Canadian Statesman, 8 Dec 1887, p. 2

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ý, . - ý . -,-- ., - .. ý ý . . .;ý, ý ý ý ,,, ý . ýý,.,ý , - ý - , -- :ý .. ý ýý . 1 - . . . . - ý 'Il , ý *ý,, 1,ý i ' - z-, .-- 1ýý ý 1 - ., - ",:ý ý ýýý _. - . .1 _ý_'11ý__, e - , , ý ,ý ý- -- ý ' __ ý ý: ý 7" .ý "'ý'.."1'!_'11j - - .- _..;. 'ý - ý ýý ,ý, ', 1 .ý M _ l !«ýý -ý :_ , ', .' '. 1 . ý 1 1 ý , - , _ý1 - - ý ', :ý ý,- , _ ý- - - -_ý- , 1 , , , -, ', ý , - ý1 .. ý, ý 1 ý . 1 - . . 1 ý . . . . . . ý ý " - _ý ý ., 1 . -1 1 : : ý ý - ýý-- - -ýýt . ý ý ý ý;, ý - ý1c -, ý ý 1 ý ,,_ý_-ý_i . - ý :ý.1. ý', 1 - 1 . ý ý1 . ý - . 1 1 ,- 1 ! ý - -ý , ýý ý . , _ ,2, - ý , , .1 . . 1. l .- --." 11- - -11 ,- , , .. - , , , ý 1 ý _- ý. ý 1 . . . . 1 ý .. 1 ,_j,ý , ,ý . . ' , Il ý_ ý, , ý. - ý: .1 1 ý . . 1 e: ý ý,- , , . ý ý ;ý ý , ý .ý ý- , ý , - ý , - 1-1 - 1 ;ý -1ý - t ý -1 ý, --.- _-, _', ý ; ,: _. - , ,,ý_ - .ý, k,ý,ýr_ý ': ý ; - ,:4 ý 1ý, _ - . , ý -, ý11 __ ý, ;îý ý ý 7 ' ý1 ,;ý- 1. ý 1 ý «- ý ýý .. ý ý - 1 ý ,ý -- ýý ,ý- 1 - - >-,,- -,-- -'. ý , '. - . 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I... ý . 1 . ý . . ý , '-ý I.. ý . - . , - . -ý i 'È4 ,ý, - --"i - 'i ' . , 1ýý ---,-, ' ýý ' ' . . , . , , ' fi ý ý. _ý ý . , l 111 1 1 - ýý_ , t 1. __ 1 - - , - Il 1 ý1-, ^ - , m11P , . . -, .. , % - 1 ý1 ýý - - 1 . , ,- - 1 ý 1 . ý1 ;ýý - 1 1. i -ý : ý Trý - , __ý , -iý ý - ý - ý ý . , . ý . . . ý ý . . -A , -- ý,! , . ýý,,, , _ 1 1 , ý 1 ýý .. ý . ý i ý ri 1 - - ý ,,,ý -ý ý - .. E ý ý ... . .,Il , « . 1 -ýý _iý . - -, 'M - -11 ' . ýt ,; ý .ý ý .. . - e1_ý ; ý -% ...- 1 ý. 1 - ý 'N i ýý,. .,ý., , - ;-À, , ýi 1. S .-"A. - - 1ýý1 Il .. . . '. jzý ýý _,e ,il* ;-I ý à_ - .. .., 1 _ Tl_ýý1i_ An --, ce-..ý'-'ýL -^. _4. . . '- . ýý - __ Il. Il ý ..., 1, ,. ý ', 1. ý1 1 ..:? -,---ý; -'. .ý.,,;_ ,ýý ,; ý'-.. 1 à . - ý 0 . il ,ý .. ý 1 an "-,qaEvj,ý el, Be Vý .à .ý. ý è. ià à 1 iýý, é-â, . M ý . - ý M;ueril ý "' -_ * te(.1-ýe,ýV.-IM . , , ,111 ý "4 .1 .ý . « 1 ý .ý . - ' ' si, 'W _ ', I_. ýý 1-ýý.--. ý, unâkg Ô ý ý - - ,,, ý ý . féd afid ý1, , _. ý p j' ' hurfs: - - ý - - 3 MIN ý , . * ýJI.-ýs blé Iý, . > ' W à id ýa ra.t: 4': - _- 7t-, ,_ *_ 1 - , ' 1 s -- & g :as. . - ý 1 . , - _-.-_1.jý 1,; - ,ýe-.--ý;.-. 1:1-rz.-,ý.Ï'_ - "ý. ý 1 ý"rj 1 - -,ý "ý - . . 1 11, % -roplit I.. Last. eek SantaClauÉ;.. - ý - _ - iètffiâý.ý * ý1N_ - ý îîýe ---'ý>lr,- --à ' 'tÈý y0uni 'e c ' -W l>v-, i;g zpurenaBeS __ - - _- . '. - , , ý , eq -1 .1 Fia ce and ý Englànd -imÈLkiùÉ- à*f .9 -t: .. -- k ý - , ,* iLiiïliýiiDwnaregion iüW-ý'ôt-her , -«ý19_4 .1 . ' ý - -,,,ý...- , - I_ 1 ý up. o;. a -"ýtýý'ýýhr#Ït ;,> -rý , ý %_ ýý _: ýï ý -1 'Il . X ý ý _ýý Of this western 1feMiâý7here; and o. his -,#,.'àye:' ,..,--. ý. .1 % v .,:,;.;4-,_»ý,-4ý __:-ý Ë- - 3ýlu t.ýý ., . je- en 1 ' - ";k'" nèrations . re, e* - - - ý_ ý - - ý el 57- - - i+i . B ýp dly_ýjpaè, éd 'fùllý*of L'ô , .ge ýý IF 1, - -_ýý -_- _ . , . - ;* -, iv ely 0 ý . _ ; __ ý . . pac Y-#" _-.ý ý; ' , I.. , 1, . ý, -_, te - ý - iend'LINDSA Y and leftl.with--*-hin1ý --Sôlnë"--IAr-g , . .«Pac, , :, -,' arl,ôr----T,-ar-eme - - 'Ridin .ý_ -dseýýlý!d - ,ý __ to see -his fr . ýý -.1 - ' - ý - * '_+ ,. ýý 2 , ý-;--Rîéd- É7 .. , ý .. ý tUat won't toàch h 1, nd Sa cers China-Plates .China Nases- Ghinàiý-MÜ9-_' l-lu- . ý - m- . - . ý . - u , - . 1 t X 1 .. -_ _- - ,-- i, ' ,15 DÔllài. Sheltie fj oups -a - ý -Y .1 ý " 1-jjjw; 1. 0 ý 'éfli,ýýiea;iýa-mùièï,, Mâle ___ li; , ay or ûKi on'týbre ô , -2init, T ' .qýLànte1ils , . on: pie - ýF t 1 . ét I«s' ,ý ., ,, nkeen i;.Olis timi, d6n't'biea#; F j1aïf '5rg __ -Milton.teconie.we-,wlka4.Saýta.Cl,,,,ýq, . " , - ,çf wantS!,ràrybadyýýM Targets, Japanese Ten-Pins, Mar ic Money Banks, Iron Banks, Wax DORS, Na . .. t - ý , .1 ,.ýýNO 1" , ' .î c1ouLsideýùf. . ý _ 1 - Caps, and about 101 articles there's no room tO tell ab(iq:t,..'ÉakLng ogQ ý QFýl%_V. . ý .. - _. .- __ - . __ __ . . 1 Hoods, Wool Shawls Tarno' Shanter 1. ý , . 1. 1 1 -- .. - ý __ ýý._. , ý . > ý ý ,1:_,_ý_,. ý 1 - a 1ý ; '. "<ý :... l 1 ý 1 1'. - 1 ý - ' ý ýj .. à ý , , .ý ý ý ) ý ý -, , ,.',ý,;"%',',jý ,1 . ý1 ý 1 :,ý ý.. 1- 1'. -,. , , : ý ý -..,ý ". . ý ý - 1 - .ý,e-- - ,,;,,.ý -,.ý.,. . -11. - ; ,-ý : Il ;.,- - , . ý.- - ý ý ý -'l'. .ý .-, - z- ýý«.1' 1 i ', .... . aii(lbüyaCtipandSaùceratidlIbTeaforý45c. * . , , ý . -1 ý 1 -ý . __ 1 - ' ý . 1 '. 'Il .4 5 -,;, A T ý . . ý - ý -ý 1 ý ' .. Z ý ND - OF- __. Q--O-OD- A- 1 1 ý ý - - 11 ý ý -A. -CHINA. CUP AND SAUCER AND ý -ONE 'Pou -T Fon,_ o.. 1 LI'-qD'SA*Ys-,ý- .. .. . ý - . . _î,!ý_1,- .ý - ý. ý : ýýt ý.. I.. 1. 1 1 ýý- . - 1 _1.ý ...1. ý 1 1 . - ý ;... ., . . -, _-77-777-7 -:- - - ! -"---- -1-1 ,. .. . . . . 1 .1 . . e ; . 1 ý.e ý 1 . ý . . ý. IThere ProblbIlluiL YaUs. ý . Xliton Pubil« Sebool. . .ý - . . ý . A ; . ý . . . . . . . 1 - _ !ý . i--- , ._ _ ý - - . .14 10 - , . - . ..->ý . Servant -W . .. . 'CAL NEW S. ý ý._ .- : .., ; . . ý1 ... ý . 1 'ý., . . ý . -, 1 ý 1 ý .1 ., . - 1 1 -ý .- .. . . .. ý .. . . . 1 1 ý ý1 1 . 1 ý . IIOUSET RZ.NT.-8roanigIVOOdBlle(l, T De r .supplies touseofln ]al* ItE Rý son ovic BER, . . . .1 ý . ý - ,ý lanot a Buccessinsons, ý HoNOR LL. 1 ý - . ý. . . 1 . ApPly ta ' Mu. joli, bord and boft water. Apply ta GRo. Càtin fi . . . ý 1, ' ý s ])M S311T 1. - - - ý ý 2.4.2t ,q , r es , wu instances calme tu the - ý .. . ý ý ý 1 . - 24.5t ý . -maiti, ýý, et tend ta weken 1111 - TiR R AY .eý *000 * - . ý . st uiý& o la"f' rock . , - B m oi, 1 : . . 1. - . 1 - - . - _ . 1 . ý ._ý ý . _ý 1 . . . . .- ý . 1 . 1 . __ý_- S -Extra ýocd1 value in skates, Ran .c,4 Senior 5th CIaasýGertB, RobOitsont . z _ý ý , . .. . . , - ý ý ý; _1_ . .. . - _ tý . ý ý .. t of flic probibitioniats as Lena Lindsay, Fýmùe Johilsonù 1 i . 1 * . ý . _ý. . iýj (:. ý . : i . . ý . . . : il .aise Dow stock of artibts* bruitas ana 1 th. EfÎlc'iêncy of the new departure. Junior 5th Clus.-Jeunie cLun, . . . ý . ONT AS.USUAL WITII .. .. N otice, Il 1 M e nul illies, juist arriveil et W. Il. Mac'ab'o One in the opinion of Revenue Collectcir Emma MeGibbon, Doilie Elliotti HaM . . . ARE TO THE FR . ý - . ý . . ; _ý ýr hardware. - . . ý Bradshaw, of Atlanta, who mokas this Barcla . ' 'l' . ý 1 . . ý i . 1 . . . Notion la liereby î f, . .Fi.%P.D.-ýVilliam Earl vive fined 81 atutement: 1 .4th, ýlass-Týyphcna Bùbaree,' C. . . . . ý grreý ý ,a,,,,, heretofon ci and-costs Imit Friday cveijing by.Mýyor "Dotale flic advent ci pliblibition Hollinrakeclî Duff . ý tu.t.'. iviiit. out fur dihturbin the o7ercima . Iý ,, 1 1 . - 'm ýMeRenz:e'Pi P . . et the Snivation barracks on tho pro- and now filera -are 68. The rogistered Usher, John Lindsay II.1,11 . tler6wore in Georgia 80 distilleries, Soit. Ord ý liaving, this day -beeo 'a ýý ý _ .1j.e Bu., Ô ts ' . Is inutua 1 cli--- L of. Sp e " î l' i. of viocs Sumfity. - . , Bell« Robertson. L ý 1 q.7,00( 1 ý_ . ý . distilleries mash about twiceýn3ràùcll lut. Brd Claisa.-Bobert McDowell, _; .ý . ý -1 . . . ý. - . 1 consent, ail dehtéiro Wz direct flic attention of our.readers grainfler day as they dia two'7.ears Jane.AUison, E. Dowar, 0. Hannant, A. ý ý : . ý . . . . . . . . ý 1 . to:bo paid ta mýYj . 1 . 1 . . 1 . - 1 ý . .. . . ..., - _- - - -.. ... . liral Br" te tllüýaiivt'rtiscmcnt Of. Mr- 1VOi. Ma- ago. Thorè in now one grain distillery Porter. . . . - ý . . . ,ý . 1 1 . . . 1 . 1. ý- . . p.Y -.11 debts due by Wý Kerizie, late of flic scat of Hustler di wiýh ý surv7ed .capacity of 40 bu.h,ýla Joli. lira Class.-Julia Patton, Edith . T. RY TIME. . . account of allait dis8oIutjý'l . * .0 1 Elv iNsFir OF THIS EVE necéssary ta have ail dcti Ilc1çý,,uzie; . The partnerRhip bas ýeen l agfe DuZ Allais Sloan. SECURED AT FROM 26 te 60 PER CE, Ný DISC UNT. AND 1.,HIER OUSTOMM§REC E TRE Br .. ý. ., igtisin par ay and 10 with aour,,yed WilsOI2, M 1 . . .ý ý . ý . ý ý . .. . . . Out déIaYý. ; , _,'ý 1 1 disol veil and Mr.' McHenzic will cou fume Son. 2ud C au.- Clara Bastedo; . . 1 . . ý - . . - lu , . a pacity of 20 or more bnihels par ay. ý ZaZ 1 ý ý ý - _.. the business. Tho reptitation, of flic The roinaindýr ma6h frein 5 ta 20 Irollinrake, ,Mahal Robertson, . . . . 1 ý i_. . ý . . . ý . ý . JOS ýq, _ý . ,establishment for first close work- and busbels par day. Two ycars ago filera Sitzer. : illi m Rober .. . ý . , , , ý, . . ý . Milton, Nov. lot. 1887. ýq. fil lut. 2nd Cians~ A taon, . , ý - l . . . . 1 ý 11, llllarla dùalingB - IR tic well kuOwn vices, no distilleries in o Statu that ar ý GAINS IN - SILKS ý of whicli tbe stock is sý,1arge and varied thà tîte àisp1ay wM lie Ûlàde t'et if ]'il unnemary. fur lu ta racola. maahed more thon 20 bulibels of * B bara, EIliot,ý Emma Brown, Elle . Thi: week à fliccial aisplay will bc ma . de of BAR .«- ý 1 ý ý .. ý A - gral i - - 1 1 ý . n'and if. ' , aday, and only thrcé distilleries witila Lee. in the MantleRooin upiitwta. $20.000 worth lins te bc' . clenvea out. _ýý' . . . . . Wx are happy ta Ray finit Mr. Jarmy, survoyed capacity of 20 luisbels of grain E Joli. 2na cim's.-Willie Anderson, . . 1 . . . - . ' ' ý : - Bank of ý110,ï 1. whose atm %vas olettratail oit a couple of perday. 'rhorestmo.4hedfrom5to2O ý Stevens=, De4y Lee, Lotion At the saine lime the splendia stock of MANTLES Cali lie s9en. 2,5 par cent. obeapar thon they eau, lie soïd by 'inost iinporting'llouses. . ' , ,o, m noticeil in flic CiiAmpioN, bushels a day. illien the collectio. Duff . . ; ý . ý . . . ýý - ýý by Dr. Fluctuant sud otlici Burgoons, in bave improveil. 'l'ho increased col. Son. let CIass.ý-AlI&n Bowman, Bella Just recoiveili' 200 dozen of Ladies' Hemsti , a 1 h ; ca Hau.dkerchiefo.. Note > price, 75à. par dozen. ý . . . 1 . Capital- . , j B, - . ý . - .progressing very favornbly, ait in aise lections for the tax 3-car endindJ.uni) Sproat, Willie.NleIZenzie. . . ' 1 ,.. 1 . . .. . 1 ý. - . ý. ý . . . ý. . $1,000,000 . 1 1: . ý . file famale patient front %vlinqe abdomen 80,1887, Int let Class.-John Dow, Emerson Just receivea, 250 dozen of Ladies' Cavalirie Handkerchiefs,'nice gooqs, for 25c, . . ý . .ý excecded chose or the car . . ý . . . . . . ýý L'iding Juuu 80, 1886, bv $32.000. Timre FcatUerstoué, ,. - th fumer vents. renjoved I)v flic saine Howard Gray. . . 1 ý ý . 1 . 1 1 ý ý Joli. lot Class.-Willie Smith, Annie Every lady who.bas mot seuil that big lot of TORCHON LACES alleula do sa ut o ce. They are 80 par cent laits thon gular prices. ý Aý gentlemen. T.Iie.oporaCtioiiR ivero among was prodi ,ceci during September, 1887, Bush. . . . . . . . m ý ý.ý . . 31ILTON -.Ac . the niolit critical unes ovor'atteniptecý 16.758gallons.ofwraUquor. Icolicet. Clements, Halte j eh DRESS GOODB we are clearing out nt wonaerfully low ý prices. Saveial fresh special . lines acenred this week . , i ý . . . ý 1 1 . . -19 .in thi.î iioighbnriioad, and if iq crodit. ,$22,653 taxes on corn liquor for that Pamay cLABBEs. . . .1 . . . . pellosits receivedý,'fl ,ý ý ý Wour local surgeons that they month.. Them was prodiieed during («) . . . . r . - ý 1 . 1 ',-lm . ablu 1 '. Annie Linhsay, Sarah Cochrane, . W.e make a specialty in Ladies' sna Gents, seotchi nia Natural W ol.Underwear, Hcajory, Gloves, etc., and Dur Stupla Gooas-are in.rka et est allowed lit ý bèý bave ho ;. . ý ý ý 1 , ý -.«ý . en Ho bué.,4.fui. . LI te correslionding mentit of September, , : ý 1 ýo 1. . . ý 1 . 1 . Law, George Stagg. wliolesala prions. . 1 f. ý . - ý ý ýFLnmRRs, ESPECIALLY, SIIOÙLI),%AD 1880, 12,200 gallons of corn litituir, and (b) Gao. Stevenson, Wm. Hamilton, - . rate. Nô notice« Of%"V T. 1 collecteil $12,117, kilt i J McJanet, Bertha Haraburgh. Don't fail ta sec the chenil fissWlass mâmmoth stock et . 1 -lVe have rofèrence ta flic adver. ci oving ail maman. clin .1 . .. . . ý ý ý . ; . 1 ýý . .. . . ý tiBelliont of filet nid reliablé Custom il uroduction of spirits for Septomber, (a) Boyd Wallace, Roy Sanderson, ' ý 1 ý ý . . 1 . . ý reqtiired.:.OiTicohotii 1 - Clcithing Ilonse owneil and éontrolled 1887, over Septewber, 1886, of 4,544 Mina Scott, Miltm Beemer. . . . . , . . . . .. ý 1 .. . . 10 a: m. t' ý Lýý( . ý ý by Filiagin, and locateil et 140 Kiug-st. gallons, oui! an inercase in flic ammut' . (ci) Marian Bell, Bella Dug ,,, Har « - . . oý3 l:t. m . ,ý . Of - on Artr . MURRA«Y &ýCO'S 18, 20 and 22.King St., East,.Hamilt - -FÏom 10 à. - ' * E.,tlllalniltoil. ,Tliev find finit taxait collecteil spirits for the ,oy Dixon, Gc6. Home, ne chis. ý A.:. »ý . . 04. ýý m filet' .aine D'outil cf' 810,689- If thé col' li,)]., Jet McCollom, Fièrence Slicp. . » .. ý ý t ý .. . 1 . ý lîý . ta mild Nveýtlier' wu have liat'l)%v'np lections continue ta incrca, ý . 1 ý . q . . . 1 . ý - ' ý .ni. .. . thoir Be duricg the bord, Gortie « Hu'ilinrake. . ý ý 1 . l ý . . . 1 1 . . . - 1 . J. ý BUTTER? I . ý ý Atock of cloths in ,mueli lav,,er thon it 8hauld . lie et thfit tium of year. ramahiller of the planent tax year lit l DU ý - - - 1 ., Nov., la. 18". .: . Sa ta Bell if in double quick no thcy flic saute . ÀTT * F. ND A. nING NovEmBER. . ý Il . . 1 1 . . ý . . ý 1. 1 . . ý . . ýý, ý ý 1 . - ', ý fil - râtio as tbov have the collect. NCE .. ý . l . :, ý 1 ý are elcaring al[ «gonds nt figures . flint tiens lvill bu inercased about $76,000.1. TotalYo. of limace on Roll ...... 888 1 mulitincrit tlid attmtion affila commun. Thit; is front file officiai records and Boi-s' Dames 1 -.'ý '.: ::::::197 X &rk1ýr 060as: , W*iîýby;W ho1esa1o at tho R igh4ij-"-'ýàffi.Ouse. -%Tustý S ' - M-ILTOT Girls, .. 180 . . - . - - cou . ý .. . . laid. Everylio(ly rend flic atilv. and then %vo mont talc if fur granteil filet the 1 . . ý ý 1 1 . 1 -go Honore Home of file bargaius. ' law le failure sa fer as flic distilleries Aggregato attendance, ............ 6119 . . . . . ... . 1 ýý . . 1 1 . . ý -Ipl" iug 1 ý . . à IF j-cu magot E . glicist .., .. . Biankets Rire marked awny down very lois. rat of thaïe, ennaist;ng of Union Blankets, All-wocl,'Blnnketi, Super All-wool ' . : 1 l 1 . . . you want Undor%ý-dar, * ' "ce cOncerned. Somebosly must bu Avorage daily attentismes ......... 291 There la a Stiperior Stock of over 875 pai . . - !ý, - . . . 1 au Rize and quality yon demire ut liaing iiitokicànLq ül the prohibition . ' ......... 818 Blankets, Extra Superfine All-wool BInnkets, Tobozganirg Blankets. greyBlunkets and Rares BImiketý, greatly reduced. Tho Druon Guadet tire going et Fabuloncsy SOMEBVILLE t. M ý ý Troble's. corner of King &ýJamcs; Sts. Statu and fil generoilit il autities of Law Pricu. Beautiful New Styles of Drus Gonds linported This Seuun Marked Down Frein BOJ ta 2àc. Anàlier lot of vary nice Plainl Sort Woody Dressi- Gwd., , ý . . 1 ýt . ý . Lorgnât and clicaielit stock of Utuler. filet. The inereme ofuilistilleizies; TRAFAIMAR. markeddovinfroini8toitc. Large.Igt ofAil-m-ool Serge DresFGooda in the lattes . t 8hades clown frein 18 tu 15c, Atiother lot of Fille Ail-wool Drame G ait worth - -* 1 . j PROPItrETO" > . 1 ýý in Ilainilton. . speaks poorly for flic officacy of flic Boa. devin ta 15. . A lot ofNice Checked Dresa colis doive, fruni 15 and l7c. ta i%-)Jr-* A lot of Striped Dresa Gonds duci-n rrom 10 ta ýjc-1 n cpdt.ý1f.11- .i";j Ivrear . 1 Tho excessive drought of flic rail bas .Piles or Very. Fi .. 1 il lawiiisul)l)rc.ssilig flic consuinption cf Colored Cashniere Hose marked down to.41f prices, flic colora are Na%-y.Blue, Séal Brown and Garnüt, they are Marked Down frein Si ta silo., fmin fou. ta 45c.,* trial A Ij been a great drawback ta flic formels, soc. tu 40c.. train 70r- ta 35à., frein 60o. t of 0 ,' -FURNI! OR elitLrtaiiiment giveil 1 y flic ardent .41lirit3.. 011 toi) Of thi,; amies 88 Wate 80c., front 50c. Ut 25c., frein 40c. th 20a. Thora la evèry aize frein infants ni) te flic larguet woineli's. About 50 piecés "' ' -U'SF les of thoMiltoil ýlfotliillist-ClitirLli r-lias; beau scarce and many o ]El 1 - - tliestateneent.tliat tilaBRI)ti.telýrg3.. HonisomeVulvýtuenain flic New Colors.ý,irkedd.wii te lesothan (,'oýtPrie.s. JuAtsautliem.' e.wist etiinutogutGlieapCt)uýle at ýIie Right flutour. piies of - .ý ý - ý have 1-en foreed ta drive their cattle a ., ýlaHt'l',ýlr.%v A audience ý. . 1 --- su il ;tien lire withdrawim, frein flic Prolii- an,, Ceci Servictiable Winceys down fracas ta 5c., and front 5tý 3j. A larg3 lut nrGiynfqrtar.i îýIIiièg etuil. An iiii-ninde variety orlOutlirý,rtera and Quilte ut a . . . . î . . 1 ý . filet filltil avery. se2ili fil . miles for if ...... Mr. J. McCarron big laduction. ý%latatlei and Ulsters of titis douons importations of flic latest àtyleà clown tu must'pricà'a. Man des and U [stars over tient liait %vinter marked ý Lit, traineil Sonday, 1%.,,iL.11- file 13aptista dec 1 a siah, Doors,',Blinds, raculdii SOcif.4 hy a ulluiller of Chili, tu%%"' ba"' âtion party I)ec'at-i.%Ltlte3- hala incetings Iiaý ,rchased a' tank with vrhieh ta , doWn ta ý . o draw iraier. ..... Mr. J. Beattie lost a finit prices. Very Handsonié Mantle Olotlis Down ta Oust Prices. Ait immense autirtutent ta Pelect train. Piles cf WOm2ll'8 n'id Gill'd Wooleu Hooda fruit, sac. titi. . i 1 . "Y 'ýl" lý l1Y1 ""cýtll le ýl'Ag lentille deliècration of flic Sabbath. ; Fighty-five diizcuis of Lulinf'Finé Lintu 04iiibrio Atbilui ILA-11cerchiefi a.Ilitit,'ntf'ElireL for 25c., %Vorth About Dimble The Priait. BeýýtlfnI Cillored Silice -et' 5 . . : -.-i.,.,. cf flic programme, itiiýl-«Itltey iverc valuablehorse lately, ivhich tuait sick 1 Thosecondinstanci, je tilosellillwof ou the rond ta file city, but travelleil in 'bailli. JUut sec the 20c. Gray Fiannel, nuit flic ý Inýý) rentler,, ý hightr pricea. . Th Y' LùMber, -Lath il H al. a ý . - fl in a inaiiii.r. filet dill b.tli bati ta thoRix tholft;and infirin veterau as. 8 -. the Buot Five Fronts Bramais aitýýet. i».,k,.d down ta $1. 1 . . Il le Mur lit from fý.f teacher and ptilils; great* ér4dit. and bock Amie, as fer as Coolisville. ALL KINDS OF LUNIBEIL Il.% . . . Little Draytoil (Ohio) Home. uni ., - . Illis Ilazel ýVaIlace :langà).artictil.irly sohliors, il, fil. . - eautiftil Rugit, Mats mid' Or b Cloths inl flic- latest styles. Carpet DaESSED TU GRDE '«_ý-" welA --Within a luile of Bcer is di.41)ollse(l ýn the promises now whorc it dieà..L ... Mr. It. Miller in pot. -ry OhLap. Carpets for Churchos Extra Cheop. A, éliarming lot of , . , . ý . . ý, . ting up a higli' breakwater un the cast ý « î' ýdiý,,.nj lier Holo, And fi L . .Irroqt,4 for iittctnptrancchaýc B f ý1ew Ourtititis,'ritblo und Piano Cuvera frot6 thi British, Ouriuan and Aise EN BIIIII-DER5 '"' ", P r m ' . 'a tg Ly*Uve ........ ... ' ' Sa- the T.PC.ý'y 'r en ,educ"ont 'P '*= -a lu ,_ .,.ro'Tot%,ti'laý,crý, diflicuItsoný le. M file of flic rond tliroughtlie swamp ta G EàAt ilcel-ea-i,-,l Mourning Goode. King direct saut, oie dGýr wut of Huglison '%tr .ý o C tý - ---- --- - «- - - din i', ', ý , - . eHlceiiilly fora child, Nvasancored., . frout.4. -(flrtlicycarcucliti,' 1 v . . ý . :TRACTORS 1-1 p1log A et. il -wu .-la - Noycmber 1 I&Sr,,l Ig ont flic wàter. from. runnii(g over ý eýý p-41 L. anffl.Aý e.,i lua ýý Q Il fi FI 1-I 1 il Tub', ?il Ilit, il ... var ý Ilun. .... . .t... wi.d... . lit Il.... t - a- va y C 'P th. B utf sui c . ai ý .1.1 .or l .a - t., ý i .a -haut Il 0 .ký.ii'. l jl .et . fi. t O Gci-.. -...,ý.,iil.r. -r'ivld-1.c ,y; Aul -1 O..... ý -R'C' ' ""'ýf. a. TAP 'y P "_ - 1 a Li -I..ý-1 ta 27-1 for the year ni laud. Ho is assisted by âir. J. Bon. ,ý 1 . 1 - t.,t. F- 'q lot - . ý Bý.,t'ilýi, ui..v-ý ti-dr-lii. Il-ck -P - a. t la .a- - 1 .1 l' o a a g Er e -ý ,-*,-i"rde"," ' off » ce "B, -"",*,, -,*-*,ý o', n va, ri " o "'s"m "' nain !8 arc' ln, el, nwsy c'vu ,o Il fi - 32rp 0 i'n, et 2-... Se. .1 ... ý5c 2' 'n .ai a, a. .1 .IF y o ývallt ta baY a ocw toit flot, él-ill-ý1 - ýi!h November . 1, 1887. THOMAS C. .hpfrtioui C.. W ATK I N.S. ,lit- or .h.k. ,j yon will «Revu more filon j-our railway liant, flic proqent lesscé of his faint ...... . . . . f Bit [Id turc y going ta Tretile'ý,: corner or llerett)for&tlio main bouglit tlicir becr 'Mr. A. Hood intends purchasing a trac. FiRmillon D.-el.1887 , t ý .1 . . : . ý ý , 1 - ý . in flic city and if vas clecineil best ta tien engins for. next yearls thresh. __ __ - 1 - ___ __ 1. . >1 . ! . , . , - . . . MODEW. Xiiiý,ýtJitmt.ý.4St.4.,Ilatý,iltoii. Hoha-4 soif if ta fileta .on flic gromids of flic ý - g ...... Ilfr. E. Rancune lias cela part of . . à% .11 .. flic ti . 1 Provo& .1 ý ff'r ý R% m . 1 . . ý. _ - F.ýt.iv .car m. Ný W. ii.ti. ' . . ruent stock and cliL.ý.1,ýést Ilats fi, Soldier's Iloinc And central flic sales. Ills biisli ta Chisliolra Bras., of Oak. . Wlint If . 4%, flic citv. - - . Guo. Patrick, govnmur of tlm 1 ý - e , .. , . .. . . .1 . . . . ,orne, viii. Mr J Douglas bas two colts . . B.... Ile.1& - __ _. - .11 .o ai *«** . - .. ý Z IL 1% L#K% E e S E S . . ý ý. 1 ý . N . E.ýl"i 'YO . E ai .M r. ý .. . ý . ý . Il SF..%'i>.ýI(CF.rl.-Jallio.9 ., aine. nt uys fila allonge' net mlly rednces t'le Ný*i'nteriüg ai eir. G. Grilla, Il v's ..... . . qeLrge Davoy, two Imys bliaut si ý cou. nuinber of arre.4ts,. but filet o t The Globe claires that thçi, Scott Act « . ý 1 .. ý fifth ant meule cwies liavo'bean ti-cated' Robt. bl.C.rroii dons mot Bonne ta pay lm doing itslvmili effectively, Mannite, lie ý ý yenrsold; camo ont ta CanbAla front au 1 ' "" We Ilave recoi;ed liùother lot of those fine Satin Marvelieux Dress Poods, in black and 2- 0 BSERTý1, .. 1 ]-,Il,ý,Ii>h- 1joum ahoilt two 1 3-carai ago. nt flic liosliEnI aller ti.preciug. Further. .,,ait liced ta front, as ho lias been convictions bave inerchsedlIromBome all the new colors, pure . s . Ili,' at prices that . calait. bc beate . ý - * Iiit.1,11.i.ý.ýl 1. IF12x . James ivas employe(l byýî1 ý - lie Ray- * - plowing right along in deflance of if. five hundred lent year ta eV r f urtý3en . 1 . .. .1 .. . . in the city Or auywhere elsë... Gullegc, al Onkille, trait, whom ho -REPORTER. bundred fille yenr. na, the Ir. E. Il. more B * :' ; ý 1 . . . -THE : . and a Bain of nmTmy,ý Il tact aile-ed by eue -temporar5-l The discipline and good Ortler of flic . Ta ouYinio . . . . OLDEST.AND id'. statu Bocks, naittl; allie have ilever bçol We have also now in stock Wehàve the cheapest stock . W 1 1 FAMILY N : ý il l as ýgûoll sa now, , e iaMe jfist reoeived- di- - - filiaring his liftait ivith Daýcy. Both Arralgament or flic Scott Act. -;o . . Siýt.Iiegul&ý Leditors;ýý orliavotlie mon beau as contenticil, . provos il - reversa. It Bholls that the, y of fr - - law la violated this ycar ta nearly a .splenclicl variet of Men'ébn3,a,%ver6arrested, commitied for trial and more moncy is sent by pensimiers . ; tient cru tholnl%*a largë*consignmeut respondents àt Homo ai by, a niagistrate and vaste and employes ta tlleir finailies . than . ý threc filons the estent of ]est ysar. WOOLDRESS GOODS ý UNDERCLOTHING OF FXOTORY COTTON Storici., Itcýiews, Colýddi . %voro aryaitged before. 1 fis Ifonor Judge ,verbeforL. .Cý1-1 1. .b..Id have certain fonde- Au increase in the occulter of convict. If in flic Opinion of ewry tAjb . . . . Departmonts, for FiiriýiLýr.'î Miller. 'Tlmy pleadeul guiliy and bath oses. (1) It aboula bc pro- ions for crimeý la alwaya accoliteil as in grand'value.- Ili Flannels . . in town. bouglit la t ýSpring be e ' Baukera,, Professional ,.%le ý , ..frCr of t'le houle tj'at ""dur ex'Ht"'-' volied only by offences against societ%, proof of au lucrease in o ' . fore th . . Il lias muluccul We -Oire awlity ahead. Oui 20ô. ' savane in, rien, and. which WO are recciveul flic naiiin'iicàtence, iwoluantIll; ,i"u"t,",$ the beur Il.% rime. ý If if is ý ' ý" . ýj' i ý . . in flic coulity jail. ý 1. .. ý . vice, crime, ilobatiLlier),.- .,icliue.ý8 and and flic nation of large. (1) lt sbotilà a crime toviolate the Scott Act, thon * Il , y the webat wbc Bave and >girls. crime muet bu iiiercasing. ý The Globe all-%Nool 'Flannel is all the Boots'& -Sholes Cheap il going týe se fi* .flic oBsEný'Elt cover ouly those guilty of flic above ý . . dessin - mIl yeux -J CUHLING Iti.-iK.-* notion; will bc le. the waste of moiloy chat a ould go ta .flou es. more thail - ý Il, evived bv Mr. J. r o ý d -)l If simula above ail thinPls would bu riglit oulv on thé assomption talk. 'Everybody bays it. - - Eoslery Ch * IC---,ýrby eînrd.ehoaÉorthancan A. Fraze r. SocrotarY th familles of soldiers. . (O . eap 1 hall in any or imry 'way et pensant.. ý FIFTY PEIZÎ SÉ 1 . of. flic Milton durling CI ih,' for the . - -.-:-.- ý bu enacted with a view ta its parznan- that "the work of ilie, Scott Act in ta 1 ý . ý 1 ! ý a the ablest and mosi once, if iieccas for ail finie. (4) Its fine people. Il its work in ta supplions . . au po] routai of -flic risili during flic ýreàeot À Iteligions palier oit file Scott Act enforcement a S . . . . . - .P.Llil net bc niercly thosaleofliquor, it«isafailum The W e buy close, or cash, andepell cheap..* , . ý will coutributoitu iýýs c.1il . imaulon uli ta Saturday, tJio*lûtli et ý _ . . .. >, . - speculative. (5) And un spirit if License Act dia that work much marc . . ý ý ý . . ..ý ý . and prose writers, autho,-,ý Docciiiber. 24,2 D..,I.ýi,ý. LIuýlýý ý . f ' and wonim of BAHD dlHci..i.ý-A clmcý.rtf rý if N. ý W e. m ake no hum bug sales, but _' - file Men will 1 ta bi1ry or fanaticierit simula enter loto effectively.. I)ollorltoftlii.'ýliltpitl,àn,]%Iill o nel:cr sulquit quitely . w of ail the above the Scott Act . - _ . 1 ý . goodValU 611 the columis of thé Ob ' . . coule off Huch logislation As the Scott act; if ' « i ta 1 Nor À BOOK toNvii hall: du ý rite, thé Chi influas ait outrage on libery, and thes la 18 a vie a r. i AUILNT. for your!'n Inlay. g1l the tim e. ý . .., !t ww give fifty-two -uËcýý ý holillays, and the éxaâý date i% Sact arû*guiItý 1ýllo - A Bu ý 1 . . .. 1 - ,? $8. -ill bc upliolil: chi . . . . . ý . . . . ý . 1 ý . . . -me- nt flic , o - , . 1 m the commý .-.--- . - of prov.k., gus Reptitatlon. Mr. Il..Watson, Drugqiat la net a book , . ý . 00 a vear. ýj 'best a entiment which is flic inondation of , . ; .. -_ 1 1 fixctl* i:i a do), tir two. Thil vcrý ,-]T...t.W.,I& 1 1 1 jagent, but bu the âgency in blilta. for CaU ahd 1 . ý ý . ý..CleigymeuJ82.0(l a ycài. ho qlcurý 1, and flic me civil and -liýqous libortfu. - see us. . , avAilal Io t.,tlent 11:11 l ri, Evil ý . .Iitieon'a Touic Bitter». whieh lie Cou .ý , . - . . 1 ý ý . ' ecdiiiiiittue of iilaiià,,oi.totid will sparo brandi avil, and force bree(14 force: file Thora have already beau cOnsiderably haartily recommend fer .ny ce, 1 * t t . . . e . . . 1 GREAT INDUCEMLNÏ,- niaza le lir, grainait as ý. . . r 1 i - IE[EMSr tRET BIROS. 1 > il. Th- I;Ew Yditiz oii.ýr.1tvîii 1 - lie 1. Î] . p, o.a critnescolntllitte(liticoiiiiectiniiwitii the over 4000 more Police Court cases this ,hieh a couic medic n pp . . . - ... . an. y ... la -y eléM-.,.. uo, .4 àý fi elle. Tickets will ho on sale Scott tiètarotliciiaturalortspriii-«oftilat year than filera iverý'dù'ring flic whole vaitiable inedichie haus beau und with muet eF!"--j -,-- - ý; . tiste O.iEI)OLLAIt. ý - :ý 7 sliortt3- aud ,va halte filet mir citizens out. At flic saille finie N%*c!:Dlc flic gliiity of last vcar, when, vre hall no Flemming utonialiingly gond moite in 'cases of il . . . 1 1 ý . . __ - 2 À.Y;..b.ribe ý. gencrally xill iu%-i!.4t in chalut ana hall) ones %vill ment with coÙ(li;,,ti puni8hinent. b3,.IaNv'and flic moral movowentwas genaml debility, meaknese, irregularitiest .1 ý CDI--]»--IC= ý 01-1 ý - ' ' ' . ý c1r.:2. I..,ý 1 ', flic boym aient,,.. Tlicir orgAnizatim in Bail lawn wil, mot'lac outil diby bail deeds, supposeil ta have ouly just bagou ta muliar ta tomates, extreme. palenvu, . 1 . ý ý _. . .ý . Lit.;13"- .A. yýmSZAý.j; ... . . . . . -.h.s..c.vý.rtlic '«Iýi.ýýý",L . . - a credit ta tIiý town sud aboula bc lier boa ýad lawi. . . . votive. Thora %vais once advertised impoveri.hmHnt of the blond, etonnacit and . . S O N S ý.. 3 rit 1111,,ud tjý,.c si liver trolibles. leu of spoetite, and for . W A L R E R .& * ,.le , et-atq.1lui.,:Z%ý,..ýl.1, liberally supportell. ý - - - ---- abritait a city called'Torouto the Gooé. - - ý 1 1, .B_ ý l týatgeneraI vrona ont r,ê«rly 1 1 .. ý . . 9 ý ý .d,.... Ta inteh -1-11,- ', To ALL SUIIýCltiBliM.-Nye will givo Intemporels Te.l.til)erance A.dvéëntu. Whero in chat city nov ? Lot the New la troubllid .ith of lumu, . - . t .ý 1 ý. -;, , , il lrt.h .1reu. Zoalander*take his'placè upon one of ""Y O"' o= , 1 . >:,ý 1. th.j 'folie 41i'l Ulumi - - . 33 tg 37 Eing Otrect Bas .. cul .... fi -L'Ou . . : . . flic wet;lil3, G 'io.'l elle . ý ott.y,. citi.ý.. eue brolien culverts sud sketch flic thnynar. Don'tiorgetthonsmeJ . . . ý ý . . - .1 - . ý ý. . -y cAulc)-.!- . ý. . year for 81.75; :flic Dally 1 Globe and ý Tonic Bit -m fige. and $1. par buffle lit ^ND COLBORNE il - TORON-ro, Aunis -.tcd .v., 1àlýi Cil.%% -car for 45; eh. raies of a boffl reputation 1 . : ý T . - - -,j .t nos ana 3 the NN'Lýiilily Saine jcopic scien ta regard total W.t.o4,8 tuz star . ý 1 1 . ý ý. .«t.=ý .. . ' ý * . - __ - a __ . __ - - ý . ý . 1. ý. . 1 . . 1 . 1 . . . . ý . I&I" i,..» ý ý ý . '4 . . ý. ý . àlaiI4 and Farui & Firesidii, with the stilitnco as the sain and substance of The ProbiblUonl.qti Barraud Agate. . __ . 1 . ý . . Xovember24th, 1887. . - ý NEW YORE OBSE] CiiAmpieN, for one "or for 92. . ail Christian virtues;.but if persans of 1 __ý_ . . . . . ý ý . - * .- 1 BOBTON, DOC. 6.ý-MUniCipa1 elCOtiOURi , Gredit Sales. ý . igeu cýM É9Ê1Çýý£ Titz Govemmmt wotild àà wiRoly ta filet close averti ta practice the doctrine . - ' . - ' ý . ý ý 1 ; ' e.1 1 1 - . ' , 22-St - NEWYO - R ý K i _ ls ye in circula- of Ctillvrei§stoifiutlléollsacriNvtýlloin(lodonaolitnlgiapviptohntltlo ý 1 . uax q . _l tien. TImy are il 'nuisant! , mil very a,, Partie. requiting my écrvices sa soutien. - :b zi wi- ý 1eý . ' --lew . ;,ý",; . .1 ý Ha yo ta cyo with dotai oit fille Bol> the Commonwealth, the citizonq in caeh - . . . ý . .ý frelitentlý, a source of frand Any aile will pleaute eau of the-ICHAmpiol; ofES . .. . . ý ý r OF., .p.1 .1 ý 1 ý, ject, thoy would afford ta thoir imigh. un an opportunity of o 5 .7; . , FA ingoftinýtvu'orthrcûd.fla inchango x- Îl.1t.., wh- .11 psti-ul-,i as ta dates of . ý ý , t ý . ý . , RTdvlERS.Uii.P---.ý+ ý_ - ,,, - ý. fi il nuioug the ri, to J'roof of chair CLriRtuulty fressiug choir prçferczlces On th. nales. &ý, clut b. gi-n. P. j CHAPbIAN. ý l . . . 1- .. ý 1 - ý) ý Nv o The regult Of the Licensisi Auctioncer fur Bolton. Wentworth, , i -*--': ý 1 ., 1.1 . __ ... 1 ý ý1 . ý ýviI1 ho almotit ofiro ta. O lm bat r b . 1 ' ý « il tors" one or more Me. Piccoli, do bý ablising mon, tý do ýuln !cause quétion. ' d W.Ili.e.ý « cf. ý . CI DENýT !.- 1 =.ý.ý È . ý - 1 .1 '! r thon tImy sa of illpir . udgmen et eloctions sh6ws flic vote for liconne, . . 1 . . . . - ýý jicli bav7o ta bc examined closcly. tu file exorci ý a moral prc - ý 1; '. conqiàer if Calme , a lenial or vailed nearly everywhere, but th. - - - ý . . ý tullthe ilifferciiceaýinguiitral*appear- . - . . 1 > 1 ý 'W -ý * .ý ý ý _; . m = Iffl - ý.- ; _: Onan they reRciiiblo flic oth :r coin. It sin ta fallu a glass of wiuo -or boer. majorities are very sinon. Fitchburg 1, '! . . m ý ý_ ý' '. - vill bc Beau filet in nüarIýevcry case . . ý city votod against licenae 1,829 ta 1,284. . N O TI .: i . ..ý, _ , - .1 * .-;>.. ., 1. . - .. .. ". In M Bidon the vote was for 408 against . . 1 ,.a - :ý ý . flic. -120" is obliterated, tl o * NEVER TRIED IVI 1,912. - ý 1 . . .. ý - ý- . - ý , - . . , . lisse filera an quarters. N.,VCbomotetrar in . . - . Tho Bank of H.,.inwn.,viù auow 4 ý ý 1 1 ., . , 1 - - .De- For. ..60 D-ays .., - ý-.. tlle>collnt,3, Ray flint tleN.'Ilàvo beau What! Naver tried Johnson'eTonia Dit. Wicked 'Toronto. ionoy depoBitea . ýý : , -, ',. 1 syRtelliaticaily victimiý.cl'bý his kiBd t.rsi Th.. do su of, ait.., it',i ýpoaiti-Iy - perceut.perannumonir ' ' ý . . 1 . ,ý î 1 - - . . ý . . * . - 1 . ý ý , _ of trickery; sud havo ý .Cý by Cx. th. :st giniertil in.!. on the ..rk.t. I'v. - ToRoNToý Dec.-Ruturns werei pro- since the let November, inst.t and the . . ,ý, ý. , ,,ý , - - .. 1 . j'eýmnéo ta loolt.'sliarl)ly alter tboir 'flou heard of if but thouSht that it wu am . r ý . . The firm Of ý . ý .1 1 Sons ' _,_ &iý & ýLoiid-6n - , .' '. .jýý ý ý ta bu plactid o. the li.t of file msoy truhy toit ta Lo exccutiýe committest Of saine rate fo new deposite. ,,ýoron. ý 11:- .'l -- 1 ý 1 1, . ý .. 1 ý . . ý 1 change. Whou filin littlo trend la re. prtiparatio- thateffilind car market, but the city caillou thia a1tormocS ehowl-g . - being about'to D isààl'vë"Partnershi ' ý'é r tir-ý ' .;ý ý . l' diteed ta a matter of daily clystein, if .i.iu. yim r.u..nieqil il; sa bighly Vif giv- that there bas beau, a remarkabIe in- . . . . _ « * . » _ . will lui seén Iiow a Dieu littie 1,01ýccnL'90 if a trial. Do sa. it'a- gnéd fer Roy cent- creuse of crime in Toronto fille year. N otice'. * , 1 - ' Pi 1 . ý . - .e . , - > ý . 1 rofft Cou bc, Tho 20c. piece plaint in which a tonje in bonefit, and For the past titres years flic enrobera - , . ing of' isom e ýOf the i-,.àjr-tüëis andast ý --, ý - ', - m . ..ha go 1 1 . clin bu taille. hy ma., w.mait. or .hild, Wc, of cases won: -In 1884, 7,888; 1 : ;j ý 1.11 ý ..Villa ,ý. ý .. 885 Nidft. 1. hereby el.. that the p.,L...blp hs,,. 1. . -- '. ý ý --,ý 1_1.1, - ý1',. -,--ýý y . . ..... - Ire O>Tif i . . 1 ý . ý_ _- ý . ýý .. . ý 1 ýý tofon, .ubslting twe bc ..d..[P.d as ýý .2 -'ý ralentula v "'I $1. îer bottli et H. WatnoWs dbas, 7,954; 18W, 8,570, ,ana for ton ma -il- - ton. sauf TMV ,'ý.ý .ýjl , V ý;- : -ND ý ýÀ ý "' - . . tel vil _d*". tu o.. d -T-77,el rv.d i Young girl. ..a .omon, i. au. je ý this year en cet. 81, the ta se W-11hir- ha- thi "y bosi dissolve b, conost ,: . .- i. se score Mi ton. . ' P -,ýý-ý s ý 1 - .ý _ __ ý . .. ý . 1 .1, ý _ý ý ..". ta a kali of the rad car. 12,050 cues,ýýân May 1 lest the num- ' D- ai xiltu. thi. taist dlly ut o.t.b.,, lm. ý . 1 ,7 ;. ý, ý , - - ý . ;.ý . ý,;1;-- - * ba ' ber ci Iiiluor licenses vrais reduCcid front. 1 . .1 ý E -Ïhéý ,h.rbll,,d. Ta runiedy th!. ý ro;ý AUCTION SALE ILEGISTER. . ý to Sottie ip with1h ) r6tiring One'ëi, làý:ddecidedîol o5ér the-7hole 'Stock of claires a madkin. .bief. pr.duSe chue - . i- 224*to 150. ý . . . _.. ý ý . ý .1 .. . . -W ,. ý._. _, ý . 11M . ý _- _ý:1 . . - . :.- 1 .ý ý ý . e, " ,.,. - . . - . . Wî 1 r17ý , It D S'là CEY 01 Vil Vll îî rold 'i'.It seau, 1 k, J, U soi; twi, « i imi Ib- & Iwn! c Lt... Id 0'.. ri "I'. luls 'l hhl, thl, ktý 'A!7 C RK 11ILTOIK I)Fc. O's 'TuestlaY la"11 th ati poIjý, Magistrate ÏPUI19 fOf -. f tbe Aiistron,,, NN'.t.tie, )ICI Scott Act M Pomone %Vb, bail bueil 511 'Uses or %voie ývitn juif thoir -th fila c.a9c.9 fi fer ilie OPOMIng or tle 0 diqgust m, grcat m7heu Mayor liainiant occuryiný, orlicur of fil truth auli rigiiiteolisuc-sq', formed b bil. filet tilli, T'rate Col not malie it 9 mince hi'fl put in an RPPCM mayor direc 1 rtea billi, flic trile catit file f- -oncerneil wO file Parties The ed te bc on band. buattendance of tile Pol as net giViio. Illlt it C jthý'rcportî:,1 flint auOak oii Lebarre iliell il], Sallal lier luberal -%ii . Lil foi that flic Poli- olog'h ,pacitN" Of (Il the :ýrrIlIge if Sceill., thut tract filet* 'V'l'ilil mit li bave goue ti, Ili., 0Mký hall r(!ftlseil t,ý accept magiýteriul Nv.riz l'as ycarly salir , v, and ilot and 1le liait fer as it 'va, look art r vOr dir'. grain tu the in., ' as lolitcil al.ovL., Of V all %'Il court-in Til-ila ' V Mr(! ('11 for tbejr lo.,t lune. Il, ill bc raid; or if hether thý mosieY Il flic fonil ,,t Mllart for of.the scutt.Act or. ou pjivatc PUrýC reillalo., DUC îllll Testerday alA ileillau jeevious ilaY 'Va. rduF allove es, ti-il jolimilielit ls authority for 'aving, tari, Liiiveriiiii-i-t. ,h, numiler if -,L-riolis ci'! Police lliaiii>trlite un, ? Iýe lofm of bis of ýli;> bis ovii privat, Iýl1sl sist, ilf tu Il;lý if 11, j'av, ont this F.-p flic ai-] joli te invL,ýlilate t agaimst il" Mincies .1 silice crildit alif, that the I'Ltitioll. ýi triol b"for, ali inlj, and a rc-111-1 t :11'l'O sien anil una: cil ou I'v li:a:iv i if f t of-truth and 't'd ý!1l coolie, 1, bealil.ýl for Illit Tlicy 'Thi, îý A11 Ecoj 1 lt, lo ill:t.r 1. il, il l ii- of ez. :olil t. :t th., U1 th. t tt,,,t ti:, t Mot iu-i utu ýlly tili't t ;il lit, mo,,ýd tj'.ý L,..Mj,ýth Ili .1-dy -tji, -re. on lliiu. NA 10h il by fhi,ý

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