Canadian Statesman, 31 May 1888, p. 2

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A pretty .lot of new tbingsjust.', LIVERPO .Muhai nêx I.. !IL . . .lfS ER - Pipefan-6,i noiolsI -BOo f Gnone~rown'o~U Wann ony i on Âon sWinMin, Omagh. tL hene licoonco nooneffor th= v..go -TO' wbeothe rooon Ât pen bbo-o2rZ DGLThn oog Bobi-11enobriez, leb, atio,adÂcobcoOrOlJbosatiflodl -Daibon, St. Anoo, diobono 107 yarfol- ibh biwo. - Thnoo boolo in Georgetnr oownyh sa oabfl niin non la o'e? f .blfoiladu2MnIn an - i co wl ucpt uncetiThot Beiioavlons emrl=o=SootohB flock, 152$ yardo. forbte oo oaio fth rvefi;Who.aysa bfritbaO owno DOmonore ofooSentrioo, lob, Clark; Puble' 'ad i he commboicours shoolîSnocblof scc he hd ?bDC-8oenn;lb Soot liccnoo aoy mor. MUltonsnconoe Lotbidolenbhoaeu. oor country iii; Quarber MlRcý nre;lt boo not yot Ibéon hoard fron, bbt heDofomo hoer as theoy.'- oDpoO;o, Mitchell. Iinood hh oooogbb bo bcooogb for flot flntooo lice aro Britono obbl, Ohtoolo ace-4 eonieo, lstl, Prof. tho tosco. And shaiebofor ayo. Tock;2nd, Thompoon. Tn Thon giivoaoboooirfor Engloond, Tbrowiog Lacoonooi flU-2 eoobeo, AcTS oe i otérpnal of bon Scoot Foonhonoot, validt Eogland, ne, Jnevjo Dowar;on; o, Va of To. in n Stonsono, Que., took plano Thoogb oooch obo loves lierlegero, rnteb. r.Y, Sudthe gondoounescrmeo Bt oh obo lovesolier booor moro. Tho promnndeoconoertin theoorno. noy rnng that the Âcb Woofaofea oraithurraht, for Boglarf, ýng mon aisé givon b ino 'àngicolbnel Ya aotyo10.Th»Ant Weio bob tAnd boflag wo oU adono. gronoido, nof it atiaciof 'a vony lairgo votcd u ntanStooooolan1880, whoi - cromd, Wbo mre dolibhief mtbbbho madfotofby anajority i . In WhooBaye thomorldoooy ronghernow, sélectionplyay tho bond,unoder- 188l; bolvever, ibb mnc .coonedbef Nor leur bo mcob fits doo? bbeloafcrship nof Po. lbina nojonty i f2B..Theo goodemoooe Thej bâtbsnofni moallio nnbly ohunm bn om n bn OLon nbandb nobon on elob Mrh by Haon,.h Frndtand ienmon bboh; bybo 0mgnenna, as uoondb banner bonmporance yo f flouBt ronosho-oh 1 the fltiologuno boooj oonod h asooohne vt. f erevehr Th onion~ bY 1-U-9 loclamaterxTh. a,..n 4ob k.ob ..on naio. Sétcbtn. Ten gueo a obeer for Scoloof, ingo nobotnomont conniofof ibona For bravo, for bonojo cotbnf, benobiiol'fioplay of doomworbo, mnagea nbnnts in that vlg noafny.Onh. canefl hom it trw tc ttheTe1boo ehgrean dnfon libofimnttobl roonit, Scobbto let bnih lnown ninno au bc ThnbInd inoefibnceoontron, $192 Onerof nl oxponoo, a mont mel.n mfo M alien nom ne nb mon a ynaor onAitInhrcoan coinsWabditionoo i-fndof the.oband,. = g..DO Zken it mon the penctilceofnAnf 'cidnbbthefieldsofniSpain, pcOtnïni oaboro nrf nomoapaP=Snob bl o n l leiiibshonnirs, BASE BILL. To L «Ir~~onkocnithsandfb ofrimei thooboaed An bravo, ne roc, amihen;Bot as.A aehl lb frnnho hOnenrncellemythe lifo; -ts a teabahonihe Onononfor oncasionnly tve oecln b fnbrn fmoonfS.Am oobi ihe o Ti wnnnbbng np bbe droonnngies boabT AndBrntainsop a . playcd n machnb tS. Ânnon nthebn24bbl hav bauonfrqunt or fr hepot hon givo a cnbnn orErie, cf May, renlting in a vicbory ifor tbo b ha Oh nf co cnbregi eboeorpnstpladmiles ri lotion club bynaocore ni 20 ol. Thé oc niyao iSob n egm. Ih n manyoagrillantoscoec onnc Oomndbe ilhvno p thoînneycsnfield ibnnfoning fie nmn villogo of boT hoforeoont fnag boni Dniain bore boab cnphnywo,nns bheSt. Anna boys Wtmcannind hyabnbnb hnnfvialareInaanc-die booe Woolpo rnflnf "a drby ird thb ole it iow a"c.rý yaIrsbadaurihreltrho clp.o nt." ' IcoMaycont oon ympaboy régimntcor. Onboheb4tin oitbooC<nondions, ociMcor nibnOaoo oover.CHGoongoboo, ny libo, 18W. Torntoo, héattle Georngeoownboom on vor Tmevsi ilone theprpa1ra. Fnac- 1strPotr.S.1 bio nimbnlc on hii mn obon-~ 'mlr. Tho honoholi mnthieb boien tino On British anndAmorinan chnrobns npenb oot.co1in.Oh.i.Snonf ce ooin t hin timo aod talonts, .isnnbiogvnnv wh,,tns 1111..nnTib ntplayef nThuroday et theogrmcultnnnal sownm peogrenno fo npplanbcog bbenidtn o. nnoam Il. Gnc.tnnf frto bm~bnnfnih~ TaoJno orbn l no bdnl'Uorgo Enîbo Festeo in bnbnoficob o b ,usm fvnn2 hhrta epesbokb. Thoactibon FilcieT nunto offrcf by bbc Milton band, mos noma. Fbyn b roh' b i1ef laniennb mu btno l"nnior bhng ni o surprise., The AntoonosW of the enerai ssanib iof thm- esbnnoooppcanunoblyhthoolbons-bonn Ham.D.1 bedoan Churnh'ni thé- United Statesin lio noansrnnbg country, unof o mono bîcndsly nthe in piroten dJ. dennng bo snonnnisbuefln publnsttotns raniD. fB. Clctonm1The traino ueirdspltin fovnnbtoooingblj.o WMorbp laOonly oneofnitbec nvera oi cdsaine Peofesoon onteon wbssefto pro. patinweef avor i b, tasro onn c donc"of nistafot. 'Snob large bodies, asgft cne 1bbcopnto n rmit adbnnrfcithé Stars nnbng j. ofcicuso,- couve lnly, bott i thino lmfgfltinonen.en teopoton of8nt t he r, ndîotoe1sfcninn nom motetinboy ano ppnnnnly ont bobnf Sct a ouola pene htflto theplteandftbbc0ile o hyn haf te then]ancenoburnhes. the iootbmny of lcompey bn nn opil' bco bo i o gv oPof.- l sScott Act job noll. Tinocorons ore, bon Oak- J pp.ORer-finmond ion: the revibn4d Sonbp.fBrunmn fnn frp vlln pblahe, mbn e.. mllnoppotofý:A nitroftho Newo o 01fTentae-onin ndoci forobntarumieot 0asbbob hn btandf in thoefeld, mono an fO -imen ohesle h lhcvm1fin. JaMnO8Cbnso pZzIOinto tho'Antonn olggnmo,;T co1n iomn ifnendvrBoooDomaviUo, Convntivn. Oncen intef, nconuglmhnm thorao mnenonnlen untt nnodobhmfbfno. M. Postors Infopeonco voofobef bon cnsenof ni bdount. Oly fSun of lot tin r nd u auoudOnt.hoStrson Sthbr bîd,-fand T EERTnnafvcenr n oomaayo mho han Tony ho o nommcnddbimmolf to 9r bbcair." VIne f8mb Actnibblnnas ' agpomeraofndinekand Who con JobnoMacdonald Ibat lho mus ralIot to pounnfnfnutbnfth o, nd hioe cco.a monge u opoan adnnsor tmco ùthe Cabnt and mod._-MterOfnoni ned nao ebebv nfte findng lenf, o'god popl reay t met vs reardd a apot. he rgenn mc. common, nnand co2Oak- -onz me iaOcpeplpitcnfy hmot mnnTc d so on. ie m" ibngof bîco bal nn tieno 00e ~ ohcni onxngon noula ay nntbbooforna homoernu. On auninto h s boi corchnn, anef gvc hemny. bolier inoboco ntitfi ha that, Pro£J rongbneof nibbc rounothbonorenn monT IcNoncfontinla a o gond nicanneer anc Poieritbog a Bapit, ibisa fibbngbtirt lorgen thon miizht nlhnnmi havea hect, O ndeth oshe bo lbe abomla havemnntol ov hrteraoc. theStarosfhfn y mov nnu ititn co so bspot i fnMng iuobopano. Thouepdn n1L hi bobtonpho m litsm, baveosblongthe AdHo he bbapn intin btefFiabnte. J0taeparntabtYenooibc pnoioucn onvnobont nF.ierwobie Dcx forb8rpntooo tothotambo lu ~ ~ nm nonisieot miinhbis proieione Preme."T ho Mentie oi T prbasumpire.or ni bon cdRibver Vilr3y rab bis conduni may ho. Thocnane ni the fallen opon im. :Tino labeof trdenLn inmn mT no adon o poeedfce-on-Wibdomo, mino héla commerceoLbobo hie honda, nk pj ionbo botéon r . audiences fron noy Thn tocoprauco penple havo fnund mmcTOfloti Onofion baloternlhe bof seevef a ontblong agoobiinnne lévation o nenofi B. . ýpI snenenotniToronto fon nu abominabn thnr inadors to theoseondofbighnn Wornnn, .1f...........f at bOcrimen,anef mho bon btoy boenoconvict.posoiion bu the Cabnet wmon otcalcul. Kelby. 2b.....Oh .......:::: in ed inof b ngIanf 'acf onioncef toton obatol avoneobheir cause. Sieonard Whfie, c.................. 4 .1 hig mors no sevtuefo tt sTlon s aOîneoitempranc adveo e onyp. & 1b.............. IV a totllohbobannn. Posien nnly *a 1cm Smbth, 8hb... . î t 2 noieteco nbto Canada b in e ni prohibition mbnn decnblicenmto fnTaviic, o. a..0 .......... 1 85coin coofdau evongelnst on a l'tempérance" vote. flot Fobcr in office soil do as - - 000l IS serh onuf Ondeasmonnyfntpen Till> dia; ho ii figoro ont how té 1427 wmc aser gottbhoe not revecnefrocotaxeson nn. AEvn.o,. A t -* hilcey, beurado neofmo, wtoiut fdryfB. . .EIn ... Ton Canada Tempéranco Amoof- igpbnnfoo upll. In office. Ponins, o................<Inn.. Ce Iccnb At," panof bolat ,mnnth -et bomfbbmth orceo nbbnonv lnap . . Ottawa; provdebtm lcon any pnbi. bfn,îogi nt of officehonsqtoFtgeral,2bb................8 n i bin on on envcationn niaus ode rn d>'to lbof pnblicopienn on the ond fSutherland, r. f.....i........ 4 b tm, connicfi for tac brnngn bnieffoni ni iepncbhbbbnn. . . CoroobI, . a....n............ 2aL the second part nfIl"Vhe Canada Tomt- « Whcn Profenser Posion mon moing a White, I h. . . . toAncAt" '*hon boon neto6fcoacnfrugal lbvnghbybntnnbngonpcobbbbfon, Anfonson, bb. ..b. b2th .a oenoafior oopiof ýbybthe lectorsofniho onof to proosgnonb nymptby foc Nothbmo, 1. L............ 4no bbe cooty on nty..nmaf bonnf," te thbbcpoor, nopenfnlly. fer thons wonne Tnnk, . L..................4 1 cont Govenorni bua<Coiil May' t nylaimeovpcmtyanef nefforingo mcm bebrcly -- 00 nlter the oxpiration ni thrty doyo brnhcabo fe ndulgence fn sobenofdfink.h,20 27 fu t,. (fead 'cifnbty f nys onformernlyl trom He itotiea thc uibon bondýy enongb oconn airon cocnGs, l bbh a on mhin the none mson no bohattoni ube of intoicalnsnin nin . 00 bl 2-4 1n u:poh ncre o e ailnls ote tn on effet aonà o nonpoyrry. 0Oabvb'li' cf is hé Conafa Gazette, déclarebot Wbnn monnf mo m onb bord ofa .bnd W.19 -0 àh tac -nccond prt -nifbbcé At Rali 10on igifor nocin ponn poy thot..boom b-u. Tbc mateh played t thn ngrinolbonal n'. *longer hiein forc. Unfen tilaomenu- énimes fo not suffino tbo ncff theo grounds nn Thorof o>' mnnng bebweno00 moubtlnoepnbotcGvnrme thbinpropon fcod, nclthbng, fuel and. bhe Lomvfilc nd Omogb ie mon to focbare thé Scot t rpoi 0n belbe, boy arc pnono to fromo tbcbn nnbocn nno-nffefbot largemaobd e ii thooontion miob voief on it on bbc troublo by the noc ci stimuiantsi s cn woien >' a borgo7onme.Tc lSh pel o mUas n b lton, mhon __________ . Onooinboysmnoel y1 cs fb sono npeaef conàiderahl>' morenthon 1THE qUEEN'S BIllTIhDI!. Be. J.Mot nmpbned tao bh otisfaetion ixt>' dayn ago. The Govrnomoutenrgan -f ai hobnutono and honpecobtoris. The No ycsiondai' ontined the mlcococ numo Thoogin noe. Mfitonianonmont to Scoreo: - atmr botbimméndiate aticm ouold.ho tainen. Torontioande ewombe on Thbnofy L0.VOO.toa This lbombai tbe EznogieBttamo con- opboenfth j Olben O ele opnfont onyn: the * gnent najonty-niboe eopleBi;bbc....P.....,.s....... p . Itlbashc b oe ,àa i îiîmnof.rtnbO1vbmrionnd ton i be~, tboononnoh ao .binnnon,Zb ............0 -8 prod m;imha proclamation df nmetaiau ni the hnba n ing nonS c aanoemnoninW. lBinbrdsnn, o..~.S.........82bebon andboa boàcouobinu mbcnc tae cSoto1r gand célcbration nifbine dey, bos J. Rannnap................ f Actrmnondcnnly ifopoifbonOrfon-in. fluiete onaveont outhe.nScott Act, J. Richardson, .1... .t <conofi faclarbog tib n fa orce. ovrnam yenirnao. fi>Mme o cboc a .VTunbnl,8b ............ : rUn1 o Thin ii oraoro, pernit tho'isnue ni largecrnncd o pessuno.nncinro bh J. P. Binhrf, 1 b- ...... 1 8 mon lii nnsenfothsibo, bi hbogunofcrotodd collentief and bon programmeoeponef b.Watbbos, r. ........ 1 curée hécjbng onedf on granotbo btlyaitorvordo. mita a preenson. Ef. Cqlibog.Lt.........b....... Mîoinonof ot M-.Miofthas bondef bybobn.n t nni * oa onmormoeootto nont tbbc and Lomvilebasebhalbno,oalu bg. . . . lb27 tbon snb hothcibon. or tnieoo ountibnc boongin tho ntoets ohd pronaoding bo - nuanonSonm j wo havearaclntly.fecided bnin e utach. . t Mgnofmbr ac .- l. .P emhtimnnragistte c' c inboin oaro th. oornoE.fBuck. ce ... ........ 8 4nb empbabioaponta eIefln. Anoboon W. Idoînho, 1lb ....... 8 2a' omooborpronnmon bock. piano.about R. Bonn, . ao........ 4 8 enor noolooby oooebc alJ. flo,.2bh.................Sô 2 seth . . .noainbIonowd . nioincinbasepn- J. Beaty,.if...............8 8 boatl l5OO tboMD ~ Uin. Boixt ma lacconon match piaycdl D. Wlaon, p .............e. Wha.Oo,.abfd. bnofotnntaebnn boeon a ta bo Matom n~dfcil F. Tob, r. f ..:.........:.... 4 2 Wbonbosomobnlnfnon0ntn onoieef aejononmotoo bo IE ~ .....,.L .....4 8a - MiflonOljisnonb.thn.onabowan i . Bocod, ... . ..... . 4 Pou me] - :, 201i 1o ......o.n2 0 0l 00 lo7o. - lP- mie . 41 8l2OlYl- Dýents, JA~& JJj POWDER Absolutely -P UVë. w o-on. otte nnos Cewe 5Scomtchn o'ooy ,1C8 to.1.ncnibote boli 15stpla.:fon ma.n oui Omogclub se bod>' 07 teb fbbont Lxsen.n 1 score o s iobinîen,by fnngnn- cteh Blbneh... 0800148-15 nngh .. 12 00 O 0-- 4 iMeCol.O b 0 5G.F. Bckb....t1 b ýlnbortnnn.b cJ.tV.lnnl...O 4 .Siogi.if.14i. S.Bevn0 a i Meoonalf.b 4. .A.lay.O 5 0. nnco-....1 4 D.lI:0nt::.5'04 Menboad..2 b P. Tnek.1 b 2 1li.b E.BJ.DnB. 15 McCCo.b 4 E. MnoCaon:..08 1127 4127 J. Wtiass', empire. tionlr ta go , labineof niOmogn moabncbnte biopiaying tnMR. Thi s mlicorrecit thé oeronmadeoin t dal> paliermofei Vesfny lant. -Coàn. fine Omogn anS St. Anonsnbtubs mill l>' on bine ogricobitinol gennnfn on bonrda>' ofismuon.- mne fienttwime te Mbcilbton împios e eot BraUmoin onVThturo-. É to pIn>'ellnoof bine nocfnbcf egome4 to Cotrai District cf tbo Cuofio AessoAsociation. VTeéinosliedn bohehacd boit. TVin'soreonblo r et nttbdn oboronceot toen oinSa mcr innton four ubnnfgbb gantes, nefer ,ouenlaa in ttt5iselnnab il m.Tho neonit nitfc thetmach ltcs etrentIy bea eo ocnhiforte ortc =aorof cibteéfBrampbon Tinnon i h hone, eoiaveoubimo îd itin ig-ltcad" even donco, anS nncomfing 1teion tino pernformanceocf btebelol ammasoetin omefilyscien. min, b bbcthe visiteradoponS sf alto. fler n minfnobenrtbnnai wsod. .s.Tino Tinmes aud.Donner nec omncng tiitr comiogralertîeton 'r ln tue srnuon. Tiintoan basni n. bine mhmpionnbîp yet. Lb uGOneooon bon2thlin thoh c,t niofthot inomgl, itoiatof bon resentn, ofActon, 4ranesta . Ai iltbon on te itin. htIn Milinufls, Toronto, dfoieted bhe locai jonior tilvo 4 roals tbol. otomenz-The.home ieomsvill pin>' Yntfoqng Ontaion, oniToonto, on boo Senitil$nnl Geoonfdon Sntcayatn. )nndmt- Ttis efliho bIn e cond bonit ibintis fi sbrict forte Olympfms tthebtesteamc pmntfiggliardtebie condbtionfoc then]miebi. The tboom l ho rînoo fonottaeinlcmwinr pin>'. t lb flros , . lenlle>, M. E. Mit- "l'i . uon J. Litbbe, G. Little, Miay, M. flroob F. Snoibb S.;lion. t, J. Hotintont, C. Buemomo, J. Fora, .P. Demor. anS Jnmvis Doa. 'Bal dàni4p.m. Afonissios lOconte. OREGON AND WASHINOTON. co sention ci thenontryn'lanto-do>' oLratg an morin ottentins m lon- 0,Oegon 5d a bbgosbMon- oi bCouse i nom obo lefi n th 0modution ni pnnnios notolnb fÙýgon, caue o cits ibocvalicyn,ond Wab. do eenitor>' b>' mason >of ila noli cb, ibbo, -cool, iineroalà,'aouc ifOdolproduction-of fnobto nf olai. The mapiaf Spebifna a, mith a a mobr'power un ,t tico imucf tbon Norbtién Sic tbnflenof, snbh 12,000' inhobit- Li-t Scobble, 3 mUa itantï,an fetiO nef bodïévhtg ,city, .soorbthis" ion ci bonPodisNomom ot 0D t1ora joégnmabin.u.eetaý _ !Om . .._ h r zP.e .Il ý~ 'A MURI~A M&cols Tust:recefved,. a9ote f 7-inech Sash Jlibbons, .beautiftlgoods, at 25 Cent 5per yard, iwoith'So. Openod out thin week, lovely Eùiibroidered Dresses, in white, ble aedTiiký; heaper tho.n ev.r. Ank ý see ocr 16e. AU-wooi DeBeigeis. h Also those ý20e. Alwool Jerney Cloths..*. Soijee beoutiful Sùtings at 30, 35, 40 and 50c. Frénoh Bnaded Drlesnes $10 per drees oelyl -Corne to us for ricli, etylioli and chea» Dreàs'Goods. . . Pv.rsoi-A rnsgniticent stok in ai! UOw shntdes OturlMiiiery bcsieg4is awvay abead ofaniy Fpre vîous îeasen's. The latest designs raceived weskiy f'onm Otir mantl departtent in nost cempieteiy stooked, and every garment oÔrdered is, turned ouit iin first-é wnrranted a perfect fit. Osme tous >for riofjýhafhodsom e Manties, and very cheap. Hosiery and Gloves-Sorn special-libes in tbf s, epartrnent. Ses 0cr Lisle Ilose at 40 anîd 50& -and thoý $1. Grand goofs.. lernember, 1. Murray & Ce. is the.right place te scre firot-clas goods at very low prices. This moeth sornelgreat gargains wii hos gi-vo neCtirtain. A.. MURIRAY &0O, [8, 20 anid 22lRing St., East, Hanii t, Notice of Dissolution of Parti IOo T'.OTICE in berrby rivenstthbbraoinnier.ebîfplieretoôre obnitioig betf N'ctna cco Meicnnb , nbiVibboge nI OdoigeÈomo, stof hfcLodAndenon& C., lnnohmonOhmloydienevbvf hutitin oloinDi. Ai: id paneomtibpare taeopobite Wm. cLrotleothetinoe oGeorgetomo, n inilrbimougnn bie niSpnourslip nreotebehopreomenbrd anS pai - . Dd et Goretonit Tmenty.-fotitfb f dof FLbmnnry, j». ',Vith referelicette îsbove I beg b iýtirnate that I îîlteiile ontiniitgi. the aforesaidibcsinéss cù-deî' WM. McLEOD c% Ce., ati wotîld î-etp-ectftly aslk ail parties owincg stufitl balancefnec0« bit S and oe rd.îis nn sottie, as monynreqiied Vo pity &-the rntiring plirtner., I aise ineg.leinve to aOutîîencsa DionoltitiociSa] is largo and .e>.t-.Sitia and5 there are sveî-;tiifneî of geodis to' h o ood Int te redoce the stock: Greàt Bargaii an te incot lîvemronioy teî ncjarlp tlîe retiricg partner. Our Spring Gonds ors comil-ing in large variet New Drs s Geedo, New Si iks,. New ilfilifnery, New' P;trnsois,-New Tweeds, New'. Gets' Frniîlings, N'et Clothing, New Carp'ets, New- Cottone, Nts wclK ew 'Table Liet, INew Footsoear.. New ItrictIt.1 dochi ethe rnonsey; iîew cottîno for 5c., great itargîtjiî. Rieibsler tins 9rds'red Clothfeg Depart'ment, Di MantIe De1.artîcect, and Millînieryatr itài first elasocotiî orbler anîd ntocked witit the, latent îîovsities. gpnîîielsale te realize rnoney te psy off a parboernltip tiîat lias bsec dissoivcd, se yOon aý corne witis ceeSi ciîase, and yeolmsali be aîîply îcpaid of 52520 and opas fti or tsinoontino enflfi!tof nay 188. Wm.,MIEOD, - WM. MeLEOD'&, OLD DR?. OHASE'8 r Sale. s.GETYotR- NEW RECEIPT BOOK. netOei oitsot tTn and ThtmitaA.,t ,,nnvnsma i M Cat .r wning LUs rtèork. ctî.tti~eiot o ~ sn o e , ~ '.. De n.s. tet~~orccmoeseAe t, N. t~orotîctss) AND (GENEILAL 1H0UEPURNISEINC Tiffg Id -Wb gi.. a.locl'ytItheabent moko S ove nsoert ttnnsnc .neon~eXt0~ntNfl ,,.,,,~, ,~e0~~s t .0 ~ bail and sese then aed jidge for you ena eens-rt. 1 jnu,3 , ,iîyu':-jptnoin fot mt ' - .-Teme * scr fnnc rn l-qonths.It uiPS cteï ntiyOeh. h ait t.n it taue ZCî0etisit ciW. ,',d oi, etcc on,"ds. d a- i Stt.Caaa ad tna a 1a1- - - o. onT-n ueenc. pple v e vyoîîr wedd for the coid'é e ndocmotSinstcn - . nt i oitO d'WO:and s00 ty,.ni om ter c,,e n c iti rs n. nto entibitr ff a pa isoltin al -doesneatiy anfi U & easonablepr P b. B . IQI 1111O "' , t. .ils -tmes seacJooo Mani thManieL secit innti 0sonou ieOi, n mo.m 0,00 T .CE tiy i., fteOin 0.e =nt.eI&tntethnettalc niuandsslàomtarNoDIS ubu fay X.tiea1.n0a.oî"itct .ne i In.- Drss n/uL. Ao ciage tct~~ o ura.s 1OBVd ILIt %TC fU'okljcio .I onb Pnifnnieicei --------- Con t n_ on taiSm icn M o t witht their elegl h: ý innctfCoonlyOiflnltos, mdilietnoif -' - - - -.-- nS'. i - e~.Sripo~ieSB oes20;25ain 0:E 3OURT- ~ ~ ~ ~ -J IL U EJONM~M T oilJnDesàd 9,1k 5 0 G NR ESOS thWLcgtaEithe ab - fsos.vCl,.;r.... 1..f.n onnoo~ - 05~0n5 s.,n.csio- azanso setoJoos *b,~'~~, isU> anfo. pains To Bles , Tonnnnc, aned Mm intng luenebnionU one utobàn,Pnoar Job>'.U Dite, '7110 ban,. Panifinfe ryf ork .bIt -c.- e' -i -cSss ire"noO i n et At Tos. - o - > - bO~nltcOOndn.>'Y - . rits, arh Dres -~Fano n cer LIdatlowes AND [L9nmalnager. ioi/taIized Ar Iociý9 fomntomn,«t"wîc t 'lit -I "s- " liutdt et5,e n $iT 8 FER SET.iii ei-te toos nlmeet neet î~ Sieton botienfay Itynîeî th ii- '[La. li >onoi, thbo m -oib loo ti cbtee for i ro emnovodfrioînl etbt Àlct n,narcneo bite coint :c gond primo 1raid te Cf noÎbotton. ne osbo.t Imbre,.. . ofm;Wcb o gaiit 1, i a t alinnn, Kin.g 'ont. tIle oný_ tegebeîpiieotuicrj .te.wîîd 1oad nobboeuniiebn. gitOIcK K Rong anS lamesicts, iau - tceit tei IU0O icbibef tocoînicli tibi r cdl PeaocI. Mine,, in a5dnnnca,tnnit . Ifi- I bto lutin Lomr blile ut11nIl 00 fnocbine ci l i Ï111. CI L fainin,-, n tîît hitLe n Obi î,b uie- t.ileb 00e OttiO,. Fa, gobinF.Ieci D. Jul tC font anilt ior sIsenunea.I i a e on . fs Vi dront it c .e euS. ..Il ethe-'Oprinil Noe.eînîbl ELTVton n itilHa 's Tni n Gîîibnt aÇ's h urc i, G ellei, P i iAs ,t th .tieo ,nnbhd ruci., te ~cltcop e l'..ibeni' ~ihnIlnutti iiiotît,' .1er, Li-.t ropel nlitb-. et alo ' tt 'b e te ee -c i veai d bpinmný ti i u il-n - .. decetrarino l u ti l e - n ii e n; : i notntgtutntoi1tûco ti nttastbe otînp bnitn l fron niotu incir. s, intn cbx d atr urhlaibo intnm, 0 Acilbte rn oienp.( bava renineitsor st ii -Cite ta ten i otemn otds k i alndebin "Iarger .t Inniier thecmare .ao Iqco h ngroality ob er-Il, a a ViQoeuemon.àVture - n5 bWý Ibo ,tndi cmo bnefîeîniug .1t la>' à ba il no in Si g 10m n. _ biu eoo loneov .,t iiei~n b>ecmadf'îet1i 13j lints - Bive a -01 ihn eprovisnt, hemb n an î on, tne f his. l, tr as sonn1Eg hch fne f Trionh Uoe~ni tBheIlte lu* 1- cnnnero uto Ij. Pneble Llie , bu1Pt trsn %vas A CeIlob bi cl à

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