Canadian Statesman, 31 May 1888, p. 1

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~AMER~. 5~ogo to STEARN 80ceals o civ t> c- rn ai olo ooo adto do 001lo QO0DI WOt odaWdYadon 13,0, le>C- riffli, and io prep> l0 OtootLY vor iiin -with ders,. %itli. Wood of ail 80,00 ot rock bottaî n p 1 LIO N,---. of, Çallfldili lî ti otlloO(o008ted I c.,a dc l so0 j u 88180y lis 1atroi ;lot i 488481 Ijojo i I o 1080.«Il T7, 'os. 1oj o 4.- 1 88 000000 8 w08000p 000 l fi . Jal i al O -A lia, Voooi 0008.0080-:x8t088 ooloo al 0008.0'.8oo800t0oo8e 0 L;î .' o>. or o 08,0. iooool, lin 0 r 8000000 d-, v~08, ~'o8'o~8foo AT LUE27. r ~ r CeluiTfUR .-c'.e/w,,kioi ID. 80. 1 o.c. cor8. ai.son lrtOc _ __ OPBlLayTON mop.'PlO, A8,o'. .il ... il 12 lî.r ri. il ta. Omc-B. t 17Pace20 '15 10S. a. OP0.k.miiOc lie RotD ~~LcO.. -C 1-1ATO ,O T fC lir JCi noct~8180807 0. 81dldotoOMy . à.88. Nv j O8c...Ic .oo I. oo o qloy locc » 8Chuit... .,.88 ,8 OF IC TO R O HICourt Mto . rer 64780 c5 c.o0ce 8 810 ccl 8088 17"&E20 S15E , M TO . 6 BtrBlg J 00,8 bol .B.A., c 80.8ooppl> ccd 1- 000il liti. loy , T 1aoo Publi. Ilor Ih..t uryT. dy12bJour o. o, . C. A. 1,c. O0nig evr. B080800- i.ie2d aan.s 2arAli, .ce i.nd]siCeui .......... r MOI o>0L JOHN"oONEYPc 78800 008.7008 Ilai4c3,1.t n MO te0% 8Y' I.Ce bect c Io L Bîbr wLl Coc Mtio e - 1 - 02 t 6 N r ~gv h.cre ojfcto 1 utm .lu oc1G. tl.e eyoo o oilco I0Ic VTà7 3 00,)00000.80008000>0 OMN ~LHITO, Uoooo o8- =T.INf 8- T E 0, M T B004 080 o 80erLonic cf tetc.lo ta Eu R uoiec the. oooold f o tr ac,8 la , iece. 4>0 .0 .8c0 .-8 o lu* i o $5 .000 P.,___ octooTh. 188cAToy c808pRA00e088te -C R A G - l O FI E Io.oLo.IZo. eooorLo,ý1tiool Iolc 0,ocioIol t08 gOanh0of Hamilton.ocoob lo.r.lo . Aoooboocdoocoo>o .000 p. octc oc»l tO.-Oc T'~~ -d.omentit.ooloooî c00000o8.e000oIoooo) BANLACI IO SEL A.W nujIL tOOrKooooooOyOOoolc i %toi . -ýr ipa atk 4Mo. 4 &àooodoofetioo J 1y,'emonte.o . . ,~,OOPE~ 8000, ~~~ Sales. uistarnco ooooodocootr' - - 1, 1oeo800cd80bt.0 ...O.APH. i l " "Y. - s0t800y isj. h.E t i s o ot ro o goor & M R iz e oo t l ;j oot yoau - 0080,> SE businssab s lie08oofoorn trust othb _________________________ AnNUlà plltgooolyloolofowowio MI DP. S Z11MERtloîoEA u lng frstcfoAla 8oel nd theo oo ooj l. Ttý h'; me',Iic l' ES R e . DiJte.iller liCo. r .0jE0.00. f. hli hctoo t. avorlofcwiîlo tIj ordor A 80 8880r 0litso00lut00f0c 080000 10. , pucotclococoNasal>,ooooBalolel ^G TOWN HALLooioMILTGO N s a , - 800orkfooOo1O(OCrrnOoOOabottiniiandtal- O 0.T00.7.000.087T000. 047. STi ave o Vl LZ N. 81,8Dk use 00o >08 1000ot 00004 ~oi8800Zd. 0. ..tc8800rn.OO ollrooovolorooolCtoo îooroe 8cOcr loottbdng aiilftomglia,00Gt8o Gloant 00400 4800 >.8 8,o000r,-XHAaS E NT LT. ocrîyoolOcOOo ueoooot Oloryopooovoyhuit ot Sc . he do.. g. flyt . at].cnt t 8100088008t 00 04 0 0 U SE , tr'-."" 'i I...fooen 8.00.0,0 Oc 800,20 o.ooooe8rit. oando ooooootin Sthe cobeal El at the directionso are 0.00800 800o08180. ,.Nu0racloir,8888080 ARc..deOpyunoth. > MAIN ST., 0.oýIot.T0oNoo 00hin00 0. 7a aurad and 7oernitd00ient0 ure ocoutOe kjcDoeoae o.8o1~co8o>0008lie the00reluit.ccOYeu80000 cO.oo80080. 40,0 4000800040006,004 I ,t I co'ooccc-co8 000008000,0080080,00 O re,-6% Sales.'- Jco,.o ..coi' s1200,dc>8l~ 000.0 ~o0o00080o8 00,0. 008 uc GEA jîy>o~rrnoïà et7 Hi.o0,8O>Co>cTo0olo ORP~A O~PP4 80882800.008et>8ZA1 ADadL e ri 10...:! ANT000 . out na"tc,.. PillafSE.Lt; d uoeoolOing cnty l -.t.jJîï,0. ~ T O n 1.O i.N P L. Ç M OR TOWN PHeris wihestee 750(ilumandth 17~ 0040080 00, -. 80,408808000000080 1 kPForY01 puDR.ieDDER'S allf tlisICKVtunESS, out more artistio andliner ftncslie. %vo2 I;!«_3ýýý.ý..IiutR ho lertoo8.Al %it d sia ra 400,, ~ 0o00008 0ooo8o~colco00o ooo8o882008>TCALL 8 008808e O 00840 La .uvtr u l l oand888 almos.t speakii80 O 08.00.0 D0ooooooNOOoOoOoo 888N 08000000 .0eSeooleOOccac 000 000 000 080 0 800u »000te.0c >,zen080in8 02000880 08 08307>0 P »8000T 8E>R î0 kO t M. E l«IrI08 dcOcl000>oo2008 2080. >000,O , t 0.ry 1 % L. SEED,,,S'oIoo o84088oo0400 , .. ,2of0 hel rtsb0i880Y0c Âo alo.t o,,00 o8. 0o0o0080o88O00ii0O8 e 00 D.o0od.80 E D 10GEgiifiTooe 58. 18888000>0 biti.0 0 coo0o..~ 0041000800.00008-8-319.ooi0o7010it8. ALESME& N. Y.0. O O ak of Ha'mIl.îon agotol 0 800sve Pool ILTON AGENCY. '>sits receivýd ana initer- olbaowed at loest Ollrt. IeT nîotico fw'ithdrawal Iled. Offiolioirs * 1m Iii. t iP., m .Satturda:yà ,ol la. ni. to 1 P. xM. JBUTTflPIELb,- eEWPPLAEYNOLMDS, DOOBoSÀSH.HLINDS,!iNàZ8S. DOO1lS WZNB.OWPJBRAMS, LUSZRIl - oed ,V- WL-LM, a>811 toodo f BcRoL SA WING. HARNESS&SADDLE - pbsin nd due eo aVoIer, MANUF'ACTURER. LUmBER, FLOI8ING, LAbO ll DSH8NGLES, <N oocr te the T8-ecpoen oa,c ocoe80oooc>0i0 MAlIN -ST ;*MILTON, ,08000Bl0u0i>00e00-t.ilo. l-1 Hous on h8-a oged ,tde f ________________________k_____ ValsesdIlPs. 00178, ths VmByést lch'Caiiladan ana-&n ilU EfStb Heroe.0811 -,0.1cfocofro ForGroerle, cnfetuoer7 àt4 t M.ilton >(overed iii Figured wnddiCr3shea'pjùsh,_SiIkPes -and, Bracatli.-I j. Alo finýe lîneof Walùnt, Ah.and Antiý-que Oak6er00m Scits. We chargé nothing-to eathem AIs ltargeselsoetion of odehoardà, Ceùtre 0and¶xtension 'Tables, ,Cane mi Periorated Chairs. .A splnidie c ais d ber we do the leadîng trade of the city; *We* sel :for cssâh oox>x, -mcdtherefore havenose.Opresaeowrtn Cn oher fiat oass'hoosse le the-city. . Oui shBlow rooma aietwo oblccke froI ths N. .WRsain tb h electrie lîlit, and open tii 8 P. Mc. F avor us wîth a 05.0 if'.B.-dllgo> f~o o/00oooo.. O ~ ZOP., 11 1: k! eay ohaneofweJoue-a'~1~ e. 0.d c 0 hoa wc8lisait, that Uttieadriad fcdcciddevc'cce." 12y8 c8ooc cgocc 8-p, 088 ccl bib"ri , about II ail 8esI t8--eve-yifgcd0T8fce bl ciave 1-s ai.. llyLoRo 88moernc,8,Tcsv>ce oe 88afS8 tolla, 8.oha>cvoao 8 eblcthe gao 8themoment gO vo.. "'Juil.1f ymeaî. Occweloycouv lfiLe ha leMc.Lclo BWRe"8 Oe ' . 1 1 itxftucoua ý, ,.iocnyo-f MliOre. 0888188 lests..ta hoaglos. Evec«yc OuIlofsbhanee Ala 8 ochp Odiffetly. -isePo'- a occc," cbc ,aysi' with - a .1488 t vc geca u> m wa isccl(glane a bc -Qý hi,.'88881t 4$,lflffo 6 gaoager 1al0.8M. Tcr. 890 ghtuooc hrfocaugfafcifec,8-eh cimpromptu aeoppco.te-le-dia kéual a ci.0 col>. É-PohuoeWh.ooapon Adre ttirail by coma ha . r>, cldom BaBa thoe,8 dstfge 0~ c>,,. et-h aeilwlý ere iaiobeLl ai; eh o act,hr-" . .-Bult a ra m r our1=o.. Habocma y ta 810 carneIcOf tcOcose* l ctcmoticc,8-vroribu oto ,gay Il'DaugôeOthe firGo hm-siltnac, co '"ýP '. aboi ma>, t8-o wcen f 78f 8 lagh-auaah voy>ffcrcnt frocsc 8-chilor pontTheoe ,vuld lia 88-c 888-g.' bI Btl ayaelle-, .hrcggfcg 8bor' qoafotaucoo, Yecuold - Jima Oeeca 12mirth cfccomomtcce o, whc finassa au f cBatyfor . ne -bfn," Baya Mr. ualonhirswth the vllemect halffoa a alefr level thoasyou eu ut pn0enc>8lied8behll vcetions . S8oe 81 oaa cf meotL Ton ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ye t8thStaDcrcd' taopol hoctn18rf ~congOOhtfiilly...ooand 1 muet .aî ooigu ge90080ee -ahu tnhooftodframbe 1 dont thcc8 88-t; I'm 8arcdl if. queuteand>thorofore heor mirt8-. whec 8n o.m occcwycatoda 80-0. 87001poa8-egf' Whcn abch8ad fer 88-c tOfroltima dan.e8boaod, la moe-ifefctions thon b8lac; cf 888.8110of eaoctiog ahbattiscif8orcal.. ovloch w00muetait prcparoccoovas. me0810e 8-coer t81.0me la bo10r pacO. oot. paogn.e about 887 potl>, persan0 hisfoe W àÀtn>000,,f&tialc8oeiguclcc,8 nuireI fait 1must .rnforftILÂAnd t e 1-ccf 003000mlo ccl&ieoe, ýM. vyner, qucttf8og.heroancetocwcr?" cOr ,.c.02ai. 1.cbut. ac"li.. 8.00ot lid conmadowc hors and soelcyr w8ocOnccro, gaziogat bea, 0>81. Bag. A fltte chede faou n>Aude. Ac c.fO-lf- 8o8ad e ohthrec8"grato> aucooement. --Ara. YOo II "--Ah>1" alléBaya. I'Von oaY e r band t-ri bieno. 'Evert fodi.l>a 8-58 P ber minci 10u o8ytheg hart8 yonOoo. cld havoetaoiditbea; pl on 08id 'Came vo8h me eat ot ce fao an 88-o ta mary Zone"ciadMinaPonoo8-y, sur. I'No; oolfflmyiacg10teo 8oaco rname8ave 8ala no machhbotte, cur ro. !A adocre"ctroatsa h. vayfag tom .,vt8- lcOcrrlp conpl. grn;oiK t 8-snaopocei> c- e>, 8 -08.Tao oie» fied cmohn Z crtnge CI ober Tlronw de the adcr w8-cat88-.>y ac -wald-berntte taocgood fat yca. provoc8, I vf8cbotlocht, if Yeu un. ocheksa.oopraetco tcmayhc, at-cm a 88ta 88.t8yet lua flood cf melo.8 T8-tsjet w8at I thoneg8t,"c-11nfien t>oohdor ofthBeaoval, thora, c>ohyorocpao h8-1er.ocoa8 face. 898-88880 botghtone 8>0 the nmeal. f hoaqocabl---scaI fdc.. *>0ver'.0celapyenwillfand ncoccytho becfîspa8-ccf, lioOtBo 0 1000,. PitO cf etou9 8 ard-, o I8 ta myelf,' -80 aUI 8bothecaus.e f b8t0.e hclfolocusolution, tOc forget 8at terril a d les8i.ailver *1ot8-cay saoaet88- -olgng dcwn mfaaryoacon 88elicaondcf 6'To gods." colos Mr. vyce., '07.8-1 the'wvot c maccp. o m-a8a .or roocl Tataocinheatoee cict oa- 88-l a doctoollc1 r7488I 81 ho 88-e dc't yacomc dccviifloue lympu ?.el Yo ofocnmakio roopeoci.%Otovrilloly8188o oor.0>,a>8 menus1 f roccfus 8er cIel >0>0,. 1Hocailesthedcoor af th8-alsce. I'Acna oomaoke 8-t..Vycoccalmly, cfl00r8a long Àwadjlaecp .soy'aBot sholdcverforgfvomayîcii. Na; evcc aîvooycfce ptcmp ckeo, a o 1"ha e 8..000880ad ilno pc8leotca.0-cee o. alepi 08-hn tlocug 8 8-c.detcomfco>lcn ce, 0tmT8100maOr iricly. '0Afterall,re ta. tie, cf 88-c wcndefu80p ecv as> pretty 80>8 e88sleepingrose, w8-osea prfumce' 0,,,~ lI -wll c geceous n t8-818at8001 >10o >>lo od a-ctsoca llo po 8ofc pa Itel08-t moaso, ccve 8-a aog 8-o. A fair fli ry I 'An tc.oya yOMMycoU. I8 c -juet 8108g8 fo nccrc,-avoace p à Lob me Io laociouoi coaicgt8-c hor8. lng,,I arrvc> horsinaotlaablOct f Mna l ou on>mOc' aaoryo 88-ath88-c ppcr ta cot hacwc ccc09 oloa f8 an of lacvlo hoodoofng 8>0oncoma. Tcu oemcm8-rl IMise Posonb-, w0>88-88e mnttn.roit enBarth 88uti;would 81mpt 810e8tcain tonquil eponecf oa 81cdj- eouldn'8 Rive 70yen a tenaa acent ichicg ropi>ity, s o',8veo 8ea e alttheo ne . beotea ." .. 8001900. 081008081amccbilac.peqnOctian. Toc table omocbero vit8- a white olcth. Nct 88-o 8maire10dmno ac.weo;andicgala "C eosIchan B1 0cc ynta 1arc oocollet 88-t 2 1 a,, AocrOY, COMldot theo boyfainýloce l.ttouîOc f .oouvaot ofosse Icohimaelf i la a18188-e> tdy t tho te obout th.. robesoal ( i o m Soc>BerePr eomcw8-ca 0 2 inm Oco l .iedvaooioîoc 8-r movemens- of 8cr ocpression. Ta ma8-e aoc aalvtio.6a.yoVycer,baldilie10r bacil., right doilu hangryl eelf-dmlaicf tho neocran te kovbo>fe t8atet Mr. Vy. calacxamooticOEOf evcry ohaoîoter dt OW8IIoIN7o lt say7'Irctoooeoehc. ,tep- .sort I8hare fus descrni8edaidnaScP- cor', owa home serancte in liverpcr. rigb8 coce 8enaathlclits noticecla8-rn u 8-c. £ai>08 o n bie881nidrcleasing 10rý Prose> affection udait cilâht araVer>,fornifor him ait caob ervice ao those hie elmoc8 cencoaooc 8habit for 8100>, fÉcare. eo8-00ticg, 81d-or.-very-eet81lag. 1bas tlocpccvr te ondoo8-orawlowardr ocr . sAa.haaprogoiraeelehbs .oroooooooco,.oorco, OCoojofnly net," oi msonoby o810880>s utoy ye ws o peo he lmu wil8h to.ctht, eo-o8ate 00,loc0e0t0o08., -0>88- c00oc[B8io. -Idyowantae>..tcMcy ya,oe teo c >0 hrdls fmoto h e par oe-ch 81u-lot. Dommcnd. , tocoghdooo81ig 1db ime abc ,.o8-t a tone-dognotâ, 9Oi8t,,88>0884r0e aafe1lShomooawa fromhletrethe mco>.' - Net if I weoo tervfcg 1IDOlaeu8tell181 deIerapmtrifoncol, only h8-cffAnc, oaltme, 081c toocgc c,.cet f8m. lig1t fclc,.ieg 0e>d81808-104amornuaiy' t8inh la id rlh Oorgac hblandbolmencons081cucof 88-c existence cf coyhtog ho.ornocmcoo 88at 8honfalleipon palOr, ab the toolfng foles foier soft gowe. agan? Do'tbobruta8l, Mise >00880t10p. 008foufit s,>ndflawea-.vor ta t.. co. t8-81 moî chfldich ci cfl thé Omettcns, At 88-c d'or,stcaioac hc 878.0.-c58e- bTis fil1 ghling 0>88. ahuncgcy mon.:oaiderait o tongea « b er, n tae8r t>ofegirl81-;ehycoie Os bll hs o1 bolc olooec 8- -as aaof- .c wlooo ho>p 00cr dacco" 8-or oolooctitie hoemapfact tovird., hboer aof0> hsrnooo u ctie>hashet. aclocolàe 8acklh t ma.>n îva 8o 00088hof," cofeses llerecct vvobileoD> tthe wv8-scof tie8ave Mn.. prctp ,elleoboraIMccv lonctid80p 8at>d 0> omilao' 8rc r~odol>o> aittle farticcr Oan . whiteare: oro, battantcod l 0w-. mor' voo8urou - th-a onte ret, eiau- C eo of"~o8erelt. utoiastismamhonte'ohihctPeho,. 1 lto ber liqolot pcyan sthi>, 88.0 cîo»,y tivelp.'IlWorceter ,sauce, flasce 8-roc. hf.oroaamall cpL.ora,. chol'ng f8 . IITc trtacs, fraocthogbt." h8-a 1whore h8-t ctfll81atding onti88-- 'and-8ater. 18 might b8-woom-ýfco >0l8gý>o8>pfoo oemthlng btlai;evidcntly eapc gt bileY'ou- or Ocwondcotog ovl. Are -eroa tests 84 88omS hfîrnbo.rooorolefc]Icn to bers loooo.oofi«mfgh sug>ot itcolttut icoldcow lookhilo8o o 8ot8OnG1ooc -II.cand wa'Ilocae actg8t of II II' 81088tloofirt time 8-oet>ndehbchave abclesopnYOc camdem. I aecloyn o *Cornc-whoo S"Idomadslook-me1c 80>>00>togthto fil 8h10 Pat8op. 8-ccv 0000b>88 e 08Ste Oblooo>eyut. lnaonIncfocteol effort 8tanuch lier- II Yu oa 00t8 d>hom 88oro,, Bapa titavial! jonttre ta Iloh la 8poa. . HA>TEE XV. self. Evidotl l 'oIc l>boy la nt Aodryut>test, bocooing aae aftera portS2" lyN\ AÉ Y.,Dk?-sa oors- t6 ho Sgtly got odofi. prolcoeapottunor cI olota talc8-o 80Wel, whet iheo d ?-Coldl. h o.Oth"eOo.Di.- .. ato the otop, of canoelle"roctastu ctcoirooooes. thathoer gueotIcttil 0I8chalda a id8t1h à8old0.litt0e fodflusan a gt cooal* iluncho.uho . oorooicog on 88.. 9008 in hic ovccîng. ho--yod haoov hi c-vieil l-cvouaob 8-eupre 1. 98cl8uebstoppai throoogh 0 ..Yoohavo mcdo i mictae," ,apc ,lote itoo c hcisbaud 8onct int hc81 or0m80? Ponsy au. elocitiot cýf, %ua0000o1' oa G8th cmc a MisuPenony,estcbboroly roeredir a hm oeàsoos of thcocepllco>. 'le ja. Sir Chifoho>, standing- fa ygùder dccv. 0w0,0s0ta u e1a. f afGoO.O1M,talfn 11hoel ta yioî auninch.Into tho pontoy I copoep the forks anod oposns laheowapao"m dwtlaa.omoc eaa lcooer 8ol.rdre.-a ho' o o ck tath Drcmmodol " big pos ooow." Seothfaotot,iahohott?-44nd-cvitha T1,ec8e1intcf onemadOY 1pn.oaS- -e îvtocyulroadpovhp I cut. .88 pou 7 copc3Vyuor, ecmbUgto dOIugncfgiMP 8ra00'lis snbn dIieg. odancena o881dace10 foitea - Waaid Yeu tinat mo toto thearm0810Of hi f088000081080e. §ochhabGo loi> - y e'8.ohcoere aifhi0doocc--'t pcfuccdIfnetion apoc 88e 2s8oit eu.c- GuorgaIEcUliscyouo vom]tto>affce. ter; oau fair 180e thf,0>ih iqbowor 8-o?"iHPausr,andgoeehfu o ale cf theIndci etS. la whieli. ionc for 8me?",ciolvcoc>rost o th-egro8otulavory forctorton;iiaO - eo -n er amay-co dftphoy.o 'Affection for0 oI"' oxoafo c, htf>in , cd,8-eidalctennohariào.ty' 00W8-0lciescMfaPonc0iby,81u.el-laeoouo0t ioaend tl i n lgi rogaaicg8-fne wlttho rin accru. cOhltednpg>" 1. derahi>, 881008 ach b>, lics 80r of ionppnocnt eynasae 11108forec8.on . Youcvoo>d deliberooolyfdog 810 lata .. i e tot a bit 8mor0 81088>, oacvga8ive, ques8ti tosoo1.c.Tcc nf fo Idc oo the popad pitfaUl. Woc it folhis o 70thaoo il cvoi-thot,' dorote isoa ioPot0 deo' n oo.. '1 c cupo lc, idi.,atly. 8ilfo w 1broloc;10 8 fo uedo hept Chaucr e t homoS?88>00020, pOou cepb, , natenedoi tous e ethero blc, aaoe f0%hecv m "0c.ploaac>one8 peacci8- haocv. if 8o bhil beottheras my longer lu jot nocv a lit e oftoes abot ler lcul Pe iiîe ho doco ' dolacÈ Hr; La8>0oc horroooced arma.-0f a hatalb sroua>ot onl>, hava beau, lecounol, 8-t uioiî900 -t vrold 'havoe1bea foetga te Vynooo, numovo>. "A 8bigleon; eno >r>- 8ingodtle,ua. didainicg 18 luntfcllegtn.iooc haîve baunid1A baronetttu dacocota8-r in more ortbcoiomencte. arnlytouellodi 18-livitwïoold8-elierioc l 8 u aly faceelaicooo pat- thofr Pouloilan a.eomoner cola 000IlNote bib-ootc8a88it cqoieca~e gtassai that 'wcld bh le vr 8l ost-8-iiooaerornn-tlted aella. bc. A bible cooo,81, Tcer cudie> c>oorfoly. "AcdoeoLY,Idefpfttobe crîtcoae-amost cotfocndiet oblotc8cenrouleound aface.oen eo-ulty amoethcthat hoeasbu. Woold mcoreusett-ow,.tico t 88 vothn- ofîhoornalcstootneeînd oocPaaoUolool pooeý66.Cs. 110coolo, eat88Oe ioogt. you haveome mcroy0GooglaV7" thoo IIropema ho, wich a ogh-iu it a ln 1n8L i.labîoutigo doovo8cc8 onldo mIo't r08 otpeOmMc, 1e- recilsigleor*onlp part af-hncoaijeo- 8olgo-'.'olva"opfooe t8off olaoceh, oita ouento.801> o ooolocnteow8ichlecuvormot Go8ore?" ocgget Mia Ponson- .hooioosop loreeoelcg beaa OOIcn'tOOcat1l. por.ctblc to. ~ ->.Oh.not ye8-bDo cctmchoyourgoo. 0cnt oly yoopaefaoc,buct,oor e. ,% tato- lo 0feo goto. Theplo>iont far-off'thoel.î l8ltoonpoc;ihv oyo elooetlerpr? c,8a wcikhoonwold bueteOonch fme.O-ob8-,,tone 00 hicCIcould .oylta8halC fiiho> 88 sploogon. amengD 0108- rolfpdÔoeô>taloo 'es8-buc Do yIon 88-lolo1olnd.' ilie0chcw lt, wold poc , 0000 MilsaPosohpy, ettOdicf very chichece. Nccvt8l0810 whp you ccl Ga v8.oo l.iG Gnhadooatae 00 oed iochugrfomlitlcor? - eihadepco.-ac8ccto tnotet ataMrsDrormncn'n8.tghf"loheofocbflèbe suol tafait. Abthsb t rugg088CleO 0>1>1> 0>WU 85of 8the table, w4.188 n teo.ollr la00 dos ot.-0saehciiint'choce te Tail "cy h8l -rgc onte ors0flichr and u es2t Go>,band and a mmard.t InteGoct8-er, rhcnicofdhDeia orciO\ 1- 1 j 1o, bac Vorat ct figieg. lb dose 8-r ".ea.1old'a pve m- critfa "eyfaor. IfBtt18j-o0cf t Gu e o a'Toihave gocecco>a ukd,.rettu Sadd. Wheo Gohe i01 ParooYnm in sf1 pour dope; 80 tafleI ohieotaW Of mY etcoo>lisc h lfc foot 8h on8- glîpo 8810f ngàd 8oldlgtbo 58881.i oveu, &8-o eghc 8-mo»l,, on> locolusab complimooU inleveoy capors foo, nxoh9aaouvlhv Oe.c.m hoioioegiicdooiy.cfullw8-y hlm. - hoGc 88-o>, oorato ta m>,put, 81>,pro. Invtation et 80et oh oenrtec11-1. a8- ic o n a ol h>, 18-fa 1 .elDy-Tobo whrela ifllbok sntoroyfutrs .aaeodu8-11aon>,imol8coO_-ecoi_, e ccfoooon> ndwhy havo ho >,.e.b>,wwher 81 d> ecos 81i8888>,l0O88.abfé0>8.', - footloiegno&>,> lteml Geidelf 8- e. -w ou à norta. forgt that." l Lsiou ,ý -!ýaWi "I8-d-wo 5ae i.", III00101o80-gof," pr mseselr.Vyo- "But wh>-why?2-a 1U01tap- m ecolor 8h, 8-tead cfl'-vcle.. 8opn h. locP.-0 th e Vas cno ,, amton8-vwlhc fer hi patsaernia lOut8181>à oré, a>, cuwiitG ybàeniaetm loe8t; if ntetoo e.ez dl>aIL Adlaih almto f -0l. acoirvicg.hiite.acd U. Sdnt u 'tGick C-Ieea pou golg-evcn tot4I' 8%08108e>, V' a docutor; 1!"1promise yoo motfailih. Odeeo ,cc," oyoifin L,o . 8b acc Ina teoc, I trust," >follp oyerta foretl' " m a cta tmooolttc.ho oioeo,. "ISco l1. Foronuce w. are- egre . b8-eoe.i. aa 80g08lopth la8-lg laua repies abc, withaotdh.8IghOoua1pft? --fooy And au oellet placeit isfor8be. 1 labcuses8berta glaoe et hi BUS - l.por8ap>8haveogoot88e mcocyfhu> .lu-b o aletctoLpnicàf t r aa0 o ocil? higr heaeocmoizacc.éoolooomi. I'm clocl>. Juct thon.oas 18 happocu, 400 tccgo*.e,lfhlccoii 0 f ct-.,,1180 c8ylr- Ovcl onidsolmn sa lnd of 0Chaucr 58-aI '> alwi>,o have taocieloolcicg 0ato;erber boero n.8couon fltdoohmcî o11tcCho~icl, ioncittyos,. But oal if I cod't have 8-dmeui o~-tractlariotho 8 Ah',ilagn olwudh ml huavet. Servanteboa8-l Mo 2 "Nc, roalpy,"bchaa lyeIbl, thore fe guo8 th oo81Sf.ewot. w. todctl.rpownlta8n.o co ooco iofodiatocu8; Imeu IL18. I 980m880vOr>, oct01>,lho pocewi0clhia "o;eh, ýydavOrat l cec; o ODoonoon u ay-wth qcih s8a"bforget, evîo. Thotu b>,0 ,col> pochbly rh .omicnb bu.. tmoIl glonca t hor pale ppocdý flet oOyoc Yeu, 8il8 tdot ?"An>. fortucatol ai> 1,daot oucoo-lchaotme tnln.oeircap go 8avbonhoipiog a lIcc ilb oers mry a excellet. 'W8y,itacore ma aoiryardofmualucvhlch , tl"o10iby j>Idid tno0 ooa 80.' for 1molpGoo bots2"VI =O0.w olvos>esema lcdi.1,auc pré.end0181ejo>y, aeit for oit hoar co , Âpab B7Ye, ùfC ,tu; cof in III dl't -d> 1 ...nol>,.DO Yeu éoro"own lod, cecI la Caco>,10a8for t.. utIa yen ttah i eIl eela bcw 'O Ibo;bboft ec thlah"-0ibau oogr>, contraction cf ilethocglohest8-raond*,tub:Fle, ma> o bta8orehiowtg bo" di;Gat1a 10.m o.lOmc9O,= Onm4 ber bows--0tat Iira lora fod rd h yelr oyrwre tteletpoerd b-aPraO_ýtOYdtcàoo 0.8tloingor aeompaoncmut tri hoterri0>h>, faot cf heinigpf o-whZat i~tt p ras,8 ycu w p881088d 7-ta or tlboy>oecco oco 9eruIt aa c -ocdgRiro meehissforocyroe..iol" tsThe,.olllcoI, aeVycer vis.t a a'8coleop 1.1 araDobareli, -htocol 1 forgtbilat cola> cf c Ml" ayse gr- SI@ byber .oftI>,. 1Hédoncbfa 8 oiltfo#e ft 1-Ubof loonsoùgunjc brbos. -ow wlcoco yoor--Ga arnanog et d- f it 1 But la>upon.Gc 8-ba o ai.8chi 1 50000 eablre oo.H n tcaogcttg 10- a avootht. I oopposo colinobt8-ep p oset hisn bh a paJo.fac a.l ,.fth an ex- f Allîe loaty àt th aýct lero' pours an tafeelin 1 the08-cpaega of.hbougero-it pression of cocctotel, mati. wlt8-ln e liiau>no bcpplae-il i' a B7,. ns c xl Al8f 8 tire"? . DocByoppooulol at Bole hercyBa. - o - taateexr fQua -'w diasopc 'auramco8oooucol a ,o thfngecow, if oc ta 81>0 me"' e mt Wo.what t Ifo il81,,e e - î-Tho bois ael roepoh an8-vnafdl, . rtthgilrn oking ver>,won t o~i8h, t1aiittbo lah; rFa"" au .,!pehehan>ay.daoolOu108kt cO1 be efots e cntal -ý hmofùiqan Incoc'tkfa.cemnoc,, thDcohes'tiiwfiltl offeaosnae-t l00hec 8 811810ef i a -1111 amnot, youOrtc" eabcBaae .0a ..ooec, n t g! l-kae ý ae..>0O ltc tlUpougj.lngaSUbthenil doliel. le"fComt 80.88-apacte>,thon.,ltoc> etm= lilbatht? Btceme8O sep- oodwe aoota ,.ar cer cageo A' P8tose Ovi, .Py.c k oe.'Dotm, .prCentmtoyo,.0th *bat anpeo>*rct'> lin-;ý.»o>ýycno., Aptcaoade. dcaG ,ao.eyyoat gbac v adrsth.88X5 po.mimnu'efacee t o mt . As 700 eip"-ýoocafal>,-'-1 0gay0.. 887,8100.8-7, 10*81 a 0>88 0...,L-Wtb 'aaoge. Ot- ba8Ic> "lni ' "h beoi. moud. As-natvvie E l-nfSu. aii -, ùaO4happ7? le sur,'wa ,otlnolkydotave U "fcall8sot'81 nQca havhneo0eWa., 'as m, a br ooîoooioe'81yBvftoaun. orav.8,0 cfeoo tlov-.iha T cacof uefute ta fi r. "aye _I .thcillos2aoo To-hv n owt o'meo Nr cde4oe Batefloalg-codoa5fTp1rmuhlgbahSaharv18.ttto>eala aaeau fhaSf LitsIaOustveva. -f8e.a>,w>,.iaaiflea8tbm Atr.i.a,18croovc . . hcl ' 18bi-t or ~ .04 il 0.1.0 O

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