Canadian Statesman, 1 Oct 1885, p. 4

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!qZ a mater.T rycfaa tile -5317 biliYS bll ei'" iét ieut.4ediedbfl. adfiene te. mam ijsereaa."SI iriaydoiflhi'ic ri.a6 r sfazipe gaIMctl eti.2elAasIMa.telic c eaI le'l t à dm pliT e e e l5faa~iedsgearlhle.a -.aontecen angeI. ded ia ay nlt Ee eetyaeem wisiri2UsatiNsaI31Araauilas.faiceo leae. foer -isirl.e da rifie tereibea nnd. jdelesfreiàien ,telé csel tie. i casaiweld t im ee Une metet sthlertiIierè abeuaecit ete icerettei 66.6 Mndgor eat ionealicc weaiUste fusfeiace eri Unpy teamm eîdûtel.mdemet e mittfl aileeutice. ileetesiiweveel> aaset veryfricedly. *Iicceldaeotlbs wàol lte ignore thcratesycee a cerin:e polci, 'fer tcfu bie csh eleee arry ent iBIieperpessa iitia the lease iilel frcioen.ilcndg'e rcresi tes)empellad in reia f hW« tiwacte relatione dIteh Ie rterelteru b tusnes mede.taceaoyaed peuce vcry if "'.ential.. M e frt i keeeiy. hweveri- fine pur et àlI. Areccete efep aned ag. -ve eervitry,,atddeiermced isecise openanequallývgoee.csale1 naful hojoeiMr and 3Mrn. Mir e. fias plazra. and ater. quie a I99 Sire, Muir explaIne fd'ng yerneeeikhaerover t ficateane. Tace tee ntcdteedyethoMenps. A Un escssias nsir e le 4 sevicelas mt vere ooitc' temi, nil. d t e rely yicidi eh les. .athor terinedto aclnegi hi h,' huna eleeve ilf icîeai atr. .rtel. wat eed ismeythohusb a est ec il isa esmerai mes ra-reqelues et à Tteat Mclese eeIn etteofel.anA Où idêrnbdla s a5ij etynate. le thneesed efaslea, tins ret.pre calesL oiriiledtoe l a rwicqe.nimaelIsgra 1 wod aneleau ls soenteylepprc. tcrel. iec ardtfabcon~clusion cein cees ec. ilmdeed.' Eartieriyiund ee sqegetter Ifaslere rleve -eees ier.t arly ileverefetebs He. etalseteeTrourceîmed Tino f ,elllede. ý1âelclu opeengsateieofda leeeceng ieltl a. arme nil icleervivesdine.' 9a Thm tprevces o ee, u aidtd en1 floagasvoco tat t bistra ear be.a e0pressivehe!arestqaliisasf AisT ia' aisdaehoi.ine. mucadi the-lfnd»=tur.d1b urB isint ~thr eeUIa ý nUne É intrýere inun e.fs ae tdsts 5 t tu eterh entl ,t c efesx 1i appeonint mui. eatder U r a4 na de d ateshl as ù see. utll£hidi bc reml an, .itrI *aira* l gentyleer ey i Làs5i Mes.oàu ia outawiag infviluee iltetdeoa me tef le as< metteate forà lve J aseieiedold swM un...&a Slis.T ecigdrtsrbUleesskt Ue Itiseaincoiaager ae aisel e of-.ertàdee fae tlfeatf si Thsainfti' fueme iiInli XI a f ce tfine, and had .eet « averde me,'salou dens ssicaml 0 ,BB-sB niyin;d j e -l-;tde-te ba ell 7wkhýbain Sh olmn tecee. ceescssaîea-tîy retee esc, airs e te Sunesd e ss'T4e mate, te cur modlle Inmtteeie itte1 'art' -pp * -enni Yes, iftfaîees lu .erqeAte.riffla,Â5e.niteessiCasate moiemr fôrOif. cet te e ihtdiffcr-nîdle lVers',-Patteecsl' bente aia, earing eouisteebsni chie-s ceegei Cents feemmerre, su peu inwitia Wàt imto V'neîtsetee scie ""Yen,' esplidtlss taveller. -JanPatkmra, .ara , on WhcýAed ri i, test afterc amatiitt idaIt as thattermnssfaetsLring-'ianu,,isaI me vitjUn aytig. It-coeter euieptird tlivillages, iben assiignent t'OeS. ime." aL TcieneeAý ef Hameilton.teeolth se.flit'The .ta.m edPresbyte rri reecirtel o of tels créditer& . iic willais thow evrý dtsesecetheCUne tral Prionainesrti. li111gi, .na ttes âinieryeaet petditnsensfer,,geee t 10if tem sid.eis'5h, m*eengnad " liiuti nclal mudts llcapeopleeof Ontario dodeteieath1e bter. Plteeses leit thI ,.lisae, lin5 Pisnicesan . otwne rtet toest avait . e h $otetllcd rnller e 'r glisesétessdredestelc, ma the.Bitherese,, amustin n.ce .aeuo 91 te 60 admiet feed.omdaciejiy ttem.elduriepîthe WC aiihalie aout8ZD. IÉenMy01 cacther.lFur télinses. the idieeic, U.fnres ated biie fer theirmsney..the entcc, therdemancd te. lid-in fart ceci-d pey tem asaiaicea. p e ýnagê'àa fur aiteer people inhelare aet nable t tker tisWte ter wusastine ontent yecig ecUnoftecec.le-tte rstepayer of On. teaie lute scarteets, and test eeea n trttee ,ile ar eopen the .ipe sciwu ald ceeold ai ne i tsclc aretilgat snypearc latle eepprte Thetferlersetatat tinttir. ofthlc i try, tecc,lrc-tte, ratepayer. of Octerte are suitc tewcart geoieg lse tec ley llieg tlemie ameprovi lan.We . t . howctiive ere top fine IýqI U a pepin the t. eorrd tere atà wh inîare etl asai M. Bectehaseai ttee elicieery tat wcepingrl téaes of. titsheutr..;aii ce.. -idefdeff'ci.VKuc yeetsrtuscs fla.rear do aot tem w nc tee atpropese leestxteiisce.s ay',mcrit Unt te 0 î, a vn illsge sie.c. Wt b ectu l e.pteeestcara tsendc seteite theecueey teu resived tefao .ci, e Te e .inle f tleeccy ct theebutettr iiattecee.nia bmaiecriguler sqCeriPie.Thisr ae teceacai fer ceticteg ut aeticc.te.ctigeeeit.iyee ineàlyinlpth.ccis. teeeeitleedoaemotcferenc.ll astleese insolmentep,. l26 fwi htliigmuerlielaet $3.000,eTifactt ts if ,Y ecf lIe relooiet 27.03e! cteice li seei siil tste. sîeecndliie shotehey hte lile fearcof As Idc. te Fru1ilayteg. the peeistemci. 1 v- ' Resefly tin eesig frm insilwaukee 3leco.ïeeo , eni.becimiig.ynry set àhaetsfor M tu teeYoung Mf, cesiieei.. Thee ie ,mai'te ode ec Ctiiiscililec cf tlit itý. Sieerc seves à i ifet viei, ins le ereegyece.louaifnlt wit the ystg mon sections, ttearin1a large exclue tlcyear. for accepilegte oeyo. utechute. 0 c~eter.te Iletsteerd ref ,5tr=te)t, =ceteectie tecu.. irt1e it im, seCaai. teWB.inepe s cifer ic MnsT4e*Plimt Tins pttesmi. ttece, raedet n femaiccr tee of ihalf.incituttaite fetdicicen pplid,'tiacm le:,tliebec sn f a sra'sCtte -bttein, iai i otop. - l.nnetLe.Tte. irecesewonreaise rie iee.cte iteceul tee .ctfgalinnmii troueubcteted letecstile eriticisinoc.l frcmctem ead tee. abouteocr squareste Ch. Tte exspieteil quarite.Tteir criticeres thc iaiesoftiaeboteanabottecitetIte bg ,leS-e'epens,int eues en dclaifer a.le xcit * l. bt mter t ees% Care.-teoycl tt tetl erps'ýeee ntI theillque. T6em besn eee~~slyhde. te~t ins an g e té mreas-liit ttesybtadic.tntei acheeul ier.ticîfut cie s ci ccdiciefeelttte théeccinof teir tient. te trene. Peciicc0sithatirsîlu thUtese."iILtthe pcsitiontcf tieeceioneet.eers boxes aeneel teases pil cye c c o eattecrrect oeit inteardtaeseteecctthe cpcýthe tter, ace et6tenqicely *ne ty lergi c efiit aidecitcîte eeyceee pieciligthe a atect unee mde tec 'aet. ice r arepticg fSnemteticiaitrensgtter. alvec. Theboteecmet cilteeqccciuadtey m aedlteir pcceiue cf etet ose tsci.. irce plate lid eteces the fe ,, etic t euiacte this in. a caeiettre eveytee<I Thic<ew-o i lcerseetbee e nle tu erPtUneeirgyintaclsîtteehae decs ia bdseeseced a'i, 'fillhai cru tplsirec ipea, i lt hT 'mi avbic er.Mci0forecItcd. cadtlcet, spécial Caro teieg laitoe,.tl le pa spc'ce,the.yeg met aeceptaditee ceetethe feee. Tteeaýicy ilul tteeî ee tfais eai iiemetsrceltec.Aliiecces ee6cip y tae rectesl; lai aientci -ami...he ce a.sdiieee.iceceespers, tipialyas iiitee. pitelicses Pe l'orc ees t.ibut tue ciecy cf tIie Ycung huq cuti sd.péat drFer matfclIs edi- Mets Ciritita Asociation. Tie miniaue M. C. Weld IcA.raieetndreclcrlit teeruillaeels.roisotteeir jagment. The felIcig iciesl securesinlethe juimbocs strlfr. . ltownteip cf CBr, tieceqiiertee cf a ml fro Gli9m :s,-:.'eA certain.ceell tecees fie.Tie b4teÎdiîiaclteer, à isceasieiii. ca tcraieifpayrseterei A eslIictlît e? ait Serte cf articles,, eitî 1cr f1w i sittesgos te e te euâstiher, aiitlinccbtet iae.t ififoned,cews and u le psal u outtefroct dccc tes di. pelcd eiril. Thcectionwcil di c re titewuccicdyctandsete. Ho pendof trige»,butons naia, roi, di mo raishtee idée. cf aivlieg asues ileces, cin; et., abotehtall a peete ic ait fiticlemeiiiîctidfi.e Ateec5s thle.ecies ares Aeserincictele. agc de&'e et act nviation te reteis, Ceaiintceepes andla feue ciler pions, bttei.itlsntfrliciag. Butteeyctcg butctlhceegest ecmteer ers Britisie fe: eas eelleatien emergeiey. Goeig tiits =tWiutdeebteau ici. des tiec stops teo arlfcliy centriceile pc e, ciicieiriti5te Cis aItCei t t thé etcai'."Tieereipcsi potse uieietei ilns. retelcatiiQât e jet cp a tr.cccdecu finie. iiel Z~ A aeenmlsr if pesecin - 'iretmcd. ciaOmet filteslehmb duet if bita ilj mlc .ttc,, ccý.âd leleca nd . iesea i iFttatinsd'h aiited Unee Jieete. nlft i. d iit daie, hilpse ste. The, et cecigit if Jmiec. led.e.u i- CI. Ms t va Ianil tnis eieit tfPounai.. . li te. autcuncf tei. itrntsqem intecethe gieià aiaaial m s .0oiisii0i' aetlteantr.iteufc.t~sci tetefedor ibe1tcet 78 té. enicd5taie tecesst et (Wrer Tiate ed 1In the vat, lanplsied onan 0lC y procSdec le lap canliaieisifl if tlies B. Cartadisetiociite. Y.-.tuere . pettmanateetecctceetacieee te bcependc utisascet Wardai'y tcentait tedaaa tletbistraîe. Fcr tectrlcetcesttbiaheet twiïmore a vr tces tgaItemiLnts iàtes Tteiifpecttyihintactfcrd. siliteeews cy s tectera.. iiechdesp. ?liéTiieyetijscast,,Wr d.aefermeaiicr.,... ýTtee.aispest inalli l n hé! rld in -icatà 1 GlciT5Vdette., et Hociecceu, Pa. Ile,àec.lied by eyoie'e A ds.petetefrein Poe rttn enc Weitighteif jr. Thee.avemgeaispte of maaineetilPort Arliauo*ierctisteg a thes llctesai.eHis-abosten1Rfilet laeîirge9 'yifdamtceaiet the inaiien*.iiiilinf reerythiten Cai i f -nmite i.. .e ot .s-. 1 1 cucu et tiaS~'Prlyer et ni inbitnrrlvilt mpLeetdcA . inO i -'lu Symrioetisthne evyasdai» 'cf , Or thecdie.isadrives il, esitand tehc,- cet et the sysetm. . ý-. . i ýtstock Gr Ptee, teele[rci. 1 ! : V 'OtebeelIcd t8se. . r ciilSMcd"eaI fsre;ccr.sce..eeiiseice e heprps te. f Il. 0Ird cfcjls tc.c lgetk. lpo. 1.th5 Or ( ct le5.CoraticfStlcseileil5ctrt.tu. sa5 .ne do.ib. fully solic.yiu.. 1 -av. sai es ee.iial. t i ff. h axu .lMtisdte iv t iceccu. tecc'secliepcc aetl Itfaile ae ùý Ile ta Me -ccu fls fi Xliet elec cet pent . ni.fce c. el'a0ci .lnll. esecrthé flcctlcc lg ntelcieIlise setiie c. 5 fiscd1-eI ELM trecrrcse. . e efiliirîefle.î oc . esl letic lici, lsleuar_ cd. , ,,fuc e rcm sec t u dit 53 Dntur if.- ti ste sli p, 1 ic e elie.cfYi.e.. iite. rfct, estai ,&r.e Z.eceifi-. tn wlciici 1b se e tee Bfo. init. C Iccith ; '88 tefichie cf iluefilicicl dcii,. If isce8 di flcdiel.. ciiin taitif . . ifalcie., lieaf dc son . Ito lufrdII tb imer bitùfieyc Tcf_ à dcectu- aflýiisc.ctlo,ec Bg t in i.deieciitinla tfdcc de"c.c iii 'cYecce.ihct file . m i i. 1scicclcce .iîar.Iesci t a o s ledIti c..ieeclc.ycs telfuIy.e lifta.Demcr .Xg iee r.O tcta E e1 - f c t .., , d . d .h 'ce, fil s a article. fetIth clîeMfeces h elsa speisA.sJ.efi. .Te pec ar e cas cee i ffile cd-1 cnetic fPcaeaclr.w t Iey . p .rsce ycita, ate ys te.clî r1ira-y tea 'Pert ifec1.papt hra ,'.ed Ue itet'rc1. t.teIL te" ho .1. kg cf ..tet.Ife c1iaieercfVie oe, ..t. est th. ps Wsecee et Pfcspelete l tu Wagonsn theYitteîcc e ctc.. fi se a sef=U.. y... ttlpiedpeict et le.trtecahg ilA.J tehit.e,sc elueeepecfc. ; , _ -ie -~e o,~ilh :-tÙ.cce fesatElsiecicflteeqcfitîea. tate n Lelseeten of we7 raicfQ15h ft artiImmen Eunle trIfioaisTheish' tcief, numer n a ecelent e a'Msuai61.'s Otteflale neFlsiafe.Itaa up1cttmfor f.T.ese tp C eriSi U ete.acisons%" ef . tei i f "ChlemUn eCaftecaddu,"t i %s reclaRi. T ndinstucie'Faipsetaueai "thirs hj cfnteiearteon Tiesea eîr i es F AN itîsesate mdinstrie,.p.m s l.d liiaahe imeie$a ereril .ste.i H ufPte ci5.a a t h Ïinil e s m te r-t F rntl h a a peryAtce ieRfnttees-4eds tia eYttmlplica Sari mc.tiil ecaitis- 1. "lsdyiesg.s aue, the... thloh iednipt ofTieitwtAme Ots ilIuiEckycga see. g Rietel, ct là teatisg, te aaadsr.eis - M b teacae er aaene..îi~-ci rii Cppe les ib,atnd elaeicin c ioneofs.ta ee.a-.c.A. cwud% ofrîqxtný,îetw.een- the -undeil jjito be;dlsoveassonasheS kBooÈ DebandLu labili j ¶.hè' OïdErth -tîô doe' 8 ~iogo~chUb odbut for Caý eÇabiespetfýilyrqn-eÉ t bI pdsettet u.acu t tteir earhest couve, 4d ~.nimiénsatck fG1NE~L DYI OpDe MLLtERY~MNTLES- IÎEADjY Mý h iânduitable for theordtFal[aà -c aS Bargais' h in r Bu'smes 'aninl re oefetaearance. se t tk.,.. î- v i.,, là i r e II r-1 , 1,7 , ' r ý )ress.and Mantle 'Making eattis sn.prmt eiledb- a&irt dosa baud new arrived and OrderedClothiing lia eadlof alic eteition oli à pi c, ty e t pfinish and durabiity t i n s p e c t i o n a ud . pa t r o n a g e n t e p b i c c n r l y u o e t î g r g a î s McLEý«OD ANDERSON*&C AÂN- OFÀLL4INDS 7..C W .MANB'S HRDWARE,-mi muats that the are prepsxed .,to -fi su orders"for le ; itspeccd clseilccel ice l ..5 1ie.ccedeeaeeat . e 3 serCtceitasi -MLTONF* o.f 4sÔtetc ana pan IpqredTwede lirorî,m téi à anatslxd fiish to oe flsrces i f.nn.~obe erna~kbIy o'w çpllsidç#PË the* Ëàie go he >Besele::, NING TFi FCTWT iamed Sceteteman nnnmdaefe.,e.t Pltu. iar.( le. Cnmpb Cclity ne c.utm. ai 1 î,g cfthe Sèueral. "Division Court js of thî J .IW. Fato~ 3 27 29, 13, )n; ;.;.. J. feltitessa.;. 14 I il. 3 I ý9 p te,. *.:* . 5 .Lse, 12, I 5 il.. il. gts2... w eed 6e 4 16 3' l -iseee i é6.ndeèec-ey6càiet eltîclbc eteer;ail p:ec.y ,tFr . "', J.,TslrTh -lcCiiCi liee CeIrlie-Fseel ..melhey. "d . . .* d- f e iiehcil ,1 Ciale-iedy l Fd eleh..l eea 'Ut*ACHINE. d-ealr 'gves u o tîerch uN~ul.dî.ii4jI.:. MCOLL BROS. C s'i ici t ý'iâ li sb OJ reomvg a spî andsokc es ale oo'Wr- M, c d~sa inaSniguranteîct.. Senl1 ýour repui i<.-'.Tcy-i R GiicllqTpaE T TO ALL O AS ~ . TAo. 1> ~' 1 '-1P.M'. . I raM14sp . MIADIAN CHIAM PION Iin COO F H.L TOx O\TI t E P TO II hJE.îIv ~S ilF-ADIVER TISING.. dtO .. ..... ........ c SEND FOI .e eeh .. ....M -c *"e ** .....lcs cc t.....cie1l.0 .eUet b. ......e ...,i I b . -J t lM"b, .. sf. ldflta c. t* thym".l t'onorlu «Il To Our Nb iii:ta, kcep, ci~e rd.,In fat. I t. 1 1- fbu a 'a rtï.Illîdv i ca m.. ffIclf ccct ' nWMn o le ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h iteli,., lsiUIIcM te ELLiOT I ci ILetin Jfe..t.i cs l Ic I.a Goto i ~ ~ ~ ~ n nIr el efeci Idl.eai. in 1' à lidiit ahe s i lec I Vater, stunter&Eît îihe Cisnfelilleci ver Imp iliSCIf1 lUMIE Fi) ii li5itlletef ecî.crangie,.Lemi >~ON,,MILTONERPJ J.c Ve.eirc ite e crtelel rt.. ty .ïO US AsE 1 (N*cil-cFleite ~1ci~ù6l)cee,' MAI ate YI~iJO'TEL INTWN iciîteiiiif ~ ~Ô Sae c cAli. <9, ztcC Ietii in i hý .nme.5,A IF 44 C er ciieetl ~ ts7e ~ i ~.- afi.c àjncdat rfa hîrn ile tOh aoî. , 1cii;ci ý -.- 1

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