfans, and 1 - - accident White tain blo.n=EAL, Sept. 25.-The libel'camoof ý . ý H ý . . -. thing I.ýt la il.,> buffle ý ont lanneigit te.* toýI&ve bron a voueffictu smý , minus the in a positive Dormi or eDniumpti.. in il. BRANTFORD. 8ept. 25.-Jobn ]lllrle3,, thé Collegiate Instituts, met with a serions Disait ak-illat th« Toamlato hrail look pis,, To Let , ý 1 IS LA N D 0 MA allait. . m... drutik ; I .Deuad MI, Bant prin -IIAI -ttraction, Or. Coxvur and bis andu- enfile .stages. . who IeW Hamilton a day or tarit et bblg the science élus in ta day belote Judge . 1 i fiýd of infurifiaiti ma ha wu ; Sc' dicilles ahaorbed through flic pures 01 taking %14th. bien $500 belo - amen A. Jbxnn et 1 Stock' gala us. Ott have. e . . Ami entelle Inhalation nad . ce' the Callog'ate Iuqt'tute ou 'Vedncellay r Doherty and apechai ' ,)-t111-9 ni'm --- l'aller eitmt, teint aime - Fàrin* Act Ira. ; la. di mot di.k. ý nglng ta E. fortnSn. Mr. Leitch ,ry. The pleintiff, i Briýk I thiuk filet our linalth Inspecte. .hnuld me wu exflaining the ý conna ýdpId3,t. J-11B Rafle, -'.,"r.---l dund in 'If r. EdRol. D ,,go 1 rofinissa bu. the .kin %villa ' Clim'Uitigs; Wu trustait nt el,,, m a ho liait auffered en a= . . DR. FRXFXAýW - * 0AVAGE ",".iui.hc«.n the!, lawn, 1 f nature and action of gants, a. ta démenti. lontreal, claimaïdamages whi.h ho allaged te. . ;I, cim ente lie. Minjands Co.i 91C.4 ý mat .br..tL . ý PROPRE, CONSTITI TIONAL TRUilýFIIT relative in the North Word bore fit 4 nuit of au article . PARNUý4 F»- label, 1.4 ,amok ; Rot ,ha . strate this ho continent a %,uantity of hydre. !hàt ageared in the 31 ., . ý - . .ta 'aI: Raillai.. ý ý.,:ý,p;rietýbrcfGne.ipllall.ever.willinFr O'clockka alarmant,. Ti L avas §en and oxygén in a m ber bal; which ha [ail of Sept 25 lut, . . ý . _ , ., --, -.-,. laitatifig lip.r; dui mot and Hygiene, aveu are diseucs of the Air made bý S.r,...i M .. rms In luttait h- wu statuai I-IVIfAT SAY A PILCE - ank for la yth*ng a Il rend. IIII 1,.tmno"h. -ý.mc.týd Passages, latrutofore pramourtud incurable. eMala élit avilit tais band coller avaler. - A Mmil ta have absconded .- ... ihink ; Dents ter gett! YOU TO paid Un elle rmIniallair . c .... Y... tweenhtreàaadllàý . 1 . ý 1 1 - ta n ille tube avale i.seýted into After a large nombur of witassau ha ** ., , . 1 ! . . ý 1.11.u.d. . . à . 1 1 ti. Hamiltenforce, and..Chist ""' of IIA8T IIE . . '. th.t .oh- pp..iti-n.-Joio. CU.nSYLTJ Tien MEIL Uziflith. of the mon il bac. AP AND MUSTAIW?" . ., . this ci . or Dy w th of the bBR ý--iD.d and coujouj liait arguant the eue W.U, thsrý In mmIub--ZZý .1. 1 > a with tbrouRhwhichamall quantifies of Illégal, thejory roteront a verdict of guiltyoi ta té -id. Th. calustie 1. ! .1 ý JALDERTUULp, gouvral-1 lion. Mr. Edg.; ý ý --70- - ravoIV anal made uns Of it'nin r istin coldal bti.g.k.1 -feu. b.nq.str.t th . .ý ý 1 1 "- In bis barbe, -hep a îvuk sa. ta dey . * 1 . . - . .Idbeýth MIIIII J».& rares ped, termine %cap timides. Ta denton. littel. with damages et 81 clacla party le ý .. .. II.Il la.thidait te drink., 9 ne cen Fair. a ho explosive qualifiés of the .».. . -h-v-d.',Iid tu:i , ý t emptyitig the cliambers et bis 'trate t ' Il ... à k or. .conte Il ID . . "Ir (Ili.alything taildtin ý , ý , .i. Ai this point . w su es bis Own Costa' ai , , t the . 1 'E E ak. Th. galet . c..t.1 F.Irý. d ý . i,,.d, conalgaied in this terni one of the ature.t, Wheu the Scott Act w.j nalictud fi. , clam , lit ý ai ta ,Ijý. ý , b.t.111 t 0 M, . 1 ho "th.ttiftye .trbl! Tnz,,To.n. N. ýJ- ept 25.-Go ' laismith PPlicd a lighted the imitables in t ilh "' . _L __ ý . . - . -1 keop à herbes, thop ton latit orelk - f.,.ýd ut, a _ r Mine, once quelin ,4 weapou taken from 1 . W ý the turf. died litre elle wi la shola they explotind with a tend noise: êtât. . in Millon ; h-ave-,Ïuén in Maison fer atmutà, th-b,-t-fv-eu Tb,-ý,,t-larexcmledt&nd- yéstsrd.y. .oyat ta man 1. Prince FÀWArd ennuaty thora nuire rior"t. . -X .hug..,t.n cent- for.ahiainiz"d -l' "' k'II.«,,,g a. P.M.Ihl«, Sha w 2B yeus élit. 1 * t in . ver el the complaiscry échec, Who regardant . ý . . . The rendent held the match close ta the Inter. 'f . un- ýIb1T rena li&llou: Agnelle! queýitiou whether trotter ever etijoyed u d in in possesas.n. I ,bat coubly ne &levant puce, te the ammy 01 (tonna *...ta fer baie, .lifting; hare«not acide Ut.111I-., fat T. DI ... lIývr4, Aprlbr,: tit.Ili... - hi5her public m tien tient Goldsmith - . «--- - ' 1 1 fi 'Ly.p tond tuba whilO Mr, Luitch's attention wu called. ,Inciteras and al u intoxicating battant, ta drink'- 2 . ý Criminels. The se .... ivea ,,Ya...2I.dJ.K..ýIdy.#JLA.n,ý: t.Il....y.g. Mai , fardand the day le trott.d et Cube. _quel .. lawayliond le; and itoited the gu. This 1 ý . i 1 - ý ý m t, tu hie thi- menthe lut put solai WPIý.ý4T.)JI-11ý.,I;Flllyýrllddiing,3y«m, - la IM5 ta borraîtive élit train the> turf in Nelson Bornes, nuîed the Ru" in t 0 bac: ta explode, and - ,- - . au. ý pl 'a - shows bois, iIiogical. theY ancre, for image ------ -- - ?r gave" away ami lainai or descriptiox, of Il. ý1-1, Zi.ýe-ý; Filly or on i.g, ,tj". est - . 1 . if L . 1 O'Connor bu been présentait 1876. avith . redanid c 114; lier, .patois . thora being a larve quantity the explosion w t a pair of TOM'r-, Sept,%28 -Au ý .rt -Y& Bal].. 2I..,"..' 3.1 J..Ij. su, y 1 NELso.ý,.Sept. 28, Iffl. , wu terrific. The big wu rect i - White 916vez ià-Pli. ý .faveming papier inU,.i-ti.g Illicites. . 1 1 . .. r. = . .Itl.lrd.,,,.> 1.,,IE.ý da.j. fi. ,I.g,.n ; fauver mental with t ne who a ways suit. maya it-'haa the - boat , ,thority, for etating . - ý ,,Illlllw,.Im Adjourtisal tilt next Thuméd.y. dit une' P ... am the exultins &Pî ta of the courte, la le il çiýs eldamaller. thatin the mpfit Of' . J. W;ýà. * Fare fil, end one portion of it aime fou a t t , C'a 1, county. e, Menu.; cý,,].g. .tdtli.. 2.d B. 0. VoInu. osé, - plu without à raid, mm, U 01, . ,ý, tesla a ut lavé the central - -ý ! sonvu, . net lot the Pr-sent mur the wriat of the !truc r' ltch »ho"i .m, tests néon 'clock, et Oskville. . -_ ght erre; breaking ,.-.i.r. .il this go ý ,* R. .2 dL . Ma. Eqrron;-l ce. , M ". open t .1 1 ha- W Smmi"iOner% o-hich wili 8bDrtly . . m, 'rd" lr&2miun . . . . ý . . . r * the ý:ntràl Exhibition r -how leu, do. 3 y- .N.. 2.d*ýX. rempects lier lie om4nou have néver les ,villa respect ta the large bons and 'dix a' . i.rP.O.n re ""',- been équallIsI, ai élit nad 332 boat, in 2.30 . Thuradaybeing the Placing the others et conna 1 aile lie a Scott Act coule , aentud %O the* ?AIDE V. IIEWAR, - . .. ml. 3rd J. K-cnJ;ý. 81 Ilý.-J.',.'l',.',,.'!nFh.*.d. daY I',,M' - thoigint ThemwugrentýnfusioD for ly M. M %vernirent thoywll fadv»Re -. 1 . . 3, --In..-.-Duh..b.11,1.i or botter. Durhig L ýr ý.areer abc trotted parament, 1 naw the vario,"I".. leu would bu gris thu.f. - cou ... 1, D- Nie- a.ddipl..ý, . , flit L B...; Boit .If. lot où .,ment odur . fýw moments,. and nome thé tact in ve atifying as auto lie rouillait in Cal. 0,., Percheron illoroffi ,t ,ý vu truck in Amant=, of hum", and wu glati ta ft. un .Id votera, 'or the scholaras Noyé They attribut. il. ... . . (Ilib 1 . tarlatitéa travelling - Dur Cave tourinhi fait autre badly frightened . . . . the prison haln, plewl.d guilty Judgment roserai J. Jaune sud & - "Il,* t y - lave difforent .180 ver. . 1 , ict lescidi - ýý.Ir Y- .Id il.trér, and fatal t - nome ,nom i *fLmd it in. Y infringements of AU stock selected Inné the mal. , . ... .. - sud fZasý.'lA1Y1. mannations train th . ï te la tpil au ho 6 ]Destins in th. i,.,i.6,., the finpoëtial soleun, belfèr. 2.d z.nt th? iliellerna wit fil. rut" il' thé warden mot fui.yï - or* :G.d.t...2" ý.(b Mr. lAitch, though bâil I., Out of 16 nid. 1'ik,,W b 1 dl . Quelle V. »Pole. . - "' ' "' . . la tout ta the Pm a, Il .D, juredi rem 'cc pl bis position eFf= .,"dho..ýýf-*ýlilt.1d:. =k.. - 1 H,ýt.ra-te,.,d F.tbeglil and B ... ýsllhl«_P- BIZ Golden Ont.. Sb. von for bar Owens. tent'On. loin) bu the weiR lained Plarfictly cool thd,.". - D. M-Gibbon for ..Id. wHIi.ý sud.. Ik"..ý.;,gýt I.;.2;d.. addua. fat. falore mo.ey the. date Md the acti,,ity or& h fa 1 . tored enfer. I Dit Beau "Ylum» Ondy 19 W60t thora throukh drink 1", WIC 'a new $nt of , raies more Co te. 1 PAIGIt V. LINDSAY. 1 . * . ý:d«--; 1-t. 2.d and az ceux a.. filet ever liveci, retil .0 train the turf ta 1 a rue w limb amen dreued.--St..,xbomu Thma& , il mot me * Delà, dose 31. This th change 4n the discipline ýluveiLýmitulbcl.ýtbetrj d.[,.,l * 2.1..d3,d...b,.,11. a y trotter or il t " * rfteeded bat onceto znp,.Dumber th&t b . ISLAND HOME routier lumalve and More ail tort - ta the op Ch.'tt.-i ý 1 ý ý self sud s'il on - cSIt &and by th Tu -came lamaitta, thmCgh ré lacultigi .lt-téd et thi Ind atclamait Iloz une the surgtry of Dis ýIrçLmrfy,-mvhbre the rolig'Ous'excitementý the 0 890 and op int el _ 'i' 1 ', 1 r entier the le -.eMbl. b? ý . - Rrý3r,1 ou 3- Inoud. bat. sC'ýb faeo«3;dIà,'ý the harem. cmwned a tient tiens the Quien tbe..!.emýi ta-% Of-the ah ; t karst - --* f 1191011ed as ail k1etieve the prison il temps,. Humai NICKECI1.41E. e%,orn-'l don't know lý',',U,',t,""Id-,"Itt m'il and -lx froulIsa : lýlcýt- ci Queens. ý 1 PZ m . bas banni mxhi i times - ___ 0 Probibitink religion argument in lancer * wi P ,,, rendent! t le finit . l'a manageaient lit th. ]=fi.. -y .1j saint PI -Y very Weil, -have seun faim'in , ý As regard, mr,.Li.I.1 -,r. 1 1 - Wood. P-.ý.,,fi., .inerties ewe. ý - - . ý but ta show tint ail , , - a Ch. « :ïrjcjý>jr.,,Bw d4, dsaýý,^1-fII M . lit .oIt2ý. Buff Qehlu. fat W 1 nu avery fi 1 ,Arrest et Abuker PaRba. -0 dayffl te Whieh the race as hoir are no a la .»I,-,ýi...tllilt..;h«k-pga _. .I.; Di.kemhino en . K t ;ý.".-tI.1-n', Illurs ofth . IeL - , 1 , ýýohIic 4.zdý Indj. ,_t. 1. dur iraient., Illi NO anéanti have Icen Indien by the motel for . - . . ttribtitsbid, local prince, it la hou.c.-m-asinhieplaýýatiùutthu2gt dey au 2ndJ.Pean:llghtbmh-4ý:.].tp.,t...,dl. ta D'es came% n=DIY, intemper. , that savent WHI hi t. et. SAVAGE et Fàmmu, Daiticit, Xkha--ý . .ý weed ý of Augualt lut; m ... ýX-44b ... ; RýLja;hL le t manufacturera te à thnaalgafthiri 1 - .A A . ý . ý ý eds hlith m a. I M. .. .. Il ý - desPatch from Aden &RY11the ]British "ce- The Prison rotures do Rot indicate ý . . ý -i ý . roman av 1-i the b-.'- .Z. I..a J. r-'1ý ý'.'.', Wh 1 Vice-consul 'et Zoiteh bai Coinça I, a ý rite Wavy to 1 the*Uuitàber who : ' 1 --- ---- ýý_ - __ý___- flacre weras other. tZe U ; 1 air broe. ;.v, - 1 TON HA ý V "' 7-- ' Sun'c",nlp- round thefflafilpes il, '. . . ý th . . ., 1 . . ýý . rank.y.. I.t W. fifaul: (;-;;. avides. list W. front 'c"D' exoop C og ,ph M.mury arrest of Abuker Pfilaba, rink; if il PFNINGS. tiers tu', time simple, .baternent es re on a charge . Thé Ou.] 10 t ton la a RAIEWTOW ýý1..._ main fint, and alliée allant idato the .itting. main: Italien du'int. fat W. sud... Col., s . . of m ' à .interne 0 . -_ ici t on u barýnto the aitti rOým* W-1 Xila. M--Thýn. 1 Crm-exami.edýtl paict f--r four il k 'luk M't'. mm Atkint,,O. Ar nn 1: MI-Atki... Mr .;oa. F,ý coutil ont say finir mauY drank .1 mind the and i 2nd priiý. Ou j.,khi, tirat drink 1 got wu tirer; it wu iniox. 1 3rd On buir.11,% and 2 1 icating iiquor 1 know hi it. affect on me ; lýaa«a- 1 lire et Win. Uwoon't ; My, home lu in ------- Er;d,, bfr. Lindsay urt-ed nie when I got The Seolt àci Il b«ýî - I gave hima quart.ý-25 -ut. ; pt nu ceauge back : have net b«u.t.Ikieg to Who. the ancas gince, I wu sorved about &hi. mat- in Goderich lut May à 1 Il that 1 mind üf;ýmY oncle wu the ECHOwing prooripti, Ce *bon 1 got the glau 01 heur; I mu. whi.h ho bu nal, ,,Uldnotuywhatmyuneledmnk; noue gallou whiskey, tain g. the rut trestod; 1 went te IUAýn'a two d-Q àleý une, but, Itwj left.thm - wu net mach undse the brandy. to ho taken mu ienatine r 0 whon i lait; À vu..t ord-m- - (snod n. with. 1VIc Sp1endid FI îh& Grey Fiannels 2! ýý;,Bxce11ent, CaUeoli Flannels 9(,.,. -!-6000ýyds. Bleached Cotton 1()'. iâbOOI-" DresgGoollsatýv11011*1 Wool French Caslirneres 40,. ,,Afiese Cashnieres arc wondci-ftil-13, _ý3W.pùreSilk Hàlldkfs in 1-file StYý News Items. J, ý",Tbe total mnillily fer th, Seldt Act in tý -.The municipal autitI-riti.. of eiUnded the. rJ;ht f iull« wonten. To ý'Ur. John A. Mackentzie, of qnmi, juin bÏeen aPPOintoif, 1 initier judg.,OfL.,Ubt..! h P,!Inceý ci Willes ha. pan.,ýd thrlingh aelm" Vienne lnccgnitcý- un hit.way tu ljezI.yy, 1 i.,Ii Hungary. A man han belin. iientented il. il..iiio. te six menthe impriýounielit fur stenling al 1;!Ilg par of stockingIt. t re xI-ýTh@re are confiilentantýcipntio.,.ftl,, l'y til 7 iiitapike of the C. 1'. ICI % ýtiné,,t-l Th, drIveu Dit th. 20tlI 01tobi-r.; lunnu -ICI Il.. 1 had, c.key NI,- fi... titi, 'PD "t.ý' rnlId t4 th, butInd-3, tuh .:c-ti Act i. the cý,iIty of.Paterboto' rnuit.1 Je >a of »OUI; four hundmI in (-'tir f th.Act. large quantity 0f gin colI.ig.,Il ta w ýXyle & Co., el Tortint., friI. atièched - ut 31untrea ..dcr - a writ Of -Je- The Germen Govertiment ilu.oýrderti the In"es called Out te 8erý'e in cane of a -r Mth Siýfin ovir th. Carolines -ffýir, tu lie ebanded. 1 . . Th'. Il Spekking et Kilcullen, in Ircl.II,1, 'hh Su.dgy, Ahýishop %%*., M'j es an calculatud CI, iiIjotu th. u Mr. junà Dixon. of taled the Mail forlibel, plucisig th, Toi t ab.oW vites award.d Du d"11- l", a 'Peci.1 ci the French et Langiion, in tLe chinese tenir, hall, b".-It tri'd by cout. i The UurI and acquittell. kr. Win. Kylý. Of th- f .. il of W10 Kv], 'l'ozi uý "I, .1 or 1 lest ci. 'À hall being r.fùBed. Stand, editor of th. pnil %I. Il C&z»9teý sud file tiv. with the abducti-n Of Eli- AIIst,,,oý1 1:1 rate on Set -Y COn-11-ittd for ti-W. Ti- il, j'Bar was forinally sclIt t a ten-t-utinrý,ý ci, II of tit or of two il thIrtio Y.-.irs -ch t tht 1 11- IJ tiens. il Kr.ý PATUefl wili shurily, huld Ili. lI couveition for the .1- Là e*i ca" W Hurequirts-ixty ci, li,11 iution go the presut ý . lu soie, ":"Àtibe Elgin A&.izes lin t'a, Nl, Ji, Ugwu'retaý.ed gaitant ;; tant NoVIII, b,,r. ýru p,4tponed till 24. Fgrlutwee" t'le -rctll!tIý ùt 11, Ci Aie Pacific,,>.ý, 4joý, idl=Tte of $P3,000, a"d « 'Grand 1runk edi.tbthe'co.,csloidiý,. velu. f i ion lu Il . 9-1.1t 1-11 7-14.61.-1. ming $1 tri.l', lus -i'cIl ill thi, ipýmiiittb botter than for the IPecid aniuseint-iIt . of thý .1cg-t 2ý, CI The casse tried I.,t ,«e,.L .1 1 filffl, il, elmptiou ta th. r.le Z-F.B johns.n Ivithui. Don.1d hu bëeà t 'rho:ns Cccnt,.d tho al. à.fW« et Tittëi* ' . .., f,,r !Il, rare fiftl. nue d'nthti ilont. lfont,..[ Ai'd On wedu- :hu n'y- The teLl of tl,.ntlis Ili th, I'f'ttle orten *1113 1110001- titis inilit-IIIII in 52i. aud tit, total for the air II.einthn &iii.v the â.mt appeareil à 838. ,àmw ting of th'. ilidt rcfidentIl Il 1. mifilui held in Aiblirt hall k iu rjý, -#DinÈ.'Rt which a briiiili ,f tiýý ýNaeond.lagite w.. n".] ý ý.Ih- -'Q 7:11 à écliption list livant ope leil tu ai-1 tlI.ý f..,Ij -, dý "Orpaymutef litinit lit Tien ý - «,Iit, Inter cases Colendià Toronto un l' J' ah. tJIc.ý IIiIt, - Kfièâtirentov.di t. tp 1 ' 1 1 1', t il 1-il 1 v ni 0 suinill'u., h, >l'il:" bli the se, non De cation cou,,'-,a i. 14lit city.- cit 1,; Tfé-dering spirit th w9-ý-4 the recent ý.býi lion in, th, W iententedýto de.tit Gnt nt hi. bl pl.- Eight Iller "a to th PL Si Ih, %, -wýe. one -lit Na :«;ýI,, . und. Th. th, on or 323 It i- t fewel Clin', Mur th..II.ýlI'.':":I,-,ý'; 1 th,ý vific "i e. in lit 'tci y f le".>, Iý of _ýljJ IA' recent AWI- in ped. thv ailes . bInuk. Peel cýmut' cott. '-let* %V. mention it:- fi fille Wlth the oljcet or ah- ksi illraya 2.1. te jugnit t vocates ni prohibition ffid vlinn ited tho absence f ùt i hlai c.,_ ton As.ýiz. fi, t ho tu Mar t.-rlf Licu et CIL-Th.dmin. il, CI, hv "le t FI.mboro' IgQ,,-nni.i*p ovill if diain about 3.003 cres in th, Millgrov', ad thë -É ; - be bout ý,l0 000. Sh.uld oi'. aqrvey b. b1c'th, on;'r. 'la - rtitining -- Fid . into th- creck (,Jrant. .1;,.l 0 ls.and a Lirge incrense tu the tý eu. - or in Dundas, 1ie;aýid ' Ly acquiring a rpiit.ti..ý, J-0cal 1 Ume thât it blindred illeci inate Ilvni, Fý,CTOIII It hall DU oditor'tthat ii ptit pr;tý:- abolit ýL-tr tint; a ý_The3e OuRh*t to. bu sucogh forouc Millon has mur, it li." hi et«, tamb.uritýýes fto ni sal. _03. This inst crime .ýjj!ht tu ('.ITTT.k.*.-.ýIr. lu. titis sa.. catcg.,ý- ith ýl.ilnielit morrah and williiipe -SiIec Monday hiýt. ;IIF.El-[.F.,, NIG Ci, 1 --Sonne of tho vac b, . inne i'n. the United States bI,. the 11salth hall turned out tu prcsent vicar ha hâte ven riss te tho alld OUL-lialf mi ot Njjin 0 triq yallie NF.%V AUCTION torvaccinationn iiiit L - U'jý ce. ray...f A.ton. fil

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