Canadian Statesman, 22 Nov 1888, p. 4

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- <j ript3înff r -t f I h~1 v~t;kJ r St~f I - . ~ ~.bI¶ ¶îi t tif il olla tit Il. tfin i - - îu84 " toip 1) - 'T i ingt --O-- .* -.7. 1kli f . - . t t t -- - i - t b - - b - t, -i ---1 The co kNo. fi, iflif a" elitôr'f rol*for the ie if: stt.ta Iî, lbii, be . ~iif5 aifi 3 aime, tbey bîiig .* . t , ohfil Nemih iiddby MatPocic orh ,e t,efffofTiff a, iff iftercftid in, th bi :hfnriay C0uwfiid, iiBoriat †ffff*TTi ~ bo- - c- .-p--. *i lifff. f ifi iiii fiiffi. "~~ îîîd ififif14 go~l Tflfiiff- PPL'r is ý0eîuig0-a if. r.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ffiftagifdtaf. buiiatitfpilyto i - ce u 66 - 3iaan ufmiiS nd ufet fit and fbfffbp fýJ'irotf. Pe lurrpia - N'TFOGE TO LO 2'o IlsoI& 51 y1.lvruO JOZWl n, - 2W t lfamifnttutf8 î eaii , otofI-Bf tfl5 Cniartbefser fIi On b 9t8DÂyS$CIjOOL 1.100002. itng.-Carietd. a àI* ive able diiiilpttiàisaad tCitý1by Bone9ftfjioff I rnBots On0fmottionif Mr.' Nomibiaucnfeid Stfifeg. .Boftemie;agi' LESSON FOR NOVEEZTO.bMSihI iif f ~ffff ith m in , thi tho fV iip5 fH lf .Tbeefgiod8fffif - , y Mr. Marsalthe fîhîiii8cOlmOclue is1cS oet o lf tbffftbifuf.Bi wî rieto -bcipeadvtas Robrt u nC tiiiand ithe' itiîiit, iI;Wg? 0gLl- Ti ozA=BNw OE m.Shaw for plaok aforei 21opreobo mgi reoiiti f-athre iftfiiMatoaoon. Wfitf i.bOfgtfti oda 0 ftpff 1-8i_ in oaddvtsion Nb. 8fi,: f2.50 johlàihe xamOs ft-cr; -o-Itadk iid iiihe ioets, fur plafifad, rpair tioypuamion ivif u theféites f in-'bf' MeimoritioVrssi2-i 8 inrond diiinNo. 19, S; D. formattion sought fir by migiaitàanad HpE'PRO0AS Afd hi l..1 4 huf i f foii ail, fîr 482 ftes tib pliik forrsii rst etepufiNrhe Sdvisifn No. 45 ta NMay, 1887, 84-i.? . Teiiftata ShofePficnoti- iiti. 094RA ff I. . '*e o ci y. enli fi biof iff fli.9tii .APItRI Ff r Tu f .. O * ffjiff Mfr.Norriih mîvid, faif iii iii. aid maltaafa s fai-NRESMAAIE 5 0 if f ia ei7y fiaof o f117iiiabould Masafbatibal; wbîii bt twibpa a a of;S AZR ~ 4 deidi ta loe aid sfrvf Gi. bai ffpfiaddib mihfefOiilbau* durPES EEL. 4... Tffef-B.C. 1426.. Etgtaf i Yusif ad8840 'firtambOr fo r ilvitaîda i.ftiy InBiiiERS BfA 25teontbfelaitu-imoi. iliar litsMd -aid S5iiuehttaofiflic HA -aidai , YOUNG PEOPLE ... 20 Pi.iithe -sb Iibiif bave! nalotsm anda n~d Bleu 8876 ifhe ade ryo heWse"Uec* ,cpwt ifouraef fI..i. uiiffad -PLcs-hocombateenmO tp Une of Niqîiegg. f tinumbfr ifiet ai At Sipplameift.fn TÉCoinu ii as itilat Oilîf. mi hig thi ttilsu f $ifS7215,aid mlii fitiif atarfth GIENbeflvh JfiffA-waf fiirly 110 'yiff1011,thatit t Itrr ibchrge toe thetifi ni boifge ncat ail the Nîmber for Joue -aid Deeibir if Ifd, ii tiao iit hal o~f t b "o 1i---i----- 7 wioiixBut-i litulfoat.Timatb.ierab, fît fer frnt tov03ipf fEqiiifhfaîhî o£ etoristthog ileNrhef u er he otm nsei SI soinot iti afnltîf fd firishi iîi îyciti hthe"Nri Dui ii 7 i Wbf f fi theffpffd be' piafs ioiqmi. fuittufif..-CiiZ,. 25C. reit aif fiTeif ririlpt if eder, yPÂft.fs-le imi atfMovd by 1fr. WflbiliifffflOdea d aas S 28fPn)lshoThi Bimd Vliees if Barpera Nffaifti simoiplici ufffty.iv«o yia bfiri. fy 2fr. Marshiall. tleit thef Ouffof #25West S ore, totiaad, Oibfif. -frbhre yifftb fi if if cliff bif if. * foh if ii.fth ie 85 lDet i M1ib,;Dot.e bl o iffin i orfitb a5b iîtitddaonc tiiTifif ibi bu tff, f tuaib.byP a i, opîrt peu. toitf (fflitfghf. iivt.ii 'th, b if u Flinbi l, ht ionsipi- Thoif i eft sigtbfifg if record, if 63.00,pe r vlume...Club cifoiti at Carmcit, S aiof 1iti. 18). ty, the fiifty iO f ctworth aviin litfSibava doncua Fou intataf hiiii.. In faaHrprMgiiAoiat vermOufi.-aiid li iiiiif0ipf edid a î1gramiit..Carutd. 1 1,îb u ai. t ap01iiffifd.orfCac bi DtfiJThIa ii li yt .big îfdb di 'lboue, fififdid Sîîftor Plmr., of lii TO, iîi a l eiie. fiiJau. 1 .0ftiJonic. bi if o fu i sil i n à ovbir . ulthta i iifr taat tbe mififif f diftiey -if - 1 C0VOn adilt W ta i htbîlîvîd F îibe e io3m by M. hîlibif, utru18cifUfied Tiff Su. Clîtb, 84.00. -R bloî ttîo tîadii . e i 8fîî lad id. isad jehe bîi'blea~ititel tioîet aidi îtd Stth t plitoa, ,mIiCu:s ,bîd bfcTid by Pnt drssesitibîf I.(ff.nti). To ifroib h inmiiit1Y ciftiitownship ÇCommfercialUnion. . omis- odîiy Offer nirfluaf, Sf aîitd UiiffiiOai offl lil~nIPiiî h u f, 02.50, said It jtaklimudthat thi miii biauiuol chanceiof Iff. - -~ ~ ~ ~ r ai0apoa bcf,-br lî afîfi bing îffblf f if i espaper. iii fîl.t t mpy tbt.ofififi -fadnd i -people fai t5fV a tdfr Itiu oin the t ff.'.lino .c-ti lic wait oif tiavelleei et thilunch i ieii entLt ttf resi îîdeifHr Gia tivonty.Svo uas îfre, i tfî tfîfthe îfîîfîfid m poîîasfsp eiari tif a ibmwa iio &Bibib flSoiiiîi at Ci in.aoyi pfftti lit 20 t in t iiiiht if fif. Sr.,. I Si agrfin, if Taita dii lnri & fiuitronai, lîsoîîî itieopet ifosîii'n'ad gawoiya.-Carid. rîflpîi ramcegaiNewii Y. MiiTu. drdauiS ttd îî indesaomby. îiîidb>lMr. IIiffbfl', sfîiidfd by aeii.hre-tfi biiid mareso, o twO Hriii iEfR i. F 0 Mr.I to d. JtHîîi ; i n it David Gotobchi fea.l tflltff (-Objefitin') ad4o profvti ii f ssJffhfi gifiCiT et thîfi #21a, for. pîîvtiii sfuriiihod Lti.Mi. fdly if th ai nemi-ai. "Otbjctin"- - pai tatai. -ai îîf friffi ntCreao btiog in pur ididigent wif tii rfaT sif Eîigiîid th a pas fLioy,-ad uge ros himgtii.fufd u eei - H rpzsW ely atIIon îimotin if 1Mr. Wbolihio , à 76ilea ci Bsffi.-Fiiplf tlt L.iTRA O (1) Gratituîde té H.tii hi aithir id by Mr. Hîtibifi, i by.tO lîl-g bly iboutfla millioif hohais if fihiat - if- tbîtr nattîf (2) Hite griat puai pri vtftif for tbeî oifiiftif iadiloc-ii.g -iYeu few if taîeialia uvat ao Rnrino %VIZene. fi ia ltitablia. ovîr ailt giase 1) Hiii prifitiri tre* iff iftho. muntctpal îiiiiil-foi the vat omont fiti ta. A ihiathbir er d pace sathe Icidiif ittelftd i i. (41)-litag ath iid i u iof. a 89va nrdce n edtai -Lhta if a fi idliiiibiibili fui pepr i Aifilf. lbcfait fief. if Oiiiiiit onai.i (vaird analoadil onofretghtaciii, 000 b ta tao fitrtaf n ul C iméts onîî iîeit p.,ftfisbue Connnpuitt(5)m ti; sd tbiîifu w otfd hat 0 patd tfMr Nau'YFehita mtfroh ft CarsPiit ifeii enouaiforif tt reyiftitfpfbtf fitîfiil fift cii îad a~bfilîif. Oifîhaf thîtbeexg ff.tb1140 ti maboa hoaifdttaen 14 mitésfoand serr theff î îi b od:bae lii Mralu i foillbîp bthe y dsioitdf$38 Ore ao. afl4 fdidf ooi I tt luiîfbi ittidaJ' Screan wtéink i ootato s12 ie o oib ntifipipifii riteif. rit IL for tfhi ififlfiiiove f haT. o ce. nib ndit riier . t hu i oina fd, flouit ild tplesifandppuniç cf fhi îidi e ire-i eoyriu;h tlftlui 0 i iTicionif joîîed ta Mst alnt Ch ve U.,ttyonn di f d in ~the nsiiiiiiuipoiuéi" i'in pi0 *ahintl ion. o the itb dey cif Dîiimhei uia i tdmiuifadbld io typfîdndifffofffffouffda onsin)ffirisi i'iUni.ted. .StOate a tfi.piifd ififta ig the btiut rriffjthi .Ys art jlincsie t, piigourtri: fhtt. i iiiou lrk rad iity te hiar e i., te llifustrai i afhf yur publi. Opiimiif 0ta -oo ilt'hiaoCIefX oxio lcbhbid.-- iefuitphases if hoeifnd tire iff uitime that yii nii ru edty und ______________itry, Anni iîib t fcto foit fiifptid the conditionoif bleu igfinr tSICK ANS SIMPLE- moPeu oCbilim'eani Hiti elâ, îîî oneh dtîîîo. This l iî tiltrico i fIn;W.cS THi WDINGOF R0MNIT Roi ude ftie fSeinsvfrlS (1) Eviiy Bifif i fionienifcf if i Tit J"rzn.n fCuEii0N AND MISi HARPEeS -PERSODICALS. TIpl i f0 fbtifore.f2)Tboprin. EnDifOurT ,1WAfffINTO ellso c bsns onuemit ait Pe-t Venir athBu itti if firldly sccuif, Wnibhtartii, Nov. 10........t...aid FOR ifttaeif gatof t thof Tbf refusfe implyi in t i pimenof i h ed' .1)Y ~ OAPRSV'IEY 00 ti opp1ylibo piuifiplif ta reigffifn- rflaîtei aid persoiaf ieidi, ofîa-- ARES iAGZNE 41 prîiliihb f vl4ufiii iiildmbiuihioif Waihigtaf offici ifuiity, NARPEOLS BAZAR ........;40W iîdtci t ho Cittiaif. () Tbf aid if savent buindrid if tbf giiiiît N adi 1 Sue. tioonifif .Idll f e 11iffi APR OU9 BfE 18 failt.tindtogi - if mii agaiit 900(l bli, Rt tBHou. Josephs Chaberilaf in iifip fiaf d.yLd'f Soife, h 1.ii f O .,fuli ithe oUni ei lo ou tii uit findedrs aid Mie~ae y Endiiitt vtf o iea ,id 1tellf iiou bowta the f udiffi ififiqiet staifiif e.oriTlf e!nowîhft-t isight; aid are ti htamé nt tif îîélocif tais iftraoinSt. TffihefVfolumesof ofCiiiheiOu, fiI- if tboy di ut liii- 11P tSi t. (4) Tbf jîti-S E Bieipoi Çbfrff. TbeeburhiilbYOU <ANNOT GB? À NETTER thei uit Noibér fir*Juiiiiiy i of iaiar Wif ou'y flralothef.tbi adiaTehiifM.pflfefifffflffta blfg Vho 1 iftfr iitiiied.. uitaoptii 1,0 fi4 odgiiiiimiit vsfbOi filif -utheawiit do d"i - rn' O;, moraltgîfiru dîcîrtifiu, andta iff trithlie d ef"iili fur ffitf fAiffs tth0i tl h is utnt aunfi Menit ithe woild. () Or piiffcftif n iiiss tae idoal Sié bith e rigeFor lf fi i i fTff ffi a CIff-1In if eeipiiofiider. - ptîfîfie .mide i thtcoenat a pat if ee ohr vetoNonode orfarmaltiitt tis ?oba ip iie or : i i. ourffff Shc sfont b ii fif p ost tid if thitr nattonal lîi. bad beain reci id. Tuif iiipteeifii iiif ifoif fp.ti itn. Siiff00FriiiOiSii rtmnubidffffiid3, anid tbe fi n'.ief . rofi dhiomifxuaidfefi'fY ffe(poý ath SUfAi. Btiiif THJfbi.ThO iéD otirMgento 0 a csactiiid rî dff f.iiiaIiexNe.Cutor fifo, îces i f eipfen <rotn e oll tiPe .hlîo...J ieif riclvesch oi«, bfy iftiiufion n- fegtifffu îîe iidirp iouuimhîuo.-Sîiluiiaf foi. ionif iioipliiitY. -Snell if theofriîen fefor e ,e tfifuie ffifos Lini l for li$6.00 perifolume. viii.28985(Dunt. uivit. 1.10),i1Efigf fto â iyaihdbifiei i ý Tif fi Y i. .Ind t ftth. 'i f <ue. firifsen t rl'oii. m ion 139ti.vilain-bii i.f T mlinvitadta oattend tub tai body if tfixe i lu,. ifdiietiff iif ff .ibtui.tfthfetyutptpudo f irif.-Beaiin e uiy the, larilesif hutitabaf if botrbafc biumi 1ifi iii.Hf ffif.dof.Ffdii «iiif0.0 s)îl hoerefiGi.-%Biibus.Tbf Cainet ,meetiog vs-1Rinoaasshudb ad yPs abulTOCfoif Gd.e Làio 4 îtly pimf iy d HforwouDrsafi OficeMoîîp Order -or Dmoit, tuavi vit W sbud B eaa*aiiat tiyhoer at " tf offf.-Ajalu e Se ifffifabecI.te iidiy. f oi,'f Thl. Chaoffiifs.- _- g Cs jans uSliCf. the oidmfiiiLàbcpenant a oiif bi11 pf .-W O t iff fafiti..i taiy cfuponff ichiYe ifuffi lua ifprtif Neîfpapff ire nut ta* oipy, thiffdlver jficttfse.i1..maiy 4 ibi eci..of-'5 - Ifupx e&Ncî' lImI) Whiýor ,a bf don - ~ t f M ttid.. Brolaivf if ff Ii lfT i i e diii fi Ifif1.'-. on? Hiw. melu. 1. T iof teinT i fés li ionin. mfn cf jt boft .lmi o f" 0i A omîféiro LAu i-n iii fo..s if uoe n betitl ciuibdlidib gTluy trfui.ra ~ Ipr~ ~zr ,g a rs it fr n otw hi d îd) veto. i f i e .- I aiîoi ly id hi iv in nt uithf f ih a b f 4aid ut iuo u ABffÔT f, Fan rOunImS0.In unsfo ib i tsip bi td hi ebo t fm uit m i libcifode tb le00 . - ueîeieri2.0teruor f.ibiie ta odi a (ue. 14. 10.) NîtiLàfCoula intbr ie honig heu r falthes'ilson, WIbÉIngs ai fobavadta ho ioiîcPesternd ta- fpicaiftuiiuillanaadTlsdmifiPie.8.0,hch ILU ' t- Hou i lbo hou8Infjtifafiota0 laidaiif bseaifdffp -aboflafbiiftenti pff imi usdOfoibis altr hat7 X-dv-1,2- ) ignita br ide A-lLLU T-AT. ': EER burieWe . I.ptteil n et ipoete rinia bu)7 CO waf îe iap ie i ni abt ia vo s the igaai, tai, j r - taidnfitfip itieflfffllfqifffedinl Bu dd Joibna 1nfo1moB.) in ivi m of geoiaybihi té pla'the w ,j ua.Isart ieil.Itu~î~ b~ n tto i arefiifififfila,. Et înP oie - - - - - Dach r ont --L enrd in v," an M.diff theîeeb u iif tifpis.n f ~ m (u.s.t1, 2.)-b ii diad hé pipi itiemoeita. otbarid aterai grom : &rfÈtdeer f fidt uituto tif it.eéh o i ae iiply n "The ed Me.d fi la i Md Bus bol eit dfVM noe toa ? II.b f '14 , i Ot15 .) ( . 0 .) g a e a i n ta p e i m pg r yif r v in g a eHa r p ero i a id R tib l iése ns o t- i th eamont id . to n d a nT h e u iie to aiaS a lg i S ph b onntg padtteErn ehtfikl~Nlfhi Hou~f.<T Oli titit a ff slaC"A ANii e MIbJ seb(deTfmifatiia bt~tA.iftbult ta eý liai ati ififett fOuirnu thontihe'tiud o! the pieeutmo a id w ab -çÎ mnt a e t e i ta p ink Ttuapeuio 0 uplacdai - t tià " un a t a e t a i a & ordai té.4ewIdfPaft;Y iftime fer aetjatfiîibfcr Cbéutmaf. TEMRWEExL fY GLOBE,t and THEERURAL CAJIAfIAI Bt] frQjàmitg edlci 1 f889 MARS11 ,T~ AJÈ -to.. 67 Dunjs~a Grèat Dw F1U--R N ITU- Tho Sibiffibir noffîui for R-ai Stre itontSi Il e t piclowliu.tta Ptulor Suits, .1-id-Rýoor Side. Boards, Wiro MÙ - quantity of Semt won ItII Non le the timi foi faoiltesu v moiy ttheb« Firoittiro Momo I hILTON; Tmest Brandi WHý,ITE LEAD. PPAINT - STEVENSON'C Nail Hinges,1 Scr'ews,. $4PEOÇL ItO WE - --NIf.S . 'otrsight 10 imp A glaises, lSgus CLE f Appi>l 2 4tanv . Original llot nàian , . SISSUED IN GLUO1 iffiwulbe fit* L, audi. The Bi aiimpffy thipap.. f vr ffYwiy fit-, lî tythtfg cifteob tiéa ifieit in 1Of GLOBE PRIIITIO BROkl JOFFE] ýONDON, ONT .ty of Ha Itn. l tri Rififis, stuii I.asiirteltfFul im ftfe i if i fall eiie\ MAttsi ENIO-N BLOCS, liii 'rýepared 1RnLHEÈS, 3JiI HOLE AUGEIISt :ty,. etc., Artists' LI.MEIZS 1BUILIJ] VTS FQR- L E7,Y'S-- bý ly age or byw suit you inD.eý -DICWARS 7li Wire, INDS, AC(C qce of StoCk. is; Var'nisb9 fjsG ide. ÏJME.28. E.LL&PANTON, PIOPa .Mr ii .1T ct -i f h- .th. &,meti ............. 00ii i iti .f ..jithî...........fif.. le i Notiff . the f bfffit if 14î i. dC ne, fif ..y f i nd C.ii ttf" b 50 cent.fii fo f iifiît itff ifii,~ t ii~ffh OÂS G=. etAT-SON d-rtt.M.t.-,,' . m i, *~~ ~ ~~ W. ELIT~3.4 Ne ,, oiîlpeib. Offif Eq . (ffffiffl Dt thIt .nf lthei lit c-1îfiiT o. X41l. IM . . LI UIiî ci, l fori Bonffliff ià, -id tarotîiiir,île. .Wi arylî .CftiIfftiBaikififuîfîi8- ..Eîî ,oI TTBdî. 4i Tironfo. )Deàra lýk ,Town Q . . L ilf i. rmLOifffiTif.ifÊTIfŽT TS=. O.ARure, .1Sr ~ TIFCIl. ~18.SSP SET.. * S.ZIMdgyicAl _ Nt? ln . the ce, iTn îpf Cf fT.'sL-f Dnt ui (L .1. TELht [TON SAER~S PLRHSTL, TO. .ONTA RD M iin~. î rBYE FOI Lng Eiginerf, cru, cef lorY T :LON -Grimsha, faith Pon .i iiOf* OiÀ T.. fue ffistid e fia .Put fifhf ei w iî Lamp Lk hi ilcost ~A R .0CîO iN'Whzst raij , aid Cliii. fu fromtaeioio0tioi i f- the uilé

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