Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 8, 1878, p. 4

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(X .it - t2?_ 1^ iS ir .. ;:i*:p v:m. .':X v^/ 1*. ~-?SgL ,"^A-'5 lp.H -^: iM ^ -.-^1 I-.-*- -'i- i >>-'--; ;"3 >.-;; tttVtOBan! TJ1E~ FREE PRESS,f ACTON, HaXTON COUNTY, ONT., AUGUST 8, 1876. ,1 :-.-.Kr.'ii 1 v it..: >i-t - ;-.d veil, II i':!.: ,; . ly to ecycr one's faee !' ^- V. ell l'C .1U oM Wejn.Vil : .t :i t-hov';: one. ceiidert, .tir.s !' - fi:ive :.'ri!i, ,u at h; I MlHVl'ilf tho- u fc..i my' 1.. !;<r.' :n the t re.tu: lob! t.l'! .-. 1,; }'.i- (>::. ; .^v enough, HOW t ll>> l.l'Cp b'cp, y tr.ii!, .Jr.v '. is if .'ru- I K-...U t il'e.ehnrch :..?:, IV. : '[-- .l.?:i".t *cl' .ill, an.' is! to J- i:ew,~ rSVe.tly ill 11-"- ..m-l H .'.Ik io tii :w IV. '. 1 ,lo:,': i>. ..:: :uv ; \v: ua.*i V,:.. r.-.. -. J. Hit rutin! lit train*!. I tTiC sti-p, Ua:rr^?cv*i .it ail -- ;he :u:r.i>lt r >e.y;ii:;? ,:nt -}>:.rt" alvul bairn _. V I , I l:.-"i>.- ray .:io-.\ is jra&gjl.^ lio.v i-.wuw.ira'y NeHy ff>p/ii stood Xet "..'.wiuily be joined t-eafc- 'r, .'.c.-.r : v;olior -as j! aayLuwe \vlu!J : now it '3 aiy i'.iru ta r.ns- i m--!:: that V.i uiitM stand still: :, !. o, iioapr au.l keep He Whtr-'s ra!,vt____ 1 ^<u thii tiaii c \^ ; say it ; I will. _ I. knc-TT he'J'/er- am to fiii'c i&? lo"Tc cheTisk--. - lieip" ij "oVey^' UiJ -.v.lI:, 1 ciu ro. Mau.l, takJ c.y bouquet-.-ija't I ! -1^ .* :>e Char'.oy's no ;kv lite I - Uv> l.i5t the 'ring *', Cijodticjs; ht'TC heavy.: It's rv:~:y as t'.e^ It"? a-shau'.e toiacsl ir.tvhite *at:a real fid lace but I thine. A=i the licuucc } -'rj that they've fe TLvy'ret u'-ially cov t a clean cushion, ;red with dust. .-Tor ah : thanks : 2.^vr, don't fuss, p.-:. . ; if: throw back my ve.!, Charley thero ";>ro:hci./. why couMa't ho kiss me V.'i t_h out hihsiiu.^ up all iby hair .' You-r. am-., Charley, there goc3 the Ws.v.1 thitk there wcu:d; be such * Ob Oh. I tr.ustu't Ic-okjr Of ;\ 1'ailn'i 's sliop tluit was for- 11101 ly a luw-ullici-, 11 p:\pi-r Kays ilmt ' jiooplo -ju't. fahuvi'd Ihcio just tlif ' Mlllli'. N.>t l>'ii^ nsjo n 'jilsiyfiil Vuukeii liii liis wiU-'ti iioso iff, iilnl ihu pa- liflil woman U'stitiiii in.coiut tllUt hIh' bit. it i Ji' Irtihilf. Pii'ijooiniis boy (iiiiii.oliiii( the fruit of tlii> iluto li-ci'). .MrtUiina, [f 1 cat JuU'.s t'liou'Kh will I ,j<biv up to bo ull ttlm;f\it\0 I" i ' - " Tliis Mispciiso will bo tliodoath df nio," was what u t'olorudu Iiorso- thio'f fciid just us thoy run him up .ic.t|io liiub of ttrtreo.. ""What is tho'nuitter with yoiir eve, Tommy }" " Oh, it's only been going throiij,'h an opemtiau ut the hiiiuls of a knockuliat." - A yomig niiii) vlio pouUl not got n jiair of aliot-s huge ouougli, was 'sdviseil to wear thinner socks or put his feet iu a epalbcuttle. "' l.ovo is an interna^ transport !" exclaimed uti enthusiastic poet. "So is a Cilial boat," said a practi cal old forwarding merchant. 0 H &- 1 4>. V XI 4 eind. I'd forgot- b!0TT- See;MThar:ey, who was it that VThy it's >"el!y Allaire vtit'n ker has- - " band- She's awjuilj-jeli;as, I know-; Most all c* T^y things -n ere imported, -i:.d she had a L^a.e-nia'de triueseau. I didn't erppot her at !1, . " .--' -. If she's cot in that same old blue t . Estia 1 -j ' Sh? -s-ore at the charity ball > ' : i : is Fxaay'Wadel- Kdilli Teir- . Joe ay'd'cot the g; rhV nr:!3 dot I kaewv'that Treddtr-g. - - I hojH.- tieyii b,'.I r^tice my .pearls. Is, the .carriacfc ^'trtre-J gire me- my ':.ker &iat, Charley, eleak, JanS >"o: I h.eed ail this tor irsy tra U.' How tx> Harden Butter. A Cliica^p paper has tho follow ing : " But-f Chronicle, Saturday," two'littla boys and a pistol. Now, only on' little bo> and a. pistol," Sr-KisuFiKLD-' baa ft jwotoss nauiedjllatohett, and sha; writes whenever fcbVa axed to. Vyb!Btij>- poso tlie eonstruetor of that' pun thinks it is sharp. It turns out that "a man in "Michigan who 'j lived forty days on water," hud plenty of provisiptis iir-'hra boat nil ,ihe while ho- was sailing round tbo lake. Ayer's H!^ Vigor For i^storing to Gray Hair Its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing 'ihkh in &i one agreev bla, he^ithy, and effectual for preerv? (ing tnehair. It soon r*- 'store* fadtd or gray hair to its originAl color, xcith the gloss and freshness of \ youth. Thin hair is thickened, fall*. 1 mg hair checked, and baldness often, ] though not always cured by its : use. Nothing can restore the hair ! where the follicles are destroyed, or the. glands atrophied and deeded; but sacb as remain can be saved by this apclicatioD, and stimulated >nt/ actmty,' o mat a new growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling the hair -with a pasty sediment, it trill feep it clean and Vigorous, Its vccasjfonal uss will present the hair from turning gray or falling off, Ynd consequently prevent baldness. Xhe restoration of vitality it -gives to fjhe? scalp arrests -apd prevents the fformation of dandruff, which is often so uncleanly and offensive, j Free.-r&ofn ..those deleterious sub stances frbaoh .make some prepara-' tidns dangerous, and injurious to tha hair, the Vigor can only benefit, bu 'If wanted merely foif ^JASH FOR 6KIN8. ! ash pyeo for all ulnievit of lyninb and 1 J {, J^ Q Q JtC'V' Ct &Y Shoi!]i Skins, itulivurod u my nnui-ry l.a 'o he:! hul' uuiutailtly ,,ti luuul. '-- JAMl'JS MUOHK, yyJMVIXO!. MiJAVIXt!! J All oidui-B intho Wcnviiiglinuprtmipt- ly Special attention jiuid tu L'urput Weaving. I 1 T ;MHS. I?. McLOUUIlIdX, iO-At nrur ("iikwhus's XjUIISKHH, BEST uurn Iikj ill lien. liiHilur-u you can oiiei:o In. f-i U> |'ju jior Jay luiiit'j Dy any worker of uilllur.Hex. ilifht 111 tliflr I'liriloularr 1111.1 namiilcN .w<.rlh*5 I'reo, .Improve ,.inir Mimro lime at thin biisliidii. Co., Vortliiml, Muloo, DANIEL F. BEATTY'S a-Mgs*sfcMKKatt3EM*atfMBaa fCAST OUT But not Destroyed. Having made nrrlinpements with ; ilf. Mitchell, 0/ Milton, lor un ,* agency for tbo ualo of - Sash. Doors. Framo3, Mouldings. DrosscA Floorin?, saoo:ia?. . "Waiaatfot, Bidlnsr, Sc. 1 anv prepared (o furnish nny of the b ve, at prices deTy com petition. Please call arftl seo 8ani pies of hioul'iini;,. &c, ooforo pur chasing eUeu here. BU43 33 CHIT PER FOOT. Kindly thanking customprs for pa..tfavorsard tiopjnc.still tomorit a lair Share of your patronage, .._ I aui repctfully yours ' THUS. EBBAGE, Agent. Shop nt Mr Ovrrtoa's old iruii'l. Aei_jQ, Ueo. a7th, ISTT, iotM}'- PIANOS & 0R&A1TS BEATTY-CiaSSr U&W& ash iwi'tiuHT,mi iiKvrrv'rtfEiiK- llltATKD U-JLUKN TONdUKl) I'AIt- l.Oll OKU AN nr tlic HHcelcKl luiu-il iim>il perfect liiKtruineiilH uver before uiuiitifactureil la thin or any otiiiT cmuir try, '1'lm world Ih ohiilh'iiKiil to uc|iia, llii'iu. IlfKtBlHCOimtM'>ynil Corroever be fore.-ijlviii. Itock tiotiom panic prleeKl nolV remly to JodU'*i, nuoiiu, unii tbo Iratl*' In i;enoral, "An ollivr. Tliee cele brated hi .trum.'iiiH iclilicr 1'lnno'or OiU'aii! boxed and Hlilpped anyivbere.'on five or nf'een ibiyi,'test trial. Money re funded and frolcbt oliaryet paid 'both viiy ir in 'illy wiiy.uiisati.sruclory. Fully warranted for hIx yenrs iih strleilr flrfit- cliitis, KXTUAOIlDIN.MtY (,II1}CR.\L DI-l.'UUN'rnulvnnto Oliurcli**, SolgiulK, l,cxl|{"i.. Iiull, Mtii|nltir>>t7ViirIierfiiii',, In 01 dor t6 liaed lliuiu intr'vliie'ed at<>uri. WUero I 1'uvo no ncclit*, TboutandH now nunse. Now Illustrated AdvorllKer((ta'u- locue E'lltlon) Willi jllsl of Ic-llriViinlulh, now reaily, Kent iree. Kroal'llvl:*-** hi lK.yi. A.idnms DANIEL P. BCATTY. Wanbliigton, New Jfn.ey, Wlfilii'H to thaolt tbo publip for lJio palruiiaiiui.licy liuvuiiMiiluijed uji- 0.1 lillii liurulolo;'u, A bin booltH aijd iioJ.cb yfvfa don(,royp<J by (Ire. ho uoiiiil hu ||)iinttfiil Ji tiiuuu w)|o;n )jo Ijiiu) nul/ja would tfUo in ill Djii ditU,'. 1 nd nmcnut (l llhem, mid nlh/i If tbosu Mliiosu lu'dluintH bayu In uu reinjirt'il would Urlngtliem lurwurd and kon)e, lie wou)u also Miy that ho l STILL 0AEB7INCJ on 50flIiT158S i: ' at tip old 8tand| wheroho will bo glad to N'eit'ills old cuv lomeri.'uird, an tiincn uro hurd, tin im Uluuo the prlceM to null thom, l,ooU nt llicnc Ilafrm Luutbor Wnniiun, complete, wllh prln Heal, $7U,lnJ, Un.uiucria Waggon, S1U0 to $110, Uukl-I(, $J00 id $UU, AH who riqilhu a SVngjfon or Ilujrgy at thoau iute cull uud give your oruurn ut ouee, ., Uatorlal and Workjaanfbl; dutira&tood. Jubblus . follott* I HORSE-SHOEING A SPECIALTY >fow Slioix, ^"kj. fiotllng Hhoen, 10c. ICnllio lloibeK, Jil'O, for now hbocn. " l.ixi, for KotllHi' ulioes LuylnicHliear ,6ue. io$l oo. ' Couliefi', 'J>c. toOOo. All other Jobbing In proportion. ' ^gT Tlit'flo prices aro for Cash only. All work charged file old ralei. Kurlbar jmrllculurH iibxt week. f VourH truly, 11-3111 JAMES RYDEB. KNOW By reidlns and prsctlelni the iseatimablo truthl con CTCrJiiJued, entitle^ 'mi pt ox price, falnfd lo (ho b*9( mtdlc* book ' ' ' iBELl l*rlcc on r. . treat! of ExhanJted Vltjdltjr, iVcmatttro Deellnb THYSFLFwcconly-eT. Ucntbymal Wlslaloa. reeeipt of price, i SIGN PAINTERS 7&WZ tton ofl^be UaltiU sinlp. :n,l tn'ivl-crs toanswert'iU. 'lv*rilernMit-. \ddrena WMtl F. BKATTV,Washington, How BELF-PIlESEnVATIO: Price only 91. Ben * on receipt of p Eojuiuicu Tltallty.l*rctuatnro Ntrroua and Physical Debility, and the endlc* ee&eomitant Ilia and uclold mlaerici that rcaoi therefrom, tad costalna taoro tlian SO original pr acriptlosa, anjrono of which ii worih the price ol the book. Thli book wai written by the tr.oite teaaire and probably the tnoit akllfulpractitloxKi lo America, to whom waa awarded a gold and jew lied medal by the National Medical Aiaoclaitoa A Pamphlet, Ulnatrated with the very Cm** Bteel EnpraTlnra - Tel of art ana besary em rsis to til. Scud tat It at esce. Addreti PBABODY MEOICAii INST1TUTK, No.' 4 Bui. iaeh Su Bottsa, Maaa. HEAL THYSELF SCIHKH. TEACHEI easily increase' your salary hy devoling a' very fcniall portion of y.ourileisure timo tiySny fnterest. 1 do not expect you to canvass for tho service! require of you is both ploasaui and profitable: Full par- ticular- free. Address P.AMEL K. BE^'ITY, Washington, New Jersey A rr.ettod of practice aitJong the bss: butter makers in Eng'Ani for rendering btt;;er firm and solid dur- ;-ing hot weather is" as follows : \ not harm it, C^rhosate of soda and alum Are. j > HAIR DEESSING, nothing elsi u:,edJor the purpose, made into j ran ;be found so dssirablk Conrtain- { DTrder. For twenty pounds of neiths-r oil nor dye, it does not Lu:ter one teaspoonfiil pi powdered j eoil white cambric, and jet lasts &U;ra gre mingled toother at" the"-long on the hair, giving i; ? rich, tt:;,9 oi churning, and put into the J gloss-Itutre, and a gratefu. perfume. c.-eaci. Xhe etfect of this powder |* - - i, to rnak- the Lutter comenrrn and PrepareO fay Dr. J. C. AyftT &L Co., solid, ar. to give it-a c'.ejn, swe^tj ^Sctlcal and Analytical Cnemi^a- :h:vor. It does not enter.into th .' u'tter, but ita action is upon, the .. ream, an hytteim ]..j..i Jer ilould not be miiigk-d to'- _~-tit-r ur.til required to be used, or i.t the time tho cream, ia in churn ready for churning. 1-i ZOWELZ,, 2TAS3 tOCAj' ST at-t. DED&GLET3 VE&v^lIES* audit p^isses off with the.^^t liik. The inaredifciits of the ^s- the A Son's Love, Thcrfe is no tie. in the world r;,ore I/eaucif-Ul than .that which :.;:.ds a -mother and a Eon grown i ! enough to be her protector.' A hut ihe sees,-all her-dyfects, as'.-one v. jmau'always does see of another. 'Sij doubt, with tho unconscious i.rrogar.c^ of youth, she exaggerates -hem. But the son loves his -L-iher.with,.an id/ttillove ^hosj|*s Iik: u* a iliau Eeo3 ^jfc woman'; teat, i to a,y, through a halo of myfetery, "A-j: evince is in his fe'elinjj for her, n.;i at the sa-ne time a sensetof her -oi of hiscare^-be is at once- ben ;-'?iigLs aud her son. Ho is pfoud -- .C her ^nd* fond of her at-the' uame" .:. . Her image is sacred in- his ...;.id. Hhe rnaynot bo better than :Lur wotuen '; but she seetiia -so to ;.i:u.. [y drs catiiartic Pilis, For the relief and care of all derasgerbects- ia the Btomach, liv.'- er, and bowels. Tbey arc a mild aperient, and an .excellent purga tive, lleingparo- ly yesretable, tbey c'ontaln no mcr-~ curytir rolternl ffliii^yjer, Aiucb. Ferious Fickncss ft^ad sriffering is prevented by their lively use; nnd every faoiily ahould bave Uierii on tfaad for their protection and relief, when required. Lon^r experience jiaa proved them {t> lie the safest, ettreet, and Ldt of all the fill* with which the market abounds. liy their occasional uee, th-3 blood la pnfiiie/1, die '^irmptiona of the yeWro ex- peUed, obatnictiona removed, and the wholo rnaoiunery of life rcatr.-e/l fo itu healthy "activ ity. Internal organ* which become clotzod and slucnrUh are cleani*ed by Ayer'4 -Jull*, eJid Bt'Kinilated into action. Tnnii incipKnt l-aisease in changed'into health, tho valuo of .which change, when Tcckoned cm tlie: vat/ ^multitudes who:enjoy it, can hardly'be inom- 'puted. Their euKarKUiatinfr mates tt.ero pleasant toiike, and preserves their virtues unimpaired for iiny length of time', so that Uiey are ove'rrfresh, and perfectly reliabla. Althoiik'h teareUing, they are mild, and oper- at* without Uiitutbance to tho constitution <M diet or occupatloni full directions are jjrivm;<>n the wrapper to each box,how to u&e tiiem as* Pamily Pnyelc, and for the following complaints, which these .yills rapidly cure: 'Srngby a lawyer: "Ob, whis- \>nr what" thou fee-luvt." " A Brooklyn UdyTecently nsiured ":..-r friends-that Harry Thornell because ueJ told -her ..-" A lazy fellow lying down onjthe ; 'I'.a, aiid, " Oh, how I do wibk. i.ois wis called work and well paid v " i>on't hurry yourself on my :i: ,juut," said the or>en draw-bridge !-" ti:o rapidly ajiprouching locomo- - * - ' e- i - 1 A -'pcrsrm who Iras attended a :;:<id lecture being ^alrrxLr.. ift; ' verytbing went off well.^Vre !ij'r"Ye8; especially the audi ji'xcei" For Iy|>cpli or Inrtla-rafIon, X.lrt. uutu, JUtotruor, and Lou of Anpr. tlte, they efaomd be taken nio<lerately to stimulate the stomach, and restore its healthy tone and action. r- lor XArtr Complalait and Its rarions armpunna. Billon* Ileailacbe, Mick Ilpudavlie, JTnunillce or Crrea Slcfc. dth, Billou tjollc and milona Ee< t*, they should be jndiclouHly tAken for'. canh ca'-e, to correct the diseased action, Of remove the obstruction* which cause it. for OyM-ntery or Dlurrbaea, but one mild tloue 1 generally required, ("or Ithriunutiim, Goal, Clrsre!, f alrilration of tbo Ileurt, Pialn la tlie tide. Back, and I<olna, they rhonld be continuously taken, as required, to change the di%eacd action of tlie raatcm. Wtli such -cliniife-e those complaints.duTappf/ir, - For Jtromy and JBrorwIcal Mtrt.ll. tue;, (buy should bo taken in largo and fre quent doses to produce the. effect of a draaUc turge.. I - --For ln||irlon, a large dose shonld b jiken. a* it produces tho decircd effect by sympathy,' . ' A a Dinner Pill, take one or two Ptlli to promote digestion, and relieve the stomach. An occasional yio>.e stimulates .'he stomach and bowels, restore* the appetite, and invigor ates tlie system,, flencc it is often advanta geous where'no serious derangement exists. One wlK) feels tolerably well, often finds UiaS a dose of these l'lll* makes him feel decid edly belter, from their cleansing and rcno- young effect oa the digestive apparatus. C RACE' CELEBRATED $ALVE A Sure BcJJef for the Sufferer.' , PRkPAItED BY - " " Z SETHW. FOWLE &. SONS.rS B __ PO KAKRISOX AVENUE, (BOSrON.XASS. URiCE'd CEIiKBRAT^D SALVK, la a Vegetable Preparation, > invented in the 17th oentuiy by Dr. Wil liam, Surseon In Kin* Jamefi' army. Through lt agency- he 'uirttd tbonsands of tlie rnohtaerious sores lujd wound^ lliat baflled tlie skill r,f the nioit eminent physicians of lila d-iy,aud waa rrganled by all who kuew blm 1.3 a pub- ~\c bvuefartor. . ^.fr----. . -- * pbice i!3 CENTS J^jiox. fiBACE'H t'ELECE 1TEO HALVE ;. CURES FI.E>-,II WOt'N'DS, KIUIZF..V MVI1S, SALT IIHKCM, CHILBLAINS, HOI'.K JlltEAST, SOKE I,| IT, KItYSIl'KLAS, I'.INfi- W01iilt.,CAI.LLSK.H, Pfl'ylLD llK^n; tllAlTKU IIASIJ.'*, DCBNS, t'A.MXUS; ': VKIX>NS, ' W*tIH, S lltK-4, } .cirtns, . WOUMIS, ' BTINOM, KIK.SOLKH, FK-STKUS, WENS, t(TI >, PIJ.KS . AIlCRSrf, VltK'KLKS, UUNIONS, SIMIAINS, 'JIOII.-., I1ITES* CUTS WlitTLOWS >, WAKTS, BLISTERS, TAN riMPI.KS, fnllNH, KT'llltVY, ITCH, INOrtOWINO NAILS, NCTTLE HASH; MUSUUITO AN'O-KLEA IUTES, S1TDEB ST I NO S, ' - And ill cutaneous diseases and eruptions generally, " Forsalo hy all druggists, grocers, and at all eouot^ystorestiirouj;liouttbe Uni ted Slate* and lirltlub 1'rovlutea. Price by mallttoeenlsi PHOTOKEAEHERS should tor- ward medheir address' if they wiih to Ob.taia a Piano or Organ in eatchange for Photographing. Ad dress DANlEb F. BEA'iTY,-Wash- ington, New Jer&eV| JTTST ARRIVED, A upler.did lot of Spring Soots & Shoes. - CENTRAL BOOT &SHQEETORE. i - . Call and examine them before buying olsowhcro. JOHN NL50N MERCHANT TAILOR. ROCKWOOD, Takes this opportunity of nnnounci ing to the pullio that his stock consisting of pnglish, Scotch n4 Conu/ijun TWEEDS, CLOT , , AND WORSTED r- o. Is now complt He is prepared, to niako up in tlio LATEST STALES, And good Workmanship. Satisfaction Cuarastoed.' IA Call is Solicited. JOHN NELSON Kockwood. March 20, 1877 38-u"m / myceJebr^ted HoaUy'* Pianos tii rlL--*.i-'4L . _ .. i._. Organ, unless you see lit to; but pivotal.' ATTSNTI01T QTVZV TO OPJ^SIVEP ^CSZ. ' Thereisp'orhanufacturerofPinnoB and Organs'in this or nny other country who has received as many unsolicited inilor.-pn-CDth as hu.OIr. Beatty. From every .State and Ter ritory comes the same verdict'. "They are the best in the world." Illustrated Advertiser, (Catalogue Edition) free. DA.NlEi, t\- BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey CRAINES Acton, Ma*rch 20, 1S78. NEW DOMINION BOOT & SHOE STORE 2 Opposite Agnewre Hotel, Mainji Street, Acton. KENNEY &/S0N Wifb to call the attention of the in habitants of the Village of Acton and vicinity to their immense slock of BOOTS, SHOES & GBOCEEIES. Comprising all tho Utest styles in Boots and Shoes. Ordered\Wo!lc,;receivesour8pecial attention. Kepairing promptly at- toii/led to. Oar Grocery Departiuent Is well supplied with - -.' '5* Teas, Sugars, , Fruits, Biscuits, Tobaccos, Soaps, Coffees, &c, &c Please call and examine Our Stock KESNEYiJk HVS Acton, Dec. 12i18.7.7". "^'AXTeD. Ladies and genlemen o learn Tele- rapli Operaihg for oilices opening in minion. S amii for answer. Address >1ana(;i:i:. Box Ooo, Toroji r. gra].h ho Uoti ACTON PLANING MILLS S D. Wf AMPBELLi Prop/J ijji>" Having purchased the above named cstablishruent, I am prepnred'to mauu. facturo _____ -'.i_---i3^.w' SASH, DOORS/,;" / MOUIxDINGS, &c All kinds of PLANING Promptly, atteuded to. ; i. I). \V. .CAMPBELL. Acton, Dec. 4th, 1877. 22-3m TO Bl KIAESS MEN If you wunl'iJIllbeadf, Rtuteiiseiitx. Let- terheaus, Knveloi><ts, Mercantile 1'iint- ing.of any kind, done In biislnissslyle, aiinl your ordeis to ihe 1-iike I'jiesu omen. Sallsfact Ion guaranteed. CDCC I An>' "erson wtio win make rrla-C and forward me a list oi tliei nrtlnea of reliable persons oi thilrao- quarutiiuct who wlhh lo prrxurei n <n- btruioent, either Pluno ortlrgun, 1 will uw- my best endeavors to selllhem one, and for overy i'lano 1 micc-i cell n selling J totheii list wit hi none year, 1 wlllcredrtl them with $10,and for every Organ j5, to be applied on payment of olther a Planoor Organ; and when It amounts to amim nuniclenito pay feran Instrumerrt seleetei at t<e lowest nbolranlr price. l.wllHmincdlatel} s'llpilln'liiKlnimeiif, free.oraflcrany af'^arrt la (credited the bainnce may be pnid me In cash nnd I ?lll tlien shin them tlie instrument. I ey^iced not be known In the matter, and will bedojunthelrfrlendsarenlser- vice, as I shiilinnke special ofTrra to thern.olllni.'a nperlnr Inslrunirni for from onr.bnir lo two'lbirda what Is ordinarily asked by agents. I'Jefisesend me a list at oner and afieryotpiave made (nqulfy you can add to li. Address DANIELF.IlEATTy Wasbfnton,Now Joreey. , THE GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MISERY. Wo have recently jiubllslied a new cdl- tiOD.of Dr. Culvrrwrll'a Crlebralrd E- L*ay dn,ftiorri!dicnfi' nnsl permanent cure [(without mMllclne)of Nervous Debility, f Menial nnd Physical Incapacity.Impedl- menu lo Marriage, etc., resulting fiom excesses. , Price,In asenledenfolore,oiily 0cents or two post-ntsc slnmTis. The celebriited-aiithor.Jn this admir able Essay clearly demons!rates, from thirty years' successful practice, that alnrmlue consequences may be radically cured without tho dangerous use of Inter nal medicine or the application of'the knife: pointing out a modo of euro at once simple, certain and orTo'etual, by menns of which overy su(rerer,no\matter what hl condition mny be, may euro himsol/clieoply, prlval4>ivand mdlcally. Th|H'J/OCturo should bo In the hands of every youth andevery man In the hand. THE tClVBItWIXL MEDICAL CO., 41 Ann Bt NcW York. PostOfflce Box 1580. <-)y Dr. J. pninAHED nr C AYEE 6. CO., Tractieal Chemist*; L,01f JELL; MAPS.. P. R. A. ' if jLii, DcT.?javi'rs avnii^waco> EXPRE;S S ! MB. J AS. BURNS Having made arrangements with the , G. T. R. is now prepared to carry any .EXPRESS. AND FREIGHT Delivered at Acton stiition,| at VERY CHEAP |aTES; Be sure and seo that Bums carries your goods, as ho is sure? lo deliver them safe. 45 3ir, CHlm ll I iP bd I Arriving daily at U v J. "W. MANN'S- L-p Hoi'has now in stock largo andF|-H well selected lines of Dry/ (Joods,|^ sell cheap fo Clothing] Joroceries, Crockery, Ulass ware, &c, Jill of which he will cash. [Ready-made . a specialty,,/ J. W. Mann, in returning thank 10 bis numerous friends and cus-! tomers for their liberal patronage! . heretofore solicits their continued" (J. ftfavors. j, J. "W. MANN. Acton, July 31st 187f^i T CROCKBRX 05 c/l 0 > SPRING SUITSJ All the latest patterns of SCOTCH, ENGLISH AND CANADIAN STTlTIiSTGr-S I ' , ' LnSS Suits made to Order from $8 up he means oC, _ ^ \^ ^ A splendid selection pf SPRING HATS! Full lines of Gents' Furnishing's Also'Cottons, Shirtings and Ducks at tho JEast End Clothing Store. The undersigned an old retired pbyiician haviof l---------------------.-,-.. ;hdr< ' ' " :dy. ____,_ fcllow-aufTeren itbe means ot aire. To all who deiire it, he will nnd a copy of THE ACTON Uen permanently cured of the much (fread Consumption by a simple remedy, ii aaVe ktiown to his ffllow-sutTerers \tbi be protcn'ption uied, froofcharge,Yrhh Jirao- lout for preparing and uiine the aamo, which will r found a sure cure for Contutnption, liron- hlHs, Catarrh. A ithma, ttc to pay poitage, J.P.Hountaiti, _ * Ogdenaburs, Box 1319, Ap rl)b,lE;e. .^^iSE, FYFE & McNAB. V-., is the BEST NEWSPAPER V r r i PTiblisbed ia' Ealtoa Comity ^1 0HM4Y. Per year, in advance. z ^ Merchants and.^ther Easiness 'Men in Ajctoh, as well- as "thrd'ughout thev I County, the Free Press is/- an \ ;" \ - ' invaluable Advertising \ nMedkim. ;v." N- i<Ju.r (Jnriraired Facilities for Executing all kin is f B&QK, AND JOB PRINTING ^nable us to turn out work egual to bnything don in th^oitief. T. A. & H. P. MOORE. Publis&ers aad trb'prietors. T- ^rf J>.

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