Ie4s(~ xaade uoe-~ ~ ~ T -ae are Rb-RI MB eip- That aur ueî ".isvr lanhearà Of pýrîes htý O ur ad 1 tThat oar Ordered* (lathag t o îdbe O bsy. biatWOWILtthB5O to lueadîapc U . lose t is ed d y erCWBîn .ya wîlm kenmofleY«ý l Ià, opr s t frBrglsastestockns bereduCed Forfo a n a k' M I' h csa .le In k l 0 8 set at htbte ehei . O. B pIII1 ieTIi op er.MthJ B 15 f Bae r. t 'thllelDMBCB1IB LT. For wths in DDiuisiafl U, rturtbleIceeB PIiBt T B O I T . - J l, bi I I y ,B .. . ie lS R ie in r. T TlieB TitLBTIII T.OfI t,7e D1iisBTioBBBCour cite o.O1alo MIIl or BItt plc.fStin-s De sn'is f 5 7îe1e 9l9 d-uia splend d i ai -, a 67 O.......... 1n10 l (la s'dSosfipa ,l e 4MAMtTnM..... je ..2. .1 yri.2 ii Mnrerif. 'ai 110jj 6e ',îTîc. à e e TauIttileB SeIlM MBO S.BW T . liedR B BT 1BIB. BBBMB1U i lT 4 it otT B . OfMIO t h e Il . .bl mlC B IB B B B avalI BIMIIII-B .BMI ,riMjMy!O MI .,lTBB5TIBl le5 of Ilthe lentMI e --- eR* Il IBe . BIMI 11.BMIM :II II BII lîBBI l, T IT IB be 5e l M IM I I Ill' llll 111 BMMBî MMIMMBTRS plee, IB lB~~~ ~~ S6 I î1 ie lBlÇ e beeTMM îBîTîî ille 1iv iloT (11111BY " TMMIITMT jt.itBIliîIB B.0 0 b IMBTlB1b B MI TY of lT0 II ' Tî ll TB5M IOBITIIBM1 eVBMBBr.b1olilitou ck 11î.lîrl B - - - MI5MRM eu .1 B ail iez., .1l P ur. I f u t l ui r eihîI dî «If 1 ll B e l 6M.-NMM ITR0IM" .0T vi. B'u t .III lMeduceIMMM certaI Mi Imo II,,cZ __6: ern M ' M .Il A.iBMM 6~1i IIMIleedtsIYTY IeBPBBBI1I"« ,liee II IIBO m pI T'BBie lllMr MMIMBYoereM la M la Mlb0, Pt BTRlMliB2al 1 fce,, -la p laPt esTIMIB tO î L th q'i AîliIBacluae h l ~ e l .1 , Rîh% Ith on eaie R T e llll -.Il> uneIM TMI e t sttemeofph bI-rleds 11frontlM M l0 leM Ith is conacI vIl III llî IM T Qî1 - 61'n. e M l oge orM th in.l IIPTYBMI theee1-W ThT w"IMIBieI I dn'blirth tebMl hleMl t- - led Ibldouchel eI drIM niBS, TIM andbO stand fou.I lieB ...iee s'l. at h odtîIjtMaIei mo~ m-elgeB IL I 1 nil otuau1 aBwru e t allB0e -IiMI eitfîîTl OMVOlt l 1B19 ...loo te ratr -Iogogarer B îMnI lTe e is% tg. 1dB MTB f,* atsr.2 Sbaa llet of ~ ~ ~ ~ MI I hbel ih agai fltcnnte ' a a C om let 1,1 boyvily ea ISe OL dlMglTiît- l6 TlIî . I i ,iTB iB dI M M B IIII I M E îel es at d I II I S î B oeftBe unt c,Tlîeî 110MW LCive aitUBIMMOcIllîago:' 'tilBi6 - '1-. t1jt4t r~ '-e r7 - 1r4; î-rders for 3uggiei-; pletr(tlt't 'tttitiî j I1î~ pIreS,- aitkrîîî" alîs TII ~ i-t roUît-Il î~ i.i-~ld Bell - t tii i. -.111- )lng A~~eS, tock rI4 i~e,'-' Me11 -f Do tw b o oeBi, MM nt 16mBR Id et0 Il6bin BTMBhTT f th. tranM -I e, BtBUKt 1men oueTl B t- -Y 9-Itd 0Bstrmfe bIBI -f b C ldhÙm If-BTaIm2iYu- LBBI bI, 1i =)ll 10t.romMýB BiBle] IIy tiBIB t iMtOrpST 1 g5t BxciteBmeBt,thb goT, BBBIMIIBM Rt-CM SBM aMMîeTnB 1BItîlil h-MBBlI MMg s f'Ol BIIBII B bh I.,.MIT1MI ti le , nl' TP eBhMt ueiBfuMreIlrMtT B -d. BMIMIy y~II AMMrT cw BIMMRIle0 BIBIs p hile M r I5M hiyTIOtBTIIB-1TP 1- ~diII e BbMI la-- Y- CMBBB l rBBeI--!à mîr I tn eBIII by IMiBf ltuI S hrht 1 TmPt.II-eMYt ,iZ. l'l.CIm 1Iyhl B mbI B TR"OnTile le Îwyee eI ed le M BMIIt P.I -trau t MIdOlMTI t -01B ibM Ble elI BB %vMt bed RIMD Ct tIIv' ty IMb geB u1M I e .. 'l' IBYl iî strate, BICIb uIII lTdîdo% I,"Vl.', 00rbepti pelio.r . - L' & T.le m-wabiggeI tbt n BBY16OIIt of an-~ ppeoBi . "as 6M Aure IheLîl a n a BCountrMly nt Llis"!0 Il Ttîe elitpBozMoItB ' 100AIiûba pi o raVellerS Gui l.8. IlP I-NVEB. OREBDIT VALLlo RAIL 4vowNuI'25. RISTOiN'8 IIyiSCORWÂ oIw f îîCafld 5e" A 1BLB B vPIRe-W iBO , K 4e .-, ft U In CaTBMIIinttIIb, iB ipplng BUBs1 - 1.BIIî h1e VnB e B t à IÎBBt- esîlloi, th. .n, 5016 «m týiuph M»2ume lu putt] MI=Mfnl ketCI4 ,par. -- Mt tu the mita I Hns,ýl ho said. -V