fim *dfaacP lipct. m More Sports ln RoE taE- Ato-icpower in Beàrér tournament - i' d paflpli Onc t. C"ItgaiLot e uhalter. t1allcgaillea» In Il w". Niée.' ctounu le at nonWthnw tic t. 4 inurnlament tc Prohcibi> flue but the Amrncan c'ctors, acttha.. thng to ic.n vo.r ht eown t oWVIS aitXKh gappearinq moe malchei, put in à mient andi it"roc*c'fnýe vennuif il s ft ue garm.f for t hroeaug kut gMlcon '- in.t ime 9occ ve tlckeif hcpacoc*c .cAtaeh Put Ilient ahead 2e aftle onwcod Ailtria. fattomomihiîdto male Mil ton a"de4">alter thetruicidfepente> ln th third tti..oaotnd Deo i per lcnfttcmetit wc. 1h. pre itelle ii htln A »Diau0q w&%ea psnad ~ftI..f eim pefiincrk ti tt. effectivc.tY hlietuinu, thetr zonte b, Unei. alrp ItHOetif' icd atîul mcuit fdt, andi tlwr final aloi aI reaking te taa. ..nb , otw 4-î1 l h re cliru tctout caà blown dieu 1h.> t" à i a teoit pomhlp fliC 29ati l.. cutinga aperfect i 0 aéein the Raume Milton ceoreti à pee (cri> tourtl1neI reriril goal maitle.oppowiity %if attelole e fri C re ,d n.ithe e Cii. aa aan cvontpflimettt fiurtète "(iiati t ih i.nîicc. 9ptit but 4 lto ilak; orti ale thte final in th. first Plae C'fcach Tio Srint tc.d pi.c.aefor iah fits TNey e.. drk Wlelte entuycc the.tour pidytra nam Ocil n onnown eoncmadity trial lb. hua al pL.>rde e Ui, 4e neuf rganicera a ielai cpw.ta aput un aeh a p- J=ie10 "etrint aitl luacanmetiand tIaratt aoi« die eveeylbtng %rfaItc.lle Iero luI. pWed tache aw MI cfjeff MCMe te aipairs ci t Net, paliticlîc-Ilih.1 thNe: dîidntbhâve tae ola for aaut leçPe. Dfrryl -inrd C .Jaat ( bave Marchaitlla 1111élai a mnalm ase i"o».81 14101111t10a@out lacimai aMi th" > hoaMMauI e.amialfIt haicanats hboot 0Ispas uiin i loetcj provîa I. aoma e monnet ifor Mltaln laie c inte@ perocd chein ratige li; t, tint f ic iin g o tcecd yîtiie we %Ilioitb flmi goal afi".04r. iairttaboit Miltai dMnudM n prà%le in tmncuai 1li.. roi Pmrtil@e iticha dogri front cidlbhecide-upen ncel but Saint. rouidu t c MAf10i -W h. tittiti oie ocoicif aaaiated oraaist iWfron tih.topolut elot ta &Wetu àatCimac"hon goal b> I)ownra. and wth2 à4Oercianog ScKpn. mier goalie Sla. eDelongaa, ar iai Knc aide il "3laiton ai a 15 ofQthe ie gilta serond oonabeeabdaRU" aaalted At 3 Ma mitîlcncil 2 4.n eJk tllkbuttom trapper cU~oa cortd lun second f ol lieronts a iîtowas Ma»rnhaUtartnagerd ole unauoa t. eognercd the a in.hiW ab isa ls e" a~f-,a 51. «Mila m aa"M. > meicca i dcooedaalls achef nut ofi trfp, ec*.tIa andi SanM andii a"tad Wîdi plai&Y netiagelf7t~ and l rckkd. tnthie neîthawu&a. tsa 57Srwcaig. RuaI acarai miQià a au lrlianp.oup bert Farmers on. top terne Paris 42 .~~~~~~m leu tu>s iWbhfUna **due.tatc lAl nia.~ .awncis pilot l'miWal. lveir, bu Ié -_ nd1i c aaa .*05M *tSaI pv 7 B g usina Jas.e wle b te U o mmWb RVM 1 ol » ela@rw wu m ma$&»pelm I Paria iliais. Lffi emimp hm a ýý 'w4 fidb q exMfrM c' r gl.c~~ b E 'p I b I bd