Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 16, 1970, p. 14

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday December Beginning of the end As the small turnout attests voters did not get too enthused over the recent municipal elections And for those who did take the time and the bother to their ballot there was no Inclination to change the existing Administration The Acton election saw the entire council of the lost two years returned with the exception of the deputy reeve who engaged In a two way race with Councillor McKonzlo for the post and was defeated We congratulate the winners In all contests and offer losers in the contest a saluto for making an election necessary Although the of victory were substantial figures also convoyed the impression there was a largo body of support for those who wont down to defeat Most voters decided they did not want to throw away many years of valuable by changing the makeup of the present council Only Councillorelect Norman Elliott will be new face around the council table over tho next two yearn will be many important Issues to face over the next term not the least of which could turn out to be the final phasing out of local autonomy with tho Introduction of regional government we suspect the tmminenco of regional government In this will hinge more on tit Queens Park In the next few months than on the aspirations of Minister of Municipal Affairs The resignation of Premier John this month could postpone the entire program of until the results of an upcoming provincial election arc ground out In tho voting mills Wo be willing to bet tho government will hesitate to impose regional government controls If there is the remotest chanco It might be an unpopular decision They II need everything they ve got going for them In the next election Bulk of the present governments support In the province has come from rural ridings where the formation of county school boards is still highly suspect misunderstood and downgraded Another unpopular decision coming on the heels of the school boards could swing traditional lory support to one of tho opposition parties Probably the biggest chore for the Acton councillors over the next two years however will bo wringing decisions from Queens Park over mundane municipal affairs like roads and housing projects not the mechanics of the Peel region In any event new but more experienced council will have their work cut out for them guiding the destiny of tho town over the next term of office which could still very well be the end of municipal government as wo know It today Census to show mobility SNOWTURNSAMORASSofmudbitoaveritablefairylandin week to help us achieve that Christmas feeling Photo by glimpse of sluggish borders of a swift running stream of Agriculture and Food And plenty of the white stuff has fallen In this area In the last year That a lot of money Too much to bo around in the hands of luxury loving old timers Why don t wo re Institute tho work house with cabbage tho standard fare and moat boiled horse hocks every third Saturday And what about those widows wives of thcdlinblcd and the disabled themselves ITie white paper suggests that they will suffer tin improvement In Starting in 107 There gooi another round of tremendous inflation In You d utmost think I had Rome misgivings about the white paper I don t It almost oh much fun as reading Alice In Wonderland You almost think there were an election coming up as one was when Mr King Introduced the baby bonus Canada oldage pensioners may not hove a swinging Christmas but they can warm themselves with tho thought of what a wheeof a time they re going to have In 1971 when there will occur instant prosperity from a month to a smashing Cant you see all those male oldage pensioners when they get their first now cheque at the end of January Straight to the pub and blow the whole 42 cents on an orgy Two draught beers and a Up for the waiter This will produce a moral degradation raver equalled since the days Dickens when gin was so cheap you could get high for a penny stoned for sixpence and dead drunk for a shilling Can t you see all those oldtimers lying around in the snowbanks every time their pension cheque arrives And what about the women They be worse You know how women squander money re Just as apt aa not to go out and blow the whole cents on a plastic doily or a couple of rolls of pink toilet paper There 11 be no holding them That a only one of the faults in the white paper Introduced by a benevolent government Further excesses arc in sight Do you realize that the government Is going to retain the living escalator formula up to a celling of per cent a year for pensioners receiving the supplement but eliminate It for those who got only the universal old age benefit nils means that even If the annual cost of living Increase rashes down to a mere per cent these people will got their per cent increase It Incredible The dawning of a new golden in Canadian socialism If you were and lived to be your standard of living might drop by only per cent with that magnificent escalator clause built In The whole country Is going to be lolling In luxury there no question about It Did you know that a single pensioner can get up to a month in supplement or up to a month when his basic old age pension is included The key word there is con But if he or she decides to make a few bucks shovelling walks or taking In washing some eagleeyed social worker will be Johnnyon and the supplement will be cut dollar for dollar In other words you arc pegged at a Surely the government trying to distract us from the fact that unemployment is neorlng the peak of the great depression Say It so Pierre And speaking of the baby bonus I wish I were young Babies used to be worth Now they re worth Taxable But It also worth almost two cases of beer a month per child This is going to mean a great deal to the families who always put the baby bonus aside as beer money Six kids twelve cases However it is the time of year to wish everybody joy and I do so Including all those poor devils who make 000 a year and take home They can t send their kids to college because the kids can t loan because their parents are making so much money No points for working your guts out for years Pull points for filling your guts at someone else table for years id Pepper by hartley coles It sullen pouting von Beethoven a parents had pinned a label on Mm like Larry the Bee or some such other monicker might never have had the world s most prolific musical genius But being products of their time when stiffness was the In thing this typical German couple put real starch Into their sons name with adding the Beethoven collar to complete the picture Anyone else would hove smothered under that appellation but Beethoven kicked over the old traces and churned out music like some Bonn butchers turned out You may wonder what this column Is doing reaching Into the classics when you are no doubt aware my musical education runs gamut from the Boston Pops to the Coldstream Guards on Parade Well It a this way I been exposed to Beethoven for the first time on my own initiative And even with my tin ear for the classics I can see the genius of the man who turned out the Ninth Symphony A few months ago someone at our abode with more culture In their little finger than Ive got in my lengthy sacroiliac brought home the Ninth I Ignored the first few bars although there was some stirring music that shook up the blood My interest increased as the record spun By the time we had reached that glorious music I call the Song of Joy I was a Beethoven rooter A little late I admit They are celebrating the anniversary of Lud a birth today Wednesday Dec IS Unlike some of his famous contemporaries Beethoven was recognized early as having ex talent He received encouragement from two of the most famous composers of the day Mozart and Haydn two other geniuses I always figured were stuffed shirts until I heard them in their proper setting by great artists Old Beethoven got to be a pretty surly piece of business so it is hard to understand how he could turn out such master pieces as the Ninth and the Fifth his next most important symphony It would be much like the town grouch turning out a score of music like the Happy Wanderer It has been said that trying to measure Beethoven musical influence like trying to assess the influence of Willy Shakespeare on English literature Both men towered above their times You seen those forbidding wood cuts of Beethoven hanging on walls and staring out from books They are enough to steer anyone away from a Beethoven fan club But you remember even the Beatles were Impressed with old music and they chumedout Roll Over Beethoven in a sort of left handed salute to the world greatest It Is a good thing Beethoven came along when he did He might never have made it in He was deaf when he wrote his greatest works suffered from ill health Which might account for his personality We beard a story not too long ago concerning an abortion meeting where the pros and cons of doing away with the unborn was being discussed One lady got up to say she thought all those with handicaps should be snuffed out before they had to face the harshness of the world The story goes on that another lady in the audience arose to ask If the lady would favor doing away with someone who was born deaf syphilitic diseased liver and so on THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE i end Ed Off I Oil Don A Mwuov Copyright Arc Canadians as mobile as has been suggested How have they moved from one municipality to another Next year census of the country Is clearly being designed to show exactly how mobile and affluent Canadians become says The Post Market planners can count on substantial quantities of new information The Dominion Bureau of statistics also plans to make market oriented area detail more quickly and widely available I he questionnaire that goes into every third Canadian household will ask if you have color as well as black and white television In your home It will also ask whether you have on automatic clothes dryer On the other hand you won t be asked if you have a radio or a washing machine assuming lust about everyone in Canada has Standard forms go to the other tonics They shorter and less time consuming to answer 1 or the first time you will be asked how many times you have moved from one municipality to another since Tunc 1961 This question is designed to give the first really curate picture of how often Canadians move suspect this is motivated by picture in the United states Statistics there show large numbers of Americans tend to look on the other side of the fence for greener grass This is partly explained by the tremendous appeal of the southern US for Instance to those who live in the north There is a similar pull to British Columbia for Canadians but doubt that it will ever reach the percentage figures it has In the United States seem more settled and less apt to pull up than their itchy footed American brethren And perhaps tills Is n a country which is only creeping towards development of vast tracts of territory which contain tronundous wealth On the other hand this conservative outlook lends to the country and slow down the pace of living People on the move with no strong roots run become like the itinerant pickers without a strong voice In their own affairs They are tho new nomads of the Century desert statistics from next year census should be enlightening for the Dominion Bureau of Statistics as well an those interested In the social and economic welfare of the Canadian people ml feel they will show the mosaic Is unusual with no comparable antecedents to judge It by Beginning to look like Christmas Of course came the reply Madam you have Just done away with Beethoven the lady exclaimed But thank goodness no one did and we have some of the world s greatest music from one of the world surliest and vainest personalities And there are around different Beethoven record albums from which to choose Oh yes Beethoven died of a liver ailment on March 1S27 a scant 143 years ago during a thunderstorm It beginning to look a lot like Christmas All over Canada Christmas lights arc shining What could be a more appropriate symbol of the season Christmas can be a mere escapefor some an event entirely without meaning but for most of us the season helps to restore some of our faith In our fellow man Machines may be everywhere but Christmas reminds us that ft is man who makes and operates them Laws may rule us but it is man who mokes the laws Every new thrust forward or old values renewed every dream that lifts us even briefly from our ruts began In the hearts of men and women like ourselves They have visions of abetter life and the courage to promulgate them It takes the things of the world to confuse the large ones It took a small Babe In a cradle at Bethlehem to turn the world upside down dare to believe that better and tomorrows may even now be lying in the cradles of Canadian homes Off the cuff Adolescence is the age when the boys discover the girls and the girls discover they ve been Drunk drivers bring families together Sure in hospital rooms and at funerals Because that s where the drunk drivers victims end up Drunk drivers arc involved in at least 25 000 deaths and 000 crashes every year according to the Ontario Safety League as they once lay in a Bethlehem manger bo the lights around town tho brilliant strands of bulbs which light up the countryside in a snowy oasis of color ore symbols of the joy we can hold in our hearts at the most Joyous season of the year Success Is when you have your name in everything but the telephone directory Business prophets attempt to tell us what is going to happca Business profits tell us what has happened Some wag has suggested that retirement is when you stop lying about your age and start lying about the house years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free Press Thursday December For the first time In history the annual Wardens Dinner was held in Nassagaweya township in Brookville hall where Warden H VanSlckle reeve of Nassagaweya was host to about guests Swimming classes at the Guelph Y got off to a good start on Tuesday hut with boys attending the first excursion It is expected as many girls will be present for their turn The project featuring one trip each week is organized by the Men club Last Sunday at Acton United church the service of communion was combined with a dedication service The new communion service was the gift of Mr and Mrs Wansbonmgh in memory of their parents A table rest was the gift of the McNabb family in memory of their son Neil who was killed overseas The Boyd family now of Acton presented a pulpit drape in memory of Mrs Charles Mason A new was gift of Mr and Mrs West while Miss Fern Brown presented to the church a pulpit and a set of communion table linen The choir was wearing their new collars of cream satin for the first time Dublin Women Institute celebrated Us 25th anniversary at the borne of Mrs WaUdns At the Sock Hop in the the spot dances were won by Donna Anderson and Alfred Pat Duval and Betty Helen Somervule and Caroline Oakes looked after the door Donna Anderson Betty and Pat Duval did a spotless job of the dishes The concert in the Town Rail under the auspices of St Johns Ghis Auxiliary was fairly well attended was M C 50 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free Press Thursday December 16 1920 In order to facilitate the handling of Christmas mail Postmaster Matthews has arranged to keep the Post Office open until nine clock each day next week The staff will deserve a Christmas box themselves More defective water mains have burst during the week At the last regular meeting of L officers elected were W M CO Plank DM Herb Ritchie Chaplain T Thetford rec sec Kennedy finance sec Cooper D of C Walker I T George Anderson Gamble 2nd Root Scott C H Smith William Evans Benj The order of service at the Methodist Sunday School next Sunday will be both unique and interesting A series of beautiful lantern slides will be shown by Mr A Brown and explained by a former member of the school now resident in Toronto Rev Moore Tbe primary school graduates will receive their diplomas and the Christmas offering of White Gifts for the King in aid of the starving children of China will be received o render musical selections The water from tbe spring has been pronounced very sa Christmas entertainments are the order of the day at the schools now A mysterious explosion on tbe front verandah of a newlywed Italian couple Guelph on Saturday Mew to pieces every window 75 years ago Taken from the issue of the Free Press Thursday Decembers Nearly three months has passed since there was a funeral in Acton but last week the unusual experience of three In many days was ours It is reported that steerage rates on Atlantic ships will be raised from to or Acton Hockey dub of Beers were elected Hon Pres Ed Guthrie pres Harry Jeans secretary treasurer J C Matthews executive Fred Storey Fred Smith and Fred Ryder The county council has not yet arrived at conclusion that a House of Industry or poor house should be established in the county The early riser on Monday morning was rewarded with a beautiful sight Branches which previously shivered their wintry nakedness were clothed in the Frost Kings feathery drapery scene resembled the winters our fathers talked about The Fire Brigade is now complete Chief John Cameron 1st Lieut J J 2nd Lieut B Johnson secretary treasurer C C Henderson engineer George McLennan W J J Pearson w L- Warden C Mathews Robert Statham John Warwick Murray McDonald Henry Baser Richard Cook A T Gibbons Hot Anderson John Harvey Anderson A Lawson J A Speight Geo Soper J Agnew Forbes McDonald J Wilson J Matthews Jnc Evans A Gurney Fred Ryder was 800 or Us Is redtaL Who wouldnt braid and frinle bis format

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