Black Liberation, 1 Jul 1969, p. 4

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**4'*~~4*' e 4. eae lu South ANTI-APARTHEID DEMONSTRATION PARK PLAZA HOTEL FRIDAY JUNE 6, 1%9 The following is why the demon- - stration took place: Thie reception in progress is part of the massive drive by the South Af- rican government in cities ocras Englond, Scotland, lreland, US, and Canada ta foiter trade and pub- l ic relations with South Afrca. The aim is ta create organizations in ail of tbese countries which.will lobby for support of Southi Africa. WILL THE CANADIAN PEOPLE PERMIT THEIR COU NTRY TO F0S- TER THE GROWTH 0F FASCISM IN SOUTH AFRICA? Already 36 million Conadian dollars are invested in South Af- rica - omong the componies pour- ing capital into that country-are: INCO, Rio Algom Mines, Flcon- bridgle, New Wellington Mines, Garfield Weston, Sun Life and Manufacturers Life Insurance, Poly- mer Corporation «ý Canadian Crown corporation), Massey Ferguson, EP Taylor bas mode recent investments in South African breweries. If -Canadians alIlow the growth of tbisrelationship, we would be giv- ing aur sanction ta t4~ fascist South African government which forces'.the majority of its people to suffer appal I ing conditions of qupart- heid. - Average block wages in South Africa are $15 Per week - Average white wages in South Africa are $90 per week - It is a crime for a black worker ta strike - $1500 fine and im- pr isoniment - It is legally impossible for bim Africa ta do skilled labor - It is difficult, often impossible for bim ta l ive with bis wife and chu dren - For ptty contraventions of un- just laws, a black man is1 able ta find himself in forced and convict labor, private prison of o white former, or in labor bar- rocks like a concentration camp - Statistically every African maie adult can expect ta spend at least I day per year in prison - There bave been over 10,000 politicol prisaners in South Af- rican ja ils - South Africa bas more police per capito thon any other country in the world - Approximatel y 50% cf the world's executions tak e place in South Afri ca - Any Soutb African taking part in th is or any demonstration is 1 iable for 6 montbs imprisoniment on bis return home - One in four black babies die be- fore their f irst birtbday - not in- cluding the stillbirths caused by malnutrition - In 1968 when Barnard bit the head- Uines with tbe f irst heart transplant South Africa's first dentist quai- if ied in .... Germony - Expenditures on education par white child per annum equals $204. 35 - Expenditures on education per black cbild par annum equals $16.3à2. This latter figure has been declining. - Wbite university enrolment out- nùmbers block enrolment 25 ta l'y al thaugb the African popula- tion outnumbers the white popu- lation 4 or 5 ta I. - In 1965 African teachers' salaries were less thon one-baîf ibose of wbite teachers' salaries, 41.9% for men and 37.9% for women CANADA HELPS OPPRESS THEM,. BY ITS TRADE WITH S.A. The gap bas widened as white teachers, salaries increased. BUT des pite the visciaus brutal ity of the Vorster regime and its nef- ariaus allies, thie Ion Smith clique and the Portuguese colonists, thie South Africorn people are struggl- ing for their Freedom. Their cause is the. cause of Africa and thie world,, and their comrades in arms, supporters, and allies number the bundreds if flot millions of people who love freedom. WHAT CAN CANA DIANS DO TO AID THIS STRUGGLE? - Boycott SA goocis and give reasos pblily - rite y irMF- the media - to make ublic your disgust at Canadian complicity in SA fascism - CONTACT ANTI-APARTHEID MOVEMENT ****PHONE: lsbmall Potel Normon Day John Bizzel 282-8195 922-4880 366-3401 By Aifredo Hopkins Port of Spain, Trinidad Nelson Rockefeler was given the rod carpet troatment on bis ."gaod will" tour hoe last montb, perbapi li.cause 85% of Trinidad's export revenue cornes (rom <ai, or because Chaso Manhattan Bank (David Rockefeller, preuîdent) recently opcned a branch hee.. After Ieadlftg Trinîdad and Tobago ta independence fromt British colonial rule, Primo Minister Eric Willams bas accoptsd the advancos af imperuelism and neocolonialism. Thome advances are higbly ovidont: - Before indepondence, when mercantilist economics dommasted, one-third of import and oxport trade was carriod on wlth Britain; now ono-ixth of exporta go ta Dritain, onethrd ta tho U.S. -Proviaus ta indopendence, U.S. private invostmient a insignificant. lU now totala more thas $500 million, a good part of it acoounted for by Texaco. -Trinidad bas becomo tho first Commonwealth country ta join the Orgaszaton et Amorican States, Sl~ivnttheis "rbht" ta oeUi as ot oaly Brtsh but OAS troops. Tho regimas bas " amade a bit wlth Wmhlno by refusing ta bavedlplomatic or commercial relations wlah oclalist coustris. -Tmoe . lano U.S. Sovm mnt aid to Trlsldd, but private (lama, mach as Texaco, and U.S. fousâatlona gie aid and asitance ta ths reginée. Althoqch there ane ns PeS Corps mssmbers mvl he, tbare la a Psas Corps tralalascamp for voluatees to othà WsaInienanmd Cuban couuties. -International devlopasat banksas are glag hoadway ln uMiting the ovmmau it l s rflasand aioonomic poli. snd Triih.bubecouste dis ca oismm for the Carlbbsaa Pros Traie AmsWhbel sps forceaMonopoli a t aiurbtfor As in aMay otbsr former British colonisa, thecdam symteah»e bas bees modifisi by the zmob sysm.IUndsr uobblmm, dis sxplolted are toume t. accspt the Mvand ai ttitudes ofu exploIera Whte.M ilamaocàtsd wlth aqierloely, bleckma wlth lnfeularlty. Despite some notable attempts ta correct t"n, thebs 90i utlU istha theu Wb"tryou ama dhe botter chancsyou bave of stfing a ood jobý Over ths POU ths Y»&%, roli weges horsve as dscreola-putlaularly aumnaworkoe-wb& >tàes cuntuys scoaolc gowth rate, wb"chmaiabout 9% bstwssn 1931 ami 1961, bas skidded ta a near standstili due ta spiraling inflation, industrial retrenchmourt and a 31% birth rate. Ibis bas led ta incroasing unomploynient, now estimated at 15% and casually rogardod as 6*nccemry" by somo U.S. spokosmen and officiais. Fifty years ego there woro 30 ail campmnios boro; now thore are threo major onos-Texaco, Siioll and British Potroleum. Ovor the peut 10 years tbeoail work force bas becs roducod by 3000. Betwcon 1957 and 1963, crudo ail production rose by 210% and refining by 400%. Annual income af the oai industry is ostimatod at SI150 million. Shell and DP cdaim lassos and blih productivity (labor) coats. Sbell's profits foul froas $4.5 million ta $4 million botween 1966 snd 1967. Production oiss are nid ta be about wbat thoy are ia the U.S., and profit. margina dan't compare favorably with tiioso in Venezuela (20%) or the. Mldeast. Sai 1967 Sheil ansounced à retrenchment progpam, dçclarins 400 mon surplus and puttim in question the. jobs of 4000 more. BP pick.d up the tuse shortly tboreafter snd evon Toxaco, wbicb meils instar aoù tathe other two firnis, dalmed thirs a eo't 1k. tbey used ta b.. Naiomhbuton Whss BP followsd up itR reoscmst ;program by auouaciag lu intention ta »Iliout, TexacoosunlY became ltereud and tiS aillant OilflslsWoekus Union &*.id t D P flue be uatlonallzd. Instead, the regime coobsi up a desi with an obscure oà <iras froas Houicu, unis, whlch a "satlod" compony wouli b. formai out of 50-50 eiockhualih betwsss Texaco 09 asudthesnational petrolsuas coaspany-a camplicatsd gsmick afimd et amulagJobs for OP wotkers sud Iguarastob batersta Threatsof< lqultlom or bankcruptcy, uathu ros«i ormot, hmavebcouns a powerful tool for bumsies n lan«b sqpla lacrosseis workoe nlftamcy. Busiememarush ta lniustlalCourt a"i daima th*Ir pofite bave turqWsdta lames, or that tbsy willi b. facsd wfth hqubâlonIf wozrkcr r isegves the. harasesthey deuuand. Clamai.Ltd., s mejar muar compaay, usei this straegy lent uonth whon la toli the court it oeddmt psy wap hWSage desaisi by uer workes ad amud thi edWta stabllaià "proper ratio betweds asat and revoue tiuS provideg au aisquate profi." lit USvUth. bad enoash «rem ata annoM splamata baud-a $-5 Million Iniffy at Bs. Maisala Trinidad: in mhe lap of imperialîsm *1 Page t.. 1 1

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