Merchant And General Advertiser, 31 Jan 1890, p. 8

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Don’t Doubt! Don’t Wonder ! - Don’t throw your hard earned Dollars away Ten years ago we told you in the matter of Clothing, Gents’ Furnish the ruins of high price-dealers. How far have we sueceeded ? The the piles of goods sold tell the best tale. We Have Painted the Coun Time will tell, and time has been telling you right ulong i Overcoats,-worth $12, for $7; $15 Overcoat for $8.50; $9 Overcoat for small fry. ers wish me to still continue business in Brussels. A. R. SMITH, Don’t Hesitate triosing” among the musty stocks of “fake” sales of other small fry dealers. igs, Hats & Caps, Ordered Clothing, we came to build up a big business on magnificient clothing stock of which we could only give you a faint idea try Red with Bargains. We sell Ready-Made Clothing miles below the in our favor: We have now thousands of solid bargainr to statter. Men’s ; $6 Overcoat for $4. Boy's Overcoats $2 up. Gaize on our $4 Suits. A. | R. SMITH, Brussels, Ontario. Owing to unfavorable accotints of Manitoba’ I have stendoned the idea of giving up business i in Brussels. My many friends and Custom- fw _ I have made, tip ny mind to stay right with you. Brussels, Ont. COUNTRY “TALK. Newry: Harry but now a resident of Bostic, oue of the ‘Thousand has had a severe of ia grippe, o — by inflammation of the ge for te better last reports he has a change the better. —aeateyn. A correspondent for ‘THE BEE cman + here. Subscribe fot Tue BEE and get yotir | i home news Only §1 peraunum. &M Baker the erection ofa ot mill to be run on, the stone system: They are trying to form a stock eompany we understaud. Elma. Mr.Neibe has purchased the share ot Mr. “Becki, the aw mill at Ctaver- ing. Beck intends entering the the sane business o on a larger scale sure Mf. ai’s many friends in Atwood will oe, glad to. know. that he has been yery successful in busiriéss. i Forrest, one of our most enter farmers, is making preparations Yor eg erection of a silo as soofi as seasonable weather opens up. It will “es the first experiment of the ind in this township and your cutrés ndent 1s anxious to know how Mr. rrest will sacceed in his new vetfittire. WEDDING Lpeoepery Mom th teresting evens took pla at the Catholic church, Agatha, on = innedey. Jan. 2ist, it being the marriage of ohn Arnold to ss Emma Baechiler, all of Fl and Louk LBaechler, of Elma, to Miss {ary Beverslage, of St. Agatha. After the ceremony the bridal | party with a num- pig aire friends drove to the home T. Baechier, Elma wees a few more friends awaited thetr return. After partaking of a bounteots § ates a very pleasai:t Svemeng was sptnt. he num- erous and useful presents indicated the high esteem in which the youug cd are held by their friends in this Listowel Business is — up since the cold weather has set La Gri seems to stand in well with most of our merchaiits. We are glad to hear that Mr. Woods, at the Grand Central; is roving. Listowel Mechanits’ Institute will be opened on the 30th inst. nieng Oe -~ - J. 11. Gunthet Jeft last spend afew days in Torotito on “The Listowel Tn Band has moved | 7 from Main street to Wallace street into eit eel resigned her position in the public schbol on account | of poor health. lurger rooms. The ice in the i is 2 nights and ie young people. Miss Jessie Climie haa Miss Addie Wileott and Dr. J. J. Foster, of Listowel, were visiting Miss Johnson's in Stratfo ere ay th tailor, is fitting up his for Fe to start business “i the of Feb. Ile is at present laid up bee rg sey ep = Fiemming, the Brussels. Five ears of barley were eer to Oswego this week by Messrs. Lowick. WwW. M. Sinclair will mak él visits to Atwood in <p shut down for “Rey, Mr. MeLennan, of Lucknow, is expected to give a discourre on “sab- bath Observan¢ée” in Knox Gears ‘on February 2nd. gent wed a8 ova adhd hope he ‘good iiaisy “birthdays | holt Sener Stratford. Five Png pr vast the Herald staff are down with . Mr. W. R. _ ssistint yon ge tendent of bia br ao ny ere, ha’ gone to termany to undergo treatment for his k | failing sight. pide The twenty-sixth annual statement of the affairs of the Perth Mutual Fire Insurance. Company shows that the-concern has prospered well during ear, and that it commences the | _. Monkton. Witt Harris of Monkton is seriously ill. G. T. MeKenzié is in Guelph this_ week dn busitfess. A number of ple in our village are | down with chide si Auctioneer Merrifield Ka* a The people here are greatl eee with the appearance of ‘Tne Ber: logs and is patientiy awaiting a néw supply. We understand Golightly & Holman are doing a large business with their oe mill. ry y hall GC. Merrifield is the auctioneer. Mr. Swan, our Methodist pastor, could not attend to his duties on sunday last owing to an attack of la grppe. Pelice Magistrate Howard, with — of Police Broughton, will see order is maintained throughout “the year. We notice the Listowel Banner last | fonkton — under the Ve wonder who Mornington that reports H. E in Ou. Monkton news, milton, of Atwood. We hope he will be restored his usual good health soort believe we can safely say that I. Hord & Co. have secured rvices of one of the best shoemakers in Can- ada, in the rson of Edward Siegel, who formerly ran a shoe basiness for N. Brisbin, of Mitchell. Rev. A. Haniecwn, M. A., preached the funeral service of the late Alexand- - his position as " lett, > and report all meetings to THE Bee. Ethel. Mrs. W. J. Sharp, has been very ill but is ssmewhat improved now. Miss Cale, 6 te is visiting her brother, Dr. f v of this — ad Jno. Cober, Fi M. Da Wm. McLeod and A. * have been dowh with La Gri We wish him luck in hisnew ; gana sac rthe business had the misfortune to lose | ito ht hand while C. St. | tenden wae en iutsing Ms disabled fora Thomas He hholidat $fsit i — “The ad founei mostiing? will be held in E Gores re u left last week for the Normai Sch@l, Toronto, where he goes to secure his rofessional 2nd class cer- tificate. Hels student and will —* “T 2 igh standing in his “sree, eat iny in this section have ot “gn” aad some instances it«is ered vats. A great @al of timber was blown down by therecent storms, and now 2 lot more wed will be cut than was bargained fa A. MeNiclyl, who recently leased his a Tun | of sales this season. He isah to ge The saw mill has finished its sto¢k of | the cred farm, has revied a house on thé farm of C. Angel, 12ti aa where he will resi | for some tim E. Foerster 5 Si at on in the same | school, in PeelCo., and tkis year he is ta of an advance of 82 on last year’s, Donald a has es Thos aMeliy, 0 f trussels. eeting or fe wit be held at A. Hunter's office on Four aftemoon 30th inst. A great deal of thi patent fence soid to farmers of this township turned out a regular fraudas tar as standin: the windstorms is paceaes. ‘rhe old stake and rider sti 1€ palm. Merris. Miss Mary Jotéston is at present yery sick. ae Geddes, Srdiine, coritinues very toe Clegg atrdbride have returned to Manitoba. Miss Mary .\. ro has gone ona visit to Newbric Wm. Wray par; to erect a hand- some brick residefe next spring. ‘ Jno. Smith hasmoved to Sunshine. He has been workhg the Bell farm. Thos. Wilkinsor V. Sof Ripley, was visiting reratirensn locality last wee La Grippe has Yen — its innm this week and —s of people are are iil with it. Mrs. Conery + gone to Win = where she all with her son for the present. Last Friday Tussell went to Goderich townsh# to visit his fathér who is oni the siekist. bs Miss Cliristiann de a of New ridge, is at preset v: piting ends relatives on the ef On Friday of week Chas. Wheeler had a wood bee. 6 cords of wood’ were cut. A Uancmgparty concluded the proceedirigs, After’ Wm. Dwney’s house was moyed to the Lim Works onthe 4th line, last Friday, social party was held fur a house warmbg. . Richd. Prociordth line, attended a Caledoman Hall a Lucknow on Friday evening of this veek. He assisted in the . extrcies. Mrz: W. J.Jthnton, while preparing for church, acddeitally fell and broke her arm. —_— > __————— PerthCounty Notes, The editor ¢ the Bt. Marys Argus is an agent for ind mills. North Perth Society dnly a balanceef $42.72 on hand. The total det of Clinton is wel has ro ty eoletor Shor font rs, tach, city so) , 200; tar rat refer org te rngggreet +SUBSGRIBE+ ——FOR—— = bE ALTCOOD BEE —ONLY¥— “$1 In Advance. Good, Live, Energetic CORRESPONDENTS WANTED EVERY WHERE. Hand in the Local and District happenings. Consider Yourself one of our Local Reporters. Recommend Tae Bes to your Neighbors and Friends. The Bee Job De IS GOMPLETE. New Presses. New Type. New Designs. Auction Sale Bills, Circulars, Dodgers, Billheads, Letterheads, Envélopes, Invitations, And All Kinds }/ of Card work turned out Orders by Maik Give Us a Trial. Bee Publishing Hot Neatly, Cheap , and’ Expeditiously. Promptly , ci Sears et tao Atwood, Ontaria-

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