Canadian Statesman, 9 Aug 1888, p. 4

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---I 0.0.04 1-I I 110) t z mt~ 0k Il ooaol if nd'i~iOj il f00tOfl 1~00~- ~ O aaioat ~ - lic 010 .4 000 dl; ~ -' pioti oOîo hoaji~ on îîîo,~- -: - - ~ri-Y' go il e 001 - ~ ~;t TIo'm tttp ut' ~ IP .!..h~00.oo~4.oo1l1,.v1Loo~ ~ *,..,... Foré OOtBiltO 111000000005 nnoorfion on auj ~ --.-..--. 10.... ~f 00007l0000y - éOOO puni> a - ~ loy commet petentu Thon kUEU ft ~ ~EUUW -~ ~g5 ~TheCoondIUeo.Of~>e Crnpo. î Wby Bn lister tas UOe..~.. ooPrueot Oh. bu orbe ait offnrlg *W U U W oie.. 00.0.. 'Sot onit that nu art noverlaIt et AIooojJogê~Io0.~o0U* î~Leiu~0~<otlotd. Bot prompt WhtcloAaron litA to pop ferlnxnoelf. *~,* Wiohite iohoop puoleolot On Oh. eon- Sonday.SohOOo ~1tAom o hinonoroflo ha Otan nobotiliothot .. . . -. !-~Y; 0000 o ood 10 ooo.eltit Oh. Sonduy Sohont bo~au toitdtd o ,...~-'o 1,. * thewnrlotoont0000fthtthîltCotgtegl. TII. oeloeooooototloo. Â totool ntpuolîr. oooeOt.tonoOoldootoetdoetbyOhOetoOtO tonton tht mortong. audlce tloo.--.AI lit oloeo' of îlot Irool 0/ ooooeooo ood .Ooloooooot... - Moto toooolotl STe00 to tho Oloie.n rojoOtier otOrtOol toton thatmauy f Oh OO1001OIOOOO innool' haroi oorolilog."-On tht north obole ol îlot 0000 0100000010000 kSO0~J00~00O00O 31001110 aoloierootwlog 007tdl01000. Hooontlortu ~> h07.Otpttttlooy ceont tioaggtoog ~ alta0.o,~~0f2oo0llnl.0OPet llo~lorogonle." oonsolîtlottlth thon oOlotOl .1000 tolgo ol Oh. 31000 brotflell ~1nthtgold0nn.ntthi0htTe0tefthO010.. 31 pool.... toI,! ootl1,l0 ntteonooghtntoooooîre forne~ :~ ~ ;ît aIl theouglo tho epeont5 ttlvtto. Iauoonon.enrooeonEo.. nno Wo1000.. mOu tht eoty. ,Bneooiog otiOh .nthn.ioooo0 00000, nover-ho tel . '10 tamt tizo. 0.0 me taS tlotituotipliot, ~* Y. . . atwaytho toont. *.. , - - * For Azonel" on, the other, OoynrJo. thore eturhollod hiTI Hoholt01lnnd,01 tiueoyt plau lucomolttH EO, ~' o g îîoqoy tont Mi1]xnE * ~ Htnlooo tnd Trlokîti. oh notit oo 710001 0,00 O y wneotiznrelmeattProhnlolYnoronhto. - . *Hooeoroyoo,,feiood?' ~ -'ton. I o ut tht .5oolinlo.oloom lonott- ha~lio intheNotront C oniotco On î~Wh0tBllOy.toWî over ~ -. I. Sood on~~ihlelaud ....-...,, ovonuttcoK ~* ~o.P o~ oo~ qnontono.lonOIOtlOd piton ina tain .. dota. doonri 0e dit, tn tht oint of the Wedneuday. Jont 150h. .Ohe tonlling WhoOot oîwoyo ton.' onrnnrlotfoteloatdo I loruolo, anS ptt Wlîot'o Ohot! ot my Sonda' tlnthtnhOfnmhonBlOftoO. peopît tom tupptond ta lot romuonol match fer 13550 a aide hutten O 0 On afteohootfoftit tool. prayerol olatt . * 0000 tht thol wett.' anol Triohoti dont off ot tht Fitnouy - for on tontOn iront river, Qneentlaod. Both mtn tom On 4~~on Ohoolo of Oh. 0010?' . On lime On get theot hoforo tht 001100110- IîoalrooeliOh.~Dnttlot~r0atàpnOt of tht (,,loriutoau roliglon Ont foron. Greot intnreot ton tititti ~L0idnO r~tO dotp.' tcndont tingo tht toloont iuord.r." -. ef îlot htciney otythiof Ohm, loey P Andytu dnnt lag loy tht tapO tht poople have heen hnrdaued with a in tho race. ond theot itoro tort fully 'Nnthitg hnO ot tnhoellt., ,* ~Neter,0ooid SAtOn. 21t 10 hottor onrhoiecclotîontitol arinteoraoy. A fot. 5,500 nlîeotatcm. Hanlahotnttedfavôr. lVhnOdodpooe OOîgloOntOgtO? S tominntco tcu ontly thnn tut at timon ver fot, toton oodtitted mOn' Oie, tIlo hetting, hoing On thon. of Iotmb 'ChilI. ond î,toe. tchOv o , tht Bol et ~55olion, oeloilt tht commoni ttood aiS tc ion îlot pooviono day, anol WhoO or. pot doieo?' - mlonte ton laie." ni tht peoplo-tero religionoîy euotod. tht oddt lot~ihooodtc4t~o1ngaiont""00to * ohuooo tc ooll Ololo hov. Coont On have a plau.-StleoOnd. berS-O e eagoointcllignoot anol faîth1 lontond of lonedotel, on ton tnpootod, tiOtiog OlO hoce 10 tht 000 toI toyho Ah, lonyt, ott lonto it helpo nue alonf ed. Evon .0oaonn ontîol enier iloti mont TrioloolS alOSe tinri, hut evon aO Ohat 07 hon if 00000000 tu 311h. himooot.nodt np hIdI Holy Piton lout nom On a.poeiod. If ltgnro vory SOtIe ovogoritg ton dote. Tht repoeteea0~I~tr ~-o~p Blini lOIS Thop If ont .WlOh (Ina? . Olotot On. auy ndvatm On toOgiono Triohoti aSter nmn apponteS tloghtly jtIOed on ho onoon p.odoootd ho ontelonolo . - - Oloonglot it omo oîooog ihe lino O! 00. torvoon, lont lob oppotoot ttnooolotd nod c000j000~ ., .Ittontearly midnighi, atd nhp mos * llginon'dtmooraoy. - AIl ton tiihepeoro, mofidoni. Tht monorho ntcoted loy. * Whttdid thofoetot.odOlnOtopriti?' - gauitgdoonmilyintcthOfite. .,Â~mntj New t ove Ohinh, On tho oiglot of 2iod, providod motuol ononeot, gai atay toit ta. RoootoeoyOhiogiufnthogoOloodOnnonOL' fo~yono thoùghtn, Ilion Sara," 0000, New.T the fajilo aon Soin, tht lofe oopnm. Tho gntîîor. Hauton, tebo hod îlot outcodn Did yooo tînt do nnyOhOlogl sirOp. tauih ta toi for îlot olergy alunelout putitiot. immodiately gaineS 111h ad. Ym.~ - 0010000 tloinloiog, air. Sompoon" obe - New C for Oho poople. Prayor On the onoin vantloge, pollitg a oioe oveu ottohe ai WhtO?' - rojdied, oloot very mnoh annopeol popo . Now C -on~ort~r eve~ 0000 anS thovHoly ai 8011 tho minu11, ivhilt Trioheti poIleS uprno11d.' utuu ovor ~he- amoniol ai bot 'Con pou roio, o.p tullOeOO toWS' ononilot goubili." - - NtW I SoIent han i31 poil -tpooood opaot that 811. At tho Sont quootor nI o mile Y.o. Do pou uuoomo ohen? O And thon proootOly ho Itil 'oithdni New f au y onetiat hon ayeu On oto may he. Hntlan load a lent ol half a longolo, aud Hon ote peta!ooo!' - bolS glorion that Asrnu oovee.doottood oS On i tas offoood agninot îlot lomI iltdor tht tonthor. sononhot, lontoilo gtvi~ogh0r the ponny.-ToIodo See. - New 9 - - mon. Whon hou tho dittuoeo had Ou ho 000. - - - Ana oationhommosovinot itiomhhin boon ouvoreol Trioheit hogan On inogo S.eooioog buot Oboltont lit dioonortgod, Tnt to dmp tho oplondorof pagoontry, nhrad ou Hutlan, tho, it tas thooglot. Olîn ropurOur tîmidly nthed Conornohoopo p mOnoneol Kew 3 10 oon31nt miOh tho lotarO nI thinou. h lonhed dittrooued. Tho loonhoon oi Will pan Oniog to -h;ttu 111h. oiOy mnhiog îlot Augunta 'Midnnonmot SoS- - rtjeote oompletity. anS rojnioou -On Triohoit pluthéd op eoorogo, lont îO tIII. >000!' - day Nnmhoo.' Tht pointa oi oinvoliy New] tonth On iOn- puhool oimpllotty. Tiono tus ooon ocoojiloat- Ilootan ton only GoiognOl lood 0000,' ton Ohorejoindto, it thin oumhoo oct tho looghonîtg of au . New the dnetrioe ni îlot Atcnomoni hou allovoiog hon opponont Ou leal on eohohthedhihotonotdonidl 'Ilneoo ingeoiouolyplauuedotcryinthroePahOn undergont a mondetinl ovulntîno. A onffo.'runee. appaoontly hoopiog op toith pond htt31r ploot oluO I 3111 pooo. oed loy Thomat A. Jauvior, author of tht NowC eompleooritual hon gven placetoin the grentoot 0000. acol bobS ohoot .e.,hntiOtOll yoold. Hetootlotet Yen oloonySlaolo'otooieoatdauatttoiioti. . New i Hio natol" a loloody mtriieo On ilît qoîtc nomnononoll. Ho tlouo ~Ot off.' eut toriol loy Prafesoor ±foldou of tht hoanty ai a lue of faith in tho 000 tîth Trielotti uniS a îolayed itnntthdeltgnhotiitm jontaheoilint Lich Utiiotroitv. air. .Janvior'o net' New-o. namihon. Cloriot atones aood 000 my fronohomo. -ahoro qoonroOr ol a mile ~ rolluel ot Olîn olIlo,, tht Outitol onrohtr norial it eaîled A Ideuicon Campuigo.' Now n molh a porgono 'Tloy ovilI ho dono,' heaton, aod, ho load loin, ftjrlp oitoreoooolooîhed don. tht oldo of tht St oood hardiy ho taiS thai thin isoot a dtauiog auvay mithoti ttnO0.o, ond, tlîiokioju ai Oho oîooîîiiyiog oot ryne Setoon, aithooglo iho oha tIre ~0OT~fi The onoorohont tomoded to thia Iruuou effort, ivool eoonfortuhly loy more thon offtul ol z noît otonre, ho mlnlyooidl P torenotonlyfortheoiotaftlltPooPîo innlongiho. Ho enulol havn'vaohya ~riono'ooioolîop..oy irimoinhoro di.! oliho Sooi îîttt 000 named Tho Mu- - onllontiooly.hni for eaoh o00'0 mdlvi. quattor nia milo B ho mtchool. Tho itenout ion? hilitatiot ai tho Troopo,' 'T ho Pnelep - Snolity. Porsonal reopuonihilitiou ionoi ovaire tas omoollo. anol a oteoog fiood "l'inothp totol,' to. tlîo t.oly. Coder Falot Colore,' aood Tht Shiominlo satOniod-oeith a gotaral ioauoloronoe of iidn favorol foui iioaohot Teichati ton Tho oSorogolte oont îoiot, tctonnnoîîed aiBuonaViotu.' Prefotoar Holden miS tOn. Ho -eohn oins mont oeoh pottonni altugathaeioeftplohlo. of oompotiog miih Up rea000t ou.ouglî ta ooh I pololiulo 1000 oriiolos an Sidorol Attcen. fnrgOvaooou.. Thno Oloa vaino ol a Hanlan, toho Soithool quitu Otoolo, ohilo iVhoO do yoa tiioh pan'll 0.t for 10?' amp, nId anol tot'. Tho 000 Onov givor. bo soon. Sm Triokoti ovas eahonnied. Coolo. ni eoueoo. G~0 OPo Whîtoy. lhtioOv eîorotiolonthodatcovhichautean- poreonal Saviofle tu Clorint TOîlo foîlnov oo'oll OolI oohlîoîlla utolluto.Iomyti-ou colbroOnA 011 to dato 0it tollu Onperoooal, forgbvanmu iupoooauat, holi. ....................ot..o-.------- Ilo onho 0000 quooouoo Olîto o enOoolîoou, 'I ol the mothodo ol nomme Oho otato, nonu 10 porsonul, nalvaOion it pornunal. Siotchbo Lentos aI Dm000. ned hefoot OIîe diorenrogo - TheDayoioi.OnaetooOt amuagthosa William itofos - otthopetooooldecrOttr I ttpotototntlot thoirnuonhor. iho stot otîar11, tutu. hi, onopriooto Iogooo, 011. Tio aoticloo ato nppto. matdering onilcu mou alto aglad day of diod tloo deailo aI 111e hay toogo~o hod Outotdtho'ndjocolot rononeiliutiun. Fuiloors anS oonoiargoi 11000 Otnffo oolîiolo loo Iîontod. 00000r. - prloOu to tlmntar.gunitg OouOolt. atp goievonu difforonco anA moto m Monry Il. diud of a hoohon loonet, ______________________ Tho itonti.piooe o! tho Auinoi Cen. ano. Petty - foaIu lonniohool. Posea mcouioeod iy tho lood conduot ol hiu tory ina portrait oi Goeoge Konnouin omilod over tho miole eongrogation. uloilîltot. - - A Sertoot loy Futloer Tupbîr. loin otudy, dru-to hy Hanry Snndlonm, TOn0 mouthonutiinîieaiiaOlongnma0. Gonoffo E. diol from dreoiooonus. - onil ohoovo Ohu oclolorntod tonvetor nI - ring onco. 000 have ont Thntlotgiviog uvl/iolî lois vîî>onioinuu iindly eaIlod an 11000 hearîl Polir. Taylor pceaoh uoooi ou lois Sihorlun papore. The - Day, anS mnoy oOloar doyo thai ato apoploctir 00. a nornion ou ho Atonemoot.- Lt mou noticîn giviog a thotclo oi hOn hie io hy i~lIo1O'tS in - toliginas atd politieul William III. dirîl ai comoumptive nU ina oiaio tint oohody iota naior lIas Anoo Louconu Damon, daugloOco o! loynotnlooaddadaPaltO lonloits aI hudy anîfroon tht Oinmhling onnil on restunol, a olylo tloai ovory tloo Mousaaloumtie otoatue. Etoonos loist. W apis aI kit horoe. onilot could oomprohood, allloouglo a ouva netiolo mn this nnmhor dencoibot - - atoonAndii5taîîOntîd not practical, Iri tîclo ceenteloigomo Edvaod 1H' diod ai doingo, asol teratîso an lie ouiyoct iran au ap. lois 'Mlotiog wiîh Polilican Exilou.' - day o! ooconclliatîoo, anol feegovo loonet. Hiollurd III. ai niaivalion-thu vody tome paipit tooald hava hec. OoGt0Olo~o Tloo apooiog ihnoteatlod nolielo do. Ily aoy tha have affondel loint. tovotooof Iloorgu IV. - ta loOn. This tnt 000 of tboz patagon: oorihos A Homo el tho Silont Brother. The rensonaloleostot of îlot atonomooji Honty VI. diod in peboon loy monos Yoa ara dtad in tcouptuoos nool oins. louod,' nnmoly, the Ahhoy ulLa Trappe otvarhcetmes<oltfle On noantiltoo'o- knoovnotlyto hiajaoiorandnotanly andhsriodioadotOitthOlotOOîOId i. Eeniucloy. Tha Obootralions oooooo - periotto that mn 000 emo lites thinlo in lîoavoo. amoofsî Oie hallaut, noS yoa onot fol Ou in of omnos in the Oid Wotld raOloer )10t onm~elo toto loolo toithosi forloolp aud WoIli~om tlîo Conqootor diel fr000 ont, lot tloero in a Onu ni nia an tho Iloan is Oho Hem, anol il -otili not sue. retief Ilont is ahoolale anA mhboh me onortoous tnt. !rom doinlo, an.! ioam tho main loooOulo. Ton ohm ap tie otanolo' ptioo tlonue vohu road Me. James Laîoa -rioleoeeoi hio paouioos. ions and try On 500 il OPOto hai you Allono oponpntiotio~ dooceiptian ut tho eaonot eroatc. * 10 el a on1utare ol tho cant. -Tant tmg a pneclooue. -Too goi Aihoy b learo thai aIl ils inmntcs aro The outiol too noue a son onu aIne - lirorga Il. db orasie Oie coauciolfonatu ot aooîornal loonrl, thiolo tho poriodionla ol tlîaiday pas. handopikon, onolaio haro, aod aI fotoigîo hiollo. - relief, oins tee - tormeS a vtcItttioo o! God. talai toclolon, bat t ooy- are Oc faod. Mm. Van hlonnolaco and Me. PenneS Somo ilîonghl mono oi ilîno Hiohatd Coosr do Liot, liko tho -Too eas't siari il. Thon pIn hegon ta tillo pon aad ponoil doscriha uaslhnr o! otite 0toiapedmorn. BatanyiloitlS 05îtaîgrototloîol. loivlooaohmoooom- siogouîtouiag 0101 fat loelp. Tau lonil Eoo'laod'o groat olourcl.ou, - Liocolo Ohat ms toi iu bOnoli loolioooo is spart od, diod hy an norat from an arclîor. ail thu soinlu pou iloinlo aro un doolo. Calioodrul. ireoo (Sud anS Os gin. hi oueds atone Edooaed Il. mou lîaohaoaauly sol iOn. hal tlooy oao'i hulp pan. AO lasi pua loir. Jalon Barroagin ovritco ooason. mont sîta alaog tillo ut goasser oins decontly morSroed hy roolaosomplayod hail Jrsau Ciooiuh. En comos obeuiglot ably aioui lion oaalloeru Culoloillo a Oloat te enol holp lai toîioo. hyhoonto 00100 onol paramaar. oloog. AIl ho toanlol tas On ioouiod. oection of aîîl.doors mith thiclo loo it Tho orli riglolmas people do ont b. , Jalon diod, noiody bot. hem0 hot it Ho 1osi olapo loin ohoaldor ta thai Ont eopocialîy tanoiliar. - ielleotcalîy nodoretand Oboo nrodoia osoudfrom~ingrioo. ofolo. hîrallu off, nad tlîunlootayo, CalonoIJoloOsOOo thasopotiraiteiod - - - Saeioloe. TIîo aOuoam0ni ta iloupoiua Hoory V. os oniol to loavo dioS o! a Sloipmalaî. come oui 1 Woll, it pou liio toto givon in ihe JuIy Cnaiaey, feoliolo mpotnry. , "paboinî olflioliooo. 0/orouIlOntotlY." - dont nomu oui iOn aIl paunova fauli. pohîmuhos a oloenucieoioiio oOuoy. ilinu. Su lot os livo auS ho ouprlomgly oas. - Edmard I. is alsa taiS On loavodied ai litas on tho Snooday hofoon a Maie lealoS loy Komhlo, anS entiiled 'Tho onoraOud On COol Olîat Ciotisis ntoniog a "talaral oioloots5.'~ oloolion. Briogo tuo lIa onadidato for Eopeeimonls aI Miss SnIly Cool,.' . - lite atol bath ooayho ono ,ausi poooiaoo llonry IV. iu mil to loavo diod .1 ltoo Whig paoly, hut Fathot Taylor Mo. Goorgo WoiCaiîa doos~ihou lie -- - hopoandtaitlo. TIon ooceiOoO o! goals oOtsonusrelby norîaoiooot," and un- deoirel iloni ha olonaîl ha olootod nhjaoOu aod inollbools ai tha 'Homo - - touons a olildish ooay ef âppeaoitg the onsinesu in 110 acou 'oio-Oloono i000005 tata boonomu ho tas a roligieun mas. This Coltueo Cbnlos,' aeiginaiedhy air. Cahie Doityl hat thon ooo lenen oeloom tho ~ oas lota prayor 000 Luod, givt ut himool!. otoriSco typiSeS, iloon 000 - Te Litos Itothe. gaod met On mb ave. ns, joot men, Thu principal reuay of lIon numlîor m0 - * ttotnllmcaaong. - appreciiaOn toonpooanm ton, Cloriutainmot, 000f 110v. Dr. Vyotan Ahhoti'n dioonssion ai Tht propor tony te oleas hoolos on ta mloo ion. Tlooo, otho eioy Tloy eom. Tboedulpil for To-day.0 Tion aotiolo, 'fln lYhent Crtp. taloo tuo aI ahoat tho namo oioo aod masîmontc, non m-hu-Sai, O Lord, - oh on ontrrooting On 0011, tas tritOno ht- -. thato tloo onu ai oeeriog noS tort tlooro tas an y ideatloaiDr. Ahhoîtt uîeoiothooo ai des sonnotlytogolIotr~~51j0g Esrepono ptonpeuto netunlavuenlolo ,ovoeaîtimen onlil nOl tion dîîaiOnea. and pobotiog tIl rousoltoold nuocetol Me. Boe~or is tho tloiu pear. parlioslntly is Ibis Oh~ras, ollod asd soi clollo. hrîoslo, Iloneompono? GivontooerpeN Briggs pslpihoîPlymotîo Churelo; indeodosome mn Franco Cattequeoitly iloaro onno ~nnOurond'Ota5y0leuUm5îaa0m, to iho Ion Governot 1 Hi, prapoor mat tiooo hoiuoo tîîe dcelh of Sîr. Beechor. - tessoal domnod be CanodisOs nod or lonîhur j~ ~ ~ ~ autovirel an un toot day. TlooLitmln Hiataru' dralo thismonhi Ameriont toloont. niai peton, art mrroo- gui Fathor Taplar osas eloqsont; losonor. ovillo Teonnonre noîl Eootor.loy0 anol hoolon miii rolslo thole original frosh. oao anS pathtiio loy bons. Semutimes givon a nom asd oloareeodoaefLidonlo'n peodiogîp hmgheo in ail domostia tono lor pearo. Booha in e1'oaCt m-itloest ail Iloose chaeactoeioties neemed On it eotctionu On Olie eatly miliOn~noooo- - tanoloots. Tht montot mlooah loas a I oInt irasto retcit their trnhnouo long- onargoS On onooo, 'îloouo noS masy othere monts on tlon Wou1. - The uhopOur head. - temipheen hnrvaalod mo îlot Souihoro tethao~mheepotin eloncd omet. Moto oîhiuteaitsiatoroatcd int.hntllovod iogsarooBalOnoloTiIoToooOsOOOLoOO, lahitcdosandaoearding tulatonoloitru dotimbîl calleot spon honkleaposed, himhctaaOo, Srot andlastaodolliloo Linonlo Diroats Cooporahion' 'Grani ilîuyitld i. loardlv ooototoPoOSOttaSOn hutiiis adutitiiohootosoffrtt&ly. lite ho mas the nailoro i0itndo~~Jnhn nul Thonons in Etototip,' and Forh - - NeotloCarolina, Shootto Caeolisa.GoorPin NYlons piih5loohind glass doaro, or tO Codman, in ilîn Aogoni Contney. Donelono.' On page 51'! a Tory intcr anS Alahoosa, hat tht ainootO eoph o ' est louer font prîonmîocnt Loononin On ha, Ilie Hoollomoni pooldin aath~Ioso dottsottlOtspoatheOu - ornoraioAtostilaiSana Terrstcrlrsaoodiho baiiabocalitionmlootennlieonîinunoîo ~ npuhhooh PaciSa SOntoS e! tho Union it tartlloni. ii ion Ont oooiy dont, thielo, thon - Plot CIomp Iltrvrst Encarsîtîls. od !or tho OrsI lima.- (Sor Oetcrie tlll ho ptiocipaiîy IronIeS titI. a "- ' - - ho tht heoly aI lis onagasone tro pielîl con, loreolo or ileotor oonSsod On îlot la11 minai trop. and acie liku a hînlo oiiy palnhdincOlot5 oison canuos ou vont vot meonunrot. o note loy Arlo Saton-Charle. Edton0---'~ - thio nny ho toI dote os agaadavortgo tht itatioor nool bus -lit fil. OOo enure or ton tour, oauTffmnot Mnckham, PloroacnEarleCeatot, Coco - Ponttpîoanin, Qibu, Illinnis asd Mmohm. Onohu mloioh tee oponlyeupO(cd. thin .0100 OlOtOnOOtOt. Son SonarS, Minna Irvitgoit.ehtrd E ~sn svmît iorrjoh * fail PrnPo~t1lo0o. sooty doot misen ovoth anoonatonunand - Soo~o~tasdCaliaTlontOnr. anodn anS iho UniOnol SinOno mil 0000 onnesor dool noS ii aIl camno off to. Tho mesi ahundant evot Ireauro. Tho oTopicu o! Oie Timo' dolaI mth a on a campetitor in 1110 Liveepn0lo~oaelori gothor. Theno fonts eopinia mini Como asd set fa. pooreolf. Tht Oreat ntm mutlood a! hntîiliog tho loqoor iht Sont loodios. Tht erap t O~t 00 ooots nI trot paradoooioai-that tho lOnololsIanS hionOn offert ~as îlot it <montons in t.ontcipallion, Modren estimaiel on foîy 10,OilO.(lOff hoolîrlo toto te tcy Ou ioap honbl amnytrano dommente of latent tatou, anS odt. Seinoce in ils hteintoonn On Paon, auS plone. Foriho1 t Ith more mooltauthtmth tarons aI that ai boni Ot , an~ O SghOIsl jntrney On tOn onrmtailtdpaiaot ooSmialinm auS o Treals motlo ending Jnty 7,.no>oordmtg 10 the dirhteohhuy hooomo.-Eoo. - care. - - The 00pon Loitoon' -art about Tht ~e~leahie 10 liso Set Torlo Predom Doots olEtgonmoun.~IotaoeChice. ~euoher'o VacaOiao. FatherTaplor, îlot atgo 111e ohnptentua! thoat front - India tert Ul5,OOOhonioOn, 720,000 go Angnut 21, SopletOnril anS 25; anol IoEeeit Soolon., - onol Thn Abobhuu aI poing On the UniOnol 510 dont, nuS Ml,. - OnOnhar S osd 18 (ltS0I, tes Solnono. Slsvery loy tho Chereloons.t f0210 ths continent. or Oie trolo thmI.bpto gaTolo..Oon5osto Itobronha, Hsrthmmiern IowahIlnno -ho oStmo.a.Bomo<5o~1opHeoryWoii - urtoloon tht amanni mas 2.020,000 SPlom.b.uo.ooCbflS,.hoonOeSfmfoOoOOo snia0-OnS DtIonOn- - - - ~ hon apioudoniitledThoFxaondofAgeo - O - lontheOni 1,120,000 mont Ou tho TImOnS mim.iob.aonntoonobooingoooooiutloo - Satu-Ont mm for- tho rts~od Onbp. Ago.~ - - - - - Hlngdnnt aul 000.000 10 tht eoniinotnt. wo~no~ 'zn~.~eognno.oiono.. Tiobols, Iltot-elana osd good Sodapa - - ______ Frtmthto5maOOSrCeiOinl~elthal - for mmm asoufe.~ -Itoprtve thOn ap-' --- , -' îlot e.~grtgaie olomptonin frontApril lot - - - pe~ai~.Ttomay neotrhnvtaioOthOr Saonî.WAt~nv [hi.eviooj Ibm At - Iptoit ota oeonOn as hoontiful. 1 Beontu y ose ShononOurd lot FotIoy. Ailon Dotohont on Joy 11,55(000 honlotto. For , - -, tlesnooàttadtia thoGotnSBock-InlauS npper.d hofortth01neh Oh nosgîoteotoo osa four th~î On lit CobieS SOnOnt, An Elopeonoat anS .r400oI., - peteoipai ~to. .o ott theas StatelCi' sooOunloo.V A:oourlhàr-od-oriinonrn tee. - - - aonooni et cuontonoinf Jnooo 100h the -, - - Hamillon Sanie, wMIh'Ijan mon - 0000 -Inento thsgo of ttotultcghimlkoohilh h. 0011 On I 04~uS7hoonhtILWGtay - A-ynuoog m omis ni ForttIet&ndfOIIPaehaOn~od~ ~ tupuot our nom oms. mhtat On the tamed Foanlo SoIly a short Olmt ogu D;L. CavenTtavtiingPtetfgthAf~ ont. nil oh. diylpinriosotn Oho - oIltg.d 10 nttnhoi ta a ittdayn. ThoCaliiaminn ovont On moto npon ths addittun orMolo for tht Petoinot of, lPoOonOIlffi Tango oroimîngoI:thomiggimol.4lnîg~,n,00o - O - -~ auS Snuthonn SOabotepinoutintht Onhemtgmnds ou..0Ioe Stet-uf tht SLTeionta;0flbo~ toE.A.Bnlh~n5( hodoobOîoid.ydrettàO«IonnlqnoolSy 0' - marbet auS poitehave aSteaeinnff- FrOond1mnat~oeSld~ e00 topeS thoot G. ~ 11~ tr*o31~oO1toitthé'tao-f111 oote, -tlosa- tnoyo - - - - ImoleoStA tn~ennnnooeg.O~3t offontouas -' .-.~----- ~1. MnaL0-JOdfn00tO;~ dmliyod-fliSo . -~-. - 7 ________ ~55~ft~glnteeO -. ~. .20o'2 o.Oo - 0.0.1 "02' __ __ ___ __________ -- - .too...ooonotoroltCoiOt&1 ~ "~ - -~ - ~ - ~.- .4~J.0O0 ~ST Dress Goc>d~, (J~i'0pet~, o~ -l hie oi~el~GvonOotS hoon, niprirtu Oni I . 1- .0 1~ - Ourtaj.fl5, LOtCu etc'1, ( ~ ~ '~ t5saranOnod. m --".1- - -~ ~umeASH FOR N E~ay Brothé~ CÂI~P3ELLVILLE'~ EvtrybOdYPle105od wt~h- their elega4 ~. - ___ S- -- rieau moroioninhio - - - ~ o - dioplay ' y'f ~ ~i !~-~VStran~,renoon, hurt2 ripe Dr0Ss Goodo 20; 25,and800. I 11aiOn~b1ltrgt .toohef gonds toi olotaso front ok0hi DrestGOOdSlO, 12f, 15, 20, 25o DonimnaudCettonndenl alon Fino Groy Flot 3heek-DroSS Geeds 7~", 10~ 20, 25C. Drons Goodo. IhambraTS 10, 12, 15,;20. 0 --- - o yS. AndîloBOt f-Snmmor anS WinOn goadnssartmrot o! Slîootiog 12~0.1- I - dothit toiSOn l alto a large roriotp nI ~I1IhlS 5. '-'000 ICi0 nos; o - tel, onI ont on tshoiitctos for Waol (a halni o 0, luge, thatooneandepetdot good aonnd Toms or boorsuekors 8j, 1 - 40 ~ 750 f un ~dFiImnyt.fromponromnmaoltîoon ~apettr~~ Oii.ip-ot~l 25, 80,85, - ~ - eavongtoll onS ~rompily dano. Givo un o trusuolo Oarpott 75, $1, $1.10. doalt Oh ~ h1 tii 8'ool Carpots 87*,'50, 60, 0150 $1, $1 10 - D. ~. lace OurISino, tapod, $1, $1.25; $1 50, $2, $250 ____________________________ iorim Halroioth 10, 12~, 15,20e. - Jou ain Foies 50, 75, $1, $; $250 GTG~~t~ Downfall etillinery ~ery eheap. ORIOTHE PHIOES Feroey Jackets, extra VilIUY, $* 0010000000 o! __________________ ___ I tylos lit Drossmakîlllg. .0 x BROS., ~ Hamilton FURNITURE - . Tht Sohocriher ont offor, for Salo ai his _______________________________________________________ litin SOneot. MilOno. lois lar~e ual tell-î - - aOpriccnlamerthan ntavroheo - o?' - IlooTamo o! Milton, on Pafe~Su~t~, 1led~Room Suits, Loi Sido>~Boàrds, Wire Mattrasses ol - qflSDl~ity of Ses Grass and On tht lime -ovool on both or o Nom for familiou min minîn te S - onon~~ aithêptoniinee Booms in tht STEVEJ - MIL ON., .00.01, ~OOXOC - -JOHN3O~T & - -FOR- Finest Braixds of F WRITE LEAD. PAINT, OIL. VAR STEVENSONS POST I Nails, Ilingés, Screws, Glass, Pull - ~ ~( SPEOLAL PIIICES TO FA] - WE ARE AGEAI -- If yoor sight b ~pai~fid--~ither pei~ftet glasses, wqjgpa~Sn0.~eo>to ~ 001, oOLOndoO 1,11tCp~î~. I. *---- - - D MO1000h.ttOiOl00 toI 1001 10000 OIil00~ ONT TIIOMAS G. MAT Ptopo Lotllly Covon .Aglooooio 111 Oroico-lo Court Honte, oa.Ootttc J.W. ELLIOTT, ,lthlo ou. EoeioOt.hC., 701100/ not ottOhO orroco-lo oooooo ecuoplool L- Droor. E9.. upotoirel Bt OiOItOOo W MoTOT TO LOI ~:zit1oo M. E. MITCHE .4000 Eolioito", Couoe.oîuo .0000 I Oreior~Tolro Bull. 211100 0~0 ~Noou .00 poroocO. 0000 . oî~ CBISII 10 On mot louOOll01..0.l01001001,OfrA oot00.OOP0O NI,,Ot.OuOL,,î,~1TLh00 000t~ EoooiotoeohS0ll r 001,11 10 ouIo lotool, E.ooO. EoOo ~ ;îîoy. Too.o0o. $l~ît00h0 loto tooQ. C 0000 I,,oootIOu, ENA o ,.ooo etlou. - *~no00tooo.t o r0101000'1 hO. per 3,00. 7. 1001" ~ ~u0loOt0tI00. 00000. I i., 11,0 00,01' 00007000 uoo.oohtoh0010 * . 001,101 ,l00,,,.0100~000. ~E10T1S pn000~non0t j-tAlC otOoooIooO 10100 e0~rt~~0~ Ooooohl0.i01000001000 ~ A. G. ~ E row2C HALL, Il 0010000000 o ur~ettd loto 0,0 001er .310010 01,0 Tht SOtte Lite ol SIen GE.VIOrL4L A 0,.o001.0l,îrî 0,0000,10000 Onu -Tht 0,olloI- * lr.0OOdtOîllt ooo000e00000, WTALLkCE 03010 00., Ol .000.0000 Ont. '00 o01,00h00000000 J HE )..EADIBC0J0O 1h00tte000PO0î000 ue1000h000000001 ,~lh: ~ 1J.eoOot oollo.o,,O. okrn~ooo0o. 10 ~ItI3NEY TO 00000.00100000 CWO00010000000 10 CeOteol toI o, *, 1.0... ~ Geo. Gril î:00.1T.01 1,0., 1110,01 -on031000l, 10o1000 1.10 TOO.0003& .,..d lbooOOOOhIO00100 00001 000000000 FolIo 0.000lI0-i 0001 100 00 ~3 o il 10 ooo0lo~oTht00 oOOj~' 01,010 plolI00llon,,0100î00 - 100,00 01,0011 oO 0000 ~10oocuoi0t. îtylnn0tt01,0~ 000 oolOoOOeOOOlo o ..oeroo0, lES ~7'~S~ *Itî, 00011000000 ~'t S~POZZTSVI O OC 000 01,010.1,000 151,0001 ~,o0lohlo. - 00t010000000001000 .o0o00000000 Dovioo'u, Cooliog' oa.001.ot00. To oool, T~oouio BeOOOi0OE .00. 0001 t0,10II00 ...youlooOl.oloOooI hoitlod no'i olenli loi 00000000 Co.,1'000 nodreSOiVîOrhlOOiM notICe 000oe.Ohool obo 000010 000. 01,01, 0f bboooile eopIOOT OtoOOOlooOl0000 2i0p00010000 10000 00000.10000h0000 ooolntuloe.l dol00 000000tn00000010l0 CopittI neoo,0010 i obliltu toopelori 1 ~n~oS~¶.o~&. MILTOŽo h1011otcl iDeposîts reen est uiio'aed .00000F0100 .oodu r rate ~soI10Q Olht4OttOyOlotoOO 000000.000101001000 ieqîused Oit 0.000010n1000000. 1O~î. ou. to 31 oo,1 -Froon 10 a tIOlolO 000 0~O0T0t. 0000u111 00.00 1b00003uolttto 0000000 01001010000000. 0000.! 0011000. 000. 10.00 n>.C0 .ÂOOuott. Solo.. -- tOt'dtOeTuOu. 0000 O - 10070001011 oooOlOOt ,.uon.eoO00,ollî. 001,1,001, ~ 7 10110100 roouoOOolOIl0l0 .0. eooroouoo.threolhoOI ~ 130 ~ I 40.00 ooIjooooOOoO INTIIE 000000 501ot 31 000000,00 p hootoooouoktOIOSoO ~OnhIe10r010od 0000001 t10I~y000tuo01l0000 ~, rOooote00. rooo.Aot... A O * EASY TO FULFORDO ~tALITY. ~r10000~ 004050,11~ o ~om1pte0t0l00oO Pnt.o, I TO~IEGRLA , Prlot DR. Little 100 - HO GRIPIE 110,0010 00011 0000~-

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