uu &bW,,aId~n mmd «t-tt d-r -~w4u the eve nk 8OIeq n h Im SIS t«10£T D Tu 'ouec re pend latle ria "Mbevwtfiedb that.- iiStuthe;"Deum ofifi ~càrv e, frqW elico toth -ti ecc. maeut of #Il of diretIewtfti. *WRte igpuary oth wats hore ofh»b conuieutt, metti Wttb 56th de-; of Latitude; as is hinted in eue of the oxreuis net.iîuprobýabl ;, betwe dé »t ve tut Great Bri abs .gid, or svmid 1 teemuca elinqlunhmmet oftheWoêt wthe 49th t itm. e.Pef to.be used in -1 on for Ipn tprejudice 4 lbe respeetive it tolhe 9_ »04«m Perbaps thp. W iuItSiflltllt4~>Jiegr w#taIyhbe greed up- Iâr of ïmni, aî thif nb inle throughoeit. dstsoim.my of IP ehlh wold eve tu the United States àk.en dègrees ef latitude, or, ner 5) 1 on the. western shoe o f .- tuent eir Treaty witit Spain basi I fl~~OU1Ii~yen as îti tated, ail nerlit of the, P~' t oid ,Whlaisjelatitude 460 j91 w $ dmls. It tghea poaeimioof ltiÉ name et the V. ~teb thé. Statu in 1805, by Lewiuand Clarkecand a W1 p Artàociooet rof ic troor. by di- 'th.y iObui ~ r ta D-oct etCoe --Yor four- a@cIî _ml.teaeasheyhbave contnued their daim I~ PSe~.t ort> that plice, ag a part of Louisana. Sir ~04Itfruwrh.netAlexan'er«MCEgenzie, a Britiush ulct amto~sd .uwuaîf had m"evosIy p>netrted te the Ilcîic ~', WIOI Oean, abouit7500 m-les f'rther north avet- 0001timl- ud arlyas the comét runs, and faken Pos- bemn - lter. ithe namé ef big abvereigu. Ame di 4681 g - ~w- isJi.*o&4 ~ ha*1a 4>