TUE diEeJz NCHAMPIONI * MlilON. JAN. fil - .. Tisaoya lt.se Te Trate reroniti thie e.lection e! Mayor Mewilnid by 6846 nn9jrtyéor ahot" 400 more thon 'lut pa.'The easoit Wols noropted by theBiatnieaas la mas isoomn t ht ireda Who bina * . voedfor Rowland Lait yaaelied tunad * I ~againtio, miili nit m' ie* bail oppioerdhlm halcen ceavrte2 te ie * issupprt.* Tise*toiperase'e8eaenthaa e. meeting ta Shafteabury Hall te colle. * . . hate the victorymlstnhtelèyaiedaon wi a prahffitttan sctery. Tleîtaoti5gist AdFlemlis a bylaw'teSe striott he ter o hecenseas te 10. F Cse wees te W CeTe:U. nod thse Pro. hilition Clubs diretidrsry enry toi dfet tes aldermen ýwho elspmad thea *bylam.. eAimmes vrmm soe- . vannsai,bt wmttla aro'l.ia h -that othisse os altoethar eobsuellse tampancequestian. -I SI. JaonA Word.mlRowilals nd a naeu o!isndred.thee'Itemansm enodi. caemro ýignmnissy defetd-ola "of tisrm bvsnueny4aots,whIl the II a-aidantis.lmpennLé*ca anidatd I isd.sver a teiosssoanahl.* luSt. I Lawraaaa Ward théeratirement of Aide.ï Turner eaioes it moment alomed thee 46. temproau*mute gotin;t IlowtH a c tend mW" hataosoibi hm m.IniSaS. * -. AneovaE. Kingted 44bontlis op 61hisonmol rds, tee tan .tzonneutE .temînranas' m.orh. ta the iiy, Alderman Shsa asd Drayton. Pro- connei-d atitetoti'lmon, mre se- lauroosil hytn.reard votes thoniele P mord ent leavly for illo . n St. Ïitrk'so,mwhlh case S8.lyr lomland a majnrity o!6W par cent, îLje, t ore- isa cacndidte *as fith nthe it. r Tiaoly akeil dolensaofIanti. pr isitkocandidates mrein thee canes o Aldrimt.Wlier sadPojlis- tea formearnns o!Niater-works a ' affaira and theolaIter lpaso afieril alorsteat the prahibitionist vote. n i Toroto aina dspite eleraroming teepri.iitaLtcrowvd and ni hiblitsoilobercndidate, mon ferteoitd Mr. Marai, a aqanrcauani.Scott AtansdN prohibitiona ats.teetisàl orna. whltlE. F. Cnrisa s trong. asti-toctetel on hhallttho igist vote ia the cty. -.Mayor Hsminnda etlain-wanaaming ta tise KaiihsoaiLieronnFriday gne olid.Iland -tise orange otvae, -isti th tis tnt mo esn. tai Ilaslandhy j . oppation te thalIrishlai oliht vote, w.mýii sio pprtrd Bii. Tire nam comsilibs 15 I'tosssr ce" nisdermn I 700 'INGARFUL' tiesafor tisa ceanty os!-Oxford, wisare' tisa Scott Act toton faces, for the ijuater .essdnk Dacamise14; Syisratenlsvcratt wa Bned 50 ono thee dis t. fsorthesr Thissholdca ess dcl la'Oslnr t .* a litti m riarelrn. B aslinilnst wcesa WooasiossSantinl. ascellrld 'telpeanoor xicene o!iOs lord Who carrird tisa Scott At lut ta SCossty a cei4of!yearsn goby a m. jurits o! 775. Tise retirnsows a ttal _fs!f1l4tsconvctins, i'slading 5Soi illagal lisissr seiisg, 115 ofdroslsenaesn, 10 ai Ose oaaly CimnclL is'en inurdee sisaeniotityadyenr- afi trt cletios 1tesîaaty rossoil. IL Riobinson, for Taioicr...'73 '87. Jus.ite5ziOs, Nasga'.75 NLida, Enîquesing...'78 '. MeLeod, Goreon7 De. W'l8asn, Nasaa'ya.'82 ..iaosstaband, 'Tafalgar...'62 J. H.McCùllom IMilten. '4. t P. D 1 Sott, Nlson ....'86 M. Pieiso. sOahiille si *-W. (1. Pettit, Nelsn....7 Dr.liilisrdsos -Bneitgton. . Or. Webster, Esqaessg.Il. e J)s. FYe, Actea ....... a iVnlrrdtiwn lglisaisdsesM . * Thieollaing papia pnostisa n. tronro esomiantian te tise.terdamn - ihsslsool s Williamt'Altos. William A ns, ClsrlsflairdHoayBeiaongar, 1 » Coln Cieron, Jacob rs ¶"t ra man, o . sal nlscisr,vi ont 8~yWillieamGren, Gorge cras, ditis Artisan, MgiaA*thor Sc isAeson, Etoila Enlce, r,.l Everit, HriFel.Mry 'higsr .Aimea Nichlon inniRobertson, Mary Joca ie i Hcommnded-MpisalComnocss, 1 - Assatieeset. H. Smitis and T. I Otaày.Pnge. 1 Eltge.FIures. I Nomyea, Don,. 6ai-Dan Wîmass& e -Co'anqapi aïalore figuresaMr lise Doa...l.n ofaiCananiaît va*ey ligit2 *changesas ocmparedmitis'astye, lise 2 samber n e slnrea in tise Ddlioiioa for , 1856' teing .1,652,lon agait 1,805la tE 1885.. The liabisities, ioeveanV3ba.2s o .8860as cempared mite 68,861.i 009 in 1882t.,TisefolureaintheeUnited lie ' Statente 86namisered 9,854 mwite , :-,>b!tisai, $1140000 as cesnara 28 0"985,67 lte i8j;iteliabisilalesef1 *~CL - ~ J~. .osa roulen ot o! every5 a« I79M8S 96 ee intise Unitedi gt!.18 O'iaOlIA?4fi00epersa-n The isibtcaeyliquoarlawten Kmao %m g fitrCkte," the probiist5i 'J'Sioa ~.9 Adye.5a-,emmol Ad -»tat.t*v-- àm u.... A-1-0 or pgajatfir DQWNFA4 BLC ý MINSeET, MITON Jon xqîtczn.. rd Bom ateio o - ~ 47 Win. icoae..84 oeateett-tm lM&tteentwb0 Jacosb Dx=--.. 28.55 , roPgve proocatio.,tiséeuaztto roin -et~t Mail.àtegulovt ony osaa n. - ai(Ysem o illtsmdeontnia Dr. Stuaset ....61 any J1.8oea 'em latonts int Oea>. Andensa...M 6, Ihe Qaoiscofpeàsine. socs* G. A. Hematecel... il Who mity teMist rseatnea Ois.on eor.... 48 g ene - etioi' o atensa e Oeoeoo-evWn. ÉMeod,' mes.' And is hmore.te tissenaj Coacellai8-Jos, anter, j., Dr. Tod, effeet, au telLe eand tiafthétmeorat A. D. Thmpson, Tnom" Clare. reanisa lsd iatd ostaise. raIlie gte etjaeythan te the bonat 't ilis Bcii.to.-Beeve, Dr. RichaisassPelcooùisýnt.mtrityte e'ofeerpasu Osaells-W. 0. Hello., Georege viocs.'Spc tg diretiy . fax Z n. Alen, L. Lowe, T. Allinson.. ThomasWit, an f'e oretl teSte NJaoamao-e sJo. Henira; JanA. Macaaal,tisoGazette5a1t DrpstnHoove, D. Whaeflhaln, hy o-acM. l raartof etpliticalsan. clama . on. Cncilirsno.Heeaalnd'andoe,.islregrettieg tenI a ]SU; Peler Soa, 271 J..Normis, P1sny mhich-ho. Rnai.Y,-eotdla 183; . Histîso, 174; Peter Gaula, -jany te, tee.ýConsntirapol o sas;~~~~~ te-ot he soe letd ltsoatly' csit ite' tjury t thes 18; hefisttheebenglete. ountrsy. "agalct thes om of e Esaeaaeo.-Beove, . Lindmay, hy tee loader of thee aey .' aclamtion; Lidcpely revc, Un, The (5nettea aie isonmnil!18t Webster; nd depty reeve,HLGraisam. beaus oamy aneidere&.a adi Conillne-Jaha CamoppH suad IH. ilh aatisrity. I1h. o"ndes te Evnn. * ,. tepdcd te'emspthleIn lnks - stine thepat l mmtlheeM c9'--1 A PO amshala only for Reeve. fans1latoprpos.Isne6" *rû il . '0 v4, a-41ltlllba ttets. an&«d ni peteiDl Scttý n 20 9 48-18: . C nil' 't., Hattesiabave Pete 67 SetI .. Ci 2 4848- ~cècitisai poiets fie thes Gveen. Edaet i as. 78 68 80 20-48dP4 rst 2s apélead"toýmaSse ter John Brecklen itedreas. Oepaty ehice,. at'bat chuies la ta t. affect rosse, W. O. Pttil, isy acclamation. tet thee Mails - ' 'lien mill ho lé., Caanrllo-Jn n anoi,Jaiss Peer. demagtcg thon. tte spist. Eseste and Diiid Hartlay, by acclamation. net asaIaor dtalntmil domadoiteate Tnonoi..oi-Hery Robnonaleteat'cossad Sir(sonlenavea açve iy nolamnatien. Tise tllomteg anish. Tisé Mailau Se onbv ete tisaiant of tise pllieg in tise co. nildsevdpanollp test eimeon D. Buck ïand Samuel* Moano fr lot depty rasas, John iS.ffTO Hmiansd and Hl. Csrlsjre fer 2,ad The rerguar hall prarly coamisatisa dopty rossa, and losra.Cooi,nof8. o. .18, Neson. wm oLldan Siagosud Austisievrcoeillorir: Deo, 15d, a-bdn-large 'santer o! tes '4 i - paoute anderatopoyerso iisned 'Isle 31 . [ mtrtiancsoal maris by altendiag. î ' The qny wa.s ïeamat opn. in the No.1 68466684*0 the0m os classe,.aIl No. 68 3 -5 14f-Wh..aniqitted teempeive witL 2 47 119 45 P- 121 66D9 1qMatch editthetatheessealsoaand ta a 101 421 08 44 921208 «Ô thiettaulie, liteL. IL.Meode; 'The 4 76 M4 69 89 '6872 7' acoi.smobersul iseaMeades charge 5. 71. 8 82 6 45 06667 80 fer tLe Istfve yona, and ber effete 04091 uA 61 47.57baeswyme thucéianop 611 l- 9 priaoaimnaSoas mitis aserevdi 4f,4 2858875 2 404709182 gittaion, es on atala Icaio oser - asetiosatoate ta part miteh er. At Mltaeic Selil. tee cimse a!fILhesasinotien Mine .! Meande mon onde lise recipiet ai a Ilseon Siîscs Dec., 180. scliver naphte arighy Willis Ontie, -Aise tee panin prested ler ilis a Theouamesa!oor ise ohîsiaise ise ansorma dressing coe, a heatift iiget par cent. of marks tanIthe Cannty ples album, a faney abeoliô, and tise o Maltes andas onfe on apartod te tee faUownais!adeen: * . Pilsviere, ara onfollome: * . "Da)cns Tzieonn-It te mite regret Walter Comptel, Os., 1864-78% test me bave baalni of ar rmocIve te John Hoe, ' " ....7% orvr yeu oanc ola stte 00u sseol. Williom Dor, Jalys 1885 ...71% Fr tise pot five yers wumal,vo beu Sam Ba,. . . . 67% nteacteil and dierotoa by yen, ana me HrtiaE zard, De., 1885-...68% 1hîve lmaya rergnied tise mt tht (Sutie Robertson, -.* 15-6.... % yoer mari, altsaagh ciaite nemerad Slie Hssdnrse, July, 16... 68% saIthdiffielty, irans lwaysa aplanaroe Cîsarlen Lindsay, Dmc., ...... 79% te yenl thseux oa efforts fer on ai- Haggis Wison, -,1. ..... 71% rencomeni eroeenest, active and Sacceasfai candidatesaettheborasent elndied. uins flenceanalwayn Ifih Shoo enranbran anorteal te otheardirections tisas Hi cSiooetaessnminatiens teroatine aiofssl moris, andiyaae N. ai machso sitinable... 760 pIonant masdss aasd ind actiosmill Nu. ofmarksrerqd ta pms8W9 ,avzrretainàplaceiotogmelnry. Wa .Charles Lindsay . HI....... C c a, de nt, pretend te me'naro tise loggia Wisn ...........69 eco4 offete miielpexteseling iS Ois. Johnaon....... 56J iavs'qnes asefutueslises, bal certein- Ansia Lyon; .............bl ly il mmlt Irove n gret 0anal Win,. Howmoa..........4066 ec.Or h itors have bean Roteb. Willott........ 42 te a great etent Moaliead y pese Sltebau eHndaro.. ..479 *toachteg; and me fred qite confident Liezin Hannant..........460 teatmecosldisavssbanobtterdirmcter, Hella Duncans.......448 nnd me mil piton lork back is mlsplans. LroeLÀndsoy........ 4411 n.e te yaon melitimodiind andenorneat Ilinsie Smiley........ .411 tintrnctions. Yna bava e anll Uico Matel Watson ..... ... 48 beau rondy and iieg t elipus., and me faerit may somaliore have tees et wna't on. * ILepenooyosrbolth and8troaglis: and noiropen'tis thealutî dyofôn pa.rii asco ~ cesnctionas oucsher and papi. me Tise rerently onncted prohiLiteery miaisyenste onrapt tlise preentane a liqua aneomin 1Rsode Island hon braglst ws ltts nioeetin aprs te tee surface a vstaIhbrda. l'liqaor memii for yni.asonmany brsing ns ipottrs-ores hmiakie a living is7 te b8oîopenWiYeoiand opeeuiMay traPPiag isoeofaitio se"'m. colia o he eao aeonndlie 111 yos antedrinks. Theproisibitioaiste sea ors aioong a. lsm e Celowsa mpiscontly,'and tLoy Signed it e babioai lie ioiool isy are greoially amplnyteg allishe sily * W. J. CononosA, ahid topera te tee stete. This tends! Mànnr Ann, moality il nt stnnd mnistag. Esso EnnoLI..« BOOTS &I.-SOES.l ON NEXT SAURDÂY AnS for Ten followingday ' we sil offer. the iwhole of oar Stock o!, Ail kinds, qual:ities anS sizes, at a tr'emendous sacrifice. We want to cler-ît aur stock out yrevious to'Stock-teking, anS iili seitlîe aboie*gooda t rat reduction.. Corne aiong et once anS get thée farily shod chcaÈ, at HO0LLINR A KE &SO'S. BOOTAN D SHOE, SALE, MILTON'. Ladies' Rtibbers 30c. Overshoen (Lpelies",&' Men'oB)!81. 25. Men's Iow Overshoee, 0Makas, $i-.00. -5Mcnn s ubbbre 50c. Wornens' Prunelles 50c. j'OMMNSON & *ZEALANI0J lisse cerhsd ageoal ft.tte ws AcemeafldoQth4rS.kates..So ~sovelS. Aies and HanâleOs, ulr1àlkn Handies, i . l~ Cô-CaIl, \~and Canvas'ý. 6ieih She Stel,: f~'gnisI 1- d- ,IW ?0oots & Shoes, Feli .bbei orr.a. la IN1ACIFI orna.., sierSces.r. i Oa itas', n. n., ~, c.a. s .2, ln...s,.. eèà of iateiw.Y' Ëôi&a ;a n gylO.PfO68 aâ , i -I moorayoodr odl cr, aroi 3îa FYor a Bileàcor-bo aBools, a . lfaoiHooderWOnI ean, eyapo apitr o bGlvo.s o reWo, aMauderht! r For ageot. Frtop Liood idt3love, as About 25 plece e! (7ootnibe Droas 0oodo ne. maelsed from SO0c. te 16c. AIlno%, leeh iad PRTT& WATKZN ATTACTVECHRiS TM.AS iE AT HALF PRICE.Il -MI l OFEISC.G 50 Doczen SiIk Illdkerehiefs, lovel 'gooda ,at 25,50, 75c . 1,stttd stock of-Genits', Itsdcrwear, and,$1. Miiff5g etc., ery clîeap. 100 Dozen Fancy lleuirestitlhed Lin'eî Handkcîelî cfa, frons Another lot of J eautifful Jackiets, ot $ $1.50 per dozen. Beautifoil Dresses, for Prosents at 15, , 100 Boxes, j dozenîin box, Fallîy lie i-stitches1 llandk-er- A. Matchiesa Stockof Black.a ad, col~ chiefs at $1.50 per lo«. 1Iovel3,, at 75c., $1 to $8 per yard.d A cillto FancMournin g Handkhlechiefs, lianideoue- Down Quilts, Tobogganiàg ,Bâsec nie cheap. rson iGw lannele, allat týg> A pecial lot of __lk mrlahej2 $.2 nd$. 5 ozen .New Kid -Glovea, in all1aizet 1BeJautiUlor.Lired Gloteài and Mita cj hmere and Silk celvell importeddirect, ýwih n Mîtficra and Tics. MHoCr ise k.20UR.A.dd&92 TISEFARERSAVORITE4tE SEND agentn. mate. lishe fnpr tirip) te ig F OR, -SEHO$1 . 15 Pua 5Ise55 NOTICIË veltiess fc tise trado mssu ose WOrd. Bnpys àt ifreisl&.co' Sîrertu, Hlamili dg:, mocsitils!.ae Smi1gise tl ai in tlisais eda, 151. Dm ntiior Ite baj i.teu Sife iiolm7 ppî' a ss iesaItoilsy 'Hamsil t. itn psii doerla nîsi Passlite !Horltn y aill. apl vMILo.Soccosv -Tisa nana it e e. tise Haltes A4e,îltltse nts ola e telslshi s 'tiso'CýwisHal Ipainscanad for edodStieltso'.,1 ild eaasîlidatle ai offisers &c. I ansi sishent rs. jsdoieg an roanrnostrail nl sîsaro calitel, adreaer tisis sasan. Th es. 1 ',iq.spris a rc exceedingl: t doy of Oieess e litgan sd Jamresairaetý D'A1ICY 110LL Soliiter for Apîs reis .TTrEea taoppaiUtie c 'ioo oiagere afail ith *o4eirais , mi5liaffico a j'ys.Thoif eleirnsof 6 Watsrn4Ql.Joh5nsonfier etiWord; Thsoms Mc àlnDîs lis 1u 7. SUFsen-Ma: Jus. Mati mg-bradiS esa'ld uosat ~ROATfl* diaw àJaelsseosLodo 3ROCATI tlfemnd nMosdsay test, lis asindar oa su Iis importec Ss, tewolde. -- ,siiissl. Piiz.o-Tbo Ontaioo else 55,5..5.s.jr.5 11- Torontelisoreessis2i: tho Qsseen'a Plate, itulas, ras ,.Oaie5r ls,. neat loy smreting. Mi -"' phelILasanluoedAusa MN T'T5511.'I.. and DO W.C. *'ls,5sOra.lhss.a gt a gond avy sndeeslsis btier qsli. ailmeal, 5 5.Is.ii lv ansionsi0.sO irt et ail 81,n.U5 stainstheairasr Closau 1-.il ,,5s~, Corne of King andJerne s t Cisaroh ls istes, siIiii 1's.51.les50,la,,.5 lisaTassa Hall ons Frsis 51.o..ss.1s iaiL nat esqs. Kecl: of Blrnnsptoisbaverbec oe em.0 .. EETss.s AsUesjoornax e Maltes Ilofoasi.Asser. ~#'~M AUCA e bod, in. Lynins Holl atrd %Dc Oiis, ai meieng o teExearsis utckeLacn Pe4ý!frmerly las, ing tise Seoti Xs.iaadssb, * ,h,. -- saîpl ' ion dope ngo 2se HEllL ' ins ýl hro e uTsiea - - oi-aTise t. M., off'sr II E'S - ofeta!St. lar Lalge ci s * ~. OsMiliTee,, liai a saaessTwnouaii t6 endEd isy ihs, ofssmlon. The Largest,îockmin Cfadiïnd ALL GOOO.HlARKED 1W PLAItFIGUI We invite your coifdenc' C.mm;e.nhg, Satu" Il AVINLG.CLSED,'U IlWppegtht ntire stoolk been ebîpficd to flaiclo,'T- 8000 Whâve no roc»» feér ARE 4?OUND"T T d.elo, rthamaa...ieera Feit *osanP iloeas,. P. , Win5 eau a ieis f. , 55 a Aî ailor aoels soigulter hemaa nontIOfiseLarae tSspI cd ta Boteson lua, It Sashati,. -The P, 'il irelch'nFridoý or., and in lHana Cîsa a ev. Jelsa ixeun1 a.tii.nten Cisse an-A liaray .e sormet in coaeceti tIerina Oliseal, 'ill va Hal Nsnrm 1 t' 0. 8. Entrance Emaaluailon. 88 per cent. ia avoiry sujeot, are ce. - meooaodod te tis eeooy CI'the Thity.aeven daodidatea wmte et the fDopa rticot on &mcont of tioiieral reront H. S. Knanàce Examatio tainroc.eoy; and-Sevaon ae ràjeieèd. Miltone. Twrty.eieht are pasoed Pro. Te ololgrmin sa liati0ailhe aaceaoil iaiaaliy; twe, iaving faled teoake candidatea, e.: Ni,. tiaarsIJsla s.,,. Wgd&land T,.a., . So.. i Ciâs lnLindsay ..... M HMiton:........M. H. Gray. 2 Maoy* Cospiat 51 E aq'sg Mi" A. Mliomei. 8 Henr "iltlyau:::, 550.No1O Ms . L Meade. 4 EiteHntais....... 549 No. , Trafalgar.. Mr. J. H..Beadley. 5 MaggeaWison...... 589 Mlton.......... . M.LGray. 6 Chrias Johnson .H 6I ... ..... 8 W. J. Eowan 490 ........ 9 Hoit. A. Wilmott 48...... La Mllie Johoso .4..7. No....4N7ie... M.J. P. Bayoe. 11 Fred P4tce . 41 N.i ........... 81 N.e1M. A. MePhati. 12 Roisana Hndeeon. 479 Milton........ M. . Gray. 1 Emma <oringly 4.6 H. 8.Teair rs Boso. 14 Artisan Hoiop .... .. 499 No.t4r1Nclo . st 1J.MClcossan. 16 Lizaio Hanos . .d6 Hitn Mrt. e 16teaila Duncan . o~4~ 17 LenaLiaay.0............. 18 Phnmaooic 485 Noi , E ueanng. Mr.BI I.ShortIL 19 Emin enndy 418 Ho. 8, TrMaro.Ct. I.L. Einisam. 26 Minnie Smley...... 41 Mln ....;.....M. I. Gray.'-.' 21 Lioeiell.... 46 H.61Tafal Mr. 0M. O.LE. onlaù. 22 TionaStewaýrt 4..... E4oentng. Mta .MDoweL,. H8 Geteude Gna 40,2 H. 4:Cledss-.. Mr. T. Preston. 14 onso teey 87 NO. I1EoqeSosng. Mr. IL.NH. Sisrtil. 95 James ThoSopsa . 6.982 No. 17,,Taalgar. Mr. J. E.L: na H8 Jeanle Tsosià .s. 6390 No. 4. Iadon...M. T.Pfeatan. 7 -,ncy Hatihewman... 881 Ho. 8. ~ez. ....M. Wm. JIMCIenaisio. 28 Stalle Lauea....... 8 i HntloJison .... '40 Na. 8, Ma1sio i Moisl Waton. . 48 Hilton.;.... Me. H. GWa. [rvý tho 7