. O.. ... r.1.il * b w,.a.,.n.1iîol . a,o-f e 11.l*l' ta .5 . .A . Il - in i.K le S,.,piu IV 111MA4 r , .1. ll, .Il111. blîl' Il 1 t JL J1111 1101..hi. -.P.. hd. ne,s..alola 51the e-1. Liule. ,su lid ll-tourl slaa-hi.otî,"Z l;1e.I the,f lrollyronîO- 1~ 0451 e.,rlIl , . .îîcea, Cltiîmîîîîoî. iilt. k- l, IV-os 1. 1-îaMYeso Oo51 go slentat we iii dispeorao Sac th mdiothe pmocodliogpapaers oenltrou luis artialo on as altogdisrr diiSos-c nfiSit tuai Noeciasatraycd aleoth 'PSl.csecitis lus disciplas. OantIos -.,occasnhtîa sistiesa piltap as tiaviog giîcoo1î iissîi ( and doushio iavting toitsoaci iiitsotetsaiimselt as àiNoas ctsalamumy Soc 'thesastiirs theisolilîteladent, tisaIStoast), l a s it to Hii .disciplino. ying tais ti and dîiie itanayo3oui-ossi. Lukai Epalai uppaer. Agai aller ippem 14i M. thetio upîsanigai-o tii, un * gava itltî thero, saiiig; '«mirikye ai oS lit, for ibis is.M londisioS in sev tesaent ihida lit oici fo aay fo * theacoonisiio ofsins ut satsysont *yoilîsili ont drtinkianaoSomlio li fruit nS thoe vine sotil Usi ai Oy ctefi driak it oac criii, 7011in My Fnliec lgdom."-littistn isvs,-27-29 ' Mach ais., 12-25«; Laiu, xsio, 20. Nor tisa fratinte a isicisattentlion i! drcunlt iss TviSeas onfi ie sgil ifore.Ris crarî fonios diS fie Lardîl ive trilne t. It 'disciples. Tit isn se iidifseosii accouriin gisca hy the Evaogeiisla no thsaine transaction t, ias e Som tlb Oaitthst 8h. Lakie recortsleSsiîaoh- * Lnhî xso, 17 & 20. *In the secondplaeit isweil antiE v thant onbath ocoastsaloiîie ditoipieà laure biddeî ho drik cf il. (1 -Tuis this and diviSe'il aosig yo relses" <paîgisal clip, Lziso xaoo. 17). 151 GoS.]l yo uli of it li(Sramental oîp, lIaittow xxv, 7). -Bt," syn tis objecte-io, il;5 Dot Rasiifisat JusouiisIlfiî artoaisooithec oif tisoeasp." No, iiia etosa iuted1 * iida einusothsa natarea on e scra. moat ibis ahmosaicertain tisai tisords didonot phaic oflticiscîpsofcenen oi ce ossv my Ho ral it) %nitis }g.l isitslad isuat oighi.Onthe sud band t laequaly ce tis tatitcdiî nti!srso caistom orthimoaierof li his atsc theo psOiistl)oelîoter giviugit te theo meniera ofiis ieuse.s olS, andSivsecao tesonusfor ilîppo,. Jug tuaitus SLard issvialod frein lii rcsgîiýiz.,,] ssitain. Bt'tciliut uouiî boheîijecer gain avatsiSlise oî,S ld i ihatitheLci l teil ositisacoi Duos lie. dard t a iîisiaia, ttihe gracions rdi uiti gaeo Risoniife fr inolmoni ,cuiSld I Mit nasrrants aSeisistort iiat c Ieidoaadsn. wortliytaotouclillii owiilips? 8hanî ,îaat1iilooiessniocooilîlarhoocoscei - thifisit. Noi 'ltlioLordcosid giss lIie disaipica only tiîu i cin tpure and cod. Andmanoistisupaint allse Ia ed tie risp votbeoni occasions. Thois nuise oftilirso artioieî oce bgaîi a grat sgiof thso peoiibittooitl a ioat îinosemra osid skia bmssingorver alp oftiÙus,.' 10biegto telltinit eturernovliatho LolJostisOCist ,twicionetsaiglit acsSsisisolesinoe acsîp ofisine,nd tisuiarvanlateci ont. W aaincS t, isiion Mii rasit 1 "But," Hay notiiss1objecter lit wa oheftrnoo)tesicints tiîu io Lord lse nt thîe tiosa. ltis eaiicd tiîalmtit of theo ville and toaôse it muetbthe 'saon. feroostad jiîde of theagaps." Non tisis objs-ton'a pracseds traan ciganorace. 'n uisomost ltlraitses gas>aesnotateiojîe ofitheag-apes- arcttho fs-siitaifihie visne. Butin the lilii,aint orai ts-ddtio nmntentinh ot.LoreS*sday, iNvoare aspeosly tld bythe Juatot tsey cutisd cita h3 thetDae o-' euSioft ih" This s oei elerîlîiopltaîsS inthaticle o is utheo ratsîcoi Prsiytemiio disv * m, ProesearcSliti'i gsat cars naS aiiilnî-Ty oSshsait-Miemzog Lilràry of, IltsSjiotss lidoiviedge, la iiisula sîttention ise bc dawsosin anaher nrticle. "]lut," tays tis ojecter, it scruit af ishe vice inia e is isi o aleuvitir .itlinkctsh th Mis Sdscileos inthe rTgdèofafovrto cnd tiersre iiis >5te uouenienîstecilgospa jaice.'1 .Nnîs,issfuaeelaîîisg tipoti his pot the sritsr roîl tiia ttantion a te fart tâtait, Chitutcdairs tisatcisate itwoýeKf 1ldpurtua o! ofitinsthea Pcitsd wonid do a iifturSose avens ittheoinogSoiofhieave. ictito ot e Siois irîsrrfsrts oft tii roitaS tiso vine-I siilllit iikilloîaî,ofitheo mut oS thinatou anttit ialot1drtik i îrt, t te iligilaeio sfGe-." i bi heen uiosidy a;isîvo iliat in Lul, vii, i3l8, oîar Lord dreiars tisai Madruiol toc, MRote, is unotisaîpausago wnii esarts et oly itHsl ruliit in the tias.bîstailsoatisiHe nildosu on hoie ftîse anS tisat tou;ite isbgda i o Oh n,"555s e ,ouhiitioisî,-lt 'ilisoosouforioashet d iil, gmipe Jstee. Ut hao il'se, foc Ife ayelcit dik i6 os." -Me. Peohieist, ifvos acs a Grocks tcoliaî, toia 0e uGoSoisTestaonant haw:tînto atha passienste chish. 1 a nsn aboutetioor. Ifyouu rcnot a -'rockh onholar, anS yoscrémiisteseh1 gotbhré tea osiertto ssaoiges fao 110. Lfociller of yoe ,odoeiatd Gcaus, I seppansyoe isusi taiste nsyc*ard foc wbh.Leâiîahabtu ay. Thrré e. am cod omed lot the Goc eTstamcat, S>Neao.1,re csb, ronent, 6e. (2) Kaisao onv, strahgo, isowsn, i5ssîsol, improsed,. -- ,. The. srIt.nror a ean auch pu geenaMatthero Dr, 17; Mais, il, 22; '.ooh c. 5.88.c.,vrileraenoscibles, mo1. r 6Uet ,aroa osroonms stl ao,.Lsns, 1A1 bassnerecesies eac n asjmesoo infic, J lesma. , = j Penet go iboro. an.d Oe "iliSt saWBlon.IADOIM Y n obW1 Ksn aredtbtat tberen5ba; fO10elGet.béeW rooss, J'cfilaad, and ses ese t], aadt hrbbi:tal arasBastede, WHHendsr. hbeo Ildatin- b a rnaaie.- o;ll aeTAin og Jnberae tnta of 5884 heii it dena!taMooas.a sd- WFreema et 'tb Ababni, b el ad etrobaihel. W Hopkis, WAaolasd aréluoz aarioe SqperoS1the Lamb adhm1nk LEM T Alto.., j wàl.,e'*nIls, W t i005 saybng in tbat bOIylÂiAR JBastecl Oe inlet, W 9 pia- ha Ibaa etn mall , aHne eson, IlJ'Ireland; rnltiplingi abclreJoe nlHia diiPIestbat notion, Dfletedo, J Ireland; notes- tboy nilI drnb atilmi Marniage F-. "olon, J osmeréne, W H Routier. .. ivine madenett. olwWhatlatIcteOOO~s. nn;naonn, J BAlton,WMHeHal- tigof titis aysterics saaitenoant th0des tnie baas, J Fastor, W H tiîcîa at intaetlet Oallt the Lard Pools. Jenu s. lt e.th 6e nspeakt. Six variettré lait alea ccosrt ab a ' oS I vean nderithe flgare sofP noaI lenw eacra.otdta onad, A Roeanh, J cotor; manrur '0jlethsniplei. yoo p, P ina, J T Watsn; Rhode 1arîlaio î~ , w e e alltb6e nlacs, a nng1 Waibar, Il Long; odregs-Jr sédimaentgos tiît feetodai adwia, J7Pea1., IV apidn; noxry i e ilaiiad; pull fla, anea jace Chissato, E Thonmas; aneican golden niw 0egaanessn abtnaed, ine caasatoE Thomaa W Watsoaa;iking oS 0,sto o gaat atot'la Tnmpis countpE Ware, P Babaank; malle ilw s muent. 1Tbe psint tait lonynotier vOarity aitap>les, D Ba- yisi prtiulaly a ipresaana indlo;aUnYOthee vneeyîvaoter appien, nI thedisininl thl ,eno,y, T. hendA lBeach; faitpippineW înio'od"aoeosaooe.'Acbild Hapbins, W Gbeat; rssinapippioa, A coun eeliiat fnrmade nino la widOO PAllna. P Babcoosb; mooapplos, 1R tIbs réetly beeo rmade, bot nîne LioogA Steant ol an.rieiy pear, osdone t coaprifîed and baprov.AfabP ed, and w ne ie n ronneetionnýitb Ms T Atisoan, P Sabeaeb cisainra theo hiogdonofoS od" iit'la Ieartba wbinegrolles, P Sbabbc, Mes T Atbin- si Savior canld baveos nssdeinooad bat soaa;.cintaioblanck grapeo, Mos T the rno%îeedand gloi5ed baiesoSMtoli Atkinoan, J Zimarnoa asonetmonh rdeame idrietaStbe Mariage ofifruit, A teach. Suoppeea! be Lamob wnoo80s prifléa 066500502Aon.rStAN, .eseoo. an.roes. a enbe ft for theobingdon. Pion, A Miinbei ;Joine pion, A Utof bei.ven. Miiobet Seid ontivator, A Mitchbll; >6 aogig oinberot1aioooS'aooAopocroot cotirator, Parry Bro,, le ianoidarodsiootsaaonyoM.oAMel; tnobrwoaoJiA5r A l ost," iia"Ws o it wat510Mitori; buggy, j Allea;ontie, J it gison Hion ItSiva os ( Lain PaonalAtea; Bart teaonl taroeso, J-Aitéo; et Straneotatod steegar, bot reaity a-o 801?isasroca, A Milabdl, A Mitotoei. portap, neiioe. AondIlie pteost of il. Tise J N Ggg. Olastbing tai Ho ssind o thsscross ho scine. Suosy tisoscbwo donouoe 250101 si, théeoderatinuoeof wise lsan10u. Homeaada bread,Fait; Mes J Wa. ,adsnahle sin foret tbemseisos robes bierMsIW iîrisoeodals th tbyondeori thil niob Cbrist os. yenst breind, lirisA G Cie MrJs, T Il. Ied oigiîiy.is i Sat miracle nosWaoo 1e g cre 'ta il. 5s est ot on tisaeross, DMsaTIeO MoseFTRuESs, LADIES' W50, lieI eseiisbogiin dcbil, ta partabe FINE AUmSs kIn LOWE1.5c. oteIt. Tîiceaell eietas o s. in- r Baced o eu ssiooedtl., driskis i. Tsvieo incite Atbnoone;,oMrso TiBca rMrs T bn le n f Idilse o .Asdi bdo oMes Cross; rmg crprt, lirs T xe 'ete InooS ls oosraoseot oS Eso Atisns, Mis J Fsîlar; oes-et, base îtiai edblood iii e iostîintd sado, Mrs W {opkinis, Mirs J Fasinr; Hia j lbSroM.icatis No grscosiy painbed qaits, Mos A Pelart, Mrs J B ® rsoi. o a stsrellaalesl aAl tufted qit, Mca Crose, Mcs J sho sbs lath Mis îleatis iliiHMecnae ser; kboted quit, Mms T Binneb. Il osais (1. Caor.. 25 ; and 1ba inlis Os ard, Mri;T Aiinso;thser qulC, Mes tha iter Hia cait wg nalîtdrinki ilA Davis, 3Mca T Atiniso, ~wooiea I citbllios,and Ho iiidriob tîviioous socs, es TBlncbnrd, Mis% A Cnia; o~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~wOo tots ig<os bao. nsesoitte, Mis T Alo, Mos T Iv El - N 81101T. Atbtosooo; ombroidery eno oslie. Mosa -s Croaa, Ms T Atinssns pécimea woroind wsrb, Mro BIlîMtniet, lrs T TbOamicsal oexhibiios of tbaNelsons Atki..oîsspacosen Soooy kbotting, î-Agicoiiuroiety iycna afli Bnritg. Mos Cros Mos T Alinons; aeon al lasn on 6hé isib isst. Tho neaitoebriiog- mA W Peaet,Mo l i. lt nvasl Se os 1gb cold, tho dipay aI alet ilk mbridey o tAio fproduee, sineb, &à., ioas oectlnat, ana mms A w Sst eio oee, ei %voe as ao. steodasceaot about 1,00, T Atkisos, Mos T Aiioon; boitted 1-> Prise . coa libion, MrsT Banohard; cosirodered k, 1 1Ooiaî. asabion, ueo J B Ato., 7'ioo Foibor. "I ruh-BodmrS git; 8Oieeeo etis es T Blaneis. : eGldigbo.i-llyooosr,,S.Frooas. ard, Mrs Zinosraaas; ltaseMiss Il Erdog0 _§i, 54, J Peint, Wos Faiborgili, ists Eosios; gento niiri, à oeoaTl ttssad;Gîdog s rTiBlanchsd, Mrs JFostar; scai. St tii1885s, J Penrt; Cl by Younsg beanSosd iorstid woeb, miss Essina, Sihiroy, W itarus; col or ilily, 1880 Mos T Athissî crayoo rainMos tW 'Froau; cut or 1111Y, 1887, S éna.J Ziosaeroîoa; l e drwioMsJ -Freos B Aiian, Mis - Atil ining r Ar;'iaturaooi or, j Iood, %nais, noios,,'W Auckliand, MsJ B 1 W . kose,, R obisoî; geidisg or tiy, Altos; O au Iioting, Mrs. Il Mieisel, 1- 1891, A P Alo; itddiae or ily, 18s5, Iis as oln; tsamnlado Tair, Mos T t M Leoaird, N Liîlaey; eoltorfilt;y, Blia i issCdlitosao;losonc 3-1S6. T BlanchîadD lersîon, Io osai, Mr S Thsoas, Mos J Ireland; 10 Mîdesu;l or filiy, 1887, IW Wstbler, J e5~ ,al,.i estn uTr ,r Wdni, J Jan iîeîir i allai n ot, etitassix gr. Ba llassarrîae1iroarc,îraAtiossiîsd.nte ,P,îinomainto, a; aL & J Kaslos, J Wsbaer. J Witiinnsosa; A W Pearti isoissopants is fliser, ae goliîg or filiy, 1884, W itorjs,Wo pstastocosi AWPr; .1 Froessiss, O s Atina; goiiag o liSo ey aiw ,Mr laisd D.l45 SAilsn, J Wsikr, À & J Eost. aY olowrMsTBncrd s cItoe filly, 1885, N B, Cio, iJ i wrs, Opntoli, W Auckland. s P ct.ip ol or fllty, 1887, IR Graisin n, lOEAlL PRIZS;o la W rs,J Whedr. Teo posnssofSbutter inonoo.pousnd w. Tets, anad dsi iog tîore- j'au USii, Mos .8 stil, lIra M Cloe; fi. ? dIraiti orses, W Ferosocaî, J Fsiicrgiii, tras pounseof buttlu 'One pouad le J Aitloa; SPas Igossîrai ;îirposbaises, ris, lIe, J Atta,, Mes J Pttit; fiSlcn re 0 Alan, J Alta, T itaniiueiSpas îsîasdi aofibuttec in ooo.poooS relis, csraad orcirrisgot]lorsa,GCousnoo A r J BtAiis, Mr% J T Wataos; fise 1, &JEasto. JT Watso. Ponoflbutter, Mrs A G Clino,,raJ ae Singiroadstr and corlrisge ios..T Walssu; ocooSbutor, nosi iaîî s1 iogie nscdsgoisorse, W Wàsio,'SsVissu orly pososda, Mos J Aiton, Mrs Il Freonas, H Liosiios; Single codulerCrss; ipeesaltlaonURSedo aS betiar, 1e T Pattarson, J Nalisc, ACuonninghamn Ms J Little, Mns il Miinisrt; isaf of D-Sadio tsoroa, N J Campbeall, Se BeAlto. bcead osade niib tha botod oksob, 9T Banchiard; SPeial tSingle driving Yeast. Mrs J B Atint, Mms T Bieu. tl hose,181 hsantaitbigh anorn er Waod ac'lard ; spociai iono POuds o. butter, y Frerosas, T Psrsons; Sileii, hst MrS W Gisat. w dviog barse, Sissar &Eîitoo. ems Axn. M ise Sctt Art sool tlic Chritios w Dochsos2..nrioamilillicoea ys.oDi ocrie a aiS and opns-rîis, T ittisaird; iDar. ' i dO-'8 heia *ooac,agd T Mitna, A P Ailon, W GrAn Oro Ttsere l asiîit s8 Watso; Darhan o ecor licidertrc0laPmpeti a yeoou, W Watsons; Dorbsosm ie16145to ircutation ilatitiîs ioaghboriissd oser ajear, T Banchaird; Goriiîss 'ios the signsature oHenry Carciquanisiih, i- ee Yerchi,A Allas, T Alo.;Gar. i corri. is very damîiltbheScott l itnoeshnr; GsallC, eslae, oaThio, tlooks oterinnithocpartiof -Tliioschocd; Grade heiler, titrae yrs i'rsdes0' b u Isala8si ls 0oddT Btaoeîsrtj; Grado liseder, tlas-a sueroosooreohc celslhagsofp tsaé. n yos oi, T Bahard; Grada hoîar, Reaove abonini thteapie Ibîl ibi %vo0in el, F N Spinge; T.ouise Pamphet aod tha ides it ossins are mals,A P Alton. nala est correct, and that theSottAct alla 0 Prohbiitison ara it11oaOmdanceo cis ils, sui,.Cbristian dotinte. ldr. Caaiqoe gava k .Leimro loniagcoolid rara, agrd tiattbieis proparci eDcatrthse riends ýJ Woad, J Littia, TiBlanchard ;iOdoeOfotProbiionio ettsr on tise piatSoros 0terorclongcooird rim, yearing, Thos or thcoogis the pressodtison 16.6 ,J inaeiai, J Wood; Lriceseracor lonProhibitian te a. Maomeasisdoctrine . oIqd casa.o J Wod, J-Lite, T Bien. nodoniy iSsorsebosad qstouadapind hrde; Tîso Loic ser rlo n ug nooil itna Cbristian commsaity. Mîbeedilar( qcas, eA 6J U E Wa, ~ Stbé Befoirmoeree ls isedf nala r tongciJas, J. daidaothmealoJthBroemer .r Blanchard; T-o Leicestr orong' Bnrlinon Su~dsrety ho that nos tnvaileeceioos, JB- Aiion, iWood readyltaSfrifs-bimosif.wtth a siiaioh TBlancharod; Doocnmrare , sdrushOb P la Goanybrosis styla 1e W1 sasiibJAio;ToDn aeacolte theScott Act ilh avé Do Sce,, -J Autosu, S Wsiall Tno Donw.objetion laenmuet M. Carique, citber 1ono ltas, JAtlo, T Biroabard. an tha poatSoin oc throsgh the press, t . ý1 . lus.and settio lisemalter. Triioc or gohoar, ogrd,WFceo.. W. M. 5YO o", s-c. mn, J Woo; Yorkahireorolarge beur,W.H ÀF". JO Wo d Tnltoire or largea osn, aoc, aJ IWo od rshiro lareson, Tbos Atsnaris hnodcod tbooaiod dlarctsoora Aten, IW'Mopkios; Ornait hrridsa se l-Oa. ttaod.0Bahaile, Telme., ltit oob , ell J T latoon; Créait hroad toa, biy Il Eues Aitt Obero Cnspony. 1887, JHyýsOipT BMsnchard; Sosaît W'tlio-o î .la100 Os010f 06, tisalooeia o Sreed BOU , dEWWareWyososan. Po1slar dsocoh, un04iotaiflsootttilar9 mail brcýogrde l t. nv as yhosoamdil t. 51tu0 Sml 0hcd.s, 1887, J T Watson, T ti0oaoScsoody ooo Biiosdoa5t. dteo. Mie Abtti, nho l aorcai 100.6025. auo u 00pelsî.A. l.ps0, . 1prorosld %sith hie crot, ta, GeOSa, Il Long; Torel,,A P Mioun;ho.lusdtoonotetios ot Obotr.isoupir tacisa, W Femoan, Win Tsak; Darb os"iboseltrcsai pecfornoo,, in501 Bsahmai.JPert;Liehsht rinbsîa .o-i'inre. Itt.g....0..a . Ir 11, Ba ilot iniguatiar, Won theob raron %u h. don, MiaiAisot osanod a!d:- .50010ht e- f à or 1and 1 0.1 have ics- toalýdhelal.OO.61.blu a doncoeotl th. eh.l. .rldla. y... o o 00.Iosad.pi. ..b.dk f aiJs. .. 11 y U .& 160..P ani.doea-lh. of Ws idlr 0.oo Ossmml.andoigodld.074l! MaSolds The Consola et Manitoba. Gran toireàt t lacr aosacna n à tlibon inMaisitzoeItaculs a abore co -pnuie attention test ,anwnstof itlpso Vto o t it tili.t polâtien. ýticoSeirm aojoyn olonno, ladoit.- intoréaten I.loesS n in .theocoo.o.a r Manitoa, 1581.5, justmlode&10te, ýta Le bcue. in4 onîdoana ad, 101vry A kttro Socs, l'tiot IboSgs., dry ailisc3 littl omnsthtn ao g.egeepiolexplsie51 The peoesof Casdu basen iî.eîiiy s nortoul;athatitoe îy do nescfthOit ceRios of ContintlAfro oandlta lt.e rom oof tens-id it wua iterUy a toseeait cogilt.. Tc dy i1.asp,eparaîî, sd .. odtgly ambiitios prooinîce on tîe DG. ,nillioîsihos ibita10is assudtlis. aret wabol ey boiieor la biseih ellin lisfac SoiroStiopposiin. Tlei sc,iller ii, wesr froSen t the locok blte Sq, 109,64. Lui ii l AeIon îaaîîestheî, nuc psplaiescooîldasuiiy ounalîiseeeiole. oasi. Tisosa oscinî alaiîa 169594 nalens a48.106 fSoeo. TI. onsuoOlatl usthot Nifo ilab . *Proeanît plrns Tisos-,are ins il 93,81 Ps-,asni oftheî dittiereit îIeîtiniono la 14.611Catotlieo 0ii PiraotsantsithePrreiîoleiona s-e the tnmot Damerns-co, t-evig 23406ttr'g. TiteC:.sraiso! E.Igi.nl -1 s-,ý et el tI nsrairs-,osibeieoll.Sii. Tisa 7rhsîl. s irti î,niso, 18.647. netîlitilu(inqr31 iteo 1cilaise Bibîa lîes.Vo-.. rec 3298Bipti.tis M.îilisa nd9ll2irie onles. TisuLuliîm.rsînt.310.i the bouiseaosthowontSU. Tir-oare bsutit.srouid lie lamdiySfirste.î-t Ohîl, conai Agns.ie, h-nsfor tanfisnt 3347 ni then are is one distetct, .Liogar. Tiîs Manioilan moe lsliied. ueeîîrîlinqt, snarioality, ibo îtalish, 25.99;Saîeis. 25 676; Ieiil, , 1806; Geeoas,. 11.0324 Freanch, 6821. ThInitinle pîî'oio the pesaiie.is 1175. aste" Oisî, isIi.sei Segli.l.t, seaî.tî ish Boi ,dSaoiris. Tt SîgIiis isIS.reoîsini,îîbec 1631, tiîe FFreeis 4309, tihe Iin 103, and Othe Sestch 183. TisseSn 1t7.671 rrIas-,of la.h in Manitobas. ofîh nilI16.351.aselar Tiseauistist4.171.221neos and îleslloiat 752, 224 an. ThFisoleoisAc,itîîitorai aisosto s et dos, ilea22OOl.-06e Co. osmertilMî331, tiss latcent 2221. tise insrield nt 3715. the' peoterpali 1n58, --ditîî,theooiried ni 2706. Tise os-es mîîionletwct inithe roinac in h6 wus 3M,734 ce-Îii h , r,î r . isal,îî iaitd- ,6,71.186. TIîo n otfs e tîI rastiai o Th.st of I tee rsicoY..oi, I,104.2Y. isisonat-, 4.740,943iîîisi,.pra 13,0308 Isî,Iîs-; tisomeci. 6Z'0.83iîilO Pitla. 510575 iîîîoiîd,1 tuesip4. IV 374 bseI,] il1iîy,Si961tosCof îiti,.. tld, and 441,664 taitsi o iisi. Th,. ascrago yieiî 58'o . retjIcs-î,sst lis. Feos- iil s aiît te il, trirly il nosaqilite 3)_. isaeey. 2215 iî atîi m oîr311 bhl p31u09305i3.i oî ,nohv 1.1ta.. Tis. o*5 oh ie avrîlfo aosim i anitobas.sspir 1 li 165.9(yoo... ,îîulise ns., eîîiti-,.Isîi in tiîhy 29.91 p-lerosii,. 'Titi. Sansiiîi,n 550,ruies 5r..795 bi,,aSîrioef 41.9 oh ho1e, 8.47 niof -to, 47..F4 of pat.toas andi9.19ief turtssandtîCheir rot, Feoi balu3 nsoa homandia isall, 5.î hmd catiand4sîtigI. Si,,p .,,t bmtn, 9livriy read in Mailslotis, eouraiset iIît rtenci ilCiiviooîhs9.64. Sîiicstiae islonetogcIected foin inritas,o fer il.os, îcol.Bae ottenîl d hî17.179 iides.oatslit Olîî.îixtîb-fheil.:î, popîtioa. Tiîoero oIl. 342 irisleair T4s tiîe pelin tecul truad ,tta 15,. E M St. Oaci,, Jotio- totetimol OCîrs-. wsiîas1ferî unîthebok isC- usaoi~ s a br~e as dos-'e îî, e l!oaY Perois Stiller iloeadioeairaootis h.Iîsooyé.. thtsalesie i. Csîoeris. StîaiBl.r Prttaming -o a liard 'liter. y'oa tIlt poîsIs, Agsos."1 tr.t 0,e." îd îsî.1iistiuroeth...ie liiiithe, doreet. or theotrO.s, os eîi- a-ta.aeP liOlilp2OislerO Viiitillot duo of hieuaois ore caliS trhs iotiîr.3 May issia 0543ei lisitheemetssi ter, tîdaiiiyi iîî iioîn. ishSmr,îf til * thoad I ier.oD 0.t-t t :ce. iaaîîaiî,î Siteioa.krd inoobisf, bair. eyoradia, tits loetand admîiroar. Foosr. . hooci,-h *isOlisul edSî-seiiya, il o iisatoîiitmailcneîdisotd scisoa tdiiity ganta0. toseý-ene se nt Sosîîidoisio oh: ios010-ea .r AIrO ly inpli3 oolt ocrdenspoi enae nthec Iis .isla tht Sa,, p.itrei il. Wiier iisiriippeail nliitisoiyimiste aSofbeîore.mr eople ss i honsaisde Chismatolino.-. [Fran 1the5sBfao Cous-ier., Tisa di.trs-o,.jetteos., BD oftro oi sec1ed iyoug;rla ad woms, teduein a grat cassuea a 0lac oaf btheadaOir. plseir o is te isirad.;Ta)ouody ttstar. quirent a mediinistis peodoce.s h.e seceem.ry littdssbloncos.ttroto, amd use bient yoî tiioseremd ion. Totic Bittoers. Setoa 8 to .0bu 11 par bOliSe, t aiWtr'o esinro, . ilo.. Penosansd tsted, ha Itla î.id thol Mr Spega .t b.it of! beisg h, nhilee 0f tiso imoosn sesOteteg 0oth tiîo otoda of his coliog'b~ th ata Sofzocin aty...r os prosignn Oa55B-Osud moSmS.And h. délivree !iosîoSIn th.e soi.. __ -s. te rdSvtsu e Store. off/t 'n.- NOV.I ieolieeossn . *27i 18 i6i ' 5 1 41Arao .~~0~.in I 1 I l I . 6 ot Il-8 ilCc...îpisom sies-P ,ih..Ito.tJ..iid itJ- A.-saiO GSatalîili5 obar, 1' .c .. l. . .t 1,O1Ol4lu 01a 1ll1.ay5dydo e eh~ .k, oU1Pt nusourt dacand durio By orre, OHE~l ~ tleri oS th. Pontre. NEW Plr-AINO ý MILL*, 1) ZUIJLD-PRF of JSoNSJF. TUE FR8, I 1 kiddef OîlidlaO OOeei.ids-b - D0501i,4d5H. BLrNDS. .hOfd1UDfJfOS DiNOS a VJJINOW 'FJOMSALUSTRYý * îdNWLsbe nio tLisnde-f 808024 SAhWNG - ,. :i.0rani aindi Molltc gdane te Ortdor, *LGM]àE, FLOOBING,*LATH AND SUINGLES, ILep orasily on bdan0d furga.0 Ah. W.lllî ,Iîl1511Ie . 0.1 0îstred Oroî,88eOt f., faelos.11 tii. orfbuildio., ltelaosr,salh 1.00RC10 MODEOiT}1. Frelo5-5tl 010.Olo. 1-00. là , Lé né. Df to le le d 7e Ai Ropeèrthe *Baker tc - Gaxtg'down to'Rpper's r E * Sorte bons and shortbrkad FiàhiÏa'tlii ' hkind hé mi -An . Âdset aur.table.cheer' C Plain ana -Orspkmsntal Liokesofesvery des Please sonen byanr favoos earty. Orderi pramp t attteo, sbod aboin otnettehn -MAR!,-HALL. TEAS AND G Mo. 67 Dundas Street, LC -A: PilklTHonilton, Agent fer tise Cont3 Begs.ta intirnate. that 'he is- prepi Wagons. De mnocrats, n OÈ-t ît p l ri,10 otlas , i....îîie,11 ss.u..4 B -0. is re ceiving dutly a 'spleoîdid stoI -of ren's Baats and Slises, far Srn, osidsondspiaronerMî. Bhe be nrsdictoîa so tIescbomssiotiLs.pg, Boot ai Sûma DO0NT ýFORGETTO *ESTABLISÉED 1878. ..CASH FOR V -ATTýùiE S sutl psy oasis. for good, cirun morcissnýlhil balS cashiand hsf t irde. Steong, course issrcy a in iradeoros-inopay Soc is. .k I snvc a large stocis of gpodète hooseSsfr, c OcMan ,d Cattnodes u Isa Fisc Grey Fiante GroT Unionss* sd Woonirsess Goods., I bavataistt lllinofSomma, ad.Vnsd tetc1 Yd. Atd I hanve a gSdo ssortmmoot ofSieitiig, ai doubesisatdth; hasve ais sg a sr ýtiyf fTo WoosasoI use oa tosttts orWl isola soaý vi suathatyouecauodepirtd ongéodissnd Yasjor a factri dodoicyslromou owlcopomicendei Wcaving icolt and promptiy dona. -GixaSu.4 s à deslt nitb. Ini Tise bogibot'possistle pcsb ,au0, Great Downfall IN MIE PEZOS The Sîsite«r unecoffera for Shleio STEVENSON'S ELOCE, MAIN 31I bi, tnrgesa d eît.aassmrted otocks sf ldmonna iseen offered bîtiscmto in the Tows' ef M wa n. Igi ýnI vol Our 5spiu os iomis * The tril ofD. J,,t r ighofiî Chat. Bsd-Baam Suits iwom $21, and ipiw - * hamo, O *r* thth urilo Rthiîts froni $50r ltand ut inte la h rgrctisd tiot paperingr oor H 1" ria, i onts, sy raensof tieton,, *e xe so osrPetàs5 s aoui ssor h .14 seii t oep. j s .addn a nd o tis osduWedneosdy. jT beE tnin îa os.Alaso i holst il irktoo isa jT iso pLso nOe tla. T jS .ani pr race .s e annrdn t tsaSh.oahnoani.to t hoasy.a ore th o ur i oniepaioas aib * AIs geteactUrhnae MS. a.uNn'T tOis e1oItia-tem"i htal thve. hocsroaiiyi the 7EnA,, * u ilhîâ nihiipptty ito aad tas d lAt. asu 5haciit.teîh. ti th dtinoo dr sntsted * ahouhl rod n ra.î y t or t s ed A !o thClae Set tse wl ouii r sleetis ngsat aonn1 e b t cm. tiîoA enetfortlst pouteawed oo_ tht-Y k sinrr e an theral sdai ro e n ssl 1O - --eiiî ts bs . .o.t.Bat th ice e ho sortes taîorbuly Wbe mou nEns. otyR C S E Oiosisà ihfy înbeîîadpaSo ta "S la' s n d orS. Tineode. bd7 Bou'"mts ofi the dtis oSonsatsd erreis anod dr a . haedde o risulo i deS in the hiiî. Na l l isîrougloti a noarsi, s SSoy d for dan in - leepingorooj, hoeoauro.oantd elty G TT E ET These lamps aresi g. oi atroSg edor th disarebeCE E E Tsi entr oS tt onolhy. -Tise warte.*= led theoi -ng g o esîetolLi msîihoaiept psorietiy TEE WESTERN for kihtglarg ro 1010,1 And pore. SIso et ,lnoirely b .l< ~ o eis Vat'usI,.Atlaen oîtnho h A N* Oea l a io e, butolea iooangh for 1theTIS P ' mn esOlte tsthe Lattis.isoî, tis ihsosid al. T I- I n.Yo hoa tostisly.ttmosrd ohltee coing. O-ND, à. .breakable .by heA nt4 pis e1, banaldownt b As oprigbt LN O ,O T haider. 1 hare iosnd adnr eiouighbou -'k Oe toh.heaob to infect he n atm ospeer«AtocoSIo>arVtMI 1O ZI m5a.oijr of ssay s lepii nte. mrgad 4ta .HrAfleedegî OP; - 1, sm .e p- eve e veftiootoat op isn .irgnd1m 0>1.e/ PopksisîoJSso4ros sootIitOion, spot os j cheapesto. T dowîaona msilarl eidiogua desît; but T h nssing air je dtearnt thelis balisof Balance. 0flo à. *Fy theoaioepor L le teed athO s oserthe 1887-re itte f the rom n. p btile, but ctt on Teia -1obraieg s-for - jerîse- pl ive*aud easy ,to in louedmtole s5.Ntotou bosue. etthla.. epSeoo ko.psr tàayh..his looaérontssl hno 1x &2o' suggsthonosi5 hu tlidda, or broa. hb otanthr oyO of th. resdor, It JsstO5Sadd<mi> rýot e brdoh i cte. ,JSesoSolodep&sertZmens * - ,.fl< HOLLY-Qq N <,0 The-*wnderfu 3d&.sigm d a,11ionn ts Tht osodorat . u ao othhîu T---rH R Ppupatiiof -oS I bam.t se ~ DVRIE N la-e., hndy' a st PE 1 LFf I$O. 0týIlb. motofrw1 TlV p1~. 1.. 5.,. 0Vs toa~5fi.le pr~toie v ~ ~ 4-95,11 Ï12r - 1 - EATO~ Ni L&PANTON Ptops j l. . dn.,aaaoir i. -ra- n gI Mt. kt VOLU 'OFrADVERTISING - itn ... ... . . i6 . . ........... . Ad ...sa......l1o. .......:. î,so101 0 iilot4. 11; ,. 5 ile paloosi' tels101110. p11.iùll ,loi t y rdee II -tO*Il10l!-, 0 . - -,A0i - 11.&iSI n= tLD -ItW. frP. Pemn Bgoi ,eao.lIl500 doy. î 11llIl AI10lseal. esIe-i-,o- F_. MITCHELL, Wagons itorhOasVesaflre De noc. *5,Mii10n. -Mone o oîylail SHOLM &ELTT. 1 ,1 I 1 e.- Firf.tdocr* east of Batik M It.. oOnt. B. A. PRINL,- Toed.y; hoe.d.ly. ii lias a zýllell lim otes DEaieioîîeoî. 1X\orîeî, ý1t1ins'iii LAkW A'Co. id. . & S t iaet.. tito, wil1 b .Ver Daop I.ii k, 34 %VI-. , 5,Eut;.'SEntranoe, E,,eiîog, jiidi C.. W11sda..,îhîî En. A 0li li . 11.,. _____ bi.tS Ti.ofn Z, MERMSALTN , ýAMILTON.r. T, * f8taarnsh4p. toSurope ~O.so10,sd.,.. WORKINGI WeMILOUS, fTGHOTEL IN TOWN'IX T DL pof THECOGI SLF. F l 0Fl Tom FaigJOHN - A5 T w M. B ES. --MI LTON,-- lias a splendid assortment of Cenadianl and Imported Tweeds. Wsorsteds, Meltbns, &c., &c., and can supply lis patrons witl' elothing inferior in niaterial and finish to none. is prices, too, will be fonnd to be remarkably low considering the qnality of the goods lie seils. I Wmn. BE W& FORI FINEST BRANDS READY. MIXED PAINTS, QILS, White. Lead, Varnishes, Japans. .Bindér T«wi1ne, Annealed Wire, Wove wire Fencing, Nails, Hinges, Glass, AND SHOVEiLS. STEVrENSOýN'S POST HOLE AUGERS. Artists' Ganvas, MiIIboards«.Brushes, Tuibe Colors, .Palletts,àond Placques Gennine Pebble and, Adamantine 'sPECTACLES. SEILPiIICES TO FAIIMEitS ITTENDING BUILDING. SOLE AGENTSIFOitLÂt'JINE.