Canadian Statesman, 6 Oct 1887, p. 1

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îeBaker toth~ o oi150 î:îîo s-t u- p(0 sosîeotIitloom raaIe tk8 s tcfroctiLe s- ic, if t slses sos o'tss, sofJOOX Ot 1T- I0-i li--st00sie iii - ~ 0~lso AOboo DM ~Vk'L;dWoalon. fWLL - -i i taroctstyf f ~ r i- oisoobottos - -- -- -cf ollstbod G.RDEN TO VALU5 AT -IL . . . I V lUME 271 . ~ 1 -_____-_______________ - ',enoO0O0ne~s , R IN .0* _ ___-_ __ Once bicg tw- .~co n ~ tOc00O~ ~ ~ feed0 one. nd ooocndcOid owy non cc. Ilsonet ientonce econto ecfco lec beso n ten Ies ntoot bni oieiil bo, ~ mct'oc .c :c ý - cc . _ c.OOcf ý c -1-1 . _ 00 on U nbite1ttrnnen~ hth w oo ocnd edn oceiofcoce _ _ M deicet5OdY Oon Oscococ0cI0~100 O 0.0 nfeccn0n ndt1 U~cYo0yOaopOe~0npo.teO cnl s~cOono.Fc on inacccoeo!Oeo.oeoeo e nnnnh 71coe2ycnihc 1-D ,o ii inlétpnloleo otfnogIiocd o ie nonocipennoc b.Fn; o n' "O AOlnen' e0 oe. -ycct oo m onsttea sc fbnp. ie con etvcbcail.n o eofoctOncoiOltodooaejOccncoovwldycotd %~~"- _cci__axeecclec - ,>tn tn tc ccbyn _ ono., . e. - 5O Os.nooc n cl hoctdLc. eoonionde Gcvno onebea-ncionto'ueecoesoo-,ocnw- od ydoaio o *tn m nocec 55 0 5ss fO* b* O l "' not , O'Ooo ,ft 'dsfonycoc .ycceOcoo, ny ftie -c", - 50FU lec . ey go ooince 0S, tYc11 n co loc n to e so o AA AOLAII ~ ~ i h n o on~ coOntaboôttic ooctieoteoccmo Oietdncmy; od onein-cicetonontcoonnonnencnon nt oc silO ' o-n , , - I:- o iO htto o o cto noo o cli.' o nog otcy c B t n o o nt F c mo e tF cfti ooPo d y fah n ta 1cloc 1-1on o ta c n dt ly1c te..c co c ntc1 on 5 l p ~ t t'h, ý , co eo - -,foc M o . p , -n en nt 1on no1 __ag o ci Oc ei .O ct ie op nd t enn., f cto, ticon I l n tc n - t e s7i e c 0 cold t,.ic Osst cl OcO din - . on Ocosoo 1toocndrep ott o octt ', nbo oono o' c, di ononnno nCtie m t sbo on onconly pcnpot tentaaceý o iîotio ndtccctteo- c-t1 ooosssss5050 0 d ne onIl Li ,cnjc'M .. 1c te n ii«e t iet le, tdi yc bo1 ce ýW . -hoie, cc-5otitno cn en cti OcO c5s155cocclec tn sn h-b1n en b l 1odte tte n tc .tMe do o.o d. W nte c i -cig -oon d bie, tt te bo dn- b n, c,__ieo, t --,c ten .bo o scocb1 -:btO goo, n nc i-ec" t on a food--so iedceoo cno, tmya hi ocMon ,cg, de tcic Oc D U N N ~ . d~ ~~0 ~ c! ho tsho=2Fecnd1e1.b'Ien', sclnsb mc7cnf O degeto Iok tees . ~o cdon nnen a ctaoe.stcioi Locl"' - on i bn end ooc tenegtt taels-n i - lt,, il' 0 onit '_n -_doi n- oncodn ycocnogcotn bcecetien Oos5O ~ ~ c05'~soc' A fU U ~ nt mtmsnoeetteneot cot indhppcccdfom cciho mwotoenctecotodngoewntoeotin, sol-het gcn,- fnnepsottec --n;' t nn, on itye- bgnete tor onÈnstMhtepO_-O 5 5 ,5 5 .0 0 5 o... ... __c l -c, o n __ g cc s ns it teo-,c nn fo- n- -i en i!. g c o fo b e o i g f o g o t n d ee et-n n n efn on. ,e o h a e o n yt1 c o o ; _d f .~ bss.s~ ~~ » - - - , oc e cA dtcc' tccem-cyo -cn -oo ,ioci' oif et is1eb clt.Il' ot fc onoci E onici.cs.ctocMtecctncno h t oc moda, ~ ec ii~ onoc dclocol eono" 1 . Fcd, , iecysncoponc.tpocics cgil, W cctinto ola-o il.', o bs IWEl O lod e te t1 - tny . -ectb coc o1 tsd-aceocfttoo tafo oco.nn-socntc oc7 h-otepso, n-eted -loti n o te po o fcoo doo setnoneto ccyo fe y o c.- nIy niecy. c -.1tle', -, -Ohc; - contn .. .sWoh ttonnec1eonc-n.scoqoontnocwonn _-1 - 11 - 1-- .00, _ý_ _1-' - oS; ___________11__I__-- _ -_ _ " .--, _t, tiscocloto i nc!Y-.,on n p o csitico cto n o l'l'ccte, , & ,0ýiat M 9 tOcsO? _. n d !cts.t7.o:i -l nn ocf 5 ou îltic ,c to to i Ho i ntcilo onnoonàc om . ic cltie sc1c sfi!-lscoc nic I-ns oc-m tc I,"t ciet-s c ndec ce!tmo onoonton n otoc cmnc sb.5ciO - _ __ _ __ __ __ Oo_-_ ,w 00i0 linto-dclso7-7777eetIneol bcv dngnoice. oooteitotis cent cc:*ne htiotoitnv pngne o _ _ EE FAR EP~'M TU L. b e tc l ttoocscetlnndcnotctoneOcneecctenc.ot,_s.ostisc-,cc-occ1ooloo ocencn tc-- ccmc- iocte:.o-tc-,. îontcdon cc"0 o_,y " '1 4 'sc ' ~ ~ ~~!? httotcîntl~eoO i n f0on0otfooo c icctcIitcetecoyonooloc~ oggcs soy iocttcectsnncticbtn - 1~~~ cncint~l pntnt"ctyi ooRc ca dnoony00 ic oi cotittoeioeclciy 0ooeoeus t n nc.ien00cffoeltc o ceoctotc oopc oIceotsog c oooc in a fmt mscoc ocan osc i is nte osooc fte - .1.~cre ost !tn.nyioayogolnccs nteee-ciOdlni inioontcoitsa.sicLo;htc ic c-occo o5' ottd tm.A n onOàJnn1csysoyScc t oniree'a Fcciloo ofOd tsnteootoo cpoeo±etvot coa-oa cooss00~ s sssstOss ~ C O N E ,-i, 1eoneieV' .Mm i csctatodselso ,n fs-ocnttc; oc coo ffndiionttenoci cccta2 ica ie scnoooly eoOcottc n So, e oc7 oonhomi ttahe c cc tcclsoo --"ien yc' gec- tsoos ~iet~~ceme 0000s t otecc' cdeoccdicnilcenmoOscinso teopot!cyicoicfscoo'o Osmo ooocio o tee osta Jc1nn ic.,ecrcintOspoitis-Onc-,o itonu Ocnt-. . c c : _n y .o e 1o c.k - .b-1 - 111 1l ,es il o W c s loo ci ios foo et -l0 tis s. tn... ! iiso j ;e -,occico T -lc c o I ý 6 à ffl i rla i " ,: ,_'ý eo ,, st c' lsootc "fo socco c O cc teesstaeecd ,eqiohocftocccltscciioynclnfotcc * sc c O. O c U IO t ZE O OI I EI' A EN n---o--,oc, et nc, bo *1 hoonco soy neneocpn.ooc. tcoctciii ceca col'Ccccidcictte.noootcddosnyco!odcclcgoccociesnctLoccOcontOlcolotd qscctocfcontiscnocic iOecctsc. nl-l tot-ys, ..cttoiy-nthocyfc lcS ilc e es yton-otI., RAIPTOO. c lccîn.oc oo cto ccsscyhy ecocto.Onio' l-cI'sticl n1cV-i'-Oob 1'tacoo sc ot t .tD C . ON .-ie ,oce itsioiblye-on.i1toentls;shccd-oy cciesn a eoicoon no cn yb cfrcoot. posîc cOo hetceo nn 'h a50 nc Itn lsa oo.,c coccnc o lcoagio 110Ohltace Ohc t ocl ls'O1ccO om n, Oo O io bîco to lcs-tc c o Mît O ~V 1 I'gtmt ,FICE 5550 Jeisnoctvctyc! cetolen cotootio noiohoilcress ss.Fsc. tcelotl.c cceoc. Aissco10IcoOelMc 'Osgc - itt-yoc g-soo foc te ont soc ii f r abo. -oto ics i nich c es w o o-o h t bo tp t cosnn o c:asi_ .cs Tec. 0000c . s . 1 iio'y om s , n o ibc clcd c-oin o ssbc."-n iieo c jo oo-io O tec o tc- l tcncy i'pot i o b cc"n'cctc t ontethniat nmourita cecistdJienicc.cyonyo -y, setceOosoooteo. Oycccnîccccst s.Ossttctonbyo-osoote otlo1oOiO iceoopoltntodcceoeÈoesccogon,!ccOssn-sc ncf H m . o eclo.i oeîclcooe.h ogc iseotsi'Y',tc oco Fcpooleicsct Isly /Ilssctcdomicesooos oFd socf'.N golbttIenno Ois! 00 toliin a ocs cio-sIcftf nloo ocom cd Co t i-sbo-oiyn id-oc-lo. n1'i. ycc oc' oco co mi-ito--c,---th liOoie ec_-oe moesot1e.t!flcttn h'oyccohloc occi "onnoccoytse vntsco lcalonO lcsocooinyol 1.n oc0 lsc. If o '00 e d-I.. ccdytSsocdcoo.iocns --11 1 o.sclc g Mi bym coco oc tte îe o pic hclsitl. tcib loosooiooono Locciiccsco-nc tcescilodioscioat Aic-oof 1occcen cooc- Coa isO 0 stco f10.occcflc IlI IVOILI - onsi.ndoloccolc ooncbyetoo!O tcibochwcicodcnnnotcoiollochocy sligsolho os oyooOoc f to nfontoioc!isetmsooysol..n il ;tiOo . nooicci0clOcll0OsihlYa 0otnd pccc. Ce-ot Rno Fo sac5oho ioetctcmtcns.Fctoonesooncspncestlcc ego o1cs cooni octlycgcofoctnsl.fcsooocnnnoic tcon l ol oa o. tniii onocfsyccn qtcoîsîes .C 1 ns OO $ODO1 niteitcloetmiooom hc-_dclimyocsg ihn ocieoccocO lt coescoopioIlisclt.O,. m.iloccntnpy o oscoyoo tqotlnco toltanoofcysO opotoOocs1o . b coO o 1coo cs sy cs o"c -i o tsd c o c so t co is o n o o f ,no c' or - îi L îO î M .o .y c pîo si c n_-1v1- - 0 csy boo no c co e olicl t y c Ose nsc i o sseersi hco1,sp!con cblisp c cc i-y to.-' tcîc. _il _ootn soeolt ie yc n o îc'i tc iini ,ccts.c.-po o - - . _ ,e - - - 1 M 0 mo;och.ngontroiloc ca=oofocycos oý ý o, , o-.o1s1 - c .50 , ,0 O ctn1- _1_._ on ____ -- .- ;,>_o- tc , . ,c.- , ".s- p- r - s1 1 o 1_ o - e - 1- ' Bo s- -O O -o 0-0 ,,pO c- , o o s lOO os*sO s. o. o t ,c ' dio foo _ _ - __ _ _ _ tcoo o cciccy1. osc soscs, cc cc.ttocccOy colcsc ocm oon cio o s ' !so_ II Iltc stt .1c sos, o onoo'verscgl oso psc. cOtc c FIN E lD tolo Oclciistcco csog siie'B l ccs cccll .ie . 'tsoocccd lioy ticcf' gjccs fz n ioi oc hotosnO-oc o -o ih gr.scs O io oins ooooosnss...vd 5 .,..- 1oo.looscscioOsoîsîooî. . . osctoO cc cpcocslhyciostoociccmi-_oobt ,y-NccyocccjoloOoSois .tse1o oclI.IsO 5lC5,,OO ,c , oasO opifoocO bfcsl".iteeoe. . c îc o l I s s o Io o s ic' m y l'. t - n d s -se Loc o c ,0 c i c t a t l - 1 - : - - .ý ý 1 0 ti;:c o o c c o c L o = ,g os'.5.: ,o l ta-o l y . t co 1 1 ..ii, - -focclm cocmo - -s.-t! ho ,s-c' Tooc O oc o "oc ;lt c qo to y os oscos, se- seed1t- sseot y -iym oisoio sois. c ,wo ,s - ioo hi-oc -l m n co c lbh t!oOira nien osi O oso onn Oboson Tll. ýý . , TTTT: 1CIT F1 . 1 1 - .t. b t ' 'ý Ilc. G._oo tlc oiotacics:csiitmoc co yoc oocoto cosd.scl cno oo isoctic oc ,oo. FoocI e,= y n Iono sisccsoro to1ob a o oos- ioosncc ofm d ie eiio ool o:sonsîo cocdocc tcccSsO c .",Y.,.ococoommoido cccoic5y sopocploocooocoOllm-iioct1codcc opotlit s t cc. 5Oso p-co c sfois. tssol corolooyo ptot ostsa oos crcl yscs Ilsegs i, 1 1 .D L! !!W 2! I Is . l ot h olIlO s l Is a osa1 c cb s lc c y ls ..m ci oO1d c c o1cO c t c i i c , ss i sO O o c o a s y, t ao p o c , co s c c-o cc . t s.o o c q n i sl t sc t o ts e ii o s t f s osloo i 1c t 1 o oce- d l o - - 1 -ooccc bosbOoclIOsscioocîunsicscoilsct!!!ýýýýýýýýýý!!!!ýýýýý::!!!!!ý , ý iý. 1ý ,.ý,ý : ..ý ý f _ ; ,., ,; ,- - _ ,,Iionyintiwu-ýéYq ýý îlo -s, tonotîsiscîacOtnliototceottcd;-liocoooloso2c7. ocs-oosOonog s: bo Oo sctci l'ics.ssecoctstg ssse. . ,osecîccoc.ooct50'--0 ocooe- --0'A Odscilclc-,o o.cO als -so- c -ii OOsl V- O L G d r at b stnhc 15 cci t'cico . cb1 iîsco-oo sooo. ooit nlcc co t-cicoao-n foos issos t loc. iocoelcet so ocos bom Ioa f totc '0 c iIt iccosooin ot- o!o t ioi oOoloio 5im so h to.siO-ps, ,c-,io stcc cc ts iscssc .o; t , o.,_ 1 lssIct,- cc- - -7777 - -teo M is cfy -im, o occ- co zl.c, tto ibis-.I1c- , -oc acdo:ssiy.cs.d..loo icgshc-otcyèycs Cot..oobococondçaaoooOisoc*lscli 3ilVaiker.- s'_,CIIbiT: O -:cctb, i;s_-,s-oc ,s.c1si. cOOi , ;sbiss. - ondosAn toc'à; . t.s.,cc .tbanIojoocîIr onssP.c fc.. os.s;. o iIhcscaot to.TV_"', ' *-I' >ts o . :, tl.s-o, iid lEosoc. . oOsOl1l. oscro licg bcio cdc cc=s- o. lioaoiocooi,'- - - - ,- --f 11 ie id sosce t lsoscc', sltoCiùuccfob'cscc ' SS~~~3,5&7oES - - _ S=lpotâ etmoo nlc 00,cc, l 1.s ioiiboses osissccooos -ssi.cocloccc -5 is oosco cs e -co-:cl o >it ft i i ccTnicoccsic ,-tmy .ooti 1sc -o c-s bOocc isoscos. 0oslissotoieOoobsicsmcrnsos-ocoO -c--- edcîs isc nolso. h tcsibc! onet oboonlts5ssilOtoc iocm s ____.______ foco tios oscbosicsil;cios. 1iobo. tocss oios'cioto15stCop tcgclsoo. ch1Os sc. * -isseln.ooyif-a-b-s;tsi .litlJ.iocOsst i OS io âcoigOsi- - gosII,; e l-dioea l i ot cocd otuccoacf yno vincbsols oc*ics-o'c* -flc- Nososet, p otiîo and nabtinfr1ooct .5 ,*ase rnibàÙàLtis* ýXu ; - ! ho II; :ppytaonrOo... .. .s5 u s cosoc. 1 O; F coosl , _ c O tîscoc*t"***.icoc,«.: '.:i"-C ciCic-tssssII.c ocI Itose. coobico os- i o!-.oidilccs.l cooanc th ecsmsàolcstronossiblecm teo" iseco yoco no iscoof isai osooctthcee.-edll o ceoico ialocci cicol soctict ..- . .t...ii5oi -iil a -' -ue Ê otét est oLy mhoole 10-cii'ý .- O L O , . B a iIn .'* O rb.. . . : " OR op socsocccfcsssic l tsoo ttina s-eO'h stfeu csdP cOoO fO s up o sfo eta ltliocsouI isoccosOcloisun-OtFod ad h,all y nc stse Ilc ioffcocnnana Y useIoh oI cs scfb tîtboMen o o sno !yecW tislyocseboc lc1c tsoc ot1 csIc.ri 1,,,iscscci. sis.sccctnolaoc 111O1,oo81,o0o ocaesoictc is.ocnde gb iciosCiico nc!ac costC ss ct. boaso tae cc - A - .fO iO ii............s td t o co islif ioIsscaN o ciisseciOcIlO osls1slll f o ctaceONc ioeAcsi lcCocyc foilao- coo.oncaf o sboc.nhocoo tbalb C i eunc t ns cc O 5 ltct oc ' i,__ !coyicoscCcni .O0iositmoioc 0 ;:t:c:::iccS:d:ots:t:lfnsO.c...t.s..iccoo ocoo. LoocjonlioO seoeso g ioiso o yssslOecot tcc l-ut Whoo A tatcoqoostonjo N I n t ' JV',,ý.t H olmt0s'II a l ri . Sico 1 d P 2014- 31 .b îsDFoospetOy.o.nlîsîbooO ciomtsccsc thosst Iso occisîsi inoclci on oitsfr on l iccrcoc fit taa1sboeioocd 10 n oc1 orootegtwlolO ssp r csi db1 ca dio p aii y c c etsp oo n G )- fsit cho siocc oehtfetIc, o.OcIcolotleo t ssolO ciiit ooc cCs 1occocoi.s. Sss cliyoreoctosoc i550iIc1tOm lbdit T o otoo sapotoieoBoayynoc s cc i1'.c.ltSisîioc T ..O 0 - . il i eo ttn ifC Cooti os.elO o opiooso-ssiccn.c ts 1dlOcOoT0 o s titth na ocos co ossssl-,-o 1ocp o pOOsISO. saboho o ns t t . i ttoc uloni oClo si e o hssotnssîob a nco sb pi O is cls oss reendpîg . oo c io o y moli 00 oocC'. ecclncos cosocccîo oOsn*ti.%citli.oocttic'cc-ctosOisoOjos, _osm.gcobonho ooctooos.1coci oc cllioco ococloisgossî.sto,. McPoooad hcco sooOioocoosgs o cosb oot l' -............. ......lu00ý ý.. 1 ' Sh vOO a yc ltro.o .cs . 1 . 1 O.aotoc a a --cc 000à ha i th01-0.. il -11$22 -$12 $ i nu col *aî.lsotileishl.l*,.d cft.. o eeoo c'- cie E urcpo -a s i Cso m, hoco nlsi i aslia gt-otoo as o stto i v en oi it i of er o b u:l. - m on o cO .s-s cc 1oo .of coo c t 'h.o.cor o t o bchoissoonc s p eo sp cttonot iO O t 'u.:s t iobyu, cfsO oc o t o i el= f st . -1--l ., .. - te am ll s t l io cls o t b cicco.oco c co-s s O ioso'iic r e ol , , c ' oJîo sL ortsso h c tsio O cc cf r o os s O O e cO cob t5= ='yco lb o c is ctacc 1 c c slcl'hotissécO o e o li h . O a M OsI, te o o o 0100tI0I , 00,I01 -P. -a 140 80orjSas t',,pocti ,ocols;.0ocsîooc 01,11.n.to1-,.soci, M,àauLeh otota, 1 CATRI tntonsas faiocctalents tay o ensbctootooo.a.toccochlmrnootlsci iol.te e t ___ cci e. i bcct-u,,ic: . ise-shsitaai;i zci&icaJ ei-,sehaveo y Cvlabtorok.Fr .icon,; cct0o tare N. m - -cW10Ésoc ro osti xot .l'oc ocsnîtacoco oIi sococ-ocstellîcio sfroocc oso a c" yi, o , , 'l - l tI I I ; s= a h c e l b i n h à t i b c m O h n n1o t lO almt ec o e i lc b e b c csan aw c p Ii ooa ms c do.t is .o b a t o ul e i n m I7 Iig teccg.c.a ltIo oosci eccoe t 05ýltn crn 5555 .I .o --.1 1 o5 1 . , ". e tbc if th on'eo o ton5O n n t h cp cm O tltlca p n iro c t a o t ' i t ie s c o c B ut *1 ta p os i oo O , tt t roW ul 1 s1 0 o 5hi0yo c or 10 i em i ti w c t l, s i ic o n f t o . t o. 1-.bli.h,'- 'l' - obVsedtoonioOgOioociioto,-.',% .r, asairsa JeunescgofOCns W( & ont Fortat=amant Ford aitfthe hot ananMY fcCer 113 Po 1 îlaefeaaent ut icryccay dti cr * ..' .g . * t - - Ibo pt e è * * ot t-en m e cs to - -o o o cc s ci b csoe c n c s s f c ICoic - o t yo ol ll o h s s p c . S ci c o 3 is o lone. o tue , cî o t cog isn e st i u t hié geâ t 11ino oopsooc t tyonoss01 hoti e o t e 1-. .0,5nis lffoccta b s0brair, but h staoilm ou- ile*t fcolin hgo iso sese lu oy ',.. o.în ýmoelnm s&ccdu CI Te tato ciienstccs cooobtcccfor t ý ObccosocOcolnfoIct p ýoos ~cbgsI amcldofd ntte isii i ..a O n 5 , 1ô tly w acr fi c r e l i rc c i o t o s s o n o n tp y ti i I o I 1 0 E L-Ilall ejr t ,.fe l s twn d s s..l- oth c t o i oic a s i l ao i 1n n o osdo c.1l o.1 ,1 .n it c s 1 c o c tl 0 5 e dn% .o y s n to-s t c st-t o l o l w t c nMo tdo et.o o s o o o i e o t c o I h r o t o io ons u.o s 1 o%- tc c t t 1a n ic cfEN T O Nf&o îo..a o o t ao a ntsi e o h e N o r t c t oF l etc h e r ,s a n dt h eo c o l st pl C e opo o c t a g l c)îa c 1 s t o f o b h o;o 0 i c o s o o l c sI oO coI eta o lt é r ,iho . h ablo t c p so o ite , e np dec 1 f a u i t hs ao nos d a t p n . Mcc oottsctoseponno,,Ztsec-orO s sîscdlo nliOo cfrs a onda hcon ostrtliOecof y ooois c- Itgci s7si belIo coooc-il..'ilannlflcocotsrccàsaou y - 7 * . papàil l.ý tll fek a rutye to dMineliad ouh 1 tke1 Tét ht lrg orale a fn csehu alegocai trorntla r... ; A loin . cc"c soh, - - -ce-c.istO ilim eî o n we ois to n oct o oa cos looTp: as 0W te a I nicc o l fe o cn a pontO y s o i so telo f cthecsmoou luc o v a es a co o t P! 01r msoo on ot 'tt00 onS llo c t ' O sa s.t s oo .,:V i l O n to , c b l sse s.ý ,, .àIo i . ..i g tC c «,'00 0- è P S I V I L L E c2 %M o.A b o i lso n o o n d lt t . G ol f vaf c o o o s o i te s e o tb îe o t oli cf O s. o r c . eno n o c o ef l ni c c , b t t ! o O m o so sc o c s to c b aodc ot in ,-o i sor leu t a h o. o n c. .hlot 1 m ta' l s ooucc o s n 1 gt h onm - o UtI i .. hlll figur as 'nue rueeo - OZO. ~ OdO t h bisssnoctO scccclir-g'otly ti boncact i Iootiiboncotiotaons tOdisoote 0 esp1te ' " b o n d i t , l i tte a bf o r t Os .c eo d O d . . à li o n a sna u rsh al c occo u l a b c,_1o - I s c î c o o n t , iI ciasn es o c i n o t ii on* ao ae i crhndo n . .0 . oset, 10 lo it 0fe.a éhersw cfll -11,John cOOl bo selcefocecotsooso foc-ncoort onttotoco boco osei cdli. 0Wo ddtoctoSomneoteIr.lco -...",..II TOs 1 h hut Mccur Jd l i s o maoit toe n diffed r. 5 bp Ia msoc =co eLmnrtLé a d Sh n lfS. b lo c c aboom oo t. hoosappeo ceroielo o n at o s h o b a le si h nons toc h fscti o i cii if ee iloort =e a 'oro- tcO s ico n u u ti mcci cc IOooo oL K5ss o c c s so t .ss sc".lé",.1i ascds c F c T n cc t ioI los ooco nall o M .F o. h os ea lo0o alscr-co nlc s ocs 00 ooc'ct atoc1c rs c to cO oc "c/~IolObOOtsO pc. sogvaocoT tn e mc .oc Mr.5 ctm tsec Fisord ccsmov a i ol ocoitlo no c eyo oc . 5mw Plinbcroctloclbciabeaoocc l - cocctco, oil soc gho ieo tane; j .-P0 . '11 o r tc l , livingt acndcoco CoIboHn docaltssigosu1 loluontinss c t -c ai bo e tuc o I. c rl th saeb ft h y on neb. l e s oH -on t .up ot i r il am e t Wl1-ýSo tioOos 500 sso . TE CO OI( ACS FO.- N-,'have mW c t not erb 0ltitbckbotgscc tmi r oCI]ii f Ph o pi !te ccnooc -'c t o *~~~~m~oeO. o ~c sooscOOIL . If lie liait oaoul ae epsebia tidbs xor<jh, sudccîîuctOOOh a b t t o t o , sc h nctt oct fO .StodooOcbicO -- allythé1oie ob s ap es o-i ooioictositcdello theooso-noo). aoutnoan rccosostran ,hia m re taioctalcnoo J sent soocdncctal tbeeiltrcc heocofesoon1 cfe alés t Os c. . . o-.n -- 100ELOtS0' cot O S00e MUTde onoon erthfneoninBroacil bu btino os faotî 000 ioow c 000-ftI. ct sO- boi ss! c . 2loo cocoocc,-Ot10oooocooo50 O oo dmnhofon. tc.t us1:cc:l . ,tsbOt.a gtact. 0a5co =aioioa tanobm New Hayontana- n indot'nti-o- M O D R A E . - ed ldo s tA o ta o stc an ds in th a y of 'jour o n toctue, 1 n ot ecut, 1M c. Fc n o moly acp ao na Falleiata nco m n e i s pao, , n L o- I O . yIIoa fs t n a i otta o ons H aveb c ,. Il ý if1 c cr noohth 0 rni dm n yfrlcd hnh bl rul atls.iiatoiy up101t .- i tn eoG_,w eo oe bo-e y0.O c t ed li d oo ltihthonne bel' u oc fonneimoannbt , altithon . ary an sot ,th u iob * " eettve I am 8 mËl i ug u? u d' s oi g in Ib i 5 :W1I1ii, .Pd( o t, lmtam b ea h t tne teoosnotteno.dooteolo g00:fonoomcccccetaegt' oe hobteocfbarecbccIlotn1 sý-.i ,',,,,,,..I;3iindtd adoitonalOObardait b onftec1nOicceno ll oncscntoy a,nleo.etccn t e . othe sceson ofgontrycouan, oopsncifocu i, sotoO n ho postiontaecl,"on 1ý1 , . JO H N 0 0 ' '~~thn oe ny Fbloo e tuo on n emI adieiseInmvip y ahe i profie ccnmo front o!tfe ogseotyof tee oon f m- >os hnla a o tsiothooo-f 11Ntcc ieltfoycIl ,m, o 1 00 . Oooc bo.ln, cObnutMadec, fio t o ayeii n adnovet atl s saaite nquies fte .pidi 10onhoteoncpcc Ixl iiý Los etet a fit .& O s'iln ash i r . Ooýr,..tI,...ýýM na c a «an fd yc n d se Ic. e 5w o sn e tl' î m cic t n e , oct.o e m r fa co i»" tes l er t, o notn-intscoe Z:!I «li,4t(0 -'0aees f eitW ebtIcam Coobpc omonsez tU forib hay-0sa 1 torie.c.e..t .. arOcit o ta on8- id e tomoCt onool - N odt donc ho s..F b n p T ,i . C i' Gavono e . ed B ila ay s IT h e tgdo o e ti t te i an I 1 a m . el ho n on e aon cl e n t o fn h na g e ie " f i eo e ccti e ct 1 u i o t cteo oc i tho e e W o iso n no t a ýntee cctc ta b qoo s i bl lon bel~ o e t e o s p yo s tb e HISIKy M itntT1t04.oon rtoh mc IteI-vNEtoslmdjfgeono t Mts aiposion o t 6teo tosOIrt aisd nFu. ouhz eccoa t o no. *AIN- ST J bourerTO vortuof élàVObYO op egn t dlIYShochoet t hi bo ng uc cnartei5niI slsber."nOndoo~boln tnoom nson fa.,noeGnki onlcte oc son i Ht natturc sudmnoducti pono os ,,9-la6-7Vl"._ .,ttait readIli ~i .n~ is of moue Zay bxt oMot li Ia es a u v aouscfloceotunt'ýcmtiu toiv s '-vng.ff1hot rovsthed.fn 1 lovn ;. . . MTGIE L, ý . 'Br ahsia fehe onu cojon ho12 anosnstiv ott tmbu tonsrlng,.ot lerbotonocit . f bc a ora oiv.d o ydefead ,li yoirI. cOal Ncor, 1 ý . . . - . 1 sa *riaimhonine C yc o teh onna n yWongt odo ns inoepWal.moch n re n on tat 'd..lm pyta -f0! yen srdon, n cthon lis eo w of u rsetv otn.,yusblt do., diI i.îcorcnos11__ on oi ,t. 0 o oiob. noiesvecent ta doYO 10for..oMy"On1 .,I!t. i m li ws ncpbl o c mp eied.Btalon 1_ a m ste elo c on on mnota the1 tmn eoo les l i.l igiersAo oo o ch ne m n rt ef c t dobenes'teso on bhothie. 1 1 ggOJ.Libn& the eotanOO abrutitt neo-daoohc. O "b . Nie bccildoAmo1,oago cco, Iteat otanotoboco hoc tii f 10 - . ILT N A Q N c t Inital;toit vey I o n ons. 1 on Cotci o no i ut raf e s o ,balte tc. o u no net aveth on t oi Mnd sdine inon o f trs pb lne! Rus coant ouetecc Os o osor bun e C, tr one t hi a rétiactemiOn 3'li .. e aloterrelafd he Om o e F c... s y cl m n c r h ng i o ia a co 'q oa oof -- -n*as av u ab y m re s d b in t ta . HOturns s ui rta t h o unogt 1 t onh c.scculine-, il- - P.L. . De ositss.oeionon on. tn, mn e aal mcEleii h lels cloOnaécpoaely:co cscSielT esostc .0 oalo ed lt et uoconté 10 r fa eleinv dai te sonu d mt .o. df n l cocenton sn*(If Baik- . ' > - s--l Difii F.,.-4Fi il tcres fJolLmnard, iit>s)t ' B%.s""o y I,ýil--Il -Milol],llt. , . l o otic 0fwih 0ra ai 'm N'an'a2 $om s- tan~0c natl5 e hl5i o ide, ibtw20aM nlene fle esltt uei.< hfr htda.ý h e ltoo . rotnnaitbu tou: onnteusio._ s v-s-or nm -cts,1 upse o winli alem nhoBi: o..mtfta&Y .. 0Mo5dM e cocus thopoocng. --Ant ta .1ýf .1 ,J":F111.ý-..nA l-q iited. Offc ot§m- l lNoe gttalrteaprc o h lthrtet e- ehmt aehmeloiiiom y oi si idn Ilan yu r od ts y et Asr m wht a3 h adn*o esru --1 -ývilnyIhaeaiai ol a comâh. pbl o orig rt m-ý o. aert rssthm. . crletnil tu t, ae on ailr-nin f -1rIad ht WY uth PAPi ].,l *-- 10 .leo3p i.,S tudSFrerni isistris~, ' otn Niiyàalw- al .11 I ~iî - r1 tef~ dl~ ~ K? O LI~ t> ~00i A o> I g -t,, Vs

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