Canadian Statesman, 20 Aug 1885, p. 1

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4, NT lie isct th le. "lie stock j ss aterirlloi tiltis ëfL~ Us ilteadl ire al .IltfeliSC satling t( COLU Bitos. M. IL. R ONT '. 5 10.ii t14>5 1r lisit nt t 1 liqs tr ' t leh~Uttt li tt: nf ntntnn. 9 -arm Ta jvelerS' uicie». L'itt VL1YIAILWAy: ~6~ ..*-.,..--. i . snn - ., enn . . -iOi .b. nttbt. n , t , - . r t ' o ~ u t î n t . n6'nî .on.n, u untb..,ntt t.t, .ut . ., ..,O to t i f 4 'T ~ O O ' L L T N s t o g i o e p t .~t , . B Y E . 1.a d Ie f on.d e o n , M o n uo: !e l- ,h i p ol.n t o t n ., t n e t . , g i 1ui . 3 O t i w n n a dn-t h n i v o 1t t . , od f'a tn f tnonont h1t tut -nodn1i cotn ine. nye& mnonltnn-'r.etoent. ,u [t :nydn1Moo' *nnhi1tndnn - th hoo;,t;nn nn1tnntei -o.Io . . . . .<oOr11.n. id'ssi . . . . . .n-_.ýý,'. ST.-I Stnt. , , in.m, -,t. . 1 - -ta o , . . . i i 1 .tnen;.P. -1 n rtutroot nod n t4, 1,auu . .tnhe hl .b..ln tilnnie i npuig w. ...... - -na'd tb l" , e iett L in0,nt >e )fiotnt ',onî.titt* - - : à notrn. ntuortd t1 n on-n. .n n d b u o o nîon1e.titi.ont h .ut i.,.,ntb.r:din -4oth . t jeh t0.ý. . .,j . -&a-7= (n'1 . ..ot.n.. . l.1 .o.1n.l-oI...o 1 î de-n. v ,o.o1roo- odolinut.'l'n.y.atiù!bsa.toti , n . . ý.. V 1V I 27. .nn.en ý ., ý , . =1nun.iyun -2qr atnobui iOoMmt Iiyrldno liîpne o i hotlnt itn b 1 tlrd o too.1Tbt y. Ono tt.t. ai.ent1tungin: 1. A f.i OPpO" t.& V 1 t~ ~ ~~U ""td i 1l'ne ..t.nt ba m r/ 1 < n n nl;n n nn.f d et1 .et n ut tti g. ih g oo n eo nln. l. i f nn te ll.. M n i b.o on ul io eo ti1 t n. i nn 1l M r1 nt t te; o4ertn eit it Lt , Q A UT_1 ý 'I nntî n Ho. _ed he oto-- ty eh t od nii.n ,.iti1bonî ne..o o t1in n.h. T..e nt .tl .t.n.i ,nr:ltnnnfs 'tn . I. 1 ttnt'tn.u'-tt.__d '..Ortt tot. LO Tono-d 0 tnint , ,.N, 0 ndiopiini ngnn n tidh in in1 ou.t f it ionon ftendooto 'ti _____ n.' _e in* *~itih.tttntitit'1- '"~endnnii,.ot,.o~nnntiîognoitrenpnCHAMPIONnniu.x-e.-n-ooeypliu 2n.onantnoothon-?ny.y1t..a.I. .__ t"'i'tintttti<tttnn1 .I.tine .AHPLSUTH nti..n'rn--'n, OtOtt , on.byin., ebtinl1tli t.etidono.nlrroih. nrwnotnilblm.ue- nnr.eIlo I ot.niig en.. Itlroi..uTrnlo - ry .s w ' . .t.. . n o hi.n t i i l e h ,. ý. . o . 1 - . i n n n , n n t i n n n n b o1n n i,-l t o n c e t' '1 .tt 't n n t r n < j T o- t . A n1 t . -I n , O . 1 11.!no i - 1r' ý*I. 17'7 Tt;. I t.'g",,. nnth.ý."-.Yh tooten .t . . .'ion.ntoen-no.. '1. . nuosnuuFe. t tîohti tggr-bntn o No *ottj tt-, ,d ! td tnnt'n *pitd lnttnrty"n. nnngw '"Iar .fiil' -HATE H-tt' *ho on:Sotgo-tu. u1i jiuit't.ino.1on ti , IIt . itk n , k io i tI,.cin n t n n , a d l o t tt l t g n f r , l il ,a o o n.pi d- tý0l o n n d l e i t. n t n i îtt n i t n r t tnait 1 .s. ,h.t. tî .lthetomnasoin'a3et n h ' t gyon t o t e o nlfl n on i om on i d , tt n tt r:n ri ln ton o t, r u i tif, .. ii-. -,". 1 t- o :tn 1 - ht i'tn.t »int iottttnitntit5St'i oiniii .tn't tn-oltîtynt e ftO0 nntiertoint ' itsatihn, ttenaioilati asi penrutti il.oIe iîbteoi eo B ut',nttifa t. n o t t.a . .i n t__.£ 0 i n n d u n r - n l i t o i ti i . e l g it n t Rn f O t l g futt o * - f r oo : t o h c ,h d t ,en t =b f n n o-nn i pnr o a ec lto u or i t n . r itît riBtta ionty . i tn , o d r ,l à 4e * è . ;0 tt .L . nottis tý . P i tâ in i. - . ' ' t M tb h.11ý I lt uto on lit.a Htzt. nintnisusainber0000e adli nfr eslin __ - .teZI lr f w. . . t . . tttil ,tl.t ,, . 1 ind . r«]otn l r n n.iP in t îîtnsR y Min lr i a gou d o f ,o nt 'Olot iiiO OM-d . .hOtoho hit irsstn 't n u l .a m m ni t n to ti în t d d ntI otn . . . .1 -. .L - 'ttci 1"'t .ti t n t -no. tan Lt 'tuto»tM tttttta a ' .. ' . . 1 - . ' 'ntt . igh tic.. .t Mnn t.nit, no . la t Inrnn &gl a - in por 1 hu ore fo rt$tab o e p t on l f: Ii l ,g sarn t a aw u n. Th u ý .. .1 taamtr. l . .tbi l =tl- .bek h es Yug1 lt y san ei ng osti ite= 1 o .%adser tienn u, - nttnn i n..ltntt- otiîunint at ahudg'ttog it uisb it.'f o nd Outn Iieininr ogl1a n oit,, O iso. Th-cnioaeuoli Ilý .1 . tOt ttmainli- ii .t .fr mat .sstneu aceuîîWgrr:,h ttinou . inn. 1 antà Iltthi;i.., deI.j .tnaissant -a.. tîiî<-t n Î. ort. ninsîntgnî n1t. .. inn .tt 1tt- .. n1itîuttntnto-n $200î Itnnitut'S ', in . c"lidlir 5ledt u, i s tn.ui i d familiernt in5ian3 th e ahForue: Mtinntt m 'ble . -iâg aWlt e'ha Zn1 t oc. can q ucr ad .no rd o ntlfu.tio g nltnf-og atan a t o u t n a il n n p o n t o o Ih o i dhe pe. o i n o o h oy id h o rt u i i o ' , n o e n a t ..,,," . ,, " . i n . . , n a i e e o I 1 .n n tinii n o 'r.,b ceiy i, ro nt1 hi. ii.n.e, . n n ' as 1i n o n e gtilu i n i g litin , , i hoII n t u titi f u l .. e t ý[hoD:n.i.l.n urgan SOU onoun..Tlin . 'iirIIro--ioy 'a futthf.M.. w Titoltnnqg alîu ,e., oln"d remuantullyeotheie Mitti litof bersnîne ,hbut oulacote dirneily Lttic.,bernîprs itutu Suilit toy Inn tgnup Ilet t* ctIit-t0., ci1,Itlti -a a ,n tfrtgty onr tundtutnl3orognçttmuts e it,".iol, ydo le otin- gont iti, tnit1,jilio s .tu roduti .ý . 1 : - ~O -.t inu* t. ,n îni. titn . ro NnTlE. i. . s , r 1 1Iù. 'ýA - h tiettave. tsrenittive ntglanrnulooan.bsuhhn'c6%nlir e oiino ue - -ý.. .. ,.,.I, l fu t ecitr u 4radpesre a rèie aui _ = ý i15 1- rbu1ts- ooniiy yuu luolari ess .w s wnin ce t ut mIh ingo teeho estu e astn te T tlsitet btt pr o _; 1 4. ý . RA TE S O .F A D InueTtiin;.buttttnnus -ur tinteloIt ti*00,ko nican ttcunugnssitlimnnt heitn filetnsiloeduouystuolt teitclaverhnotunn-l toutr. înun'o; 'and , .V asn ranhIatotacgetwynofinlie b ut;othe ueldshunstianntm ......, 't>itter3, & en l a;li..1tlirlîeti _Y..onmn,.por.nen mor itinoeha(eieg. iitHynn ex o in ît outt h ti.oae- ., ,ý l . :(,j, .. . ý-estn ..t.... .gaonte as nyitialci.nnnl9 nÉ the ,.ent protth wliigelt liatoho Aint Ebsi iet-. n.ntnrctn,-u-tneSinlobtqnbtaconn.ctnu]témergea..o. tt.. ,tt .noetnuumttloeit.o .....ild..Ho..... orhctL * Ht-tSein ubiBeere Intin ero betnhotgs a .-t tto1. . 'f.t.i éttn di.. ntn'ktqt t t er 1Mdettn , .ln ctl ln u porositteti l..Tlt o un onlr tott e t hti nil n e ys the Oinoo ena ht i es M l util bernnnn a n uitd siin pttnnr1 .iu ed1=i it. ' q t ilI...«.;,. 1t ....2t00 o.-. tal, vonfo moretntid îtuounv ~a vr; bch aoet n. mac rite . 1 ... . - <ý -1 . ........ .rt.îet'nnt Iont nttnnbit intiit,.ttttoiibn.ý.,l.t. ,, . Ito- it'unialtittinu ' ho .Pntl C nZ.:ibnni:t 1t., 1 ".ttintj-,tt ttiy Muttrt!tlni Slinn...n.t ni ît.. lt......tti... ou0.be0tint ton- .onsan hur b geosn tein ant tieuteijtaeothetomtog -tnginf Our_______ tin tniotatedutmpatientn1<spir'ittrtuultti th thetumani . tynnaitnnnaTn 1t,. dhaoat ot on oheettWtoeuwiti înt, ison. Tltanditoneh ini lieio botonfepontinei t,. . -ii .LL.1 j, -ý*, n...i nn ie tnt nî ut sttss. lee hou.ii Ituil, ani tp tin rtinn ttr n dcne'nll-snttnottuotIlenltor- tbaatbeerlîtîn teitît o tte 00r 0 - tit nui..........ois... Ih.1Ii'.0t0,à ttguMinlol la tihetiDen' o hhouinusng Au..Nieie Iittg. .. i ili teiin.fwton tile nuit ott ______n.tn1,dtuî '.., ,ltlil* , .....n. n.o, itiFoulâtln tiionltut',do-.r.oiinpneiu iro tro ltîiHtenrie I.,_1_-_,- l tollege.«Mn *u* ..............t5.00t. .i.unir ,at uir(,gactt. s5itrtuyuJn'Mtilnusnuin1ara ifrilao'aoftinwiYork niun Ifet]rilnnitpititnt tactrtaiuntseritnnl eaungavnr'. Mobreak. andtabriehoin '1 .l .e t1 .utl utti,à.on;itn...n.:.nn.. ,nl J. B.uliiMIpic.sp -ie 1t'l,,itl.notiiuaise.ttrntcchance tao. înutitetibsYnuàiiued snhnnnîl ananib.t utnitn, . .ii . . l - - . w-sy ut o nft ti tt er: & Fo.i n ru tsH t.- ît.t. , I. t t t h. i rn T i g ntoem n bI oa r i " l u bn a g ml. n , nd aoct i t ât laie t h i etn t hi t ni i r t sing. ePT iraitin t Si O e l ot ul i l m io roi inn bt n ei i p i eeti r outtin ertt ci 0.,fý,. ,,ýà,.f oi il. III I... $5.0 P.,i . n albo.Devorebnaa ointh te ib~iou tein thteIos ruinnt tu uuttn Chatr un1tlt'l<tulhnrW.u.1oitnnnunlt euti, nt1.tthi gn.tily an oduulinso. n tihoILionthe nm atr, hefo thi n u,. i- IIsaeetth, W tttot n lnnoi ttesiiî.tun nu tn-tiu n utittia: . Pou2.Il i"' uu.<n"ý"ed "'-t i l ' 'ai -n - t itutifilus tt OffcrM i, gojî, u ita ulyobnn nhomuî,ehit inott ndn i,. oteloaoi> r gua.mi t h v u talicee ea uuo'tan Tunn aitun oidne ' t, t- 1-. . h . q il .l ' - " '" z . 5. u t i .t t n l n t li t y o q u t I ii n u u t -îtict P lilicu iot pl o girl tadNs q c a r enr n e t at e . tl n u- i n o n tf. i l i u n u n s ' -lAy a datr tn i g < u h u o o tt .jil n n u t b t t., iý_ -ltutIvtt lt-. I.tu., . ' .IIotuculn tun 1tie n1tli ostal-lilitdetIn-rciD-ect îlteLt intyonti --ni tiene-rtotsiuti it- top It],talofiît -îRateiîî'nitt n nio tn o lC.F- .S.A..O-. . - un.n ttt.o.ns - a itai cîten ser mim. osa;<p u-aie= nu.rlie .'I îo nhre tear toi tucdnapnn tinlh UD0lm con<so tilero le nalons î e Co nie -tshuys n d al~iotttmo e à' ocked sa wiitun i tlt t t? T butt-t O ! . Leuil Daes Cadýt . . . . ttmngn Ituot til tud uttit Iin nîîîupo tt ittr on, on lIe 'wtatItsgooaltnnnîyu useel ulo..jtiu luce d Otepnt-andtnnmimayugulpnttr la u n at tjntt elf Il . , -eamu-u in . , ani e nt t .'Who 'ladial).tir ieti mo tn let nin xisîl tene, tein u n cstse o n rfleih nL, a th intpty ly allt ar oo k - ,an s lnn nentt L n n . . ýl i,ý t. Ç. I a ic ub iai a gaOi I l, "iB . V my p a rs en , ut y c n e tn. tiu g tt, cuttn o wn li nî u u ft i a n t b rat. n e tin . 1 q. - , q..' T1TZL -, S - .., . . UT UHAIIT, cEn LGTRNIO beh uiHtîote ltiui e, sotalltuitutî Yat igu y the etiuo to tOrng u nntio two inclt olirgte.nT oimtiion tttfttt. uý t *ýý"ý, , « , .I 1. î .n. , dn . . oi. 1846. rlileinr op coi.>p uof amusemet taIwunfilletmltithuis.ofuobtraieheiarellie ;-.I.uen .tinIlî - O e.Oîn ni tit jur tre e ti em ettl iput n i -',tesit ..rt, n T.Ort&Ctitiee.- I ie gputusine hi N orulnsII ledispugttintelui,'g, soI ntio ltn bytouhe c iimeftia nd h' alflm ott cledIyuiIotnupo ~ t totnn' ti, 'i *a.n*,*, u.ipi .5q.-lon.un sitoit, ntt f..v.n..n..., tuth hntt.ln'o- ttyiieno.' nn inlid entonin Hgitu n . . .t g",n stit- ie.n1ttiu nstilma".g fIl, anijtn!,il- tdulttlo'0clà' n*unfut*.,luro nnim'uts ibits nai ttui uantudsenohntuait nî heoten uneluint tbi 'e dt o H u i te..E z r d P o p i eo.. t rî i n b in nI It u i m i,, . It I ntmoi t nt S o a.o.tnisntIhi, tc si u u ly.i t -u ltc, uee u:ianf. Ottdtae p d o ll tpn tg nl ni rtu d B t'P anral p n on. .-...o-editeil:le sshtmltd itlttnttglt. hi ea so.t n Tiîtfu iu n te nt fi en n bo iturn ,SO Dt a c =p g -i l s th t e ntait iu luxp si, n ofP l er h ofia ue 11 in iit n . o Ln. tt, , u 1 ý leu illý.",ntý-.1 uftulti y.tgtohiIInuIli"[.nHSttIIl iasltaot' ethO e l n aunoiti hnnto b e rtbti io o..utu p .- hegrnPITr on iL. u t1_oIl..,a s1 ailn.".tnp -.t11i ""ti:efatalLty p, iaintnsliteitstiteut SIîtntVone-lier parfaitrncase; r..,..:i.11 ,a ý 'Ilt 1'.»'tiOt'tomorehfortidbtg Imntnallethoniwuydî.t L UvI ER.O O II I . .A H ,I N E . T A liti o r p t n u >eui i u n l y n , s u î tIn m r lu rv e nte a nd M In t , atg e lien It de M a n ms ign a n -tosi e n t tn 1-, M e e a s n r. C o u r p to d n t ig m i t u i tn I t lieralig test movo vas 'rac huat. iorced G andTue fcl a oo t o irtlo*n u o " Y II t c a ' ' . uon n . ti n t o tti o s -ut m u c u -i n sLisn s r H A S N O E QfJA L c n in g mc a r d . T h e o eir feti nnul l n dt , . s ite a i c i g i e i n l ' I e 't s ti e n , i o n guli o i u là .n u t l t O f n , I o l t t u A i 0 0 E p , t i t S l l t 1 ' - nStnt. ttnt;kitIntuti',t-,.'int','eeale'T',. ste( no ina, g g, hmeut. lof teuan iilouit.m e, ICES eODEHATE..S gl iltii . gnielate hI nd~- - tt n ut lutnie iln t . _. . -OiiotetMttn. ,. .na"n" Lt otnni n îîuieInaînoti, ongleltul luoo dbîj py. W ttnoon'otYen'a Mua nIteon-u innîlttne llot bnguut r. ponnsite Ir . > 'I .. v ý îar s , n ia uIii, a ti eIl tat Ili.n1 lie ene utit oen cf beo tott n, o u .tit;n. nil e1, lite tCi t MIlnt eutlf a MocieeCotlntoilutil .- nuott . l. , .. ý . 1 r i t po e o gxinesso S'hn. * M ir w a liei nt pe unofli r s iinn u ito n t stosni LIret si jelntor lIopuo . ntnrn t 2 1-', . . 1 .J O N. I, - ,. t. l ýu nen B. . li t n o lt . b u inte n I w ' ,a h o e i lA al eni..--sn.n tnfl ii l n t o -u T h on G drn n o r tiuo e n oni nure r o e t t t n i i g r u di u e o e i n s l o t n o y n n i i n c n r uUia .ulnu-up be o i a ,u satote 'OIe n t ', . .U11' O N T .-.-Iun1 1.' h it u t t i Ie« t n î e n . _ ' - ý -C I! J I. ' .______ eeu ele .M...îonî... I ... ..o.I'tale, .lin1 tutti utPas-tmao thovilnintn'ainonni clb. Dntetottil 'P amttoon.i Legal... ý - ' NONE s oi 1eNUItE - ut ngiin Loti st t hrnita! dy ixibet-wttu ft e ni nutt-n L ., btt0iied exccleb'thnne of.gMantinotndgnawalter of ourse.St.t.-tliai ______________ 1 -'aanid itre.ri ieleiIriMno I l, ot. oii lofg t ititu., ttun1 Fsrms for.. . Sa.l- 25..lttuss.onI.IS .'.- teyIlait Out...m. t1.oni«.lttniel bouill onn~ on si te uoltoli forta uns at.teni n trhetitat'Of ntheu in D. .ý,;, .leut In . li'..ýHa m m o c k s ttlhig . u .- $ ý ><.Ir l êrl. ti nnp'.H a dém rnte it, s av ra le tt li ut n an o it e nbot t hn exp . ttayi e rliI ofl nto -gi r a ois a1no n a i t a u o a n l eo l a n to uy at p ot Ius' « ' tt t, 'int i u , g u l "- 001'ý" L . - " l i: .. _ = -,tcIlal IIII ifehuticio'% galet., , r legatisspo.stary Alitteouttth utclerto.tin-ta t-ite. oîeInue...u'l:tw a. dia ue 1 ý 1 . J .-1 .>-N'-.Gilp -arstin - g' s r-. lakeyei a. r..,. . i ý> tlýC~~;'~s n . n-."S . .p4li.>.~hnt>u.u. "t'-...u. .. . %-lý- X ,'C. Jflý iý.ý.ýýA.II OrOý ýohllao le ate as fade ite . . ,ý 1 - , . . - ý 1 . ..? ..ý1-. X,11 y-. . m- de- t ih etadm tngafmi rvbaueard 71 L ili l lu, -1,thé, le. 1t Tht,: g aiti"r tinnty.. c thnnr nwid y h e14th tu. the ope, .. 'M th 13 Il Ion Mnt.

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