Canadian Statesman, 20 Aug 1885, p. 2

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ýý * - ý - - - __ __ ý _ __ ___ __ __ ___ _ _7ý_____ __ __ ý . ý 1 - ý, 1 1 ý 1 ý 1. . . 1 . ý i, - , i . . . ssý fflM"ý _ _ . ý - - ý ý - ý 1 l . - 1 ý ý ý ý . ý ý . ý. - . ý . ; . 1 ý . . . . 7--ý-- -ý.--.ý-- -- - - - - 1 - __ . . - - ý ' ý' - _- i 7 - ý- ý - ý ._ý .,; , ý'. ý. 1 1 . ý . 1 -1 ý ý * - ý « ý! . ý.., 1 1 I ' . ý ---- .1 ý ,'.ýlEkeïàlaxàoÀnxzi 1 , .0000000000000000 , _' ý ï ý ý . . 'Eau ýýowsý1- _1_ý _ý 0;!Bîpýomt.irimet ý ý ý - 1 ý - . . . ý ý ýý .. 1 1 . . - . '. . ý ý si X CAN . E IIXS * pEtiomnip. SIR FR.LÇCIS nixm DEID. Cm dlazi -.t*lod inêiît.riffiACtivCýIlUm . 1 .ýý ie., - . , EM ÀDI, CEL&MPIGN. , '. . ý. - . ý if tbî sitrofiges ý , , 1 1 ý- ,,-,ý-, .. R IdW, eiiÎ- làà'e&-ý"','ýlriràgý'.0fýil"ý'GOÙeni . : -", 1 1 -,1--_ýý'- ý Il -1 - _ . ý - 0 -ý £ el , 1 ý.- . - 1 1 ý ý , 1. ,. ýý ,-.ý 1 . * ý . , &à ý- .,ï,(J..w -- ý . 1 . 1 '. 1 _ý . . . . , . ý Mr. I,...Ii ..Cari; je an appliseait 10, lit SUCM3£BS Te: AX AITACE 09 FMALLPOX. 1- CILS : nomeeport4ro'« Min IlIses ý . ý'. Il ý . , ý ý : ý .1 . . , - . . ý . ,P ýý ' ý - fin 1, ý. ,ý-ý 1 1 -_ý ý. _ , ý ,ý e l -1 ', ý -Gii,àVm*ll'Corninind the 1 ., M1LTOX,ý Alinil.qT 2ûý i8m. fille Scheel Inupecier of ' àc" h. pi,.e ý .:.;:;:.-..r» dà. , ,. 8 f., - ý > ý % ý _, il - 1 l ru ' . . - ig-liào bée., intim.wing file MOýr=Mr4 A . -Thé; !clé, Whic Nof Donsidiràble A ý,_ 7.19 _' -, - Idiigth,« ý ý ý 1 ý . : àý ., . 1 1 ý ecelvedat the I)àHýst#honthït 12".., ,.ý.. ý.. 2 of "and c 'c ýý ( ý 1 .. ý 1 ln .... ý.._.a. Pt. silo 1 1 IhimétÀtàuc &Dei]- ý. .M-- ' La 'r» men r B. .. lot hi -1. 1 i#h@dý ý sud-li accom- .?4 Recule that - wu. maclo a nýistake'me.bers of the ConntY Col . .m.ilp.z immWIdcleSir ffl ueli Hisltki do : - 1 ý-, : 1ý"1 1 %'e. - 4 . ý Il, Mè. MISCai W. ehfferi.kluý pmýïd fatal, d.ûh flavine . . .., 1 . zS c y 1 , 1 ,ý ý ; - . 1 . opatteni iusidOýl of file, Oalc.' lut fewT.yo. g in file hold.r nu. b 1 1 .!Wew! =ua , ti Diu eý ý ý 7 "! ý )Oui flic - 1 certift- occurtud ut 9 o'clwk st hi.. reidedéë on 84; ......-Belt. lai. , pâloi 1 , . ý i __ Tý t;.stu .. k..ý-:.Almonte ....... & 25 - r ý ý1. J 1 1 ý - ý L . , ' I, l. . 1 grade A prssvinýi. 1 Il. B.Pt. ; -',-, ýý .11 ý . bcalth..fnun I.Mid 2;a,ýh ýiIIý Inflependont; as it je th. 'OstisiSle «Of i' filet élan' a . ý ...Ut use "ý a ý1-,i,ý,ý 1 Ik . mtiflute of cisialifisaistion - ... 1 . ....... - nerai'Géiit tu .1 ; . ý - .. 1 A't'!"O 'tirent' 21* the b.i.e.ýpei..ýil P SI b, ph pieu ý ' - 1 . >ýý - 1 _1ýýél 1 , . ý .If filet valuable newýipapeir ýiiich je 1 cote and 'ho a a -,;.-.-.-.-.-ý .. . ,.. P ý2 ý,ý, In ,byý 1. . Iii - . ý .. ý flic i,,,1,1, 'f.r.ths Plesiiion et schoul IuOP-ct-r. Il- ait.. The fument wiâ 8.1tfI.t..ý ...... ;.. ý ... P 11 -, prini BI et Toronto ana not - mýming .")y, th. (:,Istul......... Landes: ai witd ýan'_ii # y 'l usS 1 ý . ý.. - 't- ' 1. , , ýZv S' - . , , ý ý Il 1. . ý . .1 .- liai hall futirteen yesurs exprrience in lunch- a i ý . 1 - . ý . a ".> 1 . «ýý -:t.minei . »!..-U!.-r,., ... bel . P _.. tra ion je . , t eLfi I; lltw r ý ', _'-, ý1_,-_. ý ' - ý . - . j .', , ý . We woula ri la file t 1 hsýý.!%..-i.r..trý...-f...i . . 'bave ' a , . à ý 1 ý j 1 1 ýýtaICo 'x Pru * - gat.d by the health :*.::Ce', ::::: . 1 .î :' 1. 11,ý'.ýg une holà.. most 0 twring testimissialie officurs. . Gv . ............ D. _ P . . i Punir' hich, , . . ý .ý gau tu ]lave bath ý ý ' st. Cath nu ... el.. 1 t - ýo 'the . ý ý - ý. * 1 ., ' - . : Ctor of flic Young or, cité vnts bora ln Cork on I1l srý1ý ..... e â B ess ,..Itlàor of nome note, a volume --111t. CIIIIII bain. - An . - - - . ,- Bide * . taud U........ . -f 1 Se Hin ... AUCIte. .. P .m umOF4-- T-W. O IV-EIZES ON "el [" 14.1807. Hi ïeelýýd .pi..ýyl n'a m . . . Dýoml2nÇ* Ii.Ith...ý..*.* . a C . . . ý . . ý ý . SI of MIS silieut. compdseil and pnit 1 .hich ho J'Ublislied a fow ysears tige in ne* ellicistion in the Ferzhoyactrýl and ce 1 test 1 Put .............. »...Plu , . , - et. 1 Englieh publishi ýý on ,01 . il or - . 1 ý _. 1, Pt: pecial ingotrest là ý p pl , aucL Us. . . . . . 1 ý . . ý . . . ý1 ý " ý:.:::-.'« cý- . 2 un ý . . . i . ' , ,ý at Toronto. This. ilirrangeulent wbilld ; 'efuthn. of salon 'of the théories of Jnlin hi& actudernical training in the linvist, sa tic " ý:.:::-." .; 1.2 ýUt"'. U"ý:.::: P «"ý ]T.'I*f,.t 1 ,,ý,,,, ,.mb. w,.'ýýf ý . . taille notait iiew 1 t ru ut Il a * ý . .-, ý ý - - - ý 1 ý . . . ', 1 . 1 1 - . institute. llecýetôCatindnihiheautumnID irý,i ............ C..Ipt . . r 1.2 .ý _. . - ,; ,r.elieva-iliIi,,giatlt intf!lluct of flic groat tSttiart -.Mill havisIR vmy Liv-mbly ,,.'.,L'.:::::::::.ý.:,..M.,.r.ý, . * 3.2 Scott ma other.fmquen of the u . . . . .. - - . ý, . . 1 . Il . . . . of 1856 .ad .ttlýd in Teresa.. fsU.ýinu 1) thý ii.- CL . ý 1 1 1 ý. 1 > ý1 .1, 1 .1 î 1 . ,;à-.:-. . - . - . icine - ;1 - q ýý: , ,ý w , 1 ". : , . ' '! . . . ý 1 1 1 ý 1 .1 .; ,. - -lit 1 it in :Iliilý.,*i..-ý-.1ty 1-il;ne Canadi.ýý..dA..eri- 1 : . 1 W - - ý : . . , . --;_ 1 Il - - ý - ý ;.,.,ý ' ý . i* . ,ý . strain nt prase ,ut tipou ses troll as, by Prof. G.Iclwi. mercantile purenits and the professliers Of es 8--utlg 'o C 6 dmiri.g.roam over i t' cars .a , liben . 1 ý ý 1. !. .. 11.1disessud ........ . . a ru Dg. la 1 . . - - ý - _\ ý ý : , , *,:,ý: ý - ý _ ý ý1 ... ý 1 i ý - 1 - . , fuiilu'aitenj,-;ts ta correct Ose graisaisjar 1 ýnitj"r'n"s jeurtoilliest. H. wu iloctsd ici lait et th. -7 the Nopoleonic '_ ' * _ ý1t- . . 1 - ý . sinith .,.ci cetiners. If il .nid flint M4 . . . ,et ý, : 1 tint clection under the union ýpý ntative 'SU - ..ý.... ý Me . ... et. 7 Dow aimait a a ý . . ý . ý .N.,th usant ........ ... le. . entury'aisse, thé condin if ' L ; ,.ý ;- ý. .> . . ý ý and elpelling lit thio inanuscriptc; suppliait cintrices be appointassent as Solissol lus for Olford in the legi»]attire " Incité, in Ohio. 'lhesto of t a joueur 'a ý - i . pýf * .. . peator rus a "fermer ;*,-,Él se ... ........ ......... L 0-9 . . MI bien by fila -ý chriHtian ;,colle.. fur ]fuite" arc very gond. The Guelph, ,and sida by uni, ýiLh Mr. es.- Il .... 1 .. ............ Sied .IIek.ýl .ad , ý 'S, ïlk s-ýgo-.$ !ý-.1 Bisldwir. lnlPA2b.jsiiý,d thé - ;fers in *eIl told by ý fred athew B l " c k ý . ,ý ý 1 - . . ý . . . mens' wlin run hid cellitririal (lopartmont,,, 2ýl.rýu,ý"8.)". --ýl'%N ithoaît je acsy 'rcly ru. - ,nt ..,Il -lis .... à... '.11swet. I.... et. $ 1 5 0 .uth - litre . - ýT y ittlh anscrâe pictorial fil graillon. , ha art 1. ý , . ý . . ficatisig aisée file fitneu of flic other èan- - I.,-l,,ýbr-géneml, belesont, premier in I8ý5f. ý .. ........ -...:.--.- et. "",*, d ý ' - .. . 1 . ; i . .'. ý ý . . 1 .. . ý - ý ' -, * 1 . 1 ýý , . ý . . ý . , 1 . . . . 1 ý 1 : ,. . ý ý. ý . Rosi llýii Blibeýilerli would get niuseli did-ilicel wu can .safely cosy flot nu botter te,! ,ci in 1851, se. .1, .isstod g.v,-., . 11.1t." ..... ....... lits,, ....... ý paPir, of the, enrober in an exceeding, inter. ý: £, ; . . . ý , -, . . , . . . .1 . . '. - <1si.liti,,l tenu thin .%le.: M.Caig for tic. Cbsý5fnf Il. ", "I. .. ....... i-- ....... 't 1, .. . 1 uiti, ci Cent be fautel. Iiii ..ility In ýbssdsss. "a trýiNVi.dwad 1,1.»-.1. -'l' d ,g .ket.h.of Antoine L Louh, %rye, thé . .ýi. . . ,.. ý 1 1 ý ýý 1 . , 1 * . ý , . ý .. . % ,. ý - büttýr valise iur, ilbeir inouey tissu thssý 'd .. ....... .... :: IL 14.1! . , --tir :ý, ý 1 ý - - .ý ý du nt prudent. *£I,..3-otimý-,, mon Witt. flot 1 in ,eland gtq reZ of lisitûdS Guiao.i. . , Most .elobmt.d of animal sculptorff', le - . ý 1 1 gus, if Intellect .%jqsaýý4 ta have bLen tell 1, and Ici. lif.-lo »g exr.lnýnce ý -s. Child, withaixte.nsl - . ý . ý 1 ý. ý . 1 . livouldillÉ, L"Ils tIpon Ille IYIDO. , ,.tII.s. lit . ,ý .. : , .- aHtray %vith r(!garl tu tien stý-rLotý*1)etl le In !0. ýI1I pied with his W'sel .Lnovn bccoms, finan. Inimitiés, of Civiad. la ths, t 10.1 the engin mon. . ' . ' . l I.- 'cti,,:.4 sis Of go %ores eya . f. ' 0-FlIvý1111.1.-lugiiF! ýcrb illnZ - ý , - ý ; !d ô . i' . > >- " - ý' ý . . 1 . 1 . . Lsttý . ý __ . 8, Ciel Cdt..ti.n.1 se ta the Walters . * . 1 ! 1 omnm 0 _ . - !, >., 'ION, issinci.. -ami ý,Car, Bs,ýý,i.,Ii»g Sir .robe lc.ý,'ý..s]I-, 1 ; turpiec f t - a ... ..ý 1, a, -itill," 11th - rýLw.ý .f.ý..11!! pzatttns, shoal-1 lie suiliâcnt enarantce fyr ef sSý,s .1jections One 0 ho illus. rnatter toleil by the C11,1311 n4 lie AU" 1't'n'y Sir John Macdonald. Ho W. then 6i ye.ý , tri.. W,,k.) grutiers, -,The Tiger.H . 1 ý , . . . 1 . . ed * -A.ut - recueil fi., Ici:. il, R.nfrew. An incident là mousseline with the iý,!,.k, , Bat 11") and l'ut jette ýjIàt hislituesti. . - . 1 ý 1 ý 1 .11 . . ý ý 1 1 ý ý 1 a firotiti.piece ta flic oumbecIý it. r. Zrgbaum. For iccoral yeari Mr. .McC;alg lis, rë,i, "t" serves as a - e . "1ý Ermammm . ý .. . . l . :. ý utT. nstn. T 1 I..,-,,t.lý,stý-r.,,t%-jý,eý11,1ýttý.-ýiý"-p'i.ý.ip:ýl of*(;.It Ceutral SCI-b-J sen-1 tell or ,ond, in le.b... 1873 and opost file Guvértior-Goiteml'à visité to Gentille la worth 'the surii.ý contribules au louangea and s h e " ' L ý 1 . .. ,ý . . . . ýý . . . m Si, Jolus', suini.4,3- .ci the l'nets. patting on record as indienticig file marrow- Ici, susnond. u the p,.Pi.t.r of lice Rock. -nndal bc rotirmil bide isimte lits-. -oeiti-ý,r .Ig, i A ' u sü al, t . .. ý . , ý ' ' ' 1 us'A .Il thi,; puiser Sera tli..,o Of the eni., Model Ferais and yiewi YI ý - . ,. ý 1 . . , 1 ý 1 . " à a iming ,noat.,ty- hm kept hits, *fntn Ili li3î lieýt-tlliàlàed tlizr.,mntil Ex."ài.ýi tF.. Royal Ci Initierai attelait of si march "Aérons Country . 9 1. Il. ý ý . ý. ivhich ivs, publisla. Every ,wutu , AC..ILI,.y le 'vidl krown. 11.1, fflout of Prohibitive legielatioti. After . . , , Ici.. the prýýiIle..y-.fti..(,'ity riank of lil,,,.t.,.I. inspnoting thé 'ne with a Cavalry Utml with rive atriking ý . . . 1 Iii c of tilt, rolct of our. reafliii;l Ï4 Cilles, well Ilsi.lvu niitii,.r, aloi finesse who a ... 1 dense 3-cars aftem:,nl« file .%I-,ntýal et thé f 4% Lard Iýýýliýln,,iý. 1 ... 4,11ilhortrations, In..riilficti,,n.thotwobeet . . ý, :. . . 14 . 1 . -, 1. souffler ba arme, . .L ar 'Bst - 1 1 ý . ý .: . -Cunégonde FL and.Cheapest . t ci,, *lit Million Loir prý4.%vurk have hý,l flic picador. of po ... ing his reply Pitiot. c, lUp ta %-ýn- rý,iitly Sir Francis con- Placé, .rit ai.,o.1gb villas, Anuries. novelieta * arerapr-nimore 811 gentlemen invited to'meet feint wers, assena ý Woolaceu and W. Howelli- susented . 1 F. 1 . . . Z . f the Guelph .1egy. heir lery but work in l'Eliot Atigels" . .. ý - - ' 1 ý . e ici Crises u 'Inydt - .9 1 0 i s . . ý do;le lier.. * . / ' ta John Stuart Mili'. .ýsy On %Vaine. . trilait lnt:«,týx%!.,MlnTtiLletotheNlontmal ci A correspondent .. ý - fi' Journal of Onnanscerce. mb.,%vin-, almosit ut) ta : 1 1 . - ...- .- .-- Itisehn, Ciel Insv, às'y id'. ,If el'. teB....., file tend a lov. fer bils nid profencion. a flingot tics remrstoi incrifes 0'.1yi.. ý S tock O I n i s s n a .i . 1 . 1; . . . - . -o mllitricviaits YLT. vigor ail origiiiality with which'lie wields ses a "ail wnàpnt ta reinain wheu it Wm .. . .. .. Li incliinSummer." JulinToHawthorne . . . . ý 3am :J. ý N the Ilagii.h I..ýg,ý,ggé.. Ili. reputation fur .."iýd il, IM2 .3disrthi Ausse Stewart. ý cSstribits. a ehort stary, -l'iViien Huit- . * . . . 1 . . . j ý ý . , . . . - ' - - 'l,ý..]ýt,-r of el, ps-, ... si.i"t..ýýh..t id B.1fust. d',i wine wa. provithil fer ceci. Gis. the Cela Auive," illustmted by. ', - ý; .11 ,mttyli,,ýes je. es, lunch. The allées took a comilsiersont. -le- . . 1 ýý ', reste woolks aLp tlieý.Oilc-.-illo Ili. hSttc91iýty -ý-'esl ýýb- -*ýIl ln "Il l.dy Ilissols, diod and lus the fiIit... P., Dielman *; and élire in alleu a charcuter. ; - ý 1 qýat 1 1 1 ý, ... ,, -_ . . 1 , ! . ý 1 ý . 1 Il ilsti ho 1 t latt il je uissitýeesiry ta disait" ing y.ý.e..'ii, succricd . c-Ind %vire, = en cas-. Th. sxýeption WIS, 6 rafle chant etory- by Mary B. Wilkins. ait. ... ; ý. . . ý .- . - ý1 cl.ieisiluiIt :rolunatied. the ,tlirL-ail.b.,tre* 1 i, .sol Il 1. 2 roo conseil tg) prediet tint ý t m Etc ily ]."U". dangliter of Lieutenant. f EïseLnd CI."Vtn.i. Hosi. hi. 1 7 Y ou ou g h t toý'se'e th ose ey e!-op en eý , titled -,$Ait Old Arltlametician.4' J. .8. . 1 . ý ý 1 1 .. ,ý . - - yens originatîeci jst-uru tissue ,a ycar àgo 1 il.. evseut Ut ]lis 1,cis;,,tiý. ýsCýc.if.1 .1> f ý.'hlo1I.T'hiliI, DI.t. Soif ,chef of fine Ho.. .011-00htient 6r.tlýiýa lueimne ffllýi.inted . ý . . ý ý ý 1 ý . - ý .. '. » . ta file .clins, will 1'. .T.dý.S.IIivs... 'I*hi.l.IlyUcdinm.l.tý.1 'ith ,,ce détail. of the 1,..qýi.t liciers the Billinge, M.D., contributes ait Sifflais of ý ý - . - . ., . ; ý ý . .ý .. . ý 1 ý : . bý,ItLSv.*A. .ll. !)iiiliii).4, finit clitantiti -H Plimllt, "cary t(IL il Of ..Il vital intemet un -,Si%-nge Dis. - * ' ý . . i - 1.ý - ' . - mertiptilettely a tended ta. It. Will ,le a live yvars fat . er.] ý * h.Il rails, i. net .xll.ined[. Bat tissu Guelph ý - r11ý' .. ý . ý of whislicey ]tact b'-en distributed Ince si - -- - . possil in Cities." -lie ahisires with suientiâo . 5 C en ts., an d ' th os ' ts: ýý - ., ý ý -, . !ý .. - Il - .i".,r, pl,-,,,Ur. fi 6. .M. ta ...IL!r.ttýl: te THE BATTLM FU je a Ssndit Act .ity. . ý mncurissey a", -et the nome tires, in a . e u lidn ýý . sý!;Isr s4yle th. mlution of filth ta dhinus. . ý ý ý >. ý ives if, risni tic. C..isýtl- *of lf.1tý,., .es - . CO'.\'StTlIPTIO-'Ç CUW 7 aýu . ý ý ý * ýý . ._ . bý'tIlu auti-prollibition party-in Sctt M , M.C.1s: ,il. ]ci. .1,PCiiitI.est'ýf ha ru. ý litwilE. . . .. 1 , O . it ý 2 e naum- '1 ' * ý 1 . . ý : ACt CK;ti.àtiý4 to t(il lores, Who, Olier IlýLVillg - ..or mi ,ira . . Si, oup.gestions aus ta sanitary relief nie . '_ B éau ties à .. . . . 1 . lt ', ,ý; . . : . , . ý . . laavitsu*ýL-èiireil such ait ellicient allie Thu.E secity av TUE r T ToLD Dy ý ý . . ,. . ý . ý ý , 1 ' '! , . . bwan.wlul'joyaýily4irtiiýlç,"%%,cr.,,.,;,-ut ho ,vil, undoubtudly Snake. - GENERAL MIDDLE104. A. .M Plor.1eha. ,,tl,ýd fallu recette mijuiitered and prattical. In maussy . ý . ý 1 . ý . . ' '1 1 ý e : 1 . . l . 1 ý 1 ý ý , : - i . > 1 . . . . 1 . . . .. ... ý . . , out ta parwIci, flic âtreetî ailà tÙtl,; Mail , . . ý b.11-1.ý-,ýll,;Iý1,1,.,, .diýllt-,,;.-,,ý,, wôys the ment important contribution ta . . . ý .1 1 1 . 1 ý . . _ _ _ _ ý OrrAwA, AusI. 14.-At flic banquet milieu ti ... r,ýrllltil,,faligil.le ,_,,eýhsbh, coons, fi-r- the the nuinher in Chattes Dudley Warner's 8 .. Go i , . s . ý lut sthsht by the cititans of Ottawa te the ilý,ýly-niid 'D'Illltull.U- ma"'Itiffi a linprmions of flic South." Mr. Waritihý .1.1 - . . .. essýpubIic 1 Acey i4 CMily - - , Pets ,,, à% nten Om laftelm S 13 y, famed * m . . ta thi., Ic whi ý . , , Scutt'Aà Trials. . volmstesr. who scrired in the North-Wodt. uýt--ls. A»t,:ý.,. .,..t,ý,. , 1ý. .ffýtl ... .ý ' * 1 . I Istrenq, N,," finsla final; the feeling of n.ti.nality:hu & N IM &% ... 1U e .'. l' ý .btaftUosLý* The C;iiA.xýiôN* tliý!roiti).Il ý . . a th. toast of ni*, a pý,Ius«! àn.1 iwileni se dis. Dé1,111- 1. - ý. . . . Th. Pull.@ 11-gitr-it- h-Id - aitting-at GC». Middi.ton in roupassiac t il, cýsu1 Idiot. :r.,., hssý%ý1d..g.tectld . hala de"lcbpcd un rapitlly of Iole au nt for ý a" ... ý ... . eliallo%,td PoIiýsSs Magistratus Young'N Ourtluemta,".aid during file coursescriii. itt'»,ý":"ý,*,],,ýr't"ý,,,,*ý;ili,.Iý:«-.l su sud. t oson n", 1 . 1 - - Ilarlitigtoti on Tursshy LnIt, Aligitut 18th, ;sencarks filet, lie bellèvest tbis opportunity a h- fdt Il fils IIIIII' tý- lisait, IL L"."sý te Ses fcII.« th. South, 411.1 Il. ici "nofiýit' filet. thi. . ý . . 1 . ý . ý ý . . , , 1ý . ý . ý ý , - , urgau toi, givý the "particýtilar.4 of aile or fur-thu bescring of sevoral ille4al liquer. fi . oulrý-r,-M, A,-Is.,S, hy- thi, itittt%'ý.,Isl dý.,SlI.g te id a genuisse duveloriment of attachaient ta ý . . . . .. . . 1 . ý. . ý . - ý , :. i , ý tting .lie ta tige the public into Ili% C(;ý16. et' 1 1 , si the Union .na of pridit ici il.. nation. send of fnee whitikey distribution " a-Ili-19 charges. ' - ; C ýliý,.d Inunsu; .ce srour. «Ili.ý... foc I, et W. . . ' ' « 'ý .. , . . tw. ce" . . .1 Il non and tell the grise story or file battie b,.:l ', lis, de.1 'sS_ ci crue'n. FI, -ny a loliti..Il't.t fer . 1 . ý 'rit,. Ont eue callid wai mis akain-1; Mr U,ù ls.tiiiny ý AND FAMILY MOURNING.. 'ý . * warniug the lutter finit a failurcs ýo (10 1 Edwin Linchely, .éf .Million, fa* àeIIiý * of Batoche. Ho .aid the niaity discret). - Eo;sSIýb . ,liUs nsiýtýý!ý'aI f!ýIý .,ýi..g,,a .ci Us- ý ý . .. 1 1 1 . . -ould Isoler 61113- Dite a trth, ,% "" essaie, in fil. vitrine. unissent. wsre ci .... 1119- 8. . . si, il Ly .Id s Il a Il itp . Vincs. :d ý . . ý.. . . ý ý ! ý ý. . ý. 1 . 1 titis %% "tsstrisetiIii, -;ýti..g li-jIi.,r ou or ahon fi. of t hý . ý n ', l , refile r an i no wn, naqi-cite'li.ý . . ý * 1 . . . :. J. * - 5 . ý . , ; ý ý ý1 Vix., flic llldl,(!11,101it hall »,!y - ,lis as tien sacpud ý su; thid 1 -.,,._ýv. A. Xly., 149 II.«ý. 131.Ck. It- Si ..:. - . ý A,ý..-,s.ýt, scud ,;, t Oýpamut thart neuf. Hi. dssoription of il,. .-Ilescher .î.1.1,ý. 1 ý lie Se fi is"1";itli..tlielaliti toccatas ý . . 1 ,1 -'l'ho 'r.lly- of titeinIlý!1»tilI1.11 . 1 . ght Ivan hi substatice as followa:-Ou elle . - p . .: ý . .. .rides. It id mry a rsiprisstely peinte 1 c, .0 ýyiug. i I, OIFýsýe, , - ' > .'.z'I'.ýg - a.'.- .. ý .. 1 ; '. us gtiilt,. .1ternsemi of fi,. 12tlý.âlay Ille t.iItC,,I. Tiso ,It.,,,.r C.,,I,.,Ii, ,%et in ' f.o;ýýrzhi. ý alp... withi. a * . .. . ý. - ý . . ý ; 1 lait,ïi.4.îde of the 7111 %v2i-4 UN foi Tiso defendant plendo-1 nl-t ' '-ill k d fi;' 1 - I lhd ' ' te Ici' "' . . . i ' . . 1 Streuibanzin, his second lit ..mmand, filet aý,dII-IUilýhnz 9---'-: ,-Il f-ns t Ici -;-!,Y* "19 - - - * . ý Tii,,.ý..I,)ji.,*.i..ý, .sv.-rnýK,-v Mr. LI.- - , ci .j i1ý.. ý t. fil'! 1;sý1't..ý idunïýýssU .Il we a of 'encrid nt, our _ __ _ _ _ _ _ --.-- . - _,._._=M="r=2!cýý . 1 . . . . - Mrts Ilave proll.,,sýýl :a roi, y tý,tIi .Ici . publie h,,I,,. ici .Nliitoll ; "' a ý . ,.ýýt,,,,.,,..,.,.,,,,Yt. nýr., eh'.. t tit wald. hýc_ , & . 1 . . . ý . . 1 l ý ýI IS my; ha k., ' ý . . who.. g acte .11 Senti ... tutti isforgotten. l . . ý: . . . .... '. - «''.4 Cli:eI]VII-1. Of a CILII"lVl.iC).' LIc,9tl,. flot 'vis, en AN.ADVANCE MOVEMENT. 1'.s,ý,"d C.,,I..11..Cýr.,t,, I., lýý-1,ýUýl .s..IS.,.ý IjýIý;, ar ... . . . Wens s'ilvin Ili» phoss, on 1 1 Poains ru Ceci ribliteil aille liai ter 1. ý ý . . . 1 - ý . i ý . ý p. . ý occurrel rifflit liereÏsl osiý towo. Bat. tllü.S'.1,ý,-I.y 1,,fn,.; *-m et Ilh place l'a- Thý .1fidlandst we'. .sent et .ilh -nfil I, ... c. h, -t hd - '..iý1ýd. Tisk, .,el Moellon and . P. Tiso a " , ' 1 se sur . ý ý 1 . - . . 1 . il.. tort. anst ilc-' ;ý,.,r & J'anc,«. C., è.di ne. sCid Id, . i monts am well austaiuel.. . ' ' 'Iiýý .. ý 1 .. ý : - , . - c"Insui splontly Ilsl'ing thé liait month ; did uset ,Cet film, ~Ion, the GrLsindjý*-rq, vrith fil.' . Mý,. tl.,6 ... . ý ýý .. . On accolint cet flic ilÏi!re.1 - ýi2i, . ild.on .t .1.ý-tlsisg tu Ilissi.,:ieitlier tint rues îSny 90thalitticinrýtrre. Tize.Mitilàtid.11.sý .. 1 > : our adverti.4iii-, espace tlii.4 %ý,e,,Ii, aIiIý9- - ;Bt m ý. ý . '- ý.- ýý - . 1 - - - - - - -- , ý Goi)zi**s LAoy's Boos for September. ý ýý q the reply t. tilt, Chanipion Ineingsonte- Io, P..I,*.iýd isqer; disl net g.t silly fil ... f- Wes ..Cr. a 1 attractions. - .: -el, rýý,,r,ýôý'.. ýlisýkiýs4 ; 1 g', .... Ily cirink croick, te forte flic enfer part of the cite]., .,la _ý . ý ýTEMS. . ' * . . . - . . ; . 1 . * .. i . ý 1 , - . . -, -a béien lslig . . 'ru P.shsed sus it itthe , - 1 igný.llilliller Itill of notable 1 ;1. ý what lenethy, %ý - lits, ,ail tu 1 ý '._. blnà r , _ N'l ": . - N ý - A,-ý;, ý_ ,, * ý ibbau honste. . forward in cireliiek avouant. The loy of the Ex Joli . ug.-r. of flic Québec bessais. The fiontirpiece this, illonfli je un . V . ri .. ý ý ý.i. -, % à .ý . . avec outil pext We.Ic.ý ý . . jAcau Jý,ilHs.N, .wor. ,ýe LIwei leave it . 1 -KIý.,v lit. Liait- land ,,a. ..ait th.titw.3 ii.,P.liibl,ýe.t..Iy ,lied outil anly 011 Mmniay night et his illaidration tu one af'Dor,,tli-y Holroyd's .1. ý i,., ý . . . . . . ý .. ' . This gave pronsi'e ý,f.qllllletliii,..Lirt. 1 SUSY - %vas ,lot 1.1 Ici. pl... .es Adenet 9th ; for oste régiment ta sec thé other but si. .emmener moidLnes, ait flic Isle ai tirlýtin. pretty' lunettes etatitled, s-The Drïad and . . . . ý ý . . . . ý ! ;r ý - .ý . 1 1 . . ý 1 ý . ý . . 1 ýI ilton Ow the '.S*.,tud;,y remvion, ; tuait fer ait. mal. ta .Ce souffler. If W., . ý 1 . . . , 1 .ý : ý . . . . ý , : ling, finit %%-ce « luoked fer ,ait .BI ... dure Ili 1 nolu'in . Ret...t hertvy legs in Parts of the coursty and the Nightingale." This Plage je .. e ý . 1 - i : 1 . .'. . : 1 . the wick(HI 11%vlisliI!3, iiieti" ilcil Ille i wa, .lot ,IL Litigiany's %vith my brssther; net what he woulit rsully cuit IL eh.sýg.. cf Fmoteaun hxve colonel serions injiry ln another succeshful indaptiiiion of file Isole - . ý ý . ; ý . . . 1 ý ý ý* - . dcbased -Ilero.4tititti-d" hllt-ct-(l 'Il)' -lie. .bave liciii frinjusently nt Linqhay's, during Thése reginients were forcing tic. encit-Y th. jettetc, oral,, flic tube m rottitig in the etyle of engravinlz 'foi mIsich.GoDuyý8 le dst thrs 1- back lis runhes by slow degrec.9 ont of titeir g,.,snIl id îussus, Places. .. LALai'ài BonD je fast giiiiiing a reputation. . C= ý 111È!111111sl! ___ 1 t!:.iCý'ti.g Iisiizor, Iý.itiý., did 1 .O .Dy Dits. Tiio'2%litl;uds.were cirelittgaroLiiiil ' . . - , t : . ý ,ý . ..Philfilffl W JUIVII luseu Ul" 1 , isonthi; -1 ,tilt Dot baie il . Me r c ha n* Miens. Wlisen "'s, "1.,.Iltl laI; %ýýuli.4 cet The Germen (;oýsSrnsnert haq forinally The fashisui cilit and faucy work deaigus ý . , . ý . 1 ý . ý .; ý IlIsIV 1 (Il; II; tutti fl)lltlql the lip'aitifig, 'Tir pýr..ýi stiskih4 lari. ý ., 1, th. ,fil. idts and file G .... il je,. %v ... pnsds. . 1 . . . . 1, ,ý . . . . . :. - . . "' - '. tic. Il. .NI.-%V.*.t Lindsay's Isolats lait thsrongh. Ho (Gés.siral .Nli.lsIl.t.sý) wm "Istified fil. p.,,'.m of (ý',,,...ts>"A.Occulla arc admirablec; both ici c1musing and 1 . 1 - . ý . 1 . .ý .. fian, 1. ', . 1 . ý . ý à 1 ,ý 'Par lis (,iV.1i'! 1111LULA :Lll-'%'I',11'11:lt -t filer. tu col. flot. of tic. Cissolizie, Intitule, file ple. Icelui; au ý 1 - ý . . . 1 - . 1 - s . ý ,ý ... ý . appulared to 1'. a 1,;tlf...Itllsi;.* elitorial, for- il ; W. '11L , cet.. thuit 4riý,gin2 are the [lotit and moulied etted, tilleuls frans Gennan tresclen, lur. A.iiioii,,,'otllt-i3trikingfeuture8.of ý' - . . . 1 . ý: ý ý. l 1, _ [ . . ,ý I ý .ýI.-%%,1,3.,Iisl Y.. osey YOU ciold.1 trossils who liait -diantoutited, ond %vas flous rail Q. 'y Il. & th. S.Pttinhnr book, ici file conter piece . ý . - - %ý 1 it-duseslaïtitIiilý%% abooii1iý ý 1101iýiT!UgUli.%s*been(It-fitsitelý-arrniigetl of the lie . . . .. -Il feint file - net recolieut whon yen wure àt*Litidany's ? completing T wcovser, a iiio%-ablu'deeiý,n.wijicl) . ý . . . . . . . 1 . . v ý . . -ablu fletscilH btr.1-G,11.4 Lit la4t. Tlwy *Idi notsty». . betimen Sir (AinrIci Dilks, nud flic wisInw i changea fronts soumit tu month, The . .ý . ý , . - i _ 1 ý - 1 . 1 . . , .ý ý consisWdt)f a'raproilittetiou oftlie'itLiii ai. . . TRE IFALF CERCLE DY. PIRE . 'T'a ie l e r .. -hisch hall called Il; I.- "Il you disi. ,ing Il.tst.he. Dur- of Itev..,Nlak l'attidses., au, senti as th. . Indy litterat in the InlsIj'L.J.sit-lit M. , aSsol.-No, >-out wor,,hiý, I' do net ici which l'a %Va'% oncles retors,. fmm. lier Indien tour. * . . . . . 1 . 1 . ý ý , ý ý ; ý - ,,ý .. ý . . ý ' - ý . ý. . fortli nitr chalIse . il, i . ins th. u-ldle'of fille vnosUmIsný the soleil 1 . . fui stury by Alùelia B. Edwards. euItitlett .. : -ngcaint of une et * li1borial 1 ci Il, did. , w-m Ob,ý-i'.-,' fil. assise. givien thom IS3 Adviecs front Zanzibar otite tbat -Dr -'rit. F.iir-Fiftecti * Eip«ré-ýU." The . 1 _ý . . . 1 . ý 1 . 1 .., ý V . . ý. 1 ý 1 1 colitýiiiisigýtilýýtcllittlý-li,(!.Sulillelll-lltý,ll..ýW.,i. .NlAs.,-. swnrný1VaBs net nt Liait. . . . . ._. . 1 , ý son! th. oifiact., wm. .11 in ý 1 . . . thoir otri.,.I.ý' Reichard-sulc survives, of file Germents translation or flic French suri 1 111 1 . ý . . 1 . ý with flot fàlluvillg: . y'. an tic, 9th, bsstwns tenter. thIst dicte ; Iller placed lending« the mets as PritidIs listerisestianal Exploring L' ru. Yaks of Ir.ti,.r," fa carried fi Il sc.ri, ,le. " = 2:Z rG ý s = :p m m ,:t :Ë In .ý 1 . ý . . ': , Mr, Phillips ust,.islý u score aly*a>.. tic. in tient position thy 'portod ta hava beau killed while fighting , - . - Lla 1= e. = -L . Z11. -1 -11tov. . - ý malle tliti 1 l'il ...... Il bleu riblion boue within fil,.. ,l- ý . dr , A 'l' le, zý/ -1 . . . , .1 mehortion in tics, towu hnll,'Oitlýville, on month. i il,, .et kn- ,vis. p.iIl fer if; .ci. gradunllý forlieil their way frinse, the bluircs nativà. ý an inturesting crisis. atid aiiewillustritted , 1 . .1 .. . . 1 ... . . 1 ý . ... 1 * . , 1 ý .. . .. . . . . ttioL.Vwiiljg of S,ýjt.litli, but 1't.ýs.,I 1-1 1. ..,-..,.. p.yisg fer, osny intexi..t.sýg 01 Waal. outil thoy i.ýt.-tliý, pleins, Postntl-Makor's trial silice coisoluded on Palier on licIs.à fille the del,.irttu.t)t'.f . - . .ý . ý . 1 . ý . . . . . .., î > ý : ýý * ' - .. ' id..,tion, st pnpiilar.ysititig menu ises writer, liste a . ý . . ,. .. iî , . ý . * ., ' ý Il. * . . , . ý l ,ý . - , ... alottertion. tu 1"!.t,.[L. W. wer. el the ý liquoir et Lindsay's n ithiu flic tierce mont"' whers, there wu a gesient ruch malle *ith Thejury raturneil a verdictof flemifflue (,.ctilitti.tis. Edith Robinsons ýý. . .. . .. _. _.. ý .1 ý . .. 1 1 ý. . .. . ý .1l'ilre..4iýti finit èvý-ryIosly k1n'w tien a checr. lisait put quicksilver into flic legs of guilty alter lidf ait hour's senti , 'Clefs called '*ýlieliatl . . ý: 1 . ý i , -1 l 1 ý 1 ý ý. ý 1 ,)*'et* sworjj-Ksiow'.\Fr.Tilliluny; thal'rceshmul Itý4iýe. Il W.,$.g.,.Cý.1 . à , tilt judgo, Iti.l..I-ýl.s,.ý Hsýt.u ' 'itty el, 1 . . . C o' ý an d S ée .T-Ts ý mi . . 1 fitela of- frute ý%viiiýýl(s-Y .1i.,tlýletitiIsit. but se jeu v. - "" The 1 ý ý ý . >1 Anosci. and V' asil Julian Seot«.,,Iits*i- . - ý ý ý - l'y the abovil wO are ],-,l to thilflc file W., leslest ,ci. snse.on tige 9th of AUCUit ; _ "; ý . - ý ý : - . 11,11ý11%,A,ý-liý attv;Iitut in whieil each lisait vieil witil Id» threu ysestre in Penitu't ri* Cà 1'l'ho Exiln'a *Dnsu hter.ýI . . . ý 1. .ý . 1 . . ý . ý Chnitil,!,,it doti't. If fil. intilà-H el flic have .I-ytlii.ig ta drink ; a.%" poufs]- illink 1ý1 of flic Ptorces je -GoDcy.*.4 là . . .1 .. h.v. boa.. filer. InJore ..,,I.ýie,., ;' did n"t sscighbor. As ta flic fact ut eue regisinent, Ait Asigia-Turltia ý; iviioni tiquer was Hent arL ing ; (Io tint rettieiziber who Wu filer. ; lie pr.l,.,ý,l tinuglý ý ý 1 ". 1 . . . .. bellIg bot.r. coulisse, thoy ,vem .11 .Lely Sir IL Dsý.,i.,i.:sIl livIdir si, ,,',y ý ý .. ý . . . . . ý . ý . ' IN TIIKIR PROPER POSiTIONs, - by tic. IlLerns. et which Engliuls niscis-of war Yer-4111 y iniprovinu; -intl,.d tilt u Lalo . . . - - ____ . . 1 . 1 4 vecohssary. . iyt are priepaked ,tu give out. kpàoiv whitt th.-y drsuik ; 1 du tint lit will bc cellowell ta pus thruugh the Dirai. Magazine shows tic, .ff.etof a pro;"r.ui%.. .. .. . thO..,, ' . . ý 1 dulgi in as,)- .trotte drink wlimtevar; 1 and simply doing gallautly as ordortd. diva in finie Of vrer. ý iiiilliened. l'lie piiblisher aiinol.Le'. tilt. , . ý . ' * J i 1 ý . ý . . ý . . ý . . . .'. - - . . ý. 1-' The -albove filve lilicii renIlv Ilindu drank ivith livilliella ch.w ; . lie strass], pop. Them n'ad 'ID liailginghack. Everynissu et speedy f.1theI'S.Iiii., of il now serial by - * . . ES ia wM (If Lieu Luini, lidelivIi Case Ili.,ssis,.Il.' wcos disiné hie duly, althssugh ta C-li Tels cermets have boers malle ofissembers of . p e u otatio« s for.Aug'ýli3t 2 ý 1. .1111.1 1 -- upalltliým L ' 0 . . ý 1 IL .. b ý'ý ý .. « . . ý : ., ý -,.,cnlowliat leii-,tll%-*' iiel'Iv. ý Mr. .%It:I;ibbozi, cnsinscel for.deft-iidatit. roging-nit it ,r 111ný nPPLnr au if thoy aient si, Incrisoilleil ,s,èi.tý. .Fonction lit l'I'..ý.. Ilý-1,-Ii ' Mathels. Clin titlo f whiseb ic . . . ý .. . ' i . . ý . 1 . ýý. . : . ýý .. ý ý ý. ý . IVe leur tIlsýtt 'itst%%-itliHt.iii.iiii flic ' 1 .-et file N.Phý.,ý-sl sup.1t., %c.h. blevie beau fier. "Leva Lice A Bloediti ,." This stLry là . . . 1 ', ý1 . . .ý. 1 Tic. -xt ,elle à oýý.rge again-1, 34-. Je-* ... C. ' . ý g yi,,ilig gils lis tilt iir..viiic.-a nisd 1-riglit and en. eigisig;*iti flic rosthor'a b'-at - . ý _ _ =_7;:ýý of our Ci titous 1 1.1 - ___ - ------- '. ý. . .-, . . ' i r, fter. i f Milieu, fur solling ilstoxice . ting - Ilivillg ..Ae thé .1,0%.P. .tatement very .1ý'illi.i.1g, thein toNcw York lt.,uss forvicions !styles actif protaides te tilt iiIu:li tijvârde . . . 1 ý ,!, ý . . . ý . : ý . . . . . , - "one oflltliû fi, îi-isti cHtchristian elen (lenten il. %,i.l.ý,..Pi..d.,l net guiltE. higlicat precide oit ni flic ý-nitititetr.ý, and Ali'.Itjçliii.i fermer carittired thras, trempe 1 BociK chitine, .Police inagiHtrate, and IiiH 't'l'sI"11, 'C' liquerne. .e.,I,..t Accessit 9th. . .I.P],.tiC.11y, tic. .. . . 1 . . . . . ý - ,ý liassent -bestoucit flic purposes. . etiellmicing tilt attroctions of flic LAiWs . ý. ý e . ý * Sitin P.arassels SI, wortli S4. -1 White Shirts, c.llarsýittrélieýl.,qt, wýýc1. ý,1 ci flic ciiiiity," flic).. w!.I, liaye b-n V, 1'.1.ýLF.V. .w.11ý- jet in '. Ili' -IO . in ]lis finisse ,lis Suilday i iglit, gave thassi a je lit, oil fricell and a vaisselle an. wlisid Ladies' riné boit athany time lie wanlil toits .Ê. ' BlIssek and Col'. site Golny*g . .ý,d rail PrOlleed Jer-cyx *3, v-swil $5.. .: ý Cottôti Usideraliirts .30eý op. ,ý. ý._ , .; . - 1 le. 'O', li looking t..ý.. hint vind at'd in Ilis tant., kilos, ."Ie. C""ItC,.: ,lie .cI.",s,.t m'di ý11ssem svit m fidone. ne .Cvam ponsiding iviti, a club, actif flic:, Soleil ilsIrtij*n Stripe lieu. IiSC, ivirlli 20C. ý . MilorLd Tais Shir . ta 40C.elench. 1 , - ý te keep 1 publis, blond; dict out get assy Jn- rt-,Itlnrs. 1 0 fnid lie liait .. boula cultivai.. Tiso co't --.oit.%%-Iiit. Iseisgthy r l "' --.Iilin os f.%,- thau, initdist. mie bv eue .csInti,ýi.t.rol ...' Spocial L.,I, inbroisierises 5c., scurth lue. . ..; . C.Iored Ti" efur 25c. * ý , * Il .ý . . . ý >, .. ý Mi-los %vill har.Îly 4)u ,sýti.laul IfixicatiiaL, liquar Imm leur; .got iio:liiiie, dava reccived a sec .;CsV1s.IU;11ý 1 . 1 . . ý the cilà. Ond lutter fnor, Glon ml ,cils ---,,zirýu Ly ,>file ystur je flic .. elle frons ille I)ÈIL.e of direct bobos tý-MUIL yith a rawhide ami-ilial soin of tws, *(ý2) dollars, and Special Liiie.Etiil)roi(lerit-o tue., wortl, 15 ail] ISse. ý . Sist-cial Lin- Salir, Tirs 25c. enelli. '. . ý ý. ý . . ý ý . . . . . that tlii.4ý111Lý 1",!Il doute. frotte l- except welter; drank nothiiq, top. . ColoredDrous Gonds 4là4c., Worth .18 1 1 Windsor 'rites 2.5c. se, - ý. . - . ý 'Vieil iir,,ztit's;i%-.ý flint it iq' i)rep-,trtiý ta ivatorist .NlrH..Ct)tilter's ' C;.".I"islgel.iiilly .0nýj'li.,..,tisggtlýe velue. ' wisch ail sculutint Cannet ba expesoied ta ý. . . - . . -cu scuything besicles welter Intrus riss, Lice slervices reiitiýrca. - - h. 1 ý ý ý .., ., .. 1,ý ý giv(iý tit. liame.'or «tltI 1,.ti-tiL-S to, wiloin il. .NI.-Il.igl ý - __ Tiso executive comrsl of the Jetait flotter etdvalitnge thali in a Bill biscription. 1 Serge Dieu Gonds 12jà., worth 620c. a . , - ; (J'I'lored Bow Tic. Siseto 25c. 1. As nt Mr-,c. CunitIn, .? - - ---. Uî,ý11. of Anlerics, deoidod Monday . . CoIorýd Xtifi's Veiling 191C., Worth 30C. . . 1 , Meule 'S'I'.1iite Collant 6 for ,',O l' - ' 7 filasse naincH, hitij hs-en (leiiialislý,l tilnès Mitî. Uuui.-ri:it.-Yes, ho liait chieken - SCOTT ACT. > niglit il, tic- national a ... cv,ïstim, ,if - - . All-%ý'-Ol Serge 2-2.., woril, 3U, __ , - éoIl c*! sud ý . :ý .. . ý . . and agaiii, wù fancy t1iat unir rest-1,; broth. . . . - (lâcrégo lis .Inittinry, file exact dit. ta ý. 110 balle humer strive, lhe tplopholle . 1 . FORS tockr of Celluluid Ur& . cuils. ý ý 1 1 rýi. 1 . ý ý , ý ý ' . %Vitiieýs.-I did Ont have nn%- kind or HOME OrINION8 AND CLIrPINGS Vlt(IM OVit fixod ths-Onoh C.,rC3P.,ý,lets.e b.t,,.£.n nl,4 ,,filer improveloolits el .. iii. kiiid Fille French Stâtings 2-11se., Worth 25c. . ý ý . : - cýinût colleta Iole. a Box- ý- ý . .ýý . ý . ý ill agrec ivitil I& lt'll,,11- W. .,.%>-.ti.a- ig licinur - front M ri. EXÇII.%$V. . . bave svork-d W d,,,,,,ti, ,,a social . . ý 1 . - ý ý : . . 1 ý . . tIýèýSaru decitleilly ns-.-itryý nnil flint. '1eý.ýiptii". of il'tbxie-C'l' lý5. . Portsall .1,IlLg.11. ý . . 45 in. Cniorr(l (':týlitncrég 43. a.,tI a i utiles ter the Neiiits!r.ý-ý,f the liclu.r Coulter or frniii asy othor Perdus) on lier __ 'teint Police force Il.t.,ilI,,l ta sIlý. rnvo'titio 1 . . . . prensides within flic faut hm. Menthe. j TISO a' whi,,kvý . train. nt . Ili,. Anluný thessi, improveminitis j( je not un. 1 : . - Silk8 el.jI71, %ý-orý'.Ii Si -3. .. . .. . t ' .O ý. . . 1 . 1 ., I.. ý . . . ý ý . ý . njually iiý,,!sý,,:ýrý-. - lt.%ý,Ii,'t ci,, fier Il this auge of tige proccedings flic 1'. . (P.-, n"I std") - fair ta* inelt.sle the -Myrtle Nac.y*l - Binai; . 1 . ý . f . -* . ý . if thuAot je net Sh'."tt-!r Ctiforcal whsen if P1. 'il' turneil ta I'.rî1otý en Saturchy Il 0.1sr.d Sil ho 6jýý., %vorth Sàe. , ' :. . . . . - . soir veracion.4 inagistrate nuit fil,, Orgl-Lu. ., èsesnug filet th. ,vitale.. ,,-ai .. 6unk osonc. iist. .P.r.ti.. fi'..$ et id il, thi, Part le-luilig, having .ffý-Ct..sllj- didpecoed tige tuhacco. Tiso 'gràt mi.jnrity of men ý - ,. O th èr: G ood s Coisured ýSiIka IiI wnrth, 81 1 - V ery CI . ý ý - Iiigli t1inugli fil. 11(i.,itit)ii cd flic- forinoir tels. incapable of giving Cýidsnseo. pet -, WO .ru osnItnis, if wil] 9-1-9- -LUI Pot - -t-P te flic r-%,-Iý-ism vins. ênl-ý'e t-b.tcen; have dolle . 8. for C.'t.1, 1 ose 2 pair* for lie. . . . ý ý . . - ý *. 1 1 ý ... Il . ý; - : 1 ma), Ille canton, t thie Ilert-itin" .1 dite Ilisu ici .h.rg. of a ..instable fa, .haut tno 1'. rýrC.I.d a, sono .8 a ý . centuries jussit and ivill C.TitililC.iI. do en. . . . 'ïStri lie Il né 3 pair3 for 2.5r. .,ý ý . .ý. '. 7 . 1-ý - .ý...,sl veto Cas, ba paqt at.Ilise.tisiteg. . ý lýien'à.15tri je Il a. fa 006. . 1 -ý 1.. ý . 1 pe.lýl.ý,f thisconaty, te try to gatoir 1, hon". illeri Il" if finit ilsey . . Idell'a era.e. 1 j; . ý .ý - Ut) te lait ,,*pd; ,lot th. Bond linchefort, writinq ... ý :1 . Il i I ta, ý in thé paris IL id important, thiereforse, . 1 , . . . . natning suiniatille, l'.1,11411ni il focal. %vise WM IlAist.siv, rn.avcirn-(',ot.3vlisH ev ,clightut ufftirtýu.., ma le ýnfomc file lllt,.t,ýig'.ý,f 6. th. lils,ýlor,.folivier paie" sis.Ill'i fille'L'e file l'est quality affile . . 'race . :. . . . ý Il Iloya' 1, -à l0e., 12c., and Irie- ý , . 1ý 'Il ý . .9 . : .ý . ' l . , ý ý ý ý froin Jaci- Coulter., Act, and ana Colisoillience. mom Iiilsior 11.13 pis%.. if the I"rellcll C;CVL'Ilmel't fait ta mollet article. Tlint je whatthey Lire .Ilp Sainple Lot si'S'là le & Re afin, Shirts # Zc., Worth $1.25. .. : . - ý ý ". les rendy tu say th it lie, got troc, 01, SýtilIlaý', -Ailleinst 16th, nt Mr.. C..Iwr , l'liait « . . . ý i . 1 . ;_ t..È.*.$ ' 1 . .- . . 1 liquor train soute -iiivsterlieil-4 nuit uu- ý he.n ..Il iss.thi. lis.ti.t ,Inýt ... ý ù= Eilgh»«, flic fitis.1. or itil ici file 3cirytis, NUL . A'.IeniIký ,. sien. fi'. ]star . si. -y ', -r y n d .C a il 'P' è s;ý latioivu. quarter. - nainses; of ail flic sey .ss)ý ý lot . ..ia.ti,,,g lisinser 0 any occasion. si, ' i . . ý . . T H E R S i D r! - . . ? . - partien concet-rimil muet lest given. .1,sy othu * similar perioci lis thé recollection British sinibuandur flic déath of Paie. , Crisslint bu surpluseil, that its quality ici , . ý TIS;c, .%Ii&..-,.ý Csnci.ýu, .%,..ý-..e,ýr .0 ý us Nin,, nissa tien Act 'vent sain, f.rc,..,L]... il Il »sirlý,nýl suîsn will avsngà .pou fil. afio hava used it know flint !tu Ilstvser M CK A Y D R O 1 ý - L . 1 1 ý > ' ý . . * * « . . 1 1 . 1 1 . x es . , il il l , i ý Lord, Saliebury lins %vrillait flic GIa,ýgù v = u forta nuit- tliat flic offly erre 1 . . . . Judgmesst crocelorcod . fi'. "olIl,ýt irchelle tatt." bte .1 ý 1 . FuiýtIier, Mr. Yt)itii,,'.4 argan ciaya filet : 1). .*,IcUibbu , ,.,,,i* fer défendent. LmI, 'veck thme men- nem, South Rivale. chaisibr of corisinercs, thit lie expoct. t . ta exturche ici lis plirchme je C orn er K în & - J oh n S ts., ,H a]U ý 1SIr. Phillip, provsil Pis à.4.ïLrti,,tt.4 to l'a . . ý - n,ý,,jtte..f incfuis-Y int., file causes face, ýtb' 1 g ý 1. 1 . 1 . 1 z:. ý , - . Il Siblained a ý..ntity of liqueur et ait Dis- . 1 . 1 1 ý . . . il te 114 but if correct , Tiso third vrac a.chirge agitant Mr. J. - licensed %vins, cy dive et Unit place, ISSU] _; .. Il ý ' t flic tirade sualit, T. & B. je 1 1 dicte will i,,*,,,) djifisisiltý:'sibout pendue RopLr ter mailing licteur oit or abolit file 7th wolst intq, a bleuet; ý- - . .ýý ý .. ý . ý, brise. Tlii.4i.ýitel%,'q ' ,,,,, 1 , ý,.issn t.,ieIat..I.,il If. statufiés] on flic plug. . ---------7-----ý __ - < . . . . 1 ý,4 - *1 -- l Il)- lii,, rov,ýr.nýe, of Ali4,t-t. bal a estrolise. gubsecillet:tlY tilemilt,ýeaugilt mottellisins, * Ti se, ý «F_711 -sinith .1.01, ,,-Iý.rntls.y I.,ý,,.,. . tý,ý«i..,.,.ýýli,».,:.,C.f tll.,Icl.ti.ýý of Id. - __ . ý ý . ý . . ' 1 ' 1 ý ý * - ' ý ý . ý ., - : ý ing.the liront giveil - ta t in exicting range of prices. 1 'St. Thomas Joues.,[ -ý *ý * . . ý ;ýiiILy. fine aod one of flic sioni »sortait Lyons was ,y. 0,11, ,011 the ll.(It.,,ýillesIt ta il,, ý p.f ... IL.t plendccln-t . Io coldegnition of gisais, ..laissant .services appil'in., record'of tlio:nccidesite noir acci. . . . . 1 . % . . . ý _ out .est tsý jAmr., WAs.cor, .1,srn-1t.1,ý, k-1p. a [,,,r.,-Il ta deuil,. Thiers, ... a .Sýepi.i.n .1 connosetimi %vith tic. recorst rébellion iii doute &.1,118 occstri.g in thé City Oeil . . ': thisi giv. LIIL-*'[,Illlie fine nauleH Cf cries thers, ; am foiiIý,Iay senti it la saisi Lyons je ta bc lits- in ý . . . £ z a r v e s t i n g i t t > ' ý ý . . . i'.1 to have ertncmy. .ait 1 en sov grec -a yenre. 1. flic alla:llil.,Iltýl %,eoliieli alle, . fil ceci ont altdost cvýry clay ; buve l'ici a inîrrmd and -es pont ni-irtein ý the Nortlt.%%'cat. hnr Maiesty haécoiiferr, ci locality dsiring flic lut tu Tiso . . .. .. : . 1 . . , imn smifflaysid lis- flic .Aliti-scott Act. 1 1 Immiscation flic tith, of KiiiglitCciinin.inderýftlie0riler nainher of lime lent an th. rail wu 51 ý . 1 . . > ' ý 1 ' * ý ý . .. , ,ýý . .ý 1 1 . :. ý ' gl.,»"f ..P.pé" et c1',ýt'- : got ses, ici. suade. ' ' Chicot sied St. George - setluinviae 24ý lots . 74. The accidüntý' . . . ý .. . - . . . . ý . ý ;.ý . > . . ., . . . h Tiso ferai case uÙàrr flic Sosstt Act wu Mr, Garni, Minister of Militiell' . a ýinjor- abolit flic raifwnys mat maultiseR f.t.11Y i . 1 , ý ý . 1 . . ý ci Party ili the troc %%-Iti.4iieý- distribsitioli. t xicatinz lutter, front defendant witilin ' of St- 'fi Ison Hall 1 . 1 . . . .:. . .Tho .(.Iitsir el flic, lusielleilsIeUt, if . ces .lnýths lait ili't ; 1 c10il't R -, ta - te Isoler. Moeurs. J, F.Irrer. and Il. 1 . . 1 . . » 1. ý.. ý 1 . ý ,î _ý .. . 'ession tlilltl*e-%,er%». liste, . - ; go for grosierises ; Ropor Fumus, i. 1 Gwiaresl Middalters. . scumbered 64; * othei whe 29. total 93. A. 1 . . - --------7- .: .. . . ý ý . . .. ý 1 . mally ituýILr-tlie iluil, , .rs lot. dritik . l. in the Court Balise fast . . 1 . .. . ý. . . . ý , , - ý. p. 1 hoclv knOwý the rgtut4 of frèe'výIlisdiý** Belin ..Pol)e." ý 1 Saturdscy. John G. Harlev, a detedtive in I'i:.trirF.q.-Tliapenclicropin tbs,1ýisgarîI thue accidents coeur fr.m.ti.e fatissaisthe, . ý . . .. 1 . ý ý . - . «> ! . . . ý Il 'l),Itit)ti.11 %ras.; ver), hissait tuidtah il. Wý IL D N r ce les tien yenr. agýrég.tu in -mrcely renliud, but it %viii la '. 11 ... 1 ý ý . lUsCri A "ici .. a mn-.R«ipcr lIsseps, .1 the eiiil;loymosit of file Simone Scott Act .ce .,Il ý ... - ý a i n b.. , . 1 « ' . ' . ' ' ý ý . ý ý I., . . ý ý, 1 ý W. juive titiver ItUard of ail)ý sucli fact-S, grocor) have (Irait - Pop. Rite or boer. .ocla Amsocia'ibii was tld'complninant n'Id -NIr. ' i nhsd . . . ' . .Il Il [nets arc haut ta seen tient during file tivoi yssara peut t 0 . 1 ' . .. .. ana lùttil wu n wu sliiill 1-sitain 1 %rater sold ginger aller have il-di liait scuY Joseph Calverloy, ta two of schkil ho pleut. ron il -Ilv I'r Whicl -ral prices sors tOtal-fatal and otherwisc-was 167, or an . A larg e stock of èh eàsp : an d g ood ý': 0 Vi E R I uns -cepillion ý%%-Iliëlll wo lusivec lielsI ali kind ce, chiscrifiition. of i.1t.4i.ati.,g liquo, ai] sIssilty and .flic oth- ,v_ witlisirawn. 1 , : , .Mrd enches i 1 Sinon .oi"ili average ofs * ôvenper mongts. ý1 . 1 - i . - -0 ý %.ý . , ý , î , - ý .1 . , - ' ý: . ý , along, tba . t flic 'itul'is!8 tutti absent flic front R.per ,vithi. fil,-- menthe. . , lie wàs therefustre fliiedO $50 for kecpiag i a nul flic arc ex ta a a cuit ,- - - su itable fôr h àrv estin g ., ý 1 1 ... ... :ý i Il SI et.,pot, 1 -, , -, . . ý * .. - . . ý ý . rib"Ijou %vara, wliati a gruit Adjourisod ta Oakville on Saturday, son for sale anil $50 for sellinq lifinor, the total arc,,.. t. atharisses .wu. . . . . Mr. Parpetus Boileau, Ottawa, 'ia)-8 : . . .- . . >, ý - 1 . . ' < . 1. . . ý . 1 . . . . ý ý ý Il ta h. furtliýr'.djoiými.ýl te ' Millets. mon fée fines and criste beticg SI06. BU ilids, Bill t'av. a ý little sprinta in his --j veau . rndi,.ally. corail of piles. front *0 . à . 1 1 ý ý ý . ý - ý 1 1 ý 1 ý - . a" cal a. ý t.r!L.î tutti - by Senti; Ac - b 1 ilsbon fer dfý.,Iànt. (W.1kIrt.. lissaisi.) tant et Montrerd. Ansureg the gants were whieh 1 boa been auffering for service ivre - . £Joy s J T-TIT S i at, col st, * 0 . . ý 2y -t1ýý' vu banal dcIiýerato lics.: Ni" -Nl-G ý E R S E Y Z,11,. ha . ý . " Sitting Bull, Nat Sellabur . . 1 to fIn iâh ý uý . . . . 1 . ý 1 ý Th. renfile wAs a charte agessinst Mrs. The Ion hithorto enjoved by the WnIkser. y. Peter Mitcheil, menthe. by the une et Thomas' Eclectrie * 1 ý . , . . . ý ý. . ý . 1; . ý1 1 1 RE SHOULD RE REXOVED. . Cuniminsille, but cresn sa- ton osenchers Of thé Scitt Act A.mi.iti.., Cran, Essti-, and tic- essayer. The Ho, 0 il . 1 iýind Il bath internally-alIsi stock - . .. - .. _ . .. ý - 1 , . ý- ý ý . : - .: - . . jnirud .Il .momit of bar insing ill with je po*ecsitiiig th.irimeighb.m, hnsre...tly - ih!'Iu,.nc. n rthyýOf the leade; extarunlly takineltinarnalldomeshofore . - ý ý . . .ý . . _ . . . : ý . . For sonne voustre, perhaps ta &vDid new8- typhoid fc,,r. - a Prora teskenatturnand vissur one of théiste will Of the t Ir tarty. corsocissily who ' ' . - ' * . . : . .ý , ý . . ýL , ý ý Il ý , . 'lie flic lieu th of the Hou: Bi a ai meule and' on retiring ta boa. In one ý ý . . 1 1 1 . . ý ; , - popUr ré - - ------- - have ta ntfi.iate as d.fomdant hiýà,.If. llr' Sitting Bull. * 1 ' til ý - . . 1 . > . RsUrts of file procecdings of flic i . ý Visitors front Firatim F'arquh.irson ha. isclussa a wýît in flic . . week 1 crus minci, and have liait no P A R A S O L S àt 1000 from to-d ay 'u n ý . ý il bia sold ç .. 1 ý . : * 4-courtof.tnith and ,iglt,,iit.ilc ', le file. ' 1 r Collet fnr'nine Iiiindred dollarts, It LI rýépOrtsn1 ýtbaI; tbý ymoýSr wmým; Imulle silice. 1 beliave it-saved my , . . 1 . . . : ý 1 ý M.ghtmto Young bu of lit. lent 1 ail flic . - ' 8nperio Mr. Thos. Lisse. J. P., for acting ais 11rescued" in London are ta ensigraie ta Ille-" - ý . ý. ý - ý . . .. . .ý Theéamahipoompany, ý > "' . « . ., ...,».t "r.ccued" wali mla - 1 1' . . .. ý1_- . .ý ý ý ' ý ý . 1 O.Lvilh anst Il.,ii.,-t..ý. Tl,!. Ints, ca sel H vm suit Halifax, if de,ýgne ta cepes, up rerty qualification requirent hy il la Statuts gond : bat they hall botter Rive an .amant Cheýpcst Frst.clak& ..ý seluisole .1,111.1, not«iýus.insta.,tlon.t tl'.v..ael. of whicli sur. . ta ft betu..e. et ...strige ,withsent pas ... sirIF the Pire. Caiý-d-. If they etc) States.. . ý . . ýý lit. ý . 1 1 . . . ý . . ý . ' * O ý i a lie such matters. Wu tend seconsio ý se ta coin. of their détermination fil remain recensa by . MUSIC ln MIS UnIted on r. w'à unfitiiesi for the intississe for saY hall a centurvin .am. ' & . . ' ý ' ' . ' ', 1 . ' ýnimoIW 1;ýfý,r. Ici,, as gémi Ililect'Ite-iin communication betwoeu essor stel si . 'i î e -m-- 1 . dent of uitnacegnary: trouble Dissi Cernions. .,excurtinnisté' PartY Parties . sont old Fmria... Ait position of a M.ght . ni ntrèntmap, yatm town, befora teanng d6wn opon Look ai Bd. .f.....r lis « , - . 1 8 t r è i -Ba s t é dc tic. fine will visit put-lished. Printed a. the a Most POPUlar musle l'y tic. n'nt vou.1 tMmI aide ta writ. Ili, a , P ý thiaunoff-ndingDowinion.-Ilail. ' Il the."ý ... Fa J.Peý. . > . . 1 ý 1 ý ý 1. ý . . ,I ý * ý- . ý- Evan if théy hi,ý Ili tenu collyi. Québec, '.%Io.treal, .Tomnto,, eitiojutlgment mi flic t fin tel ow Homard, of Gatling eau rame, je De,, O, -"'-',j""": lieu -bolet ..-le elle Sula th. «,.. Y __ î tel fleurs and Niagara. . transis sin ta . . . . ý 1. -, 1 ' 1 ý-- 'i . imeuld ha% a a.... 2'. flopally lu formed a .a . ý 1 , . 1. . . . ý 1 . -a illico ,ce intilication fer it_ but T iso 't M soige-les, Y - t-ilýd .1l'ov.rýth. unitest Sint, Si . -ýý,111,ý11,11,11,ýIllýýýIllýýýIllýýýIllýýýIllýý11,11,11,111,111,111,ý,ýýýý,ý,11,111,111,111,111,11,,,ýý'Illýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýý ,. . . men, sud ta décide in i te questions of boinýN.WHR,.ýn. nes-y-tilattiýemis thsny t- ..ý..sty-Ilýq occetc, J- C.1-Y Ou, InIr. 1. . . . . ý . . , ý , . . - i . 1 . ý 1 Wh." it in ,..ý,,sýll,.,C.1 filai; -li.l"is.,I., Dot -'d.l.g.,tioýt",ý- Use ý wiil«ue.ite the e.onondia, i 'a -. es- p.,ý.py, or by .leu cstMýdMtaddýà for . 1 - ý* > , .-q E ýý . ý . . , 1 ý . -ý i-.Ci.ý am file m'a il, Sýdt Aetcues. sonfitians, Iiterarý, artistic, ressantifacturing, nus, nffècting filais, ci 1 riglite, je soleil no difrarence betwedn a essiscillicut and a , ! . m a M « ý :; . thnt Donc .filer I.s11:ý-,h- l'F' ý.l1 'Il "Ili Prie.. but esnsorsolles, , ý. 1 ý 1 ý . ý ' gm -= et Cati Yankee. Just .0. A clin U-r ce W 1 'E cieInts. Wu wili %ont catainau or ý_ er the actinst cf the iiiiszi-trate appuis el SI 1 and commercial intera3tis of France. The th.s.&,tir,, ., 1 . . . I.. ý . (loin wcald Smem.ý ..,ophl, in Christen- ýOýjNG JMPORTATIONS. T EW styles LOW Prices 1-hmeï disttý ilavi'iig made 1;-ý eect froili tlit...; j:fjl1jIýwi il à a e le Litt1eDcIti,,ý, .ý_Littleiîari-%y -Little Emi]ýY S. ï. 1ttl, 'Eva iloakv'ille u re lî n g te il 13 p « El.eac îi ýTOod 7, r7 Londoui Torori-'o 5. Shel MIEN mise 1 VC et in COL _N eS, utî YL). Tl 4-w- e ai :1 'a 1 las kille lia(1*1,.;Ili mail blowil w; .11 vlCiDlty iLs a volulin -v, r'r, 1'l, BeMicè tel, th. it :RttiUg tjjfttýIWr t abould mon- e-,t, !i-i I I t ýWhich will, %,' w, (W tcherntunerm Pit-lids. ap 1.ý:1 aud illec this7i, JI, :hý- vn in d,,ý Ail illEUbor; for Iti-i %% yécéasieul; whà et b1ýqtiütý ur nky to Hacriliv,ý "'Ir. f..r 'l -1 1 t le un -id ..i 6,,(,,3nt Inercenar -iiiutilI..' i ,ôni tlu! favi thal. did ti-.1 amulnulate trvimirvs lip'il :t le i, 1 lil Over tDiirty N-t-ar., h, L, tti-ýýl a, and telle It4t, it %%-;lit u two ears ht-, lýtt et I'v, ler aul ýI, q, th hicagos!lel,:Iý-,l ig, ni Was rdNertýii IV Ong tlle 11-1-amr f Lýll% oftl". Why all.w a C«,IlIý t., 1 II-eIiý r ý,_ethmaI; anel. 111,wi why lie,- 1-1-IC nItEnnent danger If coueliiiipli -11, IIIý' th 191, incredibly àIjIýrt sl);Ictt !.f prodit Tuo.%tA.,' - 1-à-L 011, bumintmi- 7.ýJý-W tle cit,,n aunic(,s tel, tisit dilli- %'.Il e4lty. Tiiis peLrle" quai certàinty, of, thv 1 a bf th It 0 the t intel, lemi gale et in t i pally v iet f vai, fIIl,,IIi Ili lI.ýq W isorilti-à Y. 1 i é Le% -n 1,,Cutl tu 1 it .à Anneh le ,tý it i, Iqttýù1 t ardIY.ý coli ,he, Ill'r. et t, is cured !IY1iýi. lit a t Sir III e IcI riatuins ilic z a of the iekill'ar. time gràtifyin; zr.;:*ýja:î-. i Ju oeil il, recrili only and Lyl- iwi ýkud S' Mar-'

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