Canadian Statesman, 3 Sep 1885, p. 1

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.. ý . . . ý . . ý ý ., . . * . . , ý _ - ý 1 .1 ý ý 1, ý 1 ý .1 .. . 1 __ . - _. ý . _-ý -., 1> 1 - 1 Il ý ý .> ý _. -1 . - ý1 ý- ý: _ ý: ý . , _1 . - - _ ý , , ý , >ýý .. . . . . . . . . i. 1 1 . . ý 1 1 . 1 ý . ý . 1 ý ý . . ý . 1 - . . 1 , _ . ý . 1 - 1 ý _. 1 . . ý - . '. 1 ., 1 .: . 1 . -- ý . ý ý 1 1 .- ,-ý . 1 1 1 1 1 - . . ý - c - - ; - ý . - ýý 1 l . 1 i 1 . . . ý 1 1 !' ,- - . 1 - ý: - ý , , . ý . 1ý . 1 ': . . - ý ý ý ý - . 1 »111-,1ý- _ -iý'ýý--ý---i, ,,__ . î : - , : ýý ,, - ý i . . ý .., .. - i', , 1 w, ý ,ý,ý_ Il; 1 . ... 1 1 Il . , . -_ ý. - . : . ,,eý -- -"r 1 ; . .iiý . . . : .. ', ; i _._ ý 1 1 , - > . - ý " - . ý t ý - - . ý ý ; 1 ý _ýý ý - ý ý - ý ' ý , _- , ;"ý,. ý - , * * 1 , .ý . . . ý .. . .: , .... ý - ý . . . . . ý . ý eIt,ýr -- --- - ,ý ý- -4-l- ..iý 1. 1 ý ,. ý . . . . - ý; - ý . . . 1, 1 1 . , . ý .. . . . ý , ,ý e- -, ý 1 - . . . 1 -- ý _ -.rý;,,,i-,-_;> __ - - - ý ý.L_ ý - - 1 . ý - :-ý,,ý,ý_ _ -_ - . _ . - 1 . 1 . . 1 ý ýý . ý ý ý; - --ýýI, ý . _. _ zý14- ..e--ý 1 1 - ý ; ý , . ý- . . . . 1 . I_ .. ý ý . _. ,_., l. J ',., : ". r ý. -. 1 . ý 1 _ - , m ý ', - ýý : . ý, , -:ý - 1 1 - 1 ý> _ : . 1 1 . . . ý J, , ý1ý ý . à - . 1 . 1 .. 1 __ 1 ý Il - -- -eý-',z-_---__ _ _ ý ý ý . ý ý , 1 1 ý ' -- ý 1 _ý:_%:ý'1'1_,>ýý - ý . ---ý ; . . ravel1ers'ý Giaide., , ý , , , , ", el, ý. "ý,+" ýý- --, 1 ., . ý >. k7ýGuide., -,ý:; -ý, e r., ý - . , ý --.--eee-,,-- - !ýý,ýw-ý,.C_ Il - : - 7- - . -; ý " . t, --ý..- f. Iý , ý. ý- 1 - . ý 1 -- .7,.ý : t - ý . - _ . - ýý?,-, _, , -i ý ý. 1 1 - Fý - -Tý 1, : ! , !ý . . -- ý __ ýc ý ý . ý". _i.. ý_ý . ý "_à1wlý_ *Jý'ik ... , -1 v ý -Tf,.,-- m * r -ýý_-,ý-, ýii..It-.\ lit isulc.-rif-%VESTXRNý -, - ., ;* - . .. iu 1 ; ý. ý, . ý . . . ý ý ."-- _ ý _11ýr ý, - - Il - ý . ! ý, _j . '1- . 1 1. -.ýrl - - -, - -r:ý-eý : , ýý : .. ý! - 1 - , . ' : 1 t . 1 - uoI'n.i.ný'-ý , ý _., , 11, ' .1p 1 ,_ - ý _,- . - . : . 1 1ýý ,î Il Zr r, -,., , > 1. - - . ý , - ' i - ý * - ' »' , ' - - -', . 1 __ : .. .1;1 1ýýlý_ '. 1 .;â__ý1_5-L-.-__-,;,ý,- _:_ .',I--ýý- ý_ 1a-ct: 'Ç.ld. acui'z'X. ; . ,:-,ý 1 , . , ý q,ý ',ý - : - - ý . 1.»! - ,-.ýr . 1 -- ý.ýi , . .1-10 ,,; ,;,ý,  ._1 - e ili, - lýý, t ' . . ýý ý -,,ý, 'i 1 'ýk -'Tý Vý'LLLEY nAiLWAY,. 1 ý., -ft - . -;ii ', iýf' -ý,,,,ý4ýýýýýý .,ý;ýý,-ý..,,.ý,>.ý. -: .1 *"u%.Xî*îeý , 1 j . 1: . ., 1 . ý_ - - ý , 1 .- idhiý> n". - -t :."" . 1 . ý -. 1 1 1 il" . -1 , Il -ý- ', - - ;II . , ,ý , - _11 ., ý '. ... -7 P.M. .-U A X ý . ý . . Il, - ;ý ' ' , z « Il 1111 1 .1 ý . , ý I'r :ý ,.!,.ý.i c. 1 .. -1 Il ýt ý ý, 1 11011iii. ý ; ,i'iý.1ý . ýý . I . . ý 1 - 1- 1 .. ý -;-, 1- Il ' ý , ý . Il . ý 1 , : 1: , 1 soitth Ir-, ýý .. - - ý. ..7,LL ý ; , ý . "' .. r., M.'n'.Y. .-ýq.,.,O.ub... l ýi11 - ..ý I . ,1. t ý . . . - >11, -ii!;.' .., è=4 - * ýé 'à 'y , .ti, . ' ý o - l îl! al 'l ý il , .Z &.. - tz,ý- ne . m. , ' - - ý ýt1': ,ý 1 ;IIý ý __iî.11., . - - . ý . ý . F-t , aita, I, , i . ýý , ýýý . . 1 - ,_ ý 11, 1.i ýý , ý .. L .ýý _* . 'Ti»hji;liýtét. tî, â rýI m ýý- , .., ý . 'l' IV _- ' ,- ' '1ýý _ýý ý ,., 1; '. ýýý - , ,., *1 1. e..* ,., . . ý - T.1.21. ý.â'â. ,:ý . ; . 'x,,I ' ze, ,., 1 ý . - -- . ý . : l ý I.. b .i, - ý, ý - - ý . . . . e ýý ': ; -0 . i-01 _ýý .-ý z', . . . . . . -1 ý,.. , Al.ý..1.1.ý, -ý.tîù.M.w. - - . .ý . ' . : . .. -P .1 . , ý ;.. -ýý . -: -% :, I....ic.v..I&.,9..l .. t lit ,cipâ. - , - , _ . ' . 1 . . . . .,ý ý.. , te : F.,ý,. _ .. . 1 1,1 1 . - km! YAxWBLlý-J . - - ý . -,-, .. ' _ , ý, - - ý:irîtc , ý 1 -1 -. - > - 1 - 1 , onni QUI"..". ý. . ý , ý - ý . - . ý 1 1 : . ý1 -l - 1 -;?et ý . .., - . - . _ ', ... ,' l '1111 . . - t. 1 -M , 1 . . . ý ; .. . . ' 1 ý ý . " . ý .- i;,:ý.Z' ý .., .. ý, .1 .. - ' #1. 1 . _. . : . ý à . . . 1 ' !.:,ý n ,,ýr= ,1 -,-ý!ýý1,1 1-ý1: -1- W'D'i .A21= a ' 5ý >. j :11;-, ý .. ý ... ý --, , e-.if.-,',' . I.,.!-. .: :.. .. 1. 1 _. 311 ý .5. ý ý . ý 1 . 1 . . . 1 . ; . ,ý - ý ., =Jý ýý..t_-+23w.==1!1. . . _ .. , . . . , '.. . ' . - ý ý . . . ý 1 J 1'. U ý7I 1ýE l ý 1 _. . . ý . . .- 1 : i _ . _ - - . 1. -.-.,. - - ý . - ., - .: 'e;ý -11, ý '_ý,_ ---- ý - 1 . i . ---ýýý ý. . q '. . ". ý_ i .ýý,ý, J., ý ..., ý - ý; ; ýý _ , ýiiý - -- _ý, 1ý._";. - ý,ýý Z+Cý-.11 i'.1 ý a ý ý . .. -1 È ýi . " ý ,; _ _ ý .1 . a .. . . -1 e . , +11 ýý. 1 ' . ý MiLTÔN, iIÉ1iURýD , -â Ë1ýE,ýjËÉ .1 ý . - .. . 1 - - ý -------------- 1 . -INADI - IN + 1 ý .+ 3, i8,>35,ý... ,: - - . 1 . . ý 1, ý, 1. . . _ . 1 ' -;'No' . 11 ý,*.ý AN ,IIAMPION ,. g y ' - .. j .. . . . . ' e r ý ý ý - :ý ý.' II 'T W- 1 -.7 Y--Unn ntl- anytiinsi ' . . 1 ' . , 1 1 . . . , . ý . ; ý ý - I.".-.ý,-ý . 1. + ,. . . . . . ýý .1 lý!nL .... KIS -.97. e - .11I" .,ý-,I-,,- a lin jhiýâ ý . ý . + . . 1- .1 - - 1 . . . . .1 - ' ' * Il 1 11, . , : il, , ' - . ý - -Jli-- b..ký,.t%ýle"..ý..,.éýý 0 06 *i r ,. ý - In ' àh, > -4:44 ï ... ýùS, frOM'ÛtS Of depression hard ta combat . ý ý .- 1 . :. ý, . GEILIS M E IGL', dicidi, li4illusànfâi biiùýau pliminantly Th ,i, 11,1:8(4 y - e oi-n l'ni , , H.NLz;, îlots ugý" .1; 31. fý - foin, . À yocilý& ý , ý ehope Of appearing fille a nw boing vital urgence, itI&*ý1h- _qaýýZIg te sang m lifting . - - -_ I X - ----- ' ------ IS* ER S . ý ..Ipýý1L.xn, TI., . , -entrante " Sb Ille. , -- .0 mau,-leùd-ýLvial, eh 1 The days glideà on, auturma lac ' 1 _ ý 1 . .heolý7 te ber Mat!vR'iwaâ auotlierinn..t Iladge provided<'àu" 'ýý,' - -AT-ý-, , 1 Bel. 1 . Il - ý . . ,ý ýmIu dýý* tu violer and: ýra ý r . vOýZ.yojp= danse. . . - . liereil she, éVèr, motive fer ber long-prplangea offail ôomm"PfIýO tefitlEiLdes- Rat- Wftýý Of 'O , ýý g came a.1 1 . 1. ý 1 .d.i.ý+ý.l,,ý,+ . $ Xýr X. V.. noir, , illité tiva in. almest-every .respect Circumstamces gatý the « ' 'nt -attention, UB nec ,.z )"ý, CO- OF'jlAlýTo-'ý,,àNTý ý '. ,!lx, a-t-O.r plil...... e-11.elt A -F.ri z c - - -,,wî, I.-f ..,..rtly'Lý A.911.1 .r«jmi.@.-b-,gl-t...«F-ý cure à Nçouid bave thought; it ab. .pi.,I.r .had--nuver developeil St 1-m'a"ýýo: eý I1ýýU câZn1.1 a Cent et Say = 111= 111 1'.11, the niellera, and they luiter'e. :: ' r ! cynxiand a lin HP,ýP,-,, or lut or al, ye . , âé,,ýr.ri ... ro - &é_ " ý v C Io. ,% in Co ' duilnti '. 1 » ý $a lacerait some lofty and impoin. . t et e nitil dreimcd..--Shé fOUmdý'hOrSeIf fU1ýN ,. , 91= cbý 1121Y th ...... yà,i,.g 4- th ti. -- --a-y ,ikht ... lu J-t 86 E.r..tý lord I.- . tIcurtrnhetcO«t I. ,, . > t . _ th lutter missives cou. a . ýý ý , , . . ý ý ---ý rýIllI il., f1rt L.7- 1ý;.q-_. ;ibldidcnl. Howashcartywholemme, tùzdng- geiteral asâr 1 in et .. by Wildumm'a POSItiOU.ý Svery . da . upout nappl f Ti",ýl,*, pue that. al] wu un Wh : . M.... .Iý!u linf_ thý -"ký.. il-,.h. Mrs. Muir was one of those latains _. £WrN--d r-.Xeý ci.l,ý. . I e1Z-ý ' « 1 nouésý and abô scom bekan ta see finit WEIL 0 r a ., ý hi wAs put' more and- _ t ý J' 0. HOUCH 1 -'. . 1 'L -= 1 Itwasinaenla-u-isodecision. Thora .. . - 1J, il p-vý*1T0x«; pliopRiEras. - ý. - . dir---.T.V. -C...A,ýýt..,,.,,., it w6ùM*be a butter and a uobler, thing who homme engrossid un ]Y r9p. . B 1 O Siva. Gentillemen ea« . + 1 . 1 - _ with thé .abusif Il O al :àiou&4i, ., 1 coula lie no monte simiens drilting and ýý-a'îhýircr -aljjioacli- ta happine2B-ta and -the present ' 1 ' ' f Inn lia* of clin socicty, and lier aitUation vue lof .- . . i Mr. %%'iLylaud . 1 1 , ;;C : ý ýR0wI1 Il= . - I» ,scores a womati w iom bc coula ticult lier elaroombe, va ,: been in who watts i tient rans, ý, :: i A&ertwag lznt - _ _ _ _ brooding. Al.telogý - -1. 1 ý . 1 * all ical traly ombarrassing, for abc boa as* . klCpught immedinte ackiniescence . Clooked talent of oi-world. ; Nat flint she ille -.Ot.b la (ll - - zýe--- .,,-, being ab-nt tw $200 OOI..ýý:,.ý. .g.7w I in tell ib4pect thau tuerely ta Win a titille afterwith ilysolici de; a t 1týG Shouid ewili %Wil Street. ofilesitë the --Th.ýP, ý7 1 II Il. 1 visitât. inviticomp * na with. thi% II 111 nit . thoprcJect;,ý%Nhich . arrnngiid II e . ý. - -a- .1 Il . ý - >ils-ýIr'.. eý in cateul il lpi _ ýtiîm as a tributo ,tki cphermèral abc vas loýrüd;rl 1 - of surreÏd .. . L . - -more %a titi m the leu, but.was =ci or talent, bulimer . et, il u - - care . letters. 11iladge 'sfrovo in . . aimez Misa Wi Il 1. . 4ca"bYt , SiMIAY czowded from thoqght and mom. suph Simple swiit,ý. -Zd-t;üïe uzi ly c ,,illIeII.l..,e. g . . ,.I, ,,,ýý,ý W- - ct 1 every possi le way ta fit herself'for the à 92 , Y-.In ...,li ,tnt. .1 .1thl. ... ', . F arin eÈs.i I1ýýc.;IDI.Irio, ý - -coule[, cry by swarais or little cares. Shé Ivas G+ a . Iaý Y * the traineil pro. She ut hi the Iciat ailuoyëa ci,, ,"..t.6 P.1,1, 1 ý - . AN.,. I.. .,.r t . 1. dIII. tir , , dath týh+q.FOUI.l attain i;ezùiiyýit abc -or 1,;ýâ i;U. M e.etud ai. of th. -Y;mmmborýof alitent âud c-idiii,'t . ci 1. OU P t . . .t ý . ý 4- tà ânb, ,> 'l..,ý,lI,, n Il :ýi..g,«. - . . . sEE TiRE 1 . - f.1tl.ý, .,ýfýi. ., Cèliâ. aym ter 't'h rl.urý tonca was th, cf mina ý en a chamailler. 1 She, 1111t's a vonderful alinatè,' Maage terni . . Il I I il. .'Il e t pendage, flic - acting weâ, and-ber nieller vus satisfied. f BMI. - L' ' "" ý - I-' ý i olives, aurp,ýéhe wu -Uproachitià;i .. :ý 1 T a ' . ' " ,.Ili .ýIi.. 01 . -'t 1 , .et dive 'onof*Ler oughts, flic prospect 2" '" ' ý - -,---ý - R . !s,,ýI ' ýý il ý _1.1 ,, t e 'Vite Smetana ta hinx weakneffl itscif, writes*," )the would say".«ab aveu and LýýJio--= nâ ýâ th > . - b '- -a period when sbepropôs ta surrenq ;?ES 9 F AP LIER Tielivo. tte.11S021 ýZ-; *.B inaor hyl.,.]"."3. ' . . 1 LL +1 . . of " tliàuec ivyfor action. lu v kilo ta suggest oýcntuaIly that a . t 080.1w, 6.lisWhe - ý . . ý u lie th.., Il pro eu aile croit subis. .Maage acescilli ta n. 1-11-ait ý on ý ko cela as aile timulatédiçi lippe. *At thé'larai notiiil %vith-groat*diàcretionbut-tbo whoin.-i , il- ý --,:- - '. , O filait phase 'cf. stren.-thýwomau'a diu bars, =a can go out nearly.6very. + in 1 ,>"ý'Ill'iý;ý.'.'ý:.:.:.:-..-.:-:: . . : 0 Ordérlng:,Any Other. . 12-111il.4 Overy ) bé thë,fagt, .ýýýI.'l ý 40 fi Ta. > 'Ès solicitude. for rite 0 + . 1 ý -aff-ý conversation ceased. mot a settletta point ý. , . 1, 1 _- . - . patieb; and fortituti ... 1 ý ý ý dey. -Perliapswe ouglit.tobýomertt( 1 il .., .:. ..45.00 for . kw,;Ii Io ,,ai. young Il réalixedmore fully + Evenffl quicil * tlýà werce impressed , Mâago vas beginuing tâ'make victi 1 - "'*** .................. 30.00 _ . ý . 1 .Llý, .dlýý'ill'. IL-1t IctRIti net bu au ,ý ; __ . _ iii.ý.tl.y."t-. that Bh6-v4u - ' ' - aIJrDý r Ab . .....,.. 1101É, ,,a ý 8 m .9l if èc ... '19C., - - '. il.. , - ý ihr1-ý -,v,,,,ý;,,,,1ý.,, *,ni,, 1 , .... m 1 ýc'? Il- è!ÏC'6'diibiLik, i il -9',ifèe " . .. le, bjîIý îiîîîâ£â th t White __gel- qË ait- iù&doýjJlfena hy« W iyl %; ... ilit. . ,r ýýýde ,day bowinuelrtlopencled-upob!bur latin. , e, * - tô'Uve - thora * cattleya, Brune ]curé vri ' tCme,ý which'totte tffh,,. wasi sud thosil I.. «*:*.«.:ý ......... ý- ...... MOI 1 . Piorentýït,,ytiti'fle.- ,la,., 1 tt If entonna to ber filet thora coula ha no .Ir trven menthe. nul purposes ournuddin changes, abc could'a ' oze.. ha ;ý".-.-."* SEND FO li TFSTI rdDNIÀLS. -I!, 'In'ýý'j'r':ý. "'f'y ',- rc',',-nc .ý-,g carcelY pleasing the Oui. - ý 1 1 ' ad ta admit ta the Y,... ................. ioo 1 --. ýý, ,,:ý','ti-I. f..u " citer niiefo'rtune thau wbecome sa ,,icre (lie restait of HI , liait culiscious lied ut ait." ý . During the long or that follow. "vos bilait elle vas aboutit as eIusivo . c I .'i ..., . ý,-,,.,.-.II, I t- - C. .4 .... II.; ........ _... ý ........ le.00 IrRenietnbt-r the ',iiCJI,,ýiI FýIllnixg ,,,":ý,,!.,,,,ý;yl".",ý,,,,,, *lu ýI,_ ch't', .... 1'...,.11: 111 again flint in lielplessncss abc muet 'With the kindilest inton ' ed lier first violer in:Santa. ý ý . -, . ilt, tlin.. A!I "r Iýnn -- I, à --m. gondly ' .Iý .. . * ,rowth. Riglit, brave action produced tiens Graydon ý Barbara the si spirit of the air.' II ý ,**«** .... .......... ý.Io.oQ Flinuing iliiii je il,, il,ét. . 1 r 1: ý avait Gra, cienla iieturn. The.rofore, right feeling, and. thora arc fuir betteF hall souglit ta initiate a vigorouq carres. ye ........... . 1 .ily r, . Bible town sank tube .. . .... .15.00 ý + -. -;- r Clary latin t of initial every power of ýý. 6 ...ý,ýtlý.,......::::.ý::.:.......10.00 J. Ir.. MITCIIEL1ý 1 'i; ... -11-WIL111.15,I,ý L !.".' , c ý ,'.' i 7..ý".,;,.». :natal toute.% than developing bealth. pondeuce. Ho lied learned viith ira. sermi.borpid statu. ' in the sprint; visitors ýtO the lieu 1 1 11, ý,,ý;,tiýllt,-!.ý,ý...."."ý."...ý;ý1't, .'i . - S isap 1. .With mancycf rescort, ruturning -ta the ý East, Il , C.!ý. of te. li'..ý- or le... $5.00 I.ý, . 1 . AIl£.NT, ' 1-11 -o-liei -'e 1'l'--tilý',Z1 l c-*',',':.,-' !A .-_ ; se r hifflier, and moié unsollish thonghts. through change of maldonne, and ho fait the the a ont r ta ta 'Vý"' "ý" , 'l. 1: t -tibi, pýur Os O ý while lier farnivell ta lier v P ment _ý_ 1 body, w a Leil *tIt accomplisla« lier Mfth richer, botter blood Came truer, monse relief of Madge's improvement 9 * . DITS ..r.,IIi",;.... Fujl 1.ý,,,[ý,It.., ,,,,,,.,,,, Il Milt f . sin abject of languira effort. fascination, and acýomplieliments. Th "-l.,f IIîiý. f. L. ,,ýk..ý,l 1.). th. .I.le . 1 . .. en, Ont 111.t 1- I....,ý,ý.ýý.1.ý.ý,ý,ý'I.Iýl)..ý,.t.,.,,,;,ý,.ý-ý sister d3ir., uirwasteuderand full .iliu«found that sho coula net ouly1ive, that a suries of jolly littcrs miglit riring 0 ý e conclud -1-1 I;Y. ý,-,,I-r --,I[I.N"..P.ýi. 1 1 jýL I,ýe,ý. L)ti. ý .1,1.;.. Adlý.,. siret.- & . ,;a the Sceller, brought varind veto a littlé pzizzled, ha. .I,;".t. 'ti U...nt ýý-,,,.i.1ýti.,i. ici. , . 1 of gratitude, the coiisclottsness Of OSCRPe bot that vignrousi ii-cil-directed lire la aid and liopolulcus. lier ronfleuses h P .qId professor VýI.. 1-i.'ti..d. Deuil, 1 . op if lie vre filet Madge :lied a ad wellAi . i'.-I.Io,.htrlgý ",.!.,rlillglý'. . il. - - ---- ý . , , and wern'Il . ý:l.;4.,.". ;c ' n nos uppermout in lier mind. Anclileriyinitselfeni(j3*uiL-iit. ItwasaýICa'âuro %rein net very encouragitijt, however, or Omunh à -hie' me. ,White ai, ira rendezvous of ilivall'eur ý . .. :1 le, J 111% 1 .... j;.4..I"ý.'ti.e..ý".t,ý"."ýtl" - 1-U T i. IM Soientifie Amet-ic ; ta San Francisco, and in flint dity- Mr, It' - II..,ýý +".il .tilt hi, ý ,î 1.,tý!-Ilýlý1.1 friendaf Ur..Muir voilà lie h.eý escort ,C ýI-tIie thct laire, balmy air, Ivan and business carcs, with the novolty of 'Blept allô rend and atudi&l. ' The boat, tobelieve blet abc wasi niuéli-bott . *0 (717 -.vh,,ii rec.iiiiiig in a cartilage orasail. foreign lire, ipiadually absorbed l'il.. Wa .. 1 bis tompicied by the valet Pacifie, vas never Prudent Mrs.' liluir'n-lote, howiv ý :iýl \".tr«lý... il," ".4jý.-t .If vrI.M. 1. t. , 1 - _. . 71., ,,,-,,t 1-1-uhl, %%'EFIZI.I'.",ýýi,,I--, .I.-V 'tii.1 aland vas ta nicet bar. ý boat'-aud a., cilla gained strcn;,tli suffi" thqughts and fine outil correspondance'J-tý,;:.11Ii1,.Yý 1 _ht ;;r ...y 1 ... 110-hi.l. , . . iý. .;..I...,"... .ýý,ý... ý 1 - . , rrived safely nt ber faci-clistant eient for Crercia', * silo Soou"' I)Ccam . . the air lied a ý Titality ýtIjat --Do net th Iii.".."f.,.Iý'-I.lýt I...;!."ý.1,1ý., ' :- a a died. * - it.,a .d.nust=t aid ta lier contrèclling 1 May. Then ,Wu aboli 'sosie go tu b , , EACH PLUG OF -,, ,l;:ý, Il ----iý --, i ... I.ti...... %, ,.. -.,ýI. honte, fruatly worh al a cxlinusted awarb of flic Illich Physical crotteras thaï -11t's the old story," lie thouglit, ivith monul This viiill 1)2 vàiotherclIiiuï - . ý Il 1 . . ý , , h 'l - - i Ideed, t Calin in ' . ,,,iu lý't'.'..I' - ý;.:ý';â;:i ....i . ý, Il,,ttiý,,t A..,.ý . ý,,ýý,ý*:"""ý*,ý..:",ý»,:"ýiý,ý, t II . In flic imorce g,,Hlio rode or l"'.1. -1"ý"I " 1 JHE . . ýý . , . mind frOm a Balise Irait tipon il. Sio-.,>Iv et ficist, bat ivith a ghaCe DE irritation. mot vu le 1.2 ",;".,ý,,es, I., 1, --the 1 . ..ri,.(ý."..ý, ..«,,ýiti.i...,* of security., Moi. Wayland grected lier . . . . ý il ci,>, ._ . . Vlh .It::ýzý!.ýýI - -, . -le, . t ..LotWm case Il Saline terre of exercimb in a âhauge iuvour case; %-on linô%v7, Il 0 ;. " .,..I ,,-Iýiý-li wi Ii.ý,_.; ýh-!;ý"'.,*;"- 1 . inerL.M.Il, Ili'peins, dite atl%-àuce(l cffortaufl aile Je no, bleui ta effort, or ivhich elle knew Graydon ta bc priori. pa'r'oreclsobenificial! ý%'èexpect(,.-+- ,,,7,,,,,. ý 2 0 . % vicia lier oi(I-iime coýdialit%-, and gare ;la r.r.-.ý-it ýýi,.ýl.I,,..t 1,.>.-,ti,,.. . à ! clýýý't.tý ... ... ý.le.,l .... ... nov "l.ý;:;ý:ll 1 ý.rA1.,Iî- .'Ira la tira of - Toit ".":ý".,. .,ý.,.:tý i,',.,ýt,.It 7 fflivard hoilli.h. thé. conditiorl of ait thinks caca ta net." . 1 Il lier aceau don sono. . icler bltl,,. 6.1, tý, .IIII c..,iiiig,.. = 1,ýý;ril1 . X VY . ' le - . m have Scen, Madge ut il + . . ý ý 1 Il 1 artily totbe tuait of rallying ý,BUu ,lit client, an(l.qbà rail misse .'l "tl.,.. . i"IN lýl,-,-ý,.t. p- Il.,. L 1 1". .-Lîýý ....... fu.,.Iý va,'. incliftz: Shontiastexclia ,,palier If lie coula bath. Such bouillit waý eh ', Il I -, .;,. -,ý TIC . .a acqtttHng abrasa, and lias Ba êrrangea. the titi -,; ý,lIýyýi.*,t.,l ..... . . ... 1 "..!.[ : , ,ý , ' r1 I.1ý'.1.1;Iý1c1. , .4..Iýt I.ý .11 ,ý iý.ii7 ;ý. 1 girl làto bouilli. . turriage for tt sýldle-liorsd. - « moment riding lilla the vina on a finit it vas b coming a joy in itgelf.: As unes tbat a coufidan't**al Clark. eau ta . . . 1'-,-.-.ýl.-..';-,.::,Ilt:,.ý,ýl,,.,,+.N.%'. Doriot, flic! clays of absollite Test 'Mr. Waylaud hall cite IL ta in which xpirited balise ha venta have beau more 1 ý ý +11 .. iý:.11I;-. .,t..., I-z'. A11 filM IlIýý:tiý.i., + ý .1-11111- ci" l"" 1 -hich Î -éd file journey, Madge' ,- i ira ùill mot ýliare,-a Ia'vzifor liorýc-'amtouisli&l thau by any of the wonders with ait earmenteonstant natures, IlJXV0 Il H pelace ' ý ý - , . , 1 ý , li', ý- i.,.[.ýli,ý,,t 1",..Iti.,I... , AfENI 3 Il ........ tI,.,..,ýI, %,,',I;ý" m allait .. . ever, lier supremo motive gl stronger Madge ý1 .,ý.I"1».,!y .I-'ý,.N .Ie'Y ..ýe t', - , . l smileddnýl siglied. Thût( . ýý 1 î1toufflits ivtrebusy.. Tho witlth of th -4 II -fil( - 1-I...h.., i.ý.i.,t, th.-'l'. :,ac!tc-xei-ciýo,,,-Iiiel,; lctû,ivttsoùeof of the old world. with tente. ý. . + 1 nflier.patientýenduavor;%-viii about li'.1,. .,.,L 0'idit. - ,-h. .1 ' - ' . . , 't....Zýl),Iill+ý.I..,ý.I.I.;ý,-I, 1"..[..,I,ýl ... -- ha.. 1 continent woula àcliarate lier front ,lit- Chier characteri,-ties of the commin- 1 Ta Mazlào hie luttera warci si source of In Aù,u.4tslie recoivea tiaings.front Came. . i ý - l, ... ý,:,ý,,.-N*.,]..I"lýý-ilil.ýý.'t.,1.1. !.ýII.Iii - . ,ý II ,;:.lli,ýI -p'.1 ý...-ll bila - flic East chat le ClLiýrEn-- vi ý 1 J'.1, 1, . I:,,,"ý,ýcý1-.1 . -c ... 1.i-i-li.-.,I-ýi.ý,týri P t and thOsd assOciated vitIl iL Il tic Iity. Madge - IiiItl%%* that Gi-a)ilan ivas minffled. pain and pleastire, but thé for. - caused inuli Sale Mille ..Z..Ilýý1.1.1,"..ý.!I.tti'....]ýtý.'l . 'T à - & - B ,,, . .ý . . ý. 1. ..,I;,ý1,1...: ,,aý-::ý1.,1,.'i ,,,ý:.ýl, ý, (:"l'y. breadtli of the t* en and . .,,!.ýtre,::c1) ( In évery fine tlIcy -lied Tact. s::vni-r Ot' miUýTT. - ý . 0 . -Z . 0 - fond et a gond hors.. and nier lire oncinftted. 1.,.t..It,.ý.,.tiýýýl.ýiýý.;:til..,ý.,;. . . ri;:IýI,..%.,.I.-:i.ý..."i'. ,..Ili illi.-Z I , 1 glopression'. Grayflou hall retiti t . 1 .: *', ocepn were botween tir i il Ili -. m"S .-...1-..-hl,.iý.!,'ý?ý i'.; .1 a ive% a er"liat lia rode sitl.crbl% Ta wcomc hie breathed au affection which coula nover for Tic visit, cul joencti'ý%lr.and Mr. aud,21ru. Yi7a-.-lan'è. liait liemr 1 . ý ý fins. 1,ýý,ý,,ý'*.+'ý'i'ý,ý!:Iý.,!;:ýý.,.,ý,ý .+.,ý'.1ýi. I-.,..ýI:lu'I, . . b i .- IN BWINY.F I.M. 0 Io lit . . jeqltal tl.ert,,Ort,« in t1cils Tes ;et %vos aile etisfy. Côldness* ai in(ririt-renec coula Mrs. '-'nie alla iitimside fim* --A 31boi igo toast, they ý%-èrL*+ti P...ý-,. II .ý, I."e . rose orlinag . titi . m this .loi rite Chier drenuis of o ambition. !lot have sa assureil'lier- tliat ]:or lave %Vildmi-re la etayifig belle,"'lier = zv;uran ta Mat . ý]L e àýa l. * ýý IE - "lý't';;!ýr,,,;:.,;,-,,,,ýýl«,ýý1.1ýý;rýl,,,,,«.«,:;,;,.,,,.,;,,,"ý1.11,ý:;ý. II '.. . - - _ Cý i 'a Or -a of te -lien shÙ sat more reaily ta fiston ta fini sOIicitaîii ,ý . .. . ýNO.N.-. ûÎHER GENUIN .1 i..t..,: ;,.1lIý)I' '. I.I $.!.I.ýIIýI..x 1,.I,.,.ts ýýl".ý;a.I: . ri a îug ile-q Monte - fi, was with illino4t; a suit.% cror was liolicies.4; ana NI . clown sister ivrati, "and, somawliat. ta Mr. filet thov aboutit accomr =y lier à 0 1 1 1 iý . . 1 1 . ---,ý..""Z,.. 11; .... 1.1ý,.".ý.., J"r.,i ... a 1 i. ýi ý' notlil .. a la net a O filet til:Lt aile iijonntcd at first, but Mr. Way. ta ralilýý the language of bar heurt was Muieg disapproval, Graydou Beurrai net - ý '* ery fille 11 . - ý- -----ý- ý 1 . ý z 25. ý1-.d n'.11. 1..t.";i.; ,.I.,:,I.....[ tlýý,ýiglI iI.Iný. . Ci, oui . lie c ut couécive of no irna,-. lier limrse. vins sa unlilic fliat %%,ij!cÏi abc must %vrilla as ly ý%-ell.aetjii.tintéc . 1 %vith lier but titi. sud visit t3teir old hautit8. ëM. I..itiýtIl il 1.1 .SýiI...ti:i, iI,ý,-,I.-: ... tý.ý. 'rhý of lire filet Ilift iln ut, yet fille foi , alcali rettirit ýi-iili ybu," i ara the youi Il. I-ý'r.jr ll.,,Ii.,gý T.I...,.ýý..,(iMI.1 "- ---- __ '_ .. . --..-- . .1 1 0 0 .,iily 1)»criiiit-td tu'ivalk, and Blie miss m malle -lier feel ahimit guilty.of do-> ,0,u.4,iiiiiý- frienaly. Il-'T. MÙili m"> tIU t if -. ý .t 11.11. 3IUtý., ý. 1'.1I.c.-,.".r ,,Iý-li . ,,ý., W.- 1 ....ýýi I'V'd, filet slip muet liav Soinc abject ta 1. 1 ce - ;, . ,i. 1, 1, .,.Ilýl..",., .; ... 1 ýIt l'. lý ', """ ,ýý ,t,ýl..1;:.,,I1ý.uý - w -14. t , ,,,ý*;l,1.,, Wntý ' .0 .ý:tli-u c.7 as sono as slip iras vrcary. filocil ilbeeptioli. Corrospoudon ,irl, and malio Santa Bâilbaru à .. - ý ýj ý -Al V ÏTIVI.S L O A IMý ;.,.,ý ,.,.Ilt;,.&U"..I)III,,Sj.ýI!, l'où tu rhtI., I..., """"" "' , 111:1.1 'miest. forward ta, ' ni motive bels li!:e lier fablier, site là a -specu. honjo.,, - -1 .. .1-1- "N .- .. ý -, ,;:ý;[ Ilý.ý,11ýý'..,:"ý Y,.,L.. The Spirit abc Il recentIv shown' ' . ]star;' aud front tbe attention allé re. This. iudoca vins. 1 nu ait ., fer action. -',,tc.!,Ie:ccu incrcqscl rapidly, nuit even. malle him too viýidly présent, nul] abc ' ' ter -il ý ý . =- . * _ _ . 1 . . 1 - . .- - _. ý- - ý. . lu ,canin "0",e..,-.IId vas 'learitiu,,, that afin lied the piciver, ceires and - the way site reccives it one ilafcat await lier. Silo Il m becotuà'i e.%ýt. 11-11ýitýý. t!.tù.ty (:,..,ýi..ýII." ý' lý.,;..,; W thýrt 1..t 141h.t..- .f.d: In - - __ _- - __ taking 60 decisive a srtcep , -ell ber ta .,L-CjI'!8.4.' "The beanli -was lihu a linicoth; mot Of forgettim, 11111, but of 80 OL'IU wonhi think Jiu was righÉ .firayllon . .: ý = 8 a latent f Character of :ianl-lýi!ili sud liefore flic hnuincer waq iug lier mina ivith tasks for lits ýý,lý..".Yý , tacbed ta flic seUdu tbm'hi na we dWý . 1 ý - 1 . 1. . . . 1 g - iiiiig.". - fhe Duiviepiuli organsil . u Elle herricif lied net becu cousec* liver hltu thotellit liltle' of.:% g%1101) Of te ILILLIiIl sercuity:. ý ho days, %vers made il 1 ý ! ý ý ï-d Piailo L. . howev'r, .4eI!tiý ta lin lier favorite, and ait pIýccî9 that wituems thdsàul'îd00ýý ... ,. ---- . if lie coula imicain long enough it is mit a criences aud - boat àcliiuveizié ",a"" "'O > II , ýx ,. ý . a 5 She vanta net ait clown tu dreant zen,.%Vitll'i!gu brenth of rit. Pacific allort bv efforts or NvIiieli lie duemed lier 1z Gifti, . . - 1) au . - %vliat mi,-ht . Il 1 ai ... ý I-r -1 N..klot,, . â nit brood iway the future. Silo coula finui, « hua Icarmid there th harle foi[t] ..!111.i" . 111ýtil li»Irll'! «1;,ýI ýI .1,;,",!ý,1_C.I ,,,,.ý+, . ,Ilcrcllcek. ý%"IlenMr.Wayland incaIiaýle, and wcariness broujillit resÏ bord ta ý liaielicii. But ý. ý r P, %%*,.» 'f1 el ý _. never boita forGraydon .ýluir'.% love. Ira .i.cq)%e %%-!lit his %vite Up throtigli 211isuion lit niglit. Du- %vlien mlle Bat delle with une îs a ' giairit flotte and a coquette top, liblilest of « carth'a Il ; Fille &?eilbvl . . - . . I ehotihil imagine, as she lias, a largo ti;at silo coula live there a Serons, qhii .. .. .. - _... _ . -"--- - - _ - l ý1 FiO.Leta. vanta soon returu ta New York, and soif flot 8-ýrins canons, or ciglit toiles iicr peu, coufrontivig bien End-not what 1 Folloming ta turu ally giri*s hantai tInselli.11 lire, ber secret still unkno'w 1.ýLI0LM .f. ELLIOU. ' (;.14 . Z.-T., - . flic face flint '7%Iisa.1l'iltliucrer or any ., __ -- . %vay tu flic crilui4itely licailtiful Bart. site iiiii, lier heurt Bon,, enoug son-lit tu lie for 1: . I doli't wriuller ut it either, for elle lis should il lie lier rate.- 1 . , 1 ýýý - ,,'Ù .-> 1 te Ilis -4111ý iutt Cation anci the Jiico adjacent 1 1 le %vas ton' iicar aàiI'L'ear, yet foc te- .. . . Barrinter., ,te. - 1 1 Soif Silver Nilt cýù r _- trooch. alliez, girl would romain c'th . * , . flic iiiot'ýIoveIy cl.catiirc 1 oi-ersaiv;iýàà The old (icrùian protessor'wdqialmd . 1 . cha* 1- Me'ý,,-, ý was proposterotis. Yet ý. . . oc., , c-_-...ý .. . _ - ['9110 lired she +mnches. %ho accoixiiiiinied rhum oit toute, aveu for haine. . 3iôt slioil&cn*i iliahe il plcasaÙt inclirea- W.-art-bialion ab fini dellaiture., "Is î ý.I!: )Iilt.g"t)lct. ' ýý ý . . c èý_ý.""9_ '. - . .. - " ,--,. ýi.-First docw .Aýt of Datik. & c. __ imist-mect Graydon again, ana blie iiow i,,,,,Ial:. Aý Site il .hed, g lia t 1 - ta, ionaver, tho mas% Binai cri nie. Tho . weh are juC wildalvays. fièt', lia said:* t-vou mille1livi 1 ýý . ý ., ý - felt filial; elle volitif live The dcci.ion itate palais, and '.in.c.gli le-mon and batlllýylsO'ell"Iloiýýill"'t.141, and altIlOUý'Il 'aile hall about hoi. Mr. '%Itiir+lna!c-.i à4L-.%üco râ v" settledon soiàLIllie,'dén I lo.iolit' .Ili llol..11. J.ýv.ELLID'n, B.A. Ahi'.. Ir,,.ýt.,ý!,41.rNi..L..[;ýi;.I,.%I,,.ý,.ýý, tl.,k«, bel toal)l)carsenii. ofttu assured lierself that El;ý lied never Graydozi'zi devotion, end leilitters's)ýe-ti- hut site Tt . . l'il-_ I..,ý-e,-, 13,.ý,ýý, Il ... 1; 1*- Il site bel ir-aiiifwtcd et flic crises of lier assurod film by saïlug'pi . ., .,;!..ýý. . . . . . . . 1ý_ - 1- . lire vos kindling lier nature. Sho waa "r",«" 'C'_9 "'O Site aise bernicle IlIr. entertainvil it tir hall nuy rLaoi ta do ý,licài Vis* ýVilliiie.rc*s sintciC la thero vas no cortainty that a le NVOU ----- - ý 'l 1 _ . . . . ý ý ý ý;"..I . ý . - . .. . conscions of a grom g incIfiiation ta . I m :, ; , U;' -:.t. ý . ýý ._ý-_ - .1 - -lu, tri iou on hie botanizim, .a, almost beftre site vas ovaire abc Inentioneil. Graydon râurnstnEure1)ý,notrûturn. - ý- 1: ,H8 & MACADAMS". 1 .1 ý i __ Prova ta Graydon filial; sho vins mâlier ,ýýl>,..,ý..ý,ý."!ý..ý'I'ý.,ý.'.,ý,ý.ýI.&L-r stops anio«ug tIIý luttait it ,rnwiti,, ici lier heurt. Businesa Mary Muir vas - sa oý .pj TI,ý,i,'ýIý.tW,.:; 1-11 i...ý.,.,.l ,lill 4-11,41 .- - 1 -1 ,..,ý,,IIiti...., .lit 1 uexti%-tých-. lie irciplires Orteil alter yed, crýýi.eImccl iý1 t.,ý S"!i..;Iý". ül ii,,.ý;"",,.e, c"Illi .."ýril.r,ý,;,I.,.ýý-.,s,,ý,-ilý,11ýl.%I-lý-,-ý- *4-0Y «- i .1 - . -wcah nýrlackaclaiseal." 'rite roitroacli ,,),,iiý ne file font.ilifis and In file nippon litill 1- P ',]-..vlôu Ahicad; althotiqIl a a -cistilius matin nie fecl flint lir.btonishment that al.* first .Site Sc2îýè - .; ' ý ý I« - - anuteil Iiýr anýf .if 113o nintintaiÙs grow sortir, Il.-liter, car a( a-' ut( ]lis lie -oit and wIIaý ,.ý.,.ý.t ,...,.vý.ýe...,. ý .1 .... ý - _. __ _- _. +__ r- . . .= - ... . . 1 of these, Iiis wordB, fi. . ; ' don'tknnw Clic niticli a lent % . rutuinedý)ladý,o't;wartituýabÉawe ISI il . lire iltl%ý,(iarip.(I. mill.... ll,.,,.!ii,,,, ýl'.1 1 .... .. .ý..-fiAY z- _- raiil4ed in lier mernurv. If site rouhi ;Illa m - color stoici juto ý 'i 8 21.a., . :O as pressing bis suit yoinredoiug.a4b.1 aboula: -Yoitý%"Itnoxpectedtofiiilbéraiý.Loriiiucbs'ýng only rnake film re:iVect lier-if site c-luld ber f m-li'z'a à toit lire feint lier dark ca' . .s'nýVc , a aý( and butter; but thi,;'.l -1ý ce, onr licroinc's ,,, '...t.c P- CTO to l e B iitchart - M .zo, il Ofu bat Boulotte%%, you Secm Venera in rztdiant,.beàutif .,I ý..,- I.r 1,ýt;."ýt.«' ' -) , ý...ý - - e . , "ýi. -c'l a 10t)IZ al nIlinirrtzIOU 11.4 ay's wlien atiiiiI.tteti. .ý.irý. ,,ýyI..Id ir r ana the cycs, of others licil ta Il %v- ý thall bmBCif.ý .. : Ili-, te .. 1- . A., 1 1. .%",ýl-.i.ý - . - ; - - . alto liait Beau lipoil his face IVIWC 113 1'.1,"l Co vvith le.-reziniag cieli'i't, aud 11h, girl, hall a fana ýý . Il be tbat ýth0 col ..dent ,elle woola more seuse2 thau ébe. . L suppose, a ballet 1 ' -.1ý,ýg-Ag- ý ý -.110 hi 1 . 1 ý , j g vz-ry lienulci. net nov bestow a g:auco sa cela and ill. over, youarr rcall*iig,ýti Canal, ana jusb vas ,dia the shallowy-ý..- .. - ý. - .. ý - - - - - -roi: v.ýt*it , ý 1 , , 111. trac; reco,ý,iiizect Miss Wiliiiiiere ut the tisotifflit, --Sll.-. is gr(i%,-i - reziture %% ýi. Pn ,;(;ri.,. - 'L'c..t ___ ý ý 11.1011;V.41 loi.. 1 wziwhci if .tic, Iz ci il. ý m -4 . pýrtý-, lit wntild lie a tritiniffli in '. it? " diffel nà ta meurt, l'Yeu en. bu ... L a ý . .e loating mien-, zlovvn*trccm vith bilait. gono nway with wh t seq'ti.ed a forla ý. M- - - Well, no lit:, ,tir, dear. Yeu ivrite ticat liopo ? Site held Madillio oit and look( _= . ýý 1 ý r 111 ý a new l'faix. a lie%,- tilt t ludeud Sha kilo" it woll. .'V'-*Ilat tliingtoliiiiiortoanyciie." '.%Iorcover, - - -.Vra nt lier, site drow or ta la *Carrer ici liýit,,,- - ý(1A,- .Ç.1-ý ý (M-M:Bc iz = = 1--.Ids . il . , ' ý u are liettcr ana Etrongil - nul Il il . . - _ -5, il;2 L' M ,.- _.- - do= Iil end llt:ciLlcie the iujiratiüüý y u,:,i, ,!VIr.ýýo(.SIliot? ]lut MiIl,-ý lI..'il MIS'. %Vjli,,C"*, ,,,ctetl beaut). luit-lit yo 111 ý N*ýýcTI IX - Oxy. 1 ý .., noù tiv. ,m t.,I'Il , . . ý. M .r.%,F-.-. ,ý - z' - olt-ercittl-,»t:l cotas' 1, théri exclairmi il - - . l of . S'Ile fistencil lin W.ýtrieclly èlw h etil ý -. Oicu sa attractive woUld no more of youi loolind et lier acaii - . . . . . - . Ml ýVnylatiil Iciaied how site let.l* -on. before Gr on ... I.-I ý ý .1 . ' av, 'a O' w"i'i" lir" , Provo an aJIý ayd DU mica. speuc nest suinnier witli tiýý! -This Je - a initial 'n, . ' « , 1 :1 1, I.- lit. litiý-'t ýt--Vý' of + - . . ! ' ' nu& dreani. lu'tlie medii; bc songlit, iierli3ps vi uta tell Inn ?". ý. *. > t, t st . rat. . ;,,iilýtý-tu lu th, tiiiiý.'l th. fille of fier, cl,ý.,2;1., %-itýl:it.i.i Il al 1 il, ter bain physician aiid'I1-- forcent, ana cý-sencc ,nliglit, c'Il if VOU ILLVe te g. back ta Sa> 1 -ou." 1 - à ý -!z - 'l'i",.ite W ...Il . , , ' - 1 Barbard in the %violer;" Ô. - ,,.',,Ii.y"., .*I'itc.,.,Izy. .Cvýc!ýîl111I11ý.ý1'!-r 1 8 ire I)o.ffl.d.ý- .Iti âli. Tfius MaIlge gained rite L-11eliz. O* vol.wiellicil ta SurpriW 3 .1 'C.oi,,'.Iectionerydý Foreibn Frulb 1 th' 1"«;"t -'I "Iýýt c tho ympt-illit; CIOÉ013*. Silo Il Iiiiiitlint ]lis riicaid bad boom Neitlier flic nliort-iI,.Es Oi his vitUt DOT rite filet 1 was better.", i 'i ý . . . 1 1 .: 1 E!zt-:-. 2:= C-.,.- 1=2ti tc a:, %:llir!. iý2 -C.-Il , ol;". -.4 .ý;".ri'-ueI-.1 Litd. 1, I:Ltl. know well vice beauty NI . ration. ý.I; .il 1 ý ý . , ix ,rLo-,%. * « « 'Il -d Iýj:;Ig,;:1ýà1 .1ý ýl,ý,ýýl,.I,-ý:,ý1.1%.ý..ýlý-li.l.ý 1 . ý th weit cietten tC.i.It"è.L ; . . - -.ý ý ýý I.I.. ýý . lc-. .to ..z;-,I.' ta ic.,i";..,! hez .il iffler Te.. Vivid fancY IVOIII(l Et aDY finie rcclll.Mad,ýc WOUI(l nob bninclincti tO fille a fascinations of Mi-lis Wildinera, preý ý -ýThiâ in noti butter; il; !S. best, - LIIIi, 1-ýi' b'.!.11;:tl....I-i, . , , ,i:.,t:,.. 'l'i'ce;:I..,.Iýl,,;i,ýlitLýIllis.4 Wildincre as a li%,iug PrLsuilcc;,well of one wlio liailbroufflittoclinel Un 'cote(' Gray ()m ira il .. . a in ivriting .)Iztl-,o a yon bave giown 80 > pretty, y( 1- . - _ .. li.g .. 1.1 . î%2. A .W et IIý4.e 1:.,!Ibltl. . _ I. .1 .1 , ý . ,+ .. 1 . . 1; M M,* ýi,.-I- . II, M. ý":"." lf 'l 1 'D, tl,,.o.,,,.,,;tlierofiire her.standaril was 8.6ii.s. . :. il,.,ilit.lý,.I 1,i-.,i . . '. '1*' * . ýüxzeèdiIIglY - exporience ficto lier lire; but; preindice travel-st'.hý,týl CI.Vat[ liny ý roi% __ 'Î. » , cordial note full of regrêt t1ilielie iiliýuiild Ilige, balle b th ;-O " ý ý 1 ý 0ý-ýýa . i.i:!,:cit :ur ta iio n:.Iju.%t Co. ', 1 FLOIVEIÙ3 ana PLANTS IV. - s-- ýI--c-re...ý !r Un 1 high, and site %%-atelictl lier Ltliroiwli ta part, Il Society girl hall given avi- mot sce'her. «-yoil have lalleed.'* lie wcat, too, fou . .ý > Liltz 1 DLAW & -Ilitc&l av( lit as ta a distant and engerly qougliVa a 1 bc'. your journeyl What wili Dot litifii ý .1 ,iýtý,.ý & :ý..I;clu,ý. « M. ý ... ýI.ýý.,, 1'.I....- '. ý ..... . 1 -i ct,.[!,,.It.1 qi.,lit, . 0 ... z, I-- M'Il..t. ,,-,,,i-lI to guolit inach th', .'tra gerol goal Otlier Ores gave assurance that iligil. 1-iven ý Grayâoi.. in bis allusions, Cal,,or. NVIcI a slie %Va% well __ .I SQUARE-AND UPR:CHT ;IANOS ,!.!r.rý":I,'!.izt! leïeviil (lay "Ile ex douce of a type ét, ivoinaubood mot very 'V'l "Vau'+sllccl ""Ca ghost, nt - BILY ? 1 ab . .1 -ai ý hùl'. !al 11-li, 3; %%*,,I- , _ --ty . -Cr%-tliin,, fil file 1 Own -ivero. mot deéeivint, bel ..,I,..I.. ' ý ý Z- MnII-rý. s::Iý,II, il hd f-ir illutmtdu cet . , :I'! t.).,vit; ter . 'l'lie hall stiggotetl a character repulsiva ta Y' ana à hall silice I - bave 2i ' ' Il * . Mr .CUý you. Surely Doit, yoit necil not go bâeý ' . ý . -- ý , Iýý:;!* ' 'i t,,-ý ' Add"i ,Zlc'I.0% . - 4uiëüý ::: , te, E;.t. Eul.lite ICFCREA>.1 1.1 Sýl=AS0&ý. : . ' -; 1-.*--I-.Ii-g- 1 _ý . DU.ýl:Nl').,: lli:t;A.N* Alat i-i.%No comiuNir. . ifis i,,.,t.6,il. yver ni-c; ciz(jrvutiiif. The rat bu .. .. , !. I0',ý'. , !;,il , 1'. 1 fi __ý briller a a. lindgie.ý' X wbinan 1-R.4 baril ta capture 5ud 1 (lia Dot - silcecetl fil belnii!ilýg,, "Il youl are the picil of ll*eàltll." « i -ý 1 . - Iý_zI ý _ ýihvaJid on ivlioni a. a . - vie; 1 ý lente. Liko the gond Toit . ,I . 1 . . ý . % a,-I;IiIlý, whil. (lu the lic,-IL 1,Lrid, with ,, not ut rali Dite a correspond -£11z. O.T. i Coalluiscratint, glilices lied beetit I)V.4tu*.V-' and 1101(j as a 1; al 6-Wo allait Eco," Baid Malige. 7 '. -'i C. ý wnit.m. i.ii.11ý*,". ___ _ . .. . - ,- __ _. . __ __ ..--- -icl' ;'crit'ali.cit r.:iiI.IL.t:;. m. at' Ca %% lt.liôll. SOCaý . . . ý. ý . 1 'I . m -ils legiilll* - ti bc followliti by Ca. lier Ment. T Lsented ta lier Indiens Yuu ]lave foilowed the scttill'i. -ýIt mnybo best if 1 fintl.tliat the Eni "i', ý ral- -'. a.nd-'cs neili i'L"!,!O. Miý. Wo .1au-1 lirt-I lie. ,, ,,,,, vague ana dons uëtlagreil il _' 1 -L -er2 1 oliring Ob.iürvaý be l'incas Pr ý iuto' Santé il as * .1th mCý',, Site Nivi ý -i.l... 1 . 1 ' -Es ";l - lit "' palier C.I.Idatim, or capri. suit 11, 31 -:s. ý (;,:ý,It.:ý: ; Df al! L-hiaz, very chzap. . îW" CVIII Ci01I.ý. üithéý hearilessor fickle. 'ast nex , . . .. 0 ý.Êm Lemons. Data > flint, tas flic -Ilal.î,y. tin;,,-;,,rotin(l." fülly clutervîmed ta keop ýoPen heé Hi +.. _. --ýý.+- _ , ý , ý l . . ý aille .atiwied ivith flint phni. ,if tir, !her CI - aini., aud - shu IN 5 ý ' site tliotfgljt. --if theré wu% Mary says that yen. will conm E .b of rotreat; - + ý + 1 .k 1). Iu-rcll.ýit-i,, ' THE LIGHT RUfiNiPiG in fier voiitil. lier bilsband %vaýi a;wnte attention thlin silo 1-Siroâ. A ; --Traly,' « . ., i .1 , T M, ,]-',L il, HAIIIIUSoN - - " ,. . . 1 il. nuit suipetiiiii., of a i lier strength incrosseil *;Iio'acccljteci il]- 'TY . e-lier, n7 htatici - Over a tuait NVIIO.Iiierited ivliole-licartLa, bulumur. Tho Ment 14 ther6-aLyý Mr. ýlýir, In ]lie î quiet.1 wa3»,,Cnloyc . ý : + 1 1 -_ . ý 1 ý . ý Guý.r,%, e - 70 .- i miturai st. .t.%>v.],i,!!] Ivitations, ai taiity, if 14 Graydou '31uir; - ". 1- . . . ' flic transformation m grently ai dia 91 il . ."Ii.,!I. ý -d ý ' - ' __ i; ý - Ho lied foiencen cham,ès fur fi . ý,ý...,.r,!.!-U.- & -1.) - + + __ .- -..--;ýl-ý.ý1- . .... .... __ . .i ,ý.I licen foriocti ,viola )Ira. wa)-inua lier aquaintalico ta Witten. It vina'. 1 Io ci, il final Miss Wiltlnfcre aud Tout 2 If I lied flic lime I %venta vire. - . ý . The damestec Ilithi ,id perinitted'tho cincle of lill'ilieilf- clooel thiug of yrit ta conie that is czirporat _' IL ,-,I;cý ý 1 -1 1 finil Miss Wiltl.' botter, but had'siot holied i for nuythi l 'ail ai] invaffil ntill Chingg ta bilent. fart of lier Plait ta iuueh nt incalyablù of tiii3, why si Outil lie think 90 ta )'Ou ana sec- ý1 usii ','- it";;Y"i, ii, il - 1-ro ns- &e. MILTON -PL&iill,'iG MiLLS*. ý 't:ci SoLial ivorhit m Gra3'clon-.furtlierof licr? Perhap' niera - 3ust about wherc I, loft lier, 0111y like this, lie U"ecIùedý - '. I 1 1 . . . Vil Cuver ct,;tinI, ta bc kind -,,-Ii. tome in tlio S white boyond .1 (;- el.1% Lif., Bilikfin ,a liait. . ý 1 eZZ&Zâ&ýZZý_ î ý ý .- . . . . . .., * 1 - -, H -antto lie ricar wheilGraydè . ý ý 1 1 ,ý . - .. 0 thau content mâh :hhn.,IIf. Nor waw elle long in Over- flic spoli ÔE lier licauty.he lias forcecd a more beautiful and fascipating, and oý Just il itiý!,. ai tit t-, [Iivè.t.IýIit. titid Huntu là Ezari., Pcýpriet0rý + , , le . ; ý ' " ,ors. tlIey wcru nier I bcsieged by a host. Absence iiialie2 tirait II' exclaimed volublo Mi . , .is, nature, and cach oth.r. Madge 1 contint, a diffidence tha. el ad linon alinost truer eýtîniatc of lier ýliarneLor, and lias ý 11, .. e ýv 1 1 . ,hereloré hal acc-z,ý ta a véry IhIý !piiinfill. In OUO'Écuse thecid jcople"ýbantloilecl ait tliouglit of lieras atuock- my chance sliglit iudecd, but 1 do iillit, Noir, et thodinneetable*. i' 1 ý-71 âý' 1, +ý ý . - -ore ta lier siviply a nican.4 toý an end.. clespair. Site sa ovidantl.ý- enjoys a cle-I The remark was.ý-unotýeëted, un , .l.ý 1 , ý ý ..... , ý 1 t! I..,I.ýýI- ý e, ý 1- . %%-,..,ý1,1ýt..,It.,ýil'.,11.,.Iý,ýt.,,,I]Li,ý,1,ý-r .,i]IL;ctual licaplu IN-110 hafl known from ' She clret FOe,ý: T- - ' " 1 . . :iý,rary, aud the oeil: 1 ý ' lug limaille. + Éprilzis-" + -arfare, viliere a h Je flic be.j Madec; ta lier dismzay, louait the Iàý es. ý V. - m __ 1 "O ipanionship or in li'tle for thora tliat abc 1. Of whst 1)0..ýibilitien will mot a Young leusivu i% IN . _ .. ý . 1 -crid, itu(I'lii 1 was mot afrahl, ard hall meroIý,to àc- * girl al ut the dictazion of liée lie&rt 2 slegers ,vite cal)itulate, tbat elle illàyi ruibmglto lier face. . Quiàk as tliôuLl 9OUSE FURR-SAINGaý - Catac, Ille J'rý,.,i,,it v% 1 exile abroad i , ý + 1 tivatetl' minas divelt the ox.:,Itlire file case whicli rosaire front usage. ý ii, - te ' . Il 1 ý.ý1 -,I:+cir.tq > ' SEW ING M ACHINE 1 11-111 cuit Iý e fi a Anýl ai; site saiv the Rharp linon of ber mainctain it until My La abc put lier.liaàdkerchicf to lier tuant] . ý -1: ý e Lis r.,ié. -. ý. .S . ý. ' . " ' ,jericuccs of the Pceît. , lier friendq if)illitlence socii Pz a il foin a 8 Y gr ce ý -elinesg'tllo color over. Thiais tu iny mind a more Tel sud souglit ta. eScape ratiS Coller il . ' - . - ,,- xcire ici th. h.[,It* or di.qcuýiil,, vitat that was itulofinable ana yet homme a tplrofile softelling intq:o% interprotation of lier frocclont thau tha' . f a brief strangulation; .-Ti i ' , Ql SIMPLE. uctuItt;ll" iw lier ýhccks aveu 1 ut lier ' : , ciel ý. ý _ ' SISH,-DdDn>sBLI'JDS, tMOULD;NGý . . .! - - 1 * il l rose 0 ut aW, abc t ouffl 1 Jiey rend, and the basis of much or their 1 recomsiýeil trait. The toast approach . thonglits; lier ricin, feeblo arme groiring, Elle JE waitintî for me - .mý thon 1 not going ta CLU4,wér -et . ,ici,.[$ fit D., 15.. ciult!;F;;.,N* 11,11.'NTIST , 1 BASE, lé,c. .ý ' (II ýmjoymeutw-M et ait tires coriiltatiiou.:tolotstllicssaiiila,ýressirenesEriii iunn.iNviliteand firmaiiqltlio rotin(ledgracU veut ta yàu Îhat moâýsty te ni), pro-' irô a betteý.solk-coutro' fl'.o. ,. .%t!--Lý « ý Z ý111!p-1j1ý,1ý4 liarnionions disa,,ieunient.juerN%7ainutoulyimlossitle ta fier, but',f womauhoozl appcaIciù*,ý; in ait lier ferai, mineuttrait. zSlie maybatuarried lie! Uh. .t$,.»..qnb.ganý, talkim about Or"' .c.-I..q t,,.ý.t-ilý,-; ,,,ý'.',7t I:l;ý'-I ;', *,t'Il.,. - il . 'S (il I*Ellrýý u e .. i was iiisonsibly;bbo aise pa.ýýesged the rofincmeutaud sho begain to'llope that site coula endure .fer.1 ..94 . Sfiý,- .ýhý.I'. sllitllll. vikewile '. 111,171EIt ,ý .11 -I . .. .ýý a I sec lier again ; ana Shoota, thlu don intilemo3tuaturalututýerposnibli Il .. ý . . . ; lx Litiglit ta IL Young rgi'l -Iiieli.ouly exremoly V. ý ,ý...t ,î , - , . .., .if; ' . 'On ýI1 ý . . ý 1, Al- .11 Liul, . ; ilink la ile.rsoif ana ta tel tact of m . sensitive . - . > 1 1 . . a in a ilh Misq IV!Idmere, aveu provo ta bu the case I ,will Bliôi%, 3 made- mau un ions. ,, .'Muil ,ý . ý ý. .ý . F« ýý . 1 i .) . .a p riant' v Il le cquuùituity-I - . 1 . . . , . - lier own opinions. They aise provéd natures .ara capable. 'A. vain, solibli . lier PII no of material bLatity. w et a mollet. of hero ý 1 ý: t.itiýý revers of 'obse ation wel ý ,,n.% . L D. M., IIý . tin 1;1I-eliti't... 'x ý 01 admirable guides fil directing lier rend. wolnau .18 &O pricoccupied with'lierme'lf ab 'I': ý . S B lutter + ' ý . 1 clot Y ry caf, 'an site w i%-ith&Ï ..U-I:ý ..r.11ý..t.1 ...u,:-I,ý. ,1.-ý-I'I. 1 . 1 ýlad,,. II. top muelà mind rd bu cou ba-" cli"of the -as peau Di ý - ,fiq., t....ýlý. i l libre lutter with a. si, O b Bus icibu Cf what %% Il[ t., ol. . WlI I ... ' . . - ing. Site lait that site lied rond cnotigh flint .8110 dues net eau Or cafb what content ivith )lias WillIntere's standard. ",Id-"" i 'inII, ý 1 _ . . . ý 1 for more amusciucutand Il doter. Otharit are, or ara .thinking 'ofi notons Silo cavetea ontward. attractivenessi in.... relief, sud' was, net long in roil, Irl.I.',,ýt,,,,*.,,,,-,, - ri LLY .%IL Kll).4 or TURNINU DONr Tt' ORýER ------ . ruined ta become +familier with the the facts Arc'obtruded upoii lier; a Un Y. 1 10 'et t silence et. Solving rital; wlicii bu ' gain Blic cent iar. OIT vasi net Bo uulicédiiii "'., il * .i,,:.,., ,UT m - . ' - È 1 - . - . * fi"' - 1 - coule a 'ý Iý:n - tll . . est rna.ster-miiiclo, lie fer as lace vas .another, ivith. the laindest intentions, tention !ta gants. ys of Inn. , would noter. the lista with Alisi Wild. howaver. , Whou Graydon'à Cerné iv ý .;;I ;o.. ,YýI." . . - . . l. . ,ý . . i! MACHINE 1 capable of following thern, and ta in. May lie able te sec, and i, i.,.,.,, ý. .'l"ý"'..ic,-;", + . ýl.h II; 1 ý J'EitLEIt IX ý . gr, ;net - -80 guid, des Itory ras int, a "s+tucly.wore - marc ana lie what lier mature portal inentioned ke happeueil to glanes 'ô ýý . . _- - _. 4 -_-ý 1,U31BER, FLOMING, LATIL SIIINGLL' ES. _ 1 force herself on fil subjiicts whieli bIL11aors lanlëlltablY; but MadgO 'mas over, an elle eter ý m khow, at.befureber chance of ficappiness Passait frant bis cliliner wliicli usuàtl>- absora 1 Mr. 'Wayland acclama essentiel ta au 130 final il that punit One vice fouet a lew t,,,,,,, vrailme ficiravocably. . dmydou'ii letter I;iu(IIL'd hie attention.. Ili dealingiwith lien ýÏ , -- IAN, : L= boe Xàtýhed nna!Dressed edlicateon. . prenez tirTenr made adefaitaimpres. . Itwasto runsie, liol%-Cvor, flint elle '. ý . .. . . a len ber bopeýgrcatIy. It Sommeil, ta lierliadacquiredtJialirLbitàf kèenobBervÏ .... Yýl"ýl-ýl]ý1>3 , :. ý to Order. ý . 1 'If circunàtances -vathin abolie veto, Sion, and wiblibut conshiou effértsho -that tien. . Dtiriug a business transaction Id . - ENTI . ST, . ý ... ý 1 . ý .1 . ý ., . 8 lieil attention, since elle bu. bilait elle vas ta ha7e a chance, .- +ý . _. . . . .É.., ; - ý .. ý .. cuuuuuive tc, mental. growth, those with. respondcd,-not with a conveutl and fiý.*ved filet for bide art Blie harl somu bar patient cifort; miglit Il tlial * face. and'qÙictý eyes gava Il ý . CCýXTRAL7l!R!5 E:Q TJAL' - ive .. 1 . . > ý > ' . 1 . ý ý .NLRAL AND 1 ý .11r..8.. qF DUILDERS ý - -1 out %veto Ivan more favorable ta âhysical , iâtorcotypeil politenosa, but with au op. rive talent. A Germen in the Pur. Ilighest reward aller ait. She thanked of bis scarching ècrutinl .ýý 'p .- ' ý softly , prociative courtesy *hicli,'as elle gained poilli of hoalth boa: drifted ta the Tomate GOd for the lapa. Her love vas à roo 1 . . AýLILTOti,'PN I . t cl., ý L ,V-"I.II Il, 9 - develoliment. The sait air +an .. . au t ouly fi r and: ci il the *a a :ýlikiý!.,.,,,ý,!;i"7i".,;,ý,ý.,,;;:ý,ý.,."."ý.!,ýlý"1. -) tempercil sunshino were,,,eorpatuat ficlouce and reàdicess of expression, southern city.. flairas past middle aga, sacred .thing. It w tbe+>nataial, uni no ,,,,,,, ci- Il- G 1 icon au hielphels lied, uteverFouglit[t , i,,gýt cN.1,S:.ýt.,.., i.1---ýY +. . 1 ý, . tailles. The place vas a of ex. lgavà an unfailing cbarm ta ber Society. but Inca rotained throusal numberiesa calculating outgroivth et lier woman-'1011 the en processes boliiiÏ, ý .- . - .-- -_ - .--- .. ý riticES MODEPAI;k . vers. Slie fait iliat abc had-With fow preconcelveil and arbitrary quisite 110 ý disappointnients and disconra il M;an of nmen adbéon ,lois if ý"CmctItS bond, and, wu" iciting lier towanl ali th.11,V -3l"'s"'et - e ! + .. Devoir acen roses outil abc came to;uOtions 'Of l'Or Olvil slip accoptcd people the one enthusiastn of hie 1 a. and in ., b the f -or a, ,apý, Hqitel Càrds, .1 Fnýtt'ry - - 3111to! . . womaccly grecs. Site dia net belleve; ,f * billet ý 6 euh 1 ý . 1 . ý. __ . .. 1 - SantaBarbara. -Toaii;ouudeclsociitivo!ns thoy vers, ana made the muet of Madge ho finaud a .pupil aller hie Own bar motive, lier - 0::tO bo.un-ýr tly. arrivait 'ut éà cadanc 01 :08:15 - - - . O' '. . - --- - - - - - - - - - * .nlictitatheraieuver alienling influencé thoin. 01 courts thora volet. abmein heurt. Wililehievoicahad lost Tenait mou . lier - - - - - - . . . ,çý0enriagnIllyjà, Sboullulhe opportÙÙitý'! lier ci ici mou , ý%j M ý"bON- >HOUSE In brightness and parfume of whom oýon the broallost charity coula of lits freslincas and paver, Ida faste ý 0 a mot intend to,;vin Gra3'dO'21 thorefore, lie Raw t a coltir flyinfr Ù1 R . J O .N E S i flowers. They Bmiica sa swactiy et bar finit latin ta approve; but it was lier vas pare mid - ofilloq ;eCtea uttâ ý. . . I... ' 1 ý - i . ..He kindlecl in i by angling for hiuî, by:aris, blandisli.: Madgo's face nt the unexr .. ý 3 1 IMON, ONT.- . +. ' 1. . 1 1 filet abc coula net belli eniffing back.-'I:ur . or one unmitideuly a0amce.: - étron ', ýý:'ýr , ilving lent . .Il th, 1 hottl, 1 - . . . ý ý The suany days. pasiseai 'i' _pose ta study ana unaeratand thora the youm, girl's mind sornathing of bis 1 mental mine al bila brot4l mime, bis I . . . one sa liko'anil rose forever the misophisticated own love'àud reýcrence for munie on lis : She would try ta bc sa alluiirable tint tioù was arrested' and an imliréàlôi . ý - Brailler that they Il sereniby. - The ignorance et+ whièh Graydo . 1 this hem. ý.A Il WIMStin f 9 ot iviiid.,v Vfiit càýý tu 1.w. elliber MASýc W-.; se ci Ise'. fAf ç)dà. ITTS - V;ir . di 01 four r aejjtSý - t On.. ,ISý of î/le 1W Co, Tbt-onto. jà A-peil'eçt :-7 ils- ht to bé au

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