Merchant And General Advertiser, 31 Jan 1890, p. 1

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_ le * s a asta " oe EpIron AND Pnor. Church Di rectory. ~~ EPISCOPALIAN. Preaching every Sabbath at 3:00 p. m. Riv. B. 6. vanes, Incembent. BAPTIST, ‘Preaching every ! es aa 3:00 p.m. Sabbath School at 1:30 p:th. pois Rev. D. Dack, Pastor- PRESBYTERIAN. Preachin Sabbath at 11 a.m.;/ ible Ciass-on Sabbath evening at 7:00. Sabbath “School at 10 a m. yer Meeting on Thursday evening at 7:00. Youn ng People’s Association meetiug -ou Friday evening at 7:30. Rev. A. HENDERSON, M.A., Pastor. METHODIST. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a.m. Each alternate Sabbath at 6:30 Sabbath School at 10a.m. Prayer Soa, comeneny and Friday evenings, at 7:30. Rev. D. RocErs, Pastor. Business Directory. —— = — W. M. SINCLAIR, gg Conveyameec, Notary Pnbike «c.. Private funds te bean at lowest uaa Collections promptl athended Office—loerger's Has oe J.J. FOSTER, L. D.8., Uses Vitalized Air, Xc., for painless ranteed in —— Satisfaction guaran on. ag Office—Entrance beside Tilliee's Bank, Listowel, Ont. W. M. BRUCE, L. DS, DENTIST, Is extracting teeth daily a sh ost throw the aid of “The Vibrator.” The — —_ ate attained by a onderfedt ins’ bolas the exclusive right. aie, ay ee be seen Seue t dental apect. (Entrance, ng Listowel. AVCTIONSEEs. -) ~ CHAS. MERRIFIELD, “Lice nsed Auctioneer for the County of} Perth. Action sdies ee promptitest and ‘et Ceexs. Meniztr1eip, Monkton, ~N EW PAINT St SHOP. — J. JEWELL, reetes opening tp a getieral cage ig ae sgbout it of Pan 1 the patron of sath hs need of of "ftutse trons -‘Calsomining, House Detutiting, ‘Ternis nioderate, i your orders utitil the above Tenders ss ORAL z) Newry au no for the eutcheve neta wockety's farm lot, being lot 20, con. 12, _ aE r cent. on da: sale, 30 days. The ghee! or an balance in ‘tender net neoeesir rily accepted. Tend- Show or “round.” or “Tenders for ars lot,” as the case may. be. | irs the use of this reine ger fur whieh he! jae References, The Couneil elect for the township of ent sng The initial na nis & Mem redi appehrance, ald show the citi- tie publish- d Migror. Elma met at Newry, Jan. 20th. bers, R. Cleland, Reeve; W. Lochhend, Ist Depaty; pl Coulter, 2nd Deputy Reeve, and G, Richmond and J: ray, Councillors. The members having sub- bed their declarations of office and ton be appointed Clerk and -M. Ilarvey Treasurer for the towsship of ins for the ensuing year. * Carri Mr. Lochhead, seconded by Mr. Bray that W. Shearer be re- inted Assess- or for-the ensuing year. Carried. Moyed by Mr. Coulter, seconded by Mr. Richmond that J. W. ‘Re 2g core application. Moved by §r Richmond, ‘seconded by Lochhead that T. Smith, 8th con., Mr. called-‘I'n17: : be ‘Auditor ig behalf of this Council for | mau ofpush. pluck tea penda a yong laid before Cotmeil ated eee and will no at te a success of his Ca Reeve ap eluted cule enterpris.—Huro Expositor. ed. The McBain Auditor, May y Mr. Loeh- ee. seconded by Mr. Beas that E. Broughton be paid 335.00 as a final|! claim for alt demands whatsoever for work -_ in connection with 14th con. drain ring river. Carried. Stowe by Mr. om seconded by Mr. Coulter that W. Lochhead be ap pointed to ismteryiew Mrs. Richardson in reference to cértain drainage along the 7th and 8th con. lines and on con- dition that Mrs. Richardson will not do such work as will give the necessary along concession eas from KR. Forrest's gate then Mr. Lochhead be authorized to put in a culvert across the y. Carried. Moved by Mr. Lochhead, seconded b Mr. Coulcer that - time for ie Col. lector to collect the taxes and return the roll be extendek till the 15th Febru- ed. meet- at BR. Graham's hotel, At- wood, Carried. Moved Oy Mr. Loch- ty Mx Coulter that By- south of. New pchy St ealvert geuth of Atwood; ty Curtis $8, di tod cen 8: Wi Sore hoo - nomination: E. Hunt 85.75, (hte ceca te thet A Grey County; Ont., , man has fallen heir to en estate in Portugal tvorth four pr too as 1a ailtion doles. I the Advoente: ay y port wil be ihe ‘Mitehe dvecate;- or five a“ ip line Elma and Wallace | ance in er success,— Meaf. Tue Bre is the nathe € a K. _| Atwood isa village om @he by | the county of Perth. cess. ‘I'he m Advance. THE Atwoop BEE js" name of aj Ast of Quesiioniag,” by 5S. .Nether- new aspirant for re ge, It | corte di tehell 5 Diseussion. Fourth is published by, &. in, at the | Session—% —p. m., Devotional Exercises stirring village of Be and is a| aid itead? ny Minutes; 2.15 p. m., Ad- bright, neat little shee should re- areas. ‘Sabbath School Musie,” by ceive the support of ople of the |S. F. Robbins, Mitchell; 2:45 p.m., Nor: Village and surroundiny country.— mal Lesson, “Principles ‘of Insiruc tion, Wingham ‘Times. y 3 ge Laws OOD he by Rey, pa ling! G. Henderson, D.D., Listowel; 3.45 ines Satay ly gustified to learn p.m. Biase Meetipyet ( hildren, address- residen vith en renee inAtwood, and has the tirst number of new paper, Tne ATWwoop pnd hisallty if the pepk of Atwood bsagg pedo eit wili be able oe ir Jubrests,— Brussels 208 We have received tat fist number of THe. Bex to be pnblishidoy Lt. 5. Pelton at Atwood. It pronaise: be independ- litically. It conixs of 8 pages mt ready-mauw jnside, the tirst number being very prstntable. If it tinds room suougt to enploy its usef ul- we stress.— Listowel ent wi ness Banner, THe Atwoop BEE is the name started at der the man- of a lively well sup —Clinton New E: The intent ie Alrent the field of ” | newspaperd THE ler, published at Atwood by or S. Pelm. Itis an ex- ceedin per, tid filled with shoull commend it- on and Perth. eutral neat newsy ite anit fo fhe sttisans f. It will ~ t. ities aud alloy the big lalies to | dirty. work.—Leamingtn Post, As ots alee weil Tat ATWoop ag Bao mie i the publisher is R. ed’ namiber ford We are in receipt Rh BEE, a ust le its appear- the merri little the village of Atwoud, speoent of K.S. Belton | It has lots of local and general news tnd should be rted by the pusiness people, for thatis the only kine cf support that will makea paper a pemmnent success, Era. h we recéiv editor gd We BrE?, a neat 8-page pees, suw the tees lat week. It prom- to dea} with all mitters of local in- erent, handling politi from an inde- pendent standpomt, RS ore is the adyat, of a wideimd —~ field, Ae: ton, who has in the Mitial his ventas: There is a gen- eral impression that th¢‘eld is too cir- ¢c bed—that theris insufficient food for THe Bye’s sustnanve.—Strat- Beacon. Atwood now boasts ~ | paper, ap? ea haviag ler.+ Wingham of havi a mone ita ap- Future,” by Rey. W.J. Tylor, Mitchell; spicy | 9.40 p. m., Closing Exerelses and Silver i, the tirst| Collection, ‘Third Seasion—@.20: a. m., last week. | Prayer and Praise Service, led by the proprietor. | President; 10am., Reports from Schoois ‘i. R. in| in reference to Spiritual Results ; 10.30 hit suc-{a.m., Address, “Suaday School felps,” n ° o "the + | not $10, Sunday School Work,” “* Rev. W. Li. Hi neks, Stratford ; 9 » Address, “Tble Reading in ietiome. and Sehoot its Bearing on the Chureh in the by Key. W. M. MeGibbon, Millbank; Discussion ; 11.15 a.m., Address, “The el by Rey. Dh’ ers, Atwood, Dr. Hipye, Stratford, os PD. Dack, Listo- wel. Moxa M. Mowat, Stratford ; Silver Collecvion, Fifth) Session—Az0 p.-m., evovonal Exercises and Heading | bea Menules; 7.20p.m., Report of Business Comani Lieve; 8.15 p. m., Address, “dhe Biisle in iis Relation to Human Prog- ress,” Ist, Socinily, by Rev. FL E. Novent, Mitchell ; S45 p.m., Zod, Morally, by Rey. KE. H. Uamilion, Motherwell : 9.0 p. m., 3rd, Spiritually, by Rey. BE. Hushies, Listowel ; 9.30 p. m.. Silyer Collection and Question ecaianle 9.40 p. m., Farewell Addresses HOW TO COLLECT. An unidentified | exchange gives the following rules for odllecting most of waiek are based on experience and good “1. << oe the ton o- ag called because you happened to be in the nelgtborivood, 2. Never F edeng that you are in abso- lute need o 3. Never de sy ‘why you hyo Bowed aes further than by as to meet outstadding bills. I Whe de debtor is showing without money. 4, Always be civil, however business- like and importunate you may = it necessary to to be... in along erally an @ ow he can does not intend to — — you might as well know early as la 6, Show quite as Sore 8 resolution ‘to rtrd a ee us on any p é, or else it wouM have been betvet if rok had not made it, 7. Never leavea debtor without his setting a time when he thinkS he can ay, aud never fail ¢o be on hand at the | into me ro As between yourself and the e ployee fet the mont business-like of ‘the o make the dum orinto amr ents. Shame the debtor Hoes arrangement to. -pay somethin week or month. If convince you have set to work in earnest to get ore money. , or Bas worm reat to attach | oy effectiv: to feat that you sco — money in that way, 48 that t affair will come to the knowlédge of his emplo yer, 11. Similar effects may be produced by saying you pitene to Taco the ine bs: in the hands of a lawyer, particularly if you on manta a lawyer who has a votes: (i tation for harassing debtors. Pro aodal dovkons however, become ca about rocesses. to a debtor's im r aor aie voice ie $5, oF $3, or $1. It. will ph : favorite the bene on eraryeacuden a ‘ , ——--. VOL. 1. ATWOOD, ONT., FRIDAY, JAN. 31, 1890. _y-- NO, 2. = > SuEsAns UST ec 4 H BEE The ‘Question. SPARE OUR BLUSHES. a ~ bcs ree on the ean Elnw Fariners’ Mutual Fire - — a as star in the news t busi- urance | Whatis the qnestion ¢ of the day? EE is the name of apew paper/ness at Atwood. His Super tender Ins Company. 1S PUBLISHED: What is it tire people say ? Gc at At be S. Pelton. Tnx BrEr. R. 8. was.a well behav ia : Meeting a friend, they have tostop, Ve po ‘Tur Bre to out exchange | young man while in this placeand we| The annual meeting was held at At- EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, | And always the same question pop. aon rill! meet! wish him the very best success in his hae prritarrep las gc ye ghar : : —Go' a new ente aaa ~ Blyth respondent air atten was AT THE OFFICE, They ackit with a watery $eye, e a Hebe dias (oC Maw: 2. ied. to the chai i ! u . ‘MAIN 'ST., = ATWOOD. They sneeze sscak as and the choke i a Tita Brx in Atyood, Perth| ~ Tre tcadesl Ber is the latest * Shien octet ee Te pre vl “a TeRMs.—If paid strictly in advance, As though their lungs were filled wii cn Whatever ita: collect aspirant for journalistic. honors in the held policies amouiting to Olan, sme there not meneks money’ iy the busi-| Huron Tract. Its coustitutency will be 3 S604, $1.00 per annum, otherwise $1.50. ness.—Clinton Newe-Reoard somewhat cireumserived, owing. to the _ “wo Saeele mium notes ADVERTISING RATES. The walk along wit with aching bone, ‘The Picton Times ef thd17th inst.. proximity of a number of old-establish- amounting seg ge mea an yg “irst insertion, per line............. 8c. | Their very ques ena journals, but as it promises to bea rma’ Each sabeequelt nsertion.......... 3c, | They murmur low, with duiverin 5 Up, wees oh ee of. 7 ig mccho busy Bre and nota stinging one, it will er is. ’ LP sol bene ki goe ney assessment Contractiadvertisements inserted at | 0h! Aave you, have you had the grippe? | Teg his intebtiol to # likely pet tts siitre of honey. ‘The edi- ad ae all its requirements, On ino. ‘the following rates : in Atwood, a thriving e rt Seth) a soak formerly of Brussels. tion made and carried the auditors" re 1 year. & mos, 3 mos Atwood Public School. ae ch sg on adopted. The re Direct f ae 00 | 835 00 | 20 0 ; essrs, J. R.ITam a8 ALi ere. 0 | moan] iz 00 | The following is the. standing in| peen anew, ne pee, ones or Perth Sabbath School Associa- | ter'andS.S. Rothwell were s Mess Quarter “ . 2000) 1200 Z 00) arithmetic of the pupils of the Atwood | it It consists of eight pages 0j five cols. tion. After some friendly discussion on vai Eighth “ . RO 0o| 400 Showa by rider’ aed classes re BS | eac is a nedt little she Thedonas¥ouiesnins st0 ; ious eaters S héarty vote of thanks Bi sho ‘s examination. e be inde ndent politi nnuai convention of the couuty | was given he Directors for the ener- Si per samen obi pao ig names are in order of merit :— wishes Ware ae ay ae m.—strat- | Of Perth Sabbath School Association | getic and judicious manner in which lines, 85. c ph algae Neg aa mane Gidding ford Heraid. i aul es be hetd in Y ain street Methodist | they had managed the business of the Sorri e0. r, Annie G ns f church, Milchell, on ‘Tuesday and Wed- | Com Th Advertisements of farms for sale,| \ yp. Tees Ree. Dunn, *Bella Pelton, Beer ge ef er sep se pub- nesday, Febru: ity eleventh id tweiith. = ERS, SG Ap urn cattle strayed and other smalladvertise- Hannah Priest, Eva Priest, Wm. log- Renting The fotlowi ing will-be the programme : Tl Direct ] ments, $1 tor first month, and 50e per}, ers, Wesley Nichols, Jacob Klump, prgisi heowe the Pines Leeaget otiee. 2 Session- 2 p. m., Devotional ixercises ; nicaion apg eh met 3 a ST ieee eon toa et Hone, Lite there te for ——: "ute bill, [29 P. m.. Appointment of Minute Sec- er; er; Vice-Pres, Jas, Doosldiow, aud the JOB PRIBTTIATcS. —Woodstock sentinel-Rev: reiaries and business Committee ; 7.30 Sec.-Treas., hobt. Cleland, were re-elect SENIOR. Timrp—Minnie Corri p-m., Address, “Versonal Consecration,” | ¢ Ww We Joiner arpa gp pag Dunn, Archie Heddon, Edith Robert: one latest candidate fp, pblic favor |by Rev. MF. Campbell, St. Mays ; | Heard wei a facta ane We. me in the vewspaper line he =LxK, | Discuss: on 3 340 p.m, Address, “The printing material, enabling us ns fo ex ex- orbu eTu CLAss—Annie Priest, rate mg at Atwood, Oni R. 8.| Teachers’ Aim,” by ©. J. McUre 40K, | cof Pplications for insurance were re- ecute all descriptions of job printing on} roar, Frances Mader and Kate Priest The first issue if pre us and | Siratford ; Discussion. Second Sess.on | po and accepted, amounting te $1v.- ‘shortest notice “ist (au equal), Geo. Longmire, W jiliam presents a very. credi ajpearance. |—7.20 p.m., Devotional Exererses and | 250.00. Our terms for job work, casual ad- Vilson, Florence Stacey. May it ber and ee long chatinue to| Reading Minales ; 7.50 p.m. Secretary| On motion made and carried it was vertisements an special notices ble “hum.7—St, Treasurer's Report ;8 p. m., Address of agreed to hold the meetings of the pes a a advertisements payable ELMA COUNCIL. THE BE the name'efa jew jour- Weicome, by Kev. Johan Miils, pastor of | Board in R. Graham's hotel forthe en- monthly. ‘i: SON lished at Atvood On by R. 8. re elu ee esi ig od 3% Geply; a m., | suihg year. > 4 a“, . <4 dd ess ow to Inierest Parents in Meeting on till the Ist Tues. ie in March nex a Seeuaire CLELAND, Secretary. La Grippe Forty-Three Years Ago. FROM TIE TORONTO HERALD, JAN.. F847 Probably at no period have we known mi oe word is of Italian non e sufferer was supposed to have been “influenced” by the stars.. It has en gaged the attention of all medic: oe ee be: centuries ly experienced in this city. Teeanaes bears the same relation to a common cough that Asiatie Cholera bears. to our ordinary cholera morbus, and de. pends wpom the peculiar condition of the atarosphere, great and suddey in the "temperature, either from warm tocold or cold to warm, with dampness and fogs, and a preval- ence of easterly ‘winds. It sometimes affects pb Mages of a fatnily at once, and ks persons in doors an! out 5 doors. Whole crews ai ave been down withitatsea. T ic) passing trotice among other eveatk of the day, but more particularly from motives of humanity ; for eee. althou oh pencrally ee nsi as a com: mon ~ or catarrh; isa formidabl: ptoms as en its power tun into othe ragues, fo ; es i0 . pot 4 a seeauces pains in the = aie lgins. bru Pei a ge spl. Benes jos sin Tees atines the aor s ip ed, the wie ripe dr, hovag frritate:, hoarse. ese and other 8 Al Bag our ligeictati ei say, aré in ve o resent.epidemic, whic': must never in its incip ‘ state be nc- orthe yiolenee of the diseas:- trated in Some particu - ently the head or ches'. Y prompt and immedi- ate remedies the Merger oe may arous: on those fearfal terminations arcing ren typhus fever in all «it = intely, and hover el hang about neg —e ours, ‘T Se ASSUMES 2 aggravat ed cider, with much fever and = cobb dry cough, and great pain is: thing, frequent. doses of ealome!, es powder, are given ; some - times . blister to the chest, No bleet; ilhless the "On toms are decided!* atnmato uiet Liege: ne ‘ ‘ bschce of antiety. Br 5 eure. We make bpobgeres / fe . fit of those remote from ways boteult a noo proventatv

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